Modeling the solar radiative impact of aerosols from biomass burning ...

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Gunnar Myhre,1,2 Terje K. Berntsen,1,3 James M. Haywood,4 Jostein K. Sundet,1 ..... and single scattering [Haywood et al., 2003; Eck et al., ..... 295–348, John.
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 108, NO. D13, 8501, doi:10.1029/2002JD002313, 2003

Modeling the solar radiative impact of aerosols from biomass burning during the Southern African Regional Science Initiative (SAFARI-2000) experiment Gunnar Myhre,1,2 Terje K. Berntsen,1,3 James M. Haywood,4 Jostein K. Sundet,1 Brent N. Holben,5 Mona Johnsrud,2 and Frode Stordal1,2 Received 15 March 2002; revised 23 August 2002; accepted 30 August 2002; published 29 April 2003.

[1] In this study, we model the radiative impact of biomass burning aerosols with

meteorological data for the Southern African Regional Science Initiative (SAFARI-2000) experiment campaign period. Satellite, ground-based, and aircraft observations are used in the validation of the modeled aerosol optical depth (AOD), vertical profiles, and radiative impact of the aerosols. The modeled pattern and magnitude of the AOD is generally in good agreement with the observations. The meteorological conditions are found to be important in determining the distribution of the aerosols. The modeled radiative impact of the biomass aerosols compares well to measurements. During September 2000, the INDEX modeled radiative impact of biomass aerosols reaches 50 W m 2 locally. TERMS: 0305 Atmospheric Composition and Structure: Aerosols and particles (0345, 4801); 0360 Atmospheric Composition and Structure: Transmission and scattering of radiation; 3359 Meteorology and Atmospheric Dynamics: Radiative processes; KEYWORDS: biomass burning, transport model, single scattering albedo, aerosol optical depth, aircraft measurements, radiative impact Citation: Myhre, G., T. K. Berntsen, J. M. Haywood, J. K. Sundet, B. N. Holben, M. Johnsrud, and F. Stordal, Modeling the solar radiative impact of aerosols from biomass burning during the Southern African Regional Science Initiative (SAFARI-2000) experiment, J. Geophys. Res., 108(D13), 8501, doi:10.1029/2002JD002313, 2003.

1. Introduction [2] The radiative forcing due to the direct effect of aerosols from biomass burning is very uncertain [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 2001]. This is because the abundance of aerosols from biomass burning, the radiative effects of the biomass aerosols, and the human contribution to the abundance of the aerosols from biomass burning are all highly uncertain. [3] Global studies of the radiative impact of the direct aerosol effect of aerosols from biomass burning have been performed by Penner et al. [1998] and Iacobellis et al. [1999] with substantially different results, mainly due to different burden of the aerosols. Hobbs et al. [1997], Penner et al. [1992], and Ross et al. [1998] have performed calculations based on observations of biomass burning in south America which they extrapolate to global conditions. IPCC [2001] assesses a best global mean estimate to be 0.2 W m 2 with an uncertainty as large as a factor of three and a very low level of scientific understanding. 1

Department of Geophysics, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Kjeller, Norway. Center for International Climate and Environmental Research-Oslo, Oslo, Norway. 4 Met Office, Bracknell, UK. 5 Biospheric Sciences Branch, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA. 2 3

Copyright 2003 by the American Geophysical Union. 0148-0227/03/2002JD002313$09.00


