Minutes 9.18.17.pdf - Google Drive

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Chad Wentzel/. Jump Rope for Heart. Brian Ackland and Chad Wentzel will be hosting Jump Rope for. Heart this year for al
HIGHLAND ELEMENTARY Site Council Meeting Monday, September 18, 2017 3:30 p.m. Site Council Members: Laura Beaty, Judy Howard, Stacy Kronberg, Ryan Meyer, Sara-Lynn Nash, Chad Ryburn, Kim Scheuring, Ben Wasserman, Chad Wentzel, Elisabeth Wooten Additional in attendance: Jeannette Gunhus, Linda Hansen, Cindy Fries and Shannon Bailey AGENDA ITEM Welcome & Review of 5/22/17 Minutes (Elect Chairperson) Linda Hansen /Artist-inresidence Chad Wentzel/ Jump Rope for Heart Abbey O’Donnell Sensory Room Swing

Enrollment & Staffing

HL Construction Update

Parent Survey 17-18 Proposed Budget

SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION No questions from 5/22/17 minutes. Ryan Meyer will be 2017-18 Chairperson Cost for the 2017-18 Artists-in-residence program is not expected to exceed the budgeted $9,000. This year’s artists include: K-Marciano Silva 2nd-T. Michael Rambo 4th-Ross Sutter 1st-Stina Fagertun 3rd-Larry Wade 5th Julie Boada Brian Ackland and Chad Wentzel will be hosting Jump Rope for Heart this year for all students. This program promotes exercise to keep our hearts healthy while offering the option for students to raise money for The American Heart Association. Cindy Fries presented to Site Council rationale for an additional special needs swing for our playground. Children with physical disabilities and sensory needs will benefit from the additional swing. The swing will cost approximately $840.00. Site Council voted to pay for the cost of the swing. Jeff Dold will install it. October 1st enrollment numbers will be approximately 706 not including our 30 centerbased students. The need for the $20,000 approved staffing funds will be discussed at the October Site Council meeting. The reconfiguration of the Highland office is still expected to be completed by the start of 2018-19 school year. We have not been informed of the start date. The repositioning of the secondary bathroom/instructional doors which would increase security, provide a quieter instructional area and provide bathroom accessibility for SAC students was proposed to Jeff Solomen and Chad explained the rationale behind this idea. Funding for this project has not been determined. The last survey that was sent out to Highland families was in January of 2015. Chad would like Site Council to come up with a parent survey to go out January 2018. Total revenue from 2016-17 Apex Fun Run is 33,229.84, an increase from the projected 25,000 from the 5/22/17 Site Council meeting. Artist-in-Residence $9,000 IXL Math Program $3,500 Guided Reading Books/Bag of Books Program $2,000 2nd Lego Team $1,500 Scholarships $1,000 Coordinator’s Stipend $2,000

New Chairs $4,000 Subs for Assessments $3,000 Staffing $20,000 Parent Leader Meeting

Laura Beaty will attend the next Parent Leader meeting

Site Council Account Reports(Jeannette)

See attached ledger

Coordinator’s Report – Upcoming Events

This is Stacy Kronberg’s last year as volunteer coordinator. Shannon Bradley will be Highland’s new volunteer coordinator and will be shadowing Stacy throughout the year.

Booster Club Account Reports Next Meeting: Monday, October 16 @ 3:30

See attached ledger for Booster Club account report.