Jun 28, 2009 - net quit coaches, e.g. the NHS Stop Smoking Service's 'To- .... of results for Maori (the indigenous population of New Zealand) compared with non-Maori ..... Urban A. Mobile television: is it just a hype or a real consumer need?
Mobile phone-based interventions for smoking cessation (Review) Whittaker R, Borland R, Bullen C, Lin RB, McRobbie H, Rodgers A
This is a reprint of a Cochrane review, prepared and maintained by The Cochrane Collaboration and published in The Cochrane Library 2009, Issue 4 http://www.thecochranelibrary.com
Six month programme delivered solely over mobile phone based on programme in Rodgers 2005 but messages adapted for UK population. Participant nominates Quit Date (QD) and receives regular personalised text messages with advice, support and distraction, with a countdown to QD, intensive 4-weeks of 5-6 messages/day then maintenance phase of 1 message/2wks. Messages selected from database matched to participant characteristics. Free month of text messaging from Quit Date. Optional Quit Buddy, and Text Crave (messages on demand). Interactive polls and quizzes. Control: 1 text message/fortnight.
Primary: point prevalence abstinence (no smoking in past 7 days) at 6 weeks post randomization (approximates 4wks post-Quit Date). Secondary: point prevalence abstinence and continuous abstinence (