[4] Recent satellite retrievals show a strong influence of aerosols from biomass burning during the dry season over land in southern Africa [Diner et al., 2001; Tanre´ et al., 2001] and earlier satellite retrievals have shown the same over ocean [Husar et al., 1997]. [5] The Southern African Regional Science Initiative (SAFARI-2000) experiment was a large campaign in southern Africa during August and September 2000 in the main biomass burning season [Swap et al., 2003]. The UK Met Office C-130 conducted several flights in the period 5 – 19 September. Haywood et al. [2003] present an overview of the measurements with C-130 and the main results obtained. Perhaps the most significant finding regards the single scattering albedo, which is crucial for the radiative effect of aerosols. Haywood et al. [2003] find a single scattering albedo of the regional haze of 0.90 (ranged from 0.86 to 0.93 for the various flights) at 0.55 mm derived both from direct optical measurements and from observed size distribution and Mie theory. [6] The aim of the study is to estimate the direct radiative impact of aerosols from biomass burning (BB) in southern Africa based on modeling, with focus on the period of the C-130 flights. A chemistry-transport model with meteorological data for the actual period is adopted to simulate the distribution of the biomass aerosols. Mie theory and observed particle size distributions are used for calculations of the optical properties of the aerosols. This information along with a radiative transfer model are then used to estimate the radiative impact of the biomass aerosols.

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[7] We use the term radiative impact of the aerosols as the difference in the net solar radiative flux at the top of the atmosphere between the simulation with aerosols and the simulation without aerosols. This is similar to the radiative forcing concept, except that we include both anthropogenic and natural abundance of the aerosols.

2. Models 2.1. Oslo CTM-2 Model (OCTM) [8] The OSLO-CTM2 is an off-line chemical transport model that uses precalculated meteorological fields to drive the chemical turnover and distribution of tracers in the troposphere. The horizontal resolution of the model is determined by the input data provided, and currently a data set based on European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) forecast data with a T63 (1.87  1.87) horizontal resolution is used. In the vertical the model has 40 levels from the surface up to 10 hPa. To generate meteorological input data for August and September 2000 we have been running the Integrated Forecast system (IFS) model at ECMWF in a series of forecasts starting from the analyzed fields every 24 hour. Each forecast is run for 36 hours, allowing for 12 hours of spin-up and the last 24 hours are diagnosed every third hour, generating a continuous record of input data. This procedure has at least two advantages compared to using the standard archived data from ECMWF. We get a consistent data set with all the relevant data (boundary layer height, convection, and 3-dimensional rainfall) for running the CTM, and we double the temporal resolution (only every 6 hours from the archives). [9] The advection of chemical species is calculated by the second order moment method, which is able to maintain large gradients in the distribution of species [Prather, 1986]. Vertical mixing by convection is based on the surplus and deficit of mass flux in a column. Turbulent mixing in the boundary layer is treated according to the Holtslag K-profile scheme [Holtslag et al., 1990]. [10] The module used to model the carbonaceous aerosols (i.e., the hydrophobic fraction in the emissions, the transfer rate from hydrophobic to hydrophilic aerosols (aging), and the dry deposition velocities) are taken from Cooke et al. [1999]. Both black carbon (BC) and organic carbon (OC) are separated in a hydrophobic fraction and a hydrophilic fraction. In the atmosphere hydrophobic aerosols can be oxidized or coated with hydrophilic species to form hydrophilic aerosols [Cooke and Wilson, 1996; Wilson et al., 2001]. In the model a constant aging rate with an exponential lifetime of 1.15 days is used. This rate is quite uncertain (the degree of coating really needed to make the aerosol truly hydrophilic) and probably quite variable as it depends on the amount of hydrophilic species (e.g., sulphate) available for coating, and the local oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere. Wilson et al. [2001] calculate in a model that includes sulphate aerosols, a global average aging rate of 3%/hour (lifetime of 1.39 days) for BC from fossil fuels (FF), and assume an aging rate of 2.5%/hour (lifetime of 1.65 days) for BC from biomass burning. Emissions of BC are assumed to be 80% hydrophobic [Smith et al., 1989; Cashier, 1998], while for OC 50% of the emissions are assumed to be hydrophobic. These fractions are quite

uncertain, e.g., Wilson et al. [2001] assume that 50% of the BC from BB sources are in the mixed form, i.e., hydrophilic, and that 100% of the OC from BB is