Methods, Theory, and Automotive Engine Applications c 1999 Mattias Nyberg ..... Nearly all subsystems of aircrafts, e.g. aircraft control system, navigation system, and engines .... The following list of definitions is a subset of their list: ⢠Fault.
Link¨ oping Studies in Science and Technology. Dissertations No. 591
Model Based Fault Diagnosis Methods, Theory, and Automotive Engine Applications Mattias Nyberg
Department of Electrical Engineering Link¨ oping University, SE-581 83 Link¨ oping, Sweden Link¨oping 1999
Model Based Fault Diagnosis: Methods, Theory, and Automotive Engine Applications c 1999 Mattias Nyberg
Department of Electrical Engineering, Link¨ oping University, SE–581 83 Link¨ oping, Sweden.
ISBN 91-7219-521-5 ISSN 0345-7524 Printed by Linus & Linnea AB, Link¨oping, Sweden, 1999.
Abstract Model based fault diagnosis is to perform fault diagnosis by means of models. An important question is how to use the models to construct a diagnosis system. To develop a general theory for this, useful in real applications, is the topic of the first part of this thesis. The second part deals with design of linear residual generators and fault detectability analysis. A general framework, for describing and analyzing diagnosis problems, is proposed. Within this framework a diagnosis method structured hypothesis tests is developed. It is based on general hypothesis testing and the task of diagnosis is transferred to the task of validating a set of different models with respect to the measured data. The procedure of deriving the diagnosis statement, i.e. the output from the diagnosis system, is in this method formalized and described by logic. Arbitrary types of faults, including multiple faults, can be handled, both in the general framework and also in the method structured hypothesis tests. It is shown how well known methods for fault diagnosis fit into the general framework. Common methods such as residual generation, parameter estimation, and statistically based methods can be seen as different methods to generate test quantities within the method structured hypothesis tests. Based on the general framework, a method for evaluating and comparing diagnosis systems is developed. Concepts from decision theory and statistics are used to define a performance measure, which reflects the probability of e.g. false alarm and missed detection. Based on the evaluation method, a procedure for automatic design of diagnosis systems is developed. Within the framework, diagnosis systems for the air-intake system of automotive engines are designed. In one case, the procedure for automatic design is used. Also the methods for evaluation of diagnosis systems are applied. The whole design chain is described, including the modeling of the engine. All diagnosis systems are validated in experiments using data from a real engine. This application highlights the strengths of the method structured hypothesis tests, since a large variety of different faults need to be diagnosed. To the authors knowledge, the same problem can not be solved using previous methods. In the second part of the thesis, linear residual generation is investigated by using a notion of polynomial bases for residual generators. It is shown that the order of such a basis doesn’t need to be larger than the system order. Fault detectability, seen as a system property, is investigated. New criterions for fault detectability, and especially strong fault detectability, are given. A new design method, the minimal polynomial basis approach, is presented. This method is capable of generating all residual generators, explicitly those of minimal order. Since the method is based on established theory for polynomial matrices, standard numerically efficient design tools are available. Also, the link to the well known Chow-Willsky scheme is investigated. It is concluded that in its original version, it has not the nice properties of the minimal polynomial basis approach.
Acknowledgments This work has been carried out at the division of Vehicular Systems, Link¨ oping University, with professor Lars Nielsen as supervisor. I would like to thank him for leading me into the area of model based diagnosis, his support, and inspiring discussions. I would also like to thank all staff at Vehicular Systems for creating a positive atmosphere. I would like to thank NUTEK (Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technical Development) for financially supporting this work through the research center ISIS (Information Systems for Industrial Control and Supervision). I’m indebted to SAAB Automobile and Mecel AB for providing experimental equipment and support for the experiments. Especially I would like to thank Thomas Gobl at SAAB Automobile for his engagement in the work. My research colleague Erik Frisk is greatfully acknowledged for many insightful discussions, reading the manuscript, and help with LaTeX. For the experimental part, our research engineer Andrej Perkovic is acknowledged for help with experiments and keeping our lab running. Other people who I have enjoyed fruitful discussions with are Lars Eld´en, Eva Enquist, Fredrik Gustavsson, and Magnus Larsson. Finally I would like to thank my family and Maria for their encouragement and support during the work.
Link¨ oping, May 1999 Mattias Nyberg
Contents Notations
1 Introduction and Overview of Thesis 1.1 Introductory Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.1 Traditional vs Model Based Diagnosis . . . . 1.2 Present Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Present Approaches to Model Based Fault Diagnosis 1.3.1 The “Residual View” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.2 Parameter Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.3 This Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Summary and Contributions of the Thesis . . . . . . 1.4.1 Main Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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2 A General Framework for Fault Diagnosis 13 2.1 Fault Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.1.1 Fault State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.1.2 Component Fault States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.1.3 Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.1.4 Examples of Fault Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.2 Fault Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.2.1 Component Fault-Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.2.2 Single- and Multiple Fault-Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2.2.3 Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2.3 Diagnosis Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.3.1 Forming the Diagnosis Statement by Using a Set Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2.3.2 Forming the Diagnosis Statement by Using a Propositional Logic Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.3.3 Speculative and Conclusive Diagnosis-Systems . . . . . . 33 2.3.4 Formal Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 2.4 Relations Between Fault Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 2.5 Isolability and Detectability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 2.6 Submode Relations between Fault Modes and Isolability . . . . . 40 v
Contents 2.6.1 Refining the Diagnosis Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.A Summary of Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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3 Structured Hypothesis Tests 47 3.1 Fault Diagnosis Using Structured Hypothesis Tests . . . . . . . . 48 3.2 Hypothesis Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 3.2.1 How the Submode Relation Affects the Choice of Null Hypotheses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 3.3 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 3.3.1 Faults Modeled as Deviations of Plant Parameters . . . . 52 3.3.2 Faults Modeled as Arbitrary Fault Signals . . . . . . . . . 53 3.4 Incidence Structure and Decision Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 3.4.1 Incidence Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 3.4.2 Decision Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 3.5 Comparison with Structured Residuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 3.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 4 Design and Evaluation of Hypothesis Tests for Fault Diagnosis 65 4.1 Design of Test Quantities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 4.1.1 Sample Data and Window Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 4.2 The Prediction Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 4.2.1 The Minimization of Vk (θ, x) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 4.2.2 Residual Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 4.3 The Likelihood Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 4.4 The Estimate Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 4.5 Robustness via Normalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 4.5.1 The Estimate Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 4.5.2 The Prediction Principle and Adaptive Thresholds . . . . 81 4.5.3 The Likelihood Principle and the Likelihood Ratio . . . . 83 4.6 Evaluation of Hypothesis Tests Using Statistics and Decision Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 4.6.1 Obtaining the Power Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 4.6.2 Comparing Test Quantities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 4.7 Selecting Parameters of a Hypothesis Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 4.7.1 Selecting Thresholds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 4.7.2 Specifying Hypothesis Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 4.8 A Comparison Between the Prediction Error Principle and the Estimate Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 4.8.1 Studying Power Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 4.8.2 A Theoretical Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 4.8.3 Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 4.9 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Contents 5 Applications to an Automotive Engine 5.1 Experimental Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Model Construction - Fault Free Case . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.1 Model of Air Flow Past the Throttle . . . . . . . . . 5.2.2 Model of Air Flow into Cylinders . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.3 Model Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Modeling Leaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.1 Model of Boost Leaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.2 Model of Manifold Leaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.3 Validation of Leak Flow Models . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Diagnosing Leaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.1 Hypothesis Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.2 A Comparison Between the Prediction Principle and Estimate Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 Comparison of Different Fault Models for Leaks . . . . . . . 5.5.1 Using the Estimate Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5.2 Using the Prediction Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6 Diagnosis of Both Leakage and Sensor Faults . . . . . . . . 5.6.1 Fault Modes Considered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6.2 Specifying the Hypothesis Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6.3 Fault Modeling and Design of Test Quantities . . . . 5.6.4 Decision Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6.5 The Minimization of Vk (x) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6.6 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.7 Experimental Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.7.1 Fault Mode NF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.7.2 Fault Mode TLF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.7.3 Fault Mode ML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.7.4 Fault Mode BB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.8 On-Line Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.8.1 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.9 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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6 Evaluation and Automatic Design of Diagnosis Systems 6.1 Evaluation of Diagnosis Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.1 Defining a Loss Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.2 Calculating the Risk Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.3 Expressing Events with Propositional Logic . . . . . . 6.1.4 Calculating Probability Bounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.5 Some Bounds for P (F A), P (ID), and P (M IM ) . . . 6.1.6 Calculating Bounds of the Risk Function . . . . . . . 6.2 Finding the “Best” Diagnosis System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.1 Comparing Decision Rules (Diagnosis Systems) . . . . 6.2.2 Choosing Diagnosis System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 A Procedure for Automatic Design of Diagnosis Systems . . . 6.3.1 Generating a Good Initial Set C of Diagnosis Systems
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Contents 6.3.2 Summary of the procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.3 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4 Application to an Automotive Engine . . . . . . . . . . 6.4.1 Experimental Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4.2 Model Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4.3 Fault Modes Considered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4.4 Construction of the Hypothesis Test Candidates 6.4.5 Applying the Procedure for Automatic Design . 6.4.6 Confirmation of the Design . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.A Estimation of Engine Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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7 Linear Residual Generation 183 7.1 Problem Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 7.1.1 The Linear Decoupling Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 7.1.2 Parity Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 7.2 The Minimal Polynomial Basis Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 7.2.1 Basic Idea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 7.2.2 Methods to find a Minimal Polynomial Basis to NL (M (s)) 191 7.2.3 Finding a Minimal Polynomial Basis for the null-space of a General Polynomial Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 7.2.4 Relation to Frequency Domain Approaches . . . . . . . . 202 7.3 Maximum Row-Degree of the Basis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 7.4 The Chow-Willsky Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 7.4.1 The Chow-Willsky Scheme Version I: the Original Solution 207 7.4.2 The Original Chow-Willsky Scheme is Not Universal . . . 209 7.4.3 Chow-Willsky Scheme Version II: a Universal Solution . . 210 7.4.4 Chow-Willsky Scheme Version III: a Minimal Solution . . 212 7.5 Connection Between the Minimal Polynomial Basis Approach and the Chow-Willsky Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 7.5.1 Chow-Willsky Scheme Version IV: a Polynomial Basis Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 7.5.2 Numerical Properties of the Chow-Willsky Scheme . . . . 222 7.6 Design Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 7.6.1 Decoupling of the Disturbance in the Elevator Angle Actuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 7.7 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 7.A Proof of Lemma 7.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 7.B Linear Systems Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 7.B.1 Properties of Polynomial Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 7.B.2 Properties of Polynomial Bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 8 Criterions for Fault Detectability in Linear Systems 8.1 Fault Detectability and Strong Fault Detectability . . . . . . . . 8.2 Detectability Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.1 The Intuitive Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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8.2.2 The “Frequency Domain” Approach . . . 8.2.3 Using the System Matrix . . . . . . . . . 8.2.4 Using the Chow-Willsky Scheme . . . . . 8.2.5 Necessary Condition Based on Dimensions Strong Detectability Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3.1 The Intuitive Approach . . . . . . . . . . 8.3.2 The “Frequency Domain” Approach . . . 8.3.3 Using the System Matrix . . . . . . . . . 8.3.4 Using the Chow-Willsky Scheme . . . . . Discussions and Comparisons . . . . . . . . . . . Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Some Notations Used Θ Θγ θ Di i Dψ θi θγ M(θ) Mγ (θ) = Mγ (θγ )
set of all fault states fault state space for fault mode γ fault state fault state space of component i fault state space of component i and component fault-mode ψ fault state of component i free fault state parameter for fault mode γ complete system model system model for fault mode γ
Chapter 1
Introduction and Overview of Thesis Model based fault diagnosis is to perform fault diagnosis by means of models. An important question is how to use the models to construct a diagnosis system. To develop a theory for this, useful for real applications, is the topic of the first part of this thesis. The second part deals with design of linear residual generators and fault detectability analysis. This chapter starts by, in Section 1.1, giving an introductory background and a general motivation to the field of fault diagnosis. In Section 1.2, some fundamental definitions are reviewed. Then Section 1.3 contains an overview and some criticism to some present approaches to fault diagnosis. Finally, Section 1.4 summarizes the thesis and gives the main contributions.
Introductory Background
From a general perspective, including for example medical and technical applications, fault diagnosis can be explained as follows. For a process there are observed variables or behavior for which there are knowledge of what is expected or normal. The task of fault diagnosis is to, from the observations and the knowledge, generate a diagnosis statement, i.e. to decide whether there is a fault or not and also to identify the fault. Thus the basic problems in the area of fault diagnosis is how the procedure for generating the diagnosis statement should look like, what parameters or behavior that are relevant to study, and how to derive and represent the knowledge of what is expected or normal. This thesis focuses on diagnosis of technical systems, and typical faults considered are for example sensor faults and actuator faults. The observations are mainly output signals obtained from the sensors, but can also be observations made by a human, such as level of noise and vibrations. The knowledge of what is expected or normal, is derived from commanded inputs together with models 1
Chapter 1. Introduction and Overview of Thesis
of the system. The term model based fault diagnosis refers to the fact that the knowledge of what is expected or normal, is represented in an explicit model of the system. The type of models considered is mainly differential equations. Model based diagnosis of technical systems has gained much industrial interest lately. The reason is that it has possibilities to improve for example safety, environment protection, machine protection, availability, and repairability. Some important applications that have been discussed in the literature are: • Nearly all subsystems of aircrafts, e.g. aircraft control system, navigation system, and engines • Emission control systems in automotive vehicles • Nuclear power plants • Chemical plants • Gas turbines • Industrial robots • Electrical motors Manual diagnosis of technical systems has been performed as long as technical systems have existed, but automatic diagnosis started to appear first when computers became available. In the beginning of the 70’s, the first research reports on model based diagnosis were published. Some of the earliest areas, that were investigated, were chemical plants and aerospace applications. The research on model based diagnosis has since then been intensified during both the 80’s and the 90’s. Today, this is still an expansive research area with many unsolved questions. Some references to books in the area are (Patton, Frank and Clark, 1989; Basseville and Nikiforov, 1993; Gertler, 1998; Chen and Patton, 1999). Up to now, numerous methods for doing diagnosis have been published, but many approaches are more ad hoc than systematic. It is fair to say that few general theories exist, and a complete understanding of the relations between different methods has been missing. This is reflected in that few books exists and the fact that no general terminology has yet been widely accepted. However the importance of diagnosis is unquestioned. This can be exemplified by the computerized management systems for automotive engines. For these system, as much as 50% of the software is dedicated to diagnosis. The other 50% is for example for control.
Traditional vs Model Based Diagnosis
Traditionally diagnosis has been performed by mainly limit checking. When for example a sensor signal level leaves its normal range, an alarm is generated. The
Section 1.1. Introductory Background
normal range is predefined by using thresholds. This normal range can be dependent on the operating conditions. In for example an aircraft, the thresholds, for different operating points defined by altitude and speed, can be stored in a table. This use of thresholds as functions of some other variables, can actually be viewed as a kind of model based diagnosis. Another traditional approach is duplication (or triplication or more) of hardware. This is usually called hardware redundancy and the typical example is to use redundant sensors. There are at least three problems associated with the use of hardware redundancy: hardware is expensive, it requires space, and adds weight to the system. In addition, extra components increase the complexity of the system which in turn may introduce extra diagnostic requirements. Model Based Fault Diagnosis Increased usage of explicit models in fault diagnosis has a large potential to have the following advantages: • Higher diagnosis performance can be obtained, for example smaller and also more types faults can be detected and the detection time is shorter. • Diagnosis can be performed over a larger operating range. • Diagnosis can be performed passively without disturbing the operation of the process. • Increased possibilities to perform isolation. • Disturbances can be compensated for, which implies that high diagnosis performance can be obtained in spite of the presence of disturbances. • Reliance on hardware redundancy can be reduced, which means that cost and weight can be reduced. The model can be of any type, from logic based models to differential equations. Depending on the type of model, different approaches to model based diagnosis can be used, for example statistical approaches, AI-based approaches, or approaches within the framework of control theory. It is sometimes believed that model based diagnosis is very complex. This is not true since for example traditional limit checking is also a kind of model based diagnosis. The disadvantage of model based diagnosis is quite naturally the need for a reliable model and possibly a more complex design procedure. In the actual design of a model based diagnosis system, it is likely that the major part of the work is spent on building the model. This model can however be reused, e.g. in control design. Someone may argue that an disadvantage of increasing the usage of models is that more computing power is needed to perform the diagnosis. However, this conclusion is not fair. Actually, for the same level of performance it can be the case that an increased used models is less computationally intensive than traditional approaches.
Chapter 1. Introduction and Overview of Thesis
The accuracy of the model is usually the major limiting factor of the performance of a model based diagnosis system. Compared to the area of model based control, the quality of the model is much more important in diagnosis. The reason for is that the feedback, used in closed-loop control, tends to be forgiving against model errors. Diagnosis should be compared to open-loop control since no feedback is involved. All model errors propagates through the diagnosis system and degrades the diagnosis performance. throttle
air mass-flow manifold pressure
engine speed
Figure 1.1: A principle illustration of an SI-engine. Following is an example of a successful industrial application of model based diagnosis. Example 1.1 Consider Figure 1.1, containing a principle illustration of a spark-ignited combustion engine. The air enters at the left side, passes the throttle and the manifold, and finally enters the cylinders. The engine in the figure have three sensors measuring the physical variables air mass-flow, manifold pressure, and engine speed. The air flow m ˙ into the cylinders can be modeled as a function of manifold pressure p and engine speed n, i.e. m ˙ = g(p, n). The physics behind the function g is involved and it is therefore usually modeled by a black-box model. In engine management systems, one common solution is to represent the function g as a lookup-table. So by using this lookup-table an estimation of the air mass-flow can be obtained. When the measured air mass-flow significantly differs from the estimation, it can be concluded that a fault must be present somewhere in the engine. The fault can for example be that one of the three sensors are faulty or that a leakage have occured somewhere between the air mass-flow sensor and the cylinder. This is an example of model based diagnosis that is commonly used in production cars today.
Section 1.2. Present Definitions
Present Definitions
As a step towards a unified terminology, the IFAC Technical Committee SAFEPROCESS has suggested preliminary definitions of some terms in the field of fault diagnosis. Some of these definitions are given here as a way to introduce the field. Another reason is that most of these terms will be given a more formal definition later in this theses. The following list of definitions is a subset of their list: • Fault Unpermitted deviation of at least one characteristic property or variable of the system from acceptable/usual/standard behavior. • Failure Permanent interruption of a systems ability to perform a required function under specified operating conditions. • Fault Detection Determination of faults present in a system and time of detection. • Fault Isolation Determination of kind, location, and time of detection of a fault. Follows fault detection. • Fault Identification Determination of the size and time-variant behavior of a fault. Follows fault isolation. • Fault Diagnosis Determination of kind, size, location, and time of detection of a fault. Follows fault detection. Includes fault isolation and identification. For the definition of the term fault diagnosis, one slightly different definition also exists in the literature. This definition can be found in for example (Gertler, 1991) and says that fault diagnosis also includes fault detection. This is also the view taken in this thesis. If fault detection is excluded from the term diagnosis, as in the SAFEPROCESS, one gets a problem of finding a word describing the whole area. This has partly been solved by introducing the abbreviation FDI (Fault Detection and Isolation), which is common in many papers. In this context, it is also interesting to see how a general dictionary defines the word diagnosis. The following information can be found in the Webster Dictionary: diagnosis Etymology: New Latin, from Greek diagnOsis, from diagignOskein to distinguish, from dia- + gignOskein to know Date: circa 1681 1 a : the art or act of identifying a disease from its signs and symptoms b : the decision reached by diagnosis
Chapter 1. Introduction and Overview of Thesis 2 a : investigation or analysis of the cause or nature of a condition, situation, or problem b : a statement or conclusion from such an analysis
Present Approaches to Model Based Fault Diagnosis
This section is included because of two reasons. The first is to point out some problems with present approaches to fault diagnosis. The first part of the thesis is then devoted to present a new approach in which these problems are avoided. The second reason is to give newcomers to the field of fault diagnosis a short background to some of the approaches present in literature. By reading recent books (Gertler, 1998; Chen and Patton, 1999) about fault diagnosis of technical processes, or survey papers (Patton, 1994; Gertler, 1991; Frank, 1993; Isermann, 1993), one can come to the conclusion that the two most common systematic approaches to fault diagnosis is to use a “residual view” or parameter estimation. Below these two approaches are presented shortly.
Residual r2(t) Generator
Residual Evaluation
Residual r1(t) Generator
Residual rn(t) Generator
Diagnosis Statement
Diagnosis System Figure 1.2: A diagnosis system based on the “residual view”.
Section 1.3. Present Approaches to Model Based Fault Diagnosis
The “Residual View”
With this approach, faults are modeled by signals f (t). Central is the residual r(t) which is a scalar or vector signal that is 0 or small in the fault free case, i.e. f (t) = 0, and is 6= 0 when a fault occurs, i.e. f (t) 6= 0. The diagnosis system is then separated into two parts: residual generation and residual evaluation. This view of how to design diagnosis system is well established among fault diagnosis researchers. This is emphasized by the following quotation from the most recent book (Chen and Patton, 1999) in the field: ”Chow and Willsky (1984) first defined the model-based FDI as a two-stages process: (1) residual generation, (2) decision making (including residual evaluation). This two-stages process is accepted as a standard procedure for model-based FDI nowadays.” Almost equally well established is the following way of constructing the residual evaluation (also called decision logic) procedure. The method is often called structured residuals and is primarily an isolation method. A diagnosis system using structured residuals can be illustrated as in Figure 1.2. In this method, the first step of the residual evaluation is essentially to check if each residual is responding to the fault or not, often achieved via simple thresholding. By using residuals that are sensitive to different subsets of faults, isolation can be achieved. What residuals that are sensitive to what faults is often illustrated with a residual structure. An example of a residual structure is r1 r2 r3
f1 0 0 1
f2 1 1 0
f3 0 1 1
The 1:s indicates which residuals that are sensitive to each fault. For this residual structure, assume for example that residuals r2 and r3 are responding, and r1 is not. Then the conclusion is that fault f3 has occured. A large part of all fault-diagnosis research has been to find methods to design residual generators. Of this large part, most results are concerned with linear systems. A limitation with this approach to fault diagnosis is that faults are modeled as signals. This is very general and might therefore seem to be a good solution. However, the generality of this fault model is actually its drawback. Many faults can be modeled by less general models, and we will see in this thesis that to facilitate isolation this is necessary in many situations. Another limitation is that the residual structure, with its 0:s and 1:s, places quite strong requirements on the residual generators. A 1 more or less means that the corresponding residual must respond to the fault. It can be understood that for small faults in real systems, with noise and model uncertainties present, this requirement is often violated. A third limitation, related to the the previous limitation, is that the decision procedure, of how the diagnosis statement is formed from the real-valued
Chapter 1. Introduction and Overview of Thesis
residuals, does not have a solid theoretical motivation. For example, in the context of deciding the diagnosis statement, what are the meanings of the 0:s and the 1:s, and what does it mean that a residual is above the threshold? It would be desirable to use a decision procedure for which we can find an intuitive formalism based on existing well-established theory, preferably mathematics if possible.
Parameter Estimation
The other main approach to model-based fault-diagnosis is to model faults as deviations in constant parameters. To illustrate the concept, consider a system with a model M(θ), where θ is a parameter having the nominal (i.e. fault-free) value θ0 . By using general parameter estimation techniques, an estimate θˆ can be formed and then compared to θ0 . If θˆ deviates to much from θ0 , then the conclusion is that a fault has occured. The most severe limitation with this approach is its quite restricted way of modeling faults. To model many realistic faults, more general fault models must be used. Another limitation is that when the number of diagnosed faults grow, the parameter vector θ grows in dimension. This is a serious problem because the computations needed to calculate θˆ can become quite difficult.
This Thesis
The first part of this thesis, i.e. Chapter 2 to 4, suggests a new approach to fault diagnosis. This approach does not have the limitations indicated above. Also, it includes both structured residuals and the parameter estimation approach as special cases.
Summary and Contributions of the Thesis
The summaries of the different chapters, given below, indicate the scope of the thesis and also give an idea of the contributions. In addition, a summary of the main contributions is included in the end of this section. Chapter 2: A General Framework for Fault Diagnosis In this chapter a new framework for describing and analyzing diagnosis problem is presented. The presentation is formal, and often used terms like “fault”, “isolation”, and “detectability” are defined. A connection to diagnosis based on logic (AI), is indicated. In contrast to previous existing frameworks, e.g. the residual view, arbitrary fault models can be handled. Also multiple faults are naturally integrated so that no special treatment is needed. A diagnosis-system architecture, based on basic ideas from decision theory and propositional logic, is presented. We
Section 1.4. Summary and Contributions of the Thesis
introduce the idea that the output from a diagnosis system can be several possible faults. Finally, results that relates fault modeling with detectability and isolability properties, are developed.
Chapter 3: Structured Hypothesis Tests The general diagnosis-system architecture presented in the previous chapter is refined to the isolation method structured hypothesis tests. It is based on general hypothesis testing and uses the general framework developed in Chapter 2. The task of diagnosis is transferred to the task of validating a set of different models with respect to the measured data. A main advantage with this method is that it can handle arbitrary types of faults. As a way to describe the structure of the diagnosis system we use an incidence structure and a decision structure. Also the relation to the method structured residuals is investigated.
Chapter 4: Design and Evaluation of Hypothesis Tests for Fault Diagnosis This chapter discusses how to design hypothesis tests to be used with the method structured hypothesis tests. Three principles are described: the prediction, the likelihood, and the estimate principle. These three principles should be sufficient to solve most diagnosis problems. In this chapter we see how well known methods for fault diagnosis fit in the general framework from Chapter 2 and structured hypothesis tests. This also clarifies conceptual links between different approaches to fault diagnosis, e.g. the connection between residual generation, parameter estimation, and a statistically based method for detection of abrupt changes. The importance of normalization is emphasized. Two special cases of this is adaptive thresholds and the likelihood ratio test. Also discussed is how to evaluate hypothesis tests and for this, tools from statistics and decision theory are used. The evaluation scheme developed is applied to compare the estimate principle and the prediction principle, and it is concluded that the former has some optimality properties.
Chapter 5: Applications to an Automotive Engine The methods and the theory developed in the previous chapters are applied to an automotive engine. Test quantities and diagnosis systems are designed and analyzed. The whole design chain is covered including the modeling of the engine. The results are validated in experiments using data from a real engine. The diagnosis system constructed highlights the strengths of the method structured hypothesis tests, since a large variety of different faults can be handled. To the authors knowledge, the same problem can not be solved using previous methods.
Chapter 1. Introduction and Overview of Thesis
Chapter 6: Evaluation and Automatic Design of Diagnosis Systems Based on decision theory, a method for evaluating and comparing diagnosis system is developed. Probability measures, such as probabilities of false alarm and missed detection, are used. One key result is the method to evaluate the performance of a complete diagnosis system by using probability measures of individual hypothesis tests. Based on the evaluation method developed, a procedure for automatic design of diagnosis systems is proposed. The procedure is applied to a real automotive engine. The diagnosis system obtained is validated using experimental data from the engine and the results show both that the procedure is working and also that the evaluation method is sound. Chapter 7: Linear Residual Generation Design of linear residual generators, which is a special case of the prediction principle, is considered. A new method, the minimal polynomial basis approach has been developed in a joint work with Erik Frisk. This method is capable of generating all residual generators, explicitly those of minimal McMillan order. Since the method is based on established theory for polynomial matrices, standard numerically efficient design tools are available. Also the well known Chow-Willsky scheme is investigated and it is concluded that in its original version, it has not the nice properties of the minimal polynomial basis approach. However, the Chow-Willsky scheme is modified so that it algebraically, although not numerically, becomes equivalent to the minimal polynomial basis approach. The order of linear residual generators is investigated and it is concluded that to generate a basis, for all residual generators, it is sufficient to consider orders up to the system order. This result is new since previous related results only deal with the existence of residual generators and also only for some restricted cases. Chapter 8: Criterions for Fault Detectability in Linear Systems This chapter refines the general concepts of fault detectability from Chapter 2 to linear systems. The notion of bases, from the previous chapter, is used to investigate fault detectability seen as a system property, i.e. if there exists any residual generator in which a fault is detectable. New criterions for fault detectability and especially strong fault detectability are developed.
Main Contributions
• The general framework, for describing arbitrary faults, and describing and analyzing diagnosis problems, presented in Chapter 2. • The diagnosis method structured hypothesis tests presented in Chapter 3.
Section 1.5. Publications
• The methods to evaluate and compare diagnosis systems, presented in Chapter 4 and 6. • Demonstration of the feasibility of the evaluation and design methods in real applications, presented in Chapter 5. • The method to design linear residual generators, the minimal polynomial basis approach, presented in Chapter 7. • The criterions for fault detectability and strong fault detectability in linear systems, presented in Chapter 8.
In the research work, leading to this thesis, the author has published the following conference and journal papers: • Nyberg M. and Nielsen L. (1997), Model Based Diagnosis for the Air Intake System of the SI-Engine, SAE 1997 Transactions: Journal of Commercial Vehicles. • Nyberg M. and Nielsen L. (1997), Design of a Complete FDI System based on a Performance Index With Application to an Automotive Engine, IFAC Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes, Hull, United Kingdom, pp 812-817. • Frisk M., Nyberg M. and Nielsen L. (1997), FDI with adaptive residual generation applied to a DC-servo, IFAC Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes, Hull, United Kingdom, pp 438-443. • Nyberg M. and Nielsen L. (1997), Parity Functions as Universal Residual Generators and Tool for Fault Detectability Analysis, IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, San Diego, California, pp 4483-4489. • Nyberg M. and Perkovic A. (1998), Model Based Diagnosis of Leaks in the Air-Intake System of an SI-Engine, SAE Paper 980514. • Nyberg M. (1998), SI-Engine Air-Intake System Diagnosis by Automatic FDI-Design, IFAC Workshop Advances in Automotive Control, Columbus, Ohio, pp 225-230. • Nyberg M. (1999), Model Based Diagnosis of Both Sensor-Faults and Leakage in the Air-Intake System of an SI-Engine, SAE Paper 1999-010860. • Nyberg M. and Frisk E. (1999), A Minimal Polynomial Basis Solution to Residual Generation for Fault Diagnosis in Linear Systems, IFAC, Beijing, China.
Chapter 1. Introduction and Overview of Thesis • Nyberg M. and Nielsen L. (2000), A Universal Chow-Willsky Scheme and Detectability Criteria, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control. • Nyberg M. (1999), Framework and Method for Model Based Diagnosis with Application to an Automotive Engine, ECC, Karlsruhe, Germany. • Frisk E. and Nyberg M. (1999) Using Minimal Polynomial Bases for Fault Diagnosis, ECC, Karlsruhe, Germany. • Nyberg M. (1999 or 2000), Automatic Design of Diagnosis Systems with Application to an Automotive Engine, accepted for publication in Control Engineering Practice.
Chapter 2
A General Framework for Fault Diagnosis The author’s experience and also other people’s experience, e.g. Bøgh (1997), is that ad-hoc approaches to fault diagnosis give equally good or even better performance than present systematic approaches. One reason is that present approaches are too limited to special cases. For example, there is a large amount of systematic methods that are designed for linear systems. The problem is that almost no real systems are linear enough so that these methods often result in bad performance. Previous attempts to introduce systematics have very much focused on systematic methods to design residual generators1. However, of all parts in a design chain, it is not sure that residual generation is the right thing to systematize. The reason is that systematic methods for residual generation tend to be either not general enough, so that they are not applicable to the specific application at hand, or too general, so that they can not utilize the special structure of each application. One further reason is that for many cases, residual generator design is actually not very difficult, and engineering intuition can often take us far. Instead of focusing on systemization of the residual generation, the approach in the following three chapters is to systematize other parts of the design, e.g. the architecture of the diagnosis system, and leaves the details of the residual generator design to the engineer. However, we will give some general principles also for the residual generation part. The underlying philosophy of all this is that the engineer should do what he or she makes best, which is probably the residual generation, and the rest should be left to the design method. The goal has been to find a systematic approach that can utilize ad-hoc design of residual generators at the maximum. In this way, design solutions that have been previously considered to be ad1 We use the term residual generator here in a quite broad meaning. This is because many readers have a quite good understanding of this term. However after this introductory section, we will switch to a more general terminology and residual generator will only be used for some specific cases.
Chapter 2. A General Framework for Fault Diagnosis
hoc becomes part of a systematic method. Also previous methods that have been considered to be systematic, e.g. structured residuals, statistical methods, parameter estimation, are naturally included. Although systematic, many previous diagnosis approaches are not based on any theoretical framework, as was exemplified in Section 1.3. On the contrary the approach suggested here is theoretically grounded in hypothesis testing (seen from either a statistical or decision theoretic standpoint) and to some extent also in propositional logic. Since many previous diagnosis methods are part of this framework, it also serves as a theoretical motivation to the methods that were previously not theoretically grounded. The approach presented is also strongly connected to how human beings would reason when performing diagnosis. As said above, the description of this approach is distributed in the following three chapters. We start in this chapter by giving a general framework in which diagnosis problems can be described in a formalized and abstract manner. We will throughout this chapter, and also the following, not be restricted to any special types of faults and also, no restriction will be made regarding the multiplicity of faults. This is in contrast to almost all other works in which it is common that only one specific type of fault is considered and also only single faults. In fact the presented framework is valid for any arbitrary faults in any multiplicity. Why is there a need for a general framework for fault diagnosis? One motivation is that in many situations we need to design diagnosis systems capable of diagnosing several different types of faults at the same time. One example of this is the automotive engine application investigated in Chapter 5. Another motivation is that, if we find design or analysis methods that can be described in terms of a general framework, then they are automatically valid for a large class of diagnosis problems. An example of such a design method is the structured hypothesis tests given in Chapter 3, and an example of such an analysis method is the method for diagnosis-system evaluation given in Chapter 6. The first part of this chapter, i.e. Section 2.1, discusses fault modeling and then, in Section 2.2, the notion of fault modes will be introduced. Then a general architecture for a diagnosis system is given in Section 2.3. Section 2.4 defines a submode relation between fault modes and Section 2.5 contains definitions of isolability and detectability. Finally, Section 2.6 discusses what implications the submode relation has on isolability and detectability. All the formalism introduced in this chapter will be used in the next two chapters to describe more precise methods that can be used to perform diagnosis. Note that all notations introduced are summarized in the beginning of this thesis (and also in Appendix 2.A).
Fault Modeling
For constructing a model-based diagnosis system, a model of the system is needed. This model is the formal representation of the knowledge of possible faults and how they influence the process. In general, better models implies
Section 2.1. Fault Modeling
better diagnosis performance, e.g. smaller faults can be detected and more different types of faults can be isolated. We will in this section describe a general framework for fault modeling. In this framework, practically all existing fault modeling techniques fit in naturally. u(t)
G(θG , φG )
z(t, θz , φz )
- y(t)
Figure 2.1: A general system model, linear or non-linear.
Fault State
The system model considered is illustrated in Figure 2.1. The model consists of a plant G(θG , φG ) and the vector valued signal z(t, θz , φz ). The parameters θG and θz describe faults and the parameters φG and φz describe disturbances. The plant is modeled as an arbitrary system G(θG , φG ) described by differential equations. It has known inputs u(t), e.g. control signals, and measurable outputs y(t). In addition, the plant can be affected by other signals, which are collected in z(t, θz , φz ). These additional signals are assumed to be unknown or at least partially unknown. Some of the signals z(t, θz , φz ) may be modeled as stochastic processes. Note that the plant G(θG , φG ) is considered to be completely deterministic, and thus all stochastic parts of a model are collected in the signal z(t, θz , φz ). Except for this, there are cases in which a part of a model can be included in either G(θG , φG ) or z(t, θz , φz ). In such cases it is up to the user to decide what is most natural for the given application. The constant parameter vector θG represents the true but unknown fault situation of the plant G(θG , φG ). The constant parameter vector θz represents the true but unknown fault situation of the signal z(t, θz , φz ). The parameter vector θ = [θG θz ] is called the fault state and represents the fault situation of the complete system. One or possibly several fault states always corresponds to the fault-free case. The fault state space, i.e. the parameter space of θ, will be denoted Θ. Note that we have chosen the convention that θ is not dependent on time which corresponds to an assumption that the fault state of the system never changes. Even though this may seem to be a limitation, this is not the case as we will see later. We will be quite liberal regarding the definition of the parameter vector θ, e.g. we will allow elements that are functions. Corresponding to θ there is the constant parameter vector φ = [φG φz ], which represents disturbances affecting the system. However, this thesis will mostly not be focused on handling of disturbances. Therefore, the parameter φ will often be neglected and the system model then consists of G(θG ) and z(t, θG ).
Chapter 2. A General Framework for Fault Diagnosis
Example 2.1 Consider a model of an amplifier: y(t) = gu(t) + v(t)
v(t) ∼ N (0, σ)
where u(t) is the input, y(t) the output, g the amplifying gain, and v(t) is a noise signal with variance σ 2 . This means that the signal z(t, θz ) in the general model here corresponds to v(t) and the parameters θG and θz are: θG =g θz =σ Then the fault-free case can for example be assumed to correspond to the fault state θ = [g σ] = [10 0.01] and any deviation of θ from this fault state may be considered to be a fault.
Component Fault States
Besides to separate a system model into a plant G(θG ) and a signal z(t, θz ), it is natural to also separate a system into a number of components. For each of these components, a number of faults may occur. Parts of the system that are not directly affected by any fault are not considered to be components. Each component i has a, possibly vector-valued, parameter θi which determines the exact fault state (which can be no fault) of the component. Assume that there is a total number of p components. Then the fault state θ of the whole system can be written θ = [θ1 , . . . θp ] The parameter space of θi is denoted Di . Then parameter space Θ becomes Θ = D1 × · · · × Dp
As was said above, the model consists of G(θG ) and z(t, θz ) (with φG and φz neglected). The whole system model will be denoted M(θ) and thus M(θ) = hG(θG ), z(t, θz )i The model M(θ) with a fixed value of θ then exactly specifies the system when a specific fault (or no fault) is present.
Section 2.1. Fault Modeling
Example 2.2 Consider a system described by the following equations: x˙ =f (x, u)
y1 =h1 (x) + b1 y2 =h2 (x) + b2
(2.1b) (2.1c)
b1 ≥0 b2 ≥0
(2.1d) (2.1e)
The constants b1 and b2 represents sensor bias faults and it is assumed that only positive biases can occur. The system can be considered to have two components: sensor 1 and sensor 2. Then θ1 = b1 and θ2 = b2 . The corresponding fault-state spaces D1 and D2 are D1 = [0, ∞[ and D2 = [0, ∞[ respectively. This means that θ = [θ1 θ2 ] = [b1 b2 ] and the fault-state space Θ becomes Θ = D1 × D2 = {[b1 b2 ]; b1 ≥ 0, b2 ≥ 0}
Examples of Fault Models
We will in this section give some examples of common fault modeling principles, and see how they fit into the framework of this thesis. However, in a real application one should not be limited to the examples given here, but instead always choose the fault model that is “best suited” for the particular application, e.g. in terms of performance and computing power available. In practice only the fantasy sets the limit of what fault models that can be considered. Fault Signals Commonly faults are modeled as unrestricted arbitrary fault signals, e.g. (Gertler, 1998)(Chen and Patton, 1999). When fault signals are used, a specific fault is usually modeled as a scalar fault signal. Fault modeling by signals is very general and can describe all types of faults. However, as we will see later in this thesis, to use fault models that are too general may imply that it becomes impossible to isolate different faults. Faults that are traditionally modeled as signals, are possible to describe also in the framework described above, where faults are described by the fault state parameter. To illustrate this, consider a general nonlinear system modeled as x(t) ˙ = g x(t), u(t), f (t) y(t) = h x(t), u(t), f (t) The signal f (t) here represents an arbitrary fault that can for example be an actuator fault or a sensor fault. There are several possibilities to include the fault signal f (t) in the general framework:
Chapter 2. A General Framework for Fault Diagnosis 1. The fault signal is seen as a parameter of the plant, i.e. θG = f (t). Note that θG is still constant and its value is the whole signal f (t). If discrete time and finite data is considered, then θG becomes a vector θG = [f (t1 ) . . . f (tn )]. 2. The fault signal is seen as an unknown input and z(t, θz ) is chosen as z(t) = f (t). 3. The fault signal is seen as an unknown input z(t, θz ) where θz = f (t) and then z(t, θz ) = θz . Note again that θz is constant. 4. The fault signal is seen as an unknown input and z(t, θz ) is chosen as z(t) = θz f (t). The parameter θz can be binary (0 or 1), indicating only the presence of the fault, or real-valued, indicating the amplitude of the fault.
Remember that we want to describe the fault situation of the system with the fault state θ and that each possible fault corresponds to a point in the fault state space Θ. These desires can be met by using the first, third, or fourth alternative above, but the not the second. It is also possible to include some more restrictions on the fault state parameter θ. An example of a natural restriction is that the value of a fault signal f (t) is limited in range. Another example is that the bandwidth of f (t) is limited to some value. In general it is advantageous to include restrictions into the fault models. The reason is that the isolation task get easier the more restrictive fault models we have. Constant Plant Parameters Another very common fault model is to model faults as deviations of constant plant parameters from their nominal value, e.g. (Isermann, 1993). It is obvious that such faults can in the general framework be modeled by the parameter θG . Faults that are typically modeled in this way are “gain-errors” and “off-sets” (“biases”). Fault modeling by constant plant parameters is exemplified in Example 2.1 where the parameter g is 10 in the nominal case and a fault is represented as a deviation from this nominal value. Another example is the parameters b1 and b2 in Example 2.2. Also for this fault modeling principle, it is possible to include some restrictions on the fault state parameter θ. For example the size of a bias or a gain-error is usually limited by the system. Constant Signal Parameters In some cases, it is appropriate to model a fault as a deviation of a constant signal parameter from its nominal value. A typical example is a signal whose variance is constant and low in the fault-free case, and when a fault is present the variance is also constant but higher. These faults can in the general framework be modeled by the parameter θz .
Section 2.1. Fault Modeling
fault amplitude/size
0 0
5 time [s]
Figure 2.2: Some different types of time-variant behavior of faults. Abrupt Changes A quite common fault model is to consider abrupt changes of variables, e.g. see (Basseville and Nikiforov, 1993). This is illustrated in Figure 2.2 as the solid line. It is assumed that a variable or signal has a constant value θ0 before an unknown change-time tch and then jumps to a new constant value θ1 . The parameters θ0 and θ1 can be unknown or known. The abrupt change model fit into the general framework by letting either θG or θz contain the three parameters θ0 , θ1 , and tch . Example 2.3 Consider an electrical connector. One possible fault is a sudden “connection cut-off” at time tch . A model for this fault mode is ys (t) = (1 − c(t))x(t) where
( θ0 = 0 c(t) = θ1 = 1
t < tch t ≥ tch
That is, the fault model is based on an abrupt change in the signal c(t). Since the levels θ0 and θ1 are known at beforehand, this fault can be described by the single parameter tch , i.e. θG = tch .
Note that the abrupt change model can also be used to model any abrupt change, and not only changes of the level of an signal. For example, we can assume that the derivative or the variance of a signal changes abruptly.
Chapter 2. A General Framework for Fault Diagnosis
Incipient Faults In some sense, the opposite of abrupt changes is incipient faults. Incipient faults are faults that gradually develops from no fault to a larger and larger fault. This is illustrated in Figure 2.2 as the dash-dotted line. An incipient fault could for example be a slow degradation of a component or developing calibration errors of a sensor. Modeling of incipient faults are exemplified in the two following examples: Example 2.4 Let c(t) represent the “size” of the fault. If the fault is incipient, then c(t) becomes ( 0 t < tch c(t) = g(t − tch ) t ≥ tch Then the fault state could be θ = [tch g]. This fault model can in fact be seen as special case of the abrupt change model. Example 2.5 Consider a limited time window and assume that during this time window, either the no fault case is present or that an incipient fault has already started to develop, i.e. the starting-point is actually outside the range of the window. Then an appropriate fault model would be c(t) = c0 + gt where t is the time within the window. Thus θ = [c0 g] and the fault free case would correspond to θ = [0 0]. Intermittent Fault An intermittent fault is a fault that occurs and disappears repeatedly. This is shown in Figure 2.2 as the dashed line. A typical example of an intermittent fault is a loose connector. Example 2.6 Consider a sensor measuring a state x. The model of this (sub-) system can be written ys (t) = c1 (t)x(t) where ys is the sensor output and x is the state. The function c1 (t) is our model of the loose contact. For some t, there is no contact and therefore c1 (t) = 0. For other t, the contact is perfect and c1 (t) = 1. That is, c1 (t) is a function that switches between 0 and 1 at unknown time instances. In terms of the general model description, z(t, θz ) can be chosen as z(t, θz ) = c(t) where the unknown time instances are collected in the vector θz .
Section 2.2. Fault Modes
Fault Modes
Different faults can be classified into different fault modes. For example, consider a system containing a water tank and leakages in the bottom of this tank. All such leakages, regardless of their area, belong to the same fault mode “water tank bottom leakage”. The classification of different faults into fault modes corresponds to a partition of the fault-state space Θ. This means that each fault mode γ is associated with a subset Θγ of Θ. One of the fault modes corresponds to the fault-free case and this fault mode will be denoted “no fault” or NF. Further, all sets Θγ are pairwise disjoint and Θ=
where Ω is used to denote the set of all fault modes. If fault mode γ is present in the system, then we know that θ ∈ Θγ . The fact that all sets Θγ are pairwise disjoint means that only one fault mode can be present at the same time. We will use the convention that one of the fault modes always corresponds to the no fault case.
Figure 2.3: The fault state space divided into subsets corresponding to different fault modes. For notational convenience we will to each fault mode associate an abbreviation, e.g. “no fault” was abbreviated NF. All this is illustrated in Figure 2.3 which shows how the whole set Θ has been divided into five subsets corresponding to fault modes NF, F1, F2, F3, and F4. It is now possible to formally define fault : Definition 2.1 (Fault) A fault state θ is a fault if θ ∈ / ΘNF .
Chapter 2. A General Framework for Fault Diagnosis
We have already used the term fault in a non strict sense and will also continue to do so in many not-so-formal parts of the thesis. Example 2.7 Consider again Example 2.2. Four fault modes are considered: NF B1 B2 B1&B2
no fault bias in sensor 1 bias in sensor 2 bias both sensor 1 and sensor 2
The sets Θ, ΘNF , ΘB1 , ΘB2 , and ΘB1&B2 become Θ ={[b1 b2 ]; b1 ≥ 0, b2 ≥ 0} ΘNF ={[0 0]}
(2.2a) (2.2b)
ΘB1 ={[b1 0]; b1 > 0} ΘB2 ={[0 b2 ]; b2 > 0}
(2.2c) (2.2d)
ΘB1&B2 ={[b1 b2 ]; b1 > 0, b2 > 0}
The fault mode present in the system will frequently be denoted Fp . Thus when the present fault mode is F1, we write this as Fp = F1. This further means for the present fault state θ it holds that θ ∈ ΘF1 .
Component Fault-Modes
Besides defining fault modes for the whole system, it is natural to also consider component fault-modes. To emphasize the difference between component faultmodes and fault modes for the whole system, the latter will sometimes be called system fault-modes. As was said in Section 2.1.2, a system can usually be separated into a number of components. The characteristic property of a component is that only one type of fault can be present at a time. The classification into different types of faults is made by introducing component fault-modes. Consider for example a valve with fault modes “no fault”, “stuck open”, and “stuck closed”. Obviously no two of these fault modes can be present at the same time. In analogy with the system fault-modes, we use the convention that one of the component fault-modes is the no fault case. i of Di . That Each component fault-mode ψ is associated with a subset Dψ i . In analogy with the is, if fault mode ψ is present in component i, then θi ∈ Dψ i system fault-modes, the sets Dψ form a partition of the component fault-state i are pairwise disjoint and space Di . This means that the sets Dψ [ i Di = Dψ ψ∈Ωi
where Ωi is the set of all component fault-modes for component i.
Section 2.2. Fault Modes
Relation to System Fault-Modes Let Fji denote the j:th component fault-mode of the i:th component. We will reserve the fault-mode F0i to be the “no fault” case of the i:th component. The fault-mode F0i will also be denoted N F i . Let p be the number of components and ni the number of different component fault-modes for the i:th component. All component fault-modes can then be collected in a table: component number i 1 2 .. .
component fault-modes F01 ≡ N F 1 , F11 , . . . Fn11 F02 ≡ N F 2 , F12 , . . . Fn22 .. .
F0p ≡ N F p , F1p , . . . Fnpp
A system fault-mode can then be composed by a vector of component faultmodes. Thus the length of this vector is p and the total number of possible system fault-modes is p Y
To distinguish between system fault-modes and component fault-modes, we have here used bold-face letters to denote system fault-modes. However, when it is clear from the context, we will later in the thesis often skip the bold-face notation. Some examples of system fault-modes are NF =[N F 1 , N F 2 , . . . N F p ] F11 F21 F12 &F21
=[F11 , N F 2 , . . . N F p ] =[N F 1 , F12 , N F 3 , . . . N F p ] =[F21 , F12 , N F 3 , . . . N F p ]
(2.4b) (2.4c) (2.4d)
The first of these examples is the no-fault case of the whole system. For the other examples, we have used the convention that components, that have none of its component fault-modes included in the notation for the system fault-mode, are assumed to have component fault-mode N F i . This means that from only i , we are able to uniquely the notation of the system fault-modes and the sets Dψ infer the sets Θγ . For the examples (2.4) we have V i NF θ ∈ ΘNF = {θ ∈ Θ| i θi ∈ DVN Fi} 1 1 i θ ∈ ΘF11 = {θ ∈ Θ|θ1 ∈ DF 1 i6=1 θi ∈ DN F1 Fi} 1 V 2 2 i F1 θ ∈ ΘF21 = {θ ∈ Θ|θ2 ∈ DF 2 i6=2 θi ∈ DN } F iV 1 1 2 1 2 i F2 &F1 θ ∈ ΘF12 &F21 = {θ ∈ Θ|θ1 ∈ DF 1 ∧ θ2 ∈ DF 1 i6=1 θi ∈ DN Fi} 2
To clarify the relation between system fault-modes and component faultmodes, it may be useful to study a Venn diagram over the different fault modes of a system. This is illustrated in the following example.
Chapter 2. A General Framework for Fault Diagnosis
Example 2.8 Consider again Example 2.7. Four component fault-modes are considered, i.e. i N F 1, N F 2, B1, and B2, and they are defined by the sets Dψ as follows: 1 DN F 1 ={0} 1 DB1 ={x > 0} 2 DN F 2 ={0} 2 DB2 ={x > 0}
The sets Ωi of component fault-modes implies that there are four possible system fault-modes: NF =[N F 1, N F 2] B1 =[B1, N F 2] B2 =[N F 1, B2] B1&B2 =[B1, B2] The fault-state space and the different fault modes are shown in a Venn diagram in Figure 2.4. The whole area corresponds to the set Θ. The left circle represents all fault-states for which component fault-mode B1 is present, i.e. the set 1 } {θ | θ1 ∈ DB1
Similarly the right circle represents all fault-states for which component faultmode B2 is present. These two circles together divides the fault-state space into the four sets ΘNF , ΘB1 , ΘB2 , and ΘB1&B2 , which are shown in the figure.
Figure 2.4: A Venn diagram showing the relation between the component and system fault-modes.
Section 2.2. Fault Modes
Single- and Multiple Fault-Modes
The system fault-modes in which only one of the component fault-modes is not N F i are said to be single fault-modes. For example, B1 and B2 in the example above, are both single fault-modes. Usually also the no-fault system fault-mode, i.e. NF, is said to be a single fault-mode. The opposite are multiple fault-modes where more than one of the component fault-modes are not N F i . The terminology single faults and multiple faults are frequently used in the diagnosis literature. In the framework presented here, a fault θ is a single fault if it belongs to a single fault-mode, i.e. θ ∈ Θγ and γ is a single fault mode. Similarly a fault θ is a multiple fault if it belongs to a multiple fault-mode. Note that with the formalism described here, multiple fault-modes comes in naturally and requires no special treatment. A problem with considering multiple fault-modes is that the complexity of the diagnosis problem increases. When the number of components gets larger, the number of different system fault-modes grows exponentially, see (2.3). This further implies that a more complex and more expensive diagnosis system is needed. A solution is to consider only single fault-modes. This corresponds to an assumption that only one fault can be present at the same time. In that case, the number of system fault-modes grows linearly with the number of components, i.e. the number of possible system fault-modes becomes 1+
p X
(ni − 1)
The assumption to only consider single fault-modes may seem to be unrealistic at first, but at least three practical considerations support this assumption. • If a sufficiently small time scale is chosen it is probably the case that one fault has occured first even though several faults are present. • In a system in which one fault is highly improbable (as it usually is), it is even more improbable that two or more faults occur. • The specifications of a diagnosis system only require diagnosis of single faults. The reason can be that diagnosis systems capable of handling multiple fault modes would become to expensive because of increased sensor and hardware costs. In fact, the current diagnosis legislative regulations for automotive engines only require single fault diagnosis. An alternative to only consider single fault-modes, but still not all multiple fault-modes, is to consider a subset of the multiple fault-modes. For example, one could choose to consider all system fault-modes where at maximum two component faults are present.
