Mobile learning technologies for sustainability ...

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Mobile learning technologies for sustainability education. Claudio Aguayo, Thom Cochrane & Vickel Narayan. Centre for Learning and Teaching, AUT ...
Mobile learning technologies for sustainability education Claudio Aguayo, Thom Cochrane & Vickel Narayan Centre for Learning and Teaching, AUT

Learning Technologies

Phase I - Determine target community

Lanalhue Lake


Key benefits of mobile learning: ●


(Kukulska-Hulme, Sharples, Milrad, Arnedillo-Sanchez, & Vavoula,

2009; Parsons, 2013; Sharples, 2010)


(Attewell, Savill-Smith, & Douch, 2009; Traxler, 2010; Unterfrauner &

Marschalek, 2010)

Transformation 2010; Puentedura, 2006)

(Lindsay, 2015; Pachler, Bachmair, & Cook,

3 aspects of state of the art mobile learning research:

(1) the ability to use social media and apps to enable new patterns of connected, social, learning and work-based practices (2) design research around the transformative possibilities of mobile learning (3) a focus upon user/learner generated content and contexts. (Cook & Santos, 2016)

An ecology of resources for student-generated mobile AR (Cochrane, Narayan, Antonczak, 2015)

An ecology of resources for student-generated mobile VR


Mobile …… .. .. and the user A quick look:

(ITU, 2016)

Narayan & Herrington, 2014


QUESTIONS? Claudio Aguayo, Thom Cochrane & Vickel Narayan Centre for Learning and Teaching, AUT [email protected]