MLG0402Q/MLG0603P - Digikey

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By further refining a TDK specialty, namely process technology for low ... is the MLG0402Q and MLG0603P series of multilayer chip inductors with high Q values .
For High-frequency Circuits and Modules

Multilayer Chip Inductor

MLG0402Q/MLG0603P High-Precision Multilayering Technology Combines Small Size and High-Q Rating Mobile phones continue to shrink in size while offering an increasingly complex array of functions. Multilayer chip inductors for use in high-frequency circuits and modules of such phones therefore also need to be made even smaller in size while providing high Q ratings. By further refining a TDK specialty, namely process technology for low temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) multilayer substrates, extremely compact chips of size 0402 (0.4 x 0.2 mm) and size 0603 (0.6 x 0.3 mm) were created. Compared to existing products, the manufacturing process for the newly designed internal electrodes of the chip features even more accurate position control. The result is the MLG0402Q and MLG0603P series of multilayer chip inductors with high Q values.


Multilayer Chip Inductors for High-frequency Circuits and Modules

From Simple Portable Phone to Multimedia Terminal Twenty years have passed since portable telephones first appeared

expected to reach 70 percent by 2011.

on the scene. Nowadays, the mobile phone has evolved into a

On a worldwide scale, the largest share is still held by 2G (second

complex product that goes beyond being a mere communication

generation) GSM phones, but in developed countries including

device. It has become a multimedia terminal encompassing

Japan, 3G (third generation) and 3.5G (3.5th generation) phones

elements and functions such as a camera, Internet connectivity,

have become the mainstream. In 2010, 3.9G (3.9th generation)

electronic money support, TV reception, video calls, and more.

services using the LTE (Long Term Evolution) standard will go

The number of mobile phone users in the world is estimated to

into operation. Work on standardization for 4G (fourth generation)

be around 5 billion. With increasing demand from developing and

mobile phones with ultra high communication speeds reaching 1

newly emerging countries, mobile phone market penetration is

Gbps is currently in progress.

□Progress history of mobile phones

1G 100M 10M 1M 100k 10k 1k

□Ratio of mobile phone subscribers  by region (approximate)

Ultra high speed, high quality ubiquitous terminals

Communication speed bps Multimedia terminals featuring Internet connectivity and support for video calls



Africa, Middle East

LTE etc.

3.5G HSDPA etc 3G (third generation)

From analog to digital

2.5G 2G (second generation)

Car phones

Number of mobile phone users worldwide estimated at about 5,000 million (as of 2010)

4G (fourth generation)

Latin America

UMITS/W-CDMA, cdma2000 etc.

North America

1G (first generation) PDC, cdmaOne, GSM etc. 1980




Asia Pacific

2020 Year

Multilayer Chip Components Contribute to Miniaturization of Mobile Phones The precursor to the modern mobile phone was the shoulder phone

not quite as numerous as multilayer ceramic chip capacitors, various kinds

that appeared around 1985. Weighing as much as three kilograms and

of SMD (surface mounted device) type inductors are being used in the

more, this type of phone was carried using a shoulder belt. One factor

power supply, filter circuitry, and high-frequency circuitry of mobile phones.

that significantly contributed to the subsequent dramatic reduction in the

Categorized by the way they are manufactured, there are wire-wound

size and weight of mobile phones was the development of progressively

inductors, layered inductors, thin film inductors, and others. The two

smaller chip components. A mobile phone incorporates as many as 200

major categories by function type are power supply application and signal

multilayer ceramic chip capacitors. In the 1980s, most multilayer ceramic

application inductors. In the power supply section where high current flow

chip capacitors measured 3.2 x 1.6 mm, which is classified as size 3216.

conditions are encountered, wire-wound inductors using a ferrite drum

Currently a capacitor with the same capacitance rating can be as small as

core, as well as multilayer type power inductors are used extensively.

0.6 x 0.3 mm (size 0603) and 0.4 x 0.2 mm (size 0402).

