Modeling, Control, and Protection of Modular Multilevel ... - IEEE Xplore

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Dec 30, 2017 - L. Zhang, Y. T. Zou, J. C. Yu, J. C. Qin (corresponding author, e-mail: ...... [40] S. Shao, P. W. Wheeler, J. C. Clare, and A. J. Watson, “Fault ...


Modeling, Control, and Protection of Modular Multilevel Converter-based Multi-terminal HVDC Systems: A Review Lei Zhang, Member, IEEE, Yuntao Zou, Jicheng Yu, Student Member, IEEE, Jiangchao Qin, Senior Member, IEEE, Vijay Vittal, Fellow, IEEE, George G. Karady, Life Fellow, IEEE, Di Shi, Senior Member, IEEE, and Zhiwei Wang, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Multi-terminal direct current (MTDC) grids provide the possibility of meshed interconnections between regional power systems and various renewable energy resources to boost supply reliability and economy. The modular multilevel converter (MMC) has become the basic building block for MTDC and DC grids due to its salient features, i.e., modularity and scalability. Therefore, the MMC-based MTDC systems should be pervasively embedded into the present power system to improve system performance. However, several technical challenges hamper their practical applications and deployment, including modeling, control, and protection of the MMC-MTDC grids. This paper presents a comprehensive investigation and reference in modeling, control, and protection of the MMC-MTDC grids. A general overview of state-of-the-art modeling techniques of the MMC along with their performance in simulation analysis for MTDC applications is provided. A review of control strategies of the MMC-MTDC grids which provide AC system support is presented. State-of-the art protection techniques of the MMCMTDC systems are also investigated. Finally, the associated research challenges and trends are highlighted. Index Terms—DC circuit breaker (CB), DC-fault blocking, DC voltage droop control, detailed switching model, embedded HVDC, equivalent circuit model, high-voltage direct current (HVDC), meshed DC grids, modeling of MMC-MTDC, modular multilevel converter (MMC), multi-terminal direct current (MTDC), power oscillation damping.



HE voltage-source converter based high-voltage direct current (VSC-HVDC) system has been widely investigated due to its salient features such as interconnection of weak AC systems or even passive networks, reactive power support, improved reliability, and integration of various energy resources [1]. Its capability of changing power flow direction Manuscript received April 16, 2017; revised October 3, 2017; accepted October 29, 2017. Date of publication December 30, 2017; date of current version November 10, 2017. This work was funded by SGCC Science and Technology Program under project Research on Electromagnetic Transient Simulation Technology for Large-scale MMC-HVDC Systems. L. Zhang, Y. T. Zou, J. C. Yu, J. C. Qin (corresponding author, e-mail: jqin@, V. Vittal, and G. G. Karady are with the School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-5706, USA. D. Shi and Z. W. Wang are with GEIRI North America, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA. DOI: 10.17775/CSEEJPES.2017.00440

without reversing the voltage polarity enables the construction of multi-terminal HVDC systems and DC grids [2]. Multiterminal direct current (MTDC) grids can provide the possibility of meshed interconnections between regional power systems and various renewable energy resources, which potentially enhance reliability of the AC and DC systems, improve flexibility and economy of power dispatching and efficiently utilize converters and cables [3]–[11]. The modular multilevel converter (MMC) has become the most attractive converter topology for high power and medium/ high voltage applications, especially for VSC-HVDC systems [12]. In comparison with the two-level VSC and other multilevel converter topologies, the salient features of the MMC include: 1) its modularity and scalability to meet any voltage level requirements, 2) reduced voltage ratings and dv/dt stress of switches and capacitors, 3) high efficiency, 4) improved power quality for filter-free applications, 5) inherent fault-tolerance capability and 6) fault-blocking capacity to improve fault interruption performance of the MMC-based HVDC systems. Therefore, the MMC has become the basic building block for MTDC systems and DC grids. Although the line commutated converter (LCC)-based HVDC technology dominates long-distance, bulk power transmission and several LCC-based MTDC systems have been commissioned or are under construction [13]–[18], VSC (especially MMC) is more suitable for building DC grids through providing more grid services [1]. The Italy-Corsica-Sardinia (SACOI) HVDC project is the first three-terminal LCC-MTDC system. The first two converter stations were completed in 1967 and were rated at 200 kV, 200 MW and then upgraded to 300 MW in 1992. The third station was installed in 1988 [14]–[16]. The Qu´ebec-New England LCC-HVDC system is the first five-terminal HVDC transmission system in the world [13]. The North-East Agra multi-terminal ultrahighvoltage direct current (UHVDC) system is under construction in India, which is the world’s first multi-terminal UHVDC transmission link based on LCC [17], [18]. However, due to the advantages of VSC (especially MMC) over conventional LCC, the MMC technology is more promising and has been applied to the Nan’ao three-terminal HVDC system, which is the world’s first multi-terminal VSC-HVDC transmission system [19]. The Zhoushan HVDC project is the first five-

