Mobile Learning - Springer Link

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This project led to the development of personal computing and can be ... need to understand the implications of learning with mobile technology and build.
Chapter 14

Mobile Learning Small Devices, Big Issues Mike Sharples, Inmaculada Arnedillo-S´anchez, Marcelo Milrad and Giasemi Vavoula

Abstract Over the past 10 years mobile learning has grown from a minor research interest to a set of significant projects in schools, workplaces, museums, cities and rural areas around the world. Each project has shown how mobile technology can offer new opportunities for learning that extend within and beyond the traditional teacher-led classroom. Yet, the very diversity of the projects makes it difficult to capture the essence of mobile learning or to show how it contributes to the theory and practice of education. This chapter attempts to address the central issues of what is mobile learning and how can it be designed and evaluated. Drawing on a theory of mobile learning as “the processes of coming to know through conversations across multiple contexts amongst people and personal interactive technologies” (Sharples, Taylor, & Vavoula, 2007, p. 225), we discuss how learning contexts are created through interaction and how portable and ubiquitous technologies can support effective conversations for learning. We draw on the findings from recent major projects to show how people artfully engage with their surroundings, peers and technology to create impromptu sites of learning and to carry their conversations from place to place, from time to time, from topic to topic. Keywords Mobile learning · Conversation · Context · Collaborative knowledge building

14.1 Introduction The foundations for mobile learning were laid over 30 years ago with the far-sighted Xerox Dynabook project that proposed a “self-contained knowledge manipulator in a portable package the size and shape of an ordinary notebook” which would allow children to explore, create and share dynamic games and simulations (Kay, 1972). This project led to the development of personal computing and can be considered

M. Sharples (B) Learning Sciences Research Institute, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom e-mail: [email protected]

N. Balacheff et al. (eds.), Technology-Enhanced Learning, C Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2009 DOI 10.1007/978-1-4020-9827-7 14, 



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an enduring success of research in technology-enhanced learning. However, early innovations were desktop based, and only over the past 10 years has mobile learning developed as a set of significant projects in schools, workplaces, museums, cities and rural areas around the world. These projects range from providing revision questions to children by mobile phone (BBC Bitesize Mobile1 ), through small group learning in classrooms using handheld computers (Zurita & Nussbaum, 2004), to context-sensitive learning in museums and workplaces (Brugnoli, Morabito, Bo, & Murelli, 2007). We are in an age of personal and technical mobility, where mobile devices, including phones, MP3 players and PDAs, are carried everywhere. We have the opportunity to design learning differently: linking people in real and virtual worlds, creating learning communities between people on the move, providing expertise on demand and supporting a lifetime of learning. In order to understand how people learn through a mobile, pervasive and lifelong interaction with technology, we need to understand the implications of learning with mobile technology and build an appropriate theory of education for the mobile age. The Kaleidoscope Network of Excellence has made a substantial contribution to exploring the issues arising from learning with mobile technology. In June 2006, a workshop at Nottingham, United Kingdom, brought together leading European researchers to explore six major issues of theory, design and evaluation. The workshop, and its subsequent report on Big Issues in Mobile Learning (Sharples, 2007), sparked a discussion that has continued through the Kaleidoscope Mobile Learning Special Interest Group (SIG). This chapter explores these issues under three broad themes: “what is mobile learning”, “designing mobile learning” and “evaluating mobile learning”. It also discusses mobile learning projects, within the context of these themes, to exemplify the range of European research in the field as well as to identify issues and challenges that mobile learning presents for education and technology design.

14.2 What Is Mobile Learning? There is little to connect delivery of location-based content on mobile telephones with group learning through handheld computers in the classroom, apart from a reliance on handheld devices, so early definitions of mobile learning were anchored on the use of mobile technology: It’s elearning through mobile computational devices: Palms, Windows CE machines, even your digital cell phone (Quinn, 2000).

