Awakening and Healing the Rainbow Body Training Series with Jessie E. Ayani
... In the magical space of intent, you can easily heal your wounds, access your ...
Awakening and Healing the Rainbow Body Training Series with Jessie E. Ayani Ph.D. Are you ready to live the miracles? In the magical space of intent, you can easily heal your wounds, access your gifts, and open to your true
potential - the mission of your soul. Through the movement of subtle energy, your own deep truths can be accessed and the portal of liberation can open.
In this first level of training - Awakening and Healing the Rainbow Body - Jessie Ayani will give you tools to seek enlightenment. Jessie has
defined an autonomous path to God that puts you in the driver's seat of your own ascension - in direct connection with Source Energy. Jessie's gift is to awaken your own Truth within you - to share with you the world of energy, sacred geometry and light. Your task is to come with an open heart and a willingness to change. You will be supported in every way as you align with your own truth and wisdom.
It is time to activate the gifts your soul has brought in for this life and your Mission. It is time to develop an awareness of the worlds beyond third
dimension - and to learn to navigate in these worlds. We cannot expect humanity to change if we, as individuals, are not willing to manifest that change in our own lives. If you feel the call to spiritual sovereignty, freedom, and service, this path will fuel your Divine Fire.
Our personal journey of awakening and healing the rainbow body reflects perfectly the journey that must be taken by humanity as a whole to live in the coming age on Mother Earth. We must master this reality and the reality of Mind, moving progressively, step by step, through the levels of consciousness intended by our souls. If our souls have intended mastery of the first five levels of consciousness, that will bring each us to the work of activating our Light Body - an energetic state that brings forth our gifts, activates our codes, and presents an opportunity for us to move into heart awareness. Should you then wish to explore Heart Awareness, further opportunities will be made available to you. Guiding you through the levels of consciousness will be the five topics of self-mastery: •
Storytelling Part of our thought field is filled with our history in this lifetime. It is the part of our story that sticks with us because it is glued into our mental field with emotional charge. At the moment of death it is this story that we will relive and be accountable for in our life review. We will build on our story by beginning with our childhood then progressing through adolescence, parents and parenting, then our bloodlines. We will use our story as a research tool, extract the lessons from it, detach from the thought forms/memories of the stories turning them, eventually, into wisdom. This will free us from that history (our baggage); open our field to greater light and connection with our soul's purpose.
Subpersonalities Getting around ego, that part of us which is highly invested in the status quo, to connect with our higher self, is the perennial stumbling block of all spiritual paths. Getting to know ourselves as a collection of personalities allows us to circumvent the "always resistant" ego by focusing our intent on the conscious growth of our subpersonalities - our actors on the stage of life. Sometimes we find parts of ourselves left behind in childhood or adolescence. This process is meant to take us through the full healing of personality toward conscious integration and direction from higher self.
Buttons and Mirrors Most of us lose valuable energy through emotional reaction. Commonly we refer to getting our buttons pushed and how it makes us react. There is much to learn about ourselves from these reactions - from the thought field programs we play right down to the cellular-level effect of the stress that results. We will explore it all and arrive at a level of mastery where button pushing no longer occurs for us.
Addictions Addiction is a human affliction. We are all addicted. It began at "The Fall" when the veil fell between us and Source - a traumatic event we relive with every incarnation. Depending on the level of nurturing we received as infants, our addictions range from the relatively harmless to the helplessly self-destructive. In working to overcome addiction, we will reclaim our power and come to know ourselves as directly connected to Source, open to our gifts, and living our Soul Purpose.
Thought Patterns The final topic of the work explores the kind of programs we are running in our lives that are not serving us. Our intellectual mental fields are full of programs, thought forms, information and a lot of constant internal dialogue that prevents us from attaining stillness and peace. All of this, like the history we store in the emotional part of the thought field, is baggage that distracts us from super-conscious potential. In mastery, we will arrive at the gateway to the heart, empty of all but the light. For further information contact Alison Fortes
[email protected], +64 9 814 1133
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