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TABLE I M ULTI - TERMINAL HVDC S YSTEMS A ROUND THE W ORLD Name of System Italy Corsica Sardinia (SACOI) Qu´ebec-New England Nan’ao Zhoushan North-East Agra Zhangbei

Terminals 3 5 3 5 4 4

Commissioning Year 1967, 1988, 1992 1990–1992, 2016 2015 2016 Under construction Under construction

terminal MMC-HVDC system in the world [20], [21]. In Europe, meshed DC grids have been planned in the North Sea Super Grid (NSSG) and European Super Grid projects [22]– [27]. Table I lists the details of some multi-terminal HVDC projects. Over the past few years, there has been a significant effort towards addressing the technical challenges associated with operation, control, modeling, and protection of MTDC systems [3], [16], [28]. As compared with LCCs or two-level VSCs, the MMC is more suitable for building MTDC systems and DC grids due to its salient features. However, there are some technical challenges when applying the MMC to DC transmission systems. The main intention of this paper is to provide a comprehensive analysis and review in modeling, control, and protection of the MMC-based MTDC systems. This paper also highlights the associated research challenges and trends. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II gives an overview of the features of the MMC-based MTDC systems. Section III introduces the state-of-the-art modeling techniques of the MMC along with their simulation performance for MTDC applications. This is followed by a review of control strategies of the MMC-MTDC systems in Section IV. Section V presents the protection techniques for the MMCMTDC systems. Section VI concludes the paper. II. OVERVIEW OF F EATURES OF MMC-MTDC The challenges of a general VSC-MTDC system have been presented in [3], [16], [26]. When employing the MMC in MTDC systems, it provides new features as compared with conventional two-level and multilevel VSCs. A. Modeling Issue The MMC is the most attractive device for building MTDC systems and DC grids due to its advanced characteristics [12]. A schematic diagram of an MMC is shown in Fig. 1. The MMC based on the half-bridge (HB) submodules (SMs) is the dominant topology for HVDC applications due to its low cost and low loss. However, in case of a DC-side short-circuit fault, the HB-MMC cannot block the fault currents fed from the AC grid. Various SMs have been proposed and investigated to improve fault-blocking performance of the MMC-HVDC systems, including the full-bridge (FB), the unipolar-voltage full-bridge (UFB), the clamp-double (CD) and the threelevel/five-level cross-connected (3LCC/5LCC) SMs [29]–[31]. Different SM circuits and MMC configurations have different operating behaviors and design considerations.

Rated Capacity (MW) 200/50/200 2,250/2,138/690/690/1,800 200/100/50 400/300/100/100/100 6,000 3,000/3,000/1,500/1,500


Rated DC Voltage (kV) +200 ±450 ±160 ±200 ±800 ±500



SM 1

SM 1

SM 1











Half-bridge SM

Full-bridge SM






Rarm Clamp-double SM

SM 1

SM 1

SM 1




+ +

− Three-level crossconnected SM

Fig. 1.

Schematic representation of an MMC with various SMs.

In a large-scale MMC-embedded power system, as shown in Fig. 2, it is essential to investigate dynamic performance, fault and protection, control design, reliability and stability based on modeling and simulation analysis to satisfy planning and operational criteria [32]–[35]. The use of a detailed switching model (DSM) of the MMC is time consuming and infeasible for large-scale MTDC system simulation due to a large number of semiconductor switches. The main challenge associated with modeling and simulation of the MMC-MTDC systems is lack of high efficient and accurate models of the MMCs, which are expected to cover various behaviors of the MMCs, based on different SM circuits/configurations and can be applied to various simulation platforms. B. Reliability and Stability Issues 1) Reliability A large number of components in an MMC lead to low reliability of the MMC [36]. However, the MMC has inherent faulttolerance capability which potentially improves its reliability with proper design and control. Several methods have been proposed for reliability improvement of the MMC, including redundancy design, fault detection/location, post-fault control and periodic maintenance [36]–[48]. Nevertheless, it is still challenging to accurately estimate and cost-efficiently improve the reliability of the MMC-based systems.




