Mitsubishi Electric Develops Indoor Positioning System Using ...

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Feb 12, 2016 - The system is expected to be used for applications such as walking navigation or warehouse management in
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATION PUBLIC RELATIONS DIVISION 7-3, Marunouchi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8310 Japan


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Mitsubishi Electric Develops Indoor Positioning System Using Wireless Communication and Acoustic Ranging Enables low-cost positioning with better than one-meter accuracy TOKYO, February 12, 2016 – Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (TOKYO: 6503) has developed an indoor positioning system utilizing wireless LAN communication and acoustic ranging to achieve accuracy within less than one meter. The system is expected to be used for applications such as walking navigation or warehouse management in underground locations where GPS signals are not reliably available. Commercial use is expected by April 2017.

The new system positions the target device based on the round trip times for sound waves traveling between the device and surrounding wireless WLAN APs equipped with positioning capability. The positioning trigger and other required data are exchanged via a WLAN. The system can be installed with as few as three, or more, positioning-capable WLAN APs. In structures that already have WLAN infrastructure, especially cost-effective installation is possible by simply appending the positioning of the existing WLAN APs. Mitsubishi Electric’s new system also provides WLAN infrastructure, in addition to positioning.

In the case of certain existing indoor-positioning methods, users must purchase positioning-specific hardware, such as RF tags. Mitsubishi Electric’s system only requires WLAN communication and sound-wave transmission. Since smartphones are usually equipped for WLAN and sound, such as microphones and speakers, most users will simply need to install the positioning application in their smartphones.

As an example of using the system for walking navigation in an underground parking lot, the position of a car could be detected and stored when it is parked, and then the information could be used later to guide the user back to the car.


Car’s position Userr’s posittion Before exxiting car, detecct and store parrking position in i a smartphonee

Laater, use curren nt and stored poositions to relocate car

p in nside buildinngs or undergground facilitties where There aree many practtical needs foor accurate positioning GPS signnals are not avvailable, suchh as walking navigation, worker w adminnistration, waarehouse logisstics, asset managem ment and morre. So far, acccurate, cost-eeffective posiitioning methhods have noot been possib ble due to issues desscribed in thee following chhart: Technollogy WLAN signal strengtth

WLAN RSSI mappinng

Time off arrival for WLAN W packetts

Acousticc/RF beacon

Acousticc signal

Issues/Acccuracy Low accuracy (ap pproximately 10m) due to instability y of signal strength Requires technical knowledge and a cost for innstallation Accurracy of meterss s synchhronized WLA AN APs Requires specific, strictly d 1m Accurracy of around Requires high num mber of beaconns for practiccal accuracy m to 10m Accurracy from 1m Transm mitters and reeceivers mustt be synchronnized Accurracy of less th han 1m ###

About Mitsubishi M Eleectric Corpooration With oveer 90 years of experiennce in provviding reliablle, high-quaality productss, Mitsubish hi Electric Corporatiion (TOKYO O: 6503) is a recognizedd world leadeer in the maanufacture, m marketing and d sales of electrical and electronnic equipmentt used in infoormation proccessing and communicatioons, space dev velopment dustrial technnology, energgy, transporttation and and satelllite communnications, coonsumer elecctronics, ind building equipment. Embracing the t spirit off its corporatte statement,, Changes fo for the Betteer, and its mental statemeent, Eco Channges, Mitsubiishi Electric endeavors e to be b a global, lleading green n company, environm enrichingg society withh technology.. The companny recorded consolidatedd group sales of 4,323.0 billion b yen (US$ 36.00 billion*) in the fiscal yeaar ended Marrch 31, 2015. For more infformation vissit: http://ww m *At an exxchange rate of 120 yen too the US dolllar, the rate given g by the Tokyo T Foreiggn Exchange Market M on March 31, 2015