Remember the system model M(θ) that is capable of describing the system for all possible fault states θ ∈ Θ. By restricting θ to a subset Θγ , corresponding
Chapter 2. A General Framework for Fault Diagnosis
to a fault mode γ, we get a “smaller” model. For especially single fault-modes, the models can get much smaller. To each fault mode γ, we can then associate a model Mγ (θ) which we formally define as Mγ (θ) = M(θ)|θ∈Θγ
Thus the model Mγ (θ) is capable of describing the system as long as fault mode γ is present. For a specific fault mode γ, the constraint θ ∈ Θγ usually fix a part of the vector θ to some constants. Then, as an alternative to the notation Mγ (θ), we will use Mγ (θγ ), where θγ is the part of the θ-vector that is not fixed. If the θ-vector is completely fixed by the fault mode γ, the θ-argument becomes unnecessary and the corresponding fault model can be denoted Mγ . Example 2.9 The models corresponding to each fault mode are given by (2.1) and some additional constraints on b1 and b2 defined by (2.2). The models associated with the different fault modes are NF: B1: B2: B1&B2:
MNF (θ) = MNF MB1 (θ) = MB1 (b1 ) MB2 (θ) = MB2 (b2 ) MB1&B2 (θ) = MB1&B2 ([b1 b2 ])
Note: As a reference, this sensor-bias example, that has been step-wise expanded in this and the previous section, is summarized in Appendix 2.A.
Diagnosis Systems
To perform fault diagnosis, a diagnosis system is needed. The general structure of an application including a diagnosis system is shown in Figure 2.5. Inputs to the diagnosis system are the signals u(t) and y(t), which are equal to, or a superset of, the control system signals. Except for control signals, the plant is also affected by faults and disturbances and these are not known to the diagnosis system. The task of the diagnosis system is to generate a diagnosis statement S, which contains information about which fault modes that can explain the behavior of the process. Note that it is assumed that the diagnosis system is passive, i.e. it can by no means affect the plant. In terms of decision theory (e.g. see (Berger, 1985)), the diagnosis system is a decision rule δ(x), where x = [u y], and S is the action. That is, the diagnosis system is a function of u and y and S = δ(x) = δ([u y]). Note that x can also contain several samples of u and y from different times. One way of structuring a diagnosis system is shown in Figure 2.6. The whole diagnosis system δ(x) can be divided into smaller parts δi (x), which we
Section 2.3. Diagnosis Systems
Control System
Faults ? u(t)
6 Disturbances
- Diagnosis System ? Diagnosis Statement
Figure 2.5: General structure of a diagnosis application. will call tests. These tests are also decision rules. Assume that each of the tests δi (x) generates the diagnosis statement Si , i.e. Si = δi (x). The purpose of the decision logic is then to combine this information to form the diagnosis statement S. The diagnosis statement S and the individual diagnosis statements Si do all contain information about which system fault-modes that can explain the behavior of the system. We can represent and reason about this information in at least two ways. The first is to use a representation where the diagnosis statements S and Si are sets of system fault modes. The second is to let the diagnosis statements be expressed as propositional logic formulas where the propositional symbols are component fault-modes. In the next two sections, these two alternatives will be investigated.
Forming the Diagnosis Statement by Using a Set Representation
An example of a diagnosis statement, represented by a set of system fault-modes, is S ={B1, B2} The interpretation here is that each of the fault modes B1 and B2, can alone explain the behavior of the system. This can also be expressed as that each of the models MB1 (θ) and MB2 (θ) can explain the measured data x.
Chapter 2. A General Framework for Fault Diagnosis Faults
δ ([u,y]) 1 δ ([u,y]) 2
... δ ([u,y]) n
S 1 S 2
S n
Decision Logic
S Diagnosis Statement
Diagnosis System δ([u,y]) Figure 2.6: A general diagnosis system.
All individual diagnosis statements Si contain information of which system fault-modes that can explain the data. To derive the diagnosis statement S, we want to summarize the information from all the individual diagnosis statements Si . By using the set representation, this is done via an intersection operation, i.e. the diagnosis statement S is formed as \ S= Si (2.7) i
Thus the decision logic of the diagnosis system can be seen as a simple intersection operation. The following example illustrates this principle. Example 2.10 Consider the system fault-modes NF, B1, B2, and B1&B2. Assume that the diagnosis system contains three individual tests. Assume further that the diagnosis system has collected and processed the input data, and the individual diagnosis statements Si are S1 ={NF, B1} S2 ={B1, B1&B2} S3 ={B1, B2} Then the diagnosis statement S becomes S = {NF, B1} ∩ {B1, B1&B2} ∩ {B1, B2} = {B1}
Section 2.3. Diagnosis Systems
The result should be interpreted as B1 is the only system fault-mode that can explain the behavior of the system. In the example above, it happened that S only contained one system faultmode. It can also happen that S contains several system fault-modes. If for example the individual diagnosis statements Si are S1 ={NF, B1, B1&B2} S2 ={B1, B1&B2} S3 ={B1, B2, B1&B2} Then the diagnosis statement S becomes S ={NF, B1, B1&B2} ∩ {B1, B1&B2} ∩ {B1, B2, B1&B2} = ={B1, B1&B2} This diagnosis statement should be interpreted as both the system fault-modes B1 and B1&B2 can explain the behavior of the system. One special case is when the fault mode NF (no fault) is contained in the diagnosis statement. For example S = {NF, B1, B2, B1&B2} This means that the system fault-mode NF (and also some other system faultmodes) can explain the behavior of the system. Further this corresponds to that the fault free model MNF can explain the behavior of the system. In this case there is no reason to generate an alarm. On the other hand if the fault mode NF is not contained in the diagnosis statement S, some faults are probably present and an alarm should be generated. The set representation of diagnosis statements will be used a lot in this thesis. One reason is that it is easy and intuitive to express that a system fault-mode γ is part of the diagnosis statement S. This is written γ ∈ S. For example the principle of when to generate an alarm can be expressed as NF ∈ S NF ∈ /S
NOT generate an alarm generate an alarm
The diagnosis-system architecture presented here is based on the same principle as human beings are using when performing diagnosis. That is, a human being breaks down a complex diagnosis problem into smaller tasks (the tests). These smaller tasks are performed (can be to observe a special characteristic) and the outcome from all of them are combined to form the total diagnosis statement. This connection to human reasoning will be even more detailed in the next chapter in which the individual tests are seen as hypothesis tests. Below follows a larger example, similar to one given in (Sandewall, 1991), of a diagnosis problem and a diagnosis system. In addition to illustrating general principles, also the connection to human reasoning will hopefully be realized.
Chapter 2. A General Framework for Fault Diagnosis
Remember the symbol Ω which denotes the set of all system fault-modes. If a diagnosis statement is Ω, then this means that any fault mode can explain the system behavior. Example 2.11 Assume that we want to diagnose a car. The following system fault-modes are considered: NF BD SB NG
no fault battery discharged start motor broken no gasoline
Remember that only one of these fault modes can occur at the same time. An automated diagnosis system or a human being can perform the following tests: δ1 : When the ignition key is turned on, observe if the start motor starts. The different conclusions are then test is not performed start motor starts start motor do not start
S1 = Ω S1 = {NF, NG} S1 = {BD, SB}
The conclusion “test is not performed” means that the ignition key has not been turned on. δ2 : When the ignition key is turned on, observe if the engine starts. The different conclusions are then test is not performed engine starts engine do not start
S2 = Ω S2 = {NF} S2 = {BD, SB, NG}
δ3 : When the head-light switch is turned on, observe if the head-lights are turned on. The different conclusions are then test is not performed head-lights are turned on head-lights are not turned on
S3 = Ω S3 = {NF, SB, NG} S3 = {BD}
Now assume that both the ignition key and the head-light switch are turned on and the following observations are made: •start motor do not start •engine do not start •head-lights are turned on This means that the diagnosis statement S becomes S = S1 ∩ S2 ∩ S3 = {BD, SB} ∩ {BD, SB, NG} ∩ {NF, SB, NG} = {SB} That is, the conclusion is that the only fault mode that can explain the behavior of the system is SB, i.e. start motor broken.
Section 2.3. Diagnosis Systems
Forming the Diagnosis Statement by Using a Propositional Logic Representation
We will now investigate the case where the diagnosis statements Si and S are expressed as propositional logic formulas, and the propositional symbols are component fault-modes. Note first that this representation is equivalent to using sets of system fault-modes. The diagnosis statement S is with this representation formed as ^ Si S= i
Thus the decision logic can be seen as a simple conjunction operation. As noted in Section 2.2.2, a representation based on system fault-modes can be problematic since the number of system fault-modes grows exponentially with the number of components. The reasoning based on propositional logic and component fault-modes, does not have this problem. An additional advantage with this representation is that we obtain a closer connection to other diagnosis methods based on logic, e.g. (Reiter, 1987). It can also be argued that a representation based on component fault-modes is more natural. The next example will illustrate reasoning based on propositional logic and component fault-modes. Also shown is the link to the equivalent representation based on sets of system fault-modes. In the example, we have assumed that each component has only two possible component fault-modes. In this case, standard “two-valued” propositional logic can be used. If some components have more than two possible component fault-modes, than some “multi-valued” propositional logic2 must be used, e.g. see (Larsson, 1997). Example 2.12 Assume that we want to diagnose the same car as in the previous example. Now we will consider multiple faults and it is natural to start defining the component fault-modes: component name battery start motor gasoline
component fault-modes N F B , BD N F S , SB N F G, N G
The abbreviations have the same meaning as in the previous example. This means that the set of all system fault-modes become: Ω = {NF, BD, SB, NG, BD&SB, BD&NG, SB&NG, BD&SB&NG} We can now proceed as we did in Example 2.11, but instead we will choose to use a reasoning based on propositional logic and component fault-modes. Instead 2 If such a multi-valued logic is adopted, we could in principle also use propositional logic to reason about system fault-modes, i.e. as an alternative to the set representation.
Chapter 2. A General Framework for Fault Diagnosis
of for example N F B we will write ¬BD. The symbol ⊥ will be used to denote falsity. Then the three tests can be formulated as follows: δ1 : When the ignition key is turned on, observe if the start motor starts. The different conclusions are then test is not performed start motor starts start motor do not start
S1 = ¬ ⊥ S1 = ¬BD ∧ ¬SB S1 = BD ∨ SB
Note that S1 is now expressed with component fault-modes which is significantly different compared to the previous example where system fault-modes were used. For example, the last alternative conclusion of test δ1 , expressed by system faultmodes and the set representation, is S1 = {BD, SB, BD&SB, BD&NG, SB&NG, BD&SB&NG} δ2 : When the ignition key is turned on, observe if the engine starts. The different conclusions are then test is not performed engine starts engine do not start
S2 = ¬ ⊥ S2 = ¬BD ∧ ¬SB ∧ ¬N G S2 = BD ∨ SB ∨ N G
δ3 : When the head-light switch is turned on, observe if the head-lights are turned on. The different conclusions are then test is not performed head-lights are turned on head-lights are not turned on
S3 = ¬ ⊥ S3 = ¬BD S3 = BD
Now assume that both the ignition key and the head-light switch are turned on and the following observations are made: •start motor do not start •engine do not start •head-lights are turned on This means that the diagnosis statement S becomes S =S1 ∧ S2 ∧ S3 = (BD ∨ SB) ∧ (BD ∨ SB ∨ N G) ∧ ¬BD = =¬BD ∧ SB That is, the conclusion is that the behavior of the system corresponds to that the component fault-modes ¬BD and SB are present. That is, the battery is not discharged and the start motor is broken. If we instead had used reasoning about the system fault-modes, the diagnosis statement would become S = {SB, SB&NG}
Section 2.3. Diagnosis Systems
Remark: In the above example, we considered multiple fault modes, in contrast to Example 2.10, in which only single fault-modes were used. If we want consider only single fault-modes, also when using reasoning based on components and propositional logic, we have to add a set of premises saying that no two component faults can be present at the same time, e.g. ¬(BD ∧ SB). Such premises are not needed when the reasoning is based on system-fault modes and the set representation. That is, multiple fault-modes could have been introduced in Example 2.10, without any special considerations.
Speculative and Conclusive Diagnosis-Systems
As have been said above, a diagnosis statement S can in general contain more than one system fault-mode. This is in contrast to most fault diagnosis literature, in which the diagnosis statement can only contain one system fault-mode. The difference is fundamental and to distinguish between the two types of diagnosis system, we will use the terms conclusive diagnosis-system and speculative diagnosis-system. A speculative diagnosis-system corresponds well to a desired functionality since in cases where it is difficult or even impossible to decide which fault mode that is present, it is very useful for a service technician to get to know that there are more than one fault mode that can explain the behavior of the process. If the diagnosis system was forced to pick out one fault mode in cases like this, it is highly probable that a mistake is made and wrong fault mode is picked out. The diagnosis task of a conclusive diagnosis-system is to infer which one, of several fault scenarios (fault modes), that is present. On the other hand, the diagnosis task of a speculating diagnosis-system is to speculate which fault scenarios (possibly several) that can be present such that the collected data can explain the behavior of the system. Formally, the conclusive diagnosis-system is a special case of a speculative diagnosis-system with the additional restriction that no matter the outcome of the different tests δi , the diagnosis statement S does always contain maximally one system fault-mode.
Formal Definitions
Now when faults, fault modes, and diagnosis systems have been formally defined, we are ready to introduce more formal definitions to the conceptually important terms in the SAFEPROCESS list from Section 1.2. These definitions are valid for the speculative as well as the conclusive diagnosis system. Definition 2.2 (Fault Detection) Fault Detection is the task to determine if the system fault-mode NF can explain the behavior of the system or not. Definition 2.3 (Fault Isolation) Fault isolation is the task to determine which system fault-mode that can best explain the behavior of the system.
Chapter 2. A General Framework for Fault Diagnosis
Definition 2.4 (Generalized Fault Isolation) Fault isolation is the task to determine which system fault-modes that can explain the behavior of the system. Definition 2.5 (Fault Identification) Fault identification is the task to estimate the fault state θ that can best explain the behavior of the system. Now we define fault diagnosis as equivalent to the generalized fault isolation: Definition 2.6 (Fault Diagnosis) Fault diagnosis is the task to determine which fault modes that can explain the behavior of the system. Note that this definition of fault diagnosis is not in agreement with many other sources which define diagnosis as the combined task fault detection, fault isolation, and fault identification, e.g. compare with the definitions in Section 1.2. However, as we will see in Chapter 4, it can happen that fault identification must be implicitly performed when doing fault isolation. Note also the difference between fault diagnosis and general system identification in which the single θ, that best explains the data, is sought. To use system identification directly to perform both fault detection, isolation, and identification, would in some cases theoretically be possible. However, for most cases the problem is that the vector θ is usually quite large and the identification therefore becomes difficult. In addition, it can very well be the case that the model is not identifiable with respect to θ. However, if one fault mode is assumed, the fault identification becomes much simpler and this is the motivation why we need to perform fault isolation before fault identification.
Relations Between Fault Modes
Because of for instance “over parameterization”, it can happen that two different fault modes can describe the system behavior equally well. Consider for example a system modeled as y = abu where one fault mode Fa corresponds to that a 6= 1 and fault mode Fb corresponds to that b 6= 1. It is obvious that both Fa and Fb can equally well describe the system. These kinds of relations between Fa and Fb are further investigated in this section. We will see later that for both analysis and design of a diagnosis system, these relations play a fundamental role. There is also a close relation to identifiability in system identification, e.g. (Ljung, 1987). First a notion of equivalent models is established: Definition 2.7 (Equivalent Models) Two models M1 (θ1 ) and M2 (θ2 ), with fixed parameters θ1 and θ2 are equivalent, i.e. M1 (θ1 ) = M2 (θ2 )
Section 2.4. Relations Between Fault Modes
if for each initial state x1 of M1 (θ1 ), there is an initial state x2 of M2 (θ2 ) such that for all signals u(t) and z(t), the outputs y1 (t) and y2 (t) are equal, and vice versa. Definition 2.8 (Submode) We say that a fault mode γ1 is a submode of another fault mode γ2 , i.e. γ1 4 γ2 if for each fixed value θ1 ∈ Θγ1 , there is a fixed value θ2 ∈ Θγ2 such that Mγ1 (θ1 ) = Mγ2 (θ2 ). Definition 2.9 (Submode in the Limit) We say that a fault mode γ1 is a submode in the limit of another fault mode γ2 , i.e. γ1 4∗ γ2 if for each fixed value θ1 ∈ Θγ1 , there is a fixed value θ∗ such that Mγ1 (θ1 ) = lim ∗ Mγ2 (θ2 ) θ2 →θ θ2 ∈Θγ2
These relations are transitive which means that if γ1 4 γ2 and γ2 4 γ3 , then γ1 4 γ3 . Further if γ1 4∗ γ2 and γ2 4∗ γ3 , then γ1 4∗ γ3 (at least under regularity conditions). Further we have that if γ1 4 γ2 then also γ1 4∗ γ2 . The submode relation between fault modes can quite easily arise when modeling systems and faults. Unfortunately they are undesirable since they, as we will see in the Section 2.5, imply that it becomes difficult or impossible to isolate different faults. Examples of how the submode relation can arise is given in the following example.
Water Level Sensor
Possible Leak Figure 2.7: A water tank.
Example 2.13 Consider the water tank illustrated in Figure 2.7. Two types of faults can occur: there may be a leakage and the water-level sensor may fail. The diameter of
Chapter 2. A General Framework for Fault Diagnosis
the leakage hole is assumed to be unknown but constant. For some reason, it is interesting to distinguish between three types of sensor faults: a simple calibration fault (i.e. a gain fault), a combination of a bias and a calibration fault, and an arbitrary fault. The component fault-modes can therefore be summarized as component number i 1 2
component name Level Sensor Tank
component fault-modes N F 1, SCF , LSF , ASF N F 2, L
where L is “Leakage”, SCF is “Sensor Calibration Fault”, LSF is “Linear Sensor Fault”, and ASF is “Arbitrary Sensor Fault”. Thus the possible system fault-modes are NF =[N F 1, N F 2] L =[L, N F 2] SCF =[N F 1, SCF ] LSF =[N F 1, LSF ] ASF =[N F 1, ASF ] L&SCF =[L, SCF ] L&LSF =[L, LSF ] L&ASF =[L, ASF ] The fault-complete model MΩ (θ) of the tank is x(t) ˙ =u(t) − Ah(x(t)) y(t) =gx(t) + m + f (t) where the state x(t) is the water level, and u(t) is the flow into the tank. The leakage flow is determined by the leakage area A times the nonlinear function h(x(t)). The sensor signal y(t) is affected by different faults via the constants k and m, and the signal f (t). The parameter vector θ becomes θ = [A, g, m, f (t)], and θ1 = A and θ2 = [g, m, f (t)]. The single fault-modes are defined by the following models: MNF ={M(θ) | A = 0 ∧ g = 1 ∧ m = 0 ∧ ∀t.f (t) = 0} ML (A) ={M(θ) | A > 0 ∧ g = 1 ∧ m = 0 ∧ ∀t.f (t) = 0} MSCF (g) ={M(θ) | A = 0 ∧ g 6= 1 ∧ m = 0 ∧ ∀t.f (t) = 0} MLSF ([g m]) ={M(θ) | A = 0 ∧ (g 6= 0 ∨ m 6= 0) ∧ ∀t.f (t) = 0} MASF (f (t)) ={M(θ) | A = 0 ∧ g = 1 ∧ m = 0 ∧ f (t) 6= 0} From these models it is easy to also derive the models for the multiple faultmodes.
Section 2.5. Isolability and Detectability
When we have the models for all system fault-modes, we can identify the following relations: NF 4∗ L NF 4∗ SCF 4 LSF 4 ASF NF 4∗ L&SCF 4 L&LSF 4 L&ASF Even though most of these relations can be avoided, it is usually very difficult to avoid that NF is a submode of most other fault modes.
Isolability and Detectability
In this section we define and discuss isolability and detectability. The diagnosis statement is assumed to be expressed using the set representation. From now on, we skip the bold-face notation for system fault-modes. We start by defining what is meant by detecting and isolating a fault. Definition 2.10 (Detected Fault) Assume a fault θ ∈ ΘF1 is present. Then the fault θ is detected using a diagnosis system δ(x), if N F ∈ / S. Definition 2.11 (Isolated Fault) Assume a fault θ ∈ ΘF1 is present. Then the fault θ is isolated using a diagnosis system δ(x), if S = {F1 }. Note that Definition 2.11 means that fault isolation implies fault detection. Related to the above definitions, we also define the terms false alarm, missed detection, missed isolation: Definition 2.12 (False Alarm) Assume that no faults are present, i.e. θ ∈ ΘN F . Then the diagnosis statement S represents a false alarm if N F ∈ / S. Definition 2.13 (Missed Detection) Assume that a fault θ ∈ ΘF1 is present. Then the diagnosis statement S represents a missed detection if N F ∈ S. Definition 2.14 (Missed Isolation) Assume that a fault θ ∈ ΘF1 is present. Then the diagnosis statement S represents a missed isolation if S 6= {F1 }. Next we define isolability and detectability for a given diagnosis system. We restrict the definitions to deterministic systems. This means that the system output y is completely determined by initial conditions x0 , the input u, faults θ, and disturbances φ. This further means that S = δ([y, u]) = δ([y(x0 , u, φ, θ), u]), i.e. also the diagnosis statement is deterministically determined by [x0 , u, φ] and θ. However, it is possible to generalize the definitions to the stochastic case. The goal is to define what we mean when saying “the fault mode F1 is isolable from the fault mode F2 ” but we start with a simpler problem, namely what we mean by “the fault-state θ1 is isolable from the fault-state θ2 ”:
Chapter 2. A General Framework for Fault Diagnosis
Definition 2.15 (Fault-State Isolability Under [x0 , u, φ] in a Diagnosis System) Given a fixed [x0 , u, φ] and a diagnosis system δ, we say that the fault state θ1 ∈ ΘF1 is isolable from θ2 ∈ ΘF2 under [x0 , u, φ] if / S = δ y(x0 , u, φ, θ1 ), u) F1 ∈ S = δ y(x0 , u, φ, θ1 ), u) ∧ F2 ∈ and F2 ∈ S = δ y(x0 , u, φ, θ2 ), u) Note that the definition is not symmetric, i.e. a fault θ1 can be isolable from θ2 , without that θ2 is isolable from θ1 . Next, when defining what we mean by “F1 is isolable from F2 ”, we have several choices. We can consider a single pair of fault states or all fault states in the fault modes. We can consider a single [x0 , u, φ], given or not given, or all possible [x0 , u, φ]. All together, we end up with no less than six different definitions of fault isolability for a given diagnosis system. These six are illustrated in Table 2.1.
Uniform Isolability ∀[x0 , u, φ] ⇓ Under [x0 , u, φ] ⇓ ∃[x0 , u, φ]
Complete Isolability ⇒ ∀θ F1 is uniformly and completely isolable from F2
Partial Isolability ∃θ F1 is uniformly and partially isolable from F2
F1 is completely isolable from F2 under [x0 , u, φ]
F1 is partially isolable from F2 under [x0 , u, φ]
F1 is completely isolable from F2
F1 is partially isolable from F2
Table 2.1: Definitions of fault-mode isolability.
If written out, the definitions from Table 2.1 become: Definition 2.16 (Uniform (Complete) Fault-Mode Isolability in a Diagnosis System) Given a diagnosis system δ, we say that F1 is uniformly and completely isolable from F2 if ∀[x0 , u, φ] ∀θ1 ∈ ΘF1 ∀θ2 ∈ ΘF2 .
θ1 is isolable from θ2 under [x0 , u, φ]
Definition 2.17 ((Complete) Fault-Mode Isolability in a Diagnosis System Under [x0 , u, φ]) Given a fixed [x0 , u, φ] and a diagnosis system δ, we say that F1 is completely isolable from F2 under [x0 , u, φ] if ∀θ1 ∈ ΘF1 ∀θ2 ∈ ΘF2 .
θ1 is isolable from θ2 under [x0 , u, φ]
Section 2.5. Isolability and Detectability
Definition 2.18 ((Complete) Fault-Mode Isolability in a Diagnosis System) Given a diagnosis system δ, we say that F1 is completely isolable from F2 if ∃[x0 , u, φ] ∀θ1 ∈ ΘF1 ∀θ2 ∈ ΘF2 .
θ1 is isolable from θ2 under [x0 , u, φ]
Definition 2.19 (Uniform Partial Fault-Mode Isolability in a Diagnosis System) Given a diagnosis system δ, we say that F1 is uniformly and partially isolable from F2 if ∀[x0 , u, φ] ∃θ1 ∈ ΘF1 ∃θ2 ∈ ΘF2 .
θ1 is isolable from θ2 under [x0 , u, φ]
Definition 2.20 (Partial Fault-Mode Isolability in a Diagnosis System Under [x0 , u, φ]) Given a fixed [x0 , u, φ] and a diagnosis system δ, we say that F1 is partially isolable from F2 under [x0 , u, φ] if ∃θ1 ∈ ΘF1 ∃θ2 ∈ ΘF2 .
θ1 is isolable from θ2 under [x0 , u, φ]
Definition 2.21 [Partial Fault-Mode Isolability in a Diagnosis System] Given a diagnosis system δ, we say that F1 is partially isolable from F2 if ∃[x0 , u, φ] ∃θ1 ∈ ΘF1 ∃θ2 ∈ ΘF2 .
θ1 is isolable from θ2 under [x0 , u, φ]
Note the implications between the different isolability properties. These are indicated by arrows in Table 2.1. The most weak property is partial fault-mode isolability. However not partial fault-mode isolability is quite strong; if we find that F1 is not partially isolable from F2 , then F1 is not isolable from F2 in any other sense. Next we define isolability also as a property of the system: Definition 2.22 [[Uniform] Complete/Partial Fault Mode Isolability] A fault mode F1 is [uniformly] and completely/partially isolable from fault mode F2 if there exists a diagnosis system δ in which fault mode F1 is [uniformly] completely/partially isolable from fault mode F2 . We have here skipped the case isolability under [x0 , u, φ]. A special case of isolability is detectability. As with isolability, we can define detectability as a system property or not. Definition 2.23 [Fault Mode Detectability [in a Diagnosis System]] A fault mode F1 is [uniformly] completely/partially detectable [in a diagnosis system δ] if F1 is isolable from N F [in the diagnosis system δ]. The isolability and detectability properties of a set of fault modes can be quite difficult to analyze by only using the definitions 2.16 to 2.23. However,
Chapter 2. A General Framework for Fault Diagnosis
these properties are still important so therefore, we need some tools (i.e. theorems) by which isolability and detectability can be analyzed from more easily identified properties of the diagnosis system and the fault modes. Some tools, applicable in the general case, are presented in the next section, and some tools, applicable for linear systems, are presented in Chapter 8.
Submode Relations between Fault Modes and Isolability
Submode relations between fault modes, as defined in Section 2.4, can severely limit the possibility to perform fault isolation. This is formally explained by the following theorem: Theorem 2.1 Assume it holds that F1 4∗ F2 , then a) F1 is not completely isolable from F2 b) F2 is not completely isolable from F1 c) if δ(x) is an ideal diagnosis system, i.e. γ ∈ S ⇐⇒ Mγ (θ) can explain data x and M(θ) is a correct model, then F1 is not partially or completely isolable from F2 in δ(x). Proof: For the (a)-part, assume that F1 is completely isolable from F2 . Then from Definition 2.18 and 2.22 we know that there exists a diagnosis system and a [x0 , u, φ] such that for all θ1 ∈ ΘF1 and all θ2 ∈ ΘF2 , it holds that θ1 present
F1 ∈ S ∧ F2 ∈ /S
θ2 present
F2 ∈ S
Assume that θ1 is present. Since F1 4∗ F2 , we know that there is a θ2∗ ∈ ΘF2 (or possibly in the limit) such that M2 (θ2∗ ) = M1 (θ1 ). This means that the output y from the plant when θ1 is present equals the output when θ2∗ is present. That is, the diagnosis statement when θ2∗ is present, equals the diagnosis statement when θ1 is present. Therefore, when θ2∗ is present, we have, according to (2.8a), / S. However, from (2.8b) we have that θ2∗ present implies F2 ∈ S. that F2 ∈ This contradiction proves the (a)-part of the theorem. For the (b)-part, assume that F2 is completely isolable from F1 . Then we know that there exists a diagnosis system and a [x0 , u, φ] such that for all θ2 ∈ ΘF2 and all θ1 ∈ ΘF1 , it holds that θ2 present
F2 ∈ S ∧ F1 ∈ /S
θ1 present
F1 ∈ S
(2.9) (2.10)
Section 2.6. Submode Relations between Fault Modes and Isolability
The relation F1 4∗ F2 implies that there exists θ1∗ ∈ ΘF1 and θ2∗ ∈ ΘF2 (or possibly in the limit) such that M2 (θ2∗ ) = M1 (θ1 ). These two θi∗ give the same diagnosis statement S. From (2.9) we have that F1 ∈ / S and from (2.9), F1 ∈ S. This contradiction proves the (b)-part of the theorem. For the (c)-part, assume that F1 is partially isolable from F2 in an ideal diagnosis system δ. Then from Definition 2.21 we know that there exist [x0 , u, φ], θ1 ∈ ΘF1 and θ2 ∈ ΘF2 such that (2.8) holds. Assume that θ1 is present. With the same reasoning as for the (a)-part, we can then conclude that there is a θ2∗ ∈ ΘF2 which gives exactly the same diagnosis statement as θ1 , i.e. F2 ∈ / S. Therefore, when θ2∗ is present, we have / S. However, from the assumption of ideal diagnosis system and that F2 ∈ correct model, we know that θ2∗ present implies F2 ∈ S. This contradiction proves the (c)-part of the theorem.
Note that since not isolability implies not uniform isolability, this theorem also proves that F1 4∗ F2 implies that F1 is not uniformly completely/partially isolable from F2 . The next theorem shows that when a fault mode is not related by the submode-relation to another fault mode, then we are able to prove at least partial isolability. Theorem 2.2 If it holds that F1 64∗ F2 and the model M(θ) is correct, then F1 is partially isolable from F2 in an ideal diagnosis system. Proof: The relation F1 64∗ F2 means that there is a θ1 ∈ ΘF1 such that for all θ2 ∈ ΘF2 it holds that M2 (θ2 ) 6= M1 (θ1 )
Assume that θ1 is present. Then the assumption of correct model and ideal diagnosis system implies that F1 ∈ S. The relation (2.11) means that there must exist a [x0 , u, φ] such that M2 (θ2 ) can not explain the data for any θ2 . This further means that F2 ∈ / S. Thus, we have shown that there exists a / S. From the assumption of correct [x0 , u, φ] and a θ1 such that F1 ∈ S ∧ F2 ∈ model and ideal diagnosis system it also holds that for all θ2 ∈ ΘF2 , F2 ∈ S. This proves that F1 is partially isolable from F2 . The following example illustrates some of the isolability properties and also how Theorem 2.1 and 2.2 can be used. Example 2.14 Consider a valve whose position x(t) is controlled by the signal u(t) and measured with a sensor with output ys (t). Three system fault-modes are considered: N F (no fault), AF (actuator fault), and SF (sensor fault). The fault modes
Chapter 2. A General Framework for Fault Diagnosis
are described by the following models: MN F :
MAF (f (t)) :
x(t) = u(t) ys (t) = x(t)
x(t) =u(t) + f (t) ys (t) =x(t)
x(t) =u(t) ys (t) =0
We also know that the input signal is limited as 1 < u < 2. By studying the models representing the different fault modes, we realize that the following relations hold: N F 4∗ AF N F 64∗ SF AF 64∗ N F AF 64∗ SF SF 64∗ N F SF 4∗ AF Now we will use these relations together with Theorem 2.1 and 2.2, and assuming an ideal diagnosis system. Doing so we obtain the following facts: N F not isol. from AF (Th. 2.1), AF not compl. isol. from N F (Th. 2.2) N F part. isol. from SF (Th. 2.1) AF part. isol. from N F (Th. 2.1) AF part. isol. from SF (Th. 2.1) SF part. isol. from N F (Th. 2.1) SF not isol. from AF (Th. 2.1), AF not compl. isol. from SF (Th. 2.2) By some more studying the models representing the different fault modes, it can be realized that some isolability properties are actually stronger than this. All isolability properties have been collected in the following table:
NF uniformly partially uniformly completely
AF not not
SF uniformly completely uniformly partially -
The entries in the table shows the isolability of the fault mode of the row from the fault mode of the column. For example, the first row says that N F is not isolable from AF and N F is uniformly and completely isolable from SF . Note that the isolability is not a symmetric property. For instance, in the example above, N F is not isolable from AF but AF is uniformly and partially isolable from N F . From Theorem 2.1 and 2.2 it is clear that to facilitate isolation, we want to avoid that the fault modes are related with the submode-relation. One reason for the presence of submode-relations between the fault modes, is that faults have
Section 2.7. Conclusions
been modeled by too general fault models. That is, too general fault models implies that it becomes difficult (or impossible) to isolate between different faults. When designing a model-based diagnosis-system, this fact implies that the following advice is of high importance: To facilitate fault isolation, fault models should be made as specific as possible. In practice this means for example that when a fault can be modeled as a deviation in a constant parameter, then the fault should not be modeled with an arbitrary fault signal. Also, when parameters θi are known to be limited in range, this information should be incorporated into the fault model.
Refining the Diagnosis Statement
When fault modes are related by the submode relation, they are in accordance with Theorem 2.1 not isolable from each other. This means that if A 4∗ B and the fault mode present in the system is A, then if the diagnosis statement contains A, it is very likely to also contain B, i.e. S = {A, B, . . . }. Now from another point of view, assume that we encounter a diagnosis statement S = {A, B}. This in principle means that both A and B can explain the data. However, since A 4∗ B, i.e. A is more restricted than B, it is much more likely that the data has been generated by a system with fault mode A present. It is possible to extend the diagnosis system with this kind of reasoning, and in that case the fault statement would become the single fault mode A. In general, all fault modes in the diagnosis statements which are “supermodes” of other fault modes in the diagnosis statement, should be neglected. In this way we can produce a refined diagnosis statement S¯ which becomes S¯ = {F1 ∈ S | ∀F2 ∈ S. F2 6= F1 → F2 64 F1 }
For example, N F is likely to be related to all other fault modes Fi as N F 4∗ Fi . Because of this, even though N F is the present fault mode, it will never be the only fault mode in S. From a slightly different viewpoint, this was also discovered in Section 2.3.1. However, if the refined diagnosis statement (2.12) is used, it becomes S¯ = {N F }.
This chapter has introduced a general theoretical framework for describing and analyzing diagnosis problems. In contrast to other existing frameworks, e.g. the residual view, this framework is not limited to any special type of faults. We have shown how common types of fault modeling techniques fits into the framework, e.g. faults modeled as arbitrary signals, deviations in constants, and abrupt changes of variables. Also multiple faults are naturally integrated so that no special treatment is needed. The important term fault mode has been defined and it will be frequently used in all the following chapters of the thesis.
Chapter 2. A General Framework for Fault Diagnosis
A general architecture for a diagnosis system has been introduced and a relation to methods based on propositional logic is indicated. We have introduced the idea that the output from a diagnosis system can be several possible faults. Using the framework, many conceptually important terms have been defined, e.g. fault, fault diagnosis, fault isolation, detected fault, isolated fault, fault isolability, fault detectability, etc. The meanings of the terms isolability and detectability have been shown to have quite many nuances. A submode relation between fault modes have been defined. It has been shown that this relation has important consequences for isolability and detectability. An important conclusion is that fault models should not be made too general since then, it becomes difficult to isolate faults from each other.
Section 2.A. Summary of Example
Appendix 2.A
Summary of Example
This section contains a summary of the sensor-bias example given in Sections 2.1 and 2.2.
Notation Summary Θ Θγ θ Di i Dψ θi θγ M(θ) Mγ (θ) = Mγ (θγ )
set of all fault states fault state space for fault mode γ fault state fault state space of component i fault state space of component i and component fault-mode ψ fault state of component i free fault state parameter for fault mode γ complete system model system model for fault mode γ
Sensor-Bias Example The system is described by the following equations: x˙ =f (x, u)
y1 =h1 (x) + b1 y2 =h2 (x) + b2
(2.13b) (2.13c)
b1 ≥0
b2 ≥0
The constants b1 and b2 represents sensor bias faults and it is assumed that only positive biases can occur. The system contains two components: sensor 1 and sensor 2. The component fault-modes are summarized in the following table: component number i 1 2
component name Sensor 1 Sensor 2
component fault-modes N F 1, B1 N F 2, B2
component fault-state b1 b2
The fault mode B1 is a positive bias in sensor 1 and B2 is positive bias in sensor 2. The set of component fault-modes implies that there are four possible
Chapter 2. A General Framework for Fault Diagnosis
system fault-modes: NF =[N F 1, N F 2] B1 =[B1, N F 2] B2 =[N F 1, B2] B1&B2 =[B1, B2] The fault state of the system is described by the vector θ = [b1 b2 ]. The parameter spaces for b1 and b2 are defined by 1 1 b1 ∈D1 = DN F 1 ∪ DB1 2 2 b2 ∈D2 = DN F 1 ∪ DB1 1 DN F 1 ={0} 2 DN F 2 ={0} 1 DB1 ={x > 0} 2 DB2 ={x > 0}
The parameter spaces for θ are defined by θ ∈Θ = D1 × D2 = ΘNF ∪ ΘB1 ∪ ΘB2 ∪ ΘB1&B2 1 2 ΘNF ={θ|b1 ∈ DN F 1 ∧ b2 ∈ DN F 2 } = {θ|b1 = 0 ∧ b2 = 0} 1 2 ΘB1 ={θ|b1 ∈ DB1 ∧ b2 ∈ DN F 2 } = {θ|b1 > 0 ∧ b2 = 0} 1 2 ΘB2 ={θ|b1 ∈ DN F 1 ∧ b2 ∈ DB2 } = {θ|b1 = 0 ∧ b2 > 0} 1 2 ΘB1&B2 ={θ|b1 ∈ DB1 ∧ b2 ∈ DB2 } = {θ|b1 > 0 ∧ b2 > 0}
The model M(θ) = M([b1 b2 ]) is defined by (2.13). The models associated with the four fault modes are MNF (θ) =M(θ)|θ∈ΘNF = MNF MB1 (θ) =M(θ)|θ∈ΘB1 = MB1 (b1) MB2 (θ) =M(θ)|θ∈ΘB2 = MB2 (b2) MB1&B2 (θ) =M(θ)|θ∈ΘB1&B2 = MB1&B2 ([b1 b2])
Chapter 3
Structured Hypothesis Tests In this chapter, we will see how classical hypothesis testing can be utilized for model based diagnosis and especially fault isolation. The literature is quite sparse on this subject but some related contributions can be found in (Riggins and Rizzoni, 1990; Grainger, Holst, Isaksson and Ninnes, 1995; Bøgh, 1995; Basseville, 1997). The formalism from the previous chapter will be used to define a new general approach called structured hypothesis tests. As its name indicates, the approach uses a structure of several hypothesis tests. Structured hypothesis tests may be seen as a generalization of the well known method structured residuals (Gertler, 1991), but have the additional advantage that it is theoretically grounded in classical hypothesis testing and also propositional logic. As a result of this, the model of the system can be fully utilized in a systematic way. This implies that it is possible to diagnose a large variety of different types of faults within the same framework and same diagnosis system. For example both faults modeled as changes in parameters and faults modeled as additive signals are easily handled. Further, the approach is quite intuitive and very similar to the reasoning involved when humans are doing diagnosis. Several other principles for diagnosis can be seen as special cases, e.g. parameter estimation (Isermann, 1993), observer schemes (Patton et al., 1989), structured residuals (Gertler, 1991), and statistical methods (Basseville and Nikiforov, 1993). The basics of structured hypothesis tests is given in Sections 3.1 and 3.2, and exemplified in Section 3.3. Design and analysis of the hypothesis tests is shortly mentioned, but the most of this discussion is left to Chapter 4. Section 3.4 discusses incidence structures and decision structures, which are related to the residual structure. This relation is then investigated in Section 3.5, which discusses the relation between structured hypothesis tests and the method structured residuals. 47
Chapter 3. Structured Hypothesis Tests
Fault Diagnosis Using Structured Hypothesis Tests
Using the principle of structured hypothesis tests, each of the individual tests δk are assumed to be hypothesis tests. Then the diagnosis system consists of a set of hypothesis tests, δ1 to δn , and the decision logic. Except for this general connection to hypothesis testing, structured hypothesis tests has also a closer connection to the method intersection-union test, that can be found in statistical literature, e.g. (Casella and Berger, 1990). The classical, statistical or decision theoretic, definition of hypothesis test is adopted, e.g. see (Berger, 1985; Lehmann, 1986; Casella and Berger, 1990). This means that a hypothesis test is a procedure to, based on sample data, select between exactly two hypotheses characterized by θ ∈ Θ0 and θ ∈ ΘC 0 . This is in contrast to “multiple hypothesis testing” that is often found in literature, e.g. (Basseville and Nikiforov, 1993). Note that when using hypothesis testing, we can have a probabilistic (statistical) or a deterministic view. Therefore, the method structured hypothesis tests is valid either we have probabilistic knowledge, in terms of probability density functions of e.g. the signal z (described in Section 2.1.1) or measurement noise, or not. As before, the test δk (x), now a hypothesis test, is a function of u and y and Sk = δk (x) = δk ([u y]). The null hypothesis for the k:th hypothesis test, i.e. Hk0 , is that the fault mode, present in the process, belongs to a specific set Mk of fault modes. The alternative hypothesis Hk1 is that the present fault mode does not belong to Mk . This means that if hypothesis Hk0 is rejected, and thus Hk1 is accepted, the present fault mode can not belong to Mk , i.e. it must belong to MkC . In this way, each individual hypothesis test contributes with a piece of informations about which fault modes that can be present. As before, the decision logic then combines this information to form the diagnosis statement. Let Fp again denote the present system fault-mode. Then for the k:th hypothesis test, the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis can be written Hk0 : Fp ∈ Mk
”some fault mode in Mk can explain the measured data”
”no fault mode in Mk can explain the measured data”
: Fp ∈
An alternative is to use the definition of the sets Θγ to describe the hypotheses. This is done via the sets Θ0k which are defined as Θ0k =
The hypotheses can now be expressed as Hk0 : θ ∈ Θ0k
”some value of θ ∈ Θ0k can explain the measured data”
Hk1 : θ ∈ / Θ0k
”no value of θ ∈ Θ0k can explain the measured data”
Section 3.1. Fault Diagnosis Using Structured Hypothesis Tests
The convention used here and also commonly used in hypothesis testing literature, is that when Hk0 is rejected, we assume that Hk1 is true. Further, when Hk0 is not rejected, we will for the present not assume anything. This latter fact will be slightly modified in Section 3.2, where we discuss how we also can assume something when Hk0 is not rejected. How the hypothesis tests are used to diagnose and isolate faults is illustrated by the following example. Example 3.1 Assume that the diagnosis system contains the following set of three hypothesis tests: H10 : Fp ∈ M1 = {N F, F1 }
H11 : Fp ∈ M1C = {F2 , F3 }
H20 : Fp ∈ M2 = {N F, F2 }
H21 : Fp ∈ M2C = {F1 , F3 }
H30 : Fp ∈ M3 = {N F, F3 }
H31 : Fp ∈ M3C = {F1 , F2 }
Then if only H10 is rejected, we can draw the conclusion that Fp ∈ M1C = {F2 , F3 }, i.e. the present system fault-mode is either F2 or F3 . If both H10 and H20 are rejected, we can draw the conclusion that Fp ∈ M1C ∩ M2C = {F2 , F3 } ∩ {F1 , F3 } = {F3 }, i.e. the present system fault-mode is F3 . We see that in this context, it is natural to let the diagnosis statement be represented by sets as was introduced in Section 2.3.1. For the two possible decisions of a hypothesis test δk , we use the notation Sk0 and Sk1 . This means that ( Sk1 = MkC if Hk0 is rejected (Hk1 accepted) (3.2) Sk = Sk0 = Ω if Hk0 is not rejected where Ω denotes the set of all fault modes. We will in Section 3.2 below, relax the definition of Sk0 such that it may be a subset of Ω, i.e. Sk0 ⊆ Ω. Depending on how Sk0 and Sk1 are defined, a diagnosis system based on structured hypothesis tests can be either speculative or conclusive. All together, the diagnosis-system architecture presented in Section 2.3, and the use of hypothesis tests, is closely related to human reasoning about diagnosis. A human being naturally speculates around a set of different hypotheses and then his/her diagnosis statement is composed of individual conclusions of how well his/her observations match the different hypotheses. An example of such reasoning is: “if it is the fuse that is broken, then no lamps in this room would be lighted”. Then he/she may observe that there are lighted lamps and thus the hypothesis “the fuse that is broken” must be rejected. Much of the engineering work involved in constructing a diagnosis system is to use the model M(θ) to construct the individual hypothesis tests. The design of the hypothesis tests will be discussed in more detail in the next section and also in Chapter 4.
Chapter 3. Structured Hypothesis Tests
Hypothesis Tests
For each hypothesis test δk , we need to find a test quantity and a rejection region. The sample data x for each hypothesis is plant inputs u and outputs y. The sample data can further be all such data up to present time or a subset of this data. The test quantity is a function Tk (x) from the sample data x, to a scalar value which is to be thresholded by a threshold Jk . Thus δk will have a structure according to Figure 3.1. δk (x) u y
Test Quantity Calculation
Figure 3.1: Hypothesis test δk (x). The test quantity Tk (x) is in many texts instead called a test statistic. However, the name test statistic indicates that Tk (x) is a random variable which in general may not be a desired view. The test quantity Tk (x) may for example be a residual generator 1 or a sum of squared prediction errors of a parameter estimator. In many applications, a deterministic view is taken and Tk (x) is seen just as a function of the data and not as a random variable. Formally the hypothesis test δk is defined as ( Sk1 if Tk (x) ≥ Jk (3.3) Sk = δk (x) = Sk0 if Tk (x) < Jk The rejection region of each test is thereby implicitly defined. The definition (3.3) means that we need to design a test quantity Tk (x) such that it is low or at least below the threshold if the data x matches the hypothesis Hk0 , i.e. a fault mode in Mk can explain the data. Also if the data come from a fault mode not in Mk , Tk (x) should be large or at least above the threshold. Using traditional terminology, the fault modes in Mk are said to be decoupled. How well the hypothesis test meets these requirements is quantified by the power function βk (θ) defined as βk (θ) = P (reject Hk0 | θ) = P (Tk (x) ≥ Jk | θ) / Θ0k . To be We want the power function to be low for θ ∈ Θ0k and large for θ ∈ able to make the assumption that Hk1 is true when Hk0 is rejected, we need to design the hypothesis tests such that the significance level α, defined as α = sup βk (θ) θ∈Θ0k 1 Here residual generator refers to specific filters used in the fault diagnosis literature, e.g. (Gertler, 1991), to indicate faults.
Section 3.3. Examples
has a small value. This implies that the threshold Jk must be set relatively high. This in turn means that the value of βk (θ) does not necessarily become large for all values θ ∈ / Θ0k . For instance, if the present fault mode is Fi and C Fi ∈ Mk , then for some θ ∈ ΘFi , the probability to reject Hk0 may be very small. This is the reason why we up to now, have assumed that Sk0 = Ω, i.e. we can not assume anything when Hk0 is not rejected. Now if it actually holds that the power function is large for all θ ∈ ΘFi , then we do not take any large risk if we assume that Fi has not occured when Hk0 is not rejected. If this is the case, Fi should be excluded from Sk0 . The relation between the power function and the decisions Sk0 and Sk1 is further investigated in Section 4.7.2. How the test quantities Tk (x) are constructed depends on the actual case, and only for some specific classes of systems and fault models, general design procedures have been proposed, e.g. linear systems with fault modeled as inputs (Nyberg and Frisk, 1999). To develop the actual hypothesis tests, we first need to decide the set of hypotheses to test. One solution is to use one hypothesis test for each fault mode. In this case, the set of hypothesis tests can be indexed by γ ∈ Ω, i.e. δγ , and becomes Hγ0 : Fp ∈ Mγ
: Fp ∈
How the Submode Relation Affects the Choice of Null Hypotheses
The choice of null hypotheses is not a completely free choice but restricted by the submode relation defined in Section 2.4. The restriction can be expressed as: If A 4∗ B, then the null hypotheses Fp ∈ {A, B} and Fp ∈ {A} are good choices but Fp ∈ {B} is not. The motivation is that if the null hypothesis is Fp ∈ {B}, then the test quantity is low for Fp = B but since A 4∗ B, the test quantity will be equally low for also Fp = A. Consider for example the fault modes “sensor bias” SB and N F . With the discussion of Example 2.13 in mind, we can expect that N F 4∗ SB and therefore we should never use Fp ∈ {SB} as a null hypothesis but instead Fp ∈ {N F, SB}.
This section contains two examples that illustrates how hypothesis tests and especially test quantities can be constructed.
Chapter 3. Structured Hypothesis Tests
Faults Modeled as Deviations of Plant Parameters
Consider a process which can be modeled as y(t) = θ1 u1 (t) + θ2 u2 (t) + θ3 u3 (t) The fault state vector is θ = [θ1 θ2 θ3 ]. Four fault modes are considered: NF F1
θ = [1 1 1] θ1 6= 1, θ2 = θ3 = 1
F2 F3
θ2 = 6 1, θ1 = θ3 = 1 θ3 = 6 1, θ1 = θ2 = 1
To diagnose this system, we use four hypothesis tests whose null hypotheses are defined by the sets Mk : M0 = {N F } M1 = {N F, F1 } M2 = {N F, F2 } M3 = {N F, F3 } The null and alternative hypotheses become Hk0 : Fp ∈ Mk Hk1 : Fp ∈ MkC for k = 0, 1, 2, 3. Then we have that Sk1 = MkC and Sk0 is chosen as Sk0 = Ω. As test quantities, we use the functions T0 (x) =
N 2 X 2 y − yˆ = y − u1 − u2 − u3
T1 (x) = min θ1
T2 (x) = min θ2
T3 (x) = min θ3
t=0 N X t=0 N X t=0 N X t=0
N X 2 2 y − yˆ = min y − θ1 u1 − u2 − u3 θ1
N X 2 2 y − yˆ = min y − u 1 − θ2 u 2 − u 3 θ2
N X 2 2 y − yˆ = min y − u 1 − u 2 − θ3 u 3 θ3
Note that these functions are in principle parameter estimators and that Tk (x) is the sum of squared prediction errors. It is obvious that the functions (3.5) are small when the present fault mode belongs to the corresponding set Mk . For example if F1 is the present fault mode, then T1 (x) will produce a good estimate of θ1 which implies that the simulation error and T1 (x) will become small. Also, for at least “large” faults and large inputs, the functions (3.5) are
Section 3.3. Examples
large when the present fault mode does not belong to the corresponding set Mk . For example if F1 is the present fault mode, and the fault is “large”, then T0 (x), T2 (x), and T3 (x) will all become large. All this means that the functions (3.5) satisfy our requirements on test quantities.