G1 101

AC Grid 1


108 G3 103



102 G2

MMC-MTDC systems with coordination of circuit breakers (CBs), converters and other protection devices.




A. Modeling of the MMCs 111

DC Bus 4

DC MMC 1 Bus 1


Wind Farm 1

DC Grid DC Bus 2

Wind Farm 2

DC DC Bus 5 Bus 3



Ga 201

204 205

206 208





207 AC Grid 2 209

Fig. 2.

As discussed in Section II-A, due to a large number of semiconductor switches, the DSM is time consuming and infeasible for large-scale MTDC system simulations. To address this challenge, several modeling techniques have been developed to accelerate electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulation. 1) Averaged models: In [60], [61], an averaged model has been proposed only for the HB-MMC configuration under normal operating conditions, without considering DC fault operating conditions, as shown in Fig. 3. Similar models are also presented for the HB-MMC and FB-MMC in [35], [62], [63]. However, they are not applicable for investigating DC-side transient and fault conditions.


+ vau


















Topology of an MMC based MTDC system.

2) Stability To improve system performance, it is important to investigate the stability of the MMC-MTDC systems and enhance the stability of both AC and DC systems [49]–[55]. In an MMC, the SM capacitors can provide energy storage capability, which can be utilized to damp power oscillation [56]–[58]. Consequently, by employing the MMC in MTDC systems, it can potentially provide enhanced and flexible ancillary services to improve system stability with inherent energy storage, proper design and coordinate control and operation between AC and DC systems. 3) Protection Issue To reliably operate the MTDC systems, the protection strategy is very critical, involving proper coordination of circuit breakers (CBs), converters and other protection devices. The protection systems of the MTDC systems must seamlessly satisfy the requirements including sensitivity, selectivity, speed, reliability and robustness [3]. The HB-MMC based MTDC systems have the similar DC fault characteristics with that of the conventional two-level VSC-MTDC systems. As discussed in [31], [59], due to the fault currents flowing through the freewheeling diodes, the HB-MMC and the two-level VSC cannot block the fault currents during a DC-side short-circuit fault. Therefore, the protection systems need to be properly designed and deployed in the HB-MMC-MTDC systems. The fault-blocking capability can be embedded into the MMC by employing the fault-blocking SMs to block fault current flowing through the converter [31]. Another solution is to use DC CBs to isolate the faulty lines. However, both solutions increase cost and loss. Therefore, it is still challenging to identify the most cost-efficient protection scheme for the

V dc

Grid voltages

iarm Fig. 3.

− Arm voltage calculation

The averaged model of the MMC.

2) Detailed equivalent circuit models: To investigate DC fault and transient conditions, a detailed equivalent circuit model (ECM) is proposed in [64] for the HB-MMCbased MTDC system, which is able to estimate the capacitor voltage for each SM. Its configuration is shown in Fig. 4. The instantaneous capacitor voltages and arm voltages can be determined by differential equations through numeric methods. However, it is not applicable for the SMs with fault-blocking capability (e.g., the FB SMs). 3) Equivalent circuit models with fault-blocking capability: To consider the MMC with embedded fault-blocking capability, a detailed ECM has been proposed for selfblocking MMC in [65]. Reference [66] proposes an ECM for hybrid MMC configurations based on various SM circuits, which is applicable for normal and fault operations. In [66], a detailed ECM is derived, along


Equivalent arm branch

+ + _


+ _


+ _














V dc

Grid voltages

iarm S SM (1:N) Fig. 4.

+ _


+ _


+ _


Arm voltage calculation

The detailed equivalent circuit simulation model of the MMC.

with considering the individual capacitor in each SM and voltage balancing. To further accelerate the simulation model of the MMC-based system, a reduced-order ECM can be derived by assuming that all capacitor voltages of each arm are well balanced and become a one state variable. The DSM, detailed ECM, and reduced-order ECM are compared by a 21-level HB-MMC-HVDC system in a PSCAD/ EMTDC simulation program, as shown in Fig. 5. The run time of the three simulation models is compared and listed in Table II. Based on Table II, the reduced-order ECM has the highest simulation efficiency.


