Miss Thailand World 2018

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Home phone. ... Current contact address. ... Home phone. ..... Single / having never been married by law or by any cultu
Application Form Miss Thailand World Beauty Pageant 2018

Miss Thailand World 2018

Date................Month.........................Year.............................. 1. Name/Surname (Thai)....................................................................................... Name/Surname (English)................................................................................... 2. Name/Surname (for contest).............................................................................. Nickname........................................ 3. Birth date: Month......................Year........................Age of...................... years .....................month(s)Race..............................Nationality.................................Birth place.................................City .................................Zip code …………… Country............................................. 4. Father’s name..................................Age.........Occupation................................ Mother’s name................................Age.........Occupation................................ 5. Registered house address................................................................................. City..................................................................................................................... Zip Code....................................... Home phone................................................ 6. Current contact address.................................................................................... ..............................................City............................... Zip Code........................ Home phone...................................Mobile/Pager.............................................. 7. Current occupation .................................................................Work Address ............................................................................................................................ 8. Education (please state what you have achieved and what you are currently pursuing) 8.1 Finished ninth grade or equivalent from ...................................................... Province.............................................................................................................. 8.2 Finished high school:Year.................From................................................... Province.............................................................................................................. 8.3 Currently pursuing vocational studies in……….........Faculty...................... Vocational School……….............................................City................................. 8.4 Finished vocational school in............................Faculty................................ Vocational School........................................................City................................. 8.5 Currently pursuing Bachelor’s degree at level.............Faculty.................... University…………………............................................City................................ 8.6 Finished Bachelor’s Degree: Year ...............Faculty.................................... University.....................................................................City….......……………… 8.7 Currently pursuing Master’s degree at level ............Faculty........................ University.....................................................................City………………....…… 8.8 Finished Master’s Degree: Year...............Faculty........................................ University.....................................................................City……………………… 9. Hair color ......................Eye color.......................Height. (cm)........................... Weight (kg)................Bust (inches)......................Waist (inches)....................... Hip (inches)......................Size.......................Swimsuit size......................Shoe size (Sneakers)................... (High heels)...................... 10. Spoken languages ◻ English ◻Proficient ◻Good ◻Fair ◻Chinese




◻others ........................................................................ 11. Hobbies............................................................................................................ 12. Talents: 1).................................... 2)............................... 3)............................. 4).................................. 5).........................................6).......................................... 13. Voluntary or social activities previously attended: 1)........................................................................................................................................... 2)........................................................................................................................................... 3)........................................................................................................................................... 14. Beauty pageants previously entered (in reverse chronological order)

1. ...............................................Received title.............................Year……..……. 2. ................................................Received title.............................Year................. 3. ................................................Received title.............................Year.................

No. .......................................... Required documents • Certified copy of Thai National ID card • Certified copy of house registration (first page including page showing contestant’s name) • Birth certificate • Certified copy of educational evidence/certificate • One 3x5” or 4x6” color (full-body) photographs of the contestant • One 3x5” color (portrait) photographs of the contestant with no makeup, hat, glasses or anything concealing the face (taken no longer than 6 months ago) Prerequisites/Qualifications: 1. Thai national who was born in Thailand or is a nationalized citizen of Thailand holding a valid passport of Thailand 2. Born female 3. 165 cm or taller 4. Between the ages of 16 years and 6 months; and 26 years on the application date 5. Positive personality, friendly demeanor 6. Single / having never been married by law or by any culture or otherwise in Thailand or abroad / having never had any child or been pregnant before or during Miss World 2018 pageant including during the performance of duties for any title received from Miss Thailand World pageant (if obtaining so) 7. No criminal record / never partaken in inappropriate activity (such as modeled for pornographic publications) / has never partaken in any form of public broadcasting that may tarnish the image of Miss Thailand World or any title received from the pageant 8. Having graduated with high-school degree (or equivalent) or higher 9. In good heath / is not infected with contagious diseases or beauty-related diseases 10. Being able to communicate fluently in Thai and English 11. Having residence in Thailand 12. Eligible in obtaining a valid visa (and not being prohibited) to enter the country where Miss World 2018 Pageant will take place 13. Having no contract or commitment with any person or entity, which may cause (i) a difficulty in the competition of Miss Thailand World or Miss World or any other pageant that I may have been assigned; or (ii) a difficulty of the performance of duties if obtaining any title in such pageant; or (iii) a conflict with any subsequent contracts or terms if obtaining any title therefrom.

