mobilitas transportasi di wilayah perkotaan brest (prancis) - Digilib ITS

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9. MOBILITY IN URBAN AREAS OF BREST, FRANCE. Nom. : Septanaya. Prenom : I Dewa Made Frendika. Program : Master 2 Amenagement et Urbanisme ...


: Septanaya


: I Dewa Made Frendika

Program : Master 2 Amenagement et Urbanisme Durables, Environnement Jury

: Dr. Lionel PRIGENT Dr. René-Paul DESSE André LAGATHU

Abstract The widespread use of automobiles and low density development pattern in suburban areas has caused a lot of problems for municipalities or local governments. In fact, the phenomenon has been shown some negative impact in terms of economic and environmental issues, such as urban sprawl, air pollution, urban congestion, wasteful use of energy, and many more. Therefore this study aim to be able to shed some brighter solution, especially related matters of transportation system in the case study of "Pays de Brest" in France. The method is based on interviews and two major literature reviews from scientific studies and professional project reports, which discusses about the various alternatives to reduce the use of private vehicle. Finally, the result of synthesis shows that the provision of carpooling and multimodal systems is a rational choice to answer this problem. Despite our solutions will not be enough to answer all the problems. However the project multimodal is an initial step in chain solutions to the mobility problems in suburban areas.

Keywords : Automobiles, Mobility, Peri urban