B. Modeling of the MTDC Systems To evaluate the system-level dynamic performance, stability and interaction between AC and DC grids, modeling and simulation of the MTDC systems are required. In [67], [68], the modeling of AC grids with embedded MT-DC systems is analyzed and a unified method for power flow calculation is proposed. A generalized VSC-MTDC dynamic model is proposed and extended in [69], [70]. In [71], three dynamic models are compared and investigated for the stability evaluation of the MTDC systems. Reference [72] presents a dynamic model for the VSC-MTDC systems based on the Newton-Raphson method, while considering a more detailed VSC model for positive-sequence dynamic simulations of large-scale power systems. The aforementioned references consider the general VSC-MTDC systems. Reference [73] presents two EMT simulation models of the MMC-MTDC systems based on the equivalent circuit of the MMC. However, the existing models are not eligible for various SM circuits and MMC configurations under different operating conditions. IV. C ONTROL S TRATEGIES OF MMC-MTDC To properly and efficiently control the VSC-MTDC systems, two control tasks should be considered: 1) DC voltage control and 2) AC-side auxiliary control. DC voltage control is used to stabilize DC grid operations. The DC voltage of each converter is related to the balance of active power, and determines the power flow and sharing in the DC networks [74], [75]. On the other side, the VSC-based converter stations have features of power decoupling and fast response, which could provide auxiliary support to the AC systems and potentially, enhance performance and stability of the AC systems. The existing control strategies of the VSC-MTDC systems are applicable for the MMC-MTDC systems. A. DC Voltage Control and Coordination Strategy



Time (s) (c)

Fig. 5. The phase-a capacitor voltages of the HB-MMC HVDC systems based on (a) DSM, (b) detailed ECM, and (c) reduced-order ECM. TABLE II C OMPARISON OF S IMULATION M ODELS FOR 21- LEVEL MMC-HVDC S YSTEMS Model DSM HB-MMC Detailed ECM HB-MMC Reduced-order ECM HB-MMC

Simulation Time (s) 1 1 1

Simulation Step (µs) 10 10 10

Running Time (s) 1,656.21 30.67 11.52

The commonly used control architecture of a VSC in the MTDC systems is shown in Fig. 6, which consists of inner and outer control loops and is also applicable for the MMC-based converter station. The DC voltage control is implemented by the outer control loop. Unlike the frequency of the AC system as a global control parameter, the DC voltage varies in the DC grid due to power flow controlled by the difference between bus voltages of the DC network [75], [76]. Based on this basic control architecture, various DC voltage control and coordination strategies have been developed. Currently, there are primarily three methods for DC voltage control: master-salve control, voltage margin control and voltage droop control [76]–[78]. These methods can also be categorized as centralized and decentralized control methods. A brief introduction of these three DC voltage control methods is presented as follows: 1) Master-slave control: For this control, a master converter is selected and responsible for controlling the voltage profile while other converters control power [76]. This method has been implemented in the Nan’ao five terminal MTDC system [19]. However, this method has instability issues since only the one master converter




E L1











ud uq

id iq

Modulation dq Active power control



DC voltage control


idref I id

Vdc Reactive power control

Qref Q



P eq

iqref I

AC voltage control




P Vdc,ref




Fig. 6.

DC voltage and power control scheme of a VSC.

control has the similar instability issue of master-slave control due to only one regulating converter existing at one time [79]. In worst case scenarios, master converter shifting will cause oscillation of the DC voltage and may lead to collapse of the DC grid [76]. Additionally, the dynamic response of the voltage margin control is slow due to its controller architecture [80]. 3) Voltage droop control: Voltage droop control, as a decentralized strategy and as shown in Fig. 8, is very different compared with the two aforementioned centralized control methods. In the voltage droop control, DC voltage is controlled by multiple converters to maintain voltage stability and power balance [76], [79]. This approach

cannot ensure proper operations if the master converter fails [76], [78]. Additionally, the master converter should be connected to a very strong AC grid to ensure fast conditioning of the DC grid and avoid negative effects on the AC grid [5]. 2) Voltage margin control: Voltage margin control is considered as an improved master-slave voltage control, as shown in Fig. 7. There are some reserved converters to ensure the capability of the DC voltage regulation when power limitation is exceeded [79]. If the master converter is off-line or reaches its power limitation, one of the reserved converters will immediately take over the role of DC voltage regulation [5]. However, voltage margin Vdc


* Vdcfl

Pmax Inverter

Fig. 7.

* Vdcsl

Rectifier −Pmax P1*

P2* Pmax Inver ter

Pmax Inverter Rectifier −Pmax

Characteristics of voltage margin control. Vdc

Rectifier −Pmax

Fig. 8.

* Vdcsu

* Vdcfu


Rectifier −Pmax



Pmax Inver ter Rectifier −Pmax

Characteristics of voltage droop control.