The focus on technology does not assist in understanding the nature of the learning and overlooks the wider context of learning as part of an increasingly mobile lifestyle. While discovering a city during a vacation a tourist might learn



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from a travel Internet site on a home desktop computer, a phone conversation to a friend who visited the city, an in-flight travel magazine and promotional video, a Google map of the city on a mobile phone, an interactive multimedia guide in the tourist information office, printed brochures and handheld audio guides in the tourist locations. It is the combined experience that constitutes mobile learning. In trying to unpack the “mobile” in mobile learning one finds

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Mobility in physical space: people on the move trying to cram learning into the gaps of daily life or to use those gaps to reflect on what life has taught them. The location may be relevant to the learning, or merely a backdrop. Mobility of technology: portable tools and resources are available to be carried around, conveniently packed into a single lightweight device. It is also possible to transfer attention across devices, moving from the laptop to the mobile phone, to the notepad. Mobility in conceptual space: learning topics and themes compete for a person’s shifting attention. A typical adult undertakes eight major learning projects a year (Tough, 1971), as well as numerous learning episodes everyday, so attention moves from one conceptual topic to another driven by personal interest, curiosity or commitment. Mobility in social space: learners perform within various social groups, including encounters in the family, office or classroom context. Learning dispersed over time: learning is a cumulative process involving connections and reinforcement amongst a variety of learning experiences (Dierking, Falk, Rennie, Anderson, & Ellenbogen, 2003) across formal and informal learning contexts.

Research into mobile learning is the study of how the mobility of learners augmented by personal and public technology can contribute to the process of gaining new knowledge, skills and experience. The following section presents theoretical foundations of mobile learning informed by a series of discussions amongst members of the Kaleidoscope Philosophy of Technology-Enhanced Learning SIG and by their detailed written responses to a series of publications (Sharples, Taylor, & Vavoula, 2005; Taylor, Sharples, O’Malley, Vavoula, & Waycott, 2006) resulting in an attempt to formulate a theory of learning for the mobile age (Sharples et al., 2007).

14.3 Theoretical Foundations of Mobile Learning The theoretical foundations of mobile learning presented here summarize and extend the account published in Sharples et al. (2007). It places mobility and context as the objects of analysis. Rather than assuming that learning occurs within a fixed location, such as a classroom, over a bounded period of time, it examines how learning flows across locations, time, topics and technologies. The strategies and opinions formed in childhood influence the way we come to understand in later life.


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Learning undertaken in one context, for instance informal discussions, can become a resource for other contexts, such as a seminar or a workplace. Learning activities and the technologies used to enact them are interleaved enabling us to maintain our long-term projects and our familiar personal devices, while also picking up incidental ideas and ready-to-hand tools, as we proceed through the day. Context is a central construct of mobile learning. It is continually created by people in interaction with other people, with their surroundings and with everyday tools. Traditional classroom learning is founded on an illusion of stability of context, by setting up a fixed location with common resources, a single teacher, and an agreed curriculum which allows a semblance of common ground to be maintained from day to day. But if these are removed, a fundamental challenge is how to form islands of temporarily stable context to enable meaning making from the flow of everyday activity. Following Dewey (1916), Pask (1976) and Stahl (2003) we propose that the fundamental processes by which we come to understand the world and our knowledge of it are exploration, conversation and collaborative knowledge building. Thus, we make distinctions between elements of experience (hot/cold, friendly/unfriendly, freedom/authority) which we label, explore and discuss with ourselves, as we refine our knowledge, and with others, as we move towards agreed understandings by shared discovery and discussion. Exploration is essentially mobile in that it either involves physical movement or movement through conceptual space, linking experiences and concepts into new knowledge. Conversation is the bridge that enables learning within and across contexts, whether through a discussion that builds on ideas formed in different settings or from a phone call between people in different locations or by making a note to oneself that can be read at a different time or place. One role of technology in these explorations and conversations is to form a distributed system of meaning making that promotes collaborative knowledge building. At a first level of analysis we shall make no distinction between people and interactive technology, instead examining how the human–technology system enables knowledge to be created and shared in a continual process of coming to know through the construction and distribution of shared external representations of knowledge. For example, Wikipedia is a massively distributed system for the construction of shared meaning out of differing perspectives and opinions. The technology of Wikipedia does not stand apart as a medium of inscription, rather it is an active participant in the process, enabling certain forms of activity and constraining others. Proposing symmetry between people and technology, however, raises tensions concerning the legitimate place of technology in learning and the privileged role of human knowledge and activity. These demand further exploration to claim a central role for the teacher and learner and to determine the ethics of mobile learning in matters such as who owns the products of conversational learning (online discussions, Wikipedia pages, etc.) and what are peoples’ rights to be free from continual engagement with educational technology. Technology can become a constant companion and guide to learning; it can also continually monitor activity so that


