Modeling and characterization of metal-semiconductor-metal-based source-drain contacts in amorphous InGaZnO thin film transistors Sangwon Lee,1 Jun-Hyun Park,1 Kichan Jeon,1 Sungchul Kim,1 Yongwoo Jeon,1 Dae Hwan Kim,1 Dong Myong Kim,1,a兲 Jae Chul Park,2 and Chang Jung Kim2 1
School of Electrical Engineering, Kookmin University, 861-1 Jeongneung-dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-702, Republic of Korea 2 Semiconductor Laboratory, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Nongseo-Dong, Giheung-Gu, Yongin-Si, Gyeonggi-Do 446-712, Republic of Korea
共Received 4 January 2010; accepted 23 February 2010; published online 15 March 2010兲 Due to the inherent property of large contact and parasitic resistances in amorphous InGaZnO 共a-IGZO兲 thin film transistors 共TFTs兲, a metal-semiconductor-metal 共MSM兲 structure is a key element in a-IGZO TFTs. Therefore, voltage drops across resistances and MSM structure should be fully considered in the modeling and characterization of a-IGZO TFTs. A physics-based semiempirical model for the current-voltage characteristics of the MSM structure for the source-channel-drain contact in a-IGZO TFTs is proposed and verified with experimental results. The proposed model for the current in a-IGZO MSM structures includes a thermionic field emission 关JTFE ⬀ exp共VR,Schottky / Vo兲兴 and trap-assisted generation 共Jgen ⬀ 冑VR,Schottky兲 in addition to the thermionic emission current 共JS: Independent of the bias兲 under reverse bias. Experimental result suggests that electrical characteristics of the MSM structure depend not only on the Schottky barrier but also on the bulk property of the a-IGZO active layer. © 2010 American Institute of Physics. 关doi:10.1063/1.3364134兴 Amorphous oxide thin film transistors 共TFTs兲 are expected to be widely employed as switching devices for active-matrix liquid crystal displays/active-matrix organic light-emitting diodes because of the advantages in large scale integration, low cost room temperature 共RT兲 fabrication process, high mobility, and compatibility with transparent and electronic paper applications.1,2 Characterization of the contact property between the source/drain 共S/D兲 metal and the amorphous InGaZnO 共a-IGZO兲 semiconductor active layer is important because a high series resistance in the S/D contacts causes degradation of electrical performance in threshold voltage 共VT兲, field effect mobility 共FE兲, Ion / Ioff ratio, subthreshold swing 共SS兲, and other short channel effect.3 Due to large parasitic resistances inherent in a-IGZO TFTs, voltage drops across resistances should be considered in the modeling and characterization with the transfer length.3 For circuit applications of a-IGZO TFTs, physical mechanisms for the current transport should be considered in the modeling and characterization of the metal-semiconductor-metal 共MSM兲 structure. In this work, a physics-based semiempirical model for the current transport in the MSM structure for S/D contacts is proposed and their modeling parameters are characterized for robust design and assessment of a-IGZO TFTs and their integrated circuits. Fabricated TFTs have an inverted staggered bottom gate 共thickness of SiO2 : TGI = 100 nm兲 with a-IGZO active layer 共TIGZO = 70 nm兲 deposited by rf magnetron sputtering at RT. The channel length 共L兲, the width 共W兲, and the overlap 共Lov兲 between the gate and S/D are designed to be L = 2 m, W = 200 m, and Lov = 10 m, respectively. A schematic cross-section of the integrated a-IGZO TFTs is shown in the inset of Fig. 1共a兲 by the process sequence described in Ref. 4. Both the transfer and output characteristics of the fabricated a兲
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a-IGZO TFT are shown in Figs. 1共a兲 and 1共b兲, respectively. Characteristic parameters are obtained to be VT = −0.75 V, FE = 11.4 cm2 / Vs, and SS = 370 mV/ dec. a-IGZO TFTs contain an MSM structure between the source-semiconducting a-IGZO active layer-drain due to the contact formation process on the semiconducting wide band gap a-IGZO layer 共Eg ⬎ 3.0 eV兲. It can be electrically modeled as a series connection of two Schottky diodes with a resistor between them as shown in the inset of Fig. 2共a兲. The energy band diagram for the conduction mechanism in the MSM structure is schematically shown in Fig. 2共b兲 as an inset. In the S/D MSM structure, we obtain IDS = IR,Schottky = IIGZO = IF,Schottky ,
VDS = VR,Schottky + VR + VIGZO + VF,Schottky ⬇ VR,Schottky + VIGZO + VF,Schottky ,
FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 共a兲 Measured transfer 共IDS-VGS兲 characteristics with a schematic structure as an inset and 共b兲 output 共IDS-VDS兲 characteristics of the fabricated a-IGZO TFT with W / L = 200 m / 2 m.