Pmax Inverter Rectifier −Pmax

Pmax Inver ter


originated from power-frequency droop control of the AC system. Compared to other methods, voltage droop control has high reliability and does not cause oscillations. Reference [76] presents a generalized voltage droop control and power sharing strategy based on a two-layer hierarchical structure. Based on these three basic methods, some modified and improved strategies have been proposed. These emerging methods can be recognized as consisting of two categories. One category focuses on the design and optimization of the coefficients of the voltage droop control, such as adaptive droop control for available headroom of power limitation to improve stability [81], integration of renewable generation and energy storage with trusted stability [74], [77] and optimal DC power flow [75], [80], [82]. The other category focuses on modification and combination of these three basic methods for better performance. In reference [79], a master-auxiliary coordinated control is proposed by combining voltage margin and voltage droop control methods for offshore wind farms. In reference [70], a control approach is proposed for twoterminal systems and extended to multiple-terminal systems, which involves master-slave controls. In reference [83], the conventional active power control and voltage control are modified and combined to form a new method. B. Power Flow and Sharing Between Multiple Converters Power flow and sharing of the VSC-MTDC systems is controlled by the DC voltage of each terminal, as shown in Fig. 9. It is essential to consider stability region, limitation and optimal parameter determination of voltage control approaches to calculate the power flow and sharing.

0 Station #1

0 Station #2

0 Station #3

0 Station #4

0 Station #5

0 Station #3 out

0 Station #4

0 Station #5

Operating point

0 Station #1

Fig. 9.

0 Station #2

Characteristics of power sharing in a five-terminal MTDC system.

In reference [82], a DC voltage and power sharing control strategy is proposed based on a combination of an optimal DC power flow algorithm and voltage-droop method for the optimal operation of the MTDC grids. Reference [75] also combines droop strategy and an optimal power flow algorithm in a hierarchical control architecture for the MTDC systems. Reference [84] proposes an improved analytic model for the steady-state analysis of droop-controlled VSC-MTDC systems. Based on the bisection algorithm and superposition principle, this analytic model can estimate the results of power distributions, DC voltage deviation and power loss variations


of the MTDC systems under converter outage and overload conditions. Additionally, reference [78] gives an analytical expression to estimate the distribution of balancing power under voltage droop control. In reference [5], a generalized algorithm is proposed to solve DC-power flow of the MTDC systems with various nonlinear voltage droops. C. Power Oscillation Damping and AC System Performance Enhancement The MTDC systems can also offer additional control functions to improve system dynamic performance, such as power oscillation damping [85], transient stability and fault recovery [52], [86], [87] and subsynchronous damping enhancement [88]–[90]. Low frequency inter-area power oscillations are a common phenomenon in power systems [91] and have caused a few wide-scale blackouts [92], [93]. The inter-area oscillation is the main reason for power system separation and cascading failure [94]. Neither the damper windings of the synchronous machines nor the modern digital electro-hydro control systems without global signal measurement can effectively attenuate the inter-area oscillations [95], [96]. Therefore, the attenuation of the inter-area power oscillations is important and has remained a challenge for a long time. The power oscillation control can be integrated into the DC power control of the MTDC systems. The basic concept is to compensate the oscillations of AC systems by exchanging extra power and modifying the DC power reference of Fig. 6. The extra power utilized for damping the oscillation can be calculated based on the optimal control strategy with the inputs: 1) generator rotor speed difference [96], 2) temporary frequency difference among the converter stations when these stations are within the same AC network [97] and 3) instantaneous AC power flow at the converter stations. Reference [98] analyzes and presents an inter-area oscillation damping solution to a two-machine MTDC system by using an active-power modulation. Reference [99] proposes a coordinated control strategy for VSC-HVDC integrated with offshore wind farms, which can provide more synthetic inertia. Reference [100] proposes an oscillation damping method based on frequency and power differences in accordance with a communication latency compensator to overcome the signal delay. In reference [101] and [102], the MTDC grids are used to damp power oscillation of an AC system by active power injection. In reference [103], a time-optimal power injection control strategy for the MTDC systems is proposed based on Lyapunov theory and can enhance the rotor-angle stability of the AC system. Reference [104] proposes a generic inertia emulation control strategy for the VSC-MTDC systems and emulates the behaviors of synchronous generators by utilizing DC-link capacitors of the MTDC grids to exchange energy and contribute an inertial response to AC system disturbances. Reference [105] shows that the VSC-MTDC systems can improve power transfer capability and provide extra dynamic security under low wind conditions of the wind farm. In reference [106], a control strategy is proposed to stabilize the interconnected AC-MTDC system and converge the AC



