Minutes of EHCAN Meeting. Tuesday 2 nd. November, 2010. Merchistoun Hall.
Present: John Haigh - HCC. Alison Angel – HCC. Lindsay Kelly – Whitehill and ...
Minutes of EHCAN Meeting Tuesday 2nd November, 2010 Merchistoun Hall Present: John Haigh - HCC Alison Angel – HCC Lindsay Kelly – Whitehill and Bordon Community Association Maria Elliott – Alton Community Association Brendon Charles – Horndean Community Association Liz Moore – Community First John Haigh was appointed as Chairman of the meeting and Maria Elliott as the minute taker. The minutes of the previous meeting held on 22nd February, 2010 at the Forest Centre were agreed as a true record. A discussion then took place about the future development of the network. It was agreed that: 1. The meeting should be remarketed. 2. A mix of Managers and Trustees would be beneficial. Trustees should be invited to the meetings and centre managers agreed to inform trustees of the value of attending. 3. John agreed to contact all Community Associations in the area and remind them of the benefits of attending. 4. John would also contact Kevin Sawyer as it was felt that he should attend to filter information back to village halls. 5. Parish councils may also be interested and Brendon and Lindsay said they would ask their local parish councils. 6. Community First was also a very welcome and useful partner. 7. The meetings would mainly be about networking and sharing good practice but that speakers would be invited when there was a change in legislation or some important news to convey. Attendees were encouraged to put forward items for the agenda. 8. A review of all the items of equipment acquired by the network over the years would take place and Liz Moore agreed to investigate the accounts situation. A notice would be sent out to all Community Associations letting them know that this equipment was available to them. 9, Minutes and Agendas would be available to everyone on the HCC website 10. It was suggested that we would put in a new bid for funds to enable us to purchase new equipment. 11. Terms of reference would be reviewed annually. Member Updates: The Forest Centre: Lindsay informed the meeting that her centre had installed a new booking system (Avalon) and they were still getting used to it. Salsa classes are going well and they would like to push these out to other venues. Zumba is also going well. Wrestling was very popular and will definitely be back.
The skipping course taster session is going ahead soon. The centre now have a digital display in the shopping centre. A lady is helping the centre with their press releases. A trustee is organising a Burns Night in January. Xmas festivities will be different this year as there is no funding from EHDC. The centre will hold a craft market, santa’s grotto, magician, bands and choirs. The Portsmouth bus would also be attending. Bordon’s Ecotown status is in the balance as the army are now staying in the area. Alton Community Centre: Alton’s new community centre project has now been deferred and EHDC have commissioned a survey of the old building. Room bookings are good. Fundraising is crucial to replace lost funding in the current climate and the centre are looking at new ideas. Have just held their second Psychic Fair, which was extremely successful. Regular hirers are helping out by holding fund raisers for the centre. Horndean Community Association: New website is going live shortly. Personalisation planning meeting happening soon to get users involved. The Bar and Reception area are being turned into a micro museum, with the help of a local historian to highlight the culture of the area. Lead has been stolen from the room of the building and Brendon is looking into alternative roofing. The centre has received £60,000 worth of investment for improvement, including the new driveway, new external lights and bike racks. The committee are working on an action plan for plugging the gaps to cover funding cuts. Brendon’s extended services role is now redundant but worked well for the association. Brendon has been acting as a mentor to other centres, through the Community Builders bursaries for training scheme. The centre are hosting an intergenerational project in the form of a play with youngsters and adults swopping roles. The new Business Network has been launched and is a Local Business Network with a social conscience. Community First: Community First have 10 laptops available for IT classes. There are also volunteers available to enable students more attention. The Big Society Workshop is coming up soon at Alton College. It has been very popular and Community First have a reserve list and may run a further event. There is a social enterprise workshop in December. HCC: Monitoring and evaluation due to commence soon on partnership funded projects. HCC website has been updated to include: How to do section Sample documents
Toolkits for past projects List of Community Associations in Hampshire. Case studies of projects All minutes and agendas for meetings News Flash items Essential information from Norman Future Speakers: Future speakers were discussed and it was agreed that they should be motivating and possibly about social enterprise. The group agreed to source speakers and feed back to the meeting. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held at Alton Community Centre at 11.00am in Mid January. Date to be advised.