Winter Conditions – Part 1 – Modal Auxiliaries: Possibility and Prediction. ➢ In
this lesson we will work with this form: subject + modal + verb. ➢ Different things ...
Impact English Language Training and Consulting – Professional Communication Skills - Business English Language Skills – On the web
Exploring Modal Auxiliaries – Winter Weather Conditions Talking about winter weather conditions 1) Possibilities Use these words to talk about possibilities a when during winter weather conditions. can
be going to
Here are some ideas to talk about possibilities. cold slippery get sick
catch a cold dangerous roads snowstorm
difficult to see icy sidewalks icy roads
accident parking space freezing rain
icy windshield be late stuck in traffic
2) Good Ideas and Bad Ideas What are some good ideas for winter weather conditions? What are some bad ideas for winter weather conditions? Use these words to talk about good ideas and bad ideas for winter weather conditions. should
ought to
had better
3) Obligation What do you have to do during winter weather conditions? Use these words to talk about obligations for winter weather conditions. have to
have got to
4) Necessity - What do you need to do during winter weather conditions? Can a necessity be an obligation?