an all-electric warship includes tightly coupled energy and fluid ... electric warship is described herein. ...... The transit time calculation assumes one dimensional.
Modeling and Simulation of an Electric Warship Integrated Engineering Plant A.M. Cramer, R.R. Chan, S.D. Sudhoff Purdue University
Y. Lee, M.R. Surprenant, N.S. Tyler, E.L. Zivi U.S. Naval Academy
R.A. Youngs Anteon Corporation Copyright © 2006 SAE International
ABSTRACT A layered approach to the simulation of dynamically interdependent systems is presented. In particular, the approach is applied to the integrated engineering plant of a notional all-electric warship. The models and parameters of the notional ship are presented herein. This approach is used to study disruptions to the integrated engineering plant caused by anti-ship missiles. Example simulation results establish the effectiveness of this approach in examining the propagation of faults and cascading failures throughout a dynamically interdependent system of systems.
INTRODUCTION Effective design of advanced, integrated systems often requires consideration of the dynamic interdependence of the constituent subsystems. Although shipboard machinery systems have traditionally been designed independently, the integrated engineering plant (IEP) of an all-electric warship includes tightly coupled energy and fluid transport systems. This plant includes electrical generation, distribution, and propulsion; freshwater and seawater based thermal management; and distributed controls. The modeling and simulation of a notional electric warship is described herein. In the past, it has often been the case that, for example, the electrical and thermal systems are represented independently; however, they are strongly interrelated. The power electronics converters in the system require cooling to operate, but the pumps that circulate the cooling fluids require electric power. By developing an integrated approach for the simulation of this interconnected system, it is possible to investigate the effects of this interdependency.
The simulation approach presented in this paper is a layered approach wherein each of the subsystems is represented in a separate layer with well-defined inputs and outputs from other layers. The various layers encompass different aspects of the system’s overall behavior. These layers include a spatial layer (used to determine effects of incoming weapon detonations), an automation layer, an ac medium voltage high power distribution layer, a zonal dc power distribution layer, a seawater cooling network layer, and a freshwater cooling network layer. The layered approach is flexible enough to incorporate future layers as more aspects of the plant’s behavior are modeled. Models describing the components of each layer and their parameters are included. These models are based on a physical test site—the land based Naval Combat Survivability Testbed located at Purdue University [1]. The goal is to produce concise, computationally efficient models which capture the complex dynamical interdependence of the disparate subsystems. Moreover, a model interconnection scheme allows subsystem models to be considered independently or as an integrated, dynamically interdependent composite. Once the subsystem models have been formulated, the use of the model to study disruptions from anti-ship missiles on the IEP is considered. These example simulation results establish the effectiveness of this approach to examine the propagation of faults and cascading of failures throughout a dynamically interdependent system of systems.
SYSTEM OVERVIEW Electric warship IEPs provide services to the ship which are vital to completing the ship’s mission. These services include electrical power, mobility, and thermal
management. In the notional ship considered herein, the IEP includes ac electric power networks, a zonal dc electric power distribution network, a seawater cooling network, and freshwater cooling loops. The IEP considered in this work has two ac networks and a zonal dc network with three zones. One of the ac networks is located forward and the other aft. This geographical separation decreases the likelihood that both networks would be damaged during an explosion. The structure of the electric system is shown in Figure 1. In the figure, each ac network is supplied with mechanical energy from a prime mover (PM) which represents a gas turbine. The PM controls the speed at which the shaft of the corresponding synchronous machine (SM) rotates, controlling the electrical frequency of the ac that is generated by the SM. A brushless exciter/voltage regulator (BE/VR) regulates the output voltage of each SM. Each SM is connected to an ac bus which feeds two loads, a propulsion drive (PD) which drives the propulsion motor and a power supply (PS) that delivers power to the zonal distribution network. The power supplies from each of the ac networks supply a primary dc bus (PDCB) on each side of the ship. A converter module (CM) is connected to each PDCB in each zone. Opposite CMs are connected to a zonal dc bus (ZDCB) which supplies power to the inverter module (IM) in each zone. The IM provides ac power to the ship service loads located in that zone.
Figure 2. Seawater Network Overview
Figure 3. Freshwater Loop System Overview The control scheme used herein has been called anarchist because it only relies on local supervisory controllers to determine when to operate each device. There is no communication between devices. Each device is operated when the local measurements suggest that conditions are viable to operate. The overall layout of the notional ship is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 1. Electric System Overview Shipboard electrical components are cooled by the seawater network depicted in Figure 2. In this figure, numbers enclosed in squares indicate seawater nodes (SWNs), numbers enclosed in circles indicate seawater valves (SWVs), and unenclosed numbers indicate seawater branches (SWBs). In each zone of the ship a seawater pump (SWP) provides pressure to the network. Component heat exchangers (CHXs) are used to cool larger loads (particularly SMs and PDs) directly from the seawater network, while freshwater loop systems (FWLSs) are used to cool the smaller loads. The FWLSs are shown in Figure 3. Each component is cooled by a freshwater loop (FWL). The FWLs come together to be cooled by a fluid heat exchanger (FHX) that is cooled by the seawater network.
Figure 4. Layout of Notional Ship
MODEL STRUCTURE The simulation approach presented herein is a layered approach wherein each of the subsystems described above is represented in a separate layer with welldefined inputs and outputs from the other layers. The various layers encompass different aspects of the system’s overall behavior. These layers include the spatial, automation, ac, dc, seawater, and thermal layers, but the layered approach is flexible enough to
incorporate future layers as more aspects of the plant’s behavior are modeled. The different layers of the ship are shown in Figure 5. The spatial layer describes the geographic location of each of the components of the IEP. This description and information about a potential weapon event are used to determine which components would survive that event. The automation layer contains models of the supervisory controllers that govern the operation of IEP components. This layer combines information from other layers to determine when a given device can operate. This includes checking whether the device has survived the weapon event. The ac layer contains models of the two ac networks in the system, which interacts extensively with the dc layer which models the zonal distribution network. The seawater layer models the pressure and flow of seawater through the seawater network, while the thermal layer models the heat flow through heat exchangers and freshwater cooling loops.
Before the models are presented, some notational issues will be discussed. Heaviside notation is used throughout this paper. Thus the time derivative of a variable x is denoted px . The dot product operator is written as ⋅,⋅ , and all norms, ⋅ , are Euclidean norms, i.e. ⋅ 2 . The operator := represents assignment rather than algebraic equality. The function
bound(⋅,⋅,⋅) is
x>u ⎧u ⎪ defined such that bound(l , u, x ) = ⎨ x l ≤ x ≤ u . Finally, I n ⎪x x 1 then the point was the second endpoint of the previous segment and has already been tested for intersection with the explosion. If s = 1 then the point should be checked for intersection using (1) and (2). In the general case that c s ≠ c s +1 then any point on the line connecting c s and c s + 1 can be written as c = αc s + (1 − α )c s + 1 . If α ∈ [0,1] then the point c is actually on the line segment. To determine the closest point on the line to the center of the explosion F = c−d
2 is minimized with respect to α . The value
of α that minimizes F is given by
d − c s+1 , c s − c s+1 c s − c s+1
Projecting α onto [0,1] yields the closest point on the line segment, c , to the explosion center. Then (1) and (2) can be used to check this point for intersection. As soon as any point on the path has been found to intersect the explosion sphere it is not necessary to consider remaining segments.
component. An example of such a component is a PD. The bounding box would contain the actual propulsion motor in addition to the drive itself. The prism is defined by its centroid, c = ( xc , yc , zc ) and by its length, width, and height, Δ = (Δx, Δy , Δz ) . To determine whether the prism is hit, one can project the explosion center into the prism so that c−
Δ ≤p≤c+ Δ 2
where p is the projected version of d , and inequalities in (4) are taken to hold elementwise. example, the x-component of p is given x p = bound( xc − Δx 2 , xc + Δx 2 , xd ) . Then p is
(4) the For by the
closest point in the prism to d . The distance from the explosion center to the closest point in the prism is given by d = p −d .
Finally, (2) can be used to check for intersection.
AUTOMATION LAYER The automation layer contains models of all of the supervisory controllers in the system. It has representations of the local protective controllers that ensure that components only operate when it is safe and possible. Recall that the control scheme used herein is anarchist and only relies on these local controllers to determine when to operate each device. However, if a hierarchal control system were implemented it would be represented in this layer; although any required communication links would require a communications layer. That addition would be straightforward because of the flexible nature of the layered modeling approach. The automation layer also contains models of the actuators that are used to reconfigure the system. These actuators serve a vital role in the ship’s ability to recover from damage situations. Each of the local supervisory controllers determines when it is possible to activate and when it is necessary to deactivate the associated device. Each constructs an activate and a deactivate signal, α and β , respectively. Then, on any change in α or β , the operation of the device is updated in accordance with o := α + β o .