frequencies to the nominal frequency. Furthermore, this control strategy can optimize the operation of the MTDC systems by minimizing the quadratic cost functions of voltage deviations and generation power. Reference [107] uses the MTDC grid to minimize frequency deviation of the interconnected AC system by autonomous power sharing control. Although these aforementioned control strategies for the VSC-MTDC systems are applicable for the MMC-MTDC systems, there are a lack of literature on investigating the interaction of the internal dynamics of the MMCs, the DC networks and the AC grids. Compared to the conventional two-level VSC, the MMC needs more complicated internal controllers to properly control the internal dynamics. Additionally, the internal energy storage of the MMC may provide a potentially enhanced capability to stabilize the AC systems as well as the DC networks. V. P ROTECTION T ECHNIQUES OF MMC-MTDC A. DC Fault Analysis, Detection, and Location Under DC fault conditions, the HB-MMC has similar behavior as two-level VSC and cannot block the fault currents, as shown in Fig. 10. Consequently, the DC fault analysis, detection and location methods for the VSC-MTDC systems are also applicable for the HB-MMC based MTDC systems. 1) DC fault analysis: Reference [59], [108]–[112] comprehensively investigate the DC fault types and characteristics for general VSC-MTDC systems, which are also suitable for MMC-MTDC. In reference [113], the behaviors of the conventional two-level VSC-HVDC system and the HB-MMC HVDC system are analyzed under DC line-to-earth faults. It shows that the system’s behaviors depend on the earthing configuration and the HB-MMC HVDC system has a lower fault current due to the reduced size of the DC-link capacitance. Reference [114] investigates DC network partition and minimum fault protection cost for the MTDC systems. 2) DC fault detection and location: Fast fault detection and location are critical for protection of the MTDC systems. Reference [115] presents a fault detection and location method by using the DC current direction to identify the potential faulty line. However, its limitation is that the faulty line can only be identified in the process of clearing the fault. References [116]–[119] present several fault detection and location methods based on transient voltages and currents during fault condition, which are not sensitive to high-resistance faults [120]. Reference [121]–[125] proposes a class of wavelet and traveling-wave based fault detection and location methods, which can accurately identify fault type and location. To improve the robustness of fault detection and location, reference [126], [127] employ several intelligent methods in the process of fault detection and location, such as artificial neural network (ANN) and support vector machines (SVMs). Reference [128] presents a model-based fault detection and location method based on Kalman filters.

LSC idcf

+ l vupa iupa


ia vta vtb vtc

Vdc ilowa vlowa


l  m

Fig. 10. Equivalent circuit of the HB-MMC system during a DC-side shortcircuit fault [31].

B. DC Fault Interruption In reference [115], AC-side CBs coordinating with DC fast switches are employed to clear DC grid faults. However, due to the slow response of AC CBs, this solution cannot meet the fast response requirements of DC grids. The MMCs with embedded fault-blocking capability provide more choices for DC fault interruption. Consequently, for the MMC-MTDC systems, three options are feasible for clearing DC grid faults. The first one is to use DC CBs to isolate the faulty lines while continuing to operate the rest of the DC grid. The second one is to use converter topologies with embedded fault-blocking capability. The third one is to coordinate converters, CBs, and other protection devices. 1) DC CBs The basic operational principles and configurations of the DC CBs have been investigated and reviewed in [129]–[134], as shown in Fig. 11. The DC CBs need to create a zerocurrent switching to interrupt the fault current and dissipate the energy stored in the system. The DC CBs can be categorized as follows: 1) Mechanical DC CBs: The basic configuration of the mechanical DC CBs includes a normal current path, commutation path and energy dissipation path, as shown in Fig. 11(a) [130]. During normal operation, the current flows through the mechanical switch. When the fault is detected, the mechanical switch is opened. An arc voltage will commutate current from the mechanical switch into the commutation branch, which can generate current oscillation. When the arc is extinguished, the fault current charges the capacitor to the system voltage. Meanwhile the dielectric strength of the mechanical switch recovers and is able to withstand the system voltage. When the voltage is higher than the threshold voltage of the varistor, the varistor conducts and absorbs the energy stored in the line inductance. 2) Solid State DC CBs: The solid state DC CBs are primarily implemented by various combinations of semiconductor switches and ancillary circuits with an ultrafast operating speed but high on-state losses [132]. 3) Hybrid DC CBs: The hybrid DC CBs combine the con-