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our every movement and conversation is stored and assessed as part of a lifelong record of achievement. If learning is continually mobile and evolving then it is also continually provisional. How can we distinguish between the intimacy of coming to know and the need to publicly record and register our attainments? So, we come to a characterization of mobile learning as the processes (personal and public) of coming to know through exploration and conversation across multiple contexts, amongst people and interactive technologies. This analysis is not at odds with learning as a tool-mediated sociocultural activity (Engestr¨om, 1996). Indeed, it draws on this conception to examine how knowledge is constructed through activity in a society that is increasingly mobile. Nor does it negate learning in formal settings. Conversation and context are essential constructs for understanding how mobile learning can be integrated with conventional education. Mobile learning offers new ways to extend education outside the classroom, into the conversations and interactions of everyday life.

14.4 Designing Mobile Learning A central task in the design of technology for mobile learning is to promote enriching conversations within and across contexts. This involves understanding how to design technologies, media and interactions to support a seamless flow of learning across contexts, and how to integrate mobile technologies within education to enable innovative practices. To this end, much can be learnt from interaction design research (e.g. Jones & Marsden, 2006), which offers general principles for human–computer interaction on mobile devices. Furthermore, findings from mobile learning research (Naismith & Corlett, 2006) suggest the need to

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Create quick and simple interactions; Prepare flexible materials that can be accessed across contexts; Consider special affordances of mobile devices that might add to the learner experience (e.g. the use of audio or user anonymity); Use mobile technology not only to “deliver” learning but to facilitate it, making use of the facilities in current mobile devices for voice communication, note taking, photography and time management.

The design of mobile learning activities should be driven by specific learning objectives. The use of (mobile) technology is not the target but rather a means to enable activities that were otherwise not possible, or to increase the benefits for the learners. Thus, the use of mobile technologies may only be suitable for part of the activity, with other parts being better supported by other technologies, or by no technology at all (as exemplified in our case studies). A design challenge is to enrich the learning conversations and enhance the learner experience without interfering with it (Beale, 2007). Attention is a key issue. Having to change the focus of attention from the surrounding world to a handheld device can at best be distracting and at worse dangerous (such as the hazard of walking while


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gazing at the screen). To counter this, authors report the benefits of short audio presentations to enhance or interpret the surroundings, for instance by telling the story behind a museum exhibit or tourist site (see, e.g. Bradley, Haynes, & Boyle, 2005; Naismith, Sharples, & Ting, 2005). Technology is not always used for the activities originally intended. Young people are appropriating technology designed for adult work (e.g. SMS messaging and media file sharing) into their social world. This has deep implications for learning, if we consider, for example, why people would need to memorize facts when they can look them up on Google. What are the implications for copyright, authorship and plagiarism when young people can easily capture, share and publish their own experiences, and those of others, as they go about their daily lives? Until recently, instant messaging, file sharing and social networking have been mainly restricted to home computers and Internet cafes; however, countries such as South Korea (Consumer Ease Publishing, 2006) have already adopted mobile networking and the next generation of personal devices will support collaboration and context awareness. An issue for schools is how to accommodate children equipped with powerful personal technologies and new and disruptive skills of informal collaboration and networked learning. According to Reigeluth (1999), an instructional design theory offers explicit guidance on how to help people learn and develop. Though an instructional design theory for mobile learning is yet to be articulated, the theoretical foundations of mobile learning previously discussed suggest mobile learning instructional design should

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Support learners to reach personal understanding through conversation and exploration; Support learners’ collaboration in order to construct common knowledge; Use technology to enrich learners’ collaborative knowledge building with other learners and teachers; Support learners’ transitions across learning contexts.