By contrast, multilayer chip inductors are dominant in filtering and high-

Along with resistors and capacitors, inductors (coils) are the third major

frequency circuit applications, where very compact dimensions are

passive component category for electronic devices. While these parts are


□Main products and types of TDK multilayer chip inductors TDK multilayer chip inductors DC-DC converter applications

EMC control and decoupling applications Power supply line applications

MLP Series

Signal line applications

MLZ Series

RF circuit, LC circuit, choke applications Low frequency applications

High frequency applications

MLF Series

MLG Series

MLZ Series

MLK Series


Low-RDC Power inductors

Ferrite inductors


High-SRF Ceramic inductors

Multilayer Chip Inductors for High-frequency Circuits and Modules

Revolutionary Multilayer Process Creates a Coil without Windings □Structure and manufacturing process of  multilayer chip inductor

Multilayer chip inductors are manufactured using thin sheets made of ferrite or special ceramics on which coil patterns are

Manufacturing process

printed with metallic paste (normally silver). By arranging these Ferrite (dielectric ceramics for RF applications)

sheets in multiple layers, a spiral-shaped internal electrode pattern is created. The multilayer technique creates the coil in a three-dimensional space without the need to wind wire on a

Source material preparation, blending, sheet forming

Terminal electrode contact area

core, which facilitates miniaturization and mass production. This revolutionary technique was developed by TDK and presented to

Via hole processing

Internal electrode (forms part of the printed coil pattern)

the world for the first time in 1980. When a current flows through the coil, a magnetic flux is created.

Internal electrode printing Layering Cutting

Via (for inter-layer connection)

The intensity of the flux (i.e. the number of magnetic field lines) is called the inductance (L).The inductance increases proportionally to the number of coil windings squared and proportionally to

Sintering Terminal electrode application

the cross section area. Using a material with high magnetic


permeability such as ferrite as a core results in higher

Measurement, packing

inductance. This is because the higher magnetic permeability of a core has the effect of concentrating the magnetic field lines.

Terminal electrode

Multilayer chip inductors for high-frequency circuit applications

Spiral-shaped layered internal electrode

use sheets made of dielectric ceramics instead of ferrite. This is because ferrite has higher losses in the frequency range of several hundred MHz and higher, making it difficult to achieve high Q values.

High-frequency Application Inductors Must Have Low Losses and High Q Values □Q value of a coil

"Q" stands for "Quality Factor". Coils easily pass direct current but act as a resistor to alternating current. This behavior is called inductive reactance. The higher the frequency of the

f: Frequency

alternating current, the higher the inductive reactance. However, although the coil is a conductor, the wire winding has certain resistance components (R).The ratio between

R: DC resistance component at high frequencies

Numeric value expressing the quality of a coil (Quality Factor)

the resistance components and the frequency-dependent inductance (R/2πf L) is called the loss factor, and its inverse

□Q value and frequency response of inductors with different substrate material

number is the Q value (Q=2πf L/R). Because f is the frequency of the current flowing through the coil, the Q value will differ according to the frequency.


In simple terms, a higher Q value means lower losses and


better suitability for use as a high frequency inductor.


mobile phones is linked to higher battery power consumption,



Because the increasing number of functions incorporated in multilayer chip inductors used in the high-frequency circuitry


should have low losses and high Q values.

10 0 0.01

Ceramic type inductor Ferrite type inductor



10 100 Frequency (MHz)



Q value changes depending on frequency and substrate material. In the frequency range of several hundred MHz and above, ferrite substrates cannot be used, and dielectric ceramics are used instead.


Multilayer Chip Inductors for High-frequency Circuits and Modules

Influence of Distributed Capacitance on Inductors for High-frequency Applications Inductors to be used in the high-frequency circuitry of mobile

frequency and coil inductance is defined by the equation X

phones should have high Q values and small dimensions.

