model matematis dari perilaku pola asuh terhadap status ... - Jurnal

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MODEL MATEMATIS DARI PERILAKU POLA ASUH TERHADAP STATUS GIZI DAN PERKEMBANGAN BALITA Sugeng Iwan Setyobudi, Sutomo Rum Teguh Kaswari, Tapriadi Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang, Jl. Besar Ijen No 77 C Malang Email: [email protected]

Abstract: The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship and determine mathematical model behavior of care pattern with nutrition status and the development of under 5 years old baby in Junrejo village, district area of Junrejo, Batu city. The research use an observational analyse with cross sectional design. The sample of this research is mother and under 5 years old baby available in Posyandu (combined services for baby of under 5 years old). The result of the research showed that predisposing factor, comprise the level of knowledge about health and nutrition, attitude, culture and social was enable good bring up to child. The score of nutrition care pattern is 46,43–100, the great number of respondent (66,47%) included in suitable category with average 76,33. The score of health care pattern is 68,75–100, the great number of respondent (54,34%) having health care pattern score that included in a suitable category with average 87,72. A great number of under 5 years old baby nutrition status (TB/U) is (82%) normal status with average Z-score -0,74. A great number of under 5 years old baby development status (KPSP) is (78%) appropriate status. It is known that care pattern has significant influence to nutrition status, however it doesn’t significantly influence to the level of under 5 years baby growth (KPSP). The mathematical model that shaped from data are : Nutrition Status ( Z-Score) = -9,916 +0,055 (nutrition care pattern)+0,057 (health care pattern) and Development score (KPSP) =7,332+0,021 (health care pattern). Keywords: behavior, care pattern, mathematical model, nutrition status, growth and development. Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian menganalisis hubungan perilaku pola asuh dengan status gizi dan perkembangan balita dan menentukan model matematis perilaku pola asuh balita di Desa Junrejo Kec. Junrejo Kota Batu. Penelitian bersifat observasional analisis dengan design Cross Sectional. Sampel penelitian adalah ibu balita. Analisis data secara kuantitatif, pengujian hipotesis dengan regresi linier dua prediktor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor predisposisi (tingkat pengetahuan, sikap dan faktor sosial budaya) berpengaruh kepada balita. Nilai skor pola asuh gizi 46,43–100, sebagian besar responden (66,47%) termasuk katagori cukup dengan rata-rata 76,33. Skor Pola asuh kesehatan berkisar 68,75-100; 54,34% skor pola asuh kesehatan dalam katagori Cukup dengan rata-rata 87,72. Status gizi Balita (TB/U) 82% normal dengan rata-rata Z-score -0,74. Tingkat perkembangan balita 78% sesuai. Pola asuh berpengaruh signifikan terhadap status gizi, namun tidak berpengaruh terhadap tingkat perkembangan balita. Model Matematis : Status Gizi ( Z-Score) = -9,916+0,055 (Pola Asuh Gizi) +0,057 (Pola Asuh Kesehatan) dan Tingkat perkembangan (KPSP) = 7,332+0,021 (Pola Asuh Kesehatan). Kata Kunci: pola asuh, model matematis, status gizi, pertumbuhan dan perkembangan