RECTANGULAR PRISM Most components can be represented in three dimensional space as rectangular prisms. Even if a component is not strictly a rectangular prism, it is possible to find a bounding box that contains the
Throughout the descriptions below, o * represents the commanded operation status of the device, and h represents the hit status of the device which is determined in the spatial layer. Also, x y ,a ,min and x y ,a ,max
represent the minimum and maximum values of the variable x y for which the device is allowed to activate. Similarly, x y ,o ,min and x y,o ,max represent the minimum and maximum values for which the device is allowed to operate. In general, x y,o ,min < x y ,a ,min < x y ,a ,max < x y ,o ,max . SYNCHRONOUS MACHINE OPERATION The SM supervisory controller determines when a SM can operate. The SM is permitted to operate when it is commanded to, it has not been damaged, the rotor speed is in an acceptable range, and it has not overheated. Thus the activate and deactivate signals are given by
α = o*h (ω rm ≥ ω rm,a ,min )(ω rm ≤ ω rm ,a ,max )oh
where Thx is the cold plate temperature of the CHX that is cooling the PD power electronics. POWER SUPPLY OPERATION The PS supervisory controller determines when a PS can operate. The PS is permitted to operate when it is commanded to, it has not been damaged, its input voltage is in an acceptable range, and its temperature is reasonable. Thus the activate and deactivate signals are given by
α = o* h (vin ≥ vin,a ,min )(vin ≤ vin,a ,max ) ⋅
β = o * + h + (vin < vin,o ,min ) + (vin > vin,o ,max ) +
(Thx > Thx,o,max )
β = o * + h + (ω rm < ω rm,o,min ) + (ω rm > ω rm,o ,max ) + oh , (8) respectively, where ωrm is the mechanical rotor speed, and oh is the overheat status which is governed by oh := oh + (Thx > Thx,o ,max )
where Thx is the cold plate temperature of the CHX that is cooling the SM. PROPULSION DRIVE OPERATION The PD supervisory controller determines when a PD can operate. The PD is permitted to operate when it is commanded to, it has not been damaged, its input and dc link capacitor voltages are in acceptable ranges, and it has not overheated. Thus the activate and deactivate signals are given by
α = o* h (vin ≥ vin,a ,min )(vin ≤ vin,a ,max ) ⋅
(vc ≥ vc,a,min )oh
β = o * + h + (vin < vin,o ,min ) + (vin > vin,o ,max ) +
(vc < vc,o,min ) + oh
respectively, where vin is the peak input voltage and Thx is the cold plate temperature of the CHX that is cooling the PS. CONVERTER/INVERTER MODULE OPERATION The CM/IM supervisory controller determines when a CM or an IM can operate. The CM or IM is permitted to operate when it is commanded to, it has not been damaged, its input voltage is in an acceptable range, and its temperature is reasonable. Thus the activate and deactivate signals are given by
α = o* h (vin ≥ vin,a ,min )(vin ≤ vin,a ,max ) ⋅
(Thx ≤ Thx,a,max )
β = o * + h + (vin < vin ,o,min ) + (vin > vin ,o ,max ) +
(Thx > Thx,o,max )
respectively, where vin is the dc input voltage and Thx is the cold plate temperature of the CHX that is cooling the device. LOAD OPERATION
respectively, where vin is the peak input voltage, v c is the dc link capacitor voltage (described in the propulsion drive model below), and oh is the overheat status which is governed by oh := oh + (Thx > Thx,o ,max )
(Thx ≤ Thx,a,max )
The load operation controller determines when an electrical load (SWP or FWL) can operate. The load is permitted to operate when it is commanded to, it and its line to the source IM have not been damaged, and the source IM is operating. Thus the activate and deactivate signals are given by
α = o * h oin
3] in each network is taken to be that of the rotor reference frame of the corresponding SM.
β = o * + h + oin ,
respectively, where h is the hit status of both the load and the line that connects the load to the IM that supplies the load’s power. Also, oin is the operation status of that IM. SEAWATER VALVE Two types of SWVs are considered for securing the seawater network after battle damage has occurred. Type 1 SWVs are initially open, and, if a certain flow rate is exceeded, they close and cannot be reopened. Type 2 SWVs are somewhat more sophisticated. After a flow rate has been exceeded they allow a specified volume to flow before turning off. Ideally, this results in a better choice in valve closures. In the future, additional valve types may be added, which, for example, may limit flow to a specified value rather than closing completely. The model of a type 1 SWV is as follows. The status of a valve is denoted c and is initially true meaning that the valve is open and allows fluid to flow. Thereafter, it is governed by c := c ( q ≤ qT ) + h
where q is the flow rate through the SWV, h is the hit status of the valve, and qT is the threshold flow rate, above which the SWV closes. The model of a type 2 SWV is as follows. First, the excess flow is defined as
⎧ ⎪ 0 qe = ⎨ ⎪ ⎩ q − qT
q ≤ qT q > qT
To interconnect the different models in the ac layer, it is assumed that the ac bus model inputs are currents and outputs are voltages. The models that are connected to buses (SMs, PDs, and PSs) input voltage and output current. Since the ac bus calculates the voltage algebraically, the other models must produce the current without an algebraic dependence on the voltage. AC BUS An ac bus is represented as a fictitious resistance r fict to ground. The model of this bus depends on the hit status of the bus. The hit status h is taken as the logical AND of the hit statuses of all the polygonal paths composing the ac network. The q-axis and d-axis voltages of the n th bus can be found using
⎧⎪− r i e v eqd,n = ⎨ fict qd,n ⎪⎩ 0
h h
where i eqd,n is a vector of the sum of the q-axis and daxis currents flowing out of the n th bus. PRIME MOVER The PM model represents the source of mechanical power for the SM. This source would typically be a gas turbine, but the specific details are abstracted by the model. The PM also regulates the rotational speed of the shaft. The PM model is described by the block diagram shown in Figure 7. The parameters of this model are given in the appendix.
where q and qT are defined above. The excess volume is then defined as pVe = qe .
The status is governed by c := c(Ve ≤ VT ) + h
where VT is the threshold excess volume.
AC LAYER The ac layer includes models of the generation plants (PM, SM, and BE/VR), the PDs, the PSs, and the ac buses. In the system studied herein, there are two separate ac networks, each including one SM. The position of the synchronous reference frame [2, Chapter
Figure 7. Prime Mover Model SYNCHRONOUS MACHINE The SM model is based on [3]. The interesting features of this model are the incorporation of magnetic saturation and an arbitrary rotor network representation. The model parameters as well as the method of obtaining the parameters are set forth in [4]. The SM model is well documented in [3], and as such will not be discussed in detail here. A modification was
made to the model to support the machine shutting down (either by choice or necessity). When the machine shuts down, it disconnects from the system. The PM continues to spin, and the BE/VR continues to regulate the terminal voltage of the machine. However, when shut down the machine no longer interacts with the rest of the network. In order to determine the terminal voltage required by the VR, a fictitious resistance r fict is added behind the circuit breaker to compute the terminal voltage. This is illustrated in Figure 8. In this figure, the e internal values ( vˆ eqds and ˆi qds ) are interfaced to the model in [4], but the values are determined using e ⎧ ⎪ v qds vˆ eqds = ⎨ ˆe ⎪ ⎩− r fict i qds
o o
BRUSHLESS EXCITER/VOLTAGE REGULATOR The excitation system model encompasses both the BE which is based on [5] and the VR. The BE model incorporates multiple rectifier modes, but hysteresis is neglected by representing the magnetizing flux linkage in the d-axis as an affine function of the d-axis magnetizing current. The assumed exciter parameters as well as the method of obtaining these parameters are set forth in [6]. The stationary field winding of the exciter machine is driven by the field drive circuit shown in Figure 9. This circuit attempts to drive the field current i fde to the commanded field current i *fde .
⎧ ⎪ˆi e i eqds = ⎨ qds ⎪ ⎩ 0
o o
where o is the operation status of the SM determined in the automation layer. In this way, the terminal voltage can be calculated using Figure 9. Field Drive Vt = vˆ eqds .
