... to confirm the recommendation of the. Superintendent to appoint Michelle Bouyssou, 4 hr/day RN/Nurse Support, for th
School Committee Meeting Coventry High School Coventry, RI 02816 Meeting Minutes September 27, 2016
Following Executive Session, the open meeting reconvened at 7:01 p.m. Present: Chairperson Katherine Patenaude, Vice-Chairperson David Florio, Member Ann Dickson, Member Donna Kalunian, Member James Pierson, and Superintendent Craig Levis. Recording Secretary: Jennifer Carlos CONSENT AGENDA Chairperson Patenaude led the Committee in the pledge of allegiance, followed by a moment of silence for the business at hand that evening. Mr. Levis notified the public of the emergency exits followed by Member Kalunian reading the Mission Statement. Chairperson Patenaude reported that in Executive Session the Committee discussed matters pertaining to Student Matters R.I.G.L. §42-46-5(a)(8) - Home School Requests, and stated there were not votes taken. Motion No. 16-9-3 by Vice-Chairperson Florio, seconded by Member Dickson, that the records of the executive session be kept closed pursuant to Sections 42-46-4 and 42-46-5. Motion unanimously approved. Roll Call Vote:
Chairperson Patenaude Vice-Chairperson Florio Member Pierson Member Dickson Member Kalunian
Approval of School Committee Meeting Minutes Motion No. 16-9-4 by Vice-Chairperson Florio, seconded by Member Dickson, to approve the meeting minutes from the School Committee Open Meeting on 9/14/2016 as well as the sealed Executive Session meeting minutes from 9/14/2016 as presented/amended in Executive Session. Motion unanimously approved. Roll Call Vote:
Chairperson Patenaude Vice-Chairperson Florio Member Pierson Member Dickson Member Kalunian
PERSONNEL Resignations Motion No. 16-9-5 by Vice-Chairperson Florio, seconded by Member Dickson, to confirm the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the resignation of Wayne Hallam, 8 hr. day Carpenter at Physical Plant, effective 11/2/2016 for the purpose of retirement. Motion unanimously approved. Roll Call Vote:
Chairperson Patenaude Vice-Chairperson Florio Member Pierson Member Dickson Member Kalunian
Leave of Absence Motion No. 16-9-6 by Vice-Chairperson Florio, seconded by Member Dickson, to confirm the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve a non-paid leave of absence for Kristin Kowalik, 1.0 Speech Language Pathologist, for the District of Coventry Schools, effective 10/3/16 through 6/30/2017. Motion unanimously approved.
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Roll Call Vote:
Chairperson Patenaude Vice-Chairperson Florio Member Pierson Member Dickson Member Kalunian
Certified CTA Union Appointments Motion No. 16-9-7 by Vice-Chairperson Florio, seconded by Member Dickson, to confirm the recommendation of the Superintendent to appoint Sara Vieira, 1 yr only 1.0 Speech Language Pathologist, for the District, for the 2016/2017 school year. Motion unanimously approved. Roll Call Vote:
Chairperson Patenaude Vice-Chairperson Florio Member Pierson Member Dickson Member Kalunian
Classified SRP Union Appointment Motion No. 16-9-8 by Vice-Chairperson Florio, seconded by Member Dickson, to confirm the recommendation of the Superintendent to appoint Michelle Bouyssou, 4 hr/day RN/Nurse Support, for the District for the 2016/2017 school year with pay retro to 9/26/16. Motion unanimously approved. Roll Call Vote:
Chairperson Patenaude Vice-Chairperson Florio Member Pierson Member Dickson Member Kalunian
Motion No. 16-9-9 by Vice-Chairperson Florio, seconded by Member Dickson, to confirm the recommendation of the Superintendent to appoint David Mullowney, 7.5 hr/day TA 1:1, RI School for the Deaf (ASFMS) for the 2016/2017 school year. Motion unanimously approved. Roll Call Vote:
Chairperson Patenaude Vice-Chairperson Florio Member Pierson Member Dickson Member Kalunian
Motion No. 16-9-10 by Vice-Chairperson Florio, seconded by Member Dickson, to confirm the recommendation of the Superintendent to appoint Nicole Canfield, 4 hr/day SA/Yard, at Blackrock School for the 2016/2017 school year with pay retro to the start date of 9/26/2016. Motion unanimously approved. Roll Call Vote:
Chairperson Patenaude Vice-Chairperson Florio Member Pierson Member Dickson Member Kalunian
Recall Motion No. 16-9-11 by Vice-Chairperson Florio, seconded by Member Dickson, to confirm the recommendation of the Superintendent to recall Gina Saccoccio, reg. 0.5 FTE Science Teacher, ASFMS for the 2016-2017. Motion unanimously approved. Roll Call Vote:
Chairperson Patenaude Vice-Chairperson Florio Member Pierson Member Dickson Member Kalunian
Home School Requests P a g e 2 of 5
Motion No. 16-9-12 by Vice-Chairperson Florio, seconded by Member Dickson, to approve the Home School Requests as presented in executive session. Motion unanimously approved. Roll Call Vote:
Chairperson Patenaude Vice-Chairperson Florio Member Pierson Member Dickson Member Kalunian