Remarks: BEC-Tero Entertainment Public Company Limited hereby (i)reserves the right to ask for any more documents or evidences from the contestant in order to confirm qualifications; (ii) has the sole and exclusive right to waive, amend, add or otherwise change any conditions for any and all contestants and the contestant hereto shall have no right to protest against BEC-Tero’s decision. I, Miss.................................................., the contestant of Miss Thailand World 2018 Pageant, certify that all the above information in this application form and attached documents are accurate and true in all respects. I have read and understood all terms and conditions of Miss Thailand World 2018 Beauty Pageant, therefore agree to comply with all terms and conditions as well as the Rules and Regulations as imposed by BEC-Tero Entertainment Public Company Limited. If BEC-Tero Entertainment Public Company Limited deems that any of the statements in this application form or attached documents or any given documents or

evidences are false or I have not followed or complied with the prescribed Rules and Regulations, I agree and consent that BEC-Tero Entertainment Public Company Limited has the right to immediately withdraw me from the pageant as well as to recall the title and the prize (if any). I hereby waive the right to make any claim or demand from BEC-Tero Entertainment Public Company Limited for whatever reasons. In the event that I have passed to any round but I withdraw or am absent from such round for any reason without prior written approval from BEC-Tero Entertainment Public Company Limited, I hereby agree to reimburse BEC-Tero Entertainment Public Company Limited for its damages in the minimum amount of Baht 100,000 immediately. I have affixed my signature below in witness whereof. Signature .........................................................Contestant (...................................................................) Date................Month........................Year.................. Sponsor I, Mr. / Mrs. / Ms.................................................................................................................................. Company.................................................................Telephone No................................ On behalf of................................................................................................................. .................., understand the purpose and the Rules and Regulations of Miss Thailand World 2018 in all respects, therefore agree to sponsor Miss............................................................ to participate in the Miss Thailand World 2018 Beauty Pageant Signature .........................................................Sponsor (...................................................................) Date................Month........................Year.................. Person who introduce to the pageant ◻School, University, etc................................................................................................ ◻Provincial Administration of........................................................................................ ◻Other (please indicate your relationship to the contestant)....................................... I, Mr./ Mrs./ Miss ............................................, live at the following address................ ....................................................................................................................................................................... City……………………......…………Zip code ……………..……………………..... Tel.…………………………………...… Mobile………........………......….Work place………………………………… Work tel.………………...........…….., certify that Miss………………….....………the contestant of Miss Thailand World 2018 Beauty Pageant, has met all of the requirements according to the Rules and Regulations of Miss Thailand World2018 Beauty Pageant. Signature .........................................................Sponsor (...................................................................) Date................Month........................Year.................. Letter of consent from parents (if contestant is in the ages of 16 and a half, and below 20 on the application date) We, Mr. …………………………....………and Mrs. ……….....……………………………. live at the following address…………………….....………………………………………………………………………..City………………………….. Zip code…………………..., are related to…………………........……………………………………., a contestant of Miss Thailand World 2018 Beauty Pageant, as her father / mother /or …………………………………………. as her lawful guardian, have read and understood the Rules and Regulations of Miss Thailand World 2018 Beauty Pageant, therefore, agree and consent thereto. Father’s Name ........................................................ (.......................................................................) Date .............Month .................... Year ................ Mother’s Name ........................................................ (.......................................................................) Date .............Month .................... Year ................ Lawful custodial parent’s Name ……..................................... (.......................................................................) Date .............Month .................... Year ................