To model the action of this circuit an effective dc voltage is found using v dc, pow ⎧ v rect = ⎨ ⎩v dc, pow − K fix iifde
i fde ≥ 0 i fde < 0
where vdc, pow is the voltage into the field drive circuit and K fix is a large positive constant. If i fde < 0 then vrect
becomes very large, which tends to increase i fde . A negative value of i fde is physically impossible because
Figure 8. Synchronous Machine Modification To determine the power loss of the SM the output power is calculated using Pout = −
3 e v qds , i eqds . 2
⎛1 ⎝η
− 1⎟⎟ Pout . ⎠
circuit can produce are computed using
Then the losses are computed using an assumed efficiency η , Ploss = ⎜⎜
of the topology of the circuit in Figure 9. The upper and lower limits on the field voltage v fde that the field drive
v fde,max = vrect − vswitch − rswitch i fde
v fde,min = −vrect − vdiode − rdiodei fde
where v switch and rswitch are the voltage drop and resistance of the transistors in Figure 9, and vdiode and rdiode are the voltage drop and resistance of the diodes. The current error is defined as ierror = i *fde − i fde .
The exciter field voltage is then calculated using
( (
⎧ bound 0, v fde,max , v fde ,max ierror Δ I v fde = ⎨ ⎩bound v fde ,min ,0,− v fde ,minierror Δ I
) )
ierror > 0 ierror ≤ 0
It should be noted that the introduction of this filter is artificial. It is added to solve the simulation problem of interfacing different models together. The open circuit rectifier voltage is given by
where Δ I is the hysteresis band of the controller. The current command in (32) is determined using the VR model shown in Figure 10.
Vr =
3 6E
where E is the input RMS voltage. The dc link variables are governed by pil =
Vr cos α − (rdc + 3Lcωe π )il − vc Ldc + 2 Lc
and pvc =
Figure 10. Voltage Regulator The field drive and VR parameters are described in the appendix.
Finally, the current into the constant power load, i p , is given by
PROPULSION DRIVE The PD model consists of an uncontrolled rectifier model connected to a constant power load model as shown in Figure 11.
il − i p
⎧⎪P * vc ip = ⎨ ⎪⎩ 0
o o
Since the current i l flows through the rectifier, it must be nonnegative. Also, since the voltage vc is the voltage across an electrolytic capacitor, it must also be nonnegative. It should be noted that there is an error in [2] regarding the expressions for the commutation components of the ac currents into the rectifier. The correct expressions for (11.3-53) and (11.3-54) are g iqg ,com =
Figure 11. Propulsion Drive Model
Second, in order to interface the rectifier with the ac system it is desirable that the ac currents are state variables, which is not the case in [2]. To facilitate the interconnection of the rectifier to the ac system, the ac e ) are filtered currents from the model described in [2] ( ˆi qd as shown in i eqd =
1 ˆi e . qd τ filter s + 1
π l cω g
The rectifier model is fundamentally the same as that described in [2, Chapter 11]. Nevertheless, there are a few details that should be discussed. First, since the rectifier is uncontrolled then there is no firing delay so
α =0.
2 3
id ⎢sin⎜ u + α −
5π 5π ⎞ ⎛ ⎟ − sin⎜ α − 6 6 ⎠ ⎝
⎞⎤ ⎟⎥ + ⎠⎦
cos α [cos (u + α ) − cos α ] +
1 3 2E [cos 2α − cos(2α + 2u )] 4 π l cω g
and g idg , com =
2 3
π l cω g
id ⎢− cos ⎜ u + α −
5π ⎞ 5π ⎛ ⎟ + cos ⎜ α − 6 ⎠ 6 ⎝
cos α [sin (u + α ) − sin α ] +
⎞⎤ ⎟⎥ + ⎠⎦
. (41)
1 3 2E [sin 2α − sin(2α + 2u )] − 3 2 E 1 u 4 π l cω g π l cω g 2
Finally, the power into the rectifier is computed using
Pin =
3 e e v qd , i qd , 2
and assuming an efficiency of η the power loss is computed using Ploss = (1 − η )Pin .
Recall that both of these dc variables are required to be nonnegative. The power loss is computed using (42) and (43). The PS control model is depicted in Figures 13–16 below. The purpose of the control module is to provide the firing angle α to the rectifier. The slew rate limited and short circuit protected commanded output voltage is determined according to Figure 13.
The PS is shown in Figure 12. The PS is similar to the PD model presented above. There are two differences. In the PS, a transformer is situated between the ac system and the rectifier. Also, the rectifier consists of controlled thyristors instead of the uncontrolled diodes in the propulsion drive. Thus there is control logic to determine the firing angle.
Figure 13. Commanded Output Voltage The commanded voltage is achieved through the use of two control signals. The PI control signal is determined using Figure 14. The D control signal is determined using Figure 15. Figure 12. Power Supply Model Because of the transformer, the voltages and currents in the model in [2] need to be scaled by the turns ratio TR . That is the RMS voltage used by the model should be E = TR ⋅ Eˆ
where Eˆ is the RMS voltage of the bus. The q-axis and d-axis currents into the transformer are then ˆg i qdg g (45) i qdg = TR
Figure 14. PI Control Signal
ˆg is a vector of the q-axis and d-axis currents where i qdg
into the rectifier. Again, the filter in (35) is used to interface the PS model to the bus model. The open circuit rectifier voltage Vr is again defined by (36). The dc variables are governed by pil =
Vr cos α − (rdc + 3Lcωe π )il − vout Ldc + 2 Lc
and pvout =
il + iout . Cdc
Figure 15. D Control Signal Finally, the firing angle α is determined using Figure 16.
Figure 16. Combined Control Signal
DC LAYER The dc layer has models of the PDCBs, CMs, ZDCBs, and IMs. These components form the backbone of the zonal electric distribution system. This zonal distribution architecture is fundamental to the plant’s ability to reliably provide power in the event of battle damage.
Figure 18. Zonal Tie Line Model In the Norton equivalent circuit formulation of the network, each zone will be represented using the bus equivalent shown in Figure 19. The algorithm below calculates the Norton equivalent circuit parameters ( jc , g c , and g z ).
PRIMARY DC BUS The zonal distribution architecture consists of two PDCBs. These buses, on the port and starboard sides of the ship, conduct dc from the PSs to the CMs. The model of the bus contains not only the bus itself, but also the tie lines that connect components (PSs and CMs) to the bus. The PDCB model is purely resistive, requiring only the solution of a linear system to determine the solution. Difficulty arises because switch configuration can cause the voltage at certain nodes to be undefined. An algorithm to determine the voltages and currents is set forth. This algorithm uses an aggregate Norton equivalent circuit to represent the components connected to each zone.
Figure 19. Bus Equivalent Step 0 – Initialization. Set Norton equivalent conductance and current vectors to zero ( g c := 0 and j c := 0 ).
Step 1 – Process component tie lines. For each c ∈ {1, , nc } modify the Norton equivalent vectors as follows
The model of the c th component tie line (of nc total component tie lines) is shown in Figure 17. In this figure, lc,c represents the location (in terms of zone number) of the c th component. Thus, v z ,l
c ,c
⎧1 rc,c ⎪ + ⎨2 rc,c ⎪ 0 ⎩
cc,c hc,c
⎧⎪v r jc ,l := jc,l + ⎨ c,c c,c ⎪⎩ 0
cc,c hc,c
g c,l := g c,l c ,c
c ,c
is the zonal voltage of
the zone to which the c th component is connected.
cc,c hc,c cc , c
c ,c
c ,c
cc,c + hc,c
Step 2 – Process zonal tie lines. For z ∈ {1, , n z − 1} calculate the conductance as
Figure 17. Component Tie Line Model The model of the zonal tie line connecting the z th zone to the z + 1 th zone is shown in Figure 18. There are n z total zones.
⎧1 rz , z g z,z = ⎨ ⎩ 0
c z,z c z,z
(49) each
Step 3 – Build system matrix. At this point, an equivalent electrical network has been found. From Figure 19 it follows that the network equations may then be expressed as
⎡ g c,1 + g z ,1 ⎢ − g z ,1 ⎢ ⎢ 0 ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ 0 ⎣
− g z ,1 g c , 2 + g z ,1 + g z, 2 − g z ,2
0 − g z ,2
− g z, n
⎤ ⎡ v z ,1 ⎤ ⎥ ⎥⎢ v ⎥ ⎢ z, 2 ⎥ ⎥ ⎥⎢ 0 ⎥ ⎥⎢ − g z, n z −1 ⎥ ⎢v z , n z −1 ⎥ g c, n z + g z , nz −1 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ v z, n z ⎥⎦
⎡ jc,1 ⎤ ⎥ ⎢ j ⎢ c, 2 ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎢ jc, n z −1 ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ j c , n z ⎦ ⎣
. (51)
Step 4 – Adjust for damage and isolated buses. If hz , z , indicating that the z th zone is hit, then the z th row is set to zero except for the diagonal element which is set to one, and jc, z is replaced with zero. Also, each block
Figure 20. Converter Module
diagonal matrix must be invertible. A block diagonal matrix that is not invertible represents a section of the bus that is not connected to anything, causing the voltage in this section to be undefined. The voltage in this section can be arbitrarily defined to be zero. To implement this definition, the same modification that is performed for a damaged zone can be applied to one of the zones in the unconnected section. Step 5 – Solve system. A solver for tridiagonal systems is described in [7, Chapter 2]. Step 6 – Solve for currents. The circuits depicted in Figures 17 and 18 can be used to solve for the component and zonal tie line currents.