Naismith and Corlett (2006) identify five critical success factors for mobile learning projects: 1. Access to technology: making mobile technology available where and when needed, either by developing for users’ own devices (e.g. phones and media players) or by providing learners with devices they can use at home and on the move. 2. Ownership: owning the technology, or treating it as if it were our own. Using the technology for entertainment and socializing does not appear to reduce its value as a learning tool, but rather helps to bridge the gap between institutional and personal learning. 3. Connectivity: using wireless or mobile phone connectivity, to provide access to learning resources, to link people across contexts and to allow students to capture material that can be sent to a personal media space and then shared or presented.


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4. Integration: integrating mobile learning projects into the curriculum, the student experience or daily life. Strategies for achieving integration include extending a successful form of learning onto mobile devices (e.g. Frequently Asked Questions, or audio/PowerPoint recordings of lectures) and proving technology that augments the student experience (e.g. “moblogs” (mobile weblogs) to maintain an electronic portfolio or record of learning). 5. Institutional support: designing relevant resources in mobile format, training staff and providing technical support. The above success factors were largely identified from observations of critical incidents in pilot projects. The following section addresses some issues and possible solutions to moving beyond an inventory of successes and failures towards a systemic evaluation of mobile learning.

14.5 Evaluating Mobile Learning Evaluation is a central activity in the lifecycle of interactive systems design. When performed in the course of design and implementation, formative evaluation informs design. When performed after deployment of a new technology, summative evaluation offers a systematic approach to assess the effectiveness of the system and the learning it enables. Mobile learning poses additional challenges to the evaluation of both technology and learning. This section identifies challenges for mobile learning evaluation, outlines new tools and methods for the collection and analysis of mobile learning data and presents a framework for mobile learning evaluation.


Unpredictability of the context of use: Evaluation methods for static technologies are based on the assumption that the context of use is fixed and well defined. In the case of mobile learning, however, the context of use can vary significantly, for instance, in terms of ergonomics (user posture, lighting and background noise), social context and demands on users’ attention. Moreover, mobile contexts of use are often impromptu and hence difficult to observe, predict or simulate. The mobile environment is eminently suited to supporting learning outside the context of curricula, institutions and timetables. Our potential subjects of study may be wandering around studying things that interest them, at times that suit themselves, with little or no concern for consistency (Taylor, 2007, p. 26).


Unpredictability of the learning process: Mobile learning blurs the distinction between formal and informal learning. Children have always been able to bring homework into the classroom for assessment or bring in a personal or found object, such as a leaf or a stone, to illustrate a lesson, but now they can systematically capture their experience of learning outside the classroom, through images, notes and audio recordings. Traditional assessment methods are not appropriate for accrediting learning not directly related to the curriculum or done through informal collaboration. Recognizing and assessing the value of non-curriculum learning raises profound issues related to the legitimate scope




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of formal education. Where does school end? When can a child just delight in learning for its own sake without having to present the results for school assessment? Unpredictability of the mode of use: Technology for mobile learning is designed to aid the practice of learning; however, this same technology may also change and affect practice. The way a technology will be used cannot be determined until it is actually used by real people in real settings. Often the way people adopt learning technologies does not coincide with the designer’s intent. Tools that enable users to do new activities may change the way users perceive and practice old activities and may give rise to additional unpredicted patterns of learning. An essential task of evaluation is to look at how new tools and services are appropriated by people in their everyday learning practice (Waycott, 2004). Looking beyond the “wow” effect: Evaluations of mobile learning often report on the users’ enjoyment and increased motivation. Through the Kaleidoscope SIG, Jones, Isroff, and Scanlon (2007) have initiated a discussion on the role of affect in mobile learning. They propose that the high affective value of mobile learning is influenced by factors such as control over goals, ownership, fun, communication, learning-in-context and continuity between contexts. Specifying the attributes that make mobile devices “cool” for learning and understanding how best to exploit these also require further investigation. Thus, mobile learning evaluation should attempt to see beyond the initial “wow” factor associated with the technology and investigate how effective is mobile technology in engaging learners over the longer term.

