Chair: Mike Midgley Location: Room 502, Highland Business Center. Attendees: Mike Midgley, Donetta Goodall, Gay Hampton,
Academic & Campus Affairs Council Date: Chair:
December 1, 2006 Mike Midgley
Time: Location:
10:00 am Room 502, Highland Business Center
Attendees: Mike Midgley, Donetta Goodall, Gay Hampton, Soon Merz, Eileen Klein, Dan Dewberry, Hazel Ward, Bill Mulane, Sandy Gaskin, Charles Quinn, Mary Kohls, Linda Smarzik, Patti Singleton, Terry Mouchayleh, Joe Lostracco, Kitty Henderson, Gaye Lynn Scott, David Fonken, Yolanda Chapa, Kathleen Christensen, Mark Goodrich, Cheryl Richards, Josh Whitcomb Minutes Agenda item: Professional Development/Faculty & Staff Evaluation Committee Update
Presenter: Terry Mouchayleh
Discussion: Terry Mouchayleh summarized the Professional Development and Faculty/Staff Task Force activities for the past year. The Professional Development Committee functions as a review and advising group. It focuses on making recommendations to ACC entities. Recently the committee worked on changes to the Professional Development database and suggested topics for the Supervisor Series training and the Supervisor Manual. Also, it provides input on speakers and workshops for General Assembly, and Spring and Fall Professional Development day. The Faculty and Staff Evaluation Committee worked on the redesign of the Faculty and Staff Evaluation web page, posting evaluation forms on-line, making changes to the Adjunct Evaluation summary, and proposed and offered suggestions for PEP review. Agenda item: Administrative Rule 4.01.002 Instructor Initiated Withdrawal and Appeal Policy
Presenter: Mike Midgley
Discussion: This rule was approved by the council at the November 3, 2006 meeting and sent to the President for approval and signature. The rule was returned with a suggested statement that was added to the rule for a second approval by the council. Decision/Actions: The council suggested a minor word change. A motion was made to approve the rule with the one change. Motion passed. Follow-up items: The Administrative Rule will return to the President for signature. Agenda item: Administrative Rule 4.01.009 Student Grade Point Average Presenter: Mike Midgley Discussion: At the November 3, 2006 meeting there was discussion on the rule’s reference to “college work”; whether it meant all college work or ACC specific. Linda Kluck, Admissions and Records Director, verified that it meant ACC work only. Decision/Actions: A motion was made to approve the rule with updates. Motion passed. Follow-up items: The Administrative Rule will go to the President for approval and signature. Agenda item: Administrative Rule 4.03.004 Full-Time Faculty Workload
Presenter: David Fonken
Discussion: David Fonken presented changes to the rule’s reference to Distance Learning loading. The updates have been written to mirror those of classroom loading. This change will eliminate pro-rata loading for distance learning sections. There was a question about the effects on class limits. David explained that a new section would be added if enrollment warrants. If necessary, sections will be combined following the same procedure as combining classroom sections.
Decision/Actions: A motion was made to approve changes to Distance Learning loading and to send them to the Faculty Senate and Adjunct Faculty Association for comment. The majority of the council approved, one opposed. The rule, with updates to titles, will go forward to the Faculty Senate and Adjunct Faculty Association for comments and suggestions. The committee will also work on clarifying the “35 or 36 LEH” language in the rule and present it as an agenda item at the next ACAC meeting. Follow-up items: The rule will return to the council with title updates, language clarifications, and suggestions and comments from the Faculty Senate and Adjunct Faculty Association. The committee is also currently waiting on input from the Librarians for certain portions of the rule. Agenda item: Administrative Rule R 4.04.016 Developmental Education: Presenter: Yolanda Chapa Mandatory Skill Development Courses for Certain Developmental Students Discussion: Changes to the rule address the requirement of HUDE 0111 for students that have failed two developmental areas of the College’s assessment exam. A hold will be placed on the student’s academic record. If the student does not complete HUDE 0111, or an alternative course by the fourth semester, the hold will remain on the record and the student will be dropped from his/her classes. Decision/Actions: A motion was made to pass the rule with one grammatical change. Majority of the council approved, one opposed. Follow-up items: The Administrative Rule will go to the President for approval and signature. Agenda item: Administrative Rule 3.05.001 Student Stipends for Participation in Institutional Shared Governance (SGA)
Presenter: Cheryl Richards
Discussion: The rule was presented with stipend amounts removed and clarification of payment to the executive offices of the SGA and to the SGA students serving on college committees. A title change was also proposed. Decision/Actions: Motion was made to approve rule with changes. Motion passed. Follow-up items: The Administrative Rule will go to the President for approval and signature. Agenda item: Administrative Rule 6.07.001 Faculty Evaluation – 3 year review
Presenter: Mike Midgley
Discussion: Mike Midgley presented the rule with no changes. Decision/Actions: A motion was made to approve the rule with grammatical and committee title changes. Motion passed. Follow-up items: The Administrative Rule will go to the President for approval and signature.
Agenda item: Administrative Rule 7.02.004 Copiers – Update to titles
Presenter: Mike Midgley
Discussion: Mike Midgley presented the rule with title changes. Decision/Actions: A motion was made to approve the rule with grammatical and title changes and transfer the rule to the Administrative Services Council. Motion passed. Follow-up items: The Administrative Rule will go to the President for approval and signature.
Academic & Campus Affairs Council Minutes - December 1, 2006
Additional items: Mike Midgley made a motion to approve the minutes from the November 3, 2006 meeting. Motion passed. Mike informed the group that the President has reviewed and approved the Administrative Rules the council has sent forward. The rules will be posted on the web within the next few weeks. Also, Mike will be working on “Value Statements” to each rule as requested by the President. The rules will not return to the council, but once posted if the council members feel the rule(s) should return to the council for review they should contact Mike. An email request will go out asking for volunteers so serve on the Room Design ad-hoc committee chaired by Bill Mulane. Other Information
Next Meeting Date: February 2, 2007 Time:
10:00 am
HBC 502
Academic & Campus Affairs Council Minutes - December 1, 2006