Rules and Regulations Miss Thailand World Beauty Pageant 2018 This Rules and Regulations are provided by BEC-Tero Entertainment Public Company Limited (hereinafter“BEC-Tero”), which may be added, amended or otherwise changed by BEC-Tero from time to time without any notice to or consent from any contestants. 1. Objective: To find contestants for the 2018 Miss Thailand World Pageant, the winner of whom will represent Thailand at Miss World Beauty 2018 event. 2. Application procedure 2.1 Contestants must fulfill the prerequisites requirements as specified in the application, complete the application form and submit it together with the required documents stipulated in the application. 2.2 Contestants must submit the application forms in person. Bangkok: between 21st July 2018 and 22th July 2018 at The Berkeley Hotel, the 5 Floor.No application fee is required. For more information please call 02-262-2216/02-262-2247 2.3 BEC-Tero reserves the right to refuse any prospective contestants without explanation and to withdraw certain contestants during the pageant’s selection process due to inappropriate behavior, or violation of the Rules and Regulations. 3. Schedule Miss Thailand World Beauty Pageant 2018 and related activities will be organized according to the following schedule (contestants will be promptly notified by the organizers of Miss Thailand World 2018 if changes are made). 3.1 First Round: qualification examination on 23th July 2018 3.2 Second Round: qualification all contestants by interviewing on 25th July 2018 3.3 Third Round: selection of 30 contestants on 25th July 2018 whereby each of such 30 selected contestants are required to participate in any and all activities organized by BEC-Tero until her final competition and/or the Final round. Any contestant who is absent more than two activities shall be withdrawn from the contest. 3.4 Final: making decision on the titles of Miss Thailand World 2018 (1 person) and the 2 runners-up (including any other titles BEC-Tero may designate) on 15th September 2018. In this connection, BEC-Tero and/or Channel 3 reserve the rights to record, broadcast or publish of the footage, sound and photographs of the pageant. 4.Judges The judges will be selected by BEC-Tero from a list of experts in various professions. Judgment from the judges will be conclusive and final 5. Dress Code / Make-Up / Accommodation 5.1 Contestants must prepare their own attire according to the rules and regulations of BEC-Tero. BEC-Tero will prepare the costumes for stage performances and the evening gowns and shoes for those contestants who continue to the final round. 5.2 BEC-Tero and/or the organizers of Miss Thailand World 2018 will allow the contestants to do their own hair and make-up, so long as they suit the event. The contestants must use the cosmetics provided by BEC-Tero and BEC-Tero will also provide make-up artists for this purpose. If BEC-Tero discovers the violation of this rule, the offending contestant will be immediately withdrawn from the contest. Personal assistants and make-up artists are prohibited from entering the backstage dressing room area. 5.3 BEC-Tero will provide free accommodation and meals for the30 finalists. Contestants are prohibited from allowing personal assistants or other unauthorized persons into their rooms. 5.4 Contestants must strictly adhere to all the rules and regulations regarding rehearsals, participation, public appearances, etc. specified by BEC-Tero. 6. Prize Package for Miss Thailand World 2018 Finalists 6.1 Finalists of Miss Thailand World 2018 contest will be awarded the prizes to be designated and announced by BEC-Tero, provided that BEC-Tero reserves the right to make change to any prize without prior notice to or prior consent from any such the prize winner. In such a case BEC-Tero will grant other prize of the same value as or the similar value to such prize. In addition, the prize winner shall not give, sell or transfer any and all prize monies and non-money prizes or benefits to any other person or entity without prior written consent of BEC-Tero.

