Mar 2, 2012 - Mrs. Maas would also prefer that students would show up at ... tread wheel at night. What a life, huh? Ble
MLA 5th Grade Newsletter “Unified Through Christ” Romans 15:515:5-6 3-2-12 Dear 5th Grade Parents, What a great time the 5th grader’s, volunteers and Mrs. Haase had at Exchange City this year. I wanted so badly for all of the parents of my students to see their children hard at work in a hectic environment yet, keeping their heads level and staying focused on each task that was was in front of each of them. I walked around all day just to drop by each of my students businesses to see how they were doing. What a pleasant surprise I had. Hard working kids, that what I saw. Wow! Was it a great day!! They learned a lot also.
ITEMS TO REMEMBER: • Our school Auction is going to be upon us very soon. It is on Saturday, March 17th (St. Patrick’s Day) at a new facility with a new venue. Please look on the MLA website for more detailed information. Please contact Kathy Chelton if you have questions about the BIG AUCTION EVENT! • National Lutheran Schools Week begins on March 4th which is this Sunday. On the 4th MLA students will sing at Christ Lutheran Church. Students with last names beginning with L-Z will sing at the early church service which begins at 8:00 a.m. Mrs. Haase will direct that choir. Please have you child wear nice attire to church. For the children singing in the early service, could they please be at Christ Lutheran10 minutes before 8 a.m. (7:50a.m). The choir will sit in the choir loft until we are finished singing. Then they may go back and sit with their parents. Please have your child at Christ Lutheran Church Students with names beginning with A-K will sing at the 10:45a.m. And Mrs. Maas will be directing that choir. Mrs. Maas would also prefer that students would show up at
10:15Pa.m. So the choir can get organized before the service. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Haase or Mrs. Maas. • The Dog Research Paper Dates are as follows: The final paper is Due Wednesday, March 7th with classroom presentations that day.
WILLY NEWS: Willy is doing great. He sleeps all day and rips around on his tread wheel at night. What a life, huh? Blessings to you all, all,