Ttv (EXT1). Impaired HS biosynthesis. Wing imaginal disc: defective Hh, Wg and Dpp distribution and signalling activity. Long range activity of Hh completely ...
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Supplementary Information S2 | Model organisms to study the formation of cartilaginous tumours with respect to EXT and growth plate signalling General phenotype Drosophila melanogaster (fruitfly) Ttv (EXT1) Impaired HS biosynthesis Wing imaginal disc: defective Hh, Wg and Dpp distribution and signalling activity Long range activity of Hh completely abolished Adult wing narrower in anterior/posterior orientation Mutant embryos die at pupal stage Sotv (EXT2) Impaired HS biosynthesis Wing imaginal disc: defective Hh, Wg and Dpp distribution and signalling activity Adult wing not as affected as ttv and botv mutants Botv (EXTL3) Impaired HS biosynthesis Wing imaginal disc: defective Hh, Wg and Dpp distribution and signalling activity Adult wing narrower in anterior/posterior orientation Danio rerio (zebrafish) Dackel (EXT2) All arches short and thick and strongly reduced, disorganized cartilage stacking No pectoral fins; tail often curls up Jaw not extended Impaired HS synthesis Boxer (EXTL3) All arches short and thick and strongly reduced No pectoral fins; tail often curls up Jaw not extended Impaired HS synthesis Caenorhabditis elegans (worm) Rib-1 (EXT1) Embryonic lethality Short, thick isthmus Impaired HS synthesis Rib-2 (EXT2) Egg laying defects Increased body width Reduced activity in movement Impaired HS synthesis
(3-5) (3-5)
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