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Mixed Methods Research Editors
Manfred Max Bergman, Universität Basel, Switzerland Donna M. Mertens, Gallaudet University, Washington D.C., U.S.A. Founding Editors John W. Creswell, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, U.S.A. Abbas Tashakkori, Florida International University, U.S.A.
Submit your article online at The Journal of Mixed Methods Research (JMMR) is a new international publication that focuses on empirical, methodological, and theoretical articles about mixed methods research across the social, behavioral, health, and human sciences. It also includes insightful reflections on important issues in mixed methods research, and extensive book and software reviews with practical applications. The editors of JMMR are currently seeking manuscripts that focus on
•Collection and analysis of data •Integration of qualitative and quantitative findings in one study •Inferences using both qualitative and quantitative approaches or methods •Types of research/evaluation questions •Types of mixed methods designs •Sampling and/or measurement procedures •Approaches to data analysis
•Validity •Software applications •Paradigm stance •Writing structures •The value and use of mixed methods research JMMR’s scope includes exploring the terminology and nomenclature used in mixed methods research, providing a forum for the discussion of parameters effecting mixed methods research, creating the paradigmatic and philosophical foundations for mixed methods research, illuminating design and procedure issues, and determining the logistics of conducting mixed methods research. JMMR uses a double-blind review process and manuscripts are generally reviewed by three scholars, at least one of which serves on the JMMR editorial board. The journal aims to have each manuscript go through its initial review within 4 months of receipt.
MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION GUIDELINES For more detailed information about manuscript expectations and requirements, please visit http: // and click on Manuscript Submission. Submit your article online with SAGETRACK makes it easy to: •Submit your article online •Submit revisions and resubmissions through automatic linking •Track the progress of your article online •Publish faster with JMMR!
Journal of Mixed Methods Research Toward a Definition of Mixed Methods Research R. Burke Johnson, Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie, and Lisa A. Turner
Meeting the Mixed Methods Challenge of Integration in a Sociological Study of Structure and Agency Claire M. Woolley
Is Mixed Methods Social Inquiry a Distinctive Methodology? Jennifer C. Greene
Editorial: Mixed Methods Research in the Health Sciences: A Quiet Revolution Alicia O'Cathain
Paradigms Lost and Pragmatism Regained: Methodological Implications of Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Methods David L. Morgan
The Impact of Occupational Culture on Drinking Behavior of Young Adults in the U.S. Navy Genevieve M. Ames, Michael R. Duke, Roland S. Moore, and Carol B. Cunradi
Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Methods for Organizational Diagnosis: Possible Priming Effects? Dean C. Vitale, Achilles A. Armenakis, and Hubert S. Feild
An Examination of Research Methods in Mathematics Education (1995-2005) Lynn C. Hart, Stephanie Z. Smith, Susan L. Swars, and Marvin E. Smith
Editorial: Mixed Methodology Across Disciplines Abbas Tashakkori and John W. Creswell
On Quantitizing Margarete Sandelowski, Corrine I. Voils, and George Knafl
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