6.2 BEC-Tero will give prize money and other prizes directly to the winners and the 7.1.7 Miss Thailand World 2018 shall be committed to complying with and sponsors of the winners and other person have no right to receive any prizes from performing duties and tasks in accordance with the terms of the Miss Thailand BEC-Tero. For the prize money, BEC-Tero will pay to each winner within 1 month World 2018 sponsorship contracts. Failure to do so shall entitle BEC-Tero to of receiving her title unless BEC-Tero may deem appropriate to pay in installments claim damages against her. whereby BEC-Tero will inform them. 7.1.8 In the event that Miss Thailand World 2018 wins the title of Miss World, she 6.3 If a selected contestant withdraws from competition or turns down her title, she must shallbe under the exclusive contract with Miss World Limited in accordance return all the assets and prizes granted to her back to BEC-Tero on the day she with the terms to be designated by Miss World Limited. In the event that she declares withdrawal from the competition, and/or turns down her title. In such an wins the Runner-up or Miss Continental Queen of Beauty or any other title in instance, the contestant hereby waives the right to make requests and/or demandto Miss World contest, she may be under the exclusive contract with Miss World BEC-Tero and/or beauty pageant organizers in any case. Limited in accordance with the terms to be designated by Miss World Limited 7. Obligations of the Winner unless BEC-Tero will inform otherwise. For a period of thirty six (36) months of receiving the title, any contestant who receives 7.2 The runners-up of Miss Thailand World 2018 shall: the title of Miss Thailand World 2018, the runner-up or any other title to be designated 7.2.1 the first runner up of Miss Thailand World shall assume the obligations in place by BEC-Tero shall (i) be under the exclusive contract with BEC-Tero of Miss Thailand World if Miss Thailand World can not complete her duties/if whereby BEC-Tero shall have the exclusive right according to the provisions as specified the first runner up of Miss Thailand World wins Miss World title, she must fulfill herein as well as any other terms and conditions BEC-Tero may designate; and (ii) perform the obligations specified in the one-year Miss World Organization contract any and all duties to be designated by BEC-Tero and any and all assignments BEC-Tero and the titleholder must perform the duties specified by BEC-Tero for a further may acquire. These obligations include the following: one year period upon expiration of Miss World contract. BEC-Tero, at its sole 7.1 Miss Thailand World 2018 shall: and exclusive discretion, reserves its right to elect any runner-up to participate 7.1.1 (i) travel and compete in the Miss World Beauty Pageant at the times, dates, in Miss World Pageant. in a country and place to be informed by BEC-Tero; (ii) sign (and shall, if 7.2.2 In the event of the replacement according to 7.2.1 above, the runner-up who required by BEC-Tero, cause her guardian(s) to sign) the Miss World shall be in place of Miss Thailand World shall not have the right to receive application form and any other documents as well as preparing any and all or claim any prize for the title of Miss Thailand World for any case whatsoever. information and documents necessary for joining Miss World contest However, BEC-Tero hereby reserves the right to consider giving the prize, in unconditionally and immediately once informed by BEC-Tero; and (iii) whole or in part, for the title of Miss Thailand World to such the runner-up as unconditionally perform any and all duties and tasks and comply with any and BEC-Tero may deem appropriate in its sole and exclusive discretion. all rules and regulations with respect to Miss World contest. If Miss Thailand 7.2.3 Accept that during her reign, she is prohibited from entering in other beauty World wins the title of Miss World, she shall (i) comply with any contract of pageants and contests that resemble Miss Thailand World, unless she is Miss World according to a contract period and the contracts to be designated granted written permission from BEC-Tero (such as if BEC-Tero sponsors Miss by Miss World Limited; and (ii) perform the duties and services for Thailand World to enter the pageant). 7.1.2 Accept that during her reign, she is prohibited from entering in other beauty 7.2.4 Commit to becoming an artist (singer / actress) through contracts with BECpageants and contests that resemble Miss Thailand World, unless she is Tero or other affiliates specified by BEC-Tero once she passes related auditions granted written permission from BEC-Tero (such as if BEC-Tero sponsors Miss and tests. Thailand World to enter the pageant). 7.2.5 Accept that (i) any commercial contract and job assignment for her to appear 7.1.3 Commit to become an artist (singer / actress) through contracts with BEC-Tero in public through modeling / photo shoots / feature films / TV programs / or other affiliates specified by BEC-Tero once she passes related auditions other dramatic performances / musical performances / voice recording must and tests. be approved by BEC-Tero in a written agreement; and (ii) she shall not have 7.1.4 Accept that (i) any commercial contract and job assignment for her to appear the right to seek or obtain any job assignment by herself. BEC-Tero for a in public through modeling / photo shoots / feature films / TV programs/other further one (i) year period upon expiration of such Miss World contract. dramatic performances / musical performances / voice recording. Must be 7.2.6 Accept that BEC-Tero shall have the sole and exclusive right to (i) acquire, approved by BEC-Tero in a written agreement; and (ii) she shall not have the schedule, manage, approve or assign for any appearances at social events / right to seek or obtain any job assignment by herself. advertising / feature films / TV dramas / stage dramas / PR events including 7.1.5 Accept that BEC-Tero shall have the sole and exclusive right to (i) acquire, appearances in any TV or radio programs or any other media during her schedule, manage, approve or assign for any appearances at social reign; and (ii) manage any and all revenues and benefits arising in connection events/advertising / feature films / TV dramas / stage dramas / PR events therewith and share such revenues and benefits (actually received after including appearances in any TV or radio programs or any other media during deduction of withhold tax) whereby BEC-Tero shall be entitled to thirty percent her reign; and (ii) manage any and all revenues and benefits arising in (30%) and the runner-up shall be entitled to seventy percent (70%). connection therewith and share such revenues and benefits (actually received 7.2.7 Upon winning the title, the runner-up shall immediately and unconditionally after deduction of withhold tax) whereby BEC-Tero shall be entitled to thirty annul or terminate any and all legal contracts and agreements with parties percent (30%) and Miss Thailand World 2018 shall be entitled to seventy unaffiliated with BEC-Tero to appear in commercials / public events / percent (70%). modeling / photo shoots / feature films /TV programs / other performances 7.1.6 Upon winning the Miss Thailand World title, Miss Thailand World 2018 shall as well as any other contracts, agreements and commitments which cause or immediately and unconditionally annul or terminate any and all legal contracts may cause any difficulties in performing duties and services that she has with and agreements with parties unaffiliated with BEC-Tero to appear in BEC-Tero. commercials/public events / modeling / photo shoots / feature films / TV 7.2.8 The runner-up shall be committed to complying with and performing duties programs/ other performances as well as any other contracts, agreements and and tasks in accordance with the terms of the Miss Thailand World 2018 commitments which cause or may cause any difficulties in performing duties sponsorship contracts. Failure to do so shall entitle BEC-Tero to claim damages and services that she has with BEC-Tero. against her.