Figure 21. Reduced Order Converter Module Model ZONAL DC BUS The ZDCB brings current from the port and starboard CMs through ORing diodes into the IM. In this way, the IM can function using power from either or both CMs, thus ensuring continuity of service.
The ZDCB model is shown in Figure 22. In this figure, v p and i p represent the output voltage and current of
CMs are dc/dc converters that serve to isolate the PDCB from damage inside the zone. Additionally, they coordinate the load sharing between the two PDCBs.
the CM connected to the port side of the bus, and h p
The CM is shown in Figure 20. Since the inductor current is tightly regulated in this hysteresis modulated CM, it is appropriate to use the reduced order model shown in Figure 21. In this figure, the inductor current is given by
) )
* ⎧⎪bound 0, ilimit , vout − vout d il = ⎨ ⎪⎩ 0
o o
o o
and the power loss is given by (43).
Table 1. Determination of i p ip =
v p ≥ vd
ip =
v p < vd
hp hl
v p > vl + vd
v p ≤ vl + v d
Recall that the state variables associated with this circuit are constrained to be nonnegative because the capacitors are electrolytic. Finally, the input power is given by Pin = vin iin ,
* is the where ilimit is the current limit of the CM, vout commanded output voltage, d is the droop of the CM, and o is the operation status of the CM determined in the automation layer. The current i p is determined by
⎧v i v i p = ⎨ out l in ⎩ 0
represents the hit status (determined in the spatial layer) of the portion of the bus that connects to this port CM. Similarly, the s subscript relates to the CM on the starboard side, and the l subscript refers to the load, the IM connected to the bus. A careful examination of this circuit shows that i p can be calculated using Table
2v p rp
2 v p − vd
rp ip = 0
ip =
v p − vl − vd rp
ip = 0
The current ilp represents the contribution to the load current coming from the port side and can be calculated using Table 2.
SEAWATER LAYER Table 2. Determination of ilp ilp = −
hl hp
vl < −v d v p > vl + vd
2v l rp
ilp = 0
vl ≥ −v d hp
The seawater layer contains models of the components of the seawater network. These components, including SWBs and SWPs, are essential for removing heat from the ship.
ilp = − ilp =
v p ≤ vl + v d
2(vl + vd ) rp
An SWN is a location at which the pressure will be determined. Figure 24 illustrates an SWN. Therein PN ,n
v p − vl − vd
denotes the pressure at the n th node and G Nlk is a leakage conductance to ground. The flow into this leakage conductance is the node flow q N , n . Since a
rp ilp = 0
common value of leakage conductance is used for all nodes, it is a parameter of the seawater solver (SWS). The ground node is designated as node 0. The physical aspects of the node are represented within the SWS.
Similar relationships exist for the starboard currents.
Figure 24. Seawater Node SEAWATER BRANCH The SWB model represents a pipe. The behavior of the pipe model is described below, but much of this behavior is contained within the SWS.
Figure 22. Zonal DC Bus Model INVERTER MODULE The IM is a dc/ac converter that consumes power from the zonal distribution system and provides ac to zonal loads. The IM model is an input capacitor in parallel with a constant power load. This constant power load represents the power delivered to the zonal loads by the IM. The model is shown in Figure 23. In the figure the current into the constant power load is given by
⎧ ⎪P * vin ip = ⎨ ⎪ ⎩ 0
The basic structure of this model is depicted in Figure 25. Therein, as part of the first portion of a subscript, α and β denote pipe ends. In the second part of the subscript, α and β represent node numbers associated with the α and β node ends, and b represents the branch number. Hence, PN ,α and PN , β are node pressures at nodes α and β , and q B,b is the branch flow through branch b . The resistances R vα ,b and R vβ ,b are associated with the two possible valves on
o o
The power loss is calculated using (54) and (43).
the α and β side of branch b , respectively. These valve resistances change depending upon whether the valve is open or closed according to
⎧0 Rvx,b = ⎨ ⎩RC
cvx,b cvx,b
where x ∈ {α , β } , cvx,b is the valve status (calculated in Figure 23. Inverter Module Model
the automation layer) of the x valve of the b th branch, and RC is a large resistance indicating that the valve is closed. The logical variable hB, b is the hit status. During
a branch fault, the nodes are isolated from each other and the pipe is assumed to be faulted at both ends. The pipe conductance to ground is G Bflt . The nonlinear resistance R B,b represents the pipe resistance, and the
PP, p (q) =
constant pressure drop PB 0,b is associated with a physical rise in the pipe ( PB0,b is positive if node β is higher than node α ).
α P , np ⎛ N q ⎜ aP,np ⎜ q Pb , p n=1 ⎜ PP0, p 1 + β P , mp ⎜ M q ⎜ 1 + bP,mp ⎜ qPb , p m=1 ⎝
⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠
where qPb , p is the base pump flow of the p th pump. In (60), the nominal pump pressure PP 0, p is a variable which is assumed to be governed by PP 0, p =
⎧ PPss , p 1 ⎨ τ P, p s + 1 ⎩ 0
o o
In (61), o is the operation status of the pump, PPss , p is the steady state value of PP 0, p , and
τ P, p
is the pump
time constant. Figure 25. Seawater Branch Assuming that a fault is not present, the pressure drop from node α to node β may be expressed
PN ,α − PN ,β = q B,b Rvα ,b + Rvβ ,b + RB,b (q B,b ) + PB0,b (57)
Note that numbers of terms in the summations in the numerator, N , and the denominator, M , of (60) have been fixed at 2 and 3, respectively—these values have been found to give an excellent representation of sample data. SEAWATER SOLVER
The fundamental function of the SWS is to solve for the node pressures, as well as the node, branch, and pump flows.
In (58), q B 0,b is the base flow for the b th branch. RB 0,b
Upon combining the flow relationships for the nodes, branches, and pumps, a system of equations of the form
q ⎞⎟ ⎟ ⎜q ⎝ B 0 ,b ⎠ ⎛
RB, b (q ) = RB0, b + RBq ,b ⎜
m B ,b
is the linear resistance, RBq ,b is the flow dependent resistance, and mB,b is the exponent for resistance calculation. This possibly nonlinear resistance can be used to model turbulent flow in the seawater network. SEAWATER PUMP The SWP provides pressure to the seawater network. Much of the behavior of the SWP is represented in the SWS. The relationship between the pump pressure and flow for the SWP is given by
PN ,n = PP , p q P, p + RP, p q P, p
PN , n
PP, p q P, p
denotes pressure,
qP , p
A(q S )PN = b(q S )
q S = g(PN )
can be formed, where PN is the vector of node pressures, q S is a vector of seawater flows, A (q S ) is a square matrix whose elements are a function of q S , and b(q S ) is a vector whose elements are a function of q S , and g is a function of PN . In way of further definitions, q S is the concatenation of the node flow vector q N , branch flow vector, q B , and pump flow vector q P . In particular,
denotes flow,
is the flow and state dependent pressure in
the p th pump, and RP, p is a constant resistance term for the p th pump. The flow dependent pressure term is assumed to have the form
qS =
⎡q N ⎤ ⎢ q ⎥. ⎢ B⎥ ⎢ ⎣q P ⎥ ⎦
An algorithm to solve (62) and (63) based on the GaussSeidel Method is now set forth. Let ( PNk , q Sk ) denote an
estimated solution of (62)-(63). The goal will be to determine an improved solution ( PNk +1 , q Sk +1 ). Step 0 – Initialization step. The iteration count is set to zero ( k := 0 ) and, if the no other estimate of the flow is available, q 0S := 0 .
( )
q Sk
q Sk
( ) q Sk
, A and b are Step 1 – Build step. Using determined. A detailed procedure to accomplish this will be set forth below.
~ q S := q S
The algorithm set forth is quite effective. However, the calculation of A(⋅) , b(⋅) , and g(⋅) has yet to be discussed. It can be shown that A(⋅) and b(⋅) may be constructed using the following algorithm: Step 0 – Initialization. The matrices are set to zero, A := 0 and b := 0 . Step 1 – Process node list. A := A + G Nlk I N
Step 2 – Linear solution step. The linear system
( )
( )
A q Sk PNk +1 = b q Sk
is solved for PNk +1 . An efficient linear system solver is presented in [7, Chapter 2]. Then
Step 2 – Process branch list. For each b ∈ {1, where N b is the number of branches:
…, N } b
Step 2a: Let α = nBα ,b and β = nBβ , b denote the two nodes to which branch b is connected.
