workers and for the food. DEPARTMENT ... Cemetery Sexton â Larry Krause - No Report. Elections - Jeane Olson .... Minu
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REGULAR MEETING MINUTES EAGLE HARBOR TOWNSHIP BOARD March 12, 2018 CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Supervisor Probst called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Supervisor Probst led the Township Board and those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Supervisor Probst, Clerk Olson, Treasure Asselin, Trustee Harrer, and Trustee Eddy
MEMBERS ABSENT: None AGENDA ADDITIONS AND APPROVAL: Moved to accept the Agenda Motion by Trustee Eddy Second by Trustee Harrer Vote: unanimous. Motion carried
CONSENT AGENDA APPROVAL: Approve Minutes of February 12, 2018 Regular Meeting Accept Treasurer’s Report Approve Payment of Bills: • • • • • •
General Fund - $30,230.22 Water Fund - $5,617.15 Water Project - $42,775.83 Solid Waste Fund - $2,896.63 Emergency Services - $9,835.91 For a Total of $91,355.74 Motion by Trustee Harrer Second by Clerk Olson to approve the Consent Agenda. Vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.
SUPERVISOR’S REMARKS AND CORRESPONDENCE Copperdog 150 was successful. Thank you to all the volunteers, the VFD and EMS workers and for the food. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Assessing - Rich Probst - B.O.R held Monday March 12th and Wednesday March 14th, 3-9pm. Cemetery Sexton – Larry Krause - No Report Elections - Jeane Olson - Upcoming elections in August and November. New ballot box delivered. Emergency Medical Responders – Mary Ann Hohner - One call this month. General Maintenance Department - Marlin Wingard - JG Contracting installing windows at the community building. R.C. Mechanical working to repair furnace in well house. Grounds Maintenance - Steve Kellow - 8 cardboard bails to be picked up. Planning Commission – Ole Van Goor - No Report.
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Solid Waste Department – Doug Schubert - Requested an updated list of paid residents. Tax Department - Patty Asselin -Final tax receipts to be turned over to the county. Volunteer Fire Department – Mike Radigan/Bryce Myatt- 2 meetings this month. Discussed varies firefighting tactics and checked over the rigs. Katherine Jarm is now certified and an acting member of the department. 6 Members assisted at the Copperdog race. Water Department – Marlin Wingard - Two turn ons and two turn offs. Meter readings at the months end. Zoning Administrator – Bill Eddy -No report Zoning Board of Appeals – Ann Gasperich - No Report. COMMITTEE REPORTS Cemetery Committee - Sue Krause - No Report • Parks & Recreation Committee – Rich Probst, Jr - No Report • Beach Committee – Jim Boggio - No Report • Park Committee – Rich Probst, Jr. - Meeting in early April. • Recreation Committee – Barb Sickler - No Report Solid Waste Committee - Doug Schubert - No Report UNFINISHED BUSINESS Single Stream Recycling for non-residents - Put off until Supervisor can meet with solid waste committee. Property Transfer Affidavits fee collection - Resolution to opt out of late penalty for late filing. Motion by Supervisor Probst, Second by Trustee Eddy, Roll call vote: 5 ayes. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS 2017-2018 Budget Amendments - No new amendments. Resolution to accept final budget summary as amended. Motion by Treasurer Asselin Second by Trustee Harrer Roll call vote: 5 ayes. Motion Carried. Adopt Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 - Motion to approve 2018-2019 Budget. Motion by Trustee Harrer Second by Trustee Eddy Roll call vote: 5 ayes. Motion Carried. Salary and Wage Resolutions •
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Resolution to increase Supervisor Probst Salary to $2048 per month exclusive of assessing duties for a total of $24,576.00 per year. Motion by Clerk Olson Second by Trustee Eddy Roll call vote: 4 ayes, Supervisor Probst abstained. Motion Carried Resolution to increase Clerk Olson Salary to $1510 per month for a total of $18,120.00 per year. Motion by Trustee Harrer Second by Trustee Eddy Roll call vote: 4 ayes, Clerk Olson abstained. Motion Carried Resolution to increase Treasurer Asselin Salary to $1333.00 per month for a total of $15,996.00 per year plus $1833 annual payment from CLK for collecting School taxes. Motion by Supervisor Probst Second by Trustee Harrer Roll call vote: 4 ayes, Treasurer Asselin abstained. Motion Carried
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Resolution to increase Trustees' Harrer and Eddy Salary to $180.00 per month for a total of $2160.00 per year plus $65 per additional meeting during any month. Motion by Supervisor Probst Second by Clerk Olson Roll call vote: 3 ayes, Trustees Harrer and Eddy abstained. Motion carried. Resolution to increase all employees salaries by 2% for fiscal year April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019.
