Model-Driven Design plus Artificial Intelligence for Wireless Sensor Networks Software Development Peter Mülders, Stefan Gruner*
Nguyen Xuan Thang
Research Group for Software Science and Formal Methods
Distributed Systems Group
Department of Computer Science, Universiteit van Pretoria
Faculty of Electr. and Inform., University of Kassel
Lynnwood Road, 0002 Pretoria, Republic of South Africa
Wilhelmshöher Allee 73, 34121 Kassel, Germany
[email protected]
[email protected]
which an executable program-code document De is derived from a high-level specification document Ds via a refinement-chain of intermediate documents Di, such that
To date, software development for wireless sensor network nodes is still characterized by low-level ad-hoc programming to a large extent. This short-paper argues for a methodologically more systematic approach on the basis of Model-Driven Engineering with CASE-Tool support, in combination with AI-based design choice optimizations during the MDE-steps of model-refinement and information-enrichment. Our work in this project is ongoing.
Ds = D0