Faults Modeled as Arbitrary Fault Signals
Consider a process which can be modeled as
x(t + 1) = Ax(t) + B u(t) + fu (t) y1 (t) = C1 x(t) + f1 (t) y2 (t) = C1 x(t) + f2 (t)
where the signals fu , f1 , and f2 represent an actuator fault and faults in sensor 1 and 2 respectively. The fault state vector is θ = [fu (t) f1 (t) f2 (t)]. Four fault modes are considered: NF Fu
θ = [0 0 0] θ = [fu (t) 0 0], fu (t) 6≡ 0
F1 F2
θ = [0 f1 (t) 0], f1 (t) 6≡ 0 θ = [0 0 f2 (t)], f2 (t) 6≡ 0
To diagnose this system, we use the two hypothesis tests H10 : Fp ∈ M1 = {N F, F1 }
H11 : Fp ∈ M1C = {Fu , F2 }
H20 : Fp ∈ M2 = {N F, F2 }
H21 : Fp ∈ M2C = {Fu , F1 }
To calculate the test quantities, we first use the following two observers x ˆ(t + 1) = Ax(t) + Bu(t) − K(y1 (t) − yˆ1 (t)) yˆ1 (t) = C1 x(t) x ˆ(t + 1) = Ax(t) + Bu(t) − K(y2 (t) − yˆ2 (t)) yˆ2 (t) = C2 x(t)
(3.6a) (3.6b)
(3.7a) (3.7b)
Then the test quantities can be defined as T1 (x) = |y2 (t) − yˆ2 (t)| T2 (x) = |y1 (t) − yˆ1 (t)| These test quantities Tk (x) are zero or small if the present fault mode belongs to the corresponding sets Mk . For example, if F1 is the present fault mode, then the observer (3.7) will produce a good estimate yˆ2 (t) since the calculation of yˆ2 (x) is not affected by a fault in sensor 1. This means that T1 (x) will become small. Also when F1 is present, it can be shown that T2 (x) will become large or at least non-zero. This means that T1 (x) and T2 (x) serves well as test quantities. This configuration of observers, in which each observer is fed by only one of the output signals, is called a dedicated observer scheme (Clark, 1979).
Chapter 3. Structured Hypothesis Tests
Incidence Structure and Decision Structure
This section describes the concept of incidence structure and decision structure which can be seen as generalizations of the well known residual structure (Gertler, 1998). We here introduce a distinction between the incidence structure, describing how the faults affects the test quantities, and the decision structure, describing how the fault decision depend on the thresholded test quantities. We will also see that the decision structure relates to structured hypothesis tests in the same way as the residual structure relates to the isolation method method structured residuals (Gertler and Singer, 1990).
Incidence Structure
To get an overview of how faults in different fault modes ideally affect the test quantities, it is useful to set up an incidence structure. With ideally, we mean that the system behaves exactly in accordance with the model and all stochastic parts have been neglected, e.g. no unmodeled disturbances exists and there is no measurement noise. An incidence structure is a table or matrix containing 0:s, 1:s, and X:s. The X:s will be called don’t care. An example of an incidence structure is
T1 (x) T2 (x) T3 (x)
NF 0 0 0
F1 0 0 X
F2 1 1 0
F3 0 1 1
A 0 in the k:th row and the j:th column means that if the system fault-mode present in the system, is equal to the system fault-mode of the j:th column, then the test quantity Tk (x) will not be affected, i.e. it will be exactly zero. A 1 in the k:th row and the j:th column means that for all 2 faults belonging to the fault mode of the j:th column, Tk (x) will always be affected, i.e. it will be non-zero. An X in the k:th row and the j:th column means that for some faults belonging to the fault mode of the j:th column, Tk (x) will under some operating conditions be affected, i.e. it will be non-zero. As said above, although a distinction has not been made between incidence structures and decision structures in previous literature, the basic idea of using incidence structures (or residual structures) is not new. However, compared to previous works involving incidence structures, a major difference is that we have here added the use of don’t care. The incidence structure is derived by studying the equations describing the process model and how the test quantities Tk (x) are calculated. This is illustrated in the following example: 2 As noted in (W¨ unnenberg, 1990), we may have to relax the requirement to almost all faults; e.g. when faults are modeled as arbitrary signals, we can not require that faults that are solutions to the differential equation Tk (x) = 0, affects test quantity.
Section 3.4. Incidence Structure and Decision Structure
air mass-flow manifold pressure
engine speed
Figure 3.2: A principle illustration of an SI-engine. Example 3.2 Consider Figure 3.2, containing a principle illustration of a spark-ignited combustion engine. The air enters at the left side, passes the throttle and the manifold, and finally enters the cylinders. The engine in the figure have sensors measuring the physical variables air mass-flow, throttle angle, and manifold pressure. The air flow m ˙ past the throttle can be modeled as a non-linear function of the throttle angle α and the manifold pressure p: m ˙ = (1 − cos α)Φ(p)
where the dΦ(p)/dp = 0 for supersonic air-speeds which occurs for all p < 53kPa (Heywood, 1992). The throttle angle α is always between 0 and π/2. Three system fault modes are considered: no fault N F , air mass-flow sensor fault M , and manifold pressure sensor fault P . For both M and P , the faults are modeled as an arbitrary signal added to the sensor signals: ˙ + fm˙ m ˙ s =m ps =p + fp
(3.10a) (3.10b)
where the index s indicates sensor signals. As test quantity, we can use ˙ s − (1 − cos αs )Φ(ps ) T (x) = T ([m ˙ s , αs , ps ]) = m
To see how the faults affects the test quantity, we can substitute (3.9) and (3.10) into (3.11): T (x) = m ˙ + fm˙ − (1 − cos α)Φ(p + fp ) = = fm˙ + (1 − cos α)Φ(p) − (1 − cos α)Φ(p + pf ) We see that a fault in M will always affect T (x). Also, a fault in P will affect T (x) if and only if p > 53kPa or p + pf > 53kPa.
Chapter 3. Structured Hypothesis Tests This means that the incidence structure for the test quantity T (x) becomes T (x)
NF 0
M 1
Let skj denote the entry in the k:th row and the j:th column of an incidence structure. Then the interpretation or semantics of 0:s, 1:s, and X:s can be formalized as Fp = Fj → Tk (x) = 0 Fp = Fj → Tk (x) 6= 0
if skj = 0 if skj = 1
(3.13a) (3.13b)
where Fp , as before, denotes the present system fault-mode. Note that the implication, denoted by the arrow, is not symmetric. Note also that the interpretation of X is implicitly contained in these two formulas. In the next section, we will also define interpretations of 1:s, 0:s, and X:s for the decision structure. To the author’s knowledge, no such strict interpretation has been defined in previous literature. The motivation for these strict definitions, is that we can discuss relations to for example propositional logic and hypothesis testing. In addition, these interpretations of 1:s, 0:s, and X:s alone, also defines the function of the whole diagnosis system. By using the formulas (3.13), it is possible to formally describe the interpretation of a whole incidence structure. We will exemplify this below, by giving the interpretation of the incidence structure (3.8), but note first that / {F2 } ≡ Fp ∈ Ω − {F2 }. The symbol ⇐⇒ will be used to denote tauFp ∈ tological equivalence. Now, the interpretation of the incidence structure (3.8) becomes T1 = 0 ← Fp ∈ {N F, F1 , F3 } T1 6= 0 ← Fp = F 2
⇐⇒ ⇐⇒
T1 = 6 0 → Fp = F 2 T1 = 0 → Fp ∈ {N F, F1 , F3 }
T2 = 0 ← Fp ∈ {N F, F1 } T2 6= 0 ← Fp ∈ {F2 , F3 }
⇐⇒ ⇐⇒
T2 = 6 0 → Fp ∈ {F2 , F3 } T2 = 0 → Fp ∈ {N F, F1 }
T3 = 0 ← Fp ∈ {N F, F2 } T3 6= 0 ← Fp = F3
⇐⇒ ⇐⇒
T3 = 6 0 → Fp ∈ {F1 , F3 } T3 = 0 → Fp ∈ {N F, F1 , F2 }
By using if-and-only-if relations, these formulas can be written on a slightly shorter form: T1 = 0 ↔ Fp ∈ {N F, F1 , F3 }
T1 6= 0 ↔ Fp = F 2
T2 = 0 ↔ Fp ∈ {N F, F1 } T3 = 0 ← Fp ∈ {N F, F2 }
⇐⇒ ⇐⇒
T2 = 6 0 ↔ Fp ∈ {F2 , F3 } T3 = 6 0 → Fp ∈ {F1 , F3 }
T3 6= 0 ← Fp = F3
T3 = 0 → Fp ∈ {N F, F1 , F2 }
As seen, the if-and-only-if relation can only be used with rows, in the incidence structure, which have no X:s.
Section 3.4. Incidence Structure and Decision Structure
Decision Structure
The incidence structure corresponds to the case where ideal conditions holds. If this were the case, we could derive the diagnosis statement S by using the incidence structure, the formulas (3.13), and the values of the test quantities Tk (x). In practice, the model is not perfect, unmodeled disturbances affects the process, and there is measurement noise. All this means that the formulas (3.13) are not valid and can therefore not be used to form the diagnosis statement. In practice, we have to relax the assumptions of ideal conditions and the formulas (3.13) can be replaced by a formulation based on the use of thresholds, i.e hypothesis testing. Doing this, we obtain a decision structure. Still letting skj denote the entry in the k:th row and the j:th column, the new interpretation or semantics of 0:s, 1:s, and X:s becomes Fp = Fj → Tk (x) < Jk Fp = Fj → Tk (x) ≥ Jk
if skj = 0 if skj = 1
(3.14a) (3.14b)
if skj = 0
if skj = 1
or by using the terminology of hypothesis testing: Fp = Fj → not rej. Hk0 Fp = Fj → reject
The implications are not completely true, but we assume that they holds. This corresponds to the basic assumptions, discussed in Section 3.2, that when Hk0 is rejected, we assume that Hk1 holds. However, there is a conflict between the two rules (3.15a) and (3.15b). To make the assumption that (3.15a) holds reasonable, the significance level αk of all tests must be low. This means that the thresholds must be chosen relatively high. Further, this violates the assumption that (3.15b) holds. To achieve reasonable assumptions, some or probably most 1:s from the incidence structure must be replaced by X:s. It might seem that another choice is to replace 0:s by X:s, but the problem with this is that for all small faults, the assumption of (3.15b) still not becomes reasonable. We will see later that representing a diagnosis system with a decision structure, is equivalent to a representation using the sets Mk , Sk0 , and Sk1 . An example of a decision structure is obtained by considering the incidence structure (3.8) which can be transformed to, for instance the following decision structure: δ1 (x) δ2 (x) δ3 (x)
NF 0 0 0
F1 0 0 X
F2 X X 0
F3 0 1 X
Because the decision structure is related to the whole hypothesis tests and not only the test quantities, we use δk to label the rows instead of Tk . The process of replacing 1:s with X:s is further illustrated by the following example:
Chapter 3. Structured Hypothesis Tests
Example 3.3 Consider again Example 3.2. When the fault mode M is present, we have that T (x) = fm˙ + v where v is a signal that represents model errors, disturbances, and measurement noise. Even for fault mode N F , which implies fm˙ = 0, the test quantity T (x) will not be zero. This means that the threshold J must be raised above zero. Then for small fm˙ , T (x) will not reach the threshold. If the incidence structure (3.12) would be used as decision structure, we would have the rule M → T (x) ≥ J However, according to what was said above, the implication will not hold for a small fm˙ . This means that to obtain the decision structure, the 1 in (3.12) must be replaced by an X, i.e.
NF 0
A decision structure together with the formulas (3.14) can be used to derive the diagnosis statement. Consider for example the decision structure (3.16), which have the interpretation T1 < J1 ← Fp ∈ {N F, F1 , F3 }
T1 ≥ J1 → Fp = F 2
T2 < J2 ← Fp ∈ {N F, F1 } T2 ≥ J2 ← Fp = F3
⇐⇒ ⇐⇒
T2 ≥ J2 → Fp ∈ {F2 , F3 } T2 < J2 → Fp ∈ {N F, F1 , F2 }
T3 < J3 ← Fp ∈ {N F, F2
T3 ≥ J3 → Fp ∈ {F1 , F3 }
Now if T1 < J1 , T2 ≥ J1 , and T3 ≥ J1 , we know by using the rules, that Fp ∈ {F2 , F3 } and Fp ∈ {F1 , F3 }. This means that F3 must be the present fault mode. It is clear that there must be a strong relationship between this procedure, i.e. forming the diagnosis statement S by using the decision structure, and how the diagnosis statement S is formed by using the individual diagnosis statements Sk . The relationship between the decision structure and the sets Sk0 and Sk1 is as follows. A 0 in the k:th row for δk and the j:th column means that the set Sk0 contains the fault mode of the j:th column and Sk1 does not contain this fault mode. A 1 in the k:th row and the j:th column means that the set Sk1 contains the fault mode of the j:th column and Sk0 do not contain this fault mode. An X in the k:th row and the j:th column means that both Sk0 and Sk1 contain the
Section 3.5. Comparison with Structured Residuals
fault mode of the j:th column. For example, the sets Sk0 and Sk1 for the decision structure (3.16), are S10 ={N F, F1 , F2 , F3 }
S11 ={F2 }
S20 ={N F, F1 , F2 }
S21 ={F2 , F3 }
S30 ={N F, F1 , F2 , F3 }
S31 ={F1 , F3 }
In this way, the decision structure can be seen as an overview of a diagnosis system based on structured hypothesis tests. In accordance with the formulas (3.15), we can read out that when the result of a test is Sk0 , then the fault modes with 0:s and X:s in the decision structure, are the possible present fault modes. When the result is Sk1 , then the fault modes with 1:s and X:s are the possible present fault modes. Still in accordance with the formulas (3.15), we can from a decision structure also read out which tests that will respond, i.e. which null hypothesis that will be rejected, when a particular fault mode is present. For the decision structure (3.16), we know that if N F is the present fault mode, then no tests will respond, because the corresponding column has only zeros. Also, if F3 is the present fault mode, then test δ1 will not respond, test δ2 will respond, and test δ3 may respond.
Comparison with Structured Residuals
This section contains a comparison between the well known isolation method structured residuals (Gertler, 1991) and structured hypothesis tests. Isolation with structured residuals is based on a residual structure which in principle is a combined incidence and decision structure. A residual structure contains only 0:s and 1:s and an example is r1 r2 r3
f1 0 0 1
f2 1 1 0
f3 0 1 1
A minor notational difference between the residual structure and the decision structure is that usually ri is used to label the rows instead of δi and also that the column related to the case no fault is usually not included in the residual structure. Further, when using structured residuals, faults are usually modeled as arbitrary fault signals. These fault signals fj are then used to “label” the columns instead of fault modes. Usually one fault signal is used for each component which means that, as long as only single fault-modes are considered, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the fault modes Fj and the fault signals fj . The residual structure can be interpreted as an incidence structure in accordance with the formulas (3.13). In addition, the residual structure is also used to form the diagnosis statement. That is, it is interpreted as a decision structure
Chapter 3. Structured Hypothesis Tests
in accordance with the formulas (3.14) and (3.15). Thus a 1 in the k:th row and the j:th column means that we assume that for all faults belonging to the fault mode of the j:th column, Tk (x) will be above the threshold Jk . However this assumption is mostly far from the truth. In reality, a 1 in the k:th row and the j:th column means that for some faults belonging to the fault mode of the j:th column, Tk (x) will under some operating conditions be above the threshold Jk . Thus a more correct interpretation would be obtained by replacing most 1:s with X:s. Usually it is required that the residual structure must be isolating, which means that all columns must be distinct. This together with the fact that there are only 1:s in the residual structure, implies that the fault statement always contain at the maximum one fault mode. That is, a diagnosis system using the principle of structured residuals with an isolating residual structure, is always conclusive (remember the definition from Section 2.3.3). This is illustrated in the following example: Example 3.4 Consider the following two structures r1 r2 r3
NF 0 0 0
F1 0 0 1
F2 1 1 0
F3 0 1 1
δ1 (x) δ2 (x) δ3 (x)
NF 0 0 0
F1 0 0 X
F2 X X 0
F3 0 1 X
Assume that the left structure is a residual structure and the right is a decision structure for the same set of test quantities and thresholds. Then Table 3.1 contains a comparison between the diagnosis statement generated from the residual structure and the diagnosis statement generated from the decision structure. The leftmost column lists all possible results of thresholding the test quantities. For example, the second row 001 means that T1 < J1 , T2 < J2 , and T3 > J3 . Note the diagnosis statements S = {}, meaning that no fault modes can explain the behavior of the system.
1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
3 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
Struct. res. S {N F } {F1 } {} {F3 } {} {} {F2 } {}
Struct. hyp. tests S {N F, F1 , F2 } {F1 } {F2 , F3 } {F3 } {F2 } {} {F2 } {}
Table 3.1: The diagnosis statement using structured residuals compared to structured hypothesis tests.
Section 3.5. Comparison with Structured Residuals
u y
Diagnosis System Sstruc−hyp using Structured Hypothesis tests
Figure 3.3: A diagnosis system using structured residuals as a filtered version of structured hypothesis tests.
As seen in Example 3.4, the “unnatural” 1:s, in the residual structure, make the diagnosis statement empty in many situations, where the diagnosis statement from structured hypothesis tests is not empty, e.g. study the third row. This difference is fundamental. The diagnosis system using structured hypothesis tests is in general speculative, i.e. it gives possible fault modes that can explain the system behavior. As we said above, a diagnosis system using structured residuals, is on the other hand conclusive. Regardless of what diagnosis method that is used, it may be the case that several different fault modes can explain the system behavior. This information is contained in the behavior of the thresholded test quantities also when using structured residuals. However the diagnosis system neglects this information and in principle says that no faults can explain the system behavior. This in turn, is usually interpreted as no faults are present and no alarm is therefore generated. All this means that structured residuals can be viewed as a filtered version of structured hypothesis tests. This view is illustrated in Figure 3.3. The filter filters out useful information that could have been utilized in some way. On the other hand, there may be situations where we want to limit the information from the diagnosis system, which in that case would motivate such a filter. As was said above, the empty diagnosis statement is usually interpreted as no faults are present. For example, in the fault free case, it might happen that one test quantity is above the threshold by mistake. A diagnosis system using structured residuals would in this case not generate an alarm but on the contrary, structured hypothesis tests would generate an alarm. It might therefore be argued that structured residuals is more robust to false alarms than structured hypothesis tests. This conclusion is however not fair since structured hypothesis tests is more powerful than structured residuals in the sense that the diagnosis statement contains more information. In addition, the same level of robustness can be achieved in also structured hypothesis tests by raising the thresholds. As mentioned above, the interpretation of the 1:s is in most cases unrealistic. This implies that it may often happen that some test quantities, that according to the residual structure should reach the thresholds, are below the threshold. The effect is serious since it can happen that wrong fault is isolated. To compensate for this, it is often required that the residual structure should be strongly isolating. This means that when a test quantity is not above the threshold, even though it should, there should be no other column that matches the
Chapter 3. Structured Hypothesis Tests
thresholded test quantities. For example, consider the residual structure (3.17), and assume that fault f3 is present. Especially for small faults, it can very well happen that T1 < J1 , T2 < J2 , and T3 > J3 . However, this last fact conflicts with the rule (3.14b) and this has the consequence that the thresholded test quantities matches the column for fault f1 . Thus the residual structure (3.17) is not strongly isolating. Note that in the framework of structured hypothesis tests, we do not need to introduce requirements of a strongly isolating decision structure as a way to compensate for an unrealistic interpretation of the 1:s. We end this section by discussing the last major difference between structured residuals and structured hypothesis tests. As seen in Section 3.4.2 above, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the representation based on the decision structure and a representation based on hypothesis tests, i.e. the sets Sk0 and Sk1 . When using structured hypothesis tests, the interpretation of the 1:s corresponds well to standard conventions within general hypothesis testing literature. This makes it easy to relate to other traditional areas of fault diagnosis, e.g. statistical views, logic based methods. The structured residuals on the other hand, have an interpretation of 1:s that is not compatible with these standard conventions. Concluding Remarks We have concluded that in the method structured residuals, the 1:s in a residual structure, are interpreted as the 1:s in the decision structure, using the method structured hypothesis tests. This interpretation is however unrealistic since it claims that even small faults results in that the test quantity becomes above the threshold. The “unnatural” 1:s in structured residuals has three main consequences, which were all discussed above: (1) useful information is unnecessarily neglected, (2) the “ad-hoc” compensation of strongly isolating residual structure must be used, and (3), the thresholded test quantities can not be interpreted as standard hypothesis tests.
This chapter has refined the general diagnosis-system architecture from Chapter 2 by saying that the tests δk are hypothesis tests. We have formalized the procedure of how the diagnosis statement is formed from the real-valued test quantities (or residuals). This is achieved by using a standard interpretation of the functionality of each hypothesis tests. The formation of the diagnosis statement is then obtained in accordance with the function of the general diagnosis-system architecture from Chapter 2. We have seen that the choice of null hypothesis in each hypothesis test is not a completely free choice, but is restricted by the submode relation between fault modes. Structured hypothesis tests can be used with arbitrary types of faults and this has been indicated in some examples. This topic will be further investigated in the next chapter where the design of the test quantities will be discussed.
Section 3.6. Conclusions
In contrast to structured residuals, we have introduced a distinction between the incidence structure, describing how faults ideally affect the test quantities, and the decision structure, describing how the faults affect the formation of the diagnosis statement. By doing so, we have been able to define meanings of the 0:s, 1:s, and X:s, present in the incidence/decision structure. We have motivated that an introduction of X:s (don’t care) in the incidence/decision structure is necessary since only using 0:s and 1:s often places unrealistic requirements on the test quantities (or residuals).
Chapter 3. Structured Hypothesis Tests
Chapter 4
Design and Evaluation of Hypothesis Tests for Fault Diagnosis In the previous chapter, the diagnosis-system architecture structured hypothesis tests was proposed. To get a complete diagnosis system, the engineer has also to construct the individual hypothesis tests. In fact, this is a large portion of the total engineering work involved when constructing a diagnosis system. The question is how to use the model of the system, including the fault models, to design the best possible individual hypothesis tests. The topic of this chapter is to try to find some answers this question. Design of hypothesis tests has been extensively discussed in general hypothesis testing literature, e.g. see (Lehmann, 1986). In this chapter we try to collect some general principles that are particularly useful for the purpose of model based diagnosis. We will see that the general framework of hypothesis testing brings structure to the field. Links between several different methods will become clear, for example: the likelihood principle from statistics vs residual generation, adaptive thresholds vs likelihood ratio, and parameter estimation methods vs residual generation. Since the goal is to find “good” or “best” test quantities, we have to know what “good” or “best” means. Therefore we also discuss measures to evaluate hypothesis tests. Although many specific cases will be exemplified, the general principles, of how to design and evaluate the hypothesis tests, are valid for all kinds of fault models. We start in Sections 4.1 to 4.4 to discuss general principles for test-quantity design. Three main principles are identified: the prediction, the estimate, and the likelihood principle. Then the issue of robustness is approached via normalization in Section 4.5. In Section 4.6, the measures for evaluating hypothesis tests are discussed. These measures are then used in Section 4.7 to select the parameters Jk , Sk0 , and Sk1 of a hypothesis test. The evaluation measures are also used in Section 4.8 to compare the prediction and the estimate principle. 65
Chapter 4. Design and Evaluation of Hypothesis Tests for Fault Diagnosis
Design of Test Quantities
From the previous chapter, we realize that the assumption (or conclusion) we make when performing a hypothesis test δk , can be written ( MkC if Tk (x) ≥ Jk Fp ∈ (4.1) Ω if Tk (x) < Jk where Fp denotes the present fault mode. In (4.1), we have again assumed that Sk0 = Ω. As said before, the test quantity Tk (x) should be designed such that if the data x come from a system, whose present fault mode belongs to MkC , then Tk (x) should be large. On the other hand, if the data x matches the hypothesis Hk0 , i.e. a fault mode in Mk can explain the data, then Tk (x) should be small. This can be restated by using the notation of the model (2.6): The test quantity Tk (x) should be small if the data x matches any of the models Mγ (θ), γ ∈ Mk , and large otherwise. Thus the test quantity can be seen as a measure of the validity of some models Mγ (θ). Several principles for constructing such measures exists and we will here discuss three of them: the prediction principle, the estimate principle, and the likelihood principle. These principles should be sufficient to solve most diagnosis problems. Note that although these principles are different, it can very well happen that, in some specific cases, the derived expressions for Tk (x) equal each other.
Sample Data and Window Length
One way to define the sample data x is as a matrix: u(t − N ) u(t − N + 1) . . . u(t) x(t) = y(t − N ) y(t − N + 1) . . . y(t)
This corresponds to the use of a finite time window and as seen, the data x becomes a function of time t. This time window can be a sliding window, which means that consecutive data sets are overlapping. Another choice is to let consecutive data sets be non-overlapping. The time window can also be infinite, at least conceptually. This corresponds to that N = ∞ in (4.2). In reality this means that all available data are used from the time-point when the diagnosis started (i.e. the window length is actually growing). An example of when an infinite time window is desirable, is when recursive techniques are used to calculate the test quantities. Another example is general residual generation which can be seen as a special case of the prediction principle. This will be further discussed in Section 4.2.2. Theoretically, the optimal choice of window length is always infinite. This since it makes no sense to throw away any data, no matter what kind of data we have. However, if computational aspects are considered, it is often advantageous to use a finite window length.
Section 4.2. The Prediction Principle
The Prediction Principle
We will now discuss the prediction principle. In addition to giving general methods that can be used for test-quantity design, one purpose of this section is also to show how some well known approaches to fault diagnosis fit into the general framework proposed in this thesis. Using the prediction principle, the calculation of the test quantity is based on a model validity measure Vk (θ, x) which in turn is based on a comparison between signals and/or predictions (or estimates) of signals. Typically an output signal y is compared with an estimate yˆ, but it is also possible to for example compare two estimates of the same signal. To get a more precise definition, recall first the definition of Θ0k : [ Θγ Θ0k = γ∈Mk
Consider now the case where Θ0k consists of several values θ. Using the prediction principle, the test quantity can be written as Tk (x) = min0 Vk (θ, x)
The function Vk (θ, x), where θ is fixed, is a measure of the validity of the model M(θ), for a fixed θ, in respect to the measurement data x. The test quantity Tk (x) then becomes a measure of the validity of any the models Mγ (θ), γ ∈ Mk , where θ is assumed free. If Θ0k consists of only one value θ0 , the test quantity becomes Tk (x) = Vk (θ0 , x)
and thus no minimization is needed. To calculate (4.3), we need in principle to perform a parameter estimation. The prime interest here is fault isolation but it is obvious that this parameter estimation means that fault identification implicitly becomes a part of fault isolation. Note that the term decoupling in principle corresponds to estimation. The faults (or fault modes) that are decoupled are the fault modes described by the parameters we estimate. Note that although the model validity measure Vk (θ, x) in (4.3) is indexed by k, meaning that it is specific for the hypothesis test δk , it is often possible (and also quite elegant) to use the same V (θ, x) for all hypothesis tests. In that case, the only thing that differs test quantities in different tests, is the set Θ0k over which the minimization is performed. This approach will be discussed more in Chapter 5. In adaptive model based diagnosis, we need to use adaptive test quantities. This means that the set of parameters we need to estimate is expanded to include also the unknown or uncertain parameters that we want to adapt to. Another case where the set of estimated parameters needs to be expanded, is when disturbances must be handled. From Section 2.1.1, we remember the
Chapter 4. Design and Evaluation of Hypothesis Tests for Fault Diagnosis
parameter φ which describes the disturbances, and decoupling of disturbances is therefore achieved by replacing (4.3) with Tk (x) =
θ∈Θ0k ,φ∈Φ
Vk (θ, φ, x)
where Φ is the space of possible disturbances. In general, one could think of several types of model validity measures, but the characteristic property of the prediction principle is that we let Vk (θ, x) be based on comparisons between signals and/or predictions of signals. One choice is to compare an output y(t) with its prediction y(t|θ, x), derived from an assumption of a specific θ and the measured data x. That is, the model validity measure becomes the prediction error y(t) − y(t|θ, x). The principle to use the prediction error to calculate the test quantity is very natural and a so common choice, that we will denote it by its own name name: the prediction error principle. From now on, the focus will be mostly on this principle. To reduce the sensitivity to noise and unmodeled disturbances it is advantageous to weight together several prediction errors. One possibility is to use a mean of some measure of prediction errors. This means that the function Vk (θ, x) becomes N 1 X ky(t) − yˆ(t|θ, x)k Vk (θ, x) = N t=1
For notational convenience, we have here assumed unit time. The measure k · k can for example be the quadratic norm. Another possibility is to first apply the sum operation and then the measure k · k. Then the function Vk (θ, x) becomes Vk (θ, x) = k
y(t) − yˆ(t|θ, x) k
It is also possible to use a measure dependent on time and/or the data itself. One reason would for example be that the model accuracy varies with the operating point of the system. Another case is when recursive parameter estimation is used. Recursive techniques implies that an infinite time-window is used and old data is by means of a time-dependent measure usually weighted less. These issues are thoroughly discussed in the general system identification literature, e.g. (Ljung, 1987). The following four examples illustrates the prediction error principle for different types of fault modeling. Example 4.1 Consider a system that can be modeled as y(t) = gu(t) + b + v(t)
v(t) ∈ N (0, σ)
θ = [b, g]
Section 4.2. The Prediction Principle
Assume that we want to consider three fault modes: NF
g = 1, b = 0
“no fault”
Fb Fg
g = 1, b 6= 0 g 6= 1, b = 0
“bias fault” “gain fault”
Further we want to design a test quantity for the hypotheses H 0 : Fp ∈ {N F, Fb } H 1 : Fp = Fg For these hypotheses, Θ0 becomes Θ0 = {[b, g] | g = 1}. By using the formulas (4.3) and (4.5), we get T (x) = min0
N N 2 1 X 1 X ky(t) − yˆ(t|θ, x)k = min y(t) − yˆ(t|b, x) b N N t=1 t=1
The estimate yˆ(t|b) (we have skipped the argument x) can be obtained as yˆ(t|b) = u(t) + b Inserting this expression into (4.7) means that the test quantity becomes T (x) = min b
N 1 X (y(t) − u(t) − b)2 N t=1
The minimization is simple since it can be shown that the minimizing value of b is N X ˆb = 1 y(t) − u(t) N t=1
The test quantity (4.8) will be small under H 0 and thus the bias fault is decoupled in T (x). The following example illustrates how the prediction error principle can be applied to a change detection problem. Example 4.2 Consider a signal y(t) which can be modeled as y(t) = v(t) + a(t) where v(t) is independent and N (0, σ). The function a(t) is a(t) ≡ µ0 = 0 in the fault free case, but can contain an abrupt change to an unknown value µ1 if a fault occurs.
Chapter 4. Design and Evaluation of Hypothesis Tests for Fault Diagnosis Assume that we want to consider three fault modes: NF Fµ
“no fault” “an abrupt change in a(t) at the time tch ”
“an abrupt change in standard deviation σ at the time tch ”
This means that the fault-state vector can be described as θ = [tch , µ, σ]. Further we want to design a test quantity for the following hypotheses: H0 : Fp ∈ {N F, Fµ } H1 : Fp ∈ {Fσ } By using the general expression (4.3), the test quantity becomes T (x) = min0 V (θ, x) = min
[tch ,µ]
N X (y(t) − yˆ(t|tch , µ))2 t=1
where ( yˆ(t|tch , µ) =
0 if t < tch µ if t ≥ tch
The test quantity can further be rewritten as T (x) = min tch
tch X
(y(t))2 + min
(y(t) − µ)2
t=tch +1
The next example illustrates how test quantities can be designed in the case where one fault is modeled as an arbitrary input and another fault is modeled as a constant parameter. Also illustrated is how the submode relation from Section 2.4 affects the design. Example 4.3 Consider a system that can be modeled as x(t + 1) = ax(t) + u(t) y(t) = x(t) + f (t) Assume that we want to consider three fault modes: NF Fa Ff
a = 0.5 a 6= 0.5, f (t) ≡ 0 a = 0.5, f (t) 6≡ 0
no fault a fault in the dynamics an arbitrary sensor fault
Section 4.2. The Prediction Principle
This definition of fault modes implies that the three fault modes are related as N F 4∗ Fa 4 Ff . According to the discussion in Section 3.2.1, the only possible choices of Mk are then {N F }, {N F, Fa }, and {N F, Fa , Ff }. The last one is useless for fault isolation and therefore we decide to design test quantities for two hypothesis tests with the hypotheses H10 : Fp ∈ {N F, Fa }
H11 : Fp = Ff
H20 : Fp = N F
H21 : Fp ∈ {Ff , Fa }
The test quantity for the first test becomes T1 (x) = min a
N N 1 X 1 X (y(t) − yˆ(t|a))2 = (y(t) − a ˆy(t − 1) − u(t − 1))2 N t=1 N i=1
where a ˆ is the least square estimate of a. For the second test, the set Θ02 contains only one element. Thus, the test quantity using the formula (4.4) becomes T2 (x) =
N N 1 X 1 X (y(t) − yˆ(t))2 = (y(t) − 0.5y(t − 1) − u(t − 1))2 N t=1 N i=1
Now assume that the present fault mode is Fa and H21 is accepted but H10 is not rejected, i.e. T1 < J1 and T2 > J2 . This will imply that the diagnosis statement becomes S = {N F, Ff , Fa } ∩ {Ff , Fa } = {Ff , Fa } That is, both Ff and Fa can explain the process behavior. However, it is quite unlikely that the arbitrary fault signal f (t) behaves in such a way that the process output matches the model MFa (θ). Therefore, using a refined diagnosis statement in accordance with Section 2.6.1, we may draw the conclusion that the fault mode Fa is the one present in the process. The following example shows how traditional in-range monitoring can be fitted into this framework using the prediction principle. Example 4.4 Assume that under a no-fault situation, a state x is limited in range, cl < x < ch . Assume further that x is measured using a sensor y as y(t) = x(t). If no more models are available, a prediction of y(t) can in any case be written yˆ(t|c) = c
c l < c < ch
By using the general expression (4.3), the test quantity becomes T (x) = min V (c, x) = min |y(t) − yˆ(t|c)| cl
g(J|b) g(t|0) g(J|0)
2 A test with power function β(θ) is a UMP (uniformly most powerful) level α test if there exist no other test with the same significance level α and with a power function β 0 (θ) such that β 0 (θ) > β 0 (θ) for any θ.
100 Chapter 4. Design and Evaluation of Hypothesis Tests for Fault Diagnosis where J is the threshold of the test, and g(t|b) is the probability density function √ of T200 (x) ∼ N ( N p b, σv ). It is easy to realize that (4.52) holds and therefore we have the result that a hypothesis test based on T200 (x) is a UMP test. This means that there can not exist any test quantity better than T200 (x) for this hypothesis test.
Concluding Remarks
Even though the discussion has mainly focused on specific examples, we are able to summarize the following conclusions: • Test quantities based on estimates can have very good performance for the fault mode corresponding to the estimated parameter. • For other fault modes, the performance might be quite bad and also highly dependent on the input signal. • Decoupling degrades the performance of both the prediction error principle and the estimate principle but the relation that the estimate principle is better than the prediction error principle still holds.
In Chapters 2 to 4, a new general framework for fault diagnosis has been proposed. We have seen that we do not need separate frameworks for statistical vs deterministical approaches to fault diagnosis. Both views are contained in the general framework presented here. The framework is also general with respect to what types of faults that can be handled. Many papers in the field of fault diagnosis discuss decoupling of faults modeled as additive arbitrary signals. It is realized that the principle of decoupling has in this chapter been generalized to include decoupling of faults modeled in arbitrary ways, e.g. as deviations of constant parameters or abrupt changes of parameters. For the design of test quantities, we have identified three different principles: the prediction, the likelihood, and the estimate principle. For all three principles we have discussed how robustness can be achieved by means of normalization. The known techniques adaptive threshold and likelihood ratio tests are in fact shown to be special cases of normalization. The importance of normalization, when using the estimate principle, has been emphasized. Statistics and decision theory is used to define measures to evaluate hypothesis tests and test quantities. We have also discussed how these measures can be used to select the threshold and the sets S 0 and S 1 of a hypothesis test. Finally we applied the evaluation measures to compare the prediction and the estimate principle in some cases. The conclusion was that the estimate principle is, in at least one common case, superior to the prediction principle.
Chapter 5
Applications to an Automotive Engine In the field of automotive engines, environmentally based legislative regulations such as OBDII (On-Board Diagnostics II) (California’s OBD-II Regulation, 1993) and EOBD (European On-Board Diagnostics) specifies hard requirements on the performance of the diagnosis system. This makes the area a challenging application for model-based fault-diagnosis. Other reasons for incorporating diagnosis in vehicles are repairability, availability and vehicle protection. The importance of diagnosis in the automotive engine application is highlighted by the fact that up to 50% of the code in present engine-management systems are dedicated to diagnosis. Model-based diagnosis for automotive engines, has been studied in several works, e.g. (Gertler, Costin, Fang, Hira, Kowalalczuk, Kunwer and Monajemy, 1995; Krishnaswami, Luh and Rizzoni, 1994; Nyberg and Nielsen, 1997b). Although the techniques in these papers are not fully developed, it is obvious that there is much to gain by using a model based approach to diagnosis of automotive engines. In this chapter, the framework, theory, and methods from the previous chapters are demonstrated on a real application: the air-intake system of a turbocharged automotive engine. Design of diagnosis systems is discussed, as well as theoretical issues and results of practical experiments. First, the modeling work is presented in Sections 5.1 to 5.3. Then diagnosis of leakage is discussed in Sections 5.4 and 5.5. Finally, diagnosis of leakage and sensor faults is investigated in Sections 5.6 to 5.8. Diagnosis of leakage is an important problem. This is because a leakage can cause increased emissions and drivability problems. If the engine is equipped with an air-mass flow sensor, a leakage will result in that this sensor does not correctly measure the amount of air entering the combustion. This in turn will result in a deviation in the air-fuel ratio. A deviation in the air-fuel ratio is serious because it causes the emissions to increase since the catalyst becomes less efficient. Also misfires can occur because of a too lean or rich mixture. 101
Chapter 5. Applications to an Automotive Engine
In addition, drivability will suffer and especially in turbo-charged engines, a leakage will result in loss of horsepowers. The above requirements imply that it is important to detect leaks with an area as small as some square millimeters. For the engine management system, it is also important to get an estimate of the size of the leakage. This is to know what appropriate action that should be taken, e.g. give a warning to the driver. Additionally if the size of the leak is known, it is possible to reconfigure the control algorithm so that at least the increase in emissions, caused by the leak, will be small. We will see that the diagnosis principles developed in this chapter fulfills these requirements. As said above, we will also discuss the diagnosis of sensors connected to the air-intake system. For the same reasons as in the leakage case, this is also an important diagnosis problem. Faults in the sensors degrade the performance of the engine control system, which in turn is likely to cause increased emissions and drivability problems. One of the interests is to investigate how to diagnose both leakage and different types of sensor faults at the same time. For instance, a leakage can easily be mis-interpreted as a air-mass flow sensor fault if not extra care is taken. The presented solution to this problem is a good illustration of the usefulness of the general principle of structured hypothesis tests and related theory. Note that the purpose of this chapter is not to present complete and good designs of diagnosis systems, but rather to exemplify the techniques presented in the previous chapters in a real application. 3000 speed [rpm]
2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0
600 time [s]
600 time [s]
pman [kPa]
100 80 60 40 20 0
Figure 5.1: Engine speed and manifold pressure during the FTP-75 test-cycle for a car with automatic transmission.
Section 5.1. Experimental Setup
Experimental Setup
All experiments in this chapter were performed on a 4 cylinder, 2.3 liter, turbocharged, spark-ignited SAAB production engine. It is constructed for the SAAB 9-5 model. The engine is mounted in a test bench together with a Schenck “DYNAS NT 85” AC dynamometer. Both during the model building and the validation, the engine was run according to Phase I+II of the FTP-75 test-cycle. The data for the test cycle had first been collected on a car with automatic transmission. This resulted in the engine speed and manifold pressure shown in Figure 5.1. In addition, static tests were performed in 172 different operating points defined by engine speed and manifold pressure. m Intercooler
boost leak
Turbo manifold leak
α Pman
Figure 5.2: The turbo-charged engine. Air-mass flows that are discussed in the text are marked with gray arrows.
A schematic picture of the air-intake system is shown in Figure 5.2. Ambient air enters the system and an air-mass flow sensor measures the air-mass flow rate m. Next, the air passes the compressor side of the turbo-charger and then the intercooler. This results in a boost pressure pb and a temperature T that are both higher than the ambient pressure and temperature respectively. Next, the air passes the throttle and the flow mth is dependant on pb , T , the throttle angle α, and the manifold pressure pm . Finally the air leaves the manifold and enters the cylinder. This flow mcyl is dependant on pm and the engine speed n. Also shown in the figure are the two possible leaks: the boost leak somewhere between
Chapter 5. Applications to an Automotive Engine
the air-mass flow sensor and the throttle, and the manifold leak somewhere in the manifold. Leaks were applied by using exchangeable bolts. One bolt were mounted in the wall of the manifold and the other in the wall of the air tube 20 cm in front of the throttle. The exchangeable bolts had drilled holes of different diameters ranging from 1 mm to 8 mm. Data were collected by a DAQ-card mounted in a standard PC. All data were filtered with a LP-filter with a cutoff frequency of 2 Hz.
Model Construction - Fault Free Case
For the purpose of fault diagnosis, a simple and accurate model is desirable. In this work, the air-intake system is modeled by a mean value model (Hendricks, 1990). This means that no within-cycle variations are covered by the model. The automotive engine is a non-linear plant and it has been indicated in a pre-study that diagnosis based on a linear model is not sufficient for the engine application. This has also been concluded by other authors (Gertler, Costin, Fang, Hira, Kowalczuk and Luo, 1991; Krishnaswami et al., 1994). This motivates the choice of a non-linear model in this work. A model is first developed for the case when no leakage is present. Because there is no need for extremely fast detection of leakage, it is for the model sufficient to consider only static relations. The model for the fault-free airintake system is described by the following equations m = mth mth = mcyl
(5.1a) (5.1b)
These equations say that the measured intake air-flow is equal to the air-flow past the throttle which in turn is equal to the air-flow into the cylinders. The models for the air-flows mth and mcyl are presented next.
Model of Air Flow Past the Throttle
The air-mass flow past the throttle mth is described well by the formula for flow through a restriction (Heywood, 1992) (Taylor, 1994):
mth =
pman Cd Ath pboost √ Ψ( ) p RT boost
Section 5.2. Model Construction - Fault Free Case
where Ath is the throttle plate open area, Cd the discharge coefficient, and man Ψ( ppboost ) is s 2 κ+1 κ pman κ pman 2κ − κ−1 pboost pboost κ κ−1 pman 2 man ≥ κ+1 if ppboost Ψ( )= pboost r κ+1 κ−1 2 κ κ+1 otherwise By defining the coefficient Kth as Cd Ath Kth = √ R
and pboost pman β(T, pboost , pman ) = √ Ψ( ) pboost T the flow model (5.2) can be rewritten as mth = Kth β(T, pboost , pman )
From m-, T -, pboost -, and pman -data collected during the FTP-75 test-cycle, the Kth coefficient can for each sample be computed as Kth =
m β(T, pboost , pman )
if dynamics is neglected and therefore mth = m. This calculated Kth coefficient is plotted against throttle angle in Figure 5.3. It is obvious that the throttle angle by its own describes the Kth coefficient well. From Equation 5.3, we see that the Kth coefficient is dependant on the throttle plate open area Ath . A physical model of this area is Ath = A1 (1 − cos(a0 α + a1 )) + A0
where A1 is the area that is covered by the throttle plate when the throttle is closed and A0 is the leak area present even though the throttle is closed. The parameters a0 and a1 are a compensation for that the actual measured throttle angle may be scaled and biased because of production tolerances.
Chapter 5. Applications to an Automotive Engine
√ √ If values of Cd A0 / R, Cd A1 / R, a0 , and a1 are identified from the data shown in Figure 5.3, this results in a model of the Kth coefficient as function of the throttle angle α. In Figure 5.3, this model is plotted as a dashed line and we can see that the match to measured data is almost perfect except for some outliers for low throttle angles. It should be noted the these outliers are very few compared to the total amount of data. The reason for the outliers are probably unmodeled dynamic effects. The good fit obtained means that it is possible to assume that the discharge coefficient Cd is constant and independent of the throttle angle. In conclusion, the Kth coefficient together with equation (5.4) defines the model of the air-mass flow past the throttle.
Kth coefficient
0 0.5
0.9 1 throttle angle [v]
Figure 5.3: The Kth coefficient for different throttle angles. It is obvious that the throttle angle by its own describes the Kth coefficient well.
Model of Air Flow into Cylinders
There are no accurate and simple physical models describing the flow from the manifold into the cylinders. Therefore a black box approach is chosen. From the mapping data, the air-mass flow is, in Figure 5.4, plotted against engine speed and manifold pressure. The preliminary model of the air flow into the cylinder mcyl consists of a linear interpolation of the data in Figure 5.4. It is assumed that the manifold temperature variation do not affect the flow. In the indoor experimental setup used, with the engine operating at approximately constant temperature, there was no way to validate this assumption.
Section 5.2. Model Construction - Fault Free Case
air mass flow [g/s]
0 100 3000
80 2500
2000 1500
40 pman [kPa]
1000 20
engine speed [rpm]
Figure 5.4: The air flow out from the manifold into the cylinders as a function of engine speed and manifold pressure.
When the engine operating point, defined by engine speed and manifold pressure, leaves the range where mapping data is available, it is not possible to do interpolation. Because the mapping range is chosen to match normal operating, this happens rarely, but when it happens, the model will produce no output data. For the construction of the final model, also data from the test cycle were used. To incorporate these data in the model, a parametric model including four fitting parameters is introduced: m ˆ cyl = b0 interpolate(n, pman ) + b1 n + b2 pman + b3
The parameters bi were found by using the least-square method. The benefit with this approach, i.e. to use of interpolation in combination with a parametric model, is that it is possible to include both test-cycle data and mapping data when building the model. In addition, the parametric model provides for a straightforward way to adapt the model for process variations and individualto-individual variations. Also the throttle model, described in the previous section, with its four parameters, has this feature.
Model Validation
The models (5.4) of mth and (5.6) of mcyl are validated during the FTP-75 test-cycle. Data were chosen from another test run, so the modeling data and the validation data were not the same. The upper plot of Figure 5.5 shows the
Chapter 5. Applications to an Automotive Engine
measured air flow m and the estimated air flow, for the two models respectively. Only one curve is seen, which means that the estimated air flow closely follows the measured. In the middle and lower plot, the difference between measured and estimated air flow are shown for both models respectively. It is again seen that both models manage to estimate the measured air flow well. 40
mair [g/s]
30 20 10 0 0
600 time [s]
600 time [s]
600 time [s]
mth error [g/s]
−5 0
mcyl error [g/s]
−5 0
Figure 5.5: The upper plot shows measured and estimated air-mass flow. The other plots show the model error for mth and mcyl respectively.
Modeling Leaks
When a leak occurs, air will flow out of or into the air-intake system depending on the air pressure compared to ambient pressure. By using the measured air ˆ cyl from the models (5.4) and (5.6) respectively, flow m, and the values m ˆ th and m the leakage air-flow can be estimated as ˆ th ∆mboostLeak = m − m
Section 5.3. Modeling Leaks
for boost leakage and ∆mmanLeak = m ˆ th − m ˆ cyl for manifold leakage. Figure 5.6 shows ∆mboost and ∆mman for a case where a 6.5 mm boost leak is present. In the lower plot it can be seen that ∆mman is almost zero, meaning that no leak air is added or lost in the manifold. However in the upper plot it is seen that measured air flow deviates from the estimate m ˆ th , which means that air is lost somewhere between the air-mass flow sensor and the throttle. In the lower plot, data are missing around time 200 s. The reason for this is that the interpolation involved in calculating m ˆ cyl fails because the operating point of the engine leaves the range of the map shown in Figure 5.4.
delta boost air flow [g/s]
6 4 2 0 −2 −4
delta manifold air flow [g/s]
600 time [s]
600 time [s]
6 4 2 0 −2 −4 0
Figure 5.6: The upper plot shows ∆mboost and the lower plot ∆mman when a 6.5 mm boost leak is present.
Thus by looking at the level and also the variance of ∆mboost and ∆mman , it is possible to roughly detect when a leak is present. However to accurately estimate the size of the leak becomes difficult. To obtain high performance in terms of detecting leaks accurately a more sophisticated approach is needed; we need to model the air flow through the leaks.
Chapter 5. Applications to an Automotive Engine
Model of Boost Leaks
In the engine used in this work, the boost pressure is during normal operation always higher than ambient pressure. This means that the air flow through a boost leak will always be in the direction out from the air tube. This air flow is modeled as an air flow through a restriction, like the model for flow past the throttle, i.e. (5.2). The flow is dependent on the ambient pressure pamb which is known because the engine is also equipped with a pressure sensor for measuring ambient pressure. The equation describing this air flow is pamb pb ) mboostLeak = kb hb (pb ) = kb √ Ψ( pb T
The parameter kb is proportional to the leakage area and therefore denoted equivalent area. The model for the whole air-intake system with a boost leak present is obtained by replacing Equation (5.1a) with m = mth + mboostLeak
Model of Manifold Leaks
During most part of the operation of the engine, the manifold pressure is below ambient pressure. Therefore a manifold leak will mostly result in an air flow in the direction into the manifold. This flow is modeled in the same way as the model of flow through boost leaks, i.e. pm pamb mmanLeak = km hm (pm ) = km √ Ψ( ) Tamb pamb
The model for the whole air-intake system with manifold leak present is obtained by replacing Equation (5.1b) with mth + mmanLeak = mcyl
In the case the manifold pressure is higher than ambient pressure, which can occur because of the turbo-charger, the leak air-flow will be in the opposite direction. This means that the term mmanLeak in (5.9) will change sign and pamb and pm in (5.8) are interchanged.
Validation of Leak Flow Models
For the validation of the leakage models, different leaks were applied to the engine and the FTP-75 test-cycle was used. First we investigate if the leakage model is able to correctly predict the leakage air-flow as a function of the pressure difference. Then the dependence on the leakage area is investigated.
Section 5.3. Modeling Leaks
Dependence on Pressure Difference First “well behaved” leaks with known area, according to Section 5.1, were applied. The leaks ranged from 1 to 8 mm in diameter. In Figure 5.7, a boost leak with 5 mm diameter, i.e. 19.6 mm2 , has been applied, and data collected during a test cycle have been used to calculate ∆mboost and ∆mman . In the upper plot, estimated air flow through the boost leak ∆mboost is plotted against pboost . In the lower plot, estimated air flow through the manifold leak ∆mman is plotted against pman . It is seen in the upper plot that for boost pressures close to ambient pressure (100 kPa), the estimated air flow through the leak is around zero. For higher boost pressures, the leak air-flow increases. The estimated air flow through the manifold leak is around zero for all manifold pressures.
delta boost air [g/s]
6 4 2 0 −2 95
pboost [kPa]
delta manifold air [g/s]
6 4 2 0 −2 20
60 pman [kPa]
Figure 5.7: Estimated air flow through boost leak (upper plot) and manifold leak (lower plot) when a 5 mm (diameter) boost leak is present. Correspondingly for a manifold leak with 5 mm diameter, i.e. 19.6 mm2 , Figure 5.8 shows similar data. This time, it is the estimated flow through the boost leak that is around zero and the estimated flow through the manifold leak that differs from zero. For the data collected in the test cycle, the manifold pressure is always less than ambient pressure. This results in a ∆mman which is always positive. From Figures 5.7 and 5.8, it can be concluded that it is, from the estimations ∆mboost and ∆mman , possible to conclude if there is a leak and if the leak is
Chapter 5. Applications to an Automotive Engine
delta boost air [g/s]
6 4 2 0 −2 95
pboost [kPa]
delta manifold air [g/s]
6 4 2 0 −2 20
60 pman [kPa]
Figure 5.8: Estimated air flow through boost leak (upper plot) and manifold leak (lower plot) when a 5 mm (diameter) manifold leak is present.
before or after the throttle. Also included in Figures 5.7 and 5.8 are the outputs from the models (5.7) and (5.8) of the leak air-flow. These are represented by the dashed lines. For each case, the coefficients kb and km have been obtained by using the least-square method to fit the curves to the data in the plots. Except for some outliers, which are very few compared to the total amount of data, it is seen that the estimated leak air-flows are described well by the models (5.7) and (5.8). To validate this principle in the case of more realistic leaks, an experiment was performed in which the tube between the intercooler and the throttle was loosened at the throttle side. This had the effect that air leaked out from the system just before the throttle. In Figure 5.9 the estimated leak air-flows are again plotted against boost and manifold pressure respectively. It can be seen that also for this “realistic” leak, the model (5.7) is able to describe the leak air-flow well. Dependence on Leakage Area The coefficients kb and km are, according to the leak flow models, proportional to the leakage area. This is validated in the following experiment. The kb and km coefficients were obtained by fitting the leak flow models to measurement data for leaks with six different diameters: 1, 2, 3.5, 5, 6.5, and 8 mm. For the
Section 5.3. Modeling Leaks
delta boost air [g/s]
6 4 2 0 −2 95
pboost [kPa]
delta manifold air [g/s]
6 4 2 0 −2 20
60 pman [kPa]
Figure 5.9: Estimated air flow through boost leak (upper plot) and manifold leak (lower plot) when a realistic boost leak is present.
manifold leak it was only possible to use the first five diameters, because the air-fuel mixture became too lean for the 8 mm hole. The result of this study is shown in Figure 5.10 in which the estimated kb and km coefficients are plotted against leakage area. The estimated kb coefficient is plotted as solid lines and the estimated km coefficient is plotted as dashed lines. Both boost leaks and manifold leaks were studied. The experiments with boost leaks are marked with circles and the experiments with manifold leaks are marked with x-marks. It is seen in the figure that the kb and km coefficient are close to linearly dependant on the leakage area. Also seen is that the coefficient, that should be zero for each leakage case, is close to zero for both boost and manifold leaks. The estimations of kb for the case when a boost leak is present, and km for the case when a manifold leak is present, differs by a factor. One explanation is that because the bolts in these two cases, were mounted differently, the discharge coefficient were different even though the leakage area were equal. For the “realistic” leak which were illustrated by Figure 5.9, the kb coefficient is estimated to a value kb = 0.26. In Figure 5.10 we can see that this corresponds to an equivalent area of 34 mm2 .