7.3 During their reign, Miss Thailand World and the first and second runners-up must reside in Bangkok and pay their own expenses for accommodation. The moving out of Bangkok must receive prior approval from BEC-Tero. Their residences must be easy to reach and communicate. In this connection, BEC-Tero may provide assistance in searching, changes as well as relocate of the accommodation or otherwise as BECTero deems appropriate. However, BEC-Tero and/or the pageant organizers will not be obligated or blinding to provide such assistance. 7.4 If any of the runners up who perform the duties in place of Miss Thailand World pursuant to clause 7.2.1, such person will have no right to demand or receive any prize or reward of Miss Thailand World title. In this regard, BEC-Tero, at its sole and absolute discretion, reserves the rights to allocate or grant any prize or reward of Miss Thailand World Title as BEC-Tero deems appropriate, whether wholly or partially. 8. The tenure of Miss Thailand World 2018 and that of the runners-up ends when/if: 8.1 Their tenure expires; 8.2 Miss Thailand World 2018 and/or the runners-up pass away or become handicapped; 8.3 Miss Thailand World 2018 and/or the runners-up resign; 8.4 Miss Thailand World 2018 and/or the runners-up get married; 8.5 Miss Thailand World 2018 and/or the runners-up get pregnant; 8.6 BEC-Tero decides to end the tenure of Miss Thailand World 2018 and/or the runnersup if: 8.6.1 It is discovered that the winner has occupations / records of / behave in way that tarnishes the reputation of the Miss Thailand World organization / is considered offensive to society; 8.6.2 It is discovered that the winner has occupations / records of / behave in way that is illegal / immoral to society; 8.6.3 The winner suffers mental or physical handicaps, resulting in inability to perform duties; 8.6.4 The winner has given any untrue, incorrect or insufficient information, document or evidence regarding qualifications; and 8.6.5 The winner is considered unqualified by any other reason as BEC-Tero deems appropriate. If any of the conditions stipulated in regulations 8.3 to 8.6 apply to Miss Thailand World 2018 and/or the runners-up before the tenure expires, she/they will be disqualified. She will be seen as having violated the rules and regulations and thus are not qualified to receive any prizes. She must immediately return all assets and prizes to BEC-Tero. She must also agree to abstain from filing a lawsuit against BEC-Tero for her elimination. 9. Tax, Fee and Expenses The contestant and the prize winner shall be solely responsible and pay for withholding tax and any other taxes as required by laws including any and all fees and expenses arising from the receipt of such prize(s). 10. Photo and Voice Record The contestant of Miss Thailand World 2018 hereby grant permission to and allow BEC-Tero and/or Thai TV Channel 3 and/or producer and/or other persons designated by BEC-Tero to shoot, record photo and voice, conduct an interview, conduct photographs or any other things in relation to the contestant ’s activities and habits during the event (including activities and habits of the contestant’s family and friends (collectively be referred to as the “Related Person”) at any time without limitation (irrespective of the contestant or the Related Person knows or acknowledges of such record, shoot or photo) for broadcasting on TV Channel or other media as BEC-Tero deems appropriate without asking for prior consent from the contestant or the Related Person. In this connection, the contestant shall arrange the Related Person as specified in the first paragraph to grant permission to BEC-Tero (including Thai TV channel 3 and/or producer and/or other person designated by BEC-Tero) to perform any act and thing as specified in the first paragraph.