We argued earlier that supporting mobile learning requires supporting people to continue their learning conversations across contexts. Hence, mobile learning evaluation should explore how well these conversations and transitions are supported and their consequences for learning and assess the impact of these technologies on previously established learning contexts and practices. The challenges mentioned above indicate the difficulties in addressing data collection, analysis and assessment of learning outcomes in mobile learning. Responding to this, researchers are exploring new tools and methods for the collection and analysis of data, research methodologies and approaches suitable for interpreting such data and issues in designing mobile learning research (Vavoula, Kukulska-Hulme, & Pachler, 2007). New data collection methods include mobile eye tracking (Wessel, Mayr, & Knipfer, 2007), co-design (Spikol, 2007) and data mining of automatically generated data logs (Romero & Ventura, 2007). Combinations of conventional data collection methods are also explored (Smith et al., 2007; Wali, 2007). Theoretical frameworks such as activity theory inform the development of new analysis tools (Papadimitriou, Tselios, & Komis, 2007), while informal learning assessment techniques, like Personal Meaning Mapping (Falk, 2003; Lelliott, 2007) and e-Portfolios (Hartnell-Young & Vetere, 2007), are being considered for assessing mobile learning outcomes.


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Evaluation should be a continuous process starting with the inception of a project and continuing on through design, implementation, deployment and beyond. Within the context of the MyArtSpace project (see Section 14.6.1) we have developed a three-level framework for mobile learning evaluation (Centre for Educational Technology and Distance Learning, 2007). It extends the lifecycle evaluation method (Meek, 2006) which places evaluation at the centre of the technology development process from the start of the design process to the final assessment of the technology in a learning context and providing clear routes for feeding evaluation outcomes into (re)design. The mobile learning evaluation framework structures the evaluation planning around general goals for assessing usability, educational effectiveness and overall impact. More specifically, it comprises three levels: 1. Micro level, which examines the individual activities of the technology users so as to identify issues of usability and assess how effective, efficient and satisfying is the user’s experience of carrying out the individual activities supported by the technology. 2. Meso level, which examines the learning experience as a whole to assess the educational value of the new technology by looking at how it transforms the educational and learning practice in terms of breakthroughs and breakdowns and how well the learning experience integrates with other learning experiences. 3. Macro level, which examines the overall, longer-term impact of the new technology on established learning and teaching practices by exploring the extent to which the deployed technology matches initial aspirations, intentions and expectations. Evaluation activities at each level require a gradual introduction in that, for instance, the meso level requires that the technology is in place and is robust enough to allow assessment of the learning and teaching experience and its educational value. Thus, evaluation activities at the meso level cannot be introduced until well into the implementation phase. Similarly, the macro level requires that the technology is in place and used for long enough to establish its effects on learning practice, so evaluation activities at the macro level cannot be introduced until well into the deployment phase.

14.6 Mobile Learning Exemplars This section presents three exemplars of mobile learning that show how children can be helped to explore the physical environment, how learning can be supported across contexts, how handheld technology can enable conversations for learning and how new methods of evaluation can reveal the practices and outcomes of learning outside traditional settings.