Chapter 5. Applications to an Automotive Engine 0.45 0.4
kb and km coefficients
0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 −0.05 0
leakage area [mm2 ]
Figure 5.10: Estimated kb coefficient (solid) and km coefficient (dashed), vs leakage area when boost leak is present (circles) and when manifold leak is present (x-marks).
Diagnosing Leaks
In the following sections, diagnosis of the air-intake system of the automotive engine, is discussed. First we will consider diagnosis of leakage only. Later in Section 5.6, the design of a diagnosis system capable of also diagnosing different kinds of sensor faults will be discussed. The discussion will be based on the framework and theory developed in the previous chapters. Especially we will use structured hypothesis tests which was described in Chapter 3. The objective is not to present a complete design but rather to give some examples that illustrates solutions for some typical cases. Only single fault-modes are considered and for the diagnosis of leaks, we have three system fault-modes: NF BL ML
No Fault Boost Leak Manifold Leak
Associated with these three fault modes, we have the models MN F , MBL (kb ), and MML (km ). This means that we have implicitly assumed two components: the boost pipe that will be indexed by b, and the manifold that will be indexed by m.
Section 5.4. Diagnosing Leaks
The model MN F is obtained by using the fault-free model described in Section 5.2 in combination with ms =m pb,s =pb
(5.10a) (5.10b)
pm,s =pm αs =α
(5.10c) (5.10d)
ns =n
where the index s denotes that for example ms is the sensor signal in contrast to m which is the physical quantity. The identities (5.10) corresponds to the assumption that all sensors are fault-free. The resulting model MN F can be written as m = f (pb,s , αs , pm,s ) f (pb,s , αs , pm,s ) = g(pm,s , ns )
(5.11a) (5.11b)
where the function g(pm,s , ns ) describes the air-flow mcyl in accordance with (5.6) and the function f (pb,s , αs , pm,s ) describes the air-flow mth in accordance with (5.2) and (5.5). The model MBL (kb ) is obtained by using the model described in Section 5.3.1 together with the identities (5.10). The scalar parameter kb defines the equivalent area of the leakage and is in the model MBL (kb ) constrained by kb ∈ b = ]0, 0.5]. This means that the model MBL (kb ) can be written as DBL m − kb hb (pb ) = f (pb,s , αs , pm,s ) f (pb,s , αs , pm,s ) = g(pm,s , ns )
(5.12a) (5.12b)
where the function hb (pb ) describes the air-flow through the boost leakage and was defined in (5.7). The model MML (km ) is obtained in analogy with MBL (kb ). The scalar m parameter km is in the model MML (km ) constrained by km ∈ DML = ]0, 0.5]. From the above definitions of models, it is clear that the following relations between the fault-modes hold: N F 4∗ BL ∗
(5.13a) (5.13b)
The knowledge of these relations will be used when discussing the construction of the hypothesis tests which is done next.
Hypothesis Tests
To develop the actual hypothesis tests, we first need to decide the set of hypotheses to test. With the relations (5.13) in mind, we know from Section 3.2.1 that the only possible sets Mk are {N F }, {N F, BL}, {N F, M L}, and {N F, BL, M L}.
Chapter 5. Applications to an Automotive Engine
Of these four possibilities, the first three are meaningful but we choose to use only two here: MBL ={N F, BL} MML ={N F, M L} These two sets means that there are two hypothesis tests and as seen, we have chosen to index the hypothesis tests with BL and M L. The two hypothesis tests δBL and δML become 0 : Fp ∈ MBL = {N F, BL} HBL
1 C HBL : Fp ∈ MBL = {M L}
0 HML : Fp ∈ MML = {N F, M L}
1 C HML : Fp ∈ MML = {BL}
Next we will discuss the design of the test quantities. Only the prediction principle and the estimate principle will be discussed. In both cases we assume that the data x are all the measured sensor values and have been collected in a time window of length N . Prediction Principle As described in Section 4.2, the prediction principle is based on a comparison of signals and/or predictions of signals. It is straightforward to use this principle based on the models MBL (kb ) and MML (km ) described above. pp Consider first the construction of the test quantity TBL (x). (The index pp denotes “prediction principle” to distinguish this test quantity from the one constructed in the next section.) This test quantity should be a measure of the validity of the model (5.12). This can in a first step be achieved in accordance with the formulas (4.3) and (4.5) as follows: 0
pp (x) = minm VBL (kb , x) = TBL kb ∈D
= minm kb ∈D
N 2 1 X ms − kb hb (pb ) − f (pb,s , αs , pm,s ) + N t=1
N 2 1 X f (pb,s , αs , pm,s ) − g(pm,s , ns ) N t=1
To save space, the time-argument of all variables have been skipped. The expression (5.14) consists of two terms. Ideally, the first of these terms will always be zero for all possible fault modes. However, in reality the first term is nonpp0 zero and acts as an unknown disturbance in the test quantity TBL (x). Since the first term only acts as a disturbance, it can be skipped which results in the test quantity pp TBL (x) =
N 2 1 X f (pb,s , αs , pm,s ) − g(pm,s , ns ) N t=1
Section 5.4. Diagnosing Leaks
Similarly, the test quantity TBL (x) is constructed as pp TML (x) =
N 2 1 X ms − f (pb,s , αs , pm,s ) N t=1
Also here we have skipped the term that is close to zero all the time. The only drawback with this approach, to skip one of the terms, is when an unpredicted fault occurs, i.e. a fault not belonging to any of the fault modes BL or M L. Then it can happen that this fault is mistaken to belong to BL or M L. pp In conclusion, the test quantity TBL (x) has been constructed so that the pp fault modes BL and N F are decoupled, and TML (x) has been constructed so that the fault modes M L and N F are decoupled. This fulfills the requirements of the two hypothesis tests δBL and δML specified above. Estimate Principle Using the estimate principle in accordance with Section 4.4, we base our test quantities on estimates of the equivalent areas kb and km . First we discuss ep the construction of the test quantity TML (x). This test quantity is formed in accordance with the formula (4.26): 0
ep (x) = kkˆb − 0k = kˆb = arg TML
kb kb ∈D m ,km ∈D b
= arg
kb kb ∈D m ,km ∈D b
+ =∗ arg min
V1 ([km , kb ], x) =
N 2 1 X ms − kb hb (pb ) − f (pb,s , αs , pm,s ) + N t=1
N 2 1 X f (pb,s , αs , pm,s ) − g(pm,s , ns ) + km hm (pm ) =∗ N t=1
kb ∈D b
N 2 1 X ms − kb hb (pb ) − f (pb,s , αs , pm,s ) = arg min V2 (kb , x) N t=1 kb ∈D b
Note that the measure k · k is here defined as the identity function. The function V1 ([km , kb ], x) is a model validity measure for the model M([km , kb ]). It is here trivially derived in analogy with TBL (x) and TML (x) (which are also model validity measures) from the previous section. The equality marked =∗ follows from the fact that the coefficient kb is only present in one of the terms of V1 ([km , kb ], x). The minimization of V2 (kb , x) is a linear regression problem which means that the least-square technique can be used. This results in an estimate kˆb = arg min V2 (kb , x) = (ϕTb ϕb )−1 ϕTb Yb kb ∈DBL
hb (pb,s (t1 )) .. ϕb = . hb (pb,s (tN ))
f (ms (t1 ) − pb,s (t1 ), αs (t1 ), pm,s (t1 )) .. Yb = . f (ms (tN ) − pb,s (tN ), αs (tN ), pm,s (tN ))
Chapter 5. Applications to an Automotive Engine 0
ep , i.e. the estimate kˆm , is formed in the same way with The test quantity TBL corresponding matrices ϕm and Ym . From Section 4.5.1, we know that we should use normalization to make the significance level of the hypothesis tests independent of the input signals. With ep ep normalization, the two test quantities TBL (x) and TML (x) become
q ep0 ϕTm ϕm TBL (x) = ϕTm ϕm kˆm q q ep ep0 TML (x) = ϕTb ϕb TML (x) = ϕTb ϕb kˆb ep (x) = TBL
(5.18a) (5.18b)
ep ep (x) and TML (x) have been As in the previous section, test quantities TBL constructed and decoupling has been achieved in accordance with the specifications of the two hypothesis tests δBL and δML .
A Comparison Between the Prediction Principle and the Estimate Principle
The diagnosis problem investigated here is in principle the same as the one investigated in Section 4.8.2. There we saw that the estimate principle gives ep (x) the best possible test quantity. This means that the test quantities TBL ep pp pp and TML (x) given in (5.18) should be better than TBL (x) and TML (x) given in (5.15) and (5.16) respectively. The comparison of the performance of the two types of test quantities will be ep (x) against based on the principles discussed in Section 4.6.2. To compare TBL pp ep pp TBL (x), we will construct two hypothesis tests δBL and δBL . To compare ep pp ep pp TML (x) against TML (x), we will construct two hypothesis tests δML and δML . To make the comparison, we need to obtain the power function for all four tests. In this situation, where there is no knowledge or assumptions about the model errors or the measurement errors, a good solution is to use the method based on measurements on the real process. In accordance with the procedure in Section 4.6.1, only a limited number of leakage areas are studied, i.e. corresponding to 0, 1, 2, and 3.5 mm diameter. To estimate the probability density function in this case is difficult because of the large amount of data that would be needed. Only 24 independent data sets were used for the analyses and therefore a simpler and less accurate approach has to be chosen. Both boost leakage and manifold leakage were studied. The results of these studies are shown in Figures 5.11 to 5.14. Consider first manifold leakage and Figure 5.11. The x-axis represents the different leakage areas corresponding to ep (x) 0, 1, 2, and 3.5 mm diameter. For each leakage area, the test quantities TBL ep ep (x) and TML (x) were calculated for each of the 24 data sets. The values of TBL ep and TML (x) are indicated with “x” and “o” respectively. To make the plot more clear, all “x”:s have been moved slightly to the right. For each leakage area, also the mean and the standard deviation are calculated and shown as horizontal bars. The middle bar is the mean and the upper and lower bars are two times the standard deviation.
Section 5.4. Diagnosing Leaks
45 40 35 30
test quantity
25 20 15 10 5 0 −5 0
5 6 leak area [mm2]
ep ep Figure 5.11: The test quantities TBL (x) (x-marks) and TML (x) (circles), based on the estimate principle, for different manifold-leakage areas.
45 40 35 30
test quantity
25 20 15 10 5 0 −5 0
5 6 2 leak area [mm ]
pp pp Figure 5.12: The test quantities TBL (x) (x-marks) and TML (x) (circles), based on the prediction principle, for different manifold-leakage areas.
Chapter 5. Applications to an Automotive Engine 45 40 35 30
test quantity
25 20 15 10 5 0 −5 0
5 6 leak area [mm2]
ep ep Figure 5.13: The test quantities TBL (x) (x-marks) and TML (x) (circles), based on the estimate principle, for different boost-leakage areas.
45 40 35 30
test quantity
25 20 15 10 5 0 −5 0
5 6 2 leak area [mm ]
pp pp Figure 5.14: The test quantities TBL (x) (x-marks) and TML (x) (circles), based on the prediction principle, for different boost-leakage areas.
Section 5.4. Diagnosing Leaks
According to Section 4.6.2, thresholds need to be chosen such that the significance level in two compared hypothesis tests becomes equal. Since we don’t have the probability density function, this can not achieved. Instead, each threshold is chosen as the maximum value of the corresponding calculated test quantity in the fault-free case. Consider again Figure 5.11. The maximum values of the ep ep test quantities TBL (x) and TML (x) for the fault-free case, i.e. leakage area 0, are marked by the dashed and solid lines respectively. Similarly, one can see pp pp how the thresholds for the test quantities TBL (x) and TML (x) are chosen by studying Figure 5.14. The power function is the probability to reject H0 , i.e. the probability that the test quantity is above the threshold. As was said above, we don’t have the probability density function, which means that exact values of the power function can not be calculated. However, by studying Figure 5.11 and looking at the mean and standard deviation values, we can quite easily get a coarse estimate of the probability that the test quantity is above the threshold. For ep example, it is obvious that the power function βBL ([0 km ]), corresponding to ep TBL (x), will increase as the leakage area increases. Also, we can conclude that the power function for the leakage with an area of 3.1 mm2 is large, which means that it should be no problem to detect a manifold leakage with this area. Further, the power function for the leakage with an area of 0.8 mm2 , is probably quite low, which means that it is hard to distinguish this leakage from the no-leakage case. Now return to the comparison of test quantities. First compare Figure 5.11, ep ep (x) and TML (x), and Figure 5.12, showing the showing the test quantities TBL ep ep ep test quantities TBL (x) and TML (x). We see that the test quantity TBL (x) pp is slightly more above the threshold than TBL (x). This means that the power ep pp function βBL ([0 km ]) is very likely to be larger than βBL ([0 km ]). In other words, for the manifold leakage, the estimate principle is better than the prediction principle. Next compare Figure 5.13 and Figure 5.14. From these figures it can be ep pp concluded that the power functions βML ([kb 0]) and βML ([kb 0]), along the ep pp “boost-leakage axis”, are not as large as βBL ([0 km ]) and βBL ([0 km ]), along ep the “manifold-leakage axis”. However, it is obvious that βML ([kb 0]) is larger pp ([kb 0]). Consider for example the leakage area 3.1 mm2 . For this case than βML pp ep βML ([kb 0]) should be close to zero and βML ([kb 0]) is probably larger than 0.5. Again we can conclude that the estimate principle is better than the prediction principle. Discussion Even though we have not been able to estimate density functions, we can from this study conclude that, of the two principles studied, the best principle for diagnosing leakage is the estimate principle. This is no surprise since we already in Section 4.8, in different similar situations, drew the same conclusion. However, in for example the theoretical study in Section 4.8.2, we used the assumption of independently and identically Gaussian distributed noise. This assumption do
Chapter 5. Applications to an Automotive Engine
not hold in the real case investigated in this section, but nevertheless it is obvious that the conclusion that the estimate principle is better than the prediction principle, still holds. In production cars, a principle similar to the prediction principle is often used, e.g. see (Air Leakage Detector for IC Engine, 1994). A reason for this is that models of the leaks are not required (see the test quantities described by (5.15) and (5.16)). It is interesting to note that the technique developed here, i.e. to use models of the leaks and then estimate the leakage area, performs better than the solution common in production cars. This method is patent pending by SAAB Automobile. With this better solution, it is possible to make the legislative regulations harder, which means that all car manufacturer are forced to built diagnosis systems with better leakage detection performance. In the end this hopefully means that lower fleet emissions can be obtained.
Comparison of Different Fault Models for Leaks
So far we have modeled the leaks as deviations of constant parameters from their nominal values. Here we will extend the discussion and consider the following three different fault models from Section 2.1.4: • The leakage area is assumed to be constant (as before). • The leakage area is assumed to be changing slowly. That is, the leakage area is interpreted as a signal with low bandwidth. • The leakage-area is assumed to be changing once and abruptly, i.e. the abrupt change model is assumed. It can be argued that each of these fault models is good in some sense. Although not further discussed here, it is also possible to assume that the leakage area is piecewise constant. Another possibility is for instance to use a combination of the low-bandwidth assumption together with the abrupt-change assumption, i.e. the leakage area is mainly of low bandwidth but contains abrupt jumps. Next we will discuss the estimate and the prediction principle separately. In all cases, we assume that we can use all data generated up to the time-point the diagnosis is performed. This means that the time window is chosen to be growing (or infinite). Other choices, e.g. a sliding fixed-length time-window, are also possible.
Using the Estimate Principle
We will only discuss a test quantity based on the estimate kˆb . However, all results are applicable also for a test quantity based on the estimate kˆm . For the constant model, the least square algorithm can be used, in accordance with (5.17). The estimate kˆb will in this case be the average leakage area over
Section 5.5. Comparison of Different Fault Models for Leaks
all time. However when a leakage occurs, it will take a long time before this average grows. A better choice is to weight recent data more. A common choice is to obtain kˆb , at the time t, as follows: kˆb = arg min
kb ∈DBL
t 2 1 X t−k λ ms (k) − kb hb (pb (k)) − f (pb,s (k), αs (k), pm,s (k)) N k=0
(5.19) Depending on the choice of λ, convergence time is traded against accuracy. In a recursive form, this is the RLS (Recursive Least Square) algorithm (Ljung, 1987). The test quantity TML (x) can then be chosen as TML (x) = kˆb
or possibly by also using some normalization. Using the low-bandwidth model, i.e. the leakage area is assumed to be changing slowly, the parameter describing the leakage becomes a function of time, i.e. θb = kb (t). An estimate of kb (t) can be obtained by using for example the RLS-algorithm in combination with (5.19). Since θˆb = kˆb (t) is now a signal, it is not obvious how to form the test quantity, i.e. how to choose the measure k · k in (4.26). One solution is however to choose the most recent value of kˆb (t) and in that case, the test quantity becomes equivalent to (5.20). Using the abrupt-change model, we need to estimate both the change time tch and the leakage area kb , i.e. θb = [tch kb ]. However, in contrast to the approaches above, this is not a simple linear regression problem. The test quantity can then simply be chosen as the estimate kˆb , possibly normalized. Experimental Results The performance of an estimate with a weighting of recent data more, in accordance with (5.19), was validated by experiments. As was said above, this can correspond to the constant or the low-bandwidth model. The estimation of kb and km are shown in Figures 5.15 and 5.16. Also for this experiment, the FTP-75 test-cycle was used. After approximately 500 seconds, a leak was applied suddenly. The most realistic fault model would therefore probably be the abrupt-change model. The upper plot in both figures shows the kb estimate as a function of time and the lower plot, the km estimate as a function of time. It is seen that the kb estimate in both figures have discontinuities. The reason is that the on-line estimation of kb is applied only when the boost pressure is higher than 102 kPa. This is because for boost pressures close to ambient pressure, the air flow through the boost leak is very small which means that the measurement data will contain no or very little information about the value of the kb coefficient. If also these data were used, the kb estimate would easily drift away from its real value. In other words, the exclusion of data corresponding to boost pressures lower than 102 kPa, is a primitive way of achieving robustness and should be seen as an alternative to normalization.
Chapter 5. Applications to an Automotive Engine
kb coefficient
0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0
−0.05 0
600 time [s]
600 time [s]
km coefficient
0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0
−0.05 0
Figure 5.15: Estimation of the kb coefficient (upper plot) and km coefficient (lower plot) when a 3.5 mm (diameter) manifold leak occurs at around t = 500 s.
kb coefficient
0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 −0.05
600 time [s]
600 time [s]
km coefficient
0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 −0.05
Figure 5.16: Estimation of the kb coefficient (upper plot) and km coefficient (lower plot) when a 5 mm (diameter) boost leak occurs at around t = 500 s.
Section 5.5. Comparison of Different Fault Models for Leaks
In Figure 5.15, the leak is a 3.5 mm manifold leak and it can be seen that the km estimate responds quickly when the leak occurs. Similarly in Figure 5.16, we see how the kb estimate responds when a 5 mm boost leak occurs. In this case the estimate converges more slowly. The reason is, as said above, that the estimation is only active when the boost pressure is higher than 102 kPa. From the clear responses shown in Figures 5.15 and 5.16, it is obvious that test quantities based on the estimates kˆm and kˆb , will be quite good. Further, a diagnosis system using these test quantities is likely to have highly satisfactory performance.
Using the Prediction Principle
When discussing the prediction principle, we will assume that the test quantity is on a form similar to (5.14). That is, the test quantity is a model validity measure of the whole model and not only half the model as in (5.15). This means that the calculation of the test quantity must include a parameter estimation, as is seen in for example (5.14). We will discuss only the test quantity TBL (x), but the results are valid also for TML (x). As for the estimate principle, the use of a constant model without weighting recent data more, will result in bad performance. This is actually the case for pp0 the test quantity TBL (x) defined by (5.14). When a leakage occurs, it takes a long time before the estimate of kb becomes good. This means that, from the moment the leakage occurs, to the moment kb becomes good, the test quantity pp0 (x) will become large and the decoupling of the fault mode BL will be bad. TBL The underlying reason is of course that any leakage that occurs, in other words a leakage that is not present all the time, does not match the model assumption of constant leakage-size. As for the estimate principle, it is also possible to weight recent data more. This would result in that the estimation more quickly becomes good when a leakage occurs, which further implies improved decoupling of the fault mode BL. If instead a low-bandwidth model is used and also the occurred leakage matches this fault model, then we can expect good results. This means that the test quantity can be written as LP (x) = TBL
kb (t)∈LP
N 2 1 X ms (t)−f (pb,s (t), αs (t), pm,s (t))−kb (t)hb (pb,s (t)) + N t=1
N 2 1 X f (pb,s (t), αs (t), pm,s (t)) − g(pm,s (t), ns (t)) N t=1
where LP is the set of low-bandwidth signals considered. To solve the optimization involved in calculating (5.21) can be quite difficult. However, by using the two-step approach from Section 4.2.1, the signal kb (t) can first be estimated by using the RLS-algorithm based on (5.19). This was done in the experiments reported below.
Chapter 5. Applications to an Automotive Engine
If the leakage occurs abruptly, the test quantity based on the low-bandwidth model will perform better than a test quantity based on the constant model. However, the performance will still not be perfect. The reason is again that the time-variant behavior of the leakage doesn’t match the fault model. To handle the situation of abruptly changing leakage well, we need to use the abruptchange model. By using similar ideas as in Example 4.2, we can construct such a test quantity as
ac TBL (x) = min
tch ,kb
tch −1 X 2 1 ms − f (pb,s , αs , pm,s ) + tch − 1 t=1
N X 2 1 ms − f (pb,s , αs , pm,s ) − kb hb (pb,s ) + N − tch t=t ch
N 2 1 X f (pb,s , αs , pm,s ) − g(pm,s , ns ) N t=1
Again the two-step approach can be used when calculating this test quantity. In the experiments reported below, the CUSUM algorithm (Basseville and Nikiforov, 1993) was first used to detect the change, i.e. to find tch .
Experimental Results Diagnosis based on the low-bandwidth and the abrupt-change model were validated in experiments. Again the FTP-75 test cycle was used and in all experiments, the leakage occurs suddenly after around 500 seconds. LP LP (x) and TML (x) are plotted In Figures 5.17 and 5.18, the test quantities TBL ac as a function of time. In Figures 5.19 and 5.20, the test quantities TBL (x) and ac TML (x) are plotted as a function of time. Since all leaks occurs suddenly, the most accurate fault model should be the abrupt-change model. Therefore, the test quantities based on this model, i.e. ac ac TBL (x) and TML (x), should perform better than the ones based on the lowbandwidth model. If this is the case we should expect to see some differences in the plots at least around the time the leakage occurs, i.e. around time t = 500s. LP ac By comparing the plots of TML (x) and TML (x) for the manifold leakage, we LP see that TML (x) has a small bump right after t = 500. Also by comparing the LP ac LP (x) and TBL (x) for the boost leakage, we see that also TBL (x) has plots of TBL a small bump right after t = 500. This means that the test quantities based on the abrupt-change model better ac ac manage to perform decoupling. Since the decoupling for TBL (x) and TML (x) are better, we should be able to use lower thresholds and in that way obtain ac ac (x) and TML (x), larger power functions. In other words, the test quantities TBL that are based on the fault model that best matches the real situation, are the best.
Section 5.5. Comparison of Different Fault Models for Leaks
LP TBL (x)
1000 800 600 400 200 0
600 time [s]
600 time [s]
LP TM L (x)
1000 800 600 400 200 0
LP LP Figure 5.17: The test quantities TBL (x) (upper plot) and TML (x) (lower plot), using the low-bandwidth model, when a 3.5 mm (diameter) manifold leak occurs at around t = 500 s.
LP TBL (x)
1000 800 600 400 200 0
600 time [s]
600 time [s]
LP TM L (x)
1000 800 600 400 200 0
LP LP Figure 5.18: The test quantities TBL (x) (upper plot) and TML (x) (lower plot), using the low-bandwidth model, when a 5 mm (diameter) boost leak occurs at around t = 500 s.
Chapter 5. Applications to an Automotive Engine
LP TBL (x)
1000 800 600 400 200 0
600 time [s]
600 time [s]
LP TM L (x)
1000 800 600 400 200 0
ac ac Figure 5.19: The test quantities TBL (x) (upper plot) and TML (x) (lower plot), using the abrupt-change model, when a 3.5 mm (diameter) manifold leak occurs at around t = 500 s.
LP TBL (x)
1000 800 600 400 200 0
600 time [s]
600 time [s]
LP TM L (x)
1000 800 600 400 200 0
ac ac Figure 5.20: The test quantities TBL (x) (upper plot) and TML (x) (lower plot), using the abrupt-change model, when a 5 mm (diameter) boost leak occurs at around t = 500 s.
Section 5.6. Diagnosis of Both Leakage and Sensor Faults
Diagnosis of Both Leakage and Sensor Faults
This section presents the design of a diagnosis system capable of diagnosing both sensor faults and leakage. The constructed diagnosis system is then experimentally validated in Sections 5.7 and 5.8. Again we remind the reader that the objective is not to present a complete design but rather to illustrate principles. index i b m bs
component name boost pipe manifold boost pressure sensor
manifold pressure sensor
ts as
throttle sensor air mass-flow sensor
component fault modes N F b , BL (Boost Leak) N F m , M L (Manifold Leak) N F bs , BB (Boost pressure sensor Bias), BAF (Boost pressure sensor Arbitrary Fault) N F ms , M G (Manifold pressure sensor Gain-fault), M C (Manifold pressure sensor Cut-off) N F ts , T LF (Throttle sensor Linear Fault) N F as , ALC (Air mass-flow sensor Loose Contact)
Table 5.1: The components and component fault-modes considered.
Fault Modes Considered
The different components and corresponding component fault-modes that will be considered, are listed in Table 5.1. Further, the system fault-modes considered are listed in Table 5.2. In accordance with Section 2.2.1, the system fault-modes are written in bold-face letters to distinguish them from the component fault-modes. As seen, only single fault-modes are considered. Compared to the study in Section 5.4, six more fault modes have been included and all the new ones are related to sensor faults. NF BL ML BB BAF MG MC TLF ALC
No Fault Boost Leak Manifold Leak Boost Pressure Sensor Bias Boost Pressure Sensor Arbitrary Fault Manifold Pressure Sensor Gain-Fault Manifold Pressure Sensor Cut-Off Throttle Sensor Linear Fault Air Mass-Flow Sensor Loose Contact
Table 5.2: The system fault-modes considered.
Chapter 5. Applications to an Automotive Engine
The definitions of each fault mode, in the form of models Mγ (θ), will be given later in Section 5.6.3, where at the same time, the construction of the test quantities is described. There we will realize that the following relations between the (system) fault-modes hold: NF 4∗ BL ∗
NF 4 ML NF 4∗ BB 4 BAF
(5.22b) (5.22c)
NF 4∗ MG
(5.22e) (5.22f)
Note that there is no relation involving the fault mode MC. The reason and consequences of this will become clear later.
Specifying the Hypothesis Tests
To develop the actual hypothesis tests, we first need to decide the set of hypotheses to test. We will use one hypothesis test for each fault mode. Thus the set of hypothesis tests becomes Hk0 : Fp ∈ Mk
Hk1 : Fp ∈ MkC
k ∈ {NF, BL, ML, BB, MG, MC, TLF, ALC, BAF} Because of the relations (5.22), we know from Section 3.2.1 that the choice of sets Mk is not completely free. The choice to use one hypothesis test dedicated to each system fault-mode, together with a desire to decouple as few fault modes as possible in each test quantity, leads to the unique choice of sets Mk shown in Table 5.3. k NF BL ML BB BAF MG MC TLF ALC
Mk {NF} {NF, BL} {NF, ML} {NF, BB} {NF, BB, BAF} {NF, MG} {MC} {NF, TLF} {NF, ALC}
Table 5.3: The sets Mk for the nine hypothesis tests. In the next section, the design of test quantities will be discussed. There, also all fault modes will be defined via models Mγ (θ). All these definitions of
Section 5.6. Diagnosis of Both Leakage and Sensor Faults
Mγ (θ) will result in a fault-state vector θ as θ = [θb θm θbs θms θts θas ] = [kb , km , (bpb , c2 (t)), gpm , (gα , bα ), c1 (t)] where c1 (t) and c2 (t) are signals while the other parameters are scalar constants.
Fault Modeling and Design of Test Quantities
The test quantities will be designed using the prediction principle. Then we know, from Section 4.2, that the problem of designing the test quantities Tk (x) consists of determining the model validity measure Vk (θ, x) and the set Θ0k . The test quantity Tk (x) then becomes Tk (x) = min0 Vk (θ, x)
Next, Vk (θ, x) and Θ0k will be defined for all nine hypothesis tests corresponding to the sets Mk given in Table 5.3. Also the models Mγ (θ) and the sets Θγ will be defined.
No Fault NF The model MNF , corresponding to the fault mode NF, has already been given in (5.11). The parameter space ΘNF is ΘNF = {[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]}, where bold-face numbers denote vectors. The set MNF was defined as MNF = {NF}. By remembering the expression for Θ0k from (3.1), we realize that this means that the set Θ0NF becomes Θ0NF = ΘNF . Since Θ0NF contains exactly one value of θ, the test quantity becomes, in accordance with (4.4), TNF (x) = VNF (x). The measure VNF (x) is defined as
VNF (x) =
N 2 1 X ms − f (pb,s , αs , pm,s ) + N t=1
N 2 1 X f (pb,s , αs , pm,s ) − g(pm,s , ns ) N t=1
Note that, to simplify notation, we have dropped the time-argument of signals. Using the measure (5.25) implies that if the present fault mode is NF, then the test quantity becomes small and for all other fault modes, the test quantity becomes large, or at least larger. This fulfills the specification of the hypothesis test δNF given by (5.23).
Chapter 5. Applications to an Automotive Engine
Boost Leak BL The model MBL (kb ) was given already by (5.12). The scalar parameter kb defines the equivalent area of the leakage and is, as before, constrained by kb ∈ b DBL = ]0, 0.5]. The measure VBL (kb , x) is VBL (kb , x) =
N 2 1 X ms − f (pb,s , αs , pm,s ) − kb hb (pb,s ) + N t=1
N 2 1 X f (pb,s , αs , pm,s ) − g(pm,s , ns ) N t=1
Compared to the measure used in (5.15), this expression contains two terms. The motivation for this here, is that we want the test quantity TBL (x) to respond to as many of the other fault modes as possible. That is, in all cases the present fault mode does not belong to MBL = {NF, BL}, we want the null hypothesis 0 HBL to be rejected. b The parameter space DBL also defines ΘBL , in accordance with Section 2.2.1. The definition of the set MBL implies that the set Θ0BL becomes Θ0BL = ΘNF ∪ ΘBL . Using the measure (5.26) implies that if the present fault mode belongs to MBL , then the test quantity becomes small and for all other fault modes, the test quantity becomes large. This fulfills the specification of the hypothesis test δBL given by (5.23). Manifold Leak ML The model MML (km ) is obtained in analogy with MBL (kb ). The scalar pam = ]0, 0.5] and the measure VML (km , x) rameter km is constrained by km ∈ DML is VML (km , x) =
N 2 1 X ms − f (pb,s , αs , pm,s ) + N t=1 N 2 1 X f (pb,s , αs , pm,s ) − g(pm,s , ns ) + km hm (pm,s ) + N t=1
The sets ΘML and Θ0ML follows accordingly. Boost Pressure Sensor Bias BB The model MBB (bpb ) corresponding to this fault mode is obtained by using the fault-free model (5.11) together with identities (5.10) but replacing (5.10b) with pb,s = pb + bpb . This means that the model MBB (bpb ) can be written as m = f (pb,s − bpb , αs , pm,s ) f (pb,s − bpb , αs , pm,s ) = g(pm,s , ns )
Section 5.6. Diagnosis of Both Leakage and Sensor Faults
The scalar parameter bpb is constrained by bpb ∈ [−30, 0[ ∪ ]0, 30] which bs means that the parameter θbs = [bpb c2 (t)] is constrained by θbs ∈ DBB = N [−30, 0[ ∪ ]0, 30] × {0} . The measure VBB (bpb , x) is
VBB (bpb , x) =
N 2 1 X ms − f (pb,s − bpb , αs , pm,s ) + N t=1 N 2 1 X f (pb,s − bpb , αs , pm,s ) − g(pm,s , ns )) + N t=1
The sets ΘBB and Θ0BB follows as before.
Boost Pressure Sensor Arbitrary Fault BAF The model MBAF (c2 (t)) corresponding to this fault mode is obtained by using the fault-free model (5.1) together with identities (5.10) but replacing (5.10b) with pb,s = pb + c2 (t). The parameter c2 (t) is now a signal taking arbitrary bs bs values. This means that the parameter space DBAF becomes DBAF = {0} × N N (R − {0} ). Note that this definition of the model MBAF (c2 (t)) explains the relation BB 4 BAF noted already in (5.22). That is, for each bpb , the signal c2 (t) can always be chosen as c2 (t) ≡ bpb , which implies that MBB (bpb ) = MBAF (c2 (t)) The measure VBAF (c2 (t), x) is N 2 1 X ms − f (pb,s − c2 , αs , pm,s ) + VBAF (c2 (t), x) = N t=1
N 2 1 X f (pb,s − c2 , αs , pm,s ) − g(pm,s , ns )) N t=1
The set ΘBAF follows as before. The set Θ0BAF could be chosen via the expression (3.1) but an equivalent choice, which is computationally simpler, is Θ0BAF = ΘNF ∪ ΘBAF . This was implicitly assumed when designing VBAF (c2 (t), x).
Manifold Pressure Sensor Gain-Fault MG The model MMG (gpm ) corresponding to this fault mode is obtained by using the fault-free model (5.1) together with identities (5.10) but replacing (5.10c) with pm,s = gpm pm . The constraint on the scalar parameter gpm is gpm ∈ ms = [0.5, 1[ ∪ ]1, 2]. DMG
Chapter 5. Applications to an Automotive Engine
The measure VMG (gpm , x) is N 2 1 X ms − f (pb,s , αs , pm,s /gpm ) + VMG (gpm , x) = N t=1
N 2 1 X f (pb,s , αs , pm,s /gpm ) − g(pm,s /gpm , ns )) N t=1
The sets ΘMG and Θ0MG follows accordingly.
Manifold Pressure Sensor Cut-Off MC This fault mode represents a cut-off in the electrical connection to the manifold pressure sensor. The model MMC corresponding to this fault mode is obtained by using the fault-free model (5.1) together with identities (5.10) but replacing (5.10c) with pm,s = gpm pm . The parameter gpm takes value 1 in the fault-free case and value 0 when there is a cut-off present. This means that for ms the model MC, gpm ∈ DMC = {0}. ms = {0} means that the set ΘMC contains exactly one The definition of DMC value. Remember that the set MMC was defined as MMC = {MC}. This implies that the set Θ0MC becomes Θ0MC = ΘMC and thus, contains only one value. Therefore we have that TMC (x) = VMC (x). The measure VMC (x) is
VMC (x) =
N 1 X 2 p N t=1 b,s
Note that, in spite of the simpleness of this expression, the test quantity TMC (x) will become very large for all θ ∈ / ΘMC . The reason is that the manifold pressure never becomes zero. We can assume that this knowledge is implicitly included in the model of the air-intake system. This is also true for the fault mode NF which explains why, according to the relations (5.22), NF is not a submode (in the limit) of MC. Remember that this was the reason why the fault mode NF was not included in MMC .
Throttle Sensor Linear Fault TLF The model MTLF ([gα bα ]) corresponding to this fault mode is obtained by using the fault-free model (5.1) together with identities (5.10) but replacing (5.10d) with αs = gα α + bα . The vector valued parameter [gα bα ] is constrained by [gα bα ] ∈ DTtsLF = R2 − {1, 0} and the measure VTLF (θts , x) = VTLF ([gα bα ], x)
Section 5.6. Diagnosis of Both Leakage and Sensor Faults
is VTLF ([gα bα ], x) = =
N 2 1 X ms − f (pb,s , (αs − bα )/gα , pm,s ) + N t=1
N 2 1 X f (pb,s , (αs − bα )/gα , pm,s ) − g(pm,s , ns )) N t=1
The sets ΘTLF and Θ0TLF follows as before. Air Mass-Flow Sensor Loose Contact ALC The model MALC (c1 (t)) corresponding to this fault mode is obtained by using the fault free model (5.1) together with identities (5.10) but replacing (5.10a) with ms (t) = m(t)c1 (t). The parameter θas = c1 (t) is a stochastic process taking values such that c1 (t) ∈ {0, 1}. This means that the parameter space as as DALC becomes DALC = {0, 1}N − {0}N and the measure VALC (c1 (t), x) is VALC (c1 (t), x) =
N 2 1 X ms − c1 f (pb,s , αs , pm,s ) + N t=1
N 2 1 X f (pb,s , αs , pm,s ) − g(pm,s , ns )) N t=1
The sets ΘALC and Θ0ALC follows as before.
Decision Structure
With the test quantities defined in the previous section, the decision structure becomes as shown in Figure 5.21. There are a few interesting things with this decision structure, which will be discussed in this section. By using the definition of Sk1 , i.e. (3.2), the fact that the set MMC doesn’t contain NF means that 1 C = MMC = {NF, BL, ML, BB, BAF, MG, TLF, ALC} SMC
Remembering the relationship between the decision structure and the sets Sk0 and Sk1 , discussed in Section 3.4.2, this means that the row for δMC must contain non-zero entries in all places except in the column for MC. We see in Figure 5.21 that this is really the case. We noted in the previous section that the test quantity TMC (x) will be large for all faults in all fault modes except MC. This means that the corresponding power function will be large for all fault modes except MC. According to the 0 discussion in Section 4.7.2 and especially formula (4.43), the set SMC becomes 0 SMC = {MC}
Chapter 5. Applications to an Automotive Engine
NF 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
BL X 0 X X X X 1 X X
ML X X 0 X X X 1 X X
BB X X X 0 0 X 1 X X
BAF X X X X 0 X 1 X X
MG X X X X X 0 1 X X
MC X X X X X X 0 X X
TLF X X X X X X 1 0 X
ALC X X X X X X 1 X 0
Figure 5.21: The decision structure for the hypothesis tests using the test quantities defined in Section 5.6.3.
Again using the relationship between the decision structure and the sets Sk0 and Sk1 , discussed in Section 3.4.2, this means that all entries in the row for δMC , except for MC, must be 1:s. Next, study the entry 0 in the row for δBAF and the column for BB. This entry follows from the definition of MBAF as follows: 1 C SBAF = MBAF = {BL, ML, MG, MC, TLF, ALC} 1 That is, since SBAF does not contain NF, BB, or BAF, there must be 0:s in the corresponding locations in the decision structure, including the column for BB. We conclude this section by pointing out the fact that for all hypothesis tests, except δMC , the sets Sk0 are Sk0 = Ω. Also, all sets Sk1 are defined by Sk1 = MkC .
The Minimization of Vk (x)
The procedure to compute (5.24), i.e. to minimize the measures Vk (x), has not been addressed so far. In many cases the minimization procedure required is quite straightforward. However, for some of the test quantities defined above, the computational load of doing the actual minimization in (5.24) can be quite heavy, if not some special care is taken. For the test quantity TBAF (x), we want to perform minimization of VBAF (c2 (t), x) with respect to a signal. This can be solved by using the two-step approach from Section 4.2.1. Instead of minimizing VBAF (c2 (t), x) we choose to minimize the following function: N 2 1 X ms − f (pb,s − c2 , αs , pm,s ) V¯BAF (c2 (t), x) = N t=1
This function is conveniently minimized by choosing c2 (t) = pb,s − f −1 (ms (t), αs (t), pm,s (t))
Section 5.7. Experimental Validation
where f −1 (ms (t), αs (t), pm,s (t)) is the inverse of f (pb,s , αs , pm,s ), with respect to pb,s , and gives an estimate of pb,s . Also for the test quantity TALC (x), the minimization needs to be done with respect to a signal. First we realize that to minimize VALC (kb , x) is equivalent to minimizing VALC (c1 (t), x) =
N 2 1 X ms − c1 f (pb,s , αs , pm,s ) N t=1
When the engine is running, the air-mass flow m is always positive and above 4 g/s. This can for example be seen in Figure 5.4. This means that the function V¯ALC (c1 (t), x) can be conveniently minimized by choosing ( 0 ms (t) < c1 (t) = 1 ms (t) ≥ where is some constant between 0 and 4.
The fault modeling in Section 5.6.3 above illustrates the fact that it can be useful to model faults in a number of different ways. For some fault modes, i.e. BL, ML, BB, MG, the fault is modeled as a change in a continuous scalar parameter. The fault modes MC and TLF are examples in which the fault is modeled as a change in a discrete and multidimensional parameter respectively. In contrast to this, a fault belonging to the fault mode BAF is modeled as an additive arbitrary signal. Then we have ALC, in which the fault is a signal, or a parameter, that jumps between two distinct values. All these examples clearly show the large variety of fault models that can be used in conjunction with structured hypothesis tests. In fact, while in many papers, only constant parameters or only additive arbitrary signals are considered, it is shown here that almost any kind of fault models can be handled and this within the same framework and same diagnosis system.
Experimental Validation
The diagnosis system described in the previous section was implemented in Matlab and tested extensively with the experimental setup described in Section 5.1. The leakage faults were implemented in hardware, which was also described in Section 5.1. All other faults were emulated in software by applying appropriate changes to the sensor signals. For each fault mode, a number of different fault sizes were tested. Good functionality was obtained for all kinds of faults but to limit the discussion, only four cases have been selected and these are shown in Tables 5.4 to 5.7. These four cases are not selected because they are representative but rather because they illustrates some interesting features of the diagnosis system.
Chapter 5. Applications to an Automotive Engine
In all these cases, the data length was N = 1000 which corresponds to 100 s. No special effort was made to find optimal threshold values Jk ; they were all chosen to be Jk = 0.4.
Fault Mode NF
In Table 5.4, the present fault mode of the process was NF. Each row show the result of one individual hypothesis test δk . The value of the test quantity Tk (x) for each hypothesis δk is shown in the second column. The threshold Jk is shown in the third column (as said above, all were chosen to the same value). The fourth column shows the diagnosis decision Sk of each hypothesis test. We remember from formula (3.3) that Sk = Sk1 = MkC if Tk (x) > Jk , i.e. Hk0 is rejected, and Sk = Sk0 otherwise. 0 For the case shown in the table, only the null hypothesis HMC is rejected. This result is the one expected because the set MMC do not contain the fault mode NF while all other sets Mk do contain NF. Applying the intersection of the decision logic, i.e. (2.7), implies that the diagnosis statement contains 8 possible fault modes that can explain the behavior of the process. One of the fault modes is NF which means that we should not generate an alarm. As was ¯ which said in Section 2.6.1, we can also use the refined diagnosis statement S, would imply that the output from the diagnosis system becomes NF only. k Tk (x) Jk MkC NF 0.2074 0.4 Ω BL 0.2063 0.4 Ω ML 0.2075 0.4 Ω BB 0.2043 0.4 Ω MG 0.2027 0.4 Ω MC 3608 0.4 ALC BAF BB BL MG ML NF TLF TLF 0.2061 0.4 Ω ALC 0.2074 0.4 Ω BAF 0.1491 0.4 Ω Diagnosis Statement: ALC BAF BB BL MG ML NF TLF NO ALARM Table 5.4: The hypothesis tests and the diagnosis statement for fault mode NF present.
Fault Mode TLF
In Table 5.5, the present fault mode of the process was TLF. Now all individual 0 . The diagnosis statement is the single null hypothesis are rejected except HTLF fault mode TLF. That is, the diagnosis system managed to isolate the present fault mode TLF. Because the diagnosis statement does not contain NF, an alarm is generated.
Section 5.7. Experimental Validation
Jk MkC k Tk (x) NF 250.8 0.4 ALC BAF BB BL MC MG ML TLF BL 170.7 0.4 ALC BAF BB MC MG ML TLF ML 230.2 0.4 ALC BAF BB BL MC MG TLF BB 247 0.4 ALC BAF BL MC MG ML TLF MG 175.6 0.4 ALC BAF BB BL MC ML TLF MC 3608 0.4 ALC BAF BB BL MG ML NF TLF TLF 0.2025 0.4 Ω ALC 250.8 0.4 BAF BB BL MC MG ML TLF BAF 273.7 0.4 ALC BL MC MG ML TLF Diagnosis Statement: TLF ALARM Table 5.5: The hypothesis tests and the diagnosis statement for fault mode TLF present.
Fault Mode ML
In Table 5.6, the present fault mode of the process was ML. The actual fault was fairly small, which is reflected in the result that it could not be isolated. The diagnosis statement contains the fault modes MG, ML, and TLF. This should be interpreted as that in addition to the present fault mode ML, the fault modes MG and TLF can also explain the behavior of the process. Because the fault statement does not contain NF, an alarm is generated.
k Tk (x) Jk MkC NF 0.4921 0.4 ALC BAF BB BL MC MG ML TLF BL 0.4985 0.4 ALC BAF BB MC MG ML TLF ML 0.1881 0.4 Ω BB 0.423 0.4 ALC BAF BL MC MG ML TLF MG 0.328 0.4 Ω MC 3742 0.4 ALC BAF BB BL MG ML NF TLF TLF 0.3623 0.4 Ω ALC 0.4921 0.4 BAF BB BL MC MG ML TLF BAF 0.4642 0.4 ALC BL MC MG ML TLF Diagnosis Statement: MG ML TLF ALARM Table 5.6: The hypothesis tests and the diagnosis statement for fault mode ML present.
Chapter 5. Applications to an Automotive Engine
Fault Mode BB
In Table 5.7 the present fault mode of the process was BB. The actual fault was not very small but in spite of this, it is obvious from the diagnosis statement that the present fault mode BB can not be isolated. This was very much expected since we have the relation NF 4∗ BB 4 BAF and according to Theorem 2.1 and also Section 2.6.1, it is then impossible to isolate BB from BAF. In other words, the fault mode BAF, which represent an arbitrary boost-pressure sensor fault, is so general that it can also explain data generated from the process when fault mode BB is present. When both BB and BAF can explain the data, as in this case, it is much more likely that the data has been generated by a process with fault mode BB. In agreement with the discussion in Section 2.6.1, we can use the refined diagnosis statement S¯ which would imply that the only output from the diagnosis system would be BB. k Tk (x) Jk MkC NF 1.958 0.4 ALC BAF BB BL MC MG ML TLF BL 1.96 0.4 ALC BAF BB MC MG ML TLF ML 1.96 0.4 ALC BAF BB BL MC MG TLF BB 0.2043 0.4 Ω MG 0.6725 0.4 ALC BAF BB BL MC ML TLF MC 3608 0.4 ALC BAF BB BL MG ML NF TLF TLF 0.419 0.4 ALC BAF BB BL MC MG ML ALC 1.958 0.4 BAF BB BL MC MG ML TLF BAF 0.1491 0.4 Ω Diagnosis Statement: BAF BB ALARM Table 5.7: The hypothesis tests and the diagnosis statement for fault mode BB present.
On-Line Implementation
For implementation in on-board diagnosis systems in a vehicle, on-line performance is crucial. The experiments presented in Section 5.7, were based on data x collected during a quite long time. This may imply that it also takes quite a long time before a fault is detected. One way to obtain a faster response to faults, is to decrease the length of the time window. The consequences of this are discussed in this section. One thing that becomes important is the fact that the absolute accuracy of the model is dependent on how the system is excited, which is something
Section 5.8. On-Line Implementation
that changes over time. The solution to this is, according to Section 4.5, to use normalization, or more exactly an adaptive threshold. The adaptive threshold used here, is chosen in accordance with the ideas presented in the end of Section 4.5.2. Consider first the following relation min V (θ, x) = min min V (θ, x) = min min0 V (θ, x) = min Tk (x(t)) θ∈Θ
Here, V (θ, x) is a model validity measure for the model M(θ) obtained in analogy with all measures Vk (θ, x) presented in Section 5.6.3. Then the adaptive threshold is chosen as Jadp (t) = min Tk (x(t)) + c k
The first term serves as a measure of the overall accuracy of the model at time t and the second term is a tuning parameter, here chosen as c = 0.05. The expression (5.27) should be compared to (4.36) which was shown to be based on similar ideas as the likelihood ratio. The adaptive threshold (5.27) was used in all hypothesis tests except for δMC which was based on a model, whose accuracy does not change over time.
Experimental Results
To illustrate the performance in an on-line implementation, the following experiment was setup. The fault mode of the process was MG and the size of the fault parameter was gpm = 1.2. The whole data set (from the FTP-75 testcycle) spans over a time of 21 minutes. A non-overlapping window of length N = 100 was used which corresponds to a time-length of 10 s. This means that the original data set was divided in totally 125 smaller data sets. Fault Mode NF BL ML BB MG MC TLF ALC BAF unknown fault
Number of Instances 0 0 57 2 120 0 1 0 0 1
Table 5.8: The number of instances of different fault modes in the diagnosis statement during the on-line experiment. For all 125 data sets, the diagnosis system managed to detect a fault. The number of times each fault mode was contained in the diagnosis statement is
Chapter 5. Applications to an Automotive Engine
shown in Table 5.8. It is seen that except for the fact that ML was in the diagnosis statement 57 number of times, the performance was very good.
Test Quantity Value
0 50
90 window #
Figure 5.22: The test quantities TML (x(t)) (dashed) and TMG (x(t)) (solid) together with the adaptive threshold Jadp (t) (dotted).
To understand why ML is contained in the diagnosis statement so many times, Figure 5.22 has been included. The test quantities TML (x(t)) and TMG (x(t)) are plotted together with the adaptive threshold Jadp (t). Only data from time window #50 to #125 is shown. Ideally the test quantities TMG (x(t)) should be below the threshold and TML (x(t)) should be above the threshold. This is the case most of the time but in some cases, both test quantities are below the threshold. These are the cases in which ML is contained in the diagnosis statement. From the figure it is obvious that for some states of the process, the test quantity TML (x(t)) gets approximately the same value as TMG (x(t)). This is due to a property of the air-intake system and not the diagnosis system. For example, during constant conditions, e.g. idle conditions, it is often possible to find a km in the model MML (km ) such that this model match the data also when the fault mode MG is present. We can because of this reason not expect that ML is, at all times, excluded from the diagnosis statement, no matter how the diagnosis system is designed.
Section 5.9. Conclusions
This chapter has presented designs for two diagnosis systems for the air-intake system of an automotive engine. The whole design chain, including the modeling work, has been discussed. From this work, it is realized that a large part of the total work involved, when constructing a model-based diagnosis-system, may be to build the model including the fault models. The first diagnosis system constructed, only focuses on diagnosis of leaks. The theoretical results from Section 4.8.2, regarding the optimality of the estimate principle, were validated in experiments on a real engine. Also investigated is how different types of fault models, with respect to the time-variant behavior of the leaks, affect the performance of the diagnosis system. It is concluded via experiments that, to choose a fault model with correct time-variant behavior, is important to maximize the diagnosis performance. The method for leakage detection, often used in production cars, is the prediction principle, which in this case requires no leakage models. Therefore it is interesting to note that the method developed here, to use models of the leaks and then estimate the leakage area, performs better than the solution common in production cars. The second diagnosis system constructed, is capable of diagnosing both leakage and a wide range of different types of sensor faults. Also in this case, the results were validated in experiments using data from a real engine. This application is an excellent example of the versatility of the method structured hypothesis tests. While in many papers, fault modeling using only constant parameters or only additive arbitrary signals are considered, it is shown here that almost any kind of fault models can be handled and this within the same framework and same diagnosis system. To the authors knowledge, a diagnosis system with this capacity, to diagnose such a large variety of different faults, can not be constructed using previous approaches to fault diagnosis. This chapter has shown how a large part of the theory developed in earlier chapters, can be used in a real application. It has been shown that the theory has practical relevance for both design and analysis of diagnosis systems. The role of this automotive engine application has, during the work with this thesis, been more than only a validation of the techniques developed. In fact, this application inspired much of the development of the theoretical framework, since existing frameworks could not deal with many of the requirements.