Circuit breaker


Normal current path Commutation path Energy absorption path



Ic Ia

Surge arrestor (a) L


Io Circuit breaker

Is Ia

Commutation element

Fast disconnector

Fig. 13, all semiconductor switches in the FB-MMC system are turned off under DC fault conditions, the fault current flows through the freewheeling diodes and is blocked by the SM capacitor voltages. In steady-state conditions, the amplitude of the AC-side line-to-line voltage is less than the sum of the capacitor voltages in the short-circuit loop, as shown in Fig. 13. Therefore, the fault-blocking capability of MMC can be applied to AC and DC grids to interrupt fault.

Semiconductor branch


D1 D3 + _


Energy absorption branch



Ultra fast disconnector

D3 + _



D2 S4

S2 Load commutation switch



D2 (b) L





(b) D6

Circuit breaker Is


Main dc breaker (c)

S3 + _ C1


+ _



S4 D7

Fig. 11. (a) Basic configuration of mechanical DC CB, (b) general configuration of hybrid DC CB, and (c) typical specific configuration of hybrid DC CB.

trollable semiconductor switches with fast mechanical breakers. The general configuration and a typical configuration of the hybrid DC CBs are shown in Fig. 11 (b) and (c), respectively. The commutation path is controlled by the semiconductor switches and only operates during the interruption interval [131], [134]. Reference [133] analyzes the operational principles of the hybrid DC CBs and summarized various configurations of the hybrid DC CBs. In reference [135], a fast hybrid DC CB with modular and scalable structure is presented. The mechanical DC CBs are able to provide low loss conduction paths and withstand the system voltage when they are isolated. However, they take a long time (generally 10 to 100 ms) to clear fault [132]. The solid state DC CBs have faster switching speed, which are able to clear faults in less than 1 ms [131]. However, under normal operating conditions, the power loss is much higher than that of the mechanical DC CBs. The hybrid DC CBs have faster fault clear speed than that of the mechanical DC CBs and lower power losses than that of the solid state DC CBs. 2) MMCs with Fault-blocking Capability The MMC with the HB SMs is the dominant topology for HVDC applications. In case of a DC-side fault, the fault current flows from the AC side to the DC side through the freewheeling diodes. To solve this problem, various faultblocking SMs have been proposed and investigated, including FB, UFB, CD, 3LCC, and 5LCC SM circuits [29]–[31]. Subsequent to a DC-side fault, when all of the semiconductor switches of Fig. 12 are turned off, the capacitors can generate reversed voltages to block the fault current flowing from the AC side to the DC side. For instance, as shown in

(c) S5



S1 + C1 _

+ _ C2


S4 SM2

SM1 (d)

Fig. 12. The fault current paths of various SMs: (a) FB, (b) UFB, (c) CD, and (d) 3LCC SM circuits.

Fig. 13.

The fault current path of the FB-MMC [31].



However, although the MMCs with fault-blocking SMs can block the DC fault current, the increased number of semiconductor switches leads to extra power losses. Reference [31] presents a hybrid design strategy to optimize the MMC design in terms of cost, losses and fault-blocking capability. 3) Coordination of the MMCs with the DC CBs The MMCs with fault-blocking SMs are not the most costeffective solution due to their high cost and loss [31], [136]. To reliably isolate the faulty lines in the MTDC systems, DC CBs are still required. However, interrupting the DC fault current only by DC CBs is also not a cost effective solution due to the large number of DC CBs required in meshed DC grids [137]. Therefore, to coordinate the MMCs with the hybrid DC CBs is a potential solution. Reference [136] compares various fault-blocking SMs and proposes a new topology of hybrid DC CB. Reference [137] presents an assembly of DC CBs as well as the corresponding control strategy. In reference [138], a coordinated operation with the mechanical DC CBs and the FB-MMC is proposed for the MTDC systems under DC fault conditions. VI. C ONCLUSION The salient features of the MMC enable it to become the primary building block for MTDC and DC grids. The MMCMTDC systems embedded into the present power system will significantly enhance system reliability and efficiency, support renewable energy integration and improve flexibility and economy of power dispatching. Over the past few years, the MMC-MTDC systems have become the most attractive technology for construction of DC grids. However, there are still several technical challenges in modeling, control, and protection of the MMC-MTDC systems. Although several modeling techniques have been investigated, such as averaged model and equivalent model, they are not applicable for all MMC configurations and SM circuits under various operating conditions. For large-scale power systems, more efficient models need to be developed with fast simulation speed. However, for the study of dynamic behaviors, the models need to accurately simulate more state variables with small time step, which leads to a high computational load. Therefore, there is a tradeoff between accuracy and efficiency. The future control strategy of the MMC-MTDC systems could coordinate the droop control with other controls to improve both AC and DC system performances by addressing the challenges from contingencies in the AC system, converter outages and power oscillations. Multi-functional control configurations would be very promising as the overall control strategy of the MMC-MTDC systems. Additionally, it still needs effort to investigate the interaction of the internal dynamics of the MMCs, the DC networks, and the AC grids to optimize the operations of the MMCs and AC-DC systems. The protection scheme for the MMC-MTDC systems is still ambiguous and requires more investigation. Three major protection strategies have been proposed to isolate the DC faults in the MTDC grids. The protection strategies purely based on DC CBs or purely based on fault-blocking MMCs do not appear to be cost effective. Coordinating the MMCs with

