Dec 5, 2015 - Name. Nigel. Ajax-Lewis Elizabeth Fenn. Lindsay Pilling. Ana. Aragon. Jeremy. Fitzwilliams. Claire. Piper.
Minutes of the 9th Annual General Meeting Saturday 05 December 2015 at 11:20 Clifton Pavilion, Bristol Zoo Gardens, Bristol
In Attendance:
First Name
Last Name
Nigel Ana
Ajax-Lewis Aragon
Kate Ruth
Jean Charles Terry Barbara Mike Daphne Veronica John Marc Victor Cathy John Liz Richard Anne Bill
Ashbrook Bamforth Barker Bennett Batten Beal Benton Brown Brown Brown Burbridge Butler Carlton Cass Clarke Clarke Colvin Comont Coombs Crawford
Ruth Charlotte Jane Helen
Crawford Dale Dalgleish Dickinson
Nick Fiona Timothy Annette
Dixon Dixon Drakeford Ecuyere
Jill Dawn Becky Trish
Evans Ewing Falkingham Fellowes
BBCT 9th AGM Minutes Sat 05 Dec 2015
First Name
Last Name
First Name
Last Name
Elizabeth Jeremy Tania Sarah
Fenn Fitzwilliams Ford Handley
Claire James Jane
Piper Riall Rock
Jeff Pete David Bryony Bill Jenny Christine Catherine Gill Sue Beverley Moon Quentin Jen Kaeren Lorna Susan Jeremy Jill
Hemmings Hollingsworth Hooper Huntley Jennison Jennison Jones Jones Kalinowski Kelland Knott Leith MacGarvie McLean Mellin Mikelson Millar Mitcheson Mitcheson
Chloe Lucy John Pete Sarah Nigel John Margaret Susan Michael Claire Janice Chris Jean Roger
Rose Rothstein Sanders Shepherd Sigsworth Smart Suter Suter Thomas Usher Wales Walsh Ward Webb Whittlesey
Harald Peter Joanna Aoife Julie Grazynka Michael Gill Melanie
Molgaard Morgan Morland O'Rourke Parker Parker Pearce Perkins Philpott
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Minutes of the 9th Annual General Meeting Saturday 05 December 2015 at 11:20 Clifton Pavilion, Bristol Zoo Gardens, Bristol
Agenda Item 1
5 5.1
Welcome and apologies Michael opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and in particular welcoming the two trustees who had been co-opted to the Board during the previous year. He then asked each trustee to introduce themselves and provide some information on their background and experience. Trustees Present: Michael Usher, Jane Dalgleish, John Sanders, Nigel Ajax-Lewis, Pete Hollingsworth Apologies: Jane Stout, Les Moore, Alan McKirdy AGM VOTING RESULTS Total votes cast: 170 Approval of the minutes of the 8th RESOLUTION ONE RESULT: Annual General Meeting held on 29 Nov Votes for: 149 2014. The motion is passed. Votes against: 0 Abstain: 21 Approval of the Trustees’ Annual RESOLUTION TWO RESULT: Report and Accounts for year ended 31 Votes for: 157 March 2015. The motion is passed. Votes against: 0 Abstain: 13 The Board proposes that Johnston RESOLUTION THREE RESULT: Carmichael LLP of Suite A3, Stirling Votes for: 166 Agricultural Centre, Stirling, FK9 4RN is Votes against: 0 The motion is passed. appointed Auditor to the Board for Abstain: 4 2015-16. ELECTIONS TO THE BOARD Retiring Trustees Alan McKirdy is standing down. Michael expressed his regret that Alan could not attend the AGM and thanked him for his valuable contribution over the last three years Election of Trustees The Board proposes that Nigel AjaxLewis be re-elected.
The Board proposes that John Sanders be elected as a trustee.
The Board proposes that Dr Pete Hollingsworth be elected as a trustee.
Any Other Business
BBCT 9th AGM Minutes Sat 05 Dec 2015
RESOLUTION FOUR RESULT: Votes for: 168 The motion is passed. Votes against: 1 Abstain: 1 RESOLUTION FIVE RESULT: Votes for: 165 The motion is passed. Votes against: 1 Abstain: 4 RESOLUTION SIX RESULT: Votes for: 170 The motion is passed. Votes against: 0 Abstain: 0 None - No member resolutions were proposed and no member questions were asked.