#2320-Correct typo of fi to if, required to keep lines 28 and 29 that were in. question. #2375-Delete. #4320-Delete. #44
ROY SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION Special School Board Meeting Roy School Library Wednesday, April 5th, 2017 6:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT
ABSENT Doreen McClure
Kraig Bergum Kirk Donsbach Tammy Grindheim Paul Pallas Steve Picard, Superintendent Karen Moseman, Clerk
Call to Order Board Chairman, Kirk Donsbach called the meeting to order at 6:25 p.m. Visitors:
Visitors present were: Joe Brott
Paul Pallas moved and Kraig Bergum seconded a motion to set the agenda as is. Motion was unanimous.
Board Policies
Joe Brott from MTSBA was here to answer questions on reviewed policies and to help complete sections 7000-8000’s. #1332-The spending limit of $2000 for Superintendent without board approval can be added #1425-Delete #1512-Keep #1531-Delete #2320-Correct typo of fi to if, required to keep lines 28 and 29 that were in question #2375-Delete #4320-Delete #4410-Delete #4550-Nothing in Montana law-Keep #5120-Strike line 28-end #5130-Strike lines 16-35 #5210-Strike lines 11-13 #5221-Delete #5228-The process #5230-Delete #5231P-Leave
#5232F-Keep #5270-Keep #5331-Strike lines 25-32 #5460-Strike line38 Delete lines 18-24 Copy lines 38-39 from page 1 #6122-Keep #7251-Change without a taxpayer vote #7329-Delete #8000-Delete #8100-Keep #8110-Delete #8111-Keep #8121-Joe will look for correct wording for vehicle maintenance End line 14 at 1st sentence and delete the rest #8123-Keep –Change driver training to bus driver #8124-Delete #8125-Keep #8132-Delete #8200-Keep #8225-Required #8300-Keep #8301-Required Lines 18-20-Delete Avalanche and add (active shooters) with Intruders #8320-Keep #8410-Delete #8420-Keep #8421-Keep #8425-Required #8425P-Required #8430-Keep #8440-Delete #8450-Keep Joe will be in touch to get a meal charge policy for lunches. Misc.
Joe will try to have all of the updates and corrections completed by the Regular board meeting on April 10th.
Tammy Grindheim moved and Paul Pallas seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion was unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m.