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14.6.1 MyArtSpace: Learning with Phone Technology on Museum Visits MyArtSpace project was a year-long project funded by the United Kingdom Department for Culture Media and Sport to develop and evaluate mobile technology for school students on field trips to museums and art galleries. It has been deployed in three museums for a year-long trial during which over 3000 school students used the service, on organized visits from local schools. The aim of the project was to address a well-recognized problem (Guisasola, Morentin, & Zuza, 2005) of the lack of connection between the school visit and any preparation and follow-up in the classroom. MyArtSpace supported learning through explorations and conversations across the contexts of classroom and museum. It enabled students to produce their own interpretation of a visit through pictures, voice recordings and notes that they can share and examine back in the classroom. The activity typically starts with the teacher introducing a “key topic” in a pre-visit classroom lesson to guide and motivate the students in a process of inquiry-led learning during the trip, as they collect and interpret evidence to address the question. On arriving at the museum, the students are loaned multimedia phones running a Java application that allows them to capture photos, notes and audio recordings. These are sent automatically via the GPRS phone network to a personal web site that provides a multimedia “weblog” of the visit. The students can also view short presentations on museum exhibits by typing in a two-letter code shown beside the exhibit which are also recorded in the weblog. Back in the classroom, they can view the material they collected and produced during the visit, as well as the other students’ collections and further material provided by the museum. They then use a basic presentation tool to add captions to the images and to form the material into individual or shared presentations that form their responses to the key topic. The evaluation methods included one-to-one interviews with the teachers; focus group interviews with students; video observations of the pre-visit lesson, museum visit and post-visit lesson; attitude surveys; and telephone or e-mail interviews with other stakeholders. Three MyArtSpace visits were observed, of a first prototype and in months 1 and 11 of the year-long deployment. In general, the system worked well, with the phones offering a familiar platform, the two-letter code providing an easy way to activate multimedia in context and the transmission of data taking place unobtrusively after each use of the photo, audio or note tool. The teachers indicated that their students engaged more with the exhibits than in previous visits and had the chance to do meaningful follow-up work. A significant educational issue was that some students found difficulty in identifying, back in the classroom, pictures and sounds they had recorded. The timeordered list of activities and objects they had collected provided some cues, but there is a difficult trade-off between structuring the material during the visit to make it easier to manage (for example, by limiting the number of items that can be collected) and stifling creativity and engagement.


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Although the system was a success at the technical and educational levels, there is a significant impediment to wider deployment of a system like MyArtSpace. Understandably, museum staff needs to spend their time curating exhibits and guiding visitors rather than maintaining technology. There is also the issue of who pays for the GPRS charges: schools, museums or students and their parents? MyArtSpace may be an indicator of the next generation of mobile technology, when people carry converged phone/camera/media player devices that can capture everyday sights and sounds to a personal weblog. Then, the opportunity for schools will be to exploit these personal devices for learning between the classroom and settings outside school including field trips and museum visits.

14.6.2 The AMULETS Project: Bridging Outdoor and Indoor Classroom Activities Using Smartphones, PDAs and GPS Devices The AMULETS (Advanced Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning Environments for Teachers and Students) project explored how to design, implement and evaluate innovative educational scenarios combining outdoor and indoor activities supported by mobile and ubiquitous computing. AMULETS is based on the premise that the design of innovative mobile learning activities should be guided by collaborative learning scenarios in context supported by mobile and ubiquitous technologies in authentic settings. The results of two trials conducted with Swedish children since the spring of 2006 illustrate these ideas. The first trial took place in June of 2006 in an elementary school while the second trial occurred the following December, in the town square with the same school. For these two trials, 55 elementary school children performed remote and co-located activities equipped with smartphones, PDAs, GPS devices and stationary computers in the subjects of natural sciences, history and geography. The educational scenarios consisted of different stages with game-like features. At the end of the learning sessions, all these activities were reconstructed in the classroom using several visualization tools such as digital maps. These types of activity provide new opportunities for children and teachers to review and to continue the learning experience in the classroom, thus supporting different aspects of learning such as exploration, discussion, negotiation, collaboration and reflection. In the first trial the theme of the scenario was learning about “the forest” and in the second trial “the history of the city square through centuries”. In the forest scenario 26 4th grade students (10–11 years old) took part, working in 7 groups. The activities were conducted over a 2-day period with only one group performing at a time. The active challenges for the children were based on exploring the physical environment, identifying different types of trees and measuring the height and age of trees. Part of the children’s tasks was to record still images and video clips using the smartphones detailing how they solved the problems. This co-created content was automatically encoded with metadata, containing attributes such as GPS