( )
~ := g P k +1 q S N
~ is a candidate for the updated flow vector. where q S
Step 2b: If hB, b , which is to say the branch is faulted, then the following updates are performed:
Step 3 – Convergence test. Let ε and δ be small positive constants which will determine the convergence requirement. If q~S ,i − qSk ,i ≤ ε q~S ,i + q Sk ,i
A αα := Aαα +
1 Rvα , b +1 GBflt
A ββ := Aββ +
1 Rvβ ,b +1 GBflt
(67) Step 2c: If hB,b , which is to say the branch is not faulted, then the value of the nonlinear resistance is saved using
or q~S ,i − qSk ,i ≤ δ
is satisfied ∀i ∈ 1, , N n + N b + N p
then it is assumed
that the convergence has been obtained and the algorithm proceeds to Step 4. If the iteration count is less than the maximum allowed count k max , an updated flow vector is calculated as q Sk +1
:= γq Sk
+ (1 − γ )~ qS
where γ is a convergence factor. In addition, the iteration count is updated: k := k + 1
Then execution continues at Step 2. If the iteration count is equal to the maximum allowed count execution terminates and the algorithm fails. Step 4 – Convergence. If the convergence has been obtained, then PN :=
PNk +1
( )
~ RB,b := RB, b q Bk , b
( )
where R B,b q Bk ,b
may be computed from (58). Then if
the branch is active (all branches are assumed to be active if they have not been deactivated below) the total branch conductance is computed: Gbranch :=
Rvα ,b
1 ~ + Rvβ ,b + RB,b
Next the following updates are performed: Aαα := Aαα + Gbranch
Aββ := Aββ + Gbranch
Aαβ := Aαβ − Gbranch
Aβα := Aβα − Gbranch
bα := bα + PB 0,b Gbranch
bβ := bβ − PB0, b Gbranch
Terms involving α are not updated if α = 0 , and the same is true for β .
{ …N p}
branch is activated. Branch deactivation prevents water from flowing into the system from the ground node.
{ …, N p }:
Step 3 – Process pump list. For each p ∈ 1,
Step 3 – Process pump list. For each p ∈ 1,
Step 3a: Let n = nPn , p denote the node to which the
where N p is the number of pumps:
pump is connected.
Step 3a: Let n = nPn , p denote the node to which the pump is connected. Step 3b: The pump pressure is saved using
( )
~ PP, p := PP, p q Pk , p
( )
where PP, p qPk , p may be computed from (60). Then the following updates are performed: A nn := A nn +
bn := bn +
1 RP , p
~ PP, p
RP , p
~ can be calculated The updated flow vector candidate q S using the following algorithm.
Step 3b: The pump flow is calculated using: ~ PNk ,+n1 − PP, p ~ qP, p := RP , p
THERMAL LAYER The thermal layer contains models of the CHXs, FHXs, and FWLs in the system. Whereas the seawater layer was primarily concerned with fluid behavior, the thermal layer is responsible for capturing the thermal characteristics of the system. COMPONENT HEAT EXCHANGER Power component heat dissipation is removed through conduction from the power components to a “cold plate” heat sink. This cold plate is then cooled via convective heat transfer to a cooling fluid as illustrated in the Figure 26.
Step 1 – Process node list. ~ := G P k +1 q Nlk N N
Step 2 – Process branch list. For each b ∈ {1,
…N }: b
Step 2a: Let α = nBα ,b and β = nBβ ,b denote the two nodes to which branch b is connected. Step 2b: If hB, b , which is to say the branch is faulted, then:
Figure 26. Cold Plate Heat Exchanger q~B, b := 0
Step 2c: If hB,b , which is to say the branch is not faulted, then: PNk ,+α1 − PNk ,+β1 − PB0, b q~B, b := ~ Rvα ,b + Rvβ , b + RB ,b
If α = 0 and q~B ,b > 0 then q~B ,b := 0 and the branch is deactivated. Similarly, if β = 0 and q~B ,b < 0 then q~ := 0 and the branch is deactivated. Otherwise the B ,b
Typically the cooling fluid is seawater, freshwater, or chilled water. The heat exchanger is assumed to be well insulated and the fluid flow is assumed to be one dimensional “plug” flow. The net heat flow into the heat exchanger cold plate is the difference between the heat flow from the power components and the heat flow removed by the cooling fluid. This net heat flow determines the cold plate rate of temperature change pThx =
Qin − Qhx mhx chx
where mhx and chx are the mass and the specific heat of the cold plate, Qin is the heat into the cold plate from the component, and Qhx is the heat out of the cold plate to the cooling fluid. Let wcf and ccf denote the mass flow rate and the specific heat of the cooling fluid, and let A and h denote the cold plate cooling fluid contact area and heat transfer coefficient. If 2wcf ccf ≥ Ah then the rate at which heat can be removed from the cold plate is governed by Qhx =
2wcf ccf Ah 2wcf ccf + Ah
where Tci is the inlet temperature is given by Tco = Tci +
(Thx − Tci )
Qhx . wcf ccf
(92) The
If 2wcf ccf < Ah then the cooling fluid heat removal capacity is saturated and the rate at which heat can be removed from the cold plate is governed by Qhx = wcf ccf (Thx − Tci ) ,
and the outlet temperature is equal to the cold plate temperature, Tco = Thx .
FLUID HEAT EXCHANGER The fluid heat exchanger cools the freshwater cooling loop fluid using seawater which is then discharged overboard. Once again, the heat exchanger is assumed to be well insulated and the fluid flow is assumed to be one dimensional “plug” flow. Heat transfer from the freshwater to the seawater occurs through the freshwater tube wall as depicted in Figure 27. The following model requires the practical assumption that the freshwater inlet temperature is always at least as warm as the seawater inlet temperature. The tube wall is assumed to be thin so that the energy stored in the tube wall can be neglected. As is the case in actual shipboard application, the heat exchanger has a counter flow configuration meaning that the freshwater and seawater flow in opposite directions [8]. Neglecting the spatial component of the transient fluid thermodynamics along the interior of the heat exchanger produces lumped parameter fluid models.
Figure 27. Fluid Heat Exchanger The heat flow through the heat exchanger cools the incoming fresh water by heating the counter flowing seawater. This heat flow is assumed to be a linear function of the Log Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD) between the freshwater and seawater [9-10] Qhx = Asf hsf ΔTLMTD
where Asf and hsf are the heat exchanger contact area and heat transfer coefficient, and ΔTLMTD is the LMTD. However, for fresh water cooling loops, the lumped parameter LMTD formulation does not behave well during transient conditions or during saturation. Saturation occurs when the temperature based predicted heat transfer rate exceeds the heat removal capacity of the seawater flow rate. Let T fi and T fo denote the inlet and outlet temperatures of the freshwater, and let Tsi and Tso denote the inlet and outlet temperatures of the seawater. To avoid problems with the LMTD formulation, the LMTD is approximated by the average temperature difference ΔTLMTD ≈ ΔTavg =
ΔTi + ΔTo 2
where ΔTi = T fi − Tso and ΔTo = T fo − Tsi . In [8], it is shown that the average temperature formulation introduces a 5% percent error if ΔTi and ΔTo differ by a factor of two. Extensive testing indicates that errors of this magnitude are negligible compared to the problems created by the introducing saturation and transient behavior into the LMTD formulation. Let w f , c f , and m f denote the mass flow rate, specific heat, and mass of the freshwater in the heat exchanger. Also, let ws , c s , and ms denote the mass flow rate, specific heat, and mass of the seawater in the heat
exchanger. When unsaturated, the heat flow through the heat exchanger is given by Qhx = Asf hsf ΔTavg
and the derivative of the freshwater outlet temperature is given by pT fo =
w f c f T fi − T fo − Qhx mf cf
However, if Qhx > ws cs T fi − Tsi + ms cs pT fo then the heat exchanger is saturated and (98) and (99) are replaced with pT fo =
w f c f T fi − T fo − ws c s T fi − Tsi m f c f + ms c s
The flow rate is governed by wcf =
⎧⎪wcf* ⎨ τ pump s + 1 ⎪⎩ 0 1
o o
where wcf* is the nominal mass flow rate of the cooling fluid, o is the operation status of the pump determined in the automation layer, and τ pump is the pump time constant. The transport lags are calculated using a “plug” flow assumption based on the fluid transit time. The transit time calculation assumes one dimensional incompressible fluid flow through a connecting piping leg of characteristic diameter and length. t lag , x =
A pipe, x l pipe, x qf
where x ∈ {in, out} , A pipe, x is the pipe cross-sectional
Qhx = ws c s T fi − Tsi + ms c s pT fo .