Chapter 5. Applications to an Automotive Engine
Chapter 6
Evaluation and Automatic Design of Diagnosis Systems When constructing a model-based diagnosis system, it is desirable that the solutions are the best possible or at least good. However, first we need to define what we mean by “good” and “best”. This means that we need to develop performance measures and also a scheme for comparing different diagnosis systems. The topic of this chapter is to develop tools for this. These tools will also be used to develop a procedure for automatic design of diagnosis systems. The performance measures and the comparison scheme developed are based on decision theory and is presented in Section 6.1 and 6.2. The performance measures become in most cases equal to for example probability of false alarm and probability of missed detection. As said above, the second objective of this chapter is to find an automatic procedure for design of diagnosis systems. One motivation for this is to minimize the time-consuming engineering work, that is frequently needed for the design of diagnosis systems. Also it is desirable that we have a systematic, preferably automatic, procedure that gives diagnosis systems with as good performance as possible. One area, in which it is highly desirable to have systematic and automatic procedures for diagnosis-system design, is the area of automotive engines. As was said in Chapter 5, environmentally based legislative regulations such as OBDII and EOBD specifies hard requirements on the performance of the diagnosis system. Automotive engines are rarely designed from scratch but often subject to small changes, e.g. for every new model year. Then usually also the diagnosis system needs to be changed. Since this may happen quite often and a car manufacturer typically has many different engine models in production, it is important for the car manufacturers that diagnosis systems can be reconstructed with minimal amount of work involved. Also, the diagnosis sys145
Chapter 6. Evaluation and Automatic Design of Diagnosis Systems
tems are often calibrated by personnel without extensive control background and it would therefore be beneficial to have an automatic procedure so that the diagnosis system could be calibrated with minimal human involvement. For manufacturers of independent automotive diagnosis systems, to be used in independent repair-shops, the situation is even more critical. They need to design diagnosis systems for a large amount of different car brands and models. This makes it necessary to find procedures so that diagnosis systems can be constructed with very limited amount of engineering work. Model Structure
Identification Model Construction of Hypothesis Tests
Selection and Tuning of Hypothesis Tests
Diagnosis System
Figure 6.1: The process of constructing a diagnosis system.
The design process for construction of a diagnosis system is assumed to follow the flow-chart shown in Figure 6.1. The first part is to construct the model, in which at least it is possible to automatize parameter identification. The next part is the construction of hypothesis tests that we possibly want to include in the diagnosis system. Then the last step is to select hypothesis tests to be included, and also to tune the hypothesis tests, which should include at least tuning of thresholds. This chapter deals with the step “selection and tuning of the hypothesis tests”, for which an automatic procedure is presented in Section 6.3. The procedure is based on the performance measures and the comparison scheme developed in Section 6.1 and 6.2. In Section 6.4, the construction of a diagnosis system for the air-intake system of a real automotive engine is approached using the automatic procedure developed. All steps in Figure 6.1 are discussed, i.e. modeling, construction of hypothesis tests, and the application of the automatic procedure for selection and tuning of hypothesis tests. The design is then experimentally evaluated in Section 6.4.6.
Evaluation of Diagnosis Systems
To evaluate a diagnosis system, we need some kind of measure of the performance. Here, this is done by first defining a loss function and then using the
Section 6.1. Evaluation of Diagnosis Systems
risk function as a performance measure.
Defining a Loss Function
A loss function should reflect the “loss” for a given specific fault state of the plant and a specific decision made by the diagnosis system. The loss function is denoted L(θ, S) and to define a loss function, we need to assign a value to each pair hθ, Si. For each θ, the set of all S can be divided into subsets which we will call events. For the case θ ∈ ΘN F , i.e. the fault free case, we define two events: N A = {S; N F ∈ S}
No Alarm
F A = {S; N F ∈ / S}
False Alarm
For the case θ ∈ ΘFi , i.e. fault mode Fi is present and Fi 6= N F , we define four events: CI = {S; N F ∈ / S ∧ S = {Fi }} M D = {S; N F ∈ S}
Correct Isolation Missed Detection
/ S} ID = {S; N F ∈ / S ∧ Fi ∈ M I = {S; N F ∈ / S ∧ Fi ∈ S ∧ S 6= {Fi }}
Incorrect Detection Missed Isolation
The relation between these events are clarified in the tree-like structure in Figure 6.2. Each node defines an event as the intersection of the events corresponding to the particular node and all its parent nodes. A branch represents two disjunct events. @
/S Fi ∈ ID
@ @ NF ∈ /S @
@ @ @ Fi ∈ S @
S = {Fi } CI
@ @ S 6= {Fi } MI
Figure 6.2: Relation between events.
Chapter 6. Evaluation and Automatic Design of Diagnosis Systems
It is obvious that N A and CI are the preferred events and should therefore correspond to L(θ, S) = 0. Also obvious is that the events F A, M D, ID, and M I should be “punished” by using a nonzero loss-function. With this in mind, the loss function L(θ, S) can be defined as ( L(θ, S) =
0 cF A (θ)
if N F ∈ S if N F ∈ /S
, i.e. S ∈ N A , i.e. S ∈ F A
θ ∈ ΘN F
and 0 c MD (θ) L(θ, S) = cID (θ) cMI (θ)
if if if if
S = {Fi } , i.e. S ∈ CI N F ∈ S , i.e. M D NF ∈ / S ∧ Fi ∈ / S , i.e. ID NF ∈ / S ∧ Fi ∈ S ∧ S 6= {Fi } , i.e. M I
θ ∈ ΘFi
In general, the event M I is not as serious as M D and ID. This can be reflected in that cMD (θ), cID (θ), and cMI (θ) are selected such that cMI (θ) < cID (θ), and cMI (θ) < cMD (θ). We will classify faults into insignificant faults Θinsign and significant faults Θsign . Insignificant faults are those faults that are “small” and we are not very interested in detecting. Significant faults are those faults that are “large” and that we really want to detect. It is reasonable to assume that if there is a 1, in the column for Fi in the decision structure, then all faults belonging to fault mode Fi , are significant. For insignificant faults, the events M D and M I are not very serious. This should be reflected in that cMD (θ) and cMI (θ) are chosen such that for θ ∈ Θinsign , cMD (θ) and cMI (θ) are small or even zero. On the other hand, for significant faults, i.e. for θ ∈ Θsign , cMD (θ) and cMI (θ) should be large. This reasoning about the choice of cMD (θ), cID (θ), and cMI (θ) can be summarized in a table:
significant faults insignificant faults
CI 0 0
MD cMD (θ) ≈0
ID cID (θ) cID (θ)
MI cMI (θ) ≈0
Examples of choices of the functions cMD (θ), cID (θ), and cMI (θ) are given in Figure 6.3, 6.4, and 6.5. For M D and M I, two examples are given, represented by the solid and dashed line. The exact choice of cMD (θ), cID (θ), and cMI (θ) depends on the specific application.
Section 6.1. Evaluation of Diagnosis Systems
cMD (θ)
θ Insignificant Faults
Significant Faults
Figure 6.3: The function cMD (θ).
cID (θ)
θ Insignificant Faults
Significant Faults
Figure 6.4: The function cID (θ).
cMI (θ)
θ Insignificant Faults
Significant Faults
Figure 6.5: The function cMI (θ).
Chapter 6. Evaluation and Automatic Design of Diagnosis Systems
Calculating the Risk Function
Recall the definition of risk function from Section 4.6. By using the loss function defined in the previous section, the risk function becomes ( if θ ∈ ΘN F cF A (θ)P (F A) R(θ, δ(x)) = cMD (θ)P (M D) + cID (θ)P (ID) + cMI (θ)P (M I) if θ ∈ ΘFi (6.1) Note that the probabilities for the events M D, ID, and M I have been lumped together. It might be possible that it is interesting to study these probabilities individually. In the framework of loss and risk functions, this would correspond to a vector-valued loss and risk. To calculate the risk function in the general case, it is obvious that we need to know the probabilities P (F A), P (M D), P (ID), and P (M I). The problem is that the probability density functions are multidimensional; the dimension equals the number of tests. In addition, the distributions can be complicated functions. This makes it hard to derive the probabilities analytically. Simulations is an alternative but since the probabilities of interest are related to the tails of the density functions, and they are multidimensional, an unrealistically large amount of data would be needed. In spite of the above stated problems, it is possible to calculate bounds of the risk function. The rest of Section 6.1 will be devoted to this issue, but as an alternative to (6.1), we will consider a somewhat simpler risk function. A simpler risk function is obtained by defining the new event M IM = M D ∪ ID ∪ M I. Further we assume that for significant faults, cMD (θ) = cID (θ) = cMI (θ) , cMIM (θ) and for insignificant faults, cMD (θ) = cMI (θ) = 0. The dashed lines in Figure 6.3, 6.4, and 6.5 correspond to this assumption. With this assumption, the risk function becomes if θ ∈ ΘN F cF A (θ)P (F A) R(θ, δ(x)) = cMIM (θ)P (M IM ) if θ ∈ ΘFi and θ ∈ Θsign (6.2) cID (θ)P (ID) if θ ∈ ΘFi and θ ∈ Θinsign The reason why this risk function is considered to be simpler than (6.1), is that the sums of probabilities, present in (6.1), have all been eliminated.
Expressing Events with Propositional Logic
This section explores how general events, e.g. F A, M D, and M IM , can be expressed by propositional logic formulas where the atoms are events for the individual hypothesis tests. For example, consider the event F A. With the set representation of the decisions Sk , this event can be written \ _ F A = {S; N F ∈ / S} = {S; N F ∈ / Sk } = {S; NF ∈ / Sk } k
Section 6.1. Evaluation of Diagnosis Systems
To describe events, also a shorter form will be used, e.g. F A is written as _ NF ∈ / Sk FA = k
We can further develop this expression by using the realistic assumption that N F ∈ Mk for all k. This means that N F ∈ / Sk is equivalent to Sk = Sk1 , and the event F A can be written _ F A = {Sk = Sk1 } (6.3) k
In general, the probability for an arbitrary event A can be expressed as P (A) = P (ϕ) where ϕ is a propositional logic expression in the proposition symbols {Sk = Sk1 } and {Sk = Sk0 }. In the next section we will assume that the events F A, M D, ID, M I, and M IM are expressed by a propositional logic expression in minimal disjunctive normal form. Before we give the definition of the minimal disjunctive normal form, consider the definition of disjunctive normal form (DNF): Definition 6.1 (Disjunctive Normal Form) If _^ ϕ= ϕi,j i
where ϕi,j is atomic or the negation of an atom, then ϕ is a disjunctive normal form (DNF). The minimal disjunctive normal form is then defined as: Definition 6.2 (Minimal Disjunctive Normal Form) A DNF ϕ is minimal if there exist no other DNF ϕ0 where ϕ0 have a smaller total number of connectives ∧ and ∨. To transform a DNF to a minimal DNF, the algorithm proposed by QuineMcCluskey (McCluskey, 1966) can be used. The principles of expressing events with propositional logic and minimal DNF’s, is illustrated in the following example: Example 6.1 Consider a diagnosis system with decision structure
δ1 δ2 δ3
NF 0 0 0
F1 X 1 0
F2 0 X X
F3 X 0 0
Chapter 6. Evaluation and Automatic Design of Diagnosis Systems
Expression (6.3) implies that the probability P (F A) can be written P (F A) = P (N F ∈ / S) = P (S1 = S11 ∨ S2 = S21 ∨ S3 = S31 )
in which the event is described by a minimal DNF. The probability of the event ID of F3 can be written _ _ P (ID) = P (N F ∈ / S ∧ F3 ∈ / S) = P NF ∈ / Sk ∧ F3 ∈ / Sk = k
S1 = S11 ∨ S2 = S21 ∨ S3 = S31 ∧ S2 = S21 ∨ S3 = S31
This formula is not even a DNF but can be transformed to P (ID) = P (S2 = S21 ∨ S3 = S31 )
which is a minimal DNF. Thus we have shown two examples of how events can be expressed by propositional logic formulas and in particular, minimal DNF’s.
Calculating Probability Bounds
This section gives two lemmas and two presumptions . Together, these can be used to calculate bounds of the probabilities P (F A), P (ID), and P (M IM ). However, we first need to introduce the terms desired response and completely undesirable event: Definition 6.3 (Desired Response) Let the desired response of test k to fault mode Fi be ( Sk1 if Fi ∈ Sk1 Skdes (Fi ) = Sk0 otherwise Definition 6.4 (Completely Undesirable Event) An event A is completely undesirable if for any minimal DNF ϕ, describing A, _^ ϕ= ϕi,j i
it holds that } ϕi,j = {Skj 6= Skdes j For example, both events described by (6.4) and (6.6) are completely undesirable. The following two presumptions give bounds for general events that are completely undesirable. In all realistic cases, these presumptions are probably true or at least approximately true. Further, in Section 6.4.6, the validity of these bounds is confirmed using experimental data.
Section 6.1. Evaluation of Diagnosis Systems
Presumption 6.1 For a completely undesirable event A described by a minimal DNF ϕ, _^ ϕ= ϕi,j i
it holds that P (A) = P (ϕ) = P
_^ i
Y ϕi,j ≤ 1 − max 1 − P (ϕi,j )
Presumption 6.2 For a completely undesirable event A described by a minimal DNF ϕ, _^ ϕ= ϕi,j i
it holds that _^
P (A) = P (ϕ) = P
Y ϕi,j ≥ max P (ϕi,j ) i
Motivation of Presumption 6.1 and 6.2 To motivate Presumption 6.1 and 6.2, we need the following lemma: Lemma 6.1 If a set of n events Ai can be ordered such that P (A2 | A1 ) ≥P (A2 ) P (A3 | A1 ∩ A2 ) ≥P (A3 ) .. .
(6.9) (6.10)
P (An | A1 ∩ A2 ∩ · · · ∩ An−1 ) ≥P (An )
then P(
n \
Ai ) ≥
n Y
P (Ai )
Proof: By using the definition of conditional probability, the relation (6.9) can be rewritten as P (A2 ∩ A1 ) ≥ P (A2 ) P (A1 ) which implies P (A2 ∩ A1 ) ≥ P (A1 )P (A2 )
Chapter 6. Evaluation and Automatic Design of Diagnosis Systems
By continuing in this fashion with all relations (6.9) to (6.12), we arrive at the relation (6.13). We first motivate the upper bound given by Presumption 6.1. First define the event Ai : ^ Ai = {S; ϕi,j } j
S and note that P (A) = P ( i Ai ). Now assume that AC 1 has occurred. Since the can be written event A is completely undesirable, the event AC 1 _ _ ¬ϕ1,j } = {S; {Skj = Skdes }} AC 1 = {S; j j
This implies that Sk = Skdes for some k, i.e. some tests responds according to the desired response. In the same way, AC 2 can also be interpreted as there is some tests (not necessarily the same as for AC 1 ) responding according to the desired response. Now study the relation C C P (AC 2 | A1 ) ≥ P (A2 )
This relation says that the event that some tests responds according to the desired response, given that some other tests responds according to the desired response, is at least as probable as the case when there are no a priori information given. It is reasonable to assume that this relation holds. It is also reasonable to assume that we can obtain a a whole set of relations that satisfies the requirements of Lemma 6.1. Then by using Lemma 6.1, we can conclude that Y \ P (AC P ( AC i ) ≥ i ) i
which is equivalent to [ \ Y Y _ P (A) = P ( Ai ) = 1 − P ( AC P (AC P ( ¬ϕi,j ) i )≤ 1− i )= 1− i
From the fact that [ _ P ( ¬ϕi,j ) = P ( {S; ¬ϕi,j }) ≥ max P ({S; ¬ϕi,j ) = max 1 − P (ϕi,j ) j
we get the upper bound given in Presumption 6.1. To motivate the lower bound given in Presumption 6.2, we first note that [ (6.14) P (A) = P ( Ai ) ≥ max P (Ai ) i
Now assume that the event described by ϕi,1 has occurred. This means that Sk 6= Skdes for some k, i.e. some test do not respond according to the desired
Section 6.1. Evaluation of Diagnosis Systems
response. In the same way, the event described by ϕi,2 means that another test is not responding according to the desired response. By using the same reasoning as above, we can conclude that a reasonable assumption is P (ϕi,2 | ϕi,1 ) ≥ P (ϕi,2 ) and further, again using Lemma 6.1, that ^ Y P (Ai ) = P ( ϕi,j ) ≥ P (ϕi,j ) i
This relation together with (6.14) gives the lower bound in Presumption 6.2. Undesirability of ID, M IM , and F A We will now prove that the events ID, M IM , and are completely undesirable. The reason why we want to prove this is that, if this is the case, Presumption 6.1 and 6.2 can be used to give probability bounds for ID, M IM , and F A. We start with ID and M IM in the following lemma, which shows that if the decision structure contains no 1:s, then the events ID and M IM are completely undesirable. Lemma 6.2 If the decision structure contains no 1:s, and the column for N F only 0:s, then the events ID and M IM of F are completely undesirable. To prove Lemma 6.2, we first need the following lemma: Lemma 6.3 If ϕ isVa minimal DNF, a is an atom, and a ∨ ϕ = ϕ 6≡ T , then for one of the ϕi = j ϕi,j , it must hold that ϕi ≡ a. Proof: Assume that the lemma does not hold. This means that ϕ can be written as ϕ ≡ β1 ∨ · · · ∨ βn ∨ a ∧ γ1 ∨ · · · ∨ a ∧ γm where βi and γi are conjunctions not containing a. Because of the minimality of the DNF, it can be shown that it is possible to make the valuations a = T and βi = γi = F. This implies that ϕ = F and a ∨ ϕ = T . Thus a contradiction, which means that the Lemma must hold. Now return to the proof of Lemma 6.2: Proof: Assume that the event, ID or M IM , is described by a minimal DNF ϕ _^ ϕi,j ϕ= i
The proof consists of two parts corresponding to ID and M IM respectively.
Chapter 6. Evaluation and Automatic Design of Diagnosis Systems
ID of Fault Mode F Consider first ID of fault mode F . Study the i0 :th conjunction of ϕ: ^ ϕi0 ,j ϕi0 = j
The corresponding event must belong to ID. Since the decision structure contains no 1:s in the column for F , it must hold that ∀k.F ∈ Sk0 . We also know that ID means F ∈ / S. These two facts imply that the conjunction ϕi0 must contain a ϕi0 ,j 0 such that ϕi0 ,j 0 ≡ {Skj0 = Sk1j0 } and that F ∈ / Sk1j0 . By using the assumption that the decision structure contains only 0:s in the column for N F , this means that ϕi0 ,j 0 alone must imply both N F ∈ / S and F ∈ / S and thus, the corresponding event belongs to ID. Therefore, ϕi0 ,j 0 ∨ ϕ = ϕ and by applying Lemma 6.3, we can conclude that either ϕ ≡ · · · ∨ ϕi0 ,j 0 ∨ · · · ∨ ϕi0 ∨ · · ·
ϕ ≡ · · · ∨ ϕi0 ,j 0 ∨ · · ·
or that
where the conjunction ϕi0 is not present in (6.16). Assume the ϕ corresponds to the first of these two expressions. Then it holds that ϕi0 ,j 0 ∨ ϕi0 = ϕi0 ,j 0 and thus, ϕ cannot be a minimal DNF. Therefore, ϕ must correspond to (6.16) and we can write ϕi0 ≡ ϕi0 ,1 ≡ {Sk1 = Sk11 } = Sk01 . This Now since F ∈ / Sk11 , we know from Definition 6.3 that Skdes 1 further implies that } ϕi0 ≡ {Sk1 6= Skdes 1 which means that the event ID is completely undesirable. This ends the part of the proof for ID. M IM of Fault Mode F Now consider M IM and again an arbitrary chosen ϕi0 . From the definition / S or that {F, Fc } ⊆ S for some of M IM we know that each ϕi implies F ∈ Fc 6= F . / S. Then the reasoning for ID can be Consider first a ϕi0 such that F ∈ applied to ϕi0 and we can conclude that it must be the case that ϕi0 ≡ {Sk = Sk1 } and {Skdes = Sk0 }.
Section 6.1. Evaluation of Diagnosis Systems
Now consider a ϕi0 such that {F, Fc } ⊆ S and assume that ϕi0 ,1 ≡ {Sk1 = Sk11 }. Then {F, Fc } ⊆ Sk1 and Fc 6= N F . Since the decision structure contains no 1:s, which implies that ∀k.F ∈ Sk0 , we also know that ϕ¯i0 = ¬ϕi0 ,1 ∧ ϕi0 ,2 ∧ . . . must imply {F, Fc } ⊆ Sk1 . This means that ϕ¯i0 belongs to M IM , which further implies that ϕ¯i0 ∨ ϕ = ϕ
Also we have that ϕ¯i0 ∨ ϕi0 ≡ (¬ϕi0 ,1 ∧ ϕi0 ,2 ∧ · · · ) ∨ (ϕi0 ,1 ∧ ϕi0 ,2 ∧ · · · ) = ϕi0 ,2 ∧ · · · = ϕ0i0 (6.18) Expression (6.17) and (6.18) together implies that ϕ ≡ · · · ∨ ϕi0 ∨ = ϕ¯i0 ∨ · · · ∨ ϕi0 ∨ = · · · ∨ ϕ0i0 ∨ where ϕ0i0 have fewer terms than ϕi0 and thus ϕ cannot be a minimal DNF. This contradiction gives that ϕi0 ,1 and consequently all ϕi0 ,j must satisfy ϕi0 ,j ≡ {Skj = Sk0j } Suppose now that ϕi0 ,1 ≡ {Sk1 = Sk01 } = {Sk1 = Skdes }, i.e. Skdes = Sk01 . 1 1 1 1 This implies that F ∈ / Sk1 , and therefore ¬ϕi0 ,1 = {Sk1 = Sk1 } alone must belong to ID and also M IM . This further implies ¬ϕi0 ,1 ∨ ϕ = ϕ Using Lemma 6.3 implies that one of the conjunctions in ϕ is ¬ϕi0 ,1 . It holds that ϕ ≡ · · · ∨ ¬ϕi0 ,1 ∨ · · · ∨ ϕi0 ∨ · · · ≡ ≡ · · · ∨ ¬ϕi0 ,1 ∨ · · · ∨ (ϕi0 ,1 ∧ ϕi0 ,2 ∧ · · · ) ∨ · · · = · · · ∨ (ϕi0 ,2 ∧ · · · ) ∨ · · · ≡ ≡ · · · ∨ ϕ00i0 ∨ · · · where ϕ00i0 have fewer terms than ϕi0 and thus ϕ cannot be a minimal DNF. This contradiction gives that ϕi0 ,1 and consequently all ϕi0 ,j must satisfy } ϕi0 ,j ≡ {Skj = Sk0j } = {Skj 6= Skdes j In conclusion, for each conjunction ϕi of ϕ, it holds that either ϕi ≡ {Sk = Sk1 } = {Sk 6= Skdes } or that ϕi ≡
^ {Skj = Sk0j } = {Skj 6= Skdes } j j
Chapter 6. Evaluation and Automatic Design of Diagnosis Systems
This means that M IM is completely undesirable. For the event ID, the proof of Lemma 6.2 is valid also for the less restrictive case that the decision structure contains no 1:s in the columns for F but still only 0:s in the column for N F . The following lemma shows that the event F A is completely undesirable, which implies that Presumption 6.1 and 6.2 can be used. Lemma 6.4 If the decision structure contains no 1:s, and the column for N F only 0:s, then the event F A is completely undesirable. Proof: Define a new fault mode Fnew that has a column in the decision structure which is identical with the column for N F . Then the event F A is equivalent to ID of fault mode Fnew . Further, Lemma 6.2 implies that the event ID of Fnew is completely undesirable and therefore also the event F A is completely undesirable.
Some Bounds for P (F A), P (ID), and P (MIM)
The purpose of this section is to exemplify the use of Presumption 6.1 and 6.2, and at the same time derive some relations useful for selecting the significance level αk of the individual tests. With the notation used here, the significance level becomes αk = sup P (reject Hk0 | Hk0 true) = sup P (Sk = Sk1 | θ) θ∈Θ0k
where Θ0k =
S γ∈Mk
Θγ . We will assume that ΘN F = {θ0 } and that sup P (Sk = Sk1 | θ) = P (Sk = Sk1 | θ0 )
Thus, it holds that αk = P (Sk = Sk1 | θ ∈ ΘN F )
In the following subsections, we will derive bounds for the probabilities P (F A), P (ID), and P (M IM ). In all cases we will assume that the decision structure contains no 1:s and the column for N F contains only 0:s. Bounds for F A Consider the event F A which can be described by the minimal DNF (6.3). In most expressions for probabilities below, we will assume that a specific θ is given, but to get a simple notation, this is not written out, i.e. P (. . . |θ) is written P (. . . ). Lemma 6.4 makes it possible to apply Presumption 6.1 and 6.2 to (6.3).
Section 6.1. Evaluation of Diagnosis Systems
3 n
Figure 6.6: The functions 1 − (1 − α)n (solid) and nα (dashed) for α = 0.05 and 0.02.
For the event F A, we know that θ ∈ ΘN F and by noting that αk = P (Sk = Sk1 ), the bounds become max αk = max P (Sk = Sk1 ) ≤ P (F A) ≤ k k Y Y ≤1− 1 − P (Sk = Sk1 ) = 1 − 1 − αk k
Now assume that the significance of all tests are equal to α, i.e. ∀k.αk = α. This implies that the bounds become α ≤ P (F A) ≤ 1 − (1 − α)n where n is the number of tests. In Figure 6.6, the functions 1 − (1 − α)n (solid) and nα (dashed) have been plotted as a function of n for α = 0.05 and α = 0.02. It is obvious that 1 − (1 − α)n < nα and also that 1 − (1 − α)n ≈ nα. This means that the simple expression nα is an upper level of P (F A) and also an approximation of the upper level 1 − (1 − α)n . Bounds for ID Now consider the event ID of fault mode F . The probability P (ID) can be written _ _ P (ID) = P ( NF ∈ / Sk ∧ F ∈ / Sk ) = k
_ = P( {Sk = Sk1 } ∧ k
_ {Sk = Sk1 } ) = P ( {Sk = Sk1 }) (6.20) k∈µ
Chapter 6. Evaluation and Automatic Design of Diagnosis Systems
where µ = {k; F ∈ / Sk1 } That is, µ is the set of indices for tests δk with a 0 in the decision structure for F. The rightmost expression of (6.20) is a minimal DNF which together with Lemma 6.2 implies that it is possible to use Presumption 6.1 and 6.2. With βk (θ) denoting the power function of the k:th test, i.e. βk (θ) = P (Sk = Sk1 | θ), the bounds become max βk (θ) = max P (Sk = Sk1 ) ≤ P (ID) ≤ k∈µ k∈µ Y Y 1 − P (Sk = Sk1 ) = 1 − 1 − βk (θ) ≤1− k∈µ
Now it is reasonable to assume that for θ ∈ ΘF and k ∈ µ, it holds that βk (θ) = βk (θ0 ) where θ0 ∈ ΘN F . This together with (6.19) means that βk (θ) = αk and the bounds become Y max αk ≤ P (ID) ≤ 1 − 1 − αk k∈µ
By assuming that ∀k.αk = α, and again using the relationship 1−(1−α)n < nα, the bounds can be further simplified to α ≤ P (ID) ≤ 1 − (1 − α)nµ < nµ α where nµ denotes the number of elements in µ. Bounds for M IM Next consider the event M IM (= M D∪ID∪M I) of fault mode F . By studying the proof of Lemma 6.2 it can be realized that the probability P (M IM ) can be expressed with a minimal DNF as _ _ Ai ) (6.21) P (M IM ) = P ( {Sk = Sk1 } i=1...nX
where µ = {k; F ∈ / Sk1 } and Ai =
{Sk = Sk0 }
for some, typically small, number nX and some sets ψi .
Section 6.1. Evaluation of Diagnosis Systems
Since the formula in (6.21) is a minimal DNF, Lemma 6.2 implies that it is possible to use Presumption 6.1 and 6.2. The lower bound becomes Y P (M IM ) ≥ max{max P (Sk = Sk1 ), max P (Sk = Sk0 )} = i...nX
= max{max αk , max
(1 − βk (θ))}
where we again have used the assumption βk (θ) = αk for k ∈ µ. The upper bound becomes P (M IM ) ≤1 −
nX Y 1 − P (Sk = Sk1 ) max{1 − P (Sk = Sk0 )} = i=1
1 − αk
nX Y i=1
max βk (θ) k∈ψi
Now if, for each test δk , it holds that βk (θ) ≥ 1 − αk , then an upper bound for (6.22) is Y max{max αk , max αk } i...nX
By again assuming ∀k.αk = α, this expression becomes equal to max{α, max αnψi } = α i...nX
where nψi denotes the number of elements in ψi . Similarly, an upper bound for (6.23) becomes 1−
Y k∈µ
1 − αk
nX Y i=1
max(1 − αk ) k∈ψi
and with the assumption ∀k.αk = α, this expression becomes equal to 1 − (1 − α)nµ (1 − α)nX = 1 − (1 − α)nµ +nX ≤ (nµ + nX )α
where nµ denotes the number of elements in µ. In conclusion, we have derived the bound (6.25), which is a upper bound to the upper bound (6.23) of P (M IM ), and (6.24), which is an upper bound to the lower bound (6.22) of P (M IM ). The usage of the bound (6.24) is that if we know that it is small, then the lower bound of P (M IM ) will be small. Concluding Remarks The bounds for P (F A), P (ID), and P (M IM ) derived in this section are summarized in Table 6.1. Although derived using some assumptions, the relations
Chapter 6. Evaluation and Automatic Design of Diagnosis Systems Probability P (F A) P (ID) P (M IM )
Lower Bound α α (6.22) ≤ α
Upper Bound 1 − (1 − α)n 1 − (1 − α)nµ 1 − (1 − α)nµ +nX
Simple Upper Bound nα nµ α (nµ + nX )α
Table 6.1: Bounds for P (F A), P (ID), and P (M IM ) when ∀k.αk = α. The bounds for M IM are obtained when βk (θ) ≥ 1 − αk .
in Table 6.1 and also the other relations derived in this section, are useful to be aware of when choosing the significant levels of the individual tests. From above it is clear that the probabilities P (F A), P (ID), etc., can be estimated if we have the probabilities P (Sk = Sk1 ) = 1 − P (Sk = Sk0 ). In principle, we are interested in the probability P (Sk = Sk1 ) for all different θ. That is, we need to estimate the power function βk (θ) = P (Sk = Sk1 | θ) for all θ. As described in Section 4.6.1, the power function can be estimated directly or in some cases derived analytically by knowing the distribution of the measured data. Assume that βk (θ) is estimated directly by using measured data. In that case note that even though the amount of data needed to get accurate estimates can be large, it is still much less compared to if e.g. P (F A) was going to be estimated directly.
Calculating Bounds of the Risk Function
The bounds (6.7) and (6.8) give upper and lower bounds of the probabilities P (F A), P (M IM ), and P (ID). These bounds can now be used to calculate the bounds of the risk function (6.2). The lower and upper bounds of the risk function R(θ, δ) will be denoted R(θ, δ) and R(θ, δ) respectively. The derivation of bounds is exemplified in the following example: Example 6.2 Consider the same diagnosis system as in Example 6.1. To calculate bounds of R(θ, δ) in the case θ ∈ ΘN F , we need bounds of P (F A). Since (6.4) is a minimal DNF, Presumption 6.1 and 6.2 together with Lemma 6.4 give the bounds h i R(θ, δ) = cN F (θ) 1 − P (S1 = S11 )P (S2 = S21 )P (S3 = S31 ) and R(θ, δ) = cN F (θ) max{P (S1 = S11 ), P (S2 = S21 )P (S3 = S31 )} Next consider the case θ ∈ ΘF3 ∩Θinsign , i.e. the fault belongs to fault mode F3 and it is insignificant. To calculate the risk function (6.2), we need P (ID) given by (6.6), which is a minimal DNF. Then Presumption 6.1 and 6.2, and
Section 6.2. Finding the “Best” Diagnosis System
Lemma 6.2 give the bounds h i R(θ, δ) = cID (θ) 1 − P (S2 = S02 )P (S3 = S03 ) and R(θ, δ) = cN F (θ) max{P (S2 = S02 ), P (S3 = S03 )}
For each δ(x) and θ we get one lower and one upper bound. If a finite set of θ:s is considered, the values of the bounds for a certain δ(x) can be represented in a table:
R(θ, δ)
R(θ, δ)
.. .
.. .
.. .
Finding the “Best” Diagnosis System
Given a set C of diagnosis systems, we will here discuss if we can find the “best” diagnosis system in C, and in that case how to do it. The measure of performance is the risk function defined in Section 6.1.2 and we thus want to find the diagnosis system δ with minimal risk R(θ, δ). The problem is that R(θ, δ) for a given δ, is not a constant but a function of θ. Given two diagnosis systems δ1 and δ2 , it can happen that R(θ, δ1 ) < R(θ, δ2 ) for some values of θ while R(θ, δ1 ) > R(θ, δ2 ) for some other values of θ. For example δ1 performs better with respect to false alarm and δ2 performs better with respect to missed detection. It is obvious that the original goal, of finding the best diagnosis system, must be modified and instead, we should try to find a, preferably small, set of good diagnosis systems. The problem of a performance measure that is a function is not something unique for diagnosis systems. Actually, it is a common situation in general decision problems. In decision theory, several principles have therefore been developed to deal with this issue. In the next two sections, we discuss how these general principles can be applied to the problem of finding the “best” or at least good diagnosis systems.
Comparing Decision Rules (Diagnosis Systems)
Since this section discusses finding diagnosis systems from the standpoint of general decision theory, we will mainly refer to general decision rules instead of diagnosis systems. To be able to compare different decision rules (here diagnosis systems), the relations better and equivalent are defined:
Chapter 6. Evaluation and Automatic Design of Diagnosis Systems
Definition 6.5 (Better) A decision rule δ1 is better than a decision rule δ2 if ∀θ.R(θ, δ1 ) ≤ R(θ, δ1 ) and ∃θ.R(θ, δ1 ) < R(θ, δ1 ) A decision rule δ1 is equivalent to a decision rule δ2 if ∀θ.R(θ, δ1 ) = R(θ, δ1 ) In the case where the risk is not available but instead, we have both an upper and a lower bound, the definition of better and equivalent must be modified: Definition 6.6 (Better) A decision rule δ1 is better than a decision rule δ2 if ∀θ. R(θ, δ1 ) ≤ R(θ, δ2 ) ∧ R(θ, δ1 ) ≤ R(θ, δ2 ) and ∃θ. R(θ, δ1 ) < R(θ, δ2 ) ∨ R(θ, δ1 ) < R(θ, δ2 ) A decision rule δ1 is equivalent to a decision rule δ2 if ∀θ.R(θ, δ1 ) = R(θ, δ2 ) and ∀θ.R(θ, δ1 ) = R(θ, δ2 ) The relations 6.5 and 6.6 define a partial order on the set of decision rules (or diagnosis systems). Corresponding to minimal elements of a partial order, decision theory uses the term admissible: Definition 6.7 (Admissible Decision Rule) A decision rule δ is admissible if there exists no better decision rule δ 0 . It is obvious that we need to consider only admissible decision rules (diagnosis systems) when trying to find good diagnosis systems. If C is the set of diagnosis systems considered, we use the notation Cadm for the set of admissible diagnosis systems in C.
Choosing Diagnosis System
Even though the concept of admissibility reduces the set of diagnosis systems we need to consider to Cadm , it is probable that the set Cadm is still to large. We need a principle to pick out one or possibly a few δ in Cadm that represents a good choice. We will here discuss three such principles: the Bayes’ risk principle, the minimax principle, and the approximate minimization principle. The first two of these originates from classical decision theory and the third is presented in this work.
Section 6.2. Finding the “Best” Diagnosis System
The Bayes’ Risk Principle Using the Bayes’ risk principle, we assume that there is a prior distribution π(θ) on the parameter space Θ. Then we can evaluate the Bayes’ risk: r(δ) = E{R(θ, δ(X))} with expectation taken with respect to both θ and X (X is the data). Then the Bayes’ risk principle is to choose the diagnosis system with lowest Bayes’ risk. The problem with this principle is that a prior π(θ) is rarely available, i.e. we seldom know the probability of different faults. However, an alternative is to see π(θ) as a design parameter. The Minimax Principle Consider the quantity sup R(θ, δ)
which represents the worst thing that can happen if δ is used. The minimax principle is to choose the diagnosis system which minimizes (6.26). The problem with this principle is that, even though it is the worst case, only one θ-value for each δ is used. Figure 6.7 illustrates the problem. With the minimax principle, the diagnosis system δ2 with the right risk function would be preferred to a diagnosis system δ1 with the left risk function. However, in most cases the δ1 would be a much better choice since its performance approximately equals the performance of δ2 for small θ-values, and for all other θ-values, δ1 outperforms δ2 . It can also be the case that the prior π(θ) for small θ-values is very small and then the minimax principle would be even worse. R(θ, δ1 )
R(θ, δ2 )
Figure 6.7: The problem with the minimax principle.
The Approximate Minimization Principle As described above, there are arguments to not use the well-known Bayes’ or minimax principles. There is a need for a principle that do not require a prior
Chapter 6. Evaluation and Automatic Design of Diagnosis Systems
but in some way consider more than one θ-value. To meet these requirements, we first define the function Rmin (θ) = min R(θ, δ) δ
which for each θ represents the best performance of any diagnosis system. Then we define a scalar measure of a risk function: kR(θ, δ)k = sup R(θ, δ) − Rmin (θ) θ
The approximate minimization principle is then to choose the diagnosis system which minimizes kR(θ, δ)k. It can be the case that not one single diagnosis system minimizes kR(θ, δ)k, but rather a whole set, which we will denote C≈min . The result can be seen as that R(θ, δ) is “almost” minimized for each θ-value, thereby the name “approximate minimization”. With this principle, the functions cF A , cMD , etc. defined in (6.1.1) works as weighting functions that can be used to emphasize different θ-values. 0.6 0.5
0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0
Figure 6.8: Illustration of the Approximate Minimization principle.
Example 6.3 Consider Figure 6.8. The parameter set is Θ = {1, 2, 3}. Four decision rules are considered and their risk functions have been plotted, marked with ∗, ◦, ×, and + respectively. The value of Rmin (θ) becomes [0.1 0.07 0.3]. The measure kR(θ, δ)k becomes ∗ ◦ × +
kR(θ, δ)k 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.15
and thus the measure is minimized by ◦ and ×. The size of this minimized measure is shown in the figure as a vertical bar.
Section 6.3. A Procedure for Automatic Design of Diagnosis Systems
A Procedure for Automatic Design of Diagnosis Systems
With the theory presented in the previous sections, it is quite straightforward to formulate a procedure for systematic and automatic design of diagnosis systems. The procedure presented here has been developed from procedures in (Nyberg and Nielsen, 1997a) and (Nyberg, 1998). Consider the set of all diagnosis systems D. Then by using the loss function defined in Section 6.1.1, we want to search in D for admissible diagnosis systems and then apply the principle of approximate minimization. The problem is that D is too large. A solution is to first restrict D to a set C ⊂ D, which hopefully contains most of the good diagnosis systems. Thus, the first step in the procedure is to find a good initial set C.
Generating a Good Initial Set C of Diagnosis Systems
As input to the procedure, we use a set of hypothesis tests T , called test candidates, and a set of measurement data M = hM1 , . . . Mn i. By using the measurement data M and computing the test quantities, we can estimate the correlation between them By restricting the set T so that it does not contain highly correlated test quantities, the size of T can be reduced. This is desirable to save computational load in later steps of the procedure. Also by using measurement data, the tests can be tuned for good performance. For each test, this should include at least tuning of the threshold so that a desired significance level is obtained. Also possible to include is a “tuning” of the sets Sk1 and Sk0 , i.e. to add or remove some fault modes. Note that an equivalent way of describing this is that the decision structure is modified, e.g. some 0:s are changed to X:s. The selection of threshold and sets Sk1 and Sk0 in each test, largely affects the performance of the tests and also the diagnosis system. To analyze this, we can use the principles that were discussed in Section 4.7. There it was concluded that we need the power function βk (θ) which can be estimated from the measurement data M in accordance with Section 4.6.1. Optimal thresholds values are difficult to obtain but we can use the heuristic to choose a certain level of significance α and then select the thresholds of each test δk such that αk = α. This has the advantage that the probability of the events F A, ID, and M IM can be quite easily expressed in α as shown in Section 6.1.5 and especially in Table 6.1. The set Sk1 can be tuned by using the formula (4.42). That is, fault modes for which the power function is not small, should be added to Sk1 . This means that, if the incidence structure was used to determine a first choice of Sk1 , many fault modes may not have been included in Sk1 . However, when measurement data are used, model errors become important, and some of the fault modes, that were not originally included in Sk1 , must now be added. It is possible to also use a similar “tuning” of the sets Sk0 by using the formula (4.43).
Chapter 6. Evaluation and Automatic Design of Diagnosis Systems
Note that it is also possible to include two or more different tunings of a single hypothesis test, in the set T . For example, assume that the original set S31 does not contain a fault mode F1 , but the power function derived from measurement data shows that F1 should be added to S31 . Then, it is possible to include two tests δ3 and δ30 , corresponding to different choices of S31 , in the set T. After that each hypothesis test has been tuned, and possibly several variations of some tests have been included in T , the set C is obtained as all possible nonempty subsets of T , i.e. C = 2T − ∅
Summary of the procedure
The whole procedure for systematic and automatic diagnosis system design can be summarized as follows. Input: The input is hT , Mi, where T is a set of hypothesis test candidates and M a set of measurement data. Step 1: Generate a good set C of diagnosis systems: 1. Start with a set of test candidates T . 2. Use measurement data M to estimate correlation and reduce T such that it does not contain highly correlated test quantities. 3. For each test candidates in T , use measurement data M, and estimate βk (θ) for different thresholds and for different θi :s corresponding the measurements Mi . 4. Use the estimated βk (θ) to tune each test, which includes tuning of thresholds and possibly also the sets Sk1 and Sk0 . 5. Let C be all possible nonempty subsets of T . Step 2: Calculate R(θi , δ) and R(θi , δ) for all δ ∈ C: 1. For each δ ∈ C, derive propositional logic expressions for the events F A, ID, and M IM , for the different fault modes. 2. For each δ ∈ C, transform the propositional logic expressions to minimal DNF’s. 3. For each δ ∈ C, use the minimal DNF’s, Presumption 6.1 and 6.2, and the estimate of βk (θ) to calculate probability bounds for the cases θ1 , . . . , θn . 4. For each δ ∈ C, use the probability bounds to calculate R(θi , δ) and R(θi , δ). Step 3: Pick out the admissible set Cadm ⊆ C. Step 4: Apply approximate minimization to get C≈min ⊆ Cadm .
Section 6.3. A Procedure for Automatic Design of Diagnosis Systems
Output: The output is C≈min . An alternative to the above procedure is to switch the order of steps 3 and 4. It can be realized that this gives the same result, i.e. {Cadm}≈min = {C≈min }adm The reason for switching steps 3 and 4 is that the operation of extracting a set of admissible decision rules is computationally more heavy than the operation of approximate minimization. As said in Section 6.2.2, the output C≈min can be more than one diagnosis system. If this is the case, the diagnosis system containing the least number of hypothesis tests should be chosen for implementation. This is to minimize the diagnosis system complexity and computational load.
Design of diagnosis systems is an optimization problem. The optimization problem addressed by the procedure described above, is to optimize the risk with respect to thresholds (and possibly other parameters of the individual tests) and selection of individual tests to be included. In the solution of the procedure, the optimization problem is divided into two subproblems: first the thresholds are fixed for each test and then, hypothesis tests to be included are selected. Because this “two-stage approach” is used, global optimum is not guaranteed. However, if sufficient computer power is available, it is possible to try several thresholds for each test. This could be done by increasing the size of T such that each test is included more than once, but with different thresholds. This makes it possible to get closer to a globally optimal solution. Another reason for non-optimality is that minimizing the bounds may not necessarily result in that the actual risks are minimized. One potential problem with using the procedure is application specific requirements of low probabilities of false alarm, missed detection, etc. Because of this, the thresholds must be chosen such that the probabilities of P (Sk = S01 ) becomes highly dependent on the tail of the density functions of the test quantities. In this area, the probability estimates become unreliable which further implies that the bounds of the risk function becomes unreliable. The output from the procedure might be far from optimal. To overcome this problem there are at least three possible solutions. One is to use longer measurement sequences. However, practical limitations can make this difficult. Another solution is to estimate parametric models of the probability density functions, e.g. see (Gustavsson and Palmqvist, 1997). The third solution is to accept a higher rate of undesirable events, i.e. false alarm, missed detection, etc., and then take care of these undesirable events by adding some after-treatment of the output from the diagnosis system. For example, the time, for which the original diagnosis system signals alarm, can be summed up and the alarm can be suppressed until the time-sum reaches a threshold. The whole procedure is automatic, i.e. when input data are provided, all steps can be performed without any human involvement. This means that the
Chapter 6. Evaluation and Automatic Design of Diagnosis Systems
only thing left to automatize is the construction of the test quantities in the hypothesis tests. A general solution to this is a topic of future research but for limited classes of diagnosis problems, e.g. for the case of linear systems with fault modeled as additive signals, solutions are already available. The procedure has been implemented as a Matlab command. The part of the procedure, requiring most computing power, is to derive the minimal DNF’s of the events F A, ID, etc. However, in many cases it might be possible to “precalculate” minimal DNF expressions for the events of interest.
Application to an Automotive Engine
When constructing a model-based diagnosis system for automotive engines, it is desirable to strive for an optimum performance and at the same time minimize the amount of engineering work required. Automotive engines are rarely designed from scratch but often subject to small changes, e.g. for every new model year. Then usually also the diagnosis system needs to be changed. Since this may happen quite often and a car manufacturer typically has many different engine models in production, it is important for the car manufacturers that diagnosis systems can be reconstructed with minimal amount of work involved. For manufacturers of independent diagnosis systems, to be used in independent repair-shops, the situation is even more critical. They need to design diagnosis systems for a large amount of different car brands and models. This makes it necessary to find procedures such that diagnosis systems can be constructed with very limited amount of work. Thus, in the automotive area, there is a large need for a systematic and automatic procedure like the one presented in the previous section. In this section, the procedure is applied to the construction of the diagnosis system for the air-intake system. The resulting diagnosis system is then experimentally evaluated in Section 6.4.6.
Experimental Setup
The engine is a 2.3 liter 4 cylinder SAAB production engine mounted in a test bench together with a Schenk “DYNAS NT 85” AC dynamometer. Note that this is not the same engine as the one used in Chapter 5. The measured variables are the same as the ones used for engine control. A schematic picture of the whole engine is shown in Figure 6.9. The part of the engine, that is considered to be the air-intake system, is everything to the left of the dashed line in Figure 6.9. When studying the air intake system, also the engine speed must be taken into account because it affects the amount of air that is drawn into the engine.
Model Construction
As we noted in Chapter 5, the automotive engine is a non-linear plant and it has been indicated in several works by different authors, that for the purpose of
Section 6.4. Application to an Automotive Engine
air mass flow manifold pressure
air temp
fuel metering throttle angle
λ (air-fuel ratio) λ
spark timing
driver command
engine speed
load torque (disturbance)
Figure 6.9: A basic automotive engine.
diagnosis, a linear model is not sufficient. As for the applications in Chapter 5, there is no need for extremely fast fault detection, and therefore a so called mean value model (Hendricks, 1990) is chosen. This means that no within cycle variations are covered by the model. The model is continuous and has one state which is the manifold pressure. The air dynamics is derived from the ideal gas law. The process inputs are the throttle angle α (which is assumed to be unknown), and the engine speed n. The outputs are the throttle angle sensor αs , the air-mass flow sensor ms and the manifold pressure sensor ps . The equations describing the fault-free model can be written as p˙ mth mac
RTman (mth − mac ) Vman = f (p, α) = g(p, n)
(6.27a) (6.27b) (6.27c)
where p is the manifold pressure, R the gas constant, Tman the manifold air temperature, Vman the manifold volume, mth the air-mass flow past the throttle, mac the air-mass flow out from the manifold into the cylinders, α the throttle angle, and n the engine speed. The model consists of a physical part, (6.27a), and a black box part, the functions (6.27b) and (6.27c). Even if variations in ambient pressure and temperature do affect the system, they are here assumed to be constant. The static
Chapter 6. Evaluation and Automatic Design of Diagnosis Systems
functions f (p, α) and g(p, n), are represented by polynomials. The identification of the functions f and g, and the constant Vman , is described in (Nyberg and Nielsen, 1997b).
Fault Modes Considered
The components that are to be diagnosed are the throttle angle sensor, the airmass flow meter, and the manifold pressure sensor. Four system fault modes are considered: NF M A P
No Fault air-Mass sensor fault throttle-Angle sensor fault manifold-Pressure sensor fault
As seen only single-fault modes are considered. In all cases the faults are modeled as arbitrary signals added to the physical quantities, i.e. ms (t) =m(t) + fM (t)
αs (t) =α(t) + fA (t) ps (t) =p(t) + fP (t)
(6.28b) (6.28c)
where the index s represents measured sensor signals. For fault mode N F , all functions fM (t), fA (t), and fP (t) are zero and for each of the other fault modes, one of the three functions are nonzero. All this means that the fault state parameter θ at a particular time t0 is θ = [fM (t) fA (t) fP (t)]
t ≤ t0
That is, θ is a vector of three functions. The definition of the parameter spaces Θ, ΘN F , ΘM , ΘA , and ΘP follows naturally.
Construction of the Hypothesis Test Candidates
The inputs to the diagnosis system, and therefore also the individual tests, are ms , αs , ps , and n. Because the faults are modeled as additive arbitrary signals, the test quantity in each of the hypothesis tests becomes a residual generator. The model of the air-intake system is non-linear. Because of the scarcity of design methods for residual generators for non-linear systems, we have to rely mostly on ad-hoc design. To not introduce unnecessary constraints, the design of residuals is not restricted to one method. Instead a combination of static relationships, non-linear diagnostic observers, and parity equations is used to construct 12 residuals of the type where an output is compared to an estimate of the output, or two estimates of the same output are compared. The
Section 6.4. Application to an Automotive Engine
computational form of these 12 residuals are r1
ms − m ˆ 1 (αs , ps )
r2 r3
= =
ms − m ˆ 2 (n, ps ) ps − pˆ1 (αs , n, ps )
r4 r5
= =
ms − m ˆ 3 (αs , n, ms ) ps − pˆ2 (as , ms , n)
r6 r7
= =
αs − a ˆ1 (u, αs , ms , ps ) ms − m ˆ 4 (αs , n, ps )
r8 r9
= =
r2 − r1 = m ˆ 1 (αs , ps ) − m ˆ 2 (n, ps ) r4 − r2 = m ˆ 2 (n, ps ) − m ˆ 3 (αs , n, ms )
r10 r11
= =
r4 − r1 = m ˆ 1 (αs , ps ) − m ˆ 3 (αs , n, ms ) r3 − r5 = pˆ2 (αs , ms , n) − pˆ1 (αs , n, ps )
αs − α ˆ 2 (ms , ps )
where m ˆ i, α ˆ i , and pˆi are different estimates of the output signals. The details on how these estimates are formed can be found in Appendix 6.A. Each of the 12 residuals is used to form a hypothesis test and thus we have a set T of 12 hypothesis test candidates. Different test quantities (i.e. the residual generators) are sensitive to different faults. This can be seen by studying the equations of the residuals and is summarized in Table 6.2, which contains the incidence structure for the 12 test quantities. As can be seen, there are some X:s in the incidence structure. The reason for this was explained in Example 3.2. From the incidence structure, the decision structure is derived by replacing 1:s by X:s. Because of how the fault models (6.28) are constructed, the decision structure will contain only 0:s and X:s. r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 r8 r9 r10 r11 r12
NF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
A 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
P X X 1 0 1 1 X 1 1 1 1 1
Table 6.2: The incidence structure of the test quantities for the 12 hypothesis test.