PUBLIC AGENDA Chairperson Patenaude informed the public that the following section of the agenda allowed for public comment on topics on the agenda once there was a motion on the floor. Out-of-State Field Trip Requests Mr. Levis stated he was made aware by Member Pierson of the administrative directive, which allows the Superintendent to approve certain out-of-state field trips. He stated there was one that evening the Committee would have to vote on and that is the Vermont field trip. Motion No. 16-9-16 by Vice-Chairperson Florio, seconded by Member Dickson, to approve the CHS field trip request to travel to Thetford, Vermont on 9/30/2016 and returning on 10/1/2016. Motion unanimously approved. Roll Call Vote:
Chairperson Patenaude Vice-Chairperson Florio Member Pierson Member Dickson Member Kalunian
RIDE Fast Track Repair Program Stage I Application Mr. Levis asked Mr. Jason Martin to be present at the meeting to answer any questions the Committee may have. He added that at the last meeting he presented the Committee with a letter that stated the District was invited to apply to this new program that RIDE has available where the District can submit repair bills, but not large capital projects, to RIDE. He added there is a serious well issue at Western Coventry where the bill can be submitted and there is a process they have to go through. He stated at the next School Committee he will go into detail regarding the entire process with the Committee. He added the deadline is October 14th and one of the things that has to be done is to put together a building commission. He stated he is looking for Committee approval to go forward with this and speak to the town council and will then bring it back to the Committee at the next meeting. Jason Martin stated he had recently walked through all of the buildings with some outside consultants RIDE hired while they were conducting a study that he had previously discussed with the Committee at a meeting earlier this year. He added they are still waiting to receive the report but he spent all of the time with them so he knows what the hot items are. Motion No. 16-9-13 by Vice-Chairperson Florio, seconded by Member Dickson, to allow the Superintendent to proceed with the Stage I application including the establishment of a School Building Committee. Motion unanimously approved. Roll Call Vote:
Chairperson Patenaude Vice-Chairperson Florio Member Pierson Member Dickson Member Kalunian
Celebrate Coventry Presentation with Norma Smith Ms. Norma Smith stated she spoke to Mr. Levis regarding the end of the anniversary year and celebrate Coventry inquiring about doing a history event regarding General Nathanael Greene. She stated someone will go to the elementary schools to inform the students of the history of General Nathanael Greene on October 21st, which will be the beginning of what she hopes to continue with living different history events within the schools. She also added she spoke to Mr. Levis about liberty trees being planted at each school in the town and there will be a plaque and a program that will go with each tree explaining the importance of the liberty tree and the American Revolution at all levels of the schools. Mr. Levis stated when he was approached by Ms. Smith and several others from the community he felt this is a big part of P a g e 3 of 5
American history and not just Coventry. He also mentioned Mr. Don Cowart will be working with elementary principals and identifying some days when the person who plays the role of General Nathanael Greene will come out to the schools and will give a short presentation. Ms. Smith stated that General Nathanael Greene was second in command to George Washington and one of the generals who was involved in the Revolution and feels the community should be aware of that and a good place to start is with the kids. Mr. Levis stated there is no cost to the District and the details will be worked out. Norma Smith also mentioned the Legend of Sleepy Hollow on October 29th and added she is in need of volunteers so she had asked Mr. Levis about help maybe from students. Chairperson Patenaude inquired as to where this takes place and Ms. Smith responded it takes place at the Knotty Oak Cemetery in Coventry. Chairperson Patenaude also thanked Ms. Smith for doing a wonderful job and for all of the hard work she has done. Vice-Chairperson Florio stated that he likes the way Mr. Levis is weaving himself into the Coventry community. Member Kalunian asked if Sleepy Hollow will be open to the public with Ms. Smith responding it will have to be limited to Coventry residents due to the location. She added she is hoping to build on this in years to come and is hoping to keep it in Coventry. Town of Coventry Pension Amendment (SRP) Discussion was tabled to future School Committee Meeting. Policy 1330.1 – Tobacco-Free Schools (Formerly Smoking Policy) – 1st Reading Motion No. 16-9-15 by Vice-Chairperson Florio, seconded by Member Dickson, to dispense with the 1st reading of Policy 1330. 1 Tobacco-Free Schools, as presented. Motion unanimously approved. Roll Call Vote:
Chairperson Patenaude Vice-Chairperson Florio Member Pierson Member Dickson Member Kalunian