11. Assignment The contestant agrees to exclusively assign (and arrange the Related Person as specified in clause 10 to assign) all rights to BEC-Tero i.e. performer rights, copyright, neighboring or related rights or moral rights or other rights incurred from the performance of BEC-Tero (and/or Thai TV Channel 3 and/or producer and/or other person designated by BEC-Tero) as specified in clause 10. BEC-Tero shall entitle to assign, transfer, broadcast, publicize or conduct otherwise for commercial use such assigned works or rights without having to pay any remuneration to the contestant or the Related Person and without asking for prior consent from the contestant or the Related Person. The assignment shall include any rights in photographs, pictures and voices, materials or other things of the contestant and the Related Person whether received by BEC-Tero from the contestant and/or the Related Person or recorded by BEC-Tero (and/or Thai TV Channel 3 and/or producer and/or other person designated by BEC-Tero) prior to Miss Thailand World 2018 or not. 12. Indemnification The contestant represents and confirms that the contestant has full rights and authorities to assign and transfer all rights specified herein to BEC-Tero and the contestant shall perform all acts and things specified in this Rule and Regulations in all respect. The contestant shall not conduct any act which result or incur the loss or damage to BEC-Tero, directors and staffs of BEC-Tero including Thai TV Channel 3, producer, counterparty of BEC-Tero or other person. If BEC-Tero or such other person is filed or demanded for damages from the third party, the contestant shall fully responsible for such damages and expenses incurred by BEC-Tero and/or such other person including the third party in all respect. 13. Promotional Activities The contestant agrees to participate in any activities held or set up by BEC-Tero for the promotion of Miss Thailand World 2018 including TV program and/or other activities relating thereto irrespective of such activity has been held during or after the period of the event. The contestant acknowledges that the contestant will not, in any case, receive any wages or remuneration from the participation in the activities. 14. Sponsor 14.1 The contestant hereby consents, agrees and accepts all support products and materials arranged by BEC-Tero for Miss Thailand World 2018 including TV program and activities related to the event, environment, surroundings, props, cloths, materials or other things used for the event, TV program or activities relating to the event in which they may relevant to the names, logos, symbols, massages or promotional or products or services of Miss Thailand World 2018’s sponsors. 14.2 To promote the products or services of Miss Thailand World 2018’s sponsors, the contestant agrees, acknowledges and consents to comply with the instructions of BEC-Tero or other person designated by BEC-Tero as prescribed for the event, TV program, promotional or any activities relating to the event, and herby agrees to consume any consumer products or services of the sponsors. 14.3 During the period of the event, the shooting of TV program or the participation in the event’s activities, the contestant agrees to solely consume products or services arranged by BEC-Tero of other person designated by BEC-Tero. The contestant will not mention, propose, promote or consume any other products or services which are not belong to the event’s sponsors except of prior written consent from BEC-Tero. 15. Affirmation 15.1 The contestant hereby affirms that the contestant shall not seek to use the Miss Thailand World and Miss World contests as a platform for expressing political and/or religious points of view. 15.2 In the event of winning the title of Miss Thailand World 2018, it is the sole responsibility of the contestant to secure a valid visa for (and not being prohibited to enter) the country where Miss World 2018 will take place. Otherwise, the contestant shall be disqualified from being the winner of Miss Thailand World 2018 immediately.