Ground Maintenance Salary $510 per month $6120 per year General Maintenance Salary $ 314 per month $3768 per year Zoning Administrator $461 per month $5532 per year Certified Water Operator $1277 per month $15,324 per year Certified Part time Water Operator $443 per month $5316 per year Water Billing Clerk $114 per month $1368 per year Solid Waste Manager $424 per month $5088 per year Fire Chief $451 per month $5412 per year Cemetery Sexton $114 per month $1368 per year Cemetery Sexton: $300 for grave prep/casket burial, $50 grave prep/urn burial or $17 per hour /machine operator. The following positions will be paid $20 per hour: Cleaning Person Chair person of Board of Review Chair person of Election Workers The following positions will be paid $17 per hour: Deputy Clerk Deputy Treasurer Board of Review Members Election Workers Solid Waste Substitute Casual Labor Recycling Labor Motion by Supervisor Probst Second by Trustee Eddy Roll call vote: 5 ayes. Motion Carried. Set Meeting Dates for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 - Motion to set Township Board meeting schedule for second Monday of each month. Motion by Supervisor Probst Second by Treasurer Asselin Vote: 5 ayes. Motion Carried. Reaffirm Attorney - Motion to reaffirm Attorneys Michelle Halley and Firm of Mika, Meyers Beckett and Jones for Fiscal year 2018-2019. Motion by Supervisor Probst Second by Trustee Harrer Roll call vote:5 ayes. Motion Carried. Reaffirm Auditor - Motion to reaffirm Jackie Aalto C.P.A for Fiscal Year 2018-2019. Motion by Supervisor Probst Second by Trustee Eddy Roll call vote: 5 ayes. Motion Carried.
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Reaffirm Financial Institutions - Motion to reaffirm Superior National Bank & Trust, River Valley Bank, Range Bank, Edward Jones Investments, and Wells Fargo for Fiscal Year 2018-2019. Motion by Supervisor Probst Second by Trustee Eddy Roll call vote: 5 ayes. Motion Carried. Request to Pay Interest on Water Assessment to Water Operating Fund - Motion to table item until April board meeting. Motion by Trustee Eddy Second by Clerk Olson Vote: 5 ayes. Motion Carried. Corrected Poverty Income Guidelines - Motion to adopt Poverty Exemption Income Guidelines. Motion by Supervisor Probst Second by Treasurer Asselin Roll call vote: 5 ayes. Motion Carried. PUBLIC COMMENT Members of the public shall have an opportunity, under Public Comment, to address the Township Board for no more than 3(three) minutes on any matter. Members of the public may also address a specific agenda item for up to 3 (three) minutes at the time the item is taken up by the board. The board may suspend the time limitation when warranted. Board discussion will precede public comment on specific agenda items. Prior to calling for the question, the Supervisor shall ask any member of the public who wishes to speak on the agenda item to be recognized. When all persons who wish to address that agenda item have been heard, the supervisor shall announce that public comment on the agenda item is concluded, and no further public comment shall be entertained. Public questions looking for further information and clarity regarding 6th street culvert grant, glass recycling, and property transfer.
ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Harrer second by Trustee Eddy to adjourn. Vote: 5 ayes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:39pm ___________________________________ Kelly Probst, Deputy Clerk Eagle Harbor Township
- CERTIFICATION – I, the undersigned, Jeane Olson, the duly qualified and elected Clerk for the Township of Eagle Harbor, Keweenaw County, Michigan, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of certain proceedings taken by the Township Board of said Township at a regular board meeting held on the 12th day of March 2018. __________________________ Jeane Olson, Clerk Eagle Harbor Township