=2πf L. In the ideal inductor, if the inductance is constant, the

Unfortunately there is a tradeoff relationship between smaller

reactance is proportional to the frequency. Plotting frequency

sizes and higher Q ratings in multilayer chip inductors. If the

vs. reactance therefore should produce a straight line, but in

coil is reduced in size to allow for more compact dimensions,

reality, the reactance drops towards higher frequencies. This

the DC resistance rises, which leads to lower Q values. In

is due to the distributed capacitance of the coil, which forms

addition, at higher frequencies the influence of the distributed

a capacitor component that does not appear in the circuit

capacitance (parasitic capacitance) of the internal electrodes

diagram. In multilayer chip inductors, the coil patterns act

and other parts on Q becomes more significant.

like capacitor electrodes, resulting in distributed capacitance.

As shown above, the inductive reactance (X) of the coil acts

Similarly, distributed capacitance also occurs between the

as a resistor to AC current, and the relationship between

terminal electrodes and the coil patterns.

□Coil reactance X: Reactance (AC resistance of coil)

□Distributed capacitance between electrodes of a multilayer chip inductor Internal electrodes act like electrodes of a capacitor

Internal electrode Ideal coil

Distributed capacitance Terminal electrode Internal electrode

Actual coil

Dielectric ceramics f: Frequency

Terminal electrode

X=2πf L. In an ideal coil, the graph would be a straight line, but distributed capacitance of an actual coil causes a drop towards higher frequencies.

Distributed capacitance

Internal electrodes and terminal electrodes act like electrodes of a capacitor.

Reducing Distributed Capacitance Results in Higher Self-Resonant Frequency (SRF) The fact that multilayer chip inductors have distributed

Ideal inductor

Equivalent circuit of actual inductor

capacitance means that the equivalent of a parallel LC circuit

DC resistance (R: electrical resistance of internal electrode and terminal electrode)

(parallel connection of inductor and capacitor) is formed at high frequencies. As opposed to an inductor, a capacitor blocks DC current while acting more like a conductor for AC current the higher

Has only inductance (L)

the frequency becomes. Similar to a parallel LC element being used as a resonance circuit, the multilayer chip inductor with

Distributed capacitance (C: capacitor component between internal electrodes and between internal electrode and terminal electrode)

distributed capacitance has a resonance frequency. This is called the self-resonant frequency (SRF). At higher frequencies,

Frequency Insertion loss

when the self-resonant frequency is exceeded, the chip no longer acts as an inductor. The Q value also drops drastically, becoming zero at the self-resonant frequency. When selecting multilayer chip inductors for use in highfrequency circuits and modules, it therefore is not enough to


simply consider the required inductance. The self-resonant frequency must also be sufficiently higher than the usage

Area where inductor function is dominant

Area where capacitor function due to distributed capacitance is dominant

Self-resonant frequency (SRF) 1/2π LC



Inductor to be used in high-frequency circuit should have high self-resonant frequency (SRF).

Therefore distributed capacitance of inductor must be kept as low as possible.

Multilayer Chip Inductors for High-frequency Circuits and Modules

New MLG Series Features Revolutionary Internal Electrode Design Inductors for high-frequency applications must also take the

to develop a highly advanced LTCC (low temperature co-fired

so-called skin effect into consideration. The term refers to a

ceramic) technique for manufacturing multilayer substrates. This

phenomenon where high-frequency current flowing in a conductor

process technology enables stable mass production of inductors

does not penetrate to the interior but tends to flow only on the

with extremely precise internal spiral conductors. The shape, layer

surface of the conductor. This drastically increases electrical

width, and layout of the internal conductors are designed so as to

resistance and therefore causes a drop in inductance.

keep distributed capacitance at negligible levels while achieving

As mobile phones incorporate more and more functions, an

high Q values. The result is the MLG0603Q series of multilayer chip

extremely large number of electronic components must be tightly

inductors. The new MLG0402Q series realizes the same High-Q

packed on the circuit boards. Multilayer chip inductors therefore

characteristics in the extremely small size 0402 form factor.

need to become even smaller and feature a low profile. Thin film chip

By redesigning coil patterns and layout from the ground up, TDK

inductors where the coil is formed using thin film process technology

engineers succeeded in minimizing the distributed capacitance

can be made very small and low-profile in shape, and maintaining

between terminal electrodes while largely maintaining the coil surface

high accuracy is possible, but it is difficult to realize high Q values.

area, resulting in excellent Q value characteristics.