Chapter 6. Evaluation and Automatic Design of Diagnosis Systems
Applying the Procedure for Automatic Design
Following is a description of how all steps in the procedure, listed in Section 6.3.2, is applied to the design of a diagnosis system for the air-intake system. Input The input to the procedure is the set of 12 test candidates T defined in the previous section and a set of measurement data M. The measurement data M were collected from the real engine during a one minute fault-free test cycle, see (Nyberg and Nielsen, 1997b). All faults were added to fault-free measurements and constant bias faults were chosen. The fault sizes were ±2%, ±4%, and ±6% for the α-fault, ±2.5%, ±5%, and ±7.5% for the m-fault, and ±2%, ±4%, and ±6% for the p-fault. For each sensor, the two smallest fault sizes (negative or positive) are considered to be insignificant faults and rest of the four fault sizes are considered to be significant faults. In addition there were one fault-free measurement. This means that measurements have been collected for 19 points in the infinitely large parameter space Θ. Step 1: Generation of the set C The measurement data set in M corresponding to θ ∈ ΘN F , i.e. fault free measurements, is used to calculate correlation between the test quantities of the tests T . From studying the correlation coefficients, it is concluded that test quantities 1 and 7 are highly correlated, C(r1 , r7 ) = 0.99, and also test quantities 5 and 11, C(r5 , r11 ) = 0.99. Therefore, test quantities 7 and 11 are omitted from T . This means that we are left with a T 0 containing 10 test candidates. The power function βk (θ) is estimated, using the measurement data M, for thresholds in the range 0 to 20. With its help, P (Sk 6= Skdes ; | θi ) is plotted in Figure 6.10. The fact that test quantities 1 and 7, and 5 and 11, are highly correlated is seen in these plots because the plots for the corresponding pairs are very similar. By using the power function βk (θ) for θ ∈ ΘN F , the threshold Jk for each test δk is chosen such that the significance level becomes αk = 0.05. Table 6.3 shows the threshold levels Jk for all tests in T . The sets Sk1 and Sk0 need not to be modified because formulas (4.42) and (4.43) are fulfilled. Now when thresholds and sets Sk1 and Sk0 have been fixed, let C be all possible nonempty subsets of T 0 . The size of C is 210 − 1 = 1023. Step 2: Calculation of R(θi , δ) and R(θi , δ) The power functions βk (θ) estimated in the previous step can now be used to obtain estimates of the probabilities P (Sk = Sk1 |θ) for all θi , i = 1, . . . , 19 and all tests in T . This means that 19 · 10 = 190 probabilities are estimated. These are used to estimate the bounds R(θi , δ) and R(θi , δ). In total, there are 1023 · 19 · 2 = 38874 bounds.
Section 6.4. Application to an Automotive Engine
test no 1
test no 2
test no 3
test no 4
test no 7
test no 10
test no 12
test no 11
test no 9
test no 8
10 test no 6
test no 5
Figure 6.10: The probability P (Sk 6= Skdes ) for each test as a function of the threshold. The lines for significant faults are solid and for insignificant faults dashed. Also the lines for fault mode N F are solid.
Chapter 6. Evaluation and Automatic Design of Diagnosis Systems
δk δ1 δ2 δ3 δ4 δ5 δ6 δ7 δ8 δ9 δ10 δ11 δ12
Jk 2.15 2.55 2.05 3.15 4.85 4.25 2.15 2.15 2.55 2.25 5.05 9.85
Table 6.3: The thresholds for all tests in T .
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
Figure 6.11: The risk bounds for 16 different diagnosis systems.
Section 6.4. Application to an Automotive Engine
In Figure 6.11, these bounds for 16 different diagnosis systems δ ∈ C have been plotted. The x-axis in each diagnosis system shows the index i of θi and the y-axis shows the value of R(θi , δ) and R(θi , δ). The x-marks represent R(θi , δ) and the circles represent R(θi , δ). By visual inspection, it is seen that the diagnosis system represented by the top left plot, is the best of these 16. Step 3&4: Finding the Admissible Set and Approximate Minimization The admissible set Cadm contains 15 diagnosis systems. After applying approximate minimization, there is only 1 diagnosis systems left in the set C≈min . We will denote this diagnosis system with δ best . The decision structure for δ best is δ2 δ3 δ4
NF 0 0 0
M 0 X X
A X 0 X
P X X 0
IS(t) (N F )
The risk bounds for δ best are plotted in the top left plot of Figure 6.11. Fault Mode NF
Fault Mode A
Fault Mode A
IS(t) (A)
0 0
IS(t) (M)
IS(t) (P )
0 0
40 t [s]
0 0
0 0
0 0
40 t [s]
t [s]
Figure 6.12: Confirmation of the diagnosis system δ best for the cases, N F , insignificant A, and significant A.
Confirmation of the Design
To confirm the design, the single diagnosis system, that was the output from the procedure, is tested using the 19 fault cases that was used for the design. Of these 19 cases, the result of 6 cases are shown in Figure 6.12 and 6.13.
Chapter 6. Evaluation and Automatic Design of Diagnosis Systems IS(t) (N F )
Fault Mode M
Fault Mode P
Fault Mode P
IS(t) (A)
0 0
IS(t) (M)
IS(t) (P )
0 0
40 t [s]
0 0
0 0
0 0
40 t [s]
t [s]
Figure 6.13: Confirmation of the diagnosis system δ best for the cases significant M , insignificant P , and significant P .
Each column of plots represents one test case and the present fault mode is indicated on the top. Each row of plots represents the indicator functions IS(t) (Fi ) for each of the fault modes (indicated to the left). The indicator / S(t). For example function IS(t) (Fi ) has the value 1 if Fi ∈ S(t) and 0 if Fi ∈ consider the leftmost column of Figure 6.12. In this case, the present fault mode is N F which means that the event of interest is F A and to prevent that F A occurs, N F should belong to S all the time. As seen in the upper left plot, this is however not the case. On several occasions, the indicator function goes to zero which means that N F ∈ / S, i.e. the event F A occurs. Consider next the second column of Figure 6.12. The present fault mode is A and the fault is insignificant. This means that the event of interest is ID and to prevent ID, the indicator function for A (the second row) must be one. Also here, there are some occasions where this indicator function goes to zero, which means that ID occurs. For the third column of Figure 6.12, the present fault mode is also A but this time, the fault is significant. Thus, the event of interest is M IM and to prevent M IM , the indicator function for A must be one and all other indicator functions must be zero. As seen in the plots, this is true almost all the time. It is clear that the automatic procedure successfully manage to construct a diagnosis system for the air-intake system of the engine. The performance is not perfect but we should remember that the fault sizes that are considered to be significant faults are comparably small for this application. If better performance, in terms of fewer false alarms etc., is required, then the smallest
Section 6.4. Application to an Automotive Engine
faults in Θsign must be moved to Θinsign . Then the threshold levels can be increased, with maintained low probability of M IM , and the probability of F A and ID will get lower. The result of all 19 confirmation tests is summarized in Table 6.4. The first column shows the index i of the measurement. The second column shows the fault mode present during each measurement. Depending on what fault mode is present and if it is significant or not, the risk function is proportional to the probability of the event listed in the third column (compare with (6.2)). Then in columns four to six, the pre-calculated bounds of the risk function R(θi , δ) is compared to the actual relative frequency of the corresponding events. It is seen that, although the bounds are derived using certain assumptions, they manage to surround the actual value in almost all cases. Only for the 5:th test case, the actual value is outside the range specified by the bounds. Also for this case, the bound is still pretty good although not perfect. The reason for this may be that the actual value is only the relative frequency and not the expectation, or that the assumptions made to derive the bounds do not hold.
i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Fault Mode Present NF A A A A A A M M M M M M P P P P P P
R(θi , δ)
0.0454 0.0454 0.0454 0.0454 0.0454 0.0454 0.0454 0.0451 0.0451 0.12 0.0451 0.0451 0.0451 0.0441 0.0441 0.172 0.0441 0.0441 0.0441
actual frequency 0.112 0.0454 0.0454 0.0454 0.0573 0.0454 0.0573 0.0451 0.0451 0.151 0.0495 0.0451 0.0451 0.0441 0.0441 0.191 0.0464 0.0441 0.0441
R(θi , δ) 0.129 0.0454 0.0454 0.0454 0.0567 0.0454 0.0587 0.0451 0.0451 0.159 0.0651 0.0451 0.0451 0.0441 0.0441 0.208 0.0609 0.0441 0.0441
Table 6.4: The actual frequency and the risk bounds.
Chapter 6. Evaluation and Automatic Design of Diagnosis Systems
It is highly desirable to systematize and automate the process of designing diagnosis systems. The reason is that in many applications, high diagnosis performance is required and at the same time, the time-consuming engineering work of designing diagnosis systems must be minimized. In this chapter modelbased diagnosis based on structured hypothesis tests was considered, and for this kind of diagnosis systems, a systematic and automatic design procedure has been proposed. Concepts from decision theory are used to define a performance measure, which reflects the probability of e.g. false alarm and missed detection. These kinds of probabilities are usually hard to obtain, since they typically require knowledge and analysis of multidimensional density functions. However, this problem is solved here by using measurement data to estimate one-dimensional density functions and then using relations developed, to derive the probability of e.g. false alarm. The automatic procedure tries to optimize the performance measure by selecting the optimal set of hypothesis tests to be included, and also by tuning each hypothesis test with respect to thresholds and sets Sk1 and Sk0 . The procedure is successfully applied to the problem of designing a diagnosis system for the air-intake system of an automotive engine. The complete design chain has been discussed, including model construction, design of test quantities, and selection and tuning of the hypothesis tests. The resulting diagnosis system is then experimentally validated.
Section 6.A. Estimation of Engine Variables
Appendix 6.A
Estimation of Engine Variables
Below, we shortly presents how the estimates of the engine variables p, m, and α are formed. The estimation principles relies on the model (6.27) which was developed in (Nyberg and Nielsen, 1997b). Estimates of Manifold Pressure p The two different estimates of the manifold pressure p are based on observers of p, and are formed as: RTman p, n) + K1 (ps − pˆ) f (ˆ p, αs ) − g(ˆ pˆ˙ = Vman pˆ1 (αs , n, ps ) = p
RTman f (ˆ p, αs ) − g(ˆ p, n) + K2 ms − f (ˆ p, αs ) pˆ˙ = Vman pˆ2 (αs , ms , n) = p Estimates of Air-Mass Flow m For the estimates of the air-mass flow m, we can use both static and dynamic relationships in the model (6.27). In forming m2 (n, ps ) we assume that an estimate of p˙ is available. The four different estimates of m are: m ˆ 1 (αs , ps ) = f (p, αs )
m ˆ 2 (n, ps ) = g(ps , n) −
Vman ˆ p˙ RTman
RTman f (ˆ p, αs ) − g(ˆ p, n) + K3 ms − f (ˆ p, αs ) pˆ˙ = Vman p, αs ) m ˆ 3 (αs , ms , n) = f (ˆ
RTman f (ˆ p, αs ) − g(ˆ p, n) + K4 (ps − pˆ) pˆ˙ = Vman p, αs ) m ˆ 4 (αs , n, ps ) = f (ˆ
Chapter 6. Evaluation and Automatic Design of Diagnosis Systems
Estimates of Throttle Angle α The first estimate of the throttle angle α utilizes the fact that the throttle is controlled by a DC-servo and that we know the input u(t) to the DC-servo. Also, we have an model available of the DC-servo, and this model have two states: the angular velocity ω and the throttle angle α. The load disturbance originating from the air-flow past the throttle must also be taken into account. This air flow is modeled by a static function h(ps , ms , αs ). More information on the DC-servo model can be found in (Nyberg and Nielsen, 1997b). The estimate α ˆ 1 is formed by using an observer of the DC-servo states: ω ˆ˙ = aˆ ω + b u(t) − h(ps , ms , αs ) + k1 (αs − α ˆ) α ˆ˙ = ω ˆ + k2 (αs − α ˆ) α ˆ 1 (u, αs , ms , ps ) = α The second estimate of α is derived by first assuming that α is a state with dynamics α˙ = 0. Then the estimate α ˆ 2 is formed by using an observer for the state α: α ˆ˙ = K(ms − f (ps , α)) ˆ α ˆ 2 (ms , ps ) = α
Chapter 7
Linear Residual Generation Residual generation was shortly mentioned in Section 4.2.2 as a special case of the prediction principle. When talking about residual generation, we assume that all faults are modeled as signals f (t) and a setup with a residual generator can therefore be illustrated as in Figure 7.1. The residual generator filters the known signals and generates a test quantity which is seen as a signal r(t), the residual. The residual should be “small” (ideally 0) in the fault-free case and “large” when a fault is acting on the system. In Figure 7.1, we have also assumed that all, if any, disturbances are modeled as signals denoted d(t). We remember from Section 4.2 and 4.5 that the test quantity, here the residual, should be made insensitive to disturbances. That is, when generating the residual r(t), disturbances should be decoupled. f u
d ? ?
- Process
- Generator Residual r ? Figure 7.1: A residual generator. This chapter is a study of how to design linear residual generators for linear systems with no model uncertainties. Most of the discussion will be focused on decoupling. Further, only perfect decoupling of the disturbances is considered, and the issue of approximate decoupling associated with e.g. robust diagnosis (see Section 4.5) is not considered here. 183
Chapter 7. Linear Residual Generation
The limitation to linear models is quite hard since few real systems are modeled well by linear models. As was said in Chapter 1, this limitation is also much harder in diagnosis compared to closed-loop control. The reason is that the feedback, used in closed-loop control, tends to be forgiving against model errors. Diagnosis should be compared to open-loop control since no feedback is involved. All model errors propagates through the diagnosis system and degrades the diagnosis performance. In Section 7.1, we will more exactly formulate the problem of linear residual generation. We will see that the actual problem is to design polynomial parity functions. Most of this chapter contains discussions around two design methods for polynomial parity functions (or equivalently linear residual generators): the novel minimal polynomial approach and the well-known Chow-Willsky scheme. In Section 7.2, the minimal polynomial approach is presented and the notion of a basis for all polynomial parity functions is introduced. Then in Section 7.3, it is proved that a basis of degree less or equal to the order of the system, always exists. The Chow-Willsky scheme is explained in Section 7.4, and the relation between the minimal polynomial approach and the Chow-Willsky scheme is investigated in Section 7.5. Finally Section 7.6 contains a design example. Many concepts and terms from linear systems theory will be used. The most important ones are summarized in Appendix 7.B.
Problem Formulation
As was said in Section 4.2, to be able to perform isolation, not only the disturbances but also some faults need to be decoupled. It is convenient to distinguish between monitored and non-monitored faults. Monitored faults are the fault signals that we want the residual to be sensitive to. Non-monitored faults are the fault signals that we want the residual to be not sensitive to, i.e. the faults that we want to decouple. A formal definition of a residual is as follows: Definition 7.1 (Residual) A residual is a scalar signal that for all known inputs u(t) and all disturbances d(t) (including non-monitored faults), should be zero, i.e. r(t) ≡ 0, in the fault-free case, and should be non-zero, i.e. r(t) 6≡ 0, when monitored faults are present. We also define a residual generator formally: Definition 7.2 (Residual Generator) A residual generator is a system that takes process input and output signals as inputs and generates a residual. The residual generator can be a static system if it is based on static redundancy, or a dynamic system if it is based on temporal redundancy. Note that from the residual generator point of view, there is no difference between disturbances and non-monitored faults. Therefore, everywhere the word disturbance is used in this chapter, it also includes non-monitored faults.
Section 7.1. Problem Formulation
Residual generator design in general includes a large amount of model building. However, here we consider the model to be given. Also, although many different types of considerations are important when designing residual generators, we will here solely study the decoupling of disturbances. Altogether, the problem studied in this chapter will be called the decoupling problem and can be phrased as follows: Decoupling Problem 1 Given a model, the decoupling problem is to design a residual generator so that the residual becomes insensitive to the known input u and the disturbance d (including non-monitored faults) and sensitive to monitored faults f , i.e. (a) For all u(t) and d(t), it should hold that f (t) ≡ 0 implies r(t) ≡ 0. (b) For all u(t) and d(t), it should hold that f (t) 6≡ 0 implies r(t) 6≡ 0. The restriction to limit the discussion to the above decoupling problem may seem to be hard; other important issues, not covered by the decoupling problem, are for example response time and sensitivity to disturbances. However, it should be noted that this restriction is made in most diagnosis literature.
The Linear Decoupling Problem
From now on, the discussion will be restricted even more, namely to linear systems. Then the model given is linear and represented either by transfer functions or in state-space form. The transfer function representation is y = G(σ)u + H(σ)d + L(σ)f
where y is the measured output with dimension m, u is the known input with dimension ku , d is the disturbance with dimension kd , f is the fault with dimension kf , and G(σ), H(σ), and L(σ) are transfer-matrices of suitable dimensions. Note again that we will always assume that d includes the non-monitored faults and f does only contain monitored faults. The operator σ represents the differentiation operator p (or s) in the continuous case and the time-shift operator q (or z) in the discrete case. The state-space form representation is =
Ax(t) + Bu u(t) + Bd d(t) + Bf f (t)
y(t) =
Cx(t) + Du u(t) + Dd d(t) + Df f (t)
and, unless especially mentioned, no assumptions about controllability or observability are made. A general linear residual generator is a linear filter and can be written y r = Q(σ) (7.3) u
Chapter 7. Linear Residual Generation
i.e. Q(σ) is a transfer matrix with dimension 1 × (m + ku ). We will define the order of a linear residual generator to be its McMillan degree, i.e. the number of states in a minimal realization. A number of design methods for designing linear residual generators, have been proposed in literature, see for example (Patton and Kangethe, 1989) (W¨ unnenberg, 1990; White and Speyer, 1987; Massoumnia, Verghese and Willsky, 1989; Nikoukhah, 1994; Chow and Willsky, 1984; Nyberg and Nielsen, 1997c). All these methods are methods to design the transfer matrix Q(σ). Note that this includes for example the case when the residual generator is based on observers formulated in state space. If expression (7.3) is developed, we see that a linear residual generator can also be represented as y y = (7.4) r = Q(σ) =c−1 (σ)F (σ) u u =
A1 (σ)y1 + . . . + Am (σ)ym + B1 (σ)u1 + . . . + Bk (σ)uku (7.5) c(σ)
where F (σ) is a polynomial row-vector and Ai (σ), Bj (σ), and c(σ), are scalar polynomials in σ. Note that the order of the residual generator is equal to the degree of the polynomial c(σ). According to the Decoupling Problem, the objective is to create a signal that is affected by monitored faults but not by any other signals. This is equivalent to finding a filter Q(σ) which fulfills the following two requirements: • The transfer functions from known inputs u and disturbances d, to the residual must be zero. • The transfer functions from monitored faults f to the residual must be non-zero. These two requirements introduce a constraint on the numerator polynomial of (7.5) only, i.e. F (s) or equivalently Ai (σ) and Bj (σ). The only constraints on the denominator polynomial c(σ) is that the residual generator must be realizable and asymptotically stable. The first of these constraints means that it must have a degree greater or equal to the row-degree of F (σ), i.e. the largest degree of the numerator polynomials Ai (σ) and Bj (σ). That is, the minimal order of the residual generator is determined by the row-degree of F (σ). The second constraint means, for example in the continuous case, that c(σ) must have all its zeros placed in the left half plane. It is obvious that c(σ), or equivalently the poles of the residual generator, can be chosen almost arbitrarily. This statement is valid for a large class of residual generator design methods, including diagnostic observer design, e.g. eigenstructure (Patton and Kangethe, 1989) or the unknown input observer (W¨ unnenberg, 1990), in which poles also are placed arbitrarily. Although we can choose c(σ) arbitrarily, is often suitable to choose it so that a low-pass filtering effect is achieved.
Section 7.1. Problem Formulation
It is clear that the numerator of (7.5) is of great importance for residual generation. In fact, when the Decoupling Problem is considered, the numerator is the only thing we need to care about. This numerator will be called a polynomial parity function. In accordance with (Chow and Willsky, 1984), we also define the order of the polynomial parity function as the highest degree α of σ α , which is present in the parity function, i.e. the row-degree of the polynomial vector F (s). The linear decoupling problem can now be expressed as follows: Linear Decoupling Problem 1 Given a linear model, (7.1) or (7.2), the linear decoupling problem is to design a polynomial parity function, or equivalently a polynomial vector F (s), so that y (a) For all u(t) and d(t), it should hold that f (t) ≡ 0 implies F (σ) ≡ 0. u y (b) For all u(t) and d(t), it should hold that f (t) 6≡ 0 implies F (σ) 6≡ 0. u Although the following result may have been realized at this point, it is here expressed as a theorem to emphasize its importance. Theorem 7.1 When linear models and linear residual generators are considered, the Decoupling Problem is equivalent to the Linear Decoupling Problem. Proof:
Assuming a scalar polynomial c(σ) that is non-zero, it holds that y F (σ) ≡0 (7.6) u
if and only if c
y (σ)F (σ) ≡0 u
and this proves the theorem. There are indications that this theorem can be generalized to also the case when robust residual generation is considered (Frisk, 1998). We will in this chapter discuss two algorithms for design of polynomial parity functions: the new minimal polynomial basis approach and the well-known Chow-Willsky scheme. There will be a focus on the following three questions: • Does the method find all possible polynomial parity functions? • Does the method explicitly find polynomial parity functions of minimal order? • Does the solution represent a minimal parameterization, of all polynomial parity functions, or is it over parameterized?
Chapter 7. Linear Residual Generation
The reason for the interest in the minimal order property of the polynomial parity function is primarily that we want to depend on the model as little as possible. A low order usually implies that only a small part of the model is utilized. Since all parts of the model has errors, this further means that few model errors will affect the residual. The residual will then become small when no faults are present. It is obvious that if we can find a design algorithm, for which the answer is “yes” to all these questions, then we have also found a design algorithm for residual generators that can find all possible residual generators, explicitly the ones of minimal order, and with a minimal parameterization. In addition to the above three questions, we will also discuss numerical properties of the algorithms. All of these questions are quite natural but in spite of this, they have not gained very much attention before in the literature.
Parity Functions
Before the discussion of the algorithms, we will try to bring some clarity to the terms parity function, parity equation etc., that are frequently encountered in the diagnosis literature. In the seventies, research about using analytical redundancy for fault detection and diagnosis was intensified. One main area of interest was fault detection for aircrafts and especially their control and navigation systems. In a work within this field, Potter and Suman (1977) defined parity equation and parity function (and also parity space and parity vector ). This was originally a concept for utilizing analytical redundancy in the form of linear direct redundancy. In 1984 the concept was generalized by Chow and Willsky (1984) to include also dynamic systems, i.e. to utilize temporal redundancy. However only discrete time parity equations were considered. Since then, a number of different usages of the term parity function and parity equation have occured in the literature. However, no other usages of the term parity equations, than in accordance with the definitions made by Potter and Suman (1977) and later extended by Chow and Willsky (1984), have been widely accepted in the research community. To clarify the meaning here, we use the terms polynomial parity equation and polynomial parity functions, which are the type of parity equations/functions defined in (Chow and Willsky, 1984). The definition of polynomial parity functions becomes: Definition 7.3 (Polynomial Parity Function) A polynomial parity function is a function h(u(t), y(t)) that can be written as h(u, y) = A(σ)y + B(σ)u where A(σ) and B(σ) are polynomial vectors in σ. The value of the function is zero if no faults are present. A polynomial parity equation is then basically a polynomial parity function set to zero, i.e. h(u, y) = 0.
Section 7.2. The Minimal Polynomial Basis Approach
Some researchers, e.g. (H¨ofling, 1993), have worried about that polynomial parity functions are not possible to implement directly or a least give bad performance. However, in these cases they forget to add the poles represented by c(s) in expression (7.5). Remark: Parity equations that are not polynomial are often mentioned in the literature, e.g. ARMA parity equation (Gertler, 1991), dynamic parity relations (Gertler and Monajemy, 1995). In accordance with standard mathematical notion, these should be called rational parity equations. A rational parity function is then identical with a linear residual generator. Note that parity equations/functions are in this view not a design method; it is solely an equation/function with specific properties. Example 7.1 Consider the discrete linear system y(t) =
B(q) u(t) + f (t) A(q)
where u is the input, y the output and f the fault. If the fault is omitted, this relationship can be rewritten as A(q)y(t) = B(q)u(t) This is an example of one polynomial parity equation that can be formed, and it will be satisfied as long as the fault is zero. From the polynomial parity equation, we can derive the parity function h(t) = A(q)y(t) − B(q)u(t) It is obvious that this polynomial parity function will respond to the fault f . If this expression is multiplied with an appropriate backward time-shift q −n , the resulting parity function can therefore serve as a residual generator. In the following sections, we will discuss the two methods for designing polynomial parity functions: the minimal polynomial basis approach and the well-known Chow-Willsky scheme. These methods are explicitly focused on polynomial parity functions but in principle, all linear residual generator design methods are methods, at least implicitly, for design of polynomial parity functions.
The Minimal Polynomial Basis Approach
This section introduces the minimal polynomial basis approach to the design of polynomial parity functions. With this approach, it is shown that the Decoupling Problem is transformed into finding a minimal basis for a null-space of a polynomial matrix. This is a standard problem in established linear systems theory, which means that numerically efficient computational tools are generally
Chapter 7. Linear Residual Generation
available. It is shown that the minimal polynomial basis approach can find all possible residual generators, explicitly those of minimal order, and the solution has a minimal parameterization. All derivations are performed in the continuous case but the corresponding results for the time-discrete case can be obtained by substituting s by z and improper by non-causal. To simplify notation, the term parity function will from now on be used instead of polynomial parity function. Several concepts from linear systems theory, especially polynomial matrices, will be used. A short description of some key terms and concepts are given in Appendix 7.B.
Basic Idea
By utilizing the model description (7.1), a parity function can be expressed as y G(s) H(s) u L(s) F (s) = F (s) + F (s) f u I 0 d 0 It is obvious that to fulfill condition (a) of the Linear Decoupling Problem, it must hold that G(s) H(s) F (s) =0 I 0 This condition is fulfilled if and only if F (s) belongs to the left null-space of G(s) H(s) M (s) = (7.8) I 0 The left null-space of the matrix M (s) will be denoted NL (M (s)). The polynomial vector F (s) needs to fulfill two requirements: belong to the left null-space of M (s) and also have good fault sensitivity properties. If, in a first step of the design, all F (s) that fulfill the first requirement are found, then a single F (s) with good fault sensitivity properties can be selected. Thus, in a first step of the design of the parity function F (s)[y T uT ]T , we need not consider f or L(s). The problem is then to find all polynomial vectors F (s) ∈ NL (M (s)). Of special interest are the parity functions of minimal order, i.e. the polynomial vectors F (s) of minimal row degree. Thus we want to find all F (s) ∈ NL (M (s)) and explicitly those of minimal order. This can be done by finding a minimal polynomial basis for the rational vector-space NL (M (s)). Procedures for doing this will be described in Section 7.2.2 and 7.2.3. Let the basis be formed by the rows of a matrix denoted NM (s). By inspection of (7.8), it can be realized that the dimension of NL (M (s)) (i.e. the number of rows of NM (s)) is Dim NL (M (s)) = m + ku − Rank M (s) = m + ku − (ku Rank H(s)) = = m − Rank H(s) =∗ m − kd
where m is the number of outputs, i.e. the dimension of y(t), and kd is the number of disturbances, i.e. the dimension of d(t). The last equality, marked =∗ , holds only if rank H(s) = kd , but this should be the normal case.
Section 7.2. The Minimal Polynomial Basis Approach
Forming a Parity Function The second and final design-step is to use the polynomial basis NM (s) to form the parity function. For this, consider the following theorem: Theorem 7.2 ((Kailath, 1980), Irreducible Basis) If the rows of N (s) is an irreducible polynomial basis for a space F , then all polynomial row vectors f (s) ∈ F can be written f (s) = φ(s)N (s) where φ(s) is a polynomial row vector. The proof is given in Appendix 7.B. The minimal polynomial basis NM (s) is irreducible (see Theorem 7.14 Appendix 7.B) and then, according to Theorem 7.2, all decoupling polynomial vectors F (s) can be parameterized as F (s) = φ(s)NM (s)
where φ(s) is a polynomial vector of suitable dimension. The parameterization vector φ(s) can for example be used to shape the fault-to-residual response or simply to select one row in NM (s). Since NM (s) is a basis, the parameterization vector φ(s) have minimal number of elements, i.e. a minimal parameterization. One of the rows of NM (s) corresponds to a parity function of minimal order. The reason for this can be explained as follows. Consider a basis NM (s) with three rows and the row-degrees are d1 , d2 , and d3 respectively. Since NM (s) is a minimal polynomial basis, we know that d1 + d2 + d3 is minimal (see Theorem 7.14 Appendix 7.B). Now assume that the minimal order of any parity function is dmin and that dmin < di for all di . Then by using a minimal order parity function, we can obtain a new basis with less order. Thus NM (s) can not be a minimal basis, which shows that one of the rows of NM (s) must correspond to a parity function of minimal order.
Methods to find a Minimal Polynomial Basis to NL (M (s))
The problem of finding a minimal polynomial basis to the left null-space of the rational matrix M (s) can be solved by a transformation to a problem of finding a minimal polynomial basis to the left null space of a polynomial matrix. This transformation can be done in several different ways. In this section, three possibilities are demonstrated, where the first is used if the model is given on the transfer function form (7.1), the second if the model is given in the state-space form (7.2), and the third if the model contains no disturbances. A description on how to compute a basis for the null-space of a polynomial matrix, will be given in Section 7.2.3. The motivation for this transformation to a polynomial problem, is that there exists well established theory (Kailath, 1980) regarding polynomial matrices. In addition, the generally available Polynomial Toolbox (Henrion, Kraffer, Kwakernaak, M.Sebek and Strijbos, 1997) for Matlab contains an extensive set of tools for numerical handling of polynomial matrices. We will see that the results in this and the next section, give us a a computationally simple, efficient,
Chapter 7. Linear Residual Generation
and numerically stable method, to find a polynomial basis for the left null-space of M (s). Frequency Domain Solution One way of transforming the rational problem to a polynomial problem is to perform a right MFD on M (s), i.e. f1 (s)D e −1 (s) M (s) = M
One simple example is f1 (s)d−1 (s) M (s) = M where d(s) is the least common multiple of all denominators. By finding a f1 (s), a basis polynomial basis for the left null-space of the polynomial matrix M is found also for the left null-space of M (s). No solutions are missed because e D(s) (e.g. d(s)) is of full normal rank. Thus the problem of finding a minimal polynomial basis to NL (M (s)) has been transformed into finding a minimal f1 (s)). polynomial basis to NL (M State-Space Solution Assume that the system is described the state-space form (7.2). To be able to obtain a basis that is irreducible, will need to require that the state x is controllable from only u and d. If this requirement is not fulfilled, the system must be transformed to a realization x˙ Ax A12 x Bu,x = + u+ z˙ z 0 Az 0 Bd,x Bf,x f (7.12a) d+ 0 Bf,z x y = [Cx Cz ] + Du u + D d d + Df f (7.12b) z T and the state z is controllable where the state x is controllable from uT dT from the fault f . It is assured from Kalman’s decomposition theorem that such a realization always exists. Finally it is assumed that the state z is asymptotically stable, which is the same as saying that the whole system is stabilizable. The notations A, Bu , Bd , Bf , and C will still be used and with the same meaning T as before, e.g. C = [Cx Cz ] and Bu = [Bu,x 0]T . To denote the dimension of the states x and z, we will use nx and nz respectively. Also we use n to denote the dimension of the total state, i.e. n = nx + nz . To find the left null-space to M (s) it is convienient to use the system matrix in state-space form (Rosenbrock, 1970). The system matrix has been used before in the context of fault diagnosis, see e.g. (Nikoukhah, 1994; Magni and
Section 7.2. The Minimal Polynomial Basis Approach
Mouyon, 1994). Denote the system matrix Mx (s), describing the system with disturbances as inputs: Dd Cx Mx (s) = −sI + Ax Bd,x Define the matrix Px as
I Px = 0
−Du,x −Bu,x
Then the following theorem gives a direct method on how to find a minimal polynomial basis to NL (M (s)) via the system matrix. Theorem 7.3 If the pair {Ax , [Bu,x Bd,x ]} is controllable and the rows of the polynomial matrix V (s) is a minimal polynomial basis for NL (Mx (s)), then W (s) = V (s)Px is a minimal polynomial basis for NL (M (s)). Before this theorem can be proven, a lemma is needed: Lemma 7.1 Let M (s) be the system matrix of any realization (not necessarily T controllable from uT dT ), i.e. C Dd Ms (s) = −(sI − A) Bd Then it holds that Dim NL (M (s)) = Dim NL (Ms (s)) The proof of this lemma is placed in Appendix 7.A. Now, return to the proof of Theorem 7.3: Proof: In the fault free case, i.e. f = 0, consider the following relation between the matrices M (s) and Mx (s): y u Cx (sI − Ax )−1 Bu,x Cx (sI − Ax )−1 Bd,x + Dd u Px = Px M (s) = = −Bu,x 0 u d d Dd (sI − Ax )−1 Bu,x (sI − Ax )−1 Bd,x u Cx = = d −(sI − Ax ) Bd,x 0 Ikd x = Mx (s) d If V (s)Mx (s) = 0, then since the signals u(t) and d(t) can be chosen arbitrarily, Px M (s) must also be 0. This implies that W (s)M (s) = V (s)Px M (s) = 0, i.e. W (s) ∈ NL (M (s)). It is also immediate that if V (s) is polynomial, W (s) = V (s)Px is also polynomial. From Lemma 7.1, we have that Dim NL (Mx (s)) = Dim NL (M (s)). Then since both V and W (s) has the same number of rows, the rows of W (s) must span the whole null-space NL (M (s)), i.e. W (s) must be a basis for NL (M (s)).
Chapter 7. Linear Residual Generation
It is clear that the following relation must hold: Cx Dd I −Du = [W (s) 0] V (s)[Px Mx (s)] = V (s) 0 −Bu,x −(sI − Ax ) Bd,x
Consider the matrix [Px Mx (s)]. Since the state x is controllable from u and d, the PBH test (see Appendix 7.B) implies that the lower part of this matrix has full rank for all s, i.e. it is irreducible. Now assume that W (s) is not irreducible, i.e. there is a s0 such that W (s0 ) does not have full row-rank. This means that there exists a γ 6= 0 such that γV (s0 )[Px Mx (s0 )] = γ[W (s0 ) 0] = 0. Since [Px Mx (s0 )] has full row-rank it must hold that γV (s0 ) = 0. Therefore, V (s) cannot be irreducible but this contradicts with the fact that V (s) is a minimal polynomial basis. This contradiction implies that W (s) must be irreducible. The matrix W (s) is now proven to be a polynomial, irreducible basis for NL (M (s)). According to Theorem 7.14, the only thing left to prove is that the basis W (s) is row-reduced. Partition V (s) = [V1 (s) V2 (s)] according to the partition of Mx (s). Let V1 (s) = S1 (s)V1,hr + q1 (s) V2 (s) = S2 (s)V2,hr + q2 (s) The matrices Si (s) is diagonal matrices with diagonal elements skij where kij is the row-degrees of Vi (s). The constant matrices Vi,hr is the highest-row-degree coefficient matrix and qi (s) is the rest polynomial. Since V (s) ∈ NL (Mx (s)), it holds that V1 (s)Cx = V2 (s)(sI − Ax ), i.e. S1 (s)V1,hr Cx + q1 (s)Cx = S2 (s)V2,hr (sI − Ax ) + q2 (s)(sI − Ax ) = sS2 (s)V2,hr + q˜2 (s) By identifying the highest order terms on each side it is immediate that sS2 (s) = S1 (s), i.e. each row in V2 (s) has lower degree than the corresponding row in V1 (s)Cx . It also holds that the row-degrees in V1 (s)Cx has less or equal rowdegrees than V1 (s) since Cx is a constant matrix. Thus, each row-degree in V2 (s) has less degree than the corresponding row in V1 (s) and therefore Vhr = [V1,hr 0]. Since V (s) is a minimal polynomial basis, it is row reduced. That is, the highestrow-degree coefficient matrix for V (s) has full row rank. Since Vhr = [V1,hr 0], it follows that V1,hr has full row rank. From the definition of Px it follows that [W1 (s) W2 (s)] = [V1 (s)
(−V1 (s)Du − V2 (s)Bu,x )]
From the degree discussion above it follows that the highest-row-degree coefficient matrix of W (s) looks like Whr = [V1,hr ?], which obviously has full row-rank, i.e. W (s) is row reduced. Thus we have shown that W (s) is an irreducible basis and row reduced, which implies that it is a minimal polynomial basis.
Section 7.2. The Minimal Polynomial Basis Approach
The next result tells us what happens when the realization considered is not T controllable from uT dT . For this consider a system matrix Ms (s) =
C Dd −(sI − A) Bd
and the pair {A, [Bu Bd ]} is not necessarily controllable. Theorem 7.4 If the rows of the polynomial matrix V (s) is a polynomial basis for NL (Ms (s)), then W (s) = V (s)P is a polynomial basis for NL (M (s)). Proof:
The first part of the proof of Theorem 7.3 is valid also for this theorem.
Note that compared to Theorem 7.3, we have in Theorem 7.4 relaxed the requirements of controllability and the minimality of the basis V (s). The result is that W (s) becomes here only a basis and not a minimal basis. Theorem 7.4 is only of theoretical interest in the context of parity function design but will be used for the detectability analysis presented in the next chapter. The following examples illustrates Theorem 7.4. Also, it shows that the condition that {A, [Bu Bd ]} must be controllable, is really necessary when constructing a minimal polynomial basis for NL (M (s)). Example 7.2 The system has one disturbance and two outputs: 1 −2 −2 −3 A= Bd = Bu = 0 0 0 −1 C=
1 4 2 4
Du =
0 0
Dd =
6 5
Bf =
Df =
−6 −6 −2 0
T It is clear that the second state is not controllable from uT dT . By setting up Ms (s) and finding a minimal polynomial basis V (s) for NL (Ms (s)), we form the basis NM (s) as NM (s) = V (s)P = = −0.833s2 − 1.83s − 1
s2 + 2.67s + 1.67 −1.167s − 1.167 = = (s + 1) −0.833s − 1 s + 1.67 −1.167
The basis NM (s) is not irreducible since it looses rank for s = −1. In conclusion, as in the previous subsection, the problem of finding a minimal polynomial basis to NL (M (s)) has been transformed into finding a minimal polynomial basis to a polynomial matrix, in this case the system matrix Mx (s).
Chapter 7. Linear Residual Generation
No Disturbance Case If there are no disturbances, i.e. H(s) = 0, the matrix M (s) gets a simpler structure G(s) Mnd (s) = (7.14) I A minimal polynomial basis for the left null-space of Mnd (s) is particularly simple due to the special structure and a minimal basis is then given directly by the following theorem: Theorem 7.5 ((Kailath, 1980)) , If G(s) is a proper transfer matrix and ¯G (s) form an irreducible left MFD, i.e. N ¯G (s) and D ¯ G (s) are left ¯ G (s), N D −1 ¯ ¯ co-prime and G(s) = DG (s)NG (s). Then, ¯ G (s) − N ¯G (s)] NM (s) = [D
forms a minimal basis for the left null-space of the matrix M (s) =
G(s) I
Here, the dimension of the null-space is m, i.e. the number of measurements, and the order of the minimal basis is given by the following theorem: Theorem 7.6 The set of observability indices of a transfer function G(s) is ¯ G (s) in any row-reduced irreducible left MFD equal to the set of row-degrees of D ¯G (s). ¯ −1 (s)N G(s) = D G
A proof of the dual problem, controllability indices, can be found in (Chen, 1984) (p. 284). Thus, a minimal polynomial basis for matrix Mnd (s) is given by a left MFD of G(s) and the order of the basis is the sum of the observability indices of G(s). The result (7.15) implies that finding the left null-space of the rational transfer matrix (7.8), in the general case with disturbances included, can be reduced to finding the left null-space of the rational matrix f2 (s) = D ¯ G (s)H(s) M
¯H (s)d−1 (s), the probBy performing a right MFD on H(s), e.g. H(s) = N H lem becomes to find a basis for the left null-space of the polynomial matrix ¯H (s). In other words, this is an alternative to the use of the matrix ¯ G (s)N D f M1 (s) in (7.11). This view closely connects with the so called frequency domain methods, which are further examined in Section 7.2.4.
Section 7.2. The Minimal Polynomial Basis Approach
Finding a Minimal Polynomial Basis for the nullspace of a General Polynomial Matrix
For the general case, including disturbances, the only remaining problem is how to find a minimal polynomial basis to a polynomial matrix. This is a well-known problem in the general literature on linear systems and a number of different algorithms exist. In this section, two algorithms will be presented. The first is based on the Hermite form (Kailath, 1980) and a second algorithm is based on the polynomial echelon form (Kailath, 1980). Both methods are implemented in the Polynomial Toolbox (Henrion et al., 1997) for Matlab. Again we remind the reader of Appendix 7.B in which many of the terms used in this section are explained. The two algorithms have very different numerical properties. Although the algorithm based on Hermite form is easy to understand, it has poor numerical properties. It is included here mostly to gain some basic understanding of the problem. However the algorithm based on polynomial echelon form is both fast and numerically stable and should therefore be the preferred choice for design.
The Hermite Form Algorithm Any polynomial matrix can be transformed into column Hermite form by elementary row operations. Assume M (s) is a p × q matrix. Then there exists a p × p, unimodular matrix U (s) = [U1T (s) U2T (s)]T such that
U1 (s) R(s) M (s) = U2 (s) 0
where R(s) is a (p − r) × q matrix and r is the normal rank of M (s). The, non-unique, matrix U (s) can be found e.g. as described in Theorem 6.3-2 in (Kailath, 1980). The last r rows in U (s), i.e. U2 (s), thus spans the left nullspace of M (s). The matrix U2 (s) is irreducible because U (s) is unimodular. U2 (s) is however not necessarily row-reduced, i.e. U2 (s) is not necessarily a minimal basis. However, U2 (s) can be made row-reduced by elementary row operations. This is best illustrated with an example that shows the main idea and also illustrates how the minimality property is connected with the rowreduced property. Example 7.3 Consider the polynomial matrix M (s) with rank r = 2
1 0 M (s) = s s2
0 s3 + 2s2 + s s3 + 2s2 + s 0
−s s3 + 2s2 + s s3 + s2 + s −s3
198 The column Hermite 1 0 0 1 −s −1 −s2 0
Chapter 7. Linear Residual Generation form of M (s) is 0 0 1 0 2 3 0 0 M (s) = 0 s + 2s + s 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
−s s + 2s2 + s3 0 0
Here, the last two rows of U (s) form a basis for the left null-space of M (s) and is denoted F (s). −s −1 1 0 F (s) = −s2 0 0 1 The matrix F (s) is obviously irreducible, it is however not row-reduced because the highest-row-degree coefficient matrix Fhr is −1 0 0 0 Fhr = −1 0 0 0 and not of full rank. However, by multiplication from the left with a suitably chosen unimodular matrix, F (s) can be made row-reduced. General algorithms to find the unimodular matrix making F (s) row-reduced is available, e.g. (Callier, 1985). In the example above, −1 0 s 1 −1 0 F (s) = = Fmin (s) −s 1 0 s −s 1 The matrix Fmin (s) is both irreducible and row-reduced, and accordingly to Theorem 7.14 (in Appendix 7.B), it is a minimal basis for the left null-space. The Polynomial Echelon Form Algorithm The polynomial echelon form method is described in (Kailath, 1980; Kung, Kailath and Morf, 1977). Below follows a very brief description of the algorithm to illustrate the algorithm usage and computational complexity. The concepts presented here are also needed later in both this and the next chapter. Consider the polynomial equation F (s)M (s) = 0
Assume that the polynomial basis F (s) is in canonical polynomial echelon form. This assumption is not restrictive because of the following theorem Theorem 7.7 ((Kailath, 1980), Section 6.7.21 ) For each space of rational vectors, there exists a minimal polynomial basis in (canonical) polynomial echelon form. 1 This theorem is not stated as a theorem in (Kailath, 1980), but the fact is contained in the text.
Section 7.2. The Minimal Polynomial Basis Approach
Proof: The theorem follows from the fact that all full row rank polynomial matrices can be transformed to polynomial echelon form by elementary row operations, i.e. by multiplication from the left with a unimodular matrix. The left hand side of (7.17) can be rewritten as M (s) sM (s) F (s)M (s) =(F0 + F1 s + . . . Fν sν )M (s) = [F0 . . . Fν ] = .. .
sν M (s) f ku +k (s) =FeM(s) = FeMΨ d f (The matrix which also defines M(s) and the coefficient matrices Fe and M. f M is also known as the generalized resultant matrix of M (s).) Note that the integer ν is usually not known a priori. By examining the rows of M(s), from top to bottom, the rows can be classified as independent rows or dependent rows. A row is dependent if it can be written as a linear combination of previous rows, using only constant coefficients. The procedure to search for dependent rows in this way will be refered to as the row-search algorithm. Independent and dependent rows can equally f Note that the order, here well be determined from the coefficient matrix M. top-to-bottom, is important. The order bottom-to-top would result in another set of dependent rows. Since F (s) is in polynomial echelon form, the rows of Fe must define a set of primary dependent rows in M(s). Also from the fact that F (s) is in polynomial echelon form, we know that of all sets of primary dependent rows, the set defined by Fe must be of minimal order. That is, there is no other set of primary dependent rows, containing the same number of rows and with lower row-degrees. Each set of primary dependent rows spans a subspace of Nl (M (s)). Therefore, since F (s) spans the whole left null-space of M(s), the set of primary dependent rows defined by Fe, must be of largest possible size. With these statements in mind, we know that the matrix Fe , and also F (s), f for the largest uppercan be found by searching, from top to bottom, in M most set of primary dependent rows. We summarize this result in the following theorem: f be the coefficient Theorem 7.8 ((Kailath, 1980), Section 6.7.21 ) Let M matrix of M. Let {w1 . . . wp } be a set, of largest possible size, with primary f Then if the rows of Fe define dependent rows, in order top-to-bottom, of M. these dependencies, the matrix F (s) is in quasi-canonical polynomial echelon form. The matrix F (s) is also a row-reduced, but not necessarily irreducible, polynomial basis for NL (M (s)). Furthermore, if {w1 . . . wp } is the uppermost set (i.e. the first encountered when searching top-to-bottom), of largest possible size, with primary dependent f then the matrix F (s) is a minimal polynomial basis for NL (M (s)). rows of M,
Chapter 7. Linear Residual Generation
Proof: It follows trivially that F (s) is in quasi-canonical polynomial echelon form. A matrix in quasi-canonical polynomial echelon form is always row-reduced and does always have full rank. Further, it trivially holds that F (s)M (s) = 0. According to Theorem 7.7, there exist a minimal polynomial basis Fmin (s) in polynomial echelon form. Assume that the dimension of this basis is q. Since the basis Fmin (s) is in polynomial echelon form, its rows define a set of primary f This set of primary dependent rows is of size q. Thus dependent rows of M. any set, of largest possible size, with primary dependent rows must have q elements. Therefore, the basis F (s) has also dimension q which shows that it is a polynomial basis for NL (M (s)). If {w1 . . . wp } is the uppermost set, this means that the corresponding polynomial basis will have the same order as a minimal order basis Fmin (s) and thus is a minimal polynomial basis. In general, a search for the largest and uppermost set of primary dependent rows does not result in a unique basis, and thereby the name quasi-canonical polynomial echelon form. However if the dependencies are described in a specific way, the basis will be in canonical polynomial echelon form and thus unique. When performing the search for primary dependent rows, it is important to know when to stop. That is, we need to know what the largest possible size, of a set of primary dependent rows, is. There are two possibilities. The first is that we know the rank of M (s). Then the largest set of primary dependent rows will contain p − rank M (s) rows. The other possibility is to use a known upper limit of ν, when constructing the matrix M(s). Note that this is equivalent to that we know an upper limit of the maximum row-degree of a minimal basis. According to (Henrion et al., 1997), there is such an upper limit, i.e. ν ≤ (p − 1) deg M (s), where deg M (s) denotes the maximum row (and column) degree of M (s). We will see in Section 7.3, that in the special case of a minimal basis for the left nullspace of the matrix (7.8), an upper limit of ν is actually nx , i.e. the dimension T of the state controllable from uT dT . Next follows an example to illustrate the calculation procedure. Example 7.4 Consider the matrix s4 + 2s3 − 5s − 4 2s3 + 2s2 − 2s − 8 −s4 + 7s3 + 7s2 + 14s + 6 −2s4 − 5s3 + s2 + 3s 3 − s2 − 17s − 9 2s4 + 3s3 − s2 − s − 2 M (s) = −2s 2s4 + 3s3 − s2 − 9s − 4 0 0 2s4 + 3s3 − s2 − 9s − 4
which has rank 2. Without no special reason, we will try to use the polynomial
Section 7.2. The Minimal Polynomial Basis Approach echelon form −4 6 −9 −4 0 0 0 f M= 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
f becomes algorithm with ν = 2. Then the coefficient matrix M −8 −5 −2 0 2 0 14 3 7 1 −2 −17 −1 −1 −1 0 −9 0 −1 0 −4 0 −9 0 −1 0 −4 −8 −5 −2 0 6 0 14 3 0 −9 −2 −17 −1 0 −4 0 −9 0 0 0 −4 0 −9 0 0 0 −4 −8 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 −9 −2 0 0 0 −4 0 0 0 0 0 −4
2 7 −2 3 0 0 7 −1 −1 0 −5 14 −17 −9 0
2 −5 3 0 3 2 1 −1 0 −1 −2 3 −1 0 −9
1 −1 0 2 0 2 7 −2 3 0 0 7 −1 −1 0
0 0 −2 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 2 1 −5 −1 3 0 0 2 3 0 2 2 1 7 −1 −2 0 3 −1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 −2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 −5 −1 −2 3 0 2 0 2 0 3 0 2
By searching from the top to the bottom, we find that row 8, 9, 13, 14 and 15 are dependent. Of these, row 8, 9 and 15 is the largest set of primary dependent row with least order. The number of rows in this set is 3 which corresponds to the dimension of the null-space which means that we do not have to consider any other dependent rows. The dependencies in these three primary dependent rows can be described by 0 1 2 −3 −1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 −2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fe = −1 −3 −5 −6 9 9 −10 −1 0 0 −1 1 1 0 0 1 The corresponding polynomial matrix F (s) in polynomial echelon form is s s+1 s + 2 −3 −1 0 0 s+1 2 F (s) = −2s − 1 2 2 2 s − 10s − 3 s − s − 5 −6 9 s −s+9 which is also a minimal polynomial basis for the left null-space of M (s). Numerical Considerations The two algorithms presented in this section have very different numerical properties. Although the algorithm based on Hermite form is easy to understand, no (to the author’s knowledge) numerically stable algorithm exists. Simulations have shown that the algorithm to make the basis row-reduced, proposed in (Callier, 1985) and implemented in (Henrion et al., 1997), is numerically unstable. On the other hand, the algorithm based on the polynomial echelon form is both fast and numerically stable. The critical step in the algorithm is the
Chapter 7. Linear Residual Generation
f The search for dependent search for primary dependent rows in the matrix M. rows can be performed by using a numerically stable projection algorithm def to lower triangular form by scribed in (Chen, 1984), p. 546. First transform M multiplication from the right with a matrix L. The matrix L is obtained by a series of numerically stable Householder transformations ((G.H. Golub, 1996), Chapter 5). Now the matrix that defines the dependent rows, is easily obtained by solving for A in the equation f =0 AML f is lower triangular, A can be obtained by straightforward, numeriSince ML cally stable substitutions (Chen, 1984). This algorithm is implemented in the Polynomial Toolbox, (Henrion et al., 1997).
