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Next Friends Meeting – Thursday, February 13, 2014, at 6:00 pm at the Library. Call to Order - The meeting was called
Grinnell Public Library District (GPLD) Special Board Meeting Minutes January 8, 2014 Present: Campilii, Christie, Devine, Fuimarello, Quinn, Ruggiero, Sassmann Absent: Brkich and Tucker Also present: Director Jessica Gonzalez and Association Past President Evaul Dates to Consider – Here are the dates of some meetings/events you may want to consider attending. Next Public Library Board Meeting – Wednesday, January 15,2014, at 7:00 pm at the Library Third Annual National Take Your Child to the Library Day – Saturday, February 1, 2014 during Library hours (coloring Contest) Special Meeting on Friends Not for Profit Formation - Monday, February 10, 2014, at 6:00 pm at the Library Next Friends Meeting – Thursday, February 13, 2014, at 6:00 pm at the Library Call to Order - The meeting was called to order by President Quinn at 7:11 pm. This meeting was held to discuss the progress of the transition from an Association to a Special District Library and to vote on any items necessary to complete this transition. Organizational Documents - The organizational documents (Governing Legislation, Absolute Charter, and By-Laws) were provided to Board members before the meeting and all members were encourage to re-read and understand the contents. There was no additional discussion on these documents at this meeting. Whiteman Osterman & Hanna Engagement for General Counsel – After discussion of the Engagement Letter the Board unanimously agreed to hire Whiteman, Osterman & Hanna as the General counsel for the GPLD on a motion made by Trustee Ruggiero and seconded by Trustee Devine. Formation of Friends of GLPD 501c3 – Director Gonzalez reported that Association Trustee MacLeod wished to be the counsel to form the Friends of GPLD organization. Board members were reminded that the January Friends meeting was scheduled for January 9, 2014 at 6 pm a the Library. To DO: Director Gonzalez will contact Association Trustee Higgins to ensure that Association Trustee Macleod is actively working on this project. . Insurance Claims – The Board discussed the following insurance claims. a. Utica National Insurance – Following the recommendation of the Association Board and after discussion the Board unanimously agreed to accept the recommendation of Utica National Insurance to place posts at various corners of the garden and to direct Director Gonzalez to obtain estimates of the cost to implement the recommendation on a motion made by Trustee Ruggiero and seconded by Trustee Campilii. b. The Hartford – A Workers Compensation claim was submitted to the Hartford for a staff injury that happened on December 18, 2013. Discussion of Transition – The following items were discussed. a. Mahopac National Bank – Four accounts were successfully changed at Mahopac. The Board discussed the uses of the accounts and agreed that a policy was needed to designate the accounts. TO DO: Director Gonzalez will draft a policy for presentation to the Board at the January 15, 2014 Board meeting. . Prepared: January 15, 2014

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Grinnell Public Library District (GPLD) Special Board Meeting Minutes January 8, 2014 b. Trustco Bank- The consensus of the Board was to sue two banks for Library accounts and that the in this bank be included under the account policy. c. Paychex – Accounts have been changed and the first payroll has happened. The Board unanimously agreed to continue to use Paychex to provide payroll, handbook, medical and dental and unemployment activities for the GPLD on a motion made by Trustee Ruggiero and seconded by Trustee Devine. d. TIAA CREF – After discussion the Board was unsure if the GPLD could choose its own retirement provider or was mandated use the New York State Retirement system TO DO: Director Gonzalez will request clarification from Attorney Schofield. e. Vanacore, DeBenedictus, DiGovanni & Weddell (VDDW) - The Board unanimously agreed to use the voucher and purchase order forms provided for the GPLD on a motion made by Trustee Campilii and seconded by Trustee Sassmann. It is the consensus of the Board that a purchase policy will have to be put in place and that the forms may require changes when that policy is enacted. f. Oppenheimer – The change is in progress but currently waiting for action from Oppenheimer. g Marshall & Sterling - The Board unanimously agreed to continue to use Marshall & Sterling as Insurance Brokers for the GPLD on a motion made by Trustee Ruggiero and seconded by Trustee Quinn. (Marshall & Sterling locate insurance companies to provide insurance for : Directors and Officers, Commercial Umbrella Property and Liability, Workers Compensation, Disability and Crime policy (to cover bonding of Treasurer for $1 million). 2014 Holiday Schedule – The Board unanimously agreed to adopt the proposed 2014 Holiday Schedule for the GPLD on a motion made by Trustee Devine and seconded by Trustee Campilii. Board Contacts - The Board offered several updates to the distributed Board contacts file. TO DO: Director Gonzalez will update and distribute the Board Contacts. 2014 GPLD Annual Budget - The 2014 GPLD Annual Budget (approved at the July Association meeting) needs to be reviewed and updated (changing amounts per category but not overall total). moving items from to meeting was called to order by President Quinn at 7:11 pm. This meeting was held to discuss the progress of the transition form an Association to a Special District Library. Director Gonzalez indicated that the NY State Minimum Wage increase to $8/Hour can be contained in the Personnel category. Old Business - Director Gonzalez reported that the Governance Task Force has not met yet and will not fo so until February. New Business - None discussed at this meeting Adjournment - At 8:42 pm President Quinn directed adjournment. Respectfully Submitted, Eileen C. Sassmann, Secretary of Grinnell Public Library District (GPLD) Board

Prepared: January 15, 2014

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