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The Fourth Grade Presents: Mission San Luis Rey Field Trip
4050 Mission Ave, Oceanside, CA 92057
Tracks and Grades Date Deadline for Payment Payment Method Time of Event Place Meet Cost Attire Food Chaperones Siblings Transportation Contact Person
Red, White and Blue 4th grade January 17th, 2017 January 6th, 2017 Paypal button on SRA website (Paypal tab: Events and Fieldtrips) 8:00 am - 2:00 pm Mission San Luis Rey At the front of the school to load onto the buses and take attendance. Children: $15 Chaperones: $15 Jeans and uniform shirt Bring a sack lunch Limited number (see teacher) NO SIBLINGS The first 60 students to sign up via the Sign Up Genius will be attending the field trip and riding the bus. Your student’s 4th grade teacher