96, 113506-1
© 2010 American Institute of Physics
Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 113506 共2010兲
Lee et al.
JTFE = JTFEo exp +
AⴱT2冑E00 kT
qVR,Schottky , E⬘
冉 冊
EB EB exp − , cosh共E00/kT兲 E0
qVR +
共7兲 E⬘ = E00 FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 Measured current voltage characteristics of the MSM structure. 共a兲 IDS-冑VDS curve for characterization of the Jgen-dominant operation with an equivalent circuit as an inset and 共b兲 IDS-VDS curve for charactering the JTFE-dominant region with a schematic energy band diagram for current mechanisms as an inset.
VR,Schottky + VF,Schottky ⬵ VR,Schottky ,
with IDS共VDS兲: the drain current共voltage兲 across the MSM structure, IIGZO共VIGZO兲: Current 共voltage兲 through the and a-IGZO active layer, IR,Schottky共VR,Schottky兲 IR,Schottky共VR,Schottky兲: Current 共voltage兲 across the reverseand forward-biased Schottky diodes, and VR: Voltage drop across the S/D parasitic resistance. Current in the MSM structure for the S/D contact is limited by the reverse biased Schottky contact and there are mainly three current components; 共i兲 thermal generation current 共Jgen兲, 共ii兲 thermionic field emission current 共JTFE兲, and 共iii兲 thermionic emission current 共JS兲 in the reverse biased Schottky diode 共Ref. 5兲. Investigating the bias-dependence of the current in the experimental data, the trap-assisted generation current 共Jgen兲 共Ref. 6兲 in the space charge region 共SCR兲 is observed to be the main component under a low drain bias 关Fig. 2共a兲兴. Although the band gap energy of the a-IGZO layer is very high 共⬃3 eV兲, trapped electrons under the Fermi level 共EF兲 in the a-IGZO channel layer can be thermally excited through the subgap energy states distributed over the band gap. On the other hand, the thermionic field emission current 共JTFE兲 共Ref. 7兲 is dominant under a large reverse bias 关Fig. 2共b兲兴. The trap-assisted thermal generation current Jgen through traps in the SCR is described by Jgen = q
gthdx = Jgo
冋 冉
⫻ 1 − exp −
Jgo ⬅
qni 2o
VR,Schottky Vth
VR,Schottky Vbi
2IGZOVbi 关A/cm2兴, qND
where ni, o, IGZO, ND, and Vbi are the intrinsic carrier density, lifetime, permittivity, donor density in the a-IGZO active layer, and the built-in voltage in the Schottky contact, respectively. We note that Jgen is proportional to 冑共1 + VR,Schottky / Vbi兲 and the characteristic current density Jgo is determined by the bulk property of the a-IGZO layer. The thermionic field emission current JTFE, formed by thermal excitation of electrons and continuous tunneling through the Schottky barrier from the metal to the a-IGZO channel layer under large reverse bias and, is described by
冉 冊册
E00 E00 − tanh kT kT
E0 = E00 coth共E00/kT兲,
E00 =
ប 2
where Aⴱ, T, EB, ប, and mⴱIGZO are the Richardson constant, temperature, Schottky barrier, the Plank constant, and the effective mass of electrons in the a-IGZO layer, respectively. E⬘, E0, and E00 are characteristic energies for the thermionic field emission current.7 We also note that JTFE is proportional to exp共qVR,Schottky / E⬘兲. The thermionic emission current JS is formed by electrons overcoming the Schottky barrier by the thermal energy from the metal to the a-IGZO channel layer. It is described by JS = AⴱT2 exp共−EB / kT兲 and independent of the reverse bias. Therefore, the dominant mechanisms across the MSM structure are expected to be the trap-assisted generation current Jgen and the thermionic field emission current JTFE under reverse bias as described by JR,Schottky = Jgen + JTFE + JS .