For both saturated and unsaturated conditions, the outlet seawater temperature is governed by pTso =
Qhx − ws c s (Tso − Tsi ) . ms c s
FRESHWATER LOOP The freshwater cooling loop circulates freshwater between the “cold plate” component heat exchanger and the fluid heat exchanger. The component heat exchanger removes waste heat from heat producing devices and the freshwater to seawater exchanger transfers the waste heat from the freshwater loop to seawater which is then discharged overboard. The power component heat exchanger defined in an earlier section is combined with a circulating pump, a supply pipe and a return pipe to represent one freshwater cooling fluid loop. As illustrated in Figure 28, incoming cooling fluid goes through a circulating pump and then travels through the supply pipe to the component heat exchanger. The heated fluid then travels through the return pipe to be cooled by the fluid heat exchanger and returned to the circulating pump.
Figure 28. Component Heat Exchanger with Circulating Pump and Piping
area, l pipe, x is the pipe length, and q f = wcf ρ is the volume flow rate where ρ is the density of the freshwater. For zero flow rate, the transport lag becomes infinite which creates an unbounded numerical memory storage problem. To avoid this problem, the transport lag is limited to a maximum value, t lag ,max , and if A pipe, x l pipe, x > q f t lag ,max then t lag , x = t lag ,max .
EXAMPLE SIMULATION The primary benefit of the layered modeling approach is its ability to capture the dynamic interdependence of the subsystems. To illustrate this, a time domain simulation of the notional IEP was conducted for the following situation. The system had been running for 15 minutes under full load, with both PDs consuming 37 kW and each IM providing 5 kW to ship service loads. Within fifteen minutes the IEP had reached steady-state operation. Then an anti-ship missile with an explosion radius of 2.00 m was detonated at the point (100.00, 4.18, 3.38) m as shown in Figure 29. This explosion destroyed SWB 20. The simulation continued to predict system response from the explosion instant for an additional 45 minutes.
Figure 29. Missile Detonation Event
The response of the system starting at 800 s (100 s before the explosion) is shown in Figure 30. Therein, vbus is the line-to-line rms voltage of the two ac buses. The dotted and solid traces correspond to the forward and aft ac buses. The variable iout , sm is the rms output current of the SMs. Again, the dotted and solid traces correspond to the forward (SM 1) and aft (SM 2) machines. The power supply output voltages and currents are designated vout , ps and iout , ps . In each case, the dotted trace is the forward power supply (PS 1) and the solid trace the aft power supply (PS 2). The output current ( iout , cm ) of the Zone 2 CMs is shown next (CM 2— dotted; CM 5—solid). The forward most (IM 1—dotted) and aft most (IM 3—solid) inverter module input voltages are labeled vin , im . Seawater pump flow rates for SWP 1 in Zone 1 (dotted) and SWP 3 in Zone 3 (solid) are qP . The cold plate temperature of the CHXs cooling the SMs is designated Thx, chx (CHX 1—dotted; CHX 4—solid). Freshwater flow rates wcf and cold plate temperatures Thx, fwl of the FWLs cooling IMs 1 and 3 are also shown (FWL 4— dotted; FWL 11—solid). The scenario that unfolded as a result of the weapons impact, which is illustrated in Figure 30, is as follows. At 900 s, SWB 20 was destroyed, causing SWVs 3, 4, 7, 8, and 14 to close in order to isolate this fault in Zone 3 from the rest of the seawater network. As can be seen, the flow rate in SWP 3 goes up because SWB 20 is leaking. The remainder of the seawater network settled to a new equilibrium point. In Zone 3, the damaged piping was no longer capable of pumping cooling fluid to the thermal loads in the zone. In particular, the temperature of both CHX 4 and FWL 11 rise following the weapon detonation. At approximately 1016 s (116 s after the initial event), SM 2 overheats and is forced to shut down. This causes PD 2 and PS 2 to shut down. The PS 2 shutdown causes CM 4, CM 5, and CM 6 to shut down which can be seen in the input voltage to IM 1. The input voltages drop due to the increased output current of CMs 1 and 3 caused by the loss of CMs 4 and 6. Also, the output current of CM 2 and CM 5 were shared prior to this point, but at 1016 s the current that CM 5 was providing had to shift to CM 2. The output currents of both SM 1 and PS 1 increase to cover the load that was previously shared with SM 2 and PS 2.
Figure 30. System Response to Event At 3363 s (2347 s after SM 2 shutdown), IM 3 overheats. This causes the pumps in FWLs 8, 9, 10, and 11, and SWP 3 to shut down, as seen in the pump flow rates. The shutdown of IM3 causes the input voltage of IM 3 to rise as the CM3 output current decreases. Also, the output currents of SM 1 and PS 1 drop due to the decreased load in the dc system. At this point, the system stabilizes in its new configuration. The following devices have been shut down: SM 2, PD 2, PS 2, CMs 4, 5, and 6, IM 3, SWP 3, and FWLs 8, 9, 10, and 11.
CONCLUSION The example simulation illustrates that the layered approach is an effective technique for capturing the
interdependent behavior of an IEP. In particular, the cascading failures resulting from a weapon detonation were studied. Future work will be aimed toward using this approach to identify and investigate worst case scenarios for missile impact points. This will be done by identifying suitable metrics for system operability and dependability, and then applying optimization techniques.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was sponsored by the Office of Naval Research under contract numbers N00014-04-1-0351 and N00014-02-1-0623.
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APPENDIX The dimensions of various types of components are given in Table 3. Table 4 shows the locations of the centroids of the rectangular prisms representing specific components of the notional ship. The vertices of each of the polygonal paths in the spatial layer are listed in Table 5. Table 3. Component Dimensions Δy (m) Δx (m) Δz Type SM 10.24 4.1 PD 7.17 4.1 PS 3.81 1.83 CM 1.83 1.22 IM 1.83 1.22 SWP 3.05 1.52 FHX 3.05 1.52
(m) 4.1 4.1 2.13 1.91 1.91 1.52 1.52
Table 4. Rectangular Prism Centroids xc (m) yc (m) zc (m) Component SM 1 44.5 -3.66 4.11 SM 2 92.96 -0.61 5.79 PD 1 82.91 -4.08 4.72 PD 2 82.91 4.08 4.72 PS 1 41.45 0 2.46 PS 2 91.82 0 5.56 CM 1 39.84 -4.57 10.86 CM 2 64.6 -4.57 10.86 CM 3 111.03 -4.57 10.86 CM 4 39.84 4.57 3.04 CM 5 64.6 4.57 3.04 CM 6 111.03 4.57 3.04 IM 1 36.12 0 13.72 IM 2 63.81 0 10.86 IM 3 109.65 0 10.86 SWP 1 50.29 0 2.47 SWP 2 77.11 0 2.47 SWP 3 88.39 0 2.47 FHX 1 39.82 -0.11 2.46 FHX 2 64.3 0.08 3.04 FHX 3 105.89 0 3.04 Path SM 1 to PD 1 SM 1 to PS 1 SM 2 to PD 2 SM 2 to PS 2 PDCB 1 Zone 1 PDCB 1 Zone 2 PDCB 1 Zone 3