Mr. Levis stated Mr. Pierson and Dr. Dickson can help out with this and that included in the Committee’s packet is the policy. He stated the intent of this policy is a RI General Law that says they have to have tobacco-free schools and the policy has to have consequences for employees of the school department, students and teachers and also must stipulate what the consequences will be. Member Dickson stated the old policy is in the packet and the definition of tobacco has changed a great deal. She stated there is a student behavior policy that will be placed on a future agenda for revisions; however, based on the policy that exists now penalties will be based on the policy. Chairperson Patenaude inquired if there was a way parents and visitors can be notified of this policy as she has mentioned it to visitors before when they were smoking and they do not know of this policy. Member Dickson mentioned she had seen people at the Thanksgiving football games light up cigarettes and is unsure how to implement this policy. Member Kalunian stated it should be on the program for the game with Member Dickson stating maybe they can add it to the tickets for events. Mr. Levis stated something should be added to the policy regarding this. Member Dickson added this policy would be taken back to policy meeting and they will discuss it again. Superintendent’s Report Concession Stand Update Mr. Levis stated the gentleman who owns Coventry Lumber donated most of the materials, if not all, for the concession stand and stated Mr. Martin along with many of the facilities employees have been working whenever they can to put this together. He added he has met with them and they have come up with a plan to complete this concession stand as they want to get this fully completed by the homecoming. Community Policing Update Mr. Levis stated the Colonel and himself will be meeting to draft a Memorandum of Understanding in terms of how the SRO’s are utilized. The Department of Justice has sent out colleague letters to both the police and educational institutions regarding this. Mr. Levis added that Member Pierson has also been involved and shared some information with them as well. According to Mr. Levis, they will be drafting that in a couple of weeks and it will be brought back to the Committee. Mr. Levis also thanked the Colonel for identifying patrol officers to work with the different buildings and principals so that there is a familiar face for the students and the officers will also be having lunch with the kids. District Enrollment Mr. Levis discussed with the Committee the district enrollment they had asked to have included on the School Committee Agenda. He stated per Vice-Chairperson Florio’s request he was able to give a breakdown of the information per school, per P a g e 4 of 5
grade and per home room showing that there is some room if needed to displace students. He stated it is the same numbers as discussed at a previous School Committee Meeting but the information has been broken down by the different grades and classrooms. Budget Process Update Mr. Levis stated they are still closing out last year’s budget and should be done soon. He wants to insure the community is very informed in the budget process and added he wants to come before the Committee on a regular basis and present the District’s financials as he wants to be extremely transparent and understand there are concerns in the community. He also wants all of the principals to be informed of the process and be transparent with them and with the Committee. Tom Conlon has been working with Linda Ide wrapping up last year's budget making sure we fully understand this year’s budget making sure allocations are where they are supposed to be. Once that is done, Tom will be attending one of the School Committee meetings each month to address any concerns and issues the Committee may have and the present to the Committee the District’s current status. The administrators are also involved, and as they go forward each building principal and each director will be looking at their own budget and will be held accountable in terms of justification for each line item. Chairperson’s Report Chairperson Patenaude did not have anything to report. Citizens’ Comments There were no citizens’ comments. Scheduling of the Next Meeting Motion No. 16-9-19 by Vice-Chairperson Florio, seconded by Member Dickson, that the next meeting of the School Committee be scheduled for Tuesday, October 11th, 2016, at 6:00 p.m. at Coventry High School. Motion unanimously approved. Roll Call Vote:
Chairperson Patenaude Vice-Chairperson Florio Member Pierson Member Dickson Member Kalunian
Adjournment Motion No. 16-9-20 by Vice-Chairperson Florio, seconded by Member Dickson, that the meeting be adjourned at 7:37 p.m. Motion unanimously approved. Roll Call Vote:
Chairperson Patenaude Vice-Chairperson Florio Member Pierson Member Dickson Member Kalunian
Approved by the School Committee: October 11, 2016.
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