The property of contacts on the a-IGZO layer depends not only on the Schottky barrier EB but also on the bulk property of the a-IGZO channel layer. Therefore, it is strongly subject to the fabrication process such as rf power, O2 partial pressure, and thickness of the a-IGZO active layer.8–10 Due to the inherent property of a-IGZO TFTs, the voltage drop across large channel and parasitic resistances should be considered in the modeling and characterization of the MSM structure. The total resistance is composed of the external load resistance 共RL兲, source resistance 共RS兲, drain resistance 共RD兲, and VGS-dependent channel resistance 共Rch兲. The contact resistance 共RC = RS + RD兲 can be extracted by using the modified external loading method11 connecting an external load resistor to the source terminal. Considering the voltage drop on resistances, the drain current IDS in TFTs under linear operation is described by IDS = K兵VGS − IDS共RS + RL兲 − VT − 0.5关VDS − IDS共RS + RD + RL兲兴其 ⫻ 关VDS − IDS共RS + RD + RL兲兴,
where K = Cox共W / L兲 with = the channel carrier mobility and Cox = the effective gate capacitance per unit area 共F / cm2兲. Under linear mode of operation with a small drain bias VDS, we obtain RL + RS + RD 1 1 = + . IDS VDS K共VGS − VT − 0.5VDS兲VDS
By plotting 1 / IDS versus RL as a function of VGS, RLo from the intercept in Fig. 3共a兲 can be obtained to be
Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 113506 共2010兲
Lee et al.
FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 Extraction of the S/D contact resistance RC = RS + RD through the external load resistance method 共Ref. 11兲. 共a兲 1 / IDS vs external load resistance RL as a function of VGS and 共b兲 −RL0 vs 1 / 共VGS − VT − 0.5VDS兲−1 curve to get RC = RS + RD. The inset shows voltage drops in the channel and contact region calculated from the extracted resistance from experimental data.
− RLo共VGS兲 = RS + RD +
1 . K共VGS − VT − 0.5VDS兲
By plotting the VGS-dependent −RLo as a function of 1 / 共VGS − VT − 0.5VDS兲, RC = RS + RD can be extracted as shown in the Fig. 3共b兲. In the linear mode 共VDS = 0.15 V兲, the total resistances from two IDS-VDS curves are extracted to be almost the same as RT,gate_floating = 121 k⍀ when the gate electrode is floated and RT,VGS=0 V = 132 k⍀ at VGS = 0 V. Since we modeled that RC = RS + RD is independent of VGS, the difference in the total resistance is caused by the VGS-dependent channel resistance. With VGS-dependent channel resistance, the S/D contact resistance is extracted to be RC = 42.6 k⍀. Each voltage drop in the channel and contact region is calculated considering the extracted resistance from experimental data shown in Fig. 3共b兲 as an inset. Extraction of model parameters using the physics-based model for the MSM structure in the a-GIZO TFT is shown in Fig. 4共a兲. The Schottky barrier, denoted in the inset of Fig. 4共a兲, of the contact from the thermionic emission current component JTFEo is obtained to be EB = 0.216 eV. By plotting 冑共1 + VR,Schottky / Vbi兲 versus ID in the Jgen-dominant re-
FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 Extraction of model parameters and verification of the physics-based model for the MSM structure in a-GIZO TFTs. 共a兲 Extraction of physics-based model parameters from experimental data 共EB = 0.216 eV, ND = 1.01⫻ ⅹ1017 cm−3, Vbi = 0.097 V兲. 共b兲 Measured IDS-VDS characteristics of the a-IGZO MSM structure are compared with the physics based semiempirical model for VGS = 0 V.
gion, Vbi can be obtained from the intersection in Fig. 4共a兲. On the other hand, by plotting VR,Schottky versus log共ID兲 in the JTFE-dominant region where JTFE is proportional to exp共qVR,Schottky / E⬘兲, ND is extracted from the slope in Fig. 4共a兲. In Fig. 4共b兲 for VGS = 0 V, IDS-VDS characteristics of the a-IGZO MSM structure are compared with the physicsbased semiempirical model for the effective contact area Aeff = 100 m2 considering the channel width and the transfer length of the metal contact.3 Experimental I-V curve agrees well with the physics-based semiempirical model adopting experimentally extracted model parameters 共Jgo = 526.7 A / cm2, o = 2.73 s, IGZO = 11.5 o, ND = 1.01 ⴱ ⫻ ⅹ1017 cm−3, mIGZO = 0.15mo, and Vbi = 0.097 V兲. In conclusion, voltage drops across resistances should be considered in the modeling and characterization because a-IGZO TFTs contain an MSM structure due to inherent property of large contact and parasitic S/D resistances. A physics based semiempirical model for the current-voltage characteristics of the source-channel-drain MSM contact in a-IGZO TFTs was proposed, model parameters are extracted, and verified by comparison of the experimental data. In the model for a-IGZO MSM structures, a thermionic field emission and trap-assisted generation were considered in addition to the thermionic emission current under reverse bias. Experimental result suggests that contact characteristics are strongly dependent not only on the Schottky barrier but also on the bulk property of the a-IGZO active layer. This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea 共NRF兲 grant funded by the Korea government 共MEST兲 共Grant No. 2009–0080344兲. The CAD software was supported by SILVACO and IC Design Education Center 共IDEC兲. 1
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