Table 5. Polygonal Path Vertices Vertices (m) (44.5, -3.66, 4.11), (44.5, -3.66, 4.72), (44.5, -4.08, 4.72), (82.91, -4.08, 4.72) (44.5, -3.66, 4.11), (44.5, -3.66, 2.46), (44.5, 0, 2.46), (41.45, 0, 2.46) (92.96, -0.61, 5.79), (92.96, -0.61, 4.72), (92.96, 4.08, 4.72), (82.91, 4.08, 4.72) (92.96, -0.61, 5.79), (92.96, -0.61, 5.56), (92.96, 0, 5.56), (91.82, 0, 5.56) (39.84, -7.32, 5.49), (50.6, -7.32, 5.49) (50.6, -7.32, 5.49), (88.09, -7.32, 5.49) (88.09, -7.32, 5.49), (111.03, -7.32, 5.49)
PDCB 2 Zone 1 PDCB 2 Zone 2 PDCB 2 Zone 3 PS 1 to PDCB 1 CM 1 to PDCB 1 CM 2 to PDCB 1 CM 3 to PDCB 1 PS 2 to PDCB 2 CM 4 to PDCB 2 CM 5 to PDCB 2 CM 6 to PDCB 2 CM 1 to ZDCB 1 CM 4 to ZDCB 1 IM 1 to ZDCB 1 CM 2 to ZDCB 2 CM 5 to ZDCB 2 IM 2 to ZDCB 2 CM 3 to ZDCB 3 CM 6 to ZDCB 3 IM 3 to ZDCB 3 IM 1 to SWP 1 IM 2 to SWP 2 IM 3 to SWP 3 IM 1 to FHX 1 IM 2 to FHX 2 IM 3 to FHX 3 SWB 1 SWB 2 SWB 3 SWB 4 SWB 5
(39.84, 7.32, 5.49), (50.6, 7.32, 5.49) (50.6, 7.32, 5.49), (88.09, 7.32, 5.49) (88.09, 7.32, 5.49), (111.03, 7.32, 5.49) (41.45, 0, 2.46), (41.45, 0, 5.49), (41.45, -7.32, 5.49) (39.84, -4.57, 10.86), (39.84, -4.57, 5.49), (39.84, -7.32, 5.49) (64.6, -4.57, 10.86), (64.6, -4.57, 5.49), (64.6, -7.32, 5.49) (111.03, -4.57, 10.86), (111.03, -4.57, 5.49), (111.03, -7.32, 5.49) (91.82, 0, 5.56), (91.82, 0, 5.49), (91.82, 7.32, 5.49) (39.84, 4.57, 3.04), (39.84, 4.57, 5.49), (39.84, 7.32, 5.49) (64.6, 4.57, 3.04), (64.6, 4.57, 5.49), (64.6, 7.32, 5.49) (111.03, 4.57, 3.04), (111.03, 4.57, 5.49), (111.03, 7.32, 5.49) (39.84, -4.57, 10.86), (39.84, -4.57, 9.21), (39.84, 0, 9.21), (38.6, 0, 9.21) (39.84, 4.57, 3.04), (39.84, 4.57, 9.21), (39.84, 0, 9.21), (38.6, 0, 9.21) (36.12, 0, 13.72), (36.12, 0, 9.21), (36.12, 0, 9.21), (38.6, 0, 9.21) (64.6, -4.57, 10.86), (64.6, -4.57, 8.25), (64.6, 0, 8.25), (64.34, 0, 8.25) (64.6, 4.57, 3.04), (64.6, 4.57, 8.25), (64.6, 0, 8.25), (64.34, 0, 8.25) (63.81, 0, 10.86), (63.81, 0, 8.25), (63.81, 0, 8.25), (64.34, 0, 8.25) (111.03, -4.57, 10.86), (111.03, -4.57, 8.25), (111.03, 0, 8.25), (110.57, 0, 8.25) (111.03, 4.57, 3.04), (111.03, 4.57, 8.25), (111.03, 0, 8.25), (110.57, 0, 8.25) (109.65, 0, 10.86), (109.65, 0, 8.25), (109.65, 0, 8.25), (110.57, 0, 8.25) (36.12, 0, 13.72), (36.12, 0, 2.47), (36.12, 0, 2.47), (50.29, 0, 2.47) (63.81, 0, 10.86), (63.81, 0, 2.47), (63.81, 0, 2.47), (77.11, 0, 2.47) (109.65, 0, 10.86), (109.65, 0, 2.47), (109.65, 0, 2.47), (88.39, 0, 2.47) (36.12, 0, 13.72), (36.12, 0, 2.46), (36.12, -0.11, 2.46), (39.82, -0.11, 2.46) (63.81, 0, 10.86), (63.81, 0, 3.04), (63.81, 0.08, 3.04), (64.3, 0.08, 3.04) (109.65, 0, 10.86), (109.65, 0, 3.04), (109.65, 0, 3.04), (105.89, 0, 3.04) (38.4, 0, 2.47), (38.4, 4.57, 2.47), (50.29, 4.57, 2.47) (50.29, 4.57, 2.47), (65.23, 4.57, 2.47) (65.23, 4.57, 2.47), (77.11, 4.57, 2.47) (77.11, 4.57, 2.47), (88.39, 4.57, 2.47) (88.39, 4.57, 2.47), (106.68, 4.57, 2.47), (106.68, 0, 2.47)
SWB 6 SWB 7 SWB 8 SWB 9 SWB 10 SWB 11 SWB 12 SWB 13 SWB 14 SWB 15 SWB 16 SWB 17 SWB 18 SWB 19 SWB 20 SWB 21 SWB 22 SWB L1 SWB L2 SWB L3 SWB L5 SWB L6 SWB L8 SWB L9 FHX 1 to PS 1 FHX 1 to CM 1 FHX 1 to CM 4 FHX 1 to IM 1 FHX 2 to CM 2 FHX 2 to CM 5 FHX 2 to IM 2 FHX 3 to PS 2 FHX 3 to CM 3 FHX 3 to CM 6 FHX 3 to IM 3
(38.4, 0, 2.47), (38.4, -3.66, 2.47) (50.29, 4.57, 2.47), (50.29, 0, 2.47) (65.23, 4.57, 2.47), (65.23, 0.3, 2.47) (77.11, 4.57, 2.47), (77.11, 0, 2.47) (88.39, 4.57, 2.47), (88.39, 0, 2.47) (106.68, 0, 2.47), (106.68, -0.61, 2.47) (50.29, -4.57, 2.47), (50.29, 0, 2.47) (65.23, -4.57, 2.47), (65.23, 0.3, 2.47) (77.11, -4.57, 2.47), (77.11, 0, 2.47) (88.39, -4.57, 2.47), (88.39, 0, 2.47) (38.4, -3.66, 2.47), (38.4, -4.57, 2.47), (50.29, -4.57, 2.47) (50.29, -4.57, 2.47), (65.23, -4.57, 2.47) (65.23, -4.57, 2.47), (77.11, -4.57, 2.47) (77.11, -4.57, 2.47), (88.39, -4.57, 2.47) (88.39, -4.57, 2.47), (106.68, -4.57, 2.47), (106.68, -0.61, 2.47) (38.4, 0, 2.47), (38.4, 0, 2.46), (38.4, -0.11, 2.46), (39.82, -0.11, 2.46) (65.23, 4.57, 2.47), (65.23, 4.57, 4.72), (65.23, 4.08, 4.72), (82.91, 4.08, 4.72) (65.23, 0.3, 2.47), (65.23, 0.3, 3.04), (65.23, 0.08, 3.04), (64.3, 0.08, 3.04) (65.23, -4.57, 2.47), (65.23, -4.57, 4.72), (65.23, -4.08, 4.72), (82.91, -4.08, 4.72) (106.68, 0, 2.47), (106.68, 0, 3.04), (106.68, 0, 3.04), (105.89, 0, 3.04) (106.68, -0.61, 2.47), (106.68, -0.61, 5.79), (106.68, -0.61, 5.79), (92.96, -0.61, 5.79) (38.4, -3.66, 2.47), (38.4, -3.66, 4.11), (38.4, -3.66, 4.11), (44.5, -3.66, 4.11) (39.82, -0.11, 2.46), (39.82, -0.11, 2.46), (39.82, 0, 2.46), (41.45, 0, 2.46) (39.82, -0.11, 2.46), (39.82, -0.11, 10.86), (39.82, -4.57, 10.86), (39.84, -4.57, 10.86) (39.82, -0.11, 2.46), (39.82, -0.11, 3.04), (39.82, 4.57, 3.04), (39.84, 4.57, 3.04) (39.82, -0.11, 2.46), (39.82, -0.11, 13.72), (39.82, 0, 13.72), (36.12, 0, 13.72) (64.3, 0.08, 3.04), (64.3, 0.08, 10.86), (64.3, -4.57, 10.86), (64.6, -4.57, 10.86) (64.3, 0.08, 3.04), (64.3, 0.08, 3.04), (64.3, 4.57, 3.04), (64.6, 4.57, 3.04) (64.3, 0.08, 3.04), (64.3, 0.08, 10.86), (64.3, 0, 10.86), (63.81, 0, 10.86) (105.89, 0, 3.04), (105.89, 0, 5.56), (105.89, 0, 5.56), (91.82, 0, 5.56) (105.89, 0, 3.04), (105.89, 0, 10.86), (105.89, -4.57, 10.86), (111.03, -4.57, 10.86) (105.89, 0, 3.04), (105.89, 0, 3.04), (105.89, 4.57, 3.04), (111.03, 4.57, 3.04) (105.89, 0, 3.04), (105.89, 0, 10.86), (105.89, 0, 10.86), (109.65, 0, 10.86) (105.89, 0, 3.04), (105.89, 0, 3.04), (105.89, 4.57, 3.04), (111.03, 4.57, 3.04) (105.89, 0, 3.04), (105.89, 0, 10.86), (105.89, 0, 10.86), (109.65, 0, 10.86)
The SM operation parameters are shown in Table 6. The PD operation parameters are given in Table 7. Table 8 lists the PS operation parameters. Tables 9 and 10 show the CM and the IM operation parameters, respectively. Table 6. Synchronous Machine Operation Parameters ω rm,a ,min ω rm,o,max 178.5 rad/s 208.5 rad/s ω rm,a ,max Thx,o ,max 198.5 rad/s 365 K
ω rm ,o,min
168.5 rad/s
Table 7. Propulsion Drive Operation Parameters vin ,a ,min vin ,o ,max 400 V 600 V
Table 12. Prime Mover Parameters τ lag ,δ 188.5 rad/s 3.51 ms 2 k 326 N∙m∙s2/rad2 8.4026 kg∙m ω
* ω rm
20.94 rad/s2
* pω max
τ srl δ max kδ τ lead ,δ
49.8 ms 402 rad 91.5 N∙m/rad
803 ms
ω err ,thr
10 rad/s
Tmin Tmax
-600 N∙m 600 N∙m
255 ms
vin ,a ,max
500 V
vc,o ,min
400 V
The SM machine parameters are described in [4], but two parameters not included in [4] will be described here. The parameter values are r fict = 531.5254 Ω and
vc, a , min
500 V
Thx,o ,max
365 K
η = 94.56% .