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coordinates, time stamp and the phone ID which provided rich contextual information for later use in the classroom. Pedagogical coaches provided the children with practical support in using techniques to measure the height of trees. Additionally, animated characters delivered location-specific content. In the city square trial 29 5th grade students (11–12 years old) participated. They worked in three groups, with each group divided into two subgroups of five students. One subgroup worked in the local museum and the second group operated outside in the square. For this second trial we introduced collaborative missions to provide the children with challenging problems. In order to solve them, children at the museum and outside were required to collaborate using a number of mobile tools including an instant text messaging system that allowed communication between stationary computers at the museum and the smartphones outside it. A narrative journey backwards in time relating to the square’s history was supported by animated characters and video clips delivered to the smartphones, thus providing the contextual information that was needed in order to accomplish the challenges in the different missions. In order to assess the result of our efforts, we used several techniques for data collection including questionnaires and interviews with the children, students and teachers, as well as observation protocols and data-stored files. The questionnaires were used mostly to evaluate usability aspects, while the interviews with children, students and teachers were used to evaluate the educational aspects of the trial. The results of our trials indicate that children were open and positive when it comes to using mobile and ubiquitous technologies in everyday learning activities, especially when they can be used in playful ways. Another interesting indication from the analysis of our results is that the context in which the learning activity takes place impacts the way children interpret and deal with information. Our results also indicated that innovative learning activities enhanced by ubiquitous technologies should not be regarded as stand-alone activities, as they should be part of a well-developed educational flow that also is combined with traditional ways of teaching and learning. Kurti, Spikol, and Milrad (2008) provide an elaboration of these results. As mentioned earlier in this chapter, mobile and ubiquitous technologies offer the potential for a new phase in the evolution of technology-enhanced learning, marked by a continuity of the learning experience across different learning contexts. Chan and colleagues (2006) use the term “seamless learning” to describe these new situations. In this section we have presented two examples in which we have implemented seamless learning spaces by augmenting physical spaces with information exchanges as well as using geospatial mappings between the mobile device and the real world that facilitate navigation and context-aware applications.

14.6.3 The Mobile Digital Narrative: Collaborative Narrative Creation with Mobile Phone Technology The mobile Digital Narrative (mobileDN) project (Arnedillo-S´anchez & Tangney, 2006) embodies an approach to support collaborative creativity with mobile


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technologies. It involves the creation, from idea generation to final production, of a collective multimedia DN shot entirely on mobile telephones by a group of distributed learners. The project builds on work in digital filmmaking (DFM) in schools (Burden & Kuechel, 2004) and a functional framework for mobile learning which argues for collaborative, constructionist and contextual applications (Patten, ArnedilloS´anchez, & Tangney, 2006). While DFM facilitates communication, negotiation, decision-making skills (Burn et al., 2001), encourages creativity (Reid, Burn, & Parker, 2002) and draws on students’ out-of-school interest (Parker, 2002), access to technology and time investment hinder its adoption in schools (Arnedillo-S´anchez & Tangney, 2006). Furthermore, technology-dependent activities such as filming and editing, which offer the greatest learning benefits (Becta, 2003), become impractical as a whole group activity (Arnedillo-S´anchez & Tangney, 2006). The mobileDN process was designed and developed iteratively by conducting a series of case studies with 78 users, including teenagers and undergraduates in Ireland and South Africa. It utilizes camera phones, a notebook computer, a conceptmapping tool to scaffold the story creation, a movie editor to assemble the DNs and a portable data projector to enable the collaborative editing process. Our “knapsack lab” provides enormous flexibility in terms of where a mobileDN workshop can take place. After collaborative face-to-face generation of the story, scaffolded by the conceptmapping tool and a facilitator, the learners are divided into three groups: image (in charge of “shooting”), sound (in charge of recording dialogues and sound effects) and editing (in charge of assembling the “film”). With the “script” (concept-map) in hand, the image and sound groups separately go on location, while the editing group stays at the editing station. As the media is being captured this is transferred via MMS to the editors who start editing shortly after the crews arrive on location. When crew and cast are back in the editing station, the first version of the DN is ready for viewing. The initial shooting and editing phase is followed by additional “targeted” shooting and recording as required. Final editing and production take place face-to-face as a whole group activity. Over a period of 2 years 36 DN workshops with over 200 participants, including young children, teachers, teenagers, postgraduate students and researchers, have been conducted. Data collection tools used include video recording, observation and interviews. Data sets comprise the video footage, interviews, the researcher’s journals, the scripts and media assets created by the learners, the DNs at different stages of production and the final DNs. Findings show that the approach tackles issues of access to technology and time investment reported in traditional DFM projects. All the participating groups have been able to create a DN, from idea generation to final production, in approximately 4 hours. The work flow, structure and labour division designed in the mobileDN methodology, together with the affordances of mobile technologies, enable the parallelization of shooting and editing supporting synchronous collaboration. Participants experience the benefits of lengthier DFM processes, and teachers reported that it is practical, hands-on learning. The activity enables rich conversations across contexts as the participants negotiated how the