As a consequence, multilayer chip inductors are the dominant

Even a slight shift in coil pattern will cause a drop in Q value. To

type used for high-frequency applications. However, as mentioned

prevent this, high-accuracy positioning control technology and other

above, a tradeoff relationship exists between achieving smaller

advanced measures were applied when developing the MLG0402Q

dimensions and higher Q values. There is a strong demand for high-

series. By further refining and perfecting these techniques, TDK

precision manufacturing techniques that help to minimize distributed

was able to add the MLG0603P series with newly designed internal

capacitance and the skin effect while enabling optimized design of

electrodes to the product lineup. The new series features outstanding

internal electrodes which is the key to realizing compact dimensions.

High-Q characteristics thanks to further reduced distributed

TDK has applied its accumulated expertise in fine layer technology


□MLG0402Q and new product MLG0603P combine ultra-small dimensions with high Q characteristics NEW ●New internal electrode design minimizes distributed capacitance Q value 20% higher than conventional products


-Q d



●Improved positioning accuracy during layering ●Optimized coil patterns for higher Q values

Extremely compact dimensions


Volume reduction: 70% Mounting footprint reduction: 54%

High-Q design


□Q vs. frequency characteristics of MLG0402Q MLG0402Q MLG0402S








MLG0603P MLG0603S


10 0 10


□Q vs. frequency characteristics of MLG0603P




Q value 40% higher than conventional products

100 1000 Frequency(MHz)

0 10



100 1000 Frequency(MHz)


Multilayer Chip Inductors for High-frequency Circuits and Modules

Multilayer Chip Inductor Application Examples in Mobile Phones Multilayer chip inductors with compact dimensions and high Q

signal from being bounced back to the input, thereby increasing

characteristics are used extensively in the high-frequency circuitry

transmission losses.

of mobile phones. Applications include impedance matching in

TDK offers the MLG0402Q series (inductance ranging from 1 to 15

SAW filters and VCO circuits etc. and use as chokes. Impedance

nH) and the MLG0603P series (0.6 to 120 nH). Applications include

matching refers to matching the output impedance of a signal

not only mobile phones but also Bluetooth, W-LAN, UWB, digital

source to the input impedance of the signal destination. At high

TV tuners and other high-frequency circuits and modules, where

frequencies, impedance matching is important to prevent the

these multilayer chip inductors provide optimum performance.

□Main usage areas of multilayer chip inductors in mobile phone RF circuitry Flexible printed wiring board Ringer Microphone

LCD driver Logic circuitry

Power supply unit

high-frequency circuits

LCD panel

One seg module

Vibrator Card I/F


Camera unit

Sub panel

Wireless LAN/ Bluetooth module

Speaker Antenna

For choke For matching


Multilayer Chip Inductors for High-frequency Circuits and Modules

□ Main Features MLG0402Q Series 1 Series lineup covers inductance range from 1 to 15 nH   2 Compared to existing compact size 0603 products, 70% smaller volume and 55% smaller effective 

footprint of new series make it especially suitable for fine-pitch circuits

MLG0603P Series 1 Series lineup covers inductance range from 0.6 to 120 nH   2 Compared to conventional MLG0603S type products, optimized structural design results in signifi-

cantly higher Q, especially at 800 MHz and higher

3 Sintered complete monolithic construction using layers of ceramics and conductor material 

optimized for high-frequency applications

□ Main Applications High-frequency circuits (PA, VCO, FEM etc.) in mobile phones, smartphones and similar, high-frequency  circuitry in Bluetooth, W-LAN, UWB, tuners, and other mobile communication devices.

□ Dimensions and Shape MLG0402Q Series

MLG0603P Series 0.6±0.03 0.3±0.03



0.08 to 0.14





□ Major Specifications MLG0402Q Series

MLG0603P Series


1 to 15 nH

0.6 to 120 nH

Temperature Range

-55 to +125℃

-55 to +125℃

DC Resistance

0.4 to 2.6Ω(max.)

0.06 to 5Ω(max.)

Rated Current

100 to 250mA

80 to 1,000mA