vin ,o ,min
300 V
Table 8. Power Supply Operation Parameters vin ,a ,min vin ,o ,min 400 V 300 V vin ,a ,max Thx,a ,max
500 V
vin ,o ,max
600 V
325 K
Thx,o ,max
365 K
Table 9. Converter Module Operation Parameters vin ,a ,min vin ,o ,min 450 V 400 V vin ,a ,max
550 V
vin ,o ,max
600 V
Thx,a ,max
325 K
Thx,o ,max
365 K
Table 10. Inverter Module Operation Parameters vin ,a ,min vin ,o ,min 370 V 320 V vin ,a ,max
470 V
vin ,o ,max
520 V
Thx,a ,max
325 K
Thx,o ,max
365 K
The BE parameters are described in [6]. The VR and field drive parameters are given in Table 13. The constant term in the d-axis magnetizing flux linkage equation is 0.0105 V∙s. Table 13. Voltage Regulator and Field Drive Parameters vll* ,rms 560 V,l-l,rms vdc, pow 172 V
10 ms
200 ms
k pv
0.0245 A/V
0.07 Ω
1.37 V
0.018 A
K fix
i fde,max
The PD parameters are given in Table 14. Table 14. Propulsion Drive Parameters τ filter Ldc 2.858 mH 10 ms
The SWV locations are given in Table 11. All of the SWVs in the notional plant are type 1. Table 11. Seawater Valve Parameters y (m) qT (m3/s) x (m) z (m) Valve 1 50.29 4.57 2.47 0.15 2 65.23 4.57 2.47 0.15 3 77.11 4.57 2.47 0.15 4 88.39 4.57 2.47 0.15 5 50.29 -4.57 2.47 0.15 6 65.23 -4.57 2.47 0.15 7 77.11 -4.57 2.47 0.15 8 88.39 -4.57 2.47 0.15 9 50.29 0 2.47 0.3 10 50.29 0 2.47 0.3 11 77.11 0 2.47 0.3 12 77.11 0 2.47 0.3 13 88.39 0 2.47 0.3 14 88.39 0 2.47 0.3 For the ac buses, r fict = 531.5254 Ω . The PM model parameters are given in Table 12.
4 5×10 V/A
Lc rdc
0.2 mH 0.0556
Cdc η
1.988 mF 95.82%
The PS parameters are given in Table 15. * vout
τ filter
Table 15. Power Supply Parameters * 500 V pvmax 2500 V/s 10 ms
100 ms
0.662 mH
0.00112 V/A
rdc Ldc
0.075 11.3 mH
4.4×10-5 V∙s/A 597 V
4.55 mF
kid Vr 0 reff
I sc
55 A
12.624 mH
I thr
35 A
Cα ,min
0.1 ms
Cα ,max
τ srl pv*min
94.89% -2 MV/s The two PDCBs are similarly constructed. They each consist of three zones. Adjacent zones have a zonal tie
line resistance of 0.1 , and component tie lines have a resistance of 0.1 .
19 20 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7
The CM parameters are given in Table 16. The ZDCB parameters are given in Table 17. The IM parameters are given in Table 18. Table 16. Converter Module Parameters * d 0.84 V/A vout 420 V Cin ilimit 449 F 20 A η Cout 447 F 96.97%
GNlk GBflt
Table 17. Zonal DC Bus Parameters rp vd 1.2 V 0.05
Table 18. Inverter Module Parameters η Cin 590 F 95.90% All three SWPs have the same parameters, given in Table 19. Table 19. Seawater Pump Parameters a P,1 β P ,1 704.72 4.92 a P ,2
β P, 2
α P ,1
β P ,3
α P, 2
0.31 m3/s
bP ,1
352.234 kPa∙s/m3
bP ,2
60.556 kPa
bP ,3
All the SWBs exhibit turbulent flow so RB 0 = 1 Pa ⋅ s/m 3 , q B 0 = 1 m 3 /s , and mB = 0.75 . The branches are shown in Table 20. The SWS parameters are in Table 21.
Table 20. Seawater Branch Parameters 3 RBq (kPa∙s/m ) β α PB 0 (kPa) Branch 1 1 3 0 62.869 2 3 6 0 57.101 3 6 9 0 45.375 4 9 12 0 43.084 5 12 15 0 87.313 6 1 2 0 13.979 7 3 5 0 17.455 8 6 8 0 16.309 9 9 11 0 17.455 10 12 14 0 17.455 11 15 16 0 2.33 12 4 5 0 17.455 13 7 8 0 18.601 14 10 11 0 17.455 15 13 14 0 17.455 16 2 4 0 48.889 17 4 7 0 57.063 18 7 10 0 45.375
10 13 1 6 8 7 15 16 2
13 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0.1 22.624 5.72 22.624 5.72 33.33 16.507
43.084 84.983 99650.369 4129.37 466623.529 4141.387 91111.427 807.009 1280.271
Table 21. Seawater Solver Parameters δ 1×10-10 m3/s/kPa 1×10-9 m3/s 3 1 m /s/kPa 10
1×10 kPa∙s/m 1×10-3
kmax γ
2000 0.5
The losses used in the thermal models are scaled versions of the electrical model losses. The SM and PD losses are scaled by 1000 and the PS, CM, and IM losses are scaled by 250. The parameters of the CHXs that cool SMs are given in Table 22. The PD CHX parameters are given in Table 23. Table 22. Synchronous Machine Component Heat Exchanger Parameters 2 mhx 127.22 m A 14327 kg chx h 400 J/K/kg 4800 W/K/m2 ccf 3998 J/K/kg Table 23. Propulsion Drive Component Heat Exchanger Parameters 2 mhx 6813 kg 60.5 m A chx h 400 J/K/kg 4800 W/K/m2 ccf 3998 J/K/kg There are three sets of FWL parameters. In each set, A pipe,out = Apipe,in . The parameters for an FWL cooling a PS are given in Table 24. The parameters for an FWL cooling a CM are given in Table 25. The parameters for an FWL cooling an IM are given in Table 26. Table 27 shows the lengths of the pipes for each FWL, with l pipe,out = l pipe,in . Table 24. Power Supply Freshwater Loop Parameters mhx h 380.1 kg 4800 W/K/m2
896 J/K/kg
8.691 kg/s
4180 J/K/kg
A pipe,in
45.6 cm
7.569 m
τ pump
7 8 9 10 11
Table 25. Converter Module Freshwater Loop Parameters mhx h 73.5 kg 4800 W/K/m2
896 J/K/kg
1.679 kg/s
4180 J/K/kg
A pipe,in
45.6 cm
1.463 m
τ pump
Table 28 shows the parameters of the FHXs in Zones 1 and 3. Table 29 shows the parameters of the FHX in Zone 2.
Table 26. Inverter Module Freshwater Loop Parameters mhx h 100.6 kg 4800 W/K/m2
896 J/K/kg
2.30 kg/s
4180 J/K/kg
A pipe,in
45.6 cm
2.003 m
τ pump
Table 27. Freshwater Loop Lengths l pipe,in (m) Loop 1 1.75 2 5.28 3 12.88 4 15.07 5 4.95 6 12.77
8.39 16.59 9.72 17.53 11.58
Table 28. Zones 1 and 3 Fluid Heat Exchanger Parameters 2 Asf mf 23.65 m 446 kg 2 hsf cs 3998 J/K/kg 2536.6 W/K/m cf
4180 J/K/kg
358 kg
Table 29. Zone 2 Fluid Heat Exchanger Parameters 2 Asf mf 9.32 m 175.9 kg 2 hsf cs 3998 J/K/kg 2536.6 W/K/m cf
4180 J/K/kg
141.2 kg