Relation to Frequency Domain Approaches
A number of design methods described in literature are called frequency domain methods where the residual generators are designed with the help of different transfer matrix factorization techniques. This section discusses the relation between the minimal polynomial basis approach and these frequency domain methods. Examples of frequency domain methods are (Frank and Ding, 1994a) for the general case with disturbances and (Ding and Frank, 1990; Viswanadham, Taylor and Luce, 1987) in the non-disturbance case. These methods can be summarized as methods where the residual generator is parameterized as y ˜ ˜ r = R(s)[D(s) − N (s)] (7.18) u ˜ ˜ (s)u) = R(s)(D(s)y −N ˜ ˜ (s) form a left co-prime factorization of G(s) over RH∞ , where D(s) and N i.e. the space of stable real-rational transfer matrices. Note the close relationship with Equation (7.15) where the factorization is performed over polynomial matrices instead of over RH∞ . Inserting (7.1) into Equation (7.18) and as before assuming f = 0, gives ˜ r = R(s)D(s)H(s)d Therefore to achieve disturbance decoupling, the parameterization transfer ma˜ trix R(s), must be belong to the left null-space of D(s)H(s), i.e. ˜ R(s)D(s)H(s) =0 f2 (s) in (7.16). This solution however Here, note the close connection with M does not generally generate a residual generator of minimal order. In (Ding and Frank, 1990) and (Frank and Ding, 1994a), the co-prime factorization is performed via a minimal state-space realization of the complete system, includ˜ ˜ (s) of ing the disturbances as in equation (7.2). This results in D(s) and N
Section 7.3. Maximum Row-Degree of the Basis
McMillan degree n that, in the general case, is larger than the lowest possible McMillan degree of a disturbance decoupling residual generator. Thus, to find a residual generator of minimal order or a basis of minimal order that spans ˜ ˜ (s)], extra care is required since all residual generators Q(s) = R(s)[D(s) −N “excess” states need to be canceled. Note that the polynomial basis approach on the other hand, has no need for cancelations and is in this sense more elegant.
Maximum Row-Degree of the Basis
This section shows that a minimal polynomial basis for the left null-space of the matrix (7.8), has a maximum row-degree (or column-degree) less or equal T to nx , i.e. the dimension of the state controllable from uT dT . This is the result of Corollary 7.1, which is a direct consequence of Theorem 7.9, and both are presented below. Related problems have been investigated in (Chow and Willsky, 1984) and (Gertler, Fang and Luo, 1990). In (Chow and Willsky, 1984), it was shown that, in the no-disturbance case, there exist a parity function of order ≤ n. In (Gertler et al., 1990), it was shown that for a restricted class of disturbances, there exist a parity function of order ≤ n. However the result of Corollary 7.1 is much stronger since it includes arbitrary disturbances and shows that there exist a basis in which the maximum row-degree is ≤ nx . The result of Corollary 7.1 are important for at least three reasons: • The parity functions obtained directly from the minimal basis, are in one sense the only ones needed. All other are filtered versions (i.e. linear combinations) of these parity functions. With this argument, Corollary 7.1 shows that we do not need to consider parity functions of order greater than nx . • When calculating a basis for the left-null space of M (s) using the polynomial echelon form algorithm, the maximum row-degree of the basis is needed as an input to the algorithm, i.e. ν. To keep the computational load down it is important to have a ν as small as possible. Without the result of Corollary 7.1, we are forced to used the bound ν ≤ (p − 1) deg M (s) (Henrion et al., 1997). Consider finding a basis for NL (Mx (s)). Then ν is chosen as ν ≤ (p − 1) deg Mx (s) = nx + m − 1 ≥ nx This means that the bound nx is tighter than ν ≤ (p − 1) deg M (s). As will be seen in the upcoming sections, the number ν is, of the same reason, important also for the Chow-Willsky scheme. • For the detectability analysis presented in Chapter 8, it is important to know ν. We will see that ν is needed explicitly in detectability conditions based on the Chow-Willsky scheme and implicitly in some other detectability conditions.
Chapter 7. Linear Residual Generation
Next, Theorem 7.9 is presented: Theorem 7.9 A matrix whose rows form a minimal polynomial basis for NL (Ms (s)) has row-degrees ≤ n. Note that the theorem does not require the pair {Ax , [Bu,x Bd,x ]} to be controllable. Instead Ms (s) can be based on any realization, but the most interesting is of course to use it with Mx (s) which represents a minimal realization. Before Theorem 7.9 can be proven, we need two lemmas. Lemma 7.2 Let P (s) be a matrix with maximum row-degree 1. Then the maximum row-degree of a minimal polynomial basis for NL (P (s)) is less or equal to Rank P (s). Proof: The matrix P (s) is a matrix pencil, i.e. P (s) = sE + F . By constant elementary row and column operations, P (s) can be transformed to to Kronecker canonical form (Kailath, 1980). This means that there exists nonsingular matrices U and V such that e ν1 , . . . , L e ν , sJ − I, sI − K} P¯ (s) = U P (s)V = block diag {Lµ1 , . . . , Lµα , L β e νi is a (νi + 1) × νi matrix of the form where L s −1 . . . . .. s −1 This matrix has rank νi , so it is obvious that νi ≤ Rank P (s). All other matrices, i.e. Lµi , sJ −I, and sI −K, have full row-rank. Therefore, a minimal polynomial basis for the left null-space of P¯ (s), i.e. NL (P¯ (s)), is 0 . . . 1 s . . . sν1 0 ... 0 .. N (s) = . 0
1 . . . sνβ
... 0
A basis for NL (P (s)) is then N (s)U . The matrix N (s) is irreducible, rowreduced, and has maximum row-degree Rank P (s). Multiplication from the right with U doesn’t change these facts and thus, N (s)U is also irreducible, rowreduced. This means that N (s)U is minimal polynomial basis with maximum row-degree Rank P (s). Lemma 7.3 It holds that Rank Ms (s) = Rank
−C Dd T + Rank NDB Bd sI − A
where the columns of NDB form a basis for the left null-space of [DdT BdT ]T .
Section 7.3. Maximum Row-Degree of the Basis
T Proof: Without loss of generality, we can assume that NDB NDB = I. Since T T T m+n NDB and [Dd Bd ] together span the whole space R , there is a Y (s) and an X(s) such that −C Dd = NDB Y (s) + X(s) sI − A Bd
where Y (s) =
−C sI − A
Further we have that −C T = Rank −C T Rank NDB sI − A
−C sI − A ≤ sI − A −C −C T T ≤ Rank NDB NDB ≤ Rank NDB sI − A sI − A T
which means that it must hold that −C −C T T = Rank NDB NDB Rank NDB sI − A sI − A
Then Dd −C Dd Dd = Rank NDB Y (s) + X(s), = Rank Ms (s) =Rank sI − A Bd Bd Bd Dd Dd =Rank NDB Y (s), = Rank NDB Y (s) + Rank = Bd Bd −C Dd T =Rank NDB NDB = + Rank Bd sI − A −C Dd T =Rank NDB + Rank sI − A Bd
where (7.19) has been used in the last step. Now return to the proof of Theorem 7.9. Proof: Consider the matrix −C Ms (s) = sI − A
Dd Bd
and let the columns of NDB be a basis for the left null-space of [DdT BdT ]T . Then we have that T −C T NDB Ms (s) = NDB ,0 (7.20) sI − A
Chapter 7. Linear Residual Generation
The left part of the matrix (7.20) has rank ≤ n. From Lemma 7.2 we know that a minimal polynomial basis for (7.20) has row degrees less or equal to n. Let the rows of a matrix Q(s) form such a basis. The basis NDB has m + n − Rank [DdT BdT ] columns. The left null-space of T NDB Ms (s) has therefore the dimension −C Dd T − Rank NDB d = m + n − Rank Bd sI − A
This must also be the rank of Q(s). T T . Since Q(s) is irreducible and NDB has Now study the matrix Q(s)NDB T full row-rank, also the matrix Q(s)NDB must be irreducible. Since Q(s) is rowreduced, it can be written Q(s) = S(s)Dhr + L(s), where Dhr has full row-rank. T Multiplication from the right with NDB , which is also full row-rank, results in T T Dhr NDB which has also full row-rank. This implies that the matrix Q(s)NDB is row-reduced. T = Rank Q(s). By using Lemma 7.3, we It must hold that Rank Q(s)NDB T know that the rank of Q(s)NDB is T = Rank Q(s) = m + n − Rank Rank Q(s)NDB
−C Dd T − Rank NDB = Bd sI − A
= m + n − Rank Ms (s) T is a minimal polynomial basis for NL (Ms (s)). All this implies that Q(s)NDB T Further the row-degrees of Q(s)NDB is ≤ n. Then since all minimal polynomial bases have the same set of row-degrees, it holds that all minimal polynomial T bases of Q(s)NDB have row-degrees ≤ n.
From Theorem 7.9, we now get the following result: Corollary 7.1 A matrix whose rows form a minimal polynomial basis for NL (M (s)) has row-degrees ≤ nx . Proof: According to Theorem 7.3, W (s) = V (s)Px is a minimal polynomial basis for NL (M (s)) if V (s) is a minimal polynomial basis for NL (Mx (s)). Since we know from Theorem 7.9 that the maximum row-degree of V (s) is nx , then also the maximum row-degree of W (s) is nx .
The Chow-Willsky Scheme
The most well-known method for direct construction of polynomial parity functions was presented in (Chow and Willsky, 1984). This method is usually referred to as the Chow-Willsky scheme. In (Chow and Willsky, 1984), it was formulated for discrete systems but before that, similar ideas had been developed by Mironovskii (1980), who considered both discrete and continuous systems.
Section 7.4. The Chow-Willsky Scheme
Based on the method in (Chow and Willsky, 1984), a number of extensions have been proposed. One important extension, provided by Frank (1990), includes also decoupling of disturbances and non-monitored faults into the design. Among other extensions is for example the handling of the case when perfect decoupling is not possible (Lou, Willsky and Verghese, 1986). The Chow-Willsky scheme and its extensions have been extensively used in the literature, probably because of its simplicity compared to many other residual generator design methods. However, the Chow-Willsky scheme can for high order systems be numerically unstable, as will be explained in Section 7.5.2, and care should therefore be taken when practical residual generator design is considered. In this section we will see that the original formulation of the Chow-Willsky scheme (and also its extensions) have several disadvantages. First, it is not able to generate all parity functions for some linear system. Second, the solution does not give a parity function of minimal order. However, by a stepwise improvement we will in this section show how the Chow-Willsky scheme can be modified so that these disadvantages dissappear. In Section 7.5.1, the Chow-Willsky scheme will be even further modified so that it generates a minimal polynomial basis in similarity with the minimal polynomial basis approach. Related results, valid for some special cases and showing a relation between parity functions and a polynomial-like method, were noted in (Massoumnia and Velde, 1988).
The Chow-Willsky Scheme Version I: the Original Solution
The following description of the Chow-Willsky scheme mainly follows (Frank, 1990), except for that the description here is formulated for the continuous case. However by replacing s by z (or the time-shift operator q) all formulas are valid also for the discrete case. The Chow-Willsky scheme assumes that the system model is given in the state-space form: sx = y =
Ax + Bu u + Bd d + Bf f Cx + Du u + Dd d + Df f
(7.21a) (7.21b)
Now by substituting (7.21a) into (7.21b), we can obtain sy as sy = Csx + Du su + Dd sd + Df sf = = CAx + CBu u + Du su + CBd d + Dd sd + CBf f + Df sf By continuing in this fashion for s2 y . . . sρ y, the following equation can be obtained: Y (t) = Rx(t) + QU (t) + HV (t) + P F (t)
where Q is a lower triangular Toeplitz matrix describing the propagation of the input u through the system. Similarly, H and P describes the propagation
Chapter 7. Linear Residual Generation
of the disturbance d and the fault f respectively. Written out, the matrices in (7.22) are C y(t) CA sy(t) R= . Y (t) = .. . . . ρ CAρ s y(t) Q= H = P =
Du CBu .. .
0 Du
0 0 .. .
CAρ−1 Bu
Dd CBd .. .
0 Dd
0 0 .. .
CAρ−1 Bu
Df CBf .. .
0 Df
0 0 .. .
CAρ−1 Bf
... ... Du ... ... Dd ... ... Df
U (t) =
u(t) su(t) .. .
sρ u(t) V (t) =
d(t) sd(t) .. .
sρ d(t) F (t) =
f (t) sf (t) .. .
sρ f (t)
The size of Y is (ρ + 1)m × 1, R is (ρ + 1)m × n, Q is (ρ + 1)m × (ρ + 1)ku , U is (ρ+1)ku ×1, H is (ρ+1)m×(ρ+1)kd , V is (ρ+1)kd ×1, P is (ρ+1)m×(ρ+1)kf , and F is (ρ + 1)kf × 1. The constant ρ determines the maximum possible order of the parity function. The choice of ρ is discussed in Section 7.4.3. Now, with a column vector w of length (ρ + 1)m, a function h(y, u) can be formed as h(y, u) = wT (Y − QU )
For later use, note that this function can also be written as y h(y, u) = w [Ψm (s) − QΨku (s)] u where
Im sIm Ψm (s) = . .. sρ Im
Iku sIku Ψku (s) = . ..
sρ Iku
Equation (7.22) implies that the following equality will hold: h(y, u) = wT (Rx + HV + P F )
Section 7.4. The Chow-Willsky Scheme
If h(y, u) is going to be a parity function, it must hold that it is zero in the fault free case and the disturbances must be decoupled. This is fulfilled if w satisfies wT [R H] = 0
In other words, if w belongs to the left null-space of [R H]. For use in fault detection, it is also required that the parity function is non-zero in the case of faults. This is assured by letting wT P 6= 0
In conclusion, using the Chow-Willsky scheme, a parity function is constructed by first setting up all the matrices in (7.22) and then finding a w such that (7.26) and (7.27) are fulfilled.
The Original Chow-Willsky Scheme is Not Universal
Following is an example showing that the Chow-Willsky scheme is not universal, i.e. there are cases in which it can not generate all possible parity functions. This happens when the system has dynamics controllable only from the fault. Example 7.5 Consider a system described by the transfer functions y1 =
1 1 u+ f s−1 s+1
and the realization
y2 =
s+3 1 u+ f s−1 s+1
x˙ y
1 0 1 0 x+ u+ f 0 −1 0 1 1 1 0 = x+ f 1 2 1
Also consider the function h = (1 − s + s2 )y1 − s2 y2 + u
If y1 and y2 in (7.28) are substituted with their transfer functions we get h=
1 (1 − s + s2 ) − s2 + (s − 1) u + s−1 −s3 − 2s2 − s + 1 1 (1 − s + s2 ) − s2 (s + 3) f = f + s+1 s+1
We see that h is zero in the fault free case and becomes non-zero when the fault occurs. Therefore the function (7.28) is, according to Definition 7.3, a parity function. With the matrices used in Equation (7.22), the parity function (7.28) can be written as h = [1 0 − 1 0 1 − 1] (Y − QU ) = wT (Y − QU )
Chapter 7. Linear Residual Generation
in which w is uniquely defined. With the 1 1 1 R= 1 1 1
realization above, the matrix R is 1 2 −1 −2 1 2
The first column of R is orthogonal to w but not the second. This means that the parity function (7.28) can not be obtained from the Chow-Willsky scheme.
The problem in the previous example is the second column of R. This column originates from x2 , which is controllable only from the fault f . The problem is solved if we can relax the requirement that w must be orthogonal to the second column of R. This is the topic of the next section.
Chow-Willsky Scheme Version II: a Universal Solution
To make the Chow-Willsky scheme universal, we need to require that the realization is controllable from [uT dT ]T . If this requirement is not fulfilled, the system must be transformed to the realization (7.12). We can compare this with the state-space solution in the minimal polynomial basis approach, where we also had to require that the realization is controllable from [uT dT ]T . Now assume that the realization is on the form (7.12). Then the matrix R can be partitioned into R = [Rx Rz ] where Cx Cx Ax Rx = . .. Cx Aρx This means that equation (7.25) can be written h(y, u) = wT (Rx x + Rz z + HV + P F ) As with the minimal polynomial approach, we need only to consider the fault free case, i.e. z can be assumed to be zero. Then a sufficient and necessary condition to make this expression a parity function is that w must satisfy wT [Rx H] = 0
The first column R in Example 7.5 corresponds to Rx and the second column to Rz . Thus, if we had used the condition (7.29), the parity function (7.28) could have been generated by the Chow-Willsky scheme.
Section 7.4. The Chow-Willsky Scheme
Replacing condition (7.26) with (7.29) results in a modified Chow-Willsky scheme which in this work is referred to as the Chow-Willsky scheme, version II. This version of the Chow-Willsky scheme is universal in the sense that it can generate all parity function up to order ρ. This fact is shown in the following theorem: Theorem 7.10 Consider the matrix M (s) in (7.8). For each vector F (s) ∈ NL (M (s)) and with a row-degree ≤ ρ, there is a vector w such that F (s) = wT [Ψm (s) − QΨku (s)] and wT [Rx H] = 0. Proof: If F (s) ∈ NL (M (s)), then we know that for all inputs u and disturbances d, and in the fault free case, it holds that G(s) H(s) u y h =F (s) = (7.30) = [F1 (s) F2 (s)] Iku u 0 d y Y =[Fe1 Ψm (s) Fe2 Ψku (s)] = Fe =0 (7.31) u U where Fei is the coefficient matrix of Fi (s). By using (7.22), (7.31) can be rewritten as h i i h Y Rx x + QU + HV e e e e = = F1 F2 F1 F2 U U = Fe1 (Rx x + QU + HV ) + Fe2 U = = Fe1 Rx x + Fe1 HV + (Fe1 Q + Fe2 )U = 0 Since x is controllable from inputs and disturbances, this equation must hold for all x, all U , and all V , which implies Fe1 Rx = 0, Fe1 H = 0, and Fe1 Q + Fe2 = 0. Now choose w as wT = Fe1 , which is clearly a possible choice since we know that Fe1 [Rx H] = 0. This together with the fact Fe2 = −Fe1 Q = −wT Q, implies that wT [Ψm (s) − QΨku (s)] =[Fe1 Ψm (s) − Fe1 QΨku (s)] = =[Fe1 Ψm (s) Fe2 Ψku (s)] = F (s) which proves the theorem. The Chow-Willsky scheme, version II, implies that all possible parity equations are parameterized as follows. Let NRx H denote a matrix of dimension η × (ρ + 1), and let its rows form a basis for the η-dimensional left null-space of the matrix [Rx H]. Then all parity functions up to order ρ can be obtained by in (7.24) selecting w as wT = γNRx H , where γ is an arbitrary row vector of dimension η. Thus, a complete parameterization of all decoupling row-vectors F (s) of maximum row-degree ρ (i.e. all parity functions up to order ρ), is F (s) = γNRx H [Ψm (s) − QΨku (s)]
Chapter 7. Linear Residual Generation
This expression should be compared to (7.10) which was also complete parameterization of all decoupling row vectors F (s). The difference is that the parameter γ in (7.32) is constant while the parameter φ(s) in (7.10) is polynomial. Also, (7.10) covers arbitrary row-degree while (7.32) can only handle row-degrees up to ρ. In Section 7.3, we argued that only parity functions up to order nx need to be found. The reason is that any other parity function, of arbitrary order, is a filtered version of a parity function of an order less or equal to nx . All this is a consequence of Corollary 7.1. If this reasoning is applied to the Chow-Willsky scheme version II, we see that it is sufficient to chose ρ = nx . In other words, ρ = nx is sufficient to generate a basis for the left null-space of M (s) in (7.8). As was said in the end of Section 7.2.1, the minimal polynomial basis approach implies that parity functions, and therefore also residual generators, of minimal order are explicitly found. This is not the case with the Chow-Willsky scheme (version I or version II). The reason is that the only requirement of the vector w, or alternatively the basis NRx H , is that wT [Rx H] = 0. This means that in general, the parity function will be of order ρ. However, we can place further constraints on the vector w such that minimal order parity functions are obtained and this is done next.
Chow-Willsky Scheme Version III: a Minimal Solution
From a numerical perspective, the preferred algorithm for finding the null space to a general constant matrix is often the SVD (Singular Value Decomposition). As was said above, this does not in general imply that the parity functions get minimal order. However, a minimal solution is obtained if w (or NRx H ) is instead found with the row-search algorithm, shortly described in Section 7.2.3. If we search from top-to-bottom in [Rx H] for dependent rows, the matrix describing these dependencies is then a basis for the left null-space of [Rx H]. Since the search is from the top to the bottom, we realize from the structure of (7.24) that a minimal order parity function is obtained. To explicitly use this procedure for finding w (or NRx H ) will here be called the Chow-Willsky scheme version III. Note that the minimal order parity function can also be found by using the Chow-Willsky scheme version II with ρ = 0 and then incrementally trying larger and larger values of ρ. In our stepwise improvement of the Chow-Willsky scheme, we have now arrived in an algorithm which can generate a matrix FCW (s) as FCW (s) = NRx H [Ψm (s) − QΨku (s)]
This matrix FCW (s) will span the left null-space of [Rx H] and it has a certain minimality property. However it is still not a basis since it in general have more than m − kd rows, which was the dimension of NL (M (s)) according to (7.9).
Section 7.5. Connection Between the Minimal Polynomial Basis . . .
Connection Between the Minimal Polynomial Basis Approach and the Chow-Willsky Scheme
Even though many pieces of the relation between the minimal polynomial basis approach and the Chow-Willsky scheme have already been discussed in the previous section, there are some pieces left. Here we will investigate more thoroughly the properties of the matrix FCW (s) defined in the previous section. The result of this investigation is that the Chow-Willsky scheme can in fact be modified even further so that the matrix FCW (s) becomes a minimal polynomial basis for NL (M (s)). We start by considering the equation 0 I = F (s)M 0 (s) = 0 (7.34) F (s) ku G(s) H(s) where F (s) is here a minimal polynomial basis for the left null-space of M 0 (s). Note that we have switched the lower and upper part of this matrix, compared to M (s) in (7.8). This will lead to simplifications later during the investigation. Next we realize from Section 7.2.3 that solving (7.34) is equivalent to solving
Iku G(s) sIku [F0 F1 . . . Fν ] sG(s) .. . sν Iku sν G(s)
0 H(s) 0 sH(s) =0 .. . 0 sν H(s)
where again ν is not known a priori. The goal now, is to show that the minimal polynomial basis F (s) can in fact be obtained by searching for the largest and uppermost set of primary dependent rows in [Rx H]. For this we will use three lemmas. Lemma 7.4 For any vector or matrix Fe = [F0 F1 . . . Fν ], it holds that equation (7.35) is fulfilled if and only if [F0 F1 . . . Fν ]
0 R0 0 R1 .. . 0 Rν
[Iku 0 . . . 0] 0 Q0 H0 [0 Iku . . . 0] 0 Q1 H1 .. .. . . [0 . . . 0 Iku ] 0 Qν Hν
Chapter 7. Linear Residual Generation
Proof: Let us first study the rows of (7.35) containing G(s) and H(s). The transfer matrix [G(s) H(s)] can be written [G(s) H(s)] = C(sI − A)−1 [Bu Bd ] + [Du Dd ] = ∞ X CAi−1 [Bu Bd ]s−i + [Du Dd ] (7.37) = i=1
where {A, [Bu Bd ], C, [Du Dd ]} is any controllable realization of the transfer function [G(s) H(s)]. Define
X(s) =
∞ X
s−i Ai−1 [Bu Bd ]
Now note that
∞ X
s−i Ai−1 =
j X
sj−i Ai−1 +
i=1 j−1 X i=0
sj−i−1 Ai +
∞ X
sj−i Ai−1 =
i=j+1 ∞ X
s−i Ai−1+j =
j−1 X i=0
si Aj−1−i + Aj
∞ X
s−i Ai−1
By using both (7.37), (7.38) and (7.39) we can derive the following relation:
s [G(s) H(s)] = CA X(s) + C
j−1 X
si Aj−1−i [Bu Bd ] + [Du Dd ]sj
This formula implies that we can write
Im sIm .. .
[G(s) H(s)] =
sν Im [Du Dd ] C C[Bu Bd ] + [Du Dd ]s = ... X(s) + = .. . ν CA ν−1 ν−2 ν CA [Bu Bd ] + CA [Bu Bd ]s + · · · + [Du Dd ]s X(s) Ψ (s) 0 (7.41) 0 = RX(s) + [Q H] ku = [R Q H] Ψku (s) 0 Ψkd (s) 0 Ψkd (s)
Section 7.5. Connection Between the Minimal Polynomial Basis . . .
Now Equation (7.35) can be rewritten
0 R0 0 [F0 F1 . . . Fν ] R1 .. . 0 Rν
[Iku 0 . . . 0] Q0 [0 Iku . . . 0] Q1 .. . [0 . . . 0 Iku ] Qν
0 H0 0 X(s) H1 =0 0 Ψku (s) .. (s) 0 Ψ kd . 0 Hν
where Ri , Qi , and Hi denotes the i:th block of m rows in each matrix R, Q, and H respectively. By studying the definitions of X(s), Ψku (s), and Ψkd (s), it can be realized that the coefficient matrix for the rightmost matrix in (7.42) becomes . . . A2 [Bu Bd ] A[Bu Bd ] [Bu Bd ] 0 I k +kd u
... ..
Iku +kd Note that this matrix has an infinite number of columns. This means that the coefficient matrix for the right matrix of (7.35) becomes
0 R0 0 R1 .. . 0 Rν
[Iku 0 . . . 0] Q0 [0 Iku . . . 0] Q1 .. . [0 . . . 0 Iku ] Qν
0 H0 . . . A2 [Bu Bd ] 0 H1 .. . 0 Hν
A[Bu Bd ] [Bu Bd ]
Iku +kd ..
. Iku +kd
(7.44) Since the realization is controllable, the matrix [An−1 [Bu Bd ] . . . [Bu Bd ]] has full row-rank and therefore also the matrix (7.43). This means that (7.42) implies (7.36). The converse follows trivially, and since (7.42) is equivalent to (7.35), the lemma is proven. From Section 7.2.3 and Theorem 7.8, we know that a minimal polynomial basis for the left null-space of the matrix M 0 (s) in (7.34) can be obtained by searching for the largest and uppermost set of primary dependent rows in the right matrix of (7.35) (or equivalently in the coefficient matrix (7.44)). Lemma 7.4 implies that we can equally well perform the search for primary dependent rows in the
216 matrix
Chapter 7. Linear Residual Generation
0 R0 0 R1 .. . 0 Rν
[Iku 0 . . . 0] 0 Q0 H0 [0 Iku . . . 0] 0 Q1 H1 .. .. . . [0 . . . 0 Iku ] 0 Qν Hν
It will be shown that this row search can be simplified even further and for this we first need the following lemma. Lemma 7.5 There exists a vector t¯ = [t0 . . . tl ] 6= 0 and R0 H0 .. = 0 [t0 . . . tl ] ... . Rl
if and only if there exists a vector t¯0 = [v0 t0 . . . vl tl ] 6= 0 and 0 [Iku 0 . . . 0] 0 R0 Q0 H0 0 [0 Iku . . . 0] 0 Q1 H1 [v0 t0 v1 t1 . . . vl tl ] R1 =0 .. .. .. . . . 0 [0 . . . 0 Iku ] 0 Rl Ql Hl where
D CBu .. .
vi = −[ti . . . tl ] CAl−i−1 B Proof: The only-if part of the proof is realized by inspection of the definition of vi and the equation (7.47). For the if part, assume the specific case l = 2, and study the matrix (7.45), which becomes 0 Iku 0 0 0 0 0 C Du 0 0 Dd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Iku (7.48) CA Du 0 CBd Dd 0 CBu 0 0 0 Iku 0 0 0 CA2 CABu CBu Du CABd CBd Dd
Section 7.5. Connection Between the Minimal Polynomial Basis . . .
From this example it is obvious that the elements ti can not be zero. This is enough to prove that (7.46) holds and that t¯ 6= 0. The next lemma is the last needed to prove Theorem 7.11, which will tell us how to find a minimal polynomial basis with the Chow-Willsky scheme. Lemma 7.6 There is a one-to-one correspondence between the dependent rows, in order top-to-bottom, of the matrix (7.45), and the dependent rows of the matrix [R H]. That is, the row for the k:th output in the l:th block of [R H] is a dependent row if and only if the row for the k:th output in the l:th block of (7.45) is a dependent row. Proof: Consider a dependent row, in order top-to-bottom, in [R H] and assume it is in the l + 1:th block of rows. Then let the vector [t0 . . . tl ] describe this dependency. Then from Lemma 7.5, we know that (7.47) is fulfilled. This further means that the the corresponding row in the matrix (7.45) must also be a dependent row. For the converse, assume the specific case l = 2, and study the matrix (7.45) which become (7.48). It is seen that it generally must hold that all dependent rows in the matrix (7.45) must occur in the rows starting with CAi . By again using Lemma 7.5, it is seen that a dependent row in the matrix (7.45) directly implies that the corresponding row in [Rx H] also must be dependent. Note that the primary dependent rows are a subset of the dependent rows. Therefore, Lemma 7.6 shows that the search for primary dependent rows in the right matrix of (7.35) can be performed by a row-search in the much simpler matrix [R H], which can be recognized from the Chow-Willsky scheme.
Chow-Willsky Scheme Version IV: a Polynomial Basis Solution
All results reached so far are summarized in the following theorem: Theorem 7.11 Let W define the largest and uppermost set of primary dependent rows in [Rx H]. Then FCW (s) = W [Ψm (s) − QΨku (s)] is a minimal polynomial basis for the left null-space of G(s) H(s) M (s) = Iku 0 Proof: Let W define the largest and uppermost set of primary dependent rows in [Rx H]. Then according to Lemma 7.6, this uniquely identifies the largest and uppermost set of primary dependent rows in also (7.45). From Theorem 7.8 and Lemma 7.4, we realize that this gives a minimal polynomial basis for 0 Iku G(s) H(s)
Chapter 7. Linear Residual Generation
From Lemma 7.5, we see that each row-vector f (s) in the polynomial basis, can be written as Iku 0 0 Im Iku Im sIku 0 sIku sIm sIm f (s) = [v0 t0 . . . vl tl ] 0 = [t0 . . . tl ] −Q .. .. .. . . .. . . sl Iku sl Im l s Iku 0 0 sl Im Note that the second equality follows from the definition of vi in Lemma 7.5. Then a basis for NL (M (s)) is trivially FCW (s) = W [Ψm (s) − QΨku (s)]. From Theorem 7.11, we realize that an alternative to searching for primary ˜ a minimal polynomial basis can be obtained by searching dependent rows in M, for primary dependent rows in the matrix [Rx H]. This means that we now know how to use the Chow-Willsky scheme to generate a minimal polynomial basis for NL (M (s)). This final modification of the Chow-Willsky scheme becomes version IV. The next theorem answers the question of what happens when the primary dependent rows are searched in the matrix [R H] instead of [Rx H]. This result is of minor importance here but will be used to derive a detectability criterion in Chapter 8. However, note that to use [R H] instead of [Rx H] has exactly the same effect as to use a realization not controllable from [uT dT ]T , in the state-space solution of the minimal polynomial basis approach. The following Theorem 7.12 should be compared with Theorem 7.4. Theorem 7.12 Let W define the largest and uppermost set of primary dependent rows of [R H]. Then F (s) = W [Ψm (s) − QΨku (s)] is a polynomial basis (not necessarily irreducible) for the left null-space of M (s) =
G(s) Iku
H(s) 0
Before this theorem can be proven, we need a lemma: Lemma 7.7 Consider the matrix Cx Cx Ax [Rx H] = . .. Cx Aρx
Dd Cx Bd,x .. .
Cx Aρ−1 x Bd,x
If the i:th row in the last block of this matrix is dependent then the i:th row of
Section 7.5. Connection Between the Minimal Polynomial Basis . . .
the last block in the following matrix is also dependent: [R H] =
C CA .. .
Dd CBd .. .
Dd ..
CAρ+nz −1 Bd
Proof: First realize that Cx Aix Bd,x = CAi Bd for all i ≥ 0. Then the fact that the i:th row in the last block of the matrix (7.49) is dependent, means that there is a vector t¯ = [t1 . . . tρ+1 ], where tρ+1 = [tρ+1,1 , . . . tρ+1,i−1 , 1, 0, . . . 0], such that t1 Cx + t2 Cx Ax + · · · + tρ+1 Cx Aρx t1 Dd + t2 CBd + · · · + tρ+1 CA
= 0
tρ Dd + tρ+1 CBd
= 0 .. . = 0
tρ+1 Dd
= 0
Study the equations containing Dd . All terms in these equations, except ti Dd , have a Bd multiplied from the right. This means that the rows of Bd must span all ti D, i = 1, . . . ρ + 1. Therefore there exists a matrix DB so that ti Dd = ti DB Bd for i = 1, . . . ρ + 1. Equations (7.51) can now be rewritten as t1 Cx + t2 Cx Ax + · · · + tρ+1 Cx Aρx t1 DB Bd + t2 CBd + · · · + tρ+1 CAρ−1 Bd
tρ DB Bd + tρ+1 CBd tρ+1 DB Bd
= 0 = 0 .. .
= 0 = 0
Let the rows of a matrix Nx be a basis for the left null-space of Bd,x and define N = [Nx 0] and M = [0 I]. Then an equivalent description of Equations (7.52) is that there exists fi :s and gi :s so that t1 C + t2 CA + · · · + tρ+1 CAρ + g0 M t1 DB + t2 C + · · · + tρ+1 CA
+ f1 N + g 1 M
= 0
tρ DB + tρ+1 C + fρ N + gρ M
= 0 .. . = 0
tρ+1 DB + fρ+1 N + gρ+1 M
= 0
Chapter 7. Linear Residual Generation
By multiplying the first equation with A from the right, different number of times, we can obtain the equations: t1 CAnz + t2 CAnz +1 + · · · + tρ+1 CAρ+nz + g0 M Anz
= .. . 2 ρ+1 + g0 M A = t1 CA + t2 CA + · · · + tρ+1 CA
0 (7.54) 0
Next, note that M Ai = [0 I]
Ax 0
A12 Az
i = [0 Aiz ] = Az M
By using this expression and putting together the equations (7.53) and (7.54), we arrive at t1 CAnz + t2 CAnz +1 + · · · + tρ+1 CAρ+nz + g0 Anz z M
= .. .
t1 CA + t2 CA2 + · · · + tρ+1 CAρ+1 + g0 Az M t1 C + t2 CA + · · · + tρ+1 CAρ + g0 M
= =
0 0
t1 DB + t2 C + · · · + tρ+1 CAρ−1 + f1 N + g1 M
tρ DB + tρ+1 C + fρ N + gρ M
= .. . =
tρ+1 DB + fρ+1 N + gρ+1 M
(7.55) 0
Now denote these equations with Φ−nz , . . . , Φρ+1 , from top to bottom. Also define all Φi , i > ρ + 1, as a notation for the equation 0=0 Let the coefficients anz −1 . . . a0 be the coefficients in the characteristic polynomial. Then according to Cayley-Hamilton theorem, Anz z = anz −1 Anz −1 + · · · + a1 A1 + a0 I A new set of equations can be obtained as
1 −anz −1
Φ−nz . . . −a0 ... Φ0 .. .
−anz −1
Φρ+1 .. . . . −a0 . Φρ+1+nz
Section 7.5. Connection Between the Minimal Polynomial Basis . . .
Introduce the notation
t0i = [1 − anz −1
ti . . . − a0 ] ... ti+nz
fi0 = [1 − anz −1
fi . . . − a0 ] ... fi+nz
gi gi0 = [1 − anz −1 · · · − a0 ] ... gi+nz
and let ti = 0 and fi = 0 for i < 1 and i > ρ + 1. Further let gi = g0 A−i z for i ≤ 0 and gi = 0 for i > ρ + 1. Note these definitions imply that t0ρ+1 = tρ+1 , 0 0 fρ+1 = fρ+1 , and gρ+1 = gρ+1 . Now the equations (7.56) can be written as 0 M =0 t0−nz +1 C + t0−nz +2 CA + · · · + tρ+1 CAρ+nz + g−n z 0 0 t0−nz +1 DB + t0−nz +2 C + · · · + tρ+1 CAρ+nz −1 + f−n N + g−n M =0 z +1 z +1 .. .
t01 DB + t02 C + · · · + tρ+1 CAρ−1 + f10 N + g10 M = 0 .. . 0 0 0 tρ DB + tρ+1 C + fρ N + gρ M = 0 tρ+1 DB + fρ+1 N + gρ+1 M = 0 (7.57) Note that
g−nz +1 0 g−n = [1 − anz −1 . . . − a0 ] . = [1 − anz −1 z .. g0 =
g0 (Anz z
g0 Anz z g0 Aznz −1 . . . − a0 ] = .. . g0
anz −1 Aznz −1
· · · − a0 I) = 0
Finally multiply all but the first of the equations (7.57) with Bd from the right. This will result in the equations t0−nz +1 C + t0−nz +2 CA + · · · + tρ+1 CAρ+nz t0−nz +1 D
t0−nz +2 CB
0 0
t0ρ D + tρ+1 CB
= .. . =
tρ+1 D
ρ+nz −1
+ · · · + tρ+1 CA
Chapter 7. Linear Residual Generation
Note that the vector tρ+1 is the same here as in (7.51). This result is equivalent to that the i:th row of the last block of the matrix (7.50) is dependent, which ends the proof. Now return to the proof of Theorem 7.12: Proof: Introduce the notation [R H]ρ=n , meaning that the matrix [R H] is defined by using ρ = n. Lemma 7.7 says that if the i:th row in some block of [Rx H]ρ=nx is dependent, then the i:th row in some block of [R H]ρ=n is also dependent. This means that a set of primary dependent rows of [R H]ρ=n , of largest possible size, consists of the same number of rows as a set of primary dependent rows of [Rx H]ρ=n , of largest possible size. Assume now that W defines a set of primary dependent rows of [R H]ρ=n , of largest possible size. The matrix [R H] can also be written [Rx Rz H]. This means that the row indices, defining the set of primary dependent rows in [Rx Rz H], also define a set of primary dependent rows in [Rx H]. It is important to note that there is no guarantee that this set is the uppermost. Now Lemma 7.6 implies that we also have found a set of primary dependent rows of (7.45), of largest possible size. Note that neither this set is the uppermost. Then by using the same reasoning as in the proof of Theorem 7.11, we can conclude that F (s) = W [Ψm (s) − QΨku (s)] is a polynomial basis for the left null-space of M (s). However, this time we used a set of not uppermost primary dependent rows, which according to Theorem 7.8 means that the basis will not be irreducible.
Numerical Properties of the Chow-Willsky Scheme
We have now shown that algebraically, the Chow-Willsky scheme version IV, is equivalent to the minimal polynomial basis approach. However, from a numerical perspective, the Chow-Willsky scheme is not as good as the minimal polynomial basis approach. The reason is that, for anything but small ρ, the matrix [Rx H] will have high powers of A. It is likely that this results in that [Rx H] becomes ill-conditioned. Thus to find the left null-space of [Rx H] can imply severe numerical problems. The minimal polynomial basis approach does not have these problems of high power of A or any other term. This difference is highlighted in (Frisk, 1998), where both the Chow-Willsky scheme and the minimal polynomial basis approach are applied to the problem of designing polynomial parity functions for a turbo-jet aircraft-engine. The Chow-Willsky scheme fails because of numerical problems, while the minimal polynomial basis approach, manage to generate a basis for all parity functions.
Design Example
This model, taken from (Maciejowski, 1989), represents a linearized model of vertical-plane dynamics of an aircraft. The inputs and outputs of the model are
Section 7.6. Design Example Inputs spoiler angle [tenth of a degree] forward acceleration [ms−2 ] elevator angle [degrees]
u1 : u2 : u3 :
y1 : y2 : y3 :
Outputs relative altitude [m] forward speed [ms−1 ] Pitch angle [degrees]
The model has state-space matrices: 0 0 1.132 0 −1 0 −0.0538 −0.1712 0 0.0705 0 0 1 0 A = 0 0 0.0485 0 −0.8556 −1.013 0 −0.2909 0 1.0532 −0.6859
0 −0.12 B= 0 4.419 1.575
C = [I3 0]
D = 03×3
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 −1.665 0 −0.0732
Suppose the faults of interest are three sensor-faults (denoted f1 , f2 , and f3 ), and two actuator-faults (denoted f4 and f5 ). Also, assume that the faults are modeled with additive fault models. In addition, there is an additive disturbance d acting on the third actuator, i.e. the elevator angle actuator. The total model, including faults and the disturbance, then becomes: f1 u1 f4 y1 y2 = G(s) u2 + f5 + f2 y3 u3 d f3 where G(s) = C(sI − A)−1 B + D.
Decoupling of the Disturbance in the Elevator Angle Actuator
The first design example is intended to illustrate the design procedure and also illustrate how available design freedom can be utilized. The goal is to design a residual generator Q1 (s) that decouples the disturbance d in the elevator angle actuator. Then, matrix H(s) from (7.1) corresponds to all signals that are to be decoupled, i.e. considered disturbances. In this case, H(s) becomes the third column in G(s). Matrix L(s) corresponds to the faults and therefore L(s) becomes [I3 g1 (s) g2 (s)], where gi (s) denotes the i:th column of G(s). Further, the matrix Bd in (7.2) becomes equal to the third column of B. Note also that the realization {A, B, C, D} is controllable, i.e. the state x is controllable from u. Minimal Polynomial Basis Solution Since the model is given in state-space form and {A, [B Bd ]} is controllable, Theorem 7.3 is used to extract NM (s). According to formula (7.9), the dimension of the null-space NL (M (s)) is 2, i.e. there exists exactly two linearly independent parity functions that decouples d.
Chapter 7. Linear Residual Generation
Calculations using the Polynomial Toolbox (Henrion et al., 1997) give the basis
NM (s) =
0.0705s s + 0.0538 0.091394 0.12 −1 0 22.7459s2 + 14.5884s −6.6653 s2 − 0.93678s − 16.5141 31.4058 0 0 (7.58)
The command used is xab2 and this gives the basis in canonical polynomial echelon form, i.e. the basis (7.58) is actually unique. The row-degrees of the basis is 1 and 2, i.e. it is a basis of order 3. From this it is clear that the filter of least degree, which decouples d, is a first order filter corresponding to the first row in the basis. To select the first row then corresponds to setting φ in (7.10) to φ = [1 0]. Chow-Willsky Solution We use the Chow-Willsky Scheme version III, i.e. the left null-space of [R H] (= [Rx H] in this case) is calculated using the row-search procedure. From Section 7.3 and 7.4.3, we know that a good choice of ρ is ρ = n. The row-search procedure is implemented in the command rwsearch in the Polynomial Toolbox (Henrion et al., 1997). Using this command together with the expression for FCW (s), given in (7.33), results in
FCW (s) =
0.0705s 0.0705s2 − 0.00379s 22.7s2 + 14.6s 0.0705s3 − 2.08s2 − 1.33s = 22.7s3 + 35.9s2 + 14.1s 0.0705s4 − 2.08s3 − 3.17s2 − 1.22s 22.7s4 + 35.9s3 + 410s2 + 254s 0.0705s5 − 2.08s4 − 3.17s3 − 37.3s2 − 23.2s 22.7s5 + 35.9s4 + 410s3 + 963s2 + 463s 0.12 0.12s − 0.00646 31.4 0.12s2 − 0.00646s − 2.87 31.4s + 30.2 0.12s3 − 0.00646s2 − 2.87s − 2.61 31.4s2 + 30.2s + 547 4 0.12s − 0.00646s3 − 2.87s2 − 2.61s − 49.8 31.4s3 + 30.2s2 + 547s + 992
s + 0.0538 s2 − 0.00289 −6.67 s3 + 0.609 −5.89 s4 + 0.505 −116 s5 + 10.5 −201
0.0914 0.0914s − 0.00492 s2 − 0.937s − 16.5 0.0807s + 1.51 s3 − 17.4s − 14.9 1.59s + 1.28 s4 − 31.2s − 287 2.76s + 26.1 s5 − 316s − 504
−1 −s + 0.0538 0 −s2 + 0.0538s − 0.00289 −6.67 −s3 + 0.0538s2 − 0.00289s + 0.609 −6.67s − 5.89 −s4 + 0.0538s3 − 0.00289s2 + 0.609s + 0.505 −6.67s2 − 5.89s − 116
The command rwsearch gives its answer in canonical echelon form which means that the result is unique. 2 The command xab (in version 1.6) is actually not perfectly suited for this case since it uses an unnecessarily large ν.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Section 7.6. Design Example
Now compare FCW (s) with NM (s) in (7.58). We see that the first and third row of FCW (s) equals the rows of the basis NM (s), but this is no coincidence. Theorem 7.11 tells us that the uppermost and largest set of primary dependent rows in [Rx H] gives a minimal polynomial basis for NL (M (s)). This was also the idea of the version IV of the Chow-Willsky scheme. Theorem 7.11 together with the uniqueness (because of canonical echelon form) of both NM (s) and FCW (s), implies that the first and third row of FCW (s) must equal NM (s). Forming the Residual Generator Now we want to use the parity function obtained from the first row of NM (s) (or equivalently FCW (s)) to construct a residual generator. From Section 7.2.1 we know that the minimality property of the basis implies that this parity function is of minimal order. A residual generator can be formed by using the expression (7.5). Since the parity function is of order 1, the scalar polynomial c(s) must have a degree ≥ 1. Let c(s) be c(s) = 1 + s which results in the following filter (residual generator) Q1 (s) =
1 0.0705s s + 0.0538 0.091394 0.12 −1 0 1+s
Now we know that this residual generator is of minimal order. Also, because of the choice c(s) = 1 + s, it is able to detect faults with energy in frequency ranges up to 1 rad/s. −280
σ(Gd (jω))
−340 −3 10
Figure 7.2: Singular value of the transfer function from u and d to r. Figure 7.2 shows the singular value (maximum gain in any direction) for G(s) H(s) Grud (s) = Q1 (s) I 0 This plot should theoretically be exactly 0, but because of finite word length in Matlab it doesn’t become exactly 0. The plot shows that the control signals and the decoupled fault has no significant influence on the residual. Figure 7.3
Chapter 7. Linear Residual Generation
shows how the monitored faults influence the residual which clearly shows that fault influence is significantly larger than influence from the decoupled fault and control signals plotted in Figure 7.2. The leftmost plot in Figure 7.3 also shows that DC-gain from fault f1 to the residual is 0. Therefore, fault f1 is difficult to detect since the effect in the residual of a constant fault f1 disappears. This effect is more studied in the next chapter.
|Grf (s)|
−150 −5 10
−150 5 −5 10 10
−150 5 −5 10 10
−150 5 −5 10 10
−150 5 −5 10 10
Figure 7.3: Magnitude bode plots for the monitored faults to the residual.
The topic of this chapter has been design of linear residual generators, which is a special case of the prediction principle. First the relation between linear residual generators and polynomial parity functions was cleared out, and it is concluded that the linear decoupling problem is equivalent to designing polynomial parity functions. A new method, the minimal polynomial basis approach has been developed. The focus has been on four issues, namely that the method (1) is able to generate all possible residual generators, (2) explicitly gives the solutions with minimal McMillan degree, (3) results in a minimal parameterization of the solutions, i.e. all residual generators, and (4) has good numerical properties. In the minimal polynomial basis approach, the residual generator design problem is formulated with standard notions from linear algebra and linear systems theory such as polynomial bases for rational vector spaces, and it is shown that the design problem can be seen as the problem of finding polynomial matrices in the left null-space of a rational matrix M (s). Within this framework, the completeness of solution, i.e. issue (1) above, and minimality, i.e. issues (2) and (3), are naturally handled by the concept of minimal polynomial bases. Finding a minimal polynomial basis for a null-space is a well-known problem and there exists computationally simple, efficient, and numerically stable algorithms, to generate the bases. That is, issue (4) is satisfied. In addition, generally available implementations of these algorithms exists. The order of linear residual generators is investigated and it is concluded that to generate a basis, for all polynomial parity functions or residual generators, it is sufficient to consider orders up to the system order. This result is new since
Section 7.7. Conclusions
previous related results only deal with the existence of residual generators and also only for some restricted cases. The question of minimality and completeness of solution is not obvious for other design methods. The well known Chow-Willsky scheme is investigated and it is concluded that in its original version, none of the four issues above are satisfied. However, a modification of the Chow-Willsky scheme is presented and this new version is algebraically equivalent to the minimal polynomial basis approach. This means that the first three, of the issues above, are satisfied. However, it is concluded that numerically, this modified version of the ChowWillsky scheme is still not as good as the minimal polynomial basis approach.
Chapter 7. Linear Residual Generation
Appendix 7.A
Proof of Lemma 7.1
Lemma 7.1 Let M (s) be the system matrix of any realization (not necessarily T controllable from uT dT ), i.e. C Dd Ms (s) = −(sI − A) Bd Then it holds that Dim NL (M (s)) = Dim NL (Ms (s)) Proof:
Consider the realization x Bu,x x˙ Ax A12 + u+ = z 0 Az Bu,z z˙ Bd,x Bf,x f d+ 0 Bf,z x y = [Cx Cz ] + Du u + D d d + Df f z
(7.60a) (7.60b)
where it is assumed that x is controllable from d. Note that this is not the same type of realization as (7.12). Then form the matrix Mxd (s) as Dd Cx Mxd (s) = −sI + Ax Bd,x Let nx be the number of controllable states, i.e. the dimension of x in (7.60). We will first show that Dim NL (M (s)) = Dim NL (Mxd (s))
The dimension of the null-space NL (Mxd (s)) is m + nx − Rank Mxd (s). The dimension of the null-space NL (M (s)) is m + ku − Rank M (s). Further, it holds that Rank M (s) = Rank H(s) + ku . All this means that to show (7.61), it is sufficient to show that Rank Mxd (s) = Rank H(s) + nx
By using the generalized Bezout identity, it is easy to derive (see (Kailath, 1980), Section 6.4.2) that the following matrices have the same Smith form: 0 −sI + Ac Bd,c S Inx ∼ (7.63) 0 Cc Ψ(s) + Dd DH (s) Cc Dd is a controller-form realization of where {Ac , Bd,c , Cc } {Ax , Bd,x , Cx } and {Ψ(s), DH (s)} is a specific right MFD of (sI − Ax )−1 Bd,x =
Section 7.B. Linear Systems Theory
(sI − Ac )−1 Bd,c (see (Kailath, 1980) for a definition of Ψ(s) and DH (s)). By defining NH (s) = Cc Ψ(s) + Dd DH (s), we see that −1 −1 −1 H(s) = Cc Ψ(s)DH (s) + Dd = (Cc Ψ(s) + Dd DH (s))DH (s) = NH (s)DH (s)
That is, {NH (s), DH (s)} is a right MFD for H(s). Further, since Mxd (s) represents a controllable realization, it has the same Smith form as the controller-form realization, which together with (7.63) means that 0 −sI + Ax Bd,x S Inx Mxd (s) = ∼ Cx Dd 0 NH (s) This further means that Rank Mxd (s) = Rank NH (s) + nx = Rank H(s) + nx and thus, (7.62) and (7.61) have been shown. Let T represent the similarity transformation relating the realization in Ms (s) with the realization (7.60). Then we have that −1 0 T T 0 Ms (s) = Rank Ms (s) = Rank 0 Im 0 Iku −sI + Ax A12 Bd,x 0 −sI + Az 0 = Rank Mxd (s) + nz (7.64) = Rank Cx Cz Dd where nz is the dimension of the state z in (7.60). The last equality holds since the submatrix A12 −sI + Az Cz has rank nz and all columns are independent of the other parts of the matrix. The relation (7.64) implies that Dim NL (Mxd (s)) = nx + m − Rank Mxd(s) = = nx + nz + m − Rank Ms (s) = Dim NL (Ms (s)) This result together with (7.61) shows the lemma.
Linear Systems Theory
This appendix is included to serve as a compilation of definitions, theorems, and basic properties of linear systems, polynomial matrices, and polynomial bases used in this thesis. Sources describing these matters in detail are e.g. (Forney, 1975; Kailath, 1980; Chen, 1984) for control oriented views, and (Lancaster and Tismenetsky, 1985) for a purely mathematical view.
Chapter 7. Linear Residual Generation
Definition 7.4 (Dependent Row) Consider a matrix A. A dependent row, in order top-to-bottom, is a row that is a linear combination of previous rows (i.e. the rows above). Definition 7.5 (Primary Dependent Rows) Let A be a matrix organized in equally sized blocks Ai as follows: A0 A1 A= . .. Aν Further let each dependent row be associated with a row index αi telling the placement within its block. Then a set of dependent rows are primary dependent rows if αi 6= αj ,
i 6= j
Example 7.6 Consider A=
1 0 1 0 2 0
0 1 1 0 2 2
1 1 2 1 4 2
The dependent rows are row 3, 5, and 6. Of these, row 3 and 6 are primary dependent. Row 5 is not primary dependent since it has the same block location as row 3 which is also dependent. Theorem 7.13 (PBH Rank Test (Kailath, 1980) p. 136) A pair {A, B} will be controllable if and only if the matrix [sI − A
has rank n for all s
Properties of Polynomial Matrices
To avoid unnecessary misunderstandings: a polynomial matrix, which in some literature is called matrix polynomials (Lancaster and Tismenetsky, 1985), is any matrix F (s) where the individual elements are scalar polynomials in s. Here, the coefficients in the polynomials will always be real. Definition 7.6 (Normal Rank) The (normal) rank of a polynomial matrix F (s) is the largest rank F (s) has for any s ∈ C.