the DC CBs becomes another trend. However, it is still not clear which protection strategy has the superior performance compared to the other available strategies. Therefore, there is still a plenty of room for further development to address the DC grid protection issues.

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Lei Zhang (M’16) received his B.Eng. in electrical engineering from Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, China, in 2012. He received his M.Eng. degree in electrical engineering from Shandong University, Jinan, China, in 2015. From 2015 to 2016, he joined the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, where he worked as a Research Associate. Currently, he is working toward his Ph.D degree at Arizona State University, USA. His research interests include modular multilevel converters (MMC), energy storage systems and hybrid AC-DC microgrids.

Yuntao Zou received his B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Northwest A&F University, Yangling, China in 2014 and his M.Eng. degree in electrical engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China in 2017. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering at Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA. His research interests include system modeling and control of MMC-MTDC systems, dynamic performance and stability of MTDC systems and integration and control of renewable energy sources.

Jicheng Yu (S’11) received his B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China in 2010 and his M.S. degree in electrical engineering from Arizona State University (ASU), Tempe, Arizona, USA in 2013. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering. His research interests include system modeling and controls of HVDC systems, dynamic performance studies for power networks, application of power electronic devices in energy systems and virtual laboratory software development for remote education.

Jiangchao Qin (M’14–SM’17) received his Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA, in 2014. He spent the summer of 2012 in the HighPower Energy Conversion Lab, GE Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, USA, as a Research Intern. After graduation, he joined the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA, as a Postdoctoral Fellow. He is currently an Assistant Professor at Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA. His research interests include power electronics, applications of power electronics in power systems and electric machines and drives.

Vijay Vittal (M’82–SM’87–F’97) received his B.E. degree in electrical engineering from the B.M.S. College of Engineering, Bangalore, India, in 1977, his M.Tech. degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, in 1979, and Ph.D. degree from Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA, in 1982. He is the Ira A. Fulton Chair Professor in the Department of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering at Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA. He currently is the Director of the Power System Engineering Research Center (PSERC) which is headquartered at Arizona State University. Dr. Vittal is a Member of the National Academy of Engineering.

George G. Karady (SM’70–F’78–LF’98) received his masters and doctoral degrees in electrical engineering from the Technical University of Budapest. He was appointed Salt River Chair Professor at ASU in 1986. Previously, he was with EBASCO Services where he served as chief consulting electrical engineer, manager of electrical systems and chief engineer of computer technology. He was an electrical task supervisor for the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor project in Princeton. Dr. Karady has graduated dozens of doctoral and masters students. He is an IEEE Fellow and has published a book, several book chapters, and hundreds of journals and conference papers. His expertise is in power electronics, highvoltage engineering, and power systems.

Di Shi (M’12–SM’17) received his B.S. degree from Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, in 2007, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA, in 2009 and 2012, all in electrical engineering. He currently leads the Advanced Power System Analytics Group at GEIRI North America, Santa Clara, CA, USA. Prior to that, he was a researcher at NEC Laboratories America, Cupertino, CA, and Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Palo Alto, CA. He has published over 60 journals and conference papers and holds 14 US patents/patent applications. The One Energy Management and Control (EMC) technology he developed has been successfully commercialized by NEC Corporation. He served as senior/principal consultant for eMIT, LLC and RM Energy Marketing, LLC.

Zhiwei Wang (M’16) received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in 1988 and 1991, respectively. He is President of GEIRI North America, Santa Clara, CA, USA. His research interests include power system operations and control, relay protection, power system planning and WAMS.