Cemetery Sexton â Larry Krause - No Report. Elections - Jeane Olson - No ... In an effort to provide food for. workers
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REGULAR MEETING MINUTES EAGLE HARBOR TOWNSHIP BOARD February 12, 2018 CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Supervisor Probst called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Supervisor Probst led the Township Board and those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance
MEMBERS PRESENT: Supervisor Probst, Clerk Olson, Treasure Asselin, Trustee Harrer, and Trustee Eddy
MEMBERS ABSENT: None AGENDA ADDITIONS AND APPROVAL: Moved to accept the Agenda Motion by Trustee Eddy Second by Trustee Harrer to approve the agenda Vote: unanimous. Motion carried
CONSENT AGENDA APPROVAL: Approve Minutes of January 8, 2018 Regular Meeting Accept Treasurer’s Report Approve Payment of Bills: • • • • •
General Fund - $15,566.63 Water Fund - $4,381.78 Solid Waste Fund - $2,077.93 Emergency Services - $4,519.49 For a Total of $26,545.83 Motion by Clerk Olson Second by Trustee Eddy to approve the Consent Agenda. Vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.
SUPERVISOR’S REMARKS AND CORRESPONDENCE Employee evaluations nearly complete. UPSET donation letter available if anyone would like to make a personal donation. Mileage reimbursement increase to 54.5 cents per mile as of January 1, 2018. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Assessing - Rich Probst - 2018 assessing role changes made, Mark will complete it. March B.O.R. set for second Monday and Wednesday of the month. Cemetery Sexton – Larry Krause - No Report Elections - Jeane Olson - No Report Emergency Medical Responders – Mary Ann Hohner - No calls this month. Lynn Bryant has passed the National Register exam. General Maintenance Department - Marlin Wingard - Finished shelving and coat rack. Grounds Maintenance - Steve Kellow - No Report Planning Commission – Ole Van Goor - No Report. Solid Waste Department – Doug Schubert - No Report. Tax Department - Patty Asselin -Taxes Due Wednesday February 14. Volunteer Fire Department – Mike Radigan/Bryce Myatt- 2 meetings this month with 8 and 9 people in attendance. Replaced batteries in Engs. 1 &2. Made plans to assist at
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Copper dog race. Checked tools and equipment and discussed tactics for off blacktop road procedures. Katherine Jarm has passed the practical and written tests. Water Department – Marlin Wingard - Quiet. One turn on at Medlyn house. Rick Finke and Rich Probst will attend the April Spring Conference in Escanaba. Zoning Administrator – Bill Eddy - Annual report: 24 permits pulled this year. 23 permits approved; one new residence, six accessory structures, ten additions/modifications to existing structures, three driveways, three misc (slab for sauna, the Society of St. John's cemetery, and relocation of an accessory building). No zoning infraction warnings or violations issued. Administrator did not exercise the 10% waiver authority under article 18.5.11; however the reduced setback from the water (60 feet with a 30 foot buffer) was used on one permit. Amendment 1.5 was approved by the Planning Commission. Zoning Board of Appeals – Ann Gasperich - No Report. COMMITTEE REPORTS Cemetery Committee - Sue Krause - No Report • Parks & Recreation Committee – Rich Probst, Jr - No Report • Beach Committee – Jim Boggio - No Report • Park Committee – Rich Probst, Jr. - Telephone Conference call with Park Committee members; Gina Nicholas, Rob Ziebell, Rich Probst, and interested community members about visions for Brockway Mountain. Spoke with Gregg Patrick from Keweenaw County Road Commission about the grant for Pine Street culverts which was turned down. • Recreation Committee – Barb Sickler - No Report Solid Waste Committee - Doug Schubert - No Report UNFINISHED BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS 2018 Poverty Exemption Guidelines and Asset Test- Resolution to accept Poverty Exemption Guidelines- Motion by Supervisor Probst, Second by Trustee Harrer Roll call vote: 5 ayes. Motion Carried. Set Budget Hearing: Budget Hearing set for March 12, 2018 at 6:45pm. Motion by Trustee Eddy, Second by Supervisor Probst, Vote: 5 ayes Motion Carried. Adopt Brockway Mountain Use Guidelines - Resolution to adopt guidelines for public usage of Brockway Mountain with the addition of no fireworks. Motion by Trustee Eddy, Second by Clerk Olson, Roll call vote: 5 ayes. Motion Carried. Millage Proposal for Emergency Services - Resolution to adopt millage ballot proposal language and submit to Keweenaw County Clerk for the August 7, 2018 election ballot. Motion by Trustee Eddy, Second by Treasurer Asselin, Roll call vote: 5 ayes. Motion Carried. Single Stream Recycling for non-residents - Tabled until Solid Waste Committee can give input.
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Property Transfer Affidavits fee collection - Tabled until Township attorney can be consulted. Motion by Supervisor Probst, Second by Trustee Harrer Vote: 5 ayes , Motion carried PUBLIC COMMENT Members of the public shall have an opportunity, under Public Comment, to address the Township Board for no more than 3(three) minutes on any matter. Members of the public may also address a specific agenda item for up to 3 (three) minutes at the time the item is taken up by the board. The board may suspend the time limitation when warranted. Board discussion will precede public comment on specific agenda items. Prior to calling for the question, the Supervisor shall ask any member of the public who wishes to speak on the agenda item to be recognized. When all persons who wish to address that agenda item have been heard, the supervisor shall announce that public comment on the agenda item is concluded, and no further public comment shall be entertained. Jean Ellis inquired about the parking situation on the corner of North and Front streets. It was suggested to bring all complaints to the Sheriff. Marlin Wingard inquired about the illegal dumping at the solid waste facility as posted in the newspaper. Kelly Probst announced that the Eagle Harbor Inn would only be open until 9pm, serving its regular menu, on the night of Copperdog (March 2, 2018). In an effort to provide food for workers and participants, it was suggested that the community provide a "potluck" offering. Kelly is willing to head this effort. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Harrer second by Supervisor Probst to adjourn. Vote: 5 ayes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:02pm ___________________________________ Kelly Probst, Deputy Clerk Eagle Harbor Township
- CERTIFICATION – I, the undersigned, Jeane Olson, the duly qualified and elected Clerk for the Township of Eagle Harbor, Keweenaw County, Michigan, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of certain proceedings taken by the Township Board of said Township at a regular board meeting held on the 12th day of February 2018. __________________________ Kelly Probst, Deputy Clerk Eagle Harbor Township