in Korean) The Olympic games in Pyeongchang are moving ahead at full speed. How can ... sports team by answering importa
23rd Winter Olympic Games
Pyeongchang 2018 South Korea
Family Sports Team How can we experience
the emotion of the Winter Olympic Games? Diary of
(name of the athlete)
“Design Explorers” is our program for parents and 4-8 year olds, giving you a new way to learn and play with design thinking. It’s made of missions intriguing challenges with professions, themes, everyday situations and special occasions. Learn more at
The mission begins! Annyeong-haseyo! (“Hello!” in Korean) The Olympic games in Pyeongchang are moving ahead at full speed. How can we experience the emotions of the games and relive their special moments in a new way, no matter how far we are? During the next five days for 20-30 minutes per day, we will do exactly that with Mission: Family Sports Team.
Ready for a mission? Put on the beanies and the winter hats and let’s go!
Discover In this stage we will immerse ourselves in the atmosphere of the games, the various sporting disciplines and their effect on us. • We will discover and observe the Olympic sports, get to know more about those less known to us and choose our favourites. • We will share and draw the things that impressed us the most during the games by creating a family mood board.
Choose Here we will create the insignia representing our family team and show our appreciation for the games and the competitions. • We will look for inspiration in colours, signs, objects and forms in order to choose the symbols carrying a special significance for our team - our logo, team name and mascot. • We will use the symbols to come up with our own branded kits and outfits for our favourite sports.
Create Time for the final and most exciting moments of the mission! • We will prepare and hold a press conference for our family sports team by answering important questions from journalists, using our specially designed microphones. • We will record the press conference on video and draw an outline of our hands for a successful mission!
(colour the circles when
you complete a stage)
Tools in the mission Each of our missions has been created with design thinking a leading method for innovation used worldwide. In design thinking we use a lot of tools and techniques for creativity, problem solving and discovering new ideas. Here are the tools you will use in this mission: • roleplay • user research • deciding through voting • affinity clustering • synthesizing information • mood board • brainstorming • prototyping • interviewing • presentation • feedback “I like, I wish”
Day 1 / Discovering the winter sports in the Olympic games Let’s discover the Winter Olympics! 1. Take a look at the 15 official disciplines - if there are some that aren’t that familiar to you, look for more information at 2. Let each one of you mark with a pencil the three sports one likes the most.
3. The three sports that got the most points are now your family sports! If you have some with an equal number of votes or there aren’t any matches at all, decide by consensus or by similarity of the sports. 4. Follow what’s happening with your family sports on each mission day.
Alpine Skiing
Figure Skating
Short Track
Cross-Country Skiing
Freestyle Skiing
Ice Hockey
Ski Jumping
Nordic Combined
Speed Skating 3
Day 2 / Discovering and sharing our impressions from the Olympic games Let’s create a mood board with our personal impressions! 1. Think about things you relate to sports and the Olympic games - colours (the official ones), symbols (logo, mascot), objects (a skate, torch, medals), atmosphere (mountain, snow, fireworks from the ceremony), location (Korea, its flag). 2. In each section of the board, draw the elements you like the most - you can again take a look at the website or images
for inspiration. Then discuss the board with each other - you can come up with even more interesting ideas and sketch them out here.
Day 3 / Choosing the symbols of our family team Time for a new stage in the mission - let’s choose a logo, a name and a mascot for our team! 1. Take a look at your mood board for inspiration for your logo (colours, shapes, sports elements) - check out the next page as well. 2. Discuss and draw different versions and ideas on this page (and on the back of the previous one, if you need more space). When there’s a clear favourite, note it down. 3. Then choose your team name - write down a couple of keywords for inspiration (your family name, winter and sports stuff, adjectives like fast, strong, agile). When you settle on a good one, put it next to the logo. 4. Now it’s time for the mascot! Take a look at the current Olympic games mascots and think about a favourite stuffed animal or a toy hero. If it is at home, keep it close to the team during the mission.
Day 3 / Choosing the symbols of our family team Take a look at these logos of sports associations and discuss them - why did they choose these colours, what is the meaning of the shapes and symbols? You can search for more logos online, especially for your favourite family sports.