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images and sounds captured on location could best be assembled together to convey narrative intent. Technical problems include MMS transfer latency and the cumbersome use of multiple disparate applications. We are addressing these by developing a DN application (Arnedillo-S´anchez & Byrne, 2007) (mobile and PC versions) that seamlessly supports the process and automates media management and transfer. Cost issues are being addressed by providing alternative data transfer mechanisms. We propose the mobileDN method as a viable alternative to DFM in schools. The project, alike others that avail of readily available and affordable mobile technology, presents a cost-effective solution that can contribute towards the democratization of technology-enhanced learning experiences.

14.7 Conclusions Ten years of research into mobile learning has revealed no single “killer application” for mobile technology in learning, but has offered promising scenarios such as the use of graphing calculators and handheld response systems in classrooms, the use of PDAs to structure small group working, handheld tools for basic learning including foreign language and numeracy skills, handheld tourist guides and those described in the exemplars. A more general consequence of the research into mobile learning has been an open debate about the nature of learning within and outside the classroom. Focusing on the mobility of learners and learning reveals assumptions and tensions in technology-enhanced learning (TEL). Until now, most research into TEL has assumed that learning occurs in the classroom, mediated by a trained teacher. Even iconoclasts such as Papert saw technology as a means to reform and extend school education (Papert, 1980). Yet, this has implicitly excluded the design of technology for informal and serendipitous learning. One major opportunity is to support a person through a lifetime of learning, providing young children with tools to capture and organize their everyday experiences, to create and share images of their world and to probe and explore their surroundings. As they mature, these “life blogs” can be extended with tools to support personal projects, such as learning languages, sports and hobbies. In old age, they become storehouses of memories and aids to remembering people and events. Such technology is not only a technical challenge (e.g. maintaining and organizing a useful database of experience over a lifetime) but it also raises deep philosophical, social and ethical issues. Will the technology become a seamless extension of human cognition and memory? What experiences will people want to capture, and how will they erase them? What is the legitimate sphere of parents, formal education and the state in managing and assessing children’s mobile learning? Tensions are already arising between the two spheres of traditional context-bound education and informal mobile learning. A future scenario portrays schools being unable, or unwilling, to adapt to the new patterns of learning and social interaction


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outside the classroom and young people seeing school learning as irrelevant to their skills and interests. At the heart of the conflict is the technology. Schools currently ban powerful tools for personal learning and social networking while they struggle to provide computers that deliver an outdated form of didactic teaching. A very different future scenario depicts formal education adapting to the new technologies and opportunities, with children learning how to adapt their social networking practices to the school environment, supported by tools for teamwork and collaborative learning. Schools will save costs by allowing students to bring their own technologies and will gain from building on students’ skills of networked learning. As converged computer/phones become standard consumer products they will bridge the “digital divide” and schools will be able to afford additional devices for children who do not own them. These future scenarios should not be determined solely by commercial or social forces. The mobile learning research community has already played a major role in defining the scope of the field and providing exemplars of successful, and unsuccessful, applications of learning with mobile technology. Kaleidoscope has set an agenda for research into the co-evolution of learning and technology that is not merely a response to the pressures of society, governments and the technology industry, but an attempt to shape a more expansive and inclusive landscape of learning.

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