Section 7.B. Linear Systems Theory
Sometimes the word normal is omitted, when the text only says rank it is always meant normal rank. Definition 7.7 (Row-reduced Matrix) Consider a polynomial p × q matrix F (s) with row-degrees µi . It is always possible to write F (s) = S(s)Dhr + L(s) where S(s) = diag{sµi , i = 1, . . . , p} Dhr = the highest-row-degree coefficient matrix L(s) = the remaining term with row-degrees strictly less than those of F(s) A full row rank matrix F (s) is said to be row-reduced if its highest-row-degree coefficient matrix Dhr has full row rank. Definition 7.8 (Irreducible and Unimodular Matrices) A polynomial matrix F (s) is said to be irreducible if it has full rank for all finite s. If F (s) is irreducible and square it is said to be unimodular. A unimodular matrix has a unimodular inverse.
Properties of Polynomial Bases
Definition 7.9 (Degree of a Polynomial Vector) The degree of a polynomial vector is the highest degree of all the entries of the vector. If the vector is a row-vector, it is called row-degree. The order of a polynomial basis is defined in (Kailath, 1980) as Definition 7.10 (Order of a polynomial basis) Let the rows of F (s) form a basis for a vectorPspace F . Let µi be the row-degrees of F (s). The order of F (s) is defined as µi . A minimal polynomial basis for F is then any basis that minimizes this order. Theorem 7.14 (Minimal Polynomial Bases (Kailath, 1980)) Consider a full row (normal) rank polynomial matrix F (s). Then the following statements are equivalent • The rows of F (s) form a minimal basis for the rational vector space they generate. • F (s) is row-reduced and irreducible. • F (s) has minimal order. Theorem 7.2 (Irreducible Basis) If the rows of N (s) is an irreducible polynomial basis for a space F , then all polynomial row vectors f (s) ∈ F can be written f (s) = φ(s)N (s) where φ(s) is a polynomial row vector.
Chapter 7. Linear Residual Generation
Proof: Since N (s) is a basis, all f (s) ∈ F can be written f (s)g(s) = φ(s)N (s). For each root α of g(s) it holds that f (α)g(α) = φ(α)N (α) = 0 Since N (s) is irreducible, it has full row rank for all s and in particular s = α. This implies that φ(α) = 0, i.e. all roots of g(s) are also roots of φ(s). Thus ¯ φ(s) can be factorized as φ(s) = g(s)φ(s) and ¯ f (s)g(s) = g(s)φ(s)N (s) This implies ¯ f (s) = φ(s)N (s)
To illustrate the concept of rational vector-spaces and polynomial bases, the following example has been included. Example 7.7 Let the rows of the matrix F (s) be a basis for s 0 F (s) = 1 1 0 −s
the rational vector-space F . 1 0 2
It is clear that F (s) is a basis since det(F (s)) = s 6= 0, i.e. the matrix has full rank and therefore, the rows are linearly independent. Any polynomial vector of dimension 3 will of course belong to F . Consider for example the vector b1 (s) = s 0 0 ∈ F This vector can be written as a linear combination of the columns as follows: s 0 1 b1 (s) = 2 −s −1 1 1 0 = x(s)F (s) 0 −s 2 Here, x(s) happens to be a polynomial vector. However, in general rational vectors are needed. Consider for example the vector s 0 1 2 b2 (s) = 1 0 0 = s −1 − 1s 1 1 0 = x(s)F (s) 0 −s 2 In this case, x(s) is rational and there exists no polynomial x(s) such that b2 (s) = x(s)F (s).
Section 7.B. Linear Systems Theory
If the polynomial basis is irreducible, then according to Theorem 7.2, only polynomial x(s):s are needed. An irreducible basis for the same vector-space F is for example 1 0 s F 0 (s) = 0 1 s 0 0 1 Now b2 (s) can be written b2 (s) = 1
0 0 = 1 0
1 0 −s 0 1 0 0
s s = x(s)F (s) 1
Chapter 7. Linear Residual Generation
Chapter 8
Criterions for Fault Detectability in Linear Systems The topic of this chapter is fault detectability, or more exactly, if it is possible to construct a residual generator that is sensitive to a certain fault modeled as a signal. As in the previous chapter, only linear systems will be considered. Detectability of faults that are modeled as constant signals are explicitly investigated. Such detectability is usually called strong fault detectability, Criterions for both fault detectability and strong fault detectability are derived. A few of these are already known results, but most of the criterions, especially those for strong fault detectability, are new. We will see that the analyses becomes quite simple. This is due to the notion of bases developed in the previous chapter. For simplicity reasons, we assume that only one fault affects the system, i.e. f is scalar. In Section 8.1, we will study how the general definitions of fault detectability from Chapter 2, are specialized when only linear systems are considered. Then the criterions for fault detectability and strong fault detectability are derived in Sections 8.2 and 8.3 respectively. Finally Sections 8.4 and 8.5 contain discussions and examples.
Fault Detectability and Strong Fault Detectability
Recall the definition of uniform partial detectability in a diagnosis system, i.e. Definition 2.23. Uniform partial detectability was defined via uniform partial isolability, i.e. Definition 2.19. Combining these two definitions we get: A fault mode F is uniformly and partially detectable in a diagnosis system δ if for all initial conditions, for all inputs, and for all modeled 235
Chapter 8. Criterions for Fault Detectability in Linear Systems disturbances, it holds that ∃θ ∈ ΘF .F ∈ S ∧ N F ∈ /S and ∃θ ∈ ΘN F .N F ∈ S
Now assume that we have a diagnosis system based on a single hypothesis test (in this case a residual generator) and that the fault mode F is modeled by a fault signal f (t). For F to be detectable in this diagnosis system, the above requirements imply that ∀u(t), d(t), ∃f (t) 6= 0 . S = S 1 = {F, . . . } and N F ∈ /S ∀u(t), d(t) . f (t) = 0 → S = S 0 = {N F, . . . } Note that ∃f (t) 6= 0 in the above expression means that there exists a fault signal modeled by f (t) belonging to a specific fault mode (and not that there exists a signal belonging to some arbitrary fault mode). By assuming ideal condition, these requirements can be formulated as ∀u(t), d(t), ∃f (t) 6= 0 . r(t) 6= 0 ∀u(t), d(t) . f (t) = 0 → r(t) = 0 For linear system, we can phrase this in terms of transfer functions which leads to the following definition of fault detectability in a residual generator: Definition 8.1 (Fault Detectability in a Residual Generator ) A fault f is detectable in a residual generator if the transfer function from the fault to the residual is nonzero, i.e. Grf (σ) 6= 0, and the transfer functions from the known input u and the disturbance d to the residual are zero, i.e. Gru (σ) = 0 and Grd (σ) = 0. As in the previous chapter, the operator σ represents the differentiation operator p (or s) in the continuous case and the time-shift operator q (or z) in the discrete case. Next consider uniform complete fault detectability, i.e. Definition 2.23 and 2.16. It is clear that using a linear residual generator, uniform complete fault detectability can only be achieved if Grf (σ) = C 6= 0. This is a very strong requirement and we will instead focus on uniform complete fault detectability of constant faults, i.e. f (t) ≡ c. Then for a diagnosis system based on a single residual generator, we have the following requirements: ∀u(t), d(t), ∀f (t) ≡ c 6= 0. r(t) 6= 0 ∀u(t), d(t) . f (t) ≡ 0 → r(t) = 0 For linear system, we can phrase this in terms of transfer functions which leads to the following definition of strong fault detectability in a residual generator:
Section 8.1. Fault Detectability and Strong Fault Detectability
Definition 8.2 (Strong Fault Detectability in a Residual Generator ) A fault f is strongly detectable in a residual generator if the transfer function from the fault to the residual Grf (σ) has a nonzero DC-gain, e.g. Grf (0) 6= 0 in the continuous case, and the transfer functions from the known input u and the disturbance d to the residual are zero, i.e. Gru (σ) = 0 and Grd (σ) = 0. Faults that are detectable but not strongly detectable will be called weakly detectable faults. The importance of strong detectability is illustrated the following example. Example 8.1 Consider a DC-servo which can be modeled as 1 u + f1 s(1 + s) 1 u + f2 y2 = 1+s
y1 =
(8.1) (8.2) (8.3)
where y1 is the output from an angle sensor and y2 is the output from a tachometer (i.e. an angular velocity sensor). There are two possible sensor faults modeled by the fault signals f1 and f2 . Consider two residual generators: s(s + 1)y1 − u s(s + 1)f1 = (s + 4)2 (s + 4)2 16(s + 1)y2 − u 16(s + 1)f2 r2 = = (s + 4)2 (s + 4)2
r1 =
The residual r1 will only be sensitive to f1 and r2 will only be sensitive to f2 . It is obvious that Gr1 f1 (0) = 0, which means that the fault f1 is weakly detectable in the residual generator generating r1 . Their response to two step faults are plotted in Figure 8.1. The two residuals r1 (t) and r2 (t) has fundamentally different behavior since r1 (t) only reflects changes on the fault signal and r2 (t) has approximately the same shape as the fault signal. In a real case, where noise and model uncertainties are present, it is significantly more difficult to use r1 (t) than r2 (t). In accordance with Definition 2.23 and 2.22, we can also define fault detectability and strong fault detectability as properties of the system. Definition 8.3 (Fault Detectability ) A fault f is detectable in a system if there exists a residual generator such that the transfer function from the fault to the residual is nonzero, i.e. Grf (σ) 6= 0, and the transfer functions from the known input u and the disturbance d to the residual are zero, i.e. Gru (σ) = 0 and Grd (σ) = 0.
Chapter 8. Criterions for Fault Detectability in Linear Systems 2 1.5
1 0.5 0 −0.5 −1
5 t [s]
2 1.5
1 0.5 0 −0.5 −1
Figure 8.1: A weakly detectable fault (upper plot) and a strongly detectable fault (lower plot). The fault signal is the dashed line and the residual is the solid line. Definition 8.4 (Strong Fault Detectability ) A fault f is strongly detectable in a system if there exists an asymptotically stable residual generator such that the transfer function from the fault to the residual Grf (σ) has a nonzero DCgain, e.g. Grf (0) 6= 0 in the continuous case, and the transfer functions from the known input u and the disturbance d to the residual are zero, i.e. Gru (σ) = 0 and Grd (σ) = 0. By excluding diagnosis systems in which the fault is not detectable, from the definition of diagnosis systems, fault detectability as a system property is also referred to as the existence of a diagnosis system, see for example (Mironovskii, 1980) and (Frank and Ding, 1994b). The above two definitions of fault detectability and strong fault detectability as system properties, will from now on be our primary interest. The question is: Given a model of the system, is a particular fault f strongly detectable, only weakly detectable, or not detectable at all? As in the previous chapter, we assume that the model is given either in the transfer function form y = G(σ)u + H(σ)d + L(σ)f
Section 8.1. Fault Detectability and Strong Fault Detectability
or in the state-space form =
Ax(t) + Bu u(t) + Bd d(t) + Bf f (t)
y(t) =
Cx(t) + Du u(t) + Dd d(t) + Df f (t)
In particular cases, it can be quite simple to show that a fault is for example only weakly detectable. This is illustrated in the following example. Example 8.2 Consider the same system as in Example 8.1. There we saw that the fault f1 was only weakly detectable in the residual generator generating r1 . The question now is if the fault f1 is strongly detectable (using Definition 8.4). That is, does there exist any residual generator in which fault f1 becomes strongly detectable. According to the expression (7.5), a general linear residual generator can be written as r=
A1 (s)y1 + A2 (s)y2 + B(s)u c(s)
Since f2 must be decoupled, it is considered to be a disturbance, and the term A2 (s) must therefore be 0. Thus a general expression for a residual generator is r=
A1 (s)y1 + B(s)u c(s)
In the fault free case, the residual is zero, and therefore it must hold that A1 (s)y1 + B(s)u = 0
If the expression for y1 in the fault-free DC-servo model (8.1), i.e. f = 0, is substituted into Equation (8.6), we get A1 (s)
1 u + B(s)u = 0 s(1 + s)
This equation must hold for all u which implies that the following equation must be satisfied: A1 (s) = s(1 + s)B(s) This in turn means that the polynomial A1 (s) must contain the factor s. The transfer function from the fault f1 to the residual becomes Grf1 =
A(s) c(s)
If the residual generator is asymptotically stable, i.e. the polynomial c(s) has all its poles in the left half plane, the transfer function Grf1 will have a zero in the origin. Thus for the angle sensor fault, modeled as in (8.1), it is impossible to find a residual in which the fault becomes strongly detectable.
Chapter 8. Criterions for Fault Detectability in Linear Systems
It is clear that in some cases, like the one in the example, we are forced to use a residual generator in which the fault is weakly detectable. Even though a fully satisfactory solution can not be obtained unless we reconstruct the system, weakly detectable faults can more easily be detected by filtering the residual with a filter that acts approximately like an integrator. This was demonstrated in for example (Frisk, Nyberg and Nielsen, 1997). In Example 8.2, we manage to quite simply prove that f1 is not strongly detectable. However, in general cases, this can be much more difficult. Therefore it would be useful to have criterions for both fault detectability and strong fault detectability. Such criterions are developed in the next two sections. For simplicity reasons, we will, as we did in Chapter 7, only discuss the continuous case. However, the corresponding results for the discrete case can be derived in a similar manner. Throughout this chapter, we will assume that the fault signal f (t) is a scalar signal. This makes most sense since we are interesting in checking detectability with respect to one particular fault. We will use the notation Im A(s) to denote the column image (also called the column range) of a matrix A(s).
Detectability Criteria
In this section, a four general detectability criterions are presented. The two first criterions assume that the system is given on the transfer function form (8.4) and the next two criterions assume that the system is given on the transfer function form (8.5). Also included is a necessary criterion based on the dimensions of the system.
The Intuitive Approach
The first criterion assumes that the system is given on the transfer function form (8.4). The reasoning follows intuitively from the the basic results of Section 7.2.1. Theorem 8.1 A fault f is detectable in a system if and only if L(s) G(s) H(s) Im * Im 0 I 0
Proof: The criterion of the theorem is equivalent to that there exists a rational Q(s) such that G(s) H(s) Q(s) =0 (8.8) I 0 and
L(s Q(s) 6= 0 0
Section 8.2. Detectability Criteria
If there exists a Q(s) that fulfills (8.8) and (8.9), then r = Q(s)[y T uT ]T is a residual for which Gru (s) = Grd (s) = 0 and Grf (s) 6= 0. This means that fault f is detectable. If r = Q(s)[y T uT ]T is a residual in which fault f is detectable, i.e. Guf (s) = Guf (s) = 0 and Grf (s) 6≡ 0, then (8.8) and (8.9) will be fulfilled. The easiest way to check condition (8.7) is probably by studying the rank as follows: a fault is detectable if and only if G(s) H(s) L(s) G(s) H(s) Rank > Rank I 0 0 I 0 It is obvious that this rank-condition is equivalent to (8.7). The normal rank of a polynomial matrix can be calculated quite easily by using the formula Rank A(s) = max Rank A(s) s
obtained from the definition of normal rank (see Appendix 7.B). Note that the rank on the left-hand side of (8.10) refers to the normal rank of a polynomial matrix while the rank on the right-hand side refers to the rank of a constant matrix. We can substitute different random numbers for s and thus obtaining a set of constant matrices. The normal rank is then the maximum rank of these constant matrices. This procedure is implemented in the polynomial toolbox (Henrion et al., 1997). A second alternative to check condition (8.7) is to calculate a basis for NL (M ), i.e. the left null-space of M (s). As in the previous chapter we let the rows of a matrix NM (s) form a basis for NL (M ). Then we have that a fault is detectable if and only if L(s) NM (s) 6= 0 (8.11) 0 However, to calculate a basis for the null-space requires more involved algorithms than a rank test, as was seen in Section 7.2.3.
The “Frequency Domain” Approach
Here we will present a somewhat simpler, but closely related, alternative to Theorem 8.1. Again we assume that the system is given on the transfer function form (8.4). Theorem 8.2 A fault f is detectable in a system if and only if Im L(s) * Im H(s) Proof:
We will first show that it holds that L(s) G(s) Im ⊆ Im 0 I
H(s) 0
Chapter 8. Criterions for Fault Detectability in Linear Systems
if and only if Im L(s) ⊆ Im H(s) If (8.13) holds, then there exists a rational matrix [X1T (s) X2T (s)]T such that 0 = IX1 (s) and L(s) = G(s)X1 (s) + H(s)X2 (s) = H(s)X2 (s), which means that Im L(s) ⊆ Im H(s). This proofs the only-if part and the if-part is easier. This means that we have shown the equivalence between the condition (8.7) in Theorem 8.1 and (8.12), which ends the proof. This criterion was given in (Ding and Frank, 1990) and as seen, it is much simpler than Theorem 8.1, since it does not include G(s). Also here, the check can be performed by doing a rank test or to calculate a basis for the null space. Particularly simple is the rank test which becomes: Rank [H(s) L(s)] > Rank L(s)
Using the System Matrix
The criterion presented here is based on the results from Section 7.2.2, about the minimal polynomial basis approach using the state-space representation. It is assumed that the system is given on the state-space form (8.5). Theorem 8.3 A fault f is detectable in a system if and only if A − sI Bd Bf * Im Im Df C Dd Proof:
We will first show that it holds that C Df ⊆ Im Im Bf A − sI
if and only if
L(s) G(s) ⊆ Im 0 I
Dd Bd
H(s) 0
Let the row vectors of V (s) be a basis for NL (Ms (s)) and form W (s) = V (s)P , where P is, as before, defined as −Du I P = m 0 −Bu According to Theorem 7.4, the rows of W (s) are a basis for NL (M (s)). Now consider the relation L(s) L(s) L(s) C(sI − A)−1 Bf + Df = W (s) =V (s)P = V (s) = V (s) 0 0 0 0 Df Df =[V1 (s) V1 (s)C(sI − A)−1 ] = V (s) (8.18) Bf Bf
Section 8.2. Detectability Criteria
The last equality follows from the fact that V (s)Ms (s) = 0. The relation (8.18) implies that L(s) Df W (s) = 0 ⇐⇒ V (s) =0 0 Bf Since W (s) and V (s) are bases for NL (M (s)) and NL (Ms (s)) respectively, this statement is equivalent to that (8.16) holds if and only if (8.17) holds. This is further equivalent to the condition (8.15) in the theorem. Similar conditions for fault detectability were noted in for example (Magni and Mouyon, 1994). Note that, in contrast to design of polynomial parity functions using the minimal polynomial basis approach, we do not need to care about controllability from u and d when checking detectability.
Using the Chow-Willsky Scheme
The criterions given here are based on the results from the study of the ChowWillsky scheme, performed in Sections 7.4 and 7.5. Again we assume that the system is given on the state-space form (8.5). Theorem 8.4 A fault f is detectable in a system if and only if Im Pρ=n * Im [R H]ρ=n Proof:
We will first show that it holds that Im Pρ=n ⊆ Im [R H]ρ=n
if and only if
L(s) G(s) Im ⊆ Im 0 I
H(s) 0
Let the rows of a matrix W define the largest and uppermost set of primary dependent rows in [R H]ρ=n . Then according to Theorem 7.11, F (s) = W [Ψm (s) − QΨku (s)] becomes a polynomial basis for NL {M (s)}. Define X(s) as follows: X(s) =
∞ X
s−i Ai−1 Bf
Then by using the same reasoning as in the formulas (7.39), (7.40), and (7.41), we can conclude that Ψm (s)L(s) = RX(s) + P Ψ1 (s) Now assume that (8.20) holds. This implies the following: L(s) L(s) F (s) = W [Ψm (s) − QΨku (s)] = W Ψm (s)L(s) = 0 0 = W (RX(s) + P Ψ1 (s)) = 0
Chapter 8. Criterions for Fault Detectability in Linear Systems
The last equality holds since W [R H] = 0 which, according to (8.20), also implies that W P = 0. Since F (s) is a polynomial basis for NL {M (s)}, equation (8.22) is equivalent to (8.11) which is further equivalent to (8.21), and thus the only-if part of the proof have been shown. For the if part, assume that w1 is an arbitrary row-vector such that w1 [R H] = 0. Pick other wi :s such that W = [w1T w2T . . . ]T defines a set of primary dependent rows in [R H]. This implies that W [R H] = 0 and according to Theorem 7.12, F (s) = W [Ψm (s) − QΨku (s)] becomes a polynomial basis (not necessarily irreducible) for NL {M (s)}. Assume that (8.21) holds. Then we know that L(s) L(s) 0 = F (s) = W [Ψm (s) − QΨku (s)] = W Ψm (s)L(s) = 0 0 = W (RX(s) + P Ψ1 (s)) = W P Ψ1 (s)
This implies that W P = 0 and thus w1 P = 0 which proves the if part. This means that we have shown the equivalence between the condition (8.7) in Theorem 8.1 and (8.19), which ends the proof. Note that also in this case, we do not need to care about controllability from u and d when checking detectability. This is in contrast to design of parity functions using the Chow-Willsky scheme, for which we showed in Section 7.4.3 that in order to find all parity functions, we have to care about controllability from u and d.
Necessary Condition Based on Dimensions
The following criterion is trivial and stated in several works, e.g. (Gertler, 1998), but nevertheless very useful since it uses only the dimensions of the system. Theorem 8.5 Assume that H(s) has full column rank. Then a fault f is detectable in the system only if m > kd
where m is the number of outputs and kd is the number of linearly independent disturbances. Proof: Theorem 8.2 and expression (8.14) implies that if a fault is detectable, then it must hold that m ≥ Rank [H(s) L(s)] > Rank H(s) = kd which gives the condition (8.24). An alternative proof is to use the formula (7.9) which imply that the condition (8.24) must hold. In other words, the condition (8.24) is a necessary condition for fault detectability. For most systems this simply means that there must be more outputs than disturbances if we are going to be able to detect any fault modeled by the signal f (t).
Section 8.3. Strong Detectability Criteria
Strong Detectability Criteria
It is well know that faults often become weakly detectable when the system contains an integration. For instance, this was the case in Example 8.2. However, faults can be weakly detectable also if the system do not contain an integration. This is demonstrated in the following example. Example 8.3 Consider a system described by the following transfer functions: 1 s+1 2 s+2 s+3 H(s) = L(s) = G(s) = s+1 1 1 1 s+1
Note that no part of the system contains an integration. An MFD of the matrix M (s) is 2 1 0 (s + 1)−1 G(s) H(s) 1 1 = N (s)D−1 (s) M (s) = = 0 (s + 2)−1 I 0 s+1 0 An irreducible basis for the left null-space of N (s) is F (s) = [s+1 −s−1 −1]T . Using the corresponding parity function in a residual generator means that the transfer function from the fault to the residual becomes L(s) −1 Grf (s) = c (s)F (s) 0 To check strong fault detectability, we evaluate Grf (0): s + 1 (s + 1)2 L(s) − |s=0 = |s=0 = c−1 (0) c−1 (s)[s + 1 − s − 1 − 1] 0 s+3 s+3 1 1 =0 = c−1 (0) − 3 3 Thus, the fault is not strongly detectable in the residual generator. Later in this section we will see that since F (s) is an irreducible basis, it actually holds that there exists no residual generators in which the fault is strongly detectable. The fault is therefore not strongly detectable in the sense of Definition 8.4. Thus, no poles in the origin, is not a sufficient condition for strong detectability. It is neither a necessary condition which is shown in the following example: Example 8.4 Consider the following system: 1 y1 = u + f1 s 1 u + f2 y2 = s(s + 1)
Chapter 8. Criterions for Fault Detectability in Linear Systems
Consider next the residual generator r=
(s + 1)y2 − y1 s+2
The transfer functions from the faults to the residual become −1 s+2 s+1 Grf2 (s) = s+2 Grf1 (s) =
which shows that both faults are strongly detectable in spite of that the system has a pole in the origin. The previous two examples show that the problem of checking strong fault detectability is more involved than only checking the existence of poles in the origin. Below we will investigate how the four criterions given in Section 8.2, can be modified to become general criterions for strong fault detectability. We first note that when checking strong detectability, it is not possible to use conditions similar to (8.7), (8.12), or (8.15), without computing a basis for the null-space. We saw in Section 8.2 that checking strong fault detectability can be associated with calculating a basis NL {M (s)}. Similarly, we will see in this section that checking strong fault detectability is associated with evaluating the expression NL {M (s)}|s=0 . The reason why (8.7), (8.12), or (8.15), can not be used is that in general NL {M (s)}|s=0 6= NL {M (0)} This will be illustrated in Example 8.5, included in the next section below.
The Intuitive Approach
The criterion corresponding to Theorem 8.1 becomes: Theorem 8.6 A fault f is strongly detectable in a system if and only if L(s) (8.25) NM (s) |s=0 6= 0 0 where the rows of NM (s) is an irreducible polynomial basis for NL {M (s)}. Proof: From Section 7.1 and 7.2.1, we recall that all residual generators r can be parameterized as y −1 r = c (s)φ(s)NM (s) u
Section 8.3. Strong Detectability Criteria
where c(s) is a scalar polynomial with its roots in the left half-plane and φ(s) is a polynomial vector. The fact that a fault is not strongly detectable can be expressed as L(s) ∀c(s), φ(s) . c−1 (s)φ(s)NM (s) |s=0 = 0 0 Since we know that c(0) 6= 0, this is equivalent to L(s) ∀φ(s) . φ(s)NM (s) |s=0 = 0 0 which is further equivalent to
L(s) NM (s) |s=0 = 0 0 The negation of this condition is then equivalent to the condition (8.25) in the theorem. Note that when using this Theorem 8.6, it is important to first evaluate the vector L(s) NM (s) 0 i.e. carry out all multiplications and cancelations, and afterwards substitute s with 0. As was said above, when checking strong fault detectability, it is important that we calculate the left null-space of M (s) and not M (0). The following example illustrates this. Example 8.5 Consider a system described by the following transfer functions: 1 s+1 1 s+1 s+1 H(s) = s L(s) = s+3 G(s) = s 1 s+2
Then a right MFD of the matrix M (s) is 1 s G(s) H(s) s+1 s M (s) = = 1 I 0 0 s+1 0
0 s+2
A minimal polynomial basis for the left null-space of M (s) is [1 − 1 0]. By using Theorem 8.6, the check for strong fault detectability becomes s L(s) [1 − 1 0] |s=0 = 0 |s=0 = − 0 s+3
Chapter 8. Criterions for Fault Detectability in Linear Systems
and the fault is therefore not strongly detectable. Now we will show that it is not sufficient to consider the left null-space of M (0). A minimal polynomial basis for NL (M (0)) is 1 −1 0 0 1 −1 The check for strong fault detectability would be s − s+3 0 1 −1 0 L(s) |s=0 = | = s=0 1 1 6= 0 0 1 −1 0 s+3 3 which wrongly indicates that the fault is strongly detectable. This means that L(0) NM (0) 6= 0 0 is not a condition for strong fault detectability.
The “Frequency Domain” Approach
We have concluded that a basis for the null-space must be calculated to check strong fault detectability. However, even if we do so, the “frequency domain” approach, from Section 8.2.2, will not work. This is shown by the following example: Example 8.6 Consider a system described by the following transfer functions: 1 1 0 s s H(s) = G(s) = 1 L(s) = 1 1 s Then an MFD of the matrix M (s) is 1 1 −1 s G(s) H(s) M (s) = = 1 s 0 I 0 s 0
= N (s)D−1 (s)
An irreducible basis for the left null-space of N (s) is [s2 − s − s + 1]T . By using Theorem 8.6, the check for strong fault detectability becomes L(s) 2 [s − s − s + 1] |s=0 = −s |s=0 = 0 0 and the fault is therefore not strongly detectable. Now the question is if we can use a condition for strong fault detectability based on (8.12), if we actually calculate a basis for the null-space, i.e.
Section 8.3. Strong Detectability Criteria
NL {H(s)}L(s)|s=0 6= 0. Therefore, we calculate a basis for the null-space NL (H(s)), which becomes [s − 1]. Then we have that 0 NL {H(s)}L(s)|s=0 = [s − 1] | = 1 6= 0 −1 s=0 which wrongly indicates that the fault is strongly detectable. This means that NL {H(s)}L(s)|s=0 6= 0 is not a condition for strong detectability.
Using the System Matrix
The criterion for strong fault detectability, corresponding to Theorem 8.3, becomes as follows: Theorem 8.7 A fault f is strongly detectable in a system if and only if Df 6= 0 NMs (0) Bf where the rows of NMs (s) is a basis for the left null-space of the matrix C Dd Ms (s) = −sI + A Bd To prove this theorem, we first need two lemmas. Lemma 8.1 Let A(s) be a rational matrix and assume A(0) exists. Let B(s) be a rational matrix. a) If B(0) exists, then A(s)B(s) |s=0 = A(0) B(s) |s=0 b) If A(s) is square, A(0) has full rank, and A(s)B(s) |s=0 exists, then also B(0) exists. Proof:
To prove (a), write A(s) and B(s) as follows: A(s) =A(0) + sA1 (s) B(s) =B(0) + sB1 (s)
Since both A(s) and B(s) exists, the last terms must go to zero as s goes to zero. Now study the relation A(s)B(s) = A(0)B(0) + sA1 (s)B(0) + sB1 (s)A(0) + s2 A1 (s)B1 (s) All terms, except A(0)B(0), on the right hand side will become zero as s → 0 which proves the (a)-part of the lemma.
Chapter 8. Criterions for Fault Detectability in Linear Systems
To prove (b), we will use an indirect proof. Assume B(0) does not exist. This means that some column bi (0) in B(0) does not exist which further implies kbi (s)k −→ ∞
s −→ 0
Let σ(A(s)) denote the smallest singular value of A(s). Since A(0) has full rank, there exists a constant C such that σ(A(s)) ≥ C > 0 for small s. This implies that for small s it holds that 0 < Ckbi (s)k ≤ σ(A(s))kbi (s)k ≤ kA(s)bi (s)k Now let s → 0 which implies that kA(s)bi (s)k → ∞. The matrix A(s)B(s) |s=0 can therefore not exist. Lemma 8.2 A fault f is strongly detectable in a system if and only if L(s) |s=0 6= 0 NM (s) 0
where the rows of NM (s) is a polynomial basis for NL {M (s)} and NM (0) has full row-rank. Proof:
The basis NM (s) can be written irr (s) NM (s) = R(s)NM
irr (s) is an irrewhere R(s) is a greatest common divisor with full rank and NM ducible basis. Since NM (0) has full row-rank, R(0) must have full rank. Now study I = R(s)R−1 (s) |s=0 = R(0) R−1 (s) |s=0 = R(0)R−1 (0)
where we have used Lemma 8.1 in the second equality. This means that R−1 (0) must exist and have full rank. The condition (8.25) for strong fault detectability can be written as L(s) L(s) irr −1 0 = NM (s) |s=0 = R (s)NM (s) |s=0 = 0 0 L(s) −1 = R (0) NM (s) |s=0 0 where the last equality follows from Lemma 8.1. Since R−1 (0) has full rank, this condition is equivalent to L(s) NM (s) |s=0 = 0 0 The negation of this condition is then equivalent to (8.26), which proves the lemma.
Section 8.3. Strong Detectability Criteria
Now return to the proof of Theorem 8.7: Proof: Let the row vectors of V (s) be a minimal polynomial basis for NL (Ms (s)) and form W (s) = V (s)P , where P is, as before, Im −Du P = 0 −Bu According to Theorem 7.4, the rows of W (s) form a polynomial basis for NL (M (s)). Now note that C Dd I −Du = [W (s) 0] =V (s)[P Ms (s)] = 0 −Bu A − sI Bd I −Du Cx Cz Dd A12 Bd,x =V (s) 0 −Bu,x Ax − sI 0 0 0 Az − sI 0 In the last equality, we have used the assumption of a realization on the form (7.12). The controllability of the state x from u and d implies, via the PBH test, that the middle block of rows in the matrix [P Ms (s)], has full row-rank. Also, Az has full row-rank because of the assumption that the state z is asymptotically stable. Therefore, the matrix [P Ms (s)] has full row-rank for s = 0. Since V (s) is irreducible, it has also full row-rank for s = 0. This implies that W (0) has full row-rank. Now consider the relation L(s) L(s) L(s) C(sI − A)−1 Bf + Df W (s) = =V (s)P = V (s) = V (s) 0 0 0 0 Df Df = V (s) (8.27) =[V1 (s) V1 (s)C(sI − A)−1 ] Bf Bf The last equality follows from the fact that V (s)Ms (s) = 0. The relation (8.27) implies that Df L(s) |s=0 = 0 W (s) |s=0 = 0 ⇐⇒ V (s) Bf 0 This equality together with the fact that W (0) has full row-rank, implies that we can apply Lemma 8.2, which proves the theorem.
Using the Chow-Willsky Scheme
The criterion for strong fault detectability, corresponding to Theorem 8.4, becomes as follows: Theorem 8.8 A fault is strongly detectable if and only if (NRH P µ)ρ=n 6= 0
(8.28) T
where NRH is a basis for the left null space of [R H] and µ = [1 0 . . . 0] .
Chapter 8. Criterions for Fault Detectability in Linear Systems
To prove this theorem we first need the following lemma. Lemma 8.3 Assume the rows of the matrix W define the largest and uppermost set of primary dependent rows in [R H]ρ=n . Then F (s) = W [Ψm (s) −QΨku (s)] is a polynomial basis for N (M (s)) and F (0) = W [Ψm (0) − QΨku (0)] has full row rank. Proof: From Theorem 7.12, it is clear that F (s) is a polynomial basis. To prove that F (0) has full row rank, we first partition the matrix W as W11 0 W = W21 W22 where W11 has m columns and the first row of W22 is not zero. Let k denote the number of rows in W11 . Then we note that the first k rows of F (s) can be written as [W11 − W11 Du ] and has full row-rank for all s, i.e. the first k rows of F (0) has full row rank. This means that if F (0) has not full row rank, there must exist a row-vector φ = [φ1 . . . φp 1 0 . . . 0] where p ≥ k and φF (0) = 0. This further implies that − QΨku (0) R H] = I −Du 0 −CB u = φW . .. .. .
φW [Ψm (0)
−CAn−1 Bu
C CA .. .
Dd CBd .. .
CAn−1 Bd
. CBd
Since the first block column contains the identity matrix I, it must hold that 0 0 φ [Ψm (0) − QΨku (0) R H] = 0 W22 CA CBd Dd −CBu .. .. .. .. = φ0 W22 = 0 (8.29) . . . . −CAn−1 Bu
Next it can be realized that CA CBd −CBu .. .. .. . . . −CAn−1 Bu CAn CAn−1 Bd C Dd .. .. .. = . . .
CAn−1 Bd
= . . . . CBd Dd −Bu A Bd 0 0 CAn−1 CAn−2 . . . CBd Dd C Dd −Bu,x Ax A12 .. .. 0 0 Az = ... . . n−1 n−2 0 0 0 CA CA . . . CBd Dd ..
Inkd Bd,x 0 0
= 0 0 Inkd
Section 8.3. Strong Detectability Criteria
Since the pair {Ax , [Bu,x Bd,x ]} is controllable, it follows, via the PBH-test, that the uppermost block of rows in the rightmost matrix, has full row-rank. Further, the fact that z is asymptotically stable implies that Az has full rank, and therefore, the whole rightmost matrix has full row-rank. This means that (8.29) implies that
C .. .
Dd .. .
φ0 W22
0 0 0 = φ W22 [R H ] = 0
. . . . CBd
This means that φ0 W22 [R0 H 0 ] = wk+1,m+1 .. = [φk+1 . . . φp 1] .
. . . wk+1,µ1 0
... wp+1,µp
0 0 [R H ] =
... 0 0
¯µp −1 wp+1,µp 0 . . . 0][R H 0 ] = w[R ¯ 0 H 0] = [w ¯m+1 . . . w The row vector w ¯ defines a dependent row of [R0 H 0 ] or equivalently of [R H]. By comparing w ¯ and the row vector [wp+1,1 . . . wp+1,µp 0 . . . 0], it can be concluded that the dependent row defined by w¯ is actually above the dependent row defined by the row vector [wp+1,1 . . . wp+1,µp 0 . . . 0] in W . This means that W can not define the uppermost set of primary dependent rows of [R H]. This contradiction means that F (0) = W [Ψm (0) − QΨku (0)] must have full row rank. Now return to the proof of Theorem 8.8: Proof: We will start with the only-if part of the proof and an indirect proof is used. Therefore assume that (NRH P µ)ρ=n = 0
Let the rows of a matrix W define the largest and uppermost set of primary dependent rows in [R H]ρ=n . Then according to Lemma 8.3, F (s) = W [Ψm (s) − QΨku (s)] becomes a polynomial basis for NL {M (s)} and F (0) has full row rank. Define X(s) as follows: X(s) =
∞ X
s−i Ai−1 Bf
Then by using the same reasoning as in the formulas (7.39), (7.40), and (7.41), we can conclude that Ψm (s)L(s) = RX(s) + P Ψ1 (s)
Chapter 8. Criterions for Fault Detectability in Linear Systems
Now assume that (8.30) holds. This implies the following: L(s) L(s) = F (s) |s=0 = W [Ψm (s) − QΨku (s)] s=0 0 0 = W Ψm (s)L(s) s=0 = W (RX(s) + P Ψ1 (s)) s=0 =∗
=∗ W P Ψ1 (0) = W P µ = 0
The equality marked =∗ holds since W [R H] = 0 and the last equality holds because of (8.30). Since F (s) is a polynomial basis for NL {M (s)} and F (0) has full row rank, Lemma 8.2 implies that the fault is not strongly detectable. Thus the only-if part of the proof has been shown. Also for the if part, an indirect proof will be used. Therefore we assume that the fault is not strongly detectable and want to prove that (8.30) holds. Assume that w1 is an arbitrary row-vector in NRH which means that w1 [R H] = 0. Pick other wi :s so that W = [w1T w2T . . . ]T defines a set of primary dependent rows in [R H]. This implies that W [R H] = 0 and according to Theorem 7.12, F (s) = W [Ψm (s) − QΨku (s)] becomes a polynomial basis (not necessarily irreducible) for NL {M (s)}. Then we know that for some polynomial matrix φ(s), it holds that F (s) = φ(s)NM (s), where NM (s) is a minimal polynomial basis for NL (M (s)). Theorem 8.6 together with the assumption that the fault is not strongly detectable implies that L(s) L(s) L(s) ∗ F (s) = φ(s)NM (s) = φ(0) NM (s) =0 0 0 0 s=0 s=0 s=0 where the equality marked =∗ holds because of Lemma 8.1. Also we have that L(s) L(s) F (s) = W [Ψ (s) − QΨ (s)] = W Ψm (s)L(s) s=0 = m ku s=0 s=0 0 0 = W (RX(s) + P Ψ1 (s)) s=0 = W P Ψ1 (0) = =W P µ = 0 This implies that w1 P µ = 0 which proves the if part. Note that only constant matrices are involved in Theorem 8.8 which implies that the condition (8.28) can also be written Im P µ 6⊆ Im [R H]
Discussions and Comparisons
In the previous two section, we have given a number of different criterions for fault detectability and strong fault detectability. When faced with a real problem, we want to know what criterion that is the most suitable. If the system model is given on transfer function form and we want to check fault detectability, then the easiest approach is probably the “frequency domain
Section 8.4. Discussions and Comparisons
approach”, i.e. the criterion given by Theorem 8.2. The reason is that, compared to the “intuitive approach”, we do not need to care about the transfer function G(s). To use this criterion, the rank test described in Section 8.2.1, is probably the preferred method. If the system model is given on state-space form and we want to check fault detectability, it is probably the criterion based on the system matrix, i.e. Theorem 8.3, that is the best choice. The reason for this is that in Section 7.5.2, we noted that the Chow-Willsky scheme is more numerically sensitive than the minimal polynomial basis approach. However note that the criterion based on the Chow-Willsky scheme, i.e. Theorem 8.4, uses only constant matrices, in contrast to the criterion based on the system matrix. This might in some cases be an advantage since we do not need special algorithms that can handle polynomial matrices. No matter what the preferred criterion is, in both cases, the actual test is probably most easily performed by the rank test. If the system model is given on transfer function form and we want to check strong fault detectability, there is only one alternative. Since the “frequency domain approach” doesn’t work we have to use the “intuitive approach”, i.e. Theorem 8.6. Finally, if the system model is given on state-space form and we want to check strong fault detectability, the criterion based on the system matrix, i.e. Theorem 8.7, is probably the best choice. The reason is again the numerical considerations from Section 7.5.2. However an advantage with the criterion based on the Chow-Willsky scheme, i.e. Theorem 8.8, is that only constant matrices are needed and also that the rank test is possible to perform. That is, we do not need to calculate a null-space. All the criterions for models given on state-space form, have been formulated without the need to care about controllability from u and d. This is in contrast to the design of polynomial parity functions for which we saw in Chapter 7 that for both the minimal polynomial basis approach and the Chow-Willsky scheme, controllability from u and d was important to be able to find all parity functions. If we want to, it is however possible to check fault detectability and strong fault detectability using a minimal state-space representation in which the state is controllable from u and d. This means that we are neglecting the states that are controllable from only the fault. For example for the Chow-Willsky scheme, the criterion for fault detectability becomes Theorem 8.9 A fault f is detectable in a system if and only if Im Pρ=nx * Im [Rx H]ρ=nx and the criterion for strong fault detectability becomes Theorem 8.10 A fault f is strongly detectable in a system if and only if Im (P µ − Rz A−1 z Bf,z )ρ=nx * Im [Rx H]ρ=nx The proofs of both these theorems can be found in (Nyberg, 1997).
Chapter 8. Criterions for Fault Detectability in Linear Systems
In an inverted pendulum example in (Chen and Patton, 1994), an observer based residual generator was used. It was shown that no residual generator with this specific structure could strongly detect a fault in sensor 1. It was posed as an open question if any residual generator, in which this fault is strongly detectable, exists and in that case how to find it. In the following example, this problem is re-investigated by means of the theorems from this section. Example 8.7 The system description, from (Chen and Patton, 1994), represents a continuous model of an inverted pendulum. It has one input and three outputs: 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 A= D = 03×1 0 −1.93 −1.99 0.009 0 36.9 6.26 −0.174
B = [0 0 − 0.3205 − 1.009]
1 0 C= 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0
The faults considered are sensor faults. There are no disturbances and also, there are no states controllable only from faults. To check both fault detectability and strong fault detectability, we set up the matrix Ms (s) and calculate a basis NMs (s) for the left null-space of Ms (s). Then we calculate Df NMs (s) = Bf 1 0 0 0 1 0 s 0 −1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 −0.009s + 1.93 s + 1.99 0 −0.009 1 0 = 0 = 0 0 0 0 s2 + 0.174s − 36.9 −6.26 0 s + 0.174 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 s 0 −1 −0.009s + 1.93 s + 1.99 6= 0 (8.32) = 0 2 0 s + 0.174s − 36.9 −6.26 Now using Theorem 8.3, we can conclude that all three sensor faults are detectable. To check strong detectability, we substitute s with 0. Then the first column in (8.32) becomes zero and the other non-zero. By using Theorem 8.7 we then conclude that the second and third sensor faults are strongly detectable, i.e. for each of these faults, a residual generator can be found for which the
Section 8.6. Conclusions
fault is strongly detectable. Also concluded is that the first sensor fault is only weakly detectable. Thus, the answer to the open question, posed in (Chen and Patton, 1994), is that it is not possible to construct a residual generator in which the fault in sensor 1 is strongly detectable. Example 8.8 Consider again the design example given in Section 7.6. In Figure 7.3 it is seen that the transfer function from f1 to the residual r has zero DC-gain. This can be validated by using Theorem 8.1 and the basis NM (s) from (7.58):
L(s) NM (s) |s=0 0
1 0 0 0.0538 0.091394 0.12 −1 0 0 = 0 = 0 0 −6.6653 −16.5141 31.4058 0 0 0 0
Thus, the fault in sensor 1 is not strongly detectable.
In this chapter, criterions for fault detectability and strong fault detectability, seen as system properties, have been derived. A few of these were known earlier but most of them are new. In particular, to the authors knowledge, general condition for strong fault detectability has not been presented elsewhere. Criterions for models given both on transfer function form and state-space form are considered. All the proofs, for the different criterions, become quite simple thanks to the notion of bases for linear residual generators, introduced in the previous chapter. For the case of strong fault detectability, it is shown that the existence of integrations in the system, can not be used, neither as a necessary nor sufficient condition.
Chapter 8. Criterions for Fault Detectability in Linear Systems
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Index complete detectability, 39 complete isolability, 38, 39 completely undesirable event, 152, 152 component, 16 fault mode, 22 fault state, 16, 24 fault state space, 22 conclusive diagnosis system, 33 constant plant parameter, 18 constant signal parameter, 18 controllability from [uT dT ]T , 192, 195, 209, 210, 218, 243, 244, 255 correct isolation, 147 CUSUM algorithm, 126
0-1 loss, 86 abrupt change, 69, 84, 122, 126 abrupt changes, 19 action, 26 adaptive diagnosis, 67 test quantity, 67 adaptive threshold, 81, 83, 141 admissible decision rule, 164 air-intake system, 103, 170 alarm, 29 approximate decoupling, 79 approximate minimization principle, 165 arbitrary fault signal, 17 automatic design, 146, 167, 168
decision logic, 7, 27, 28, 31 decision rule, 26, 163 decision structure, 54, 57, 60, 135, 148, 173 decoupling, 67, 78, 97, 190 approximate, 79 decoupling problem, 185 linear, 187 dedicated observer scheme, 53 degree of polynomial vector, 231 dependent row, 199, 230 desirable event, 152 desired response, 89, 152 detectability, 39, 236 complete, 39 criteria, 240 in a diagnosis system, 39 partial, 39 strong, 237, 238 uniform, 39
Bayes’ risk principle, 165 better than, 164 boost leak, 103 model of, 110 boost pressure, 103 canonical polynomial echelon form, 200 change detection, 19, 84 Chow-Willsky scheme, 206, 213, 243, 251 version I, 207 version II, 210 version III, 212 version IV, 217 CI, 147 comparison between diagnosis systems, 163 hypothesis tests, 85 test quantities, 88 265
266 weak, 237 detected fault, 37 diagnosis, see fault diagnosis diagnosis of leakage, 102 diagnosis statement, 26, 27, 49 refined, 43 diagnosis system, 26 automatic design of, 146, 167, 168 comparison between, 163 conclusive, 33 speculative, 33 dimension of null space, 190 disjunctive normal form, 151 minimal, 151 disturbance, 15, 68 don’t care, 54, 56, 57 engine model, 104, 171 EOBD, 101 equivalent area, 110 equivalent models, 34 estimate principle, 78, 94, 117, 122 normalization, 80 European On-Board Diagnostics, 101 evaluation of diagnosis system, 146 of hypothesis tests, 85 event, 147 Fp , 22 FA, 147, 155, 158 failure, 5 false alarm, 37, 147 fault, 5, 21 detectability, 236, 237 detectable, 39, 236, 237 detected, 37 detection, 5, 33 diagnosis, 1, 5, 34 model based, 1, 3 traditional, 2, 71 identification, 5, 34 incipient, 20 intermittent, 20 isolability, 38
Index isolated, 37 isolation, 5, 33, 49 large, 93 mode, see fault mode model, 17, 122 modeling, 14 monitored, 184 non-monitored, 184 parameter, 18 signal, 17 small, 93 state, see fault state strongly detectable, 237, 238 weakly detectable, 237 fault mode, 21, 22–24, 26 component, 22 component vs system, 23 detectability, 39 isolability, see isolabiliy, 39, 40 model, 26 multiple, 25 present, 22 relation between, see submode relation relations between, see submode relation single, 25 system, 22 fault state, 15, 24 component, 16 isolability, 38 space, 15, 21 FDI, 5 frequency domain method, 196, 202 FTP-75 test-cycle, 103 generalized fault isolation, 34 generalized likelihood ratio, 84 hardware redundancy, 3 Hermite form, 197 hypothesis, 48 hypothesis test, 48, 50 comparison between, 85 evaluation of, 85 multiple, 48
Index ID, 147, 155, 159 incidence structure, 54, 54, 56 incipient fault, 20 incorrect detection, 147 indicator function, 178 insignificant fault, 148 intermittent fault, 20 intersection, 28 intersection-union test, 48 irreducible basis, 191, 231 irreducible matrix, 231 isolability, 38, 39 complete, 38, 39 in a diagnosis system, 38, 39 of fault states, see fault state isolability partial, 39 under [x0 , u, φ], 38, 39 uniform, 38, 39 isolated fault, 37 isolation, see fault isolation correct, 147 missed, 147 large fault, 93 leakage area, 112 leakage diagnosis, 102 likelihood function, 76 likelihood principle, 76 normalization, 83 likelihood ratio, 83, 84 limit checking, 2 linear decoupling problem, 187 log-likelihood function, 77 logic, 31 loss function, 86, 147 manifold leak, 104 model of, 110 manifold pressure, 103 matrix fraction description, 192, 196 maximum likelihood, 77 maximum likelihood ratio, 84 MD, 147 mean value model, 104 MFD, 192, 196
267 MI, 147 MIM, 150, 155, 160 minimal disjunctive normal form, 151 minimal polynomial basis, 190, 191, 231 minimal polynomial basis approach, 189, 213 minimax principle, 91, 165 missed detection, 37, 147 missed isolation, 37, 147 model, 3, 14, 15, 16, 17, 25 accuracy, 4, 14 error, 79 of engine, 104, 171 of flow past throttle, 104 validity measure, 67, 68, 78 model based fault diagnosis, 1, 3 monitored fault, 184 Monte Carlo simulations, 87 multiple fault, 25 multiple fault mode, 25 multiple hypothesis test, 48 NA, 147 no alarm, 147 no fault, 21, 29 nominal value, 78 non-monitored fault, 184 normal rank, 230 normalization, 79, 141 null hypothesis, 48, 51, 71, 130 null space, 190 null space condition, 241 OBDII, 101 observability index, 196 On-Board Diagnostics II, 101 order of linear residual generator, 186, 186 of polynomial basis, 231 of polynomial parity function, 187 parameter estimation, 8, 18, 67, 78 limitations with, 8 parameterization, 191
268 parity equation, 188 parity function, 188, 191 of minimal order, 191 order of, 187 polynomial, 188 rational, 189 partial detectability, 39 partial isolability, 39 PBH rank test, 230 performance measure, 85, 147 polynomial basis, 190, 191, 231 irreducible, 231 minimal, 231 order of, 231 polynomial echelon form, 198 polynomial parity function, 187, 188, 191 of minimal order, 191 order of, 187 Polynomial Toolbox, 197 power function, 50, 87, 92, 118, 167 estimation of, 87 prediction error principle, 68, 94 prediction principle, 67, 94, 116, 125 normalization, 81 present fault mode, 22 primary dependent rows, 199, 230 probability bounds, 152, 152, 158 propositional logic, 31, 150 propositional logic representation, 31 quasi canonical polynomial echelon form, 200 rank condition, 241 rational parity function, 189 refined diagnosis statement, 43, 71 rejection region, 50 residual, 7, 74, 184 evaluation, 7 generation, 7, 74 generator, 74, 184 order of, 186, 186 structure, 7, 54, 59, 60 risk function, 86, 89, 150, 162 bounds of, 162
Index RLS, 123 robustness, 79 row-degree, 231 of basis, 203 row-reduced matrix, 231 row-search, 199, 212 Sk0 , Sk1 , 49, 58, 92, 167 sample data, 50, 66 set representation, 27 significance level, 50, 80, 89, 91 significant fault, 148 single fault, 25 single fault mode, 25 small fault, 93 speculative diagnosis system, 33 strong detectability criteria, 245 strong fault detectability, 237, 238 structured hypothesis tests, 48, 60 structured residuals, 7, 54, 59, 60 limitations with, 7, 59, 62 submode, 35 in the limit, 35 relation, 34, 40, 43, 51, 71, 115, 130 sufficient statistic, 99 system fault mode, 22 system matrix, 192, 242, 249 test, 27 test candidate, 167 test quantity, 50, 66, 67, 131 comparison between, 88 threshold, 89, 91 throttle open area, 105 traditional fault diagnosis, 2, 71 two-step approach, 72, 74, 76, 77, 136 TYPE I error, 85 TYPE II error, 85 UMP test, 99 uniform detectability, 39 uniform isolability, 38, 39 uniformly most powerful test, 99 unimodular matrix, 231
Index weakly detectable fault, 237 window length, 66 X, see don’t care z-signal, 15