Curling Canada
Ski & Snowboard Association,
Winter Sports Association of Brazil
British Ski & Snowboard
Austrian Ice Hockey
International Bobsleigh & Skeleton Federation
Ice Skating Federation
Australian Ice Racing
Royal Short Track Federation.
Bulgaria Ice Hockey
Singapore Ice Skating Association
Ice Sports Federation,
United Arab Emirates
Day 4 / Choosing outfits and kits for our family sports Let’s use our team insignia to brand our outfits! 1. Which is the first family sport we chose? Take a look at its elements and draw them as outlines on this page - kits, goggles, skis, poles, skates. 2. Colour them in your own taste and preference and make them distinctive by using your logo, colours and even the team mascot. 3. When you are ready, go to the next page.
Day 4 / Choosing outfits and kits for our family sports This is the page for the second family sport. Check the elements of the sport, draw them as outlines here and colour in your own style.
When you are ready, go to the next page.
Day 4 / Choosing outfits and kits for our family sports Time for the third family sport! Check once again its elements and features, draw their outlines, colour and decorate them as you like.
Day 5 / Creating a press conference for our team Our mission is in its final stage - time to hold a press conference! 1. The organizers of the games have sent you a list with some very important questions. Take a look at them and thing about the answers you want to give. 2. Rehearse the answers while paying attention to the tone of your voice and your gestures - you want to make an impression, right? 3. To make yourself heard, on the next page you will find outlines for microphones - decorate them with your family brand and cut them out. 4. It would be nice if you share a keepsake at the press conference - you can cut out badges with the logo our a drawing of the mascot. 5. When you are ready, go to the last mission page.
Tell us more about the sports you support the most. Why did you choose precisely these ones?
What do you like about them? What’s the thing that impressed you the most in the Olympic games this year - the location,
the ceremony, the symbols? You have wonderful kits and outfits for each of your family sports. Share a bit more about them.
How did you choose the colours and the logo - do they have a special significance for you as a family? You also have a very charming mascot. What’s its story? The competitions are already moving full speed ahead. What’s happening with your family sports?
Who are the best athletes, is there a lot of competition, can you share an interesting story?
Day 5 / Creating a press conference for our team These are the microphones for the press conference. Personalize them with the family elements and colours. Give one to each sports team member and go to the last mission page.
Day 5 / Creating a press conference for our team and completing the mission Time to do some interviews! 1. Prepare the venue for the press conference, the microphones, your hats (it could be cold there) and set the cameras on video mode. 2. Choose your roles and responsibilities - who will be the journalist to ask the questions and who is going to answer them on behalf of the team? 3. And… action! Don’t forget to smile for the cameras. 4. When you are done, give feedback on what you liked and what could have been better. 5. Give a high five to your team and outline your hand(s) on this page for a successful mission!
Mission completed! Here’s how the creators of the mission played it together: Sports are a special topic at home. We love them, we practice some of them, we follow what’s new and interesting. That’s why we met the Winter Olympic Games with great anticipation. We watched the opening ceremony and discussed our impressions for days ahead - some of our family members even dreamt about it :) Mission: Family Sports Team went great - we had so much fun! Each day we took time to watch our favourite sports - freestyle skiing, ice skating and bobsleigh. Sonny came up with a great logo, Annie was adamant about the mascot (the Laika dog - yes, it’s the one in space you’re thinking about), I’m still trying to remember some of the names of the disciplines (skeleton, anyone?) but fortunately Georgi is always around to help me out. And our team is called “Kamovi Korea”. The press conference was great fun for all of us. We had our logo on badges and giveaways and shared a lot of valuable insights when answering the questions.
We spent a wonderful time together - if you also enjoyed the mission, follow all
the cool challenges in our “Design Explorers” program. See you soon! Tsveti, Georgi, Sonny, Annie (and the Laika dog)
Write to us and share your moments with #rpplane
[email protected]
Important stuff: Mission: Family Sports Team and its content is a copyrighted material of Red Paper Plane. It’s meant for personal use only. Thank you for respecting our work! Illustrations and icons - Freepik, Flaticon, official website of the Olympic games Template for the mood board -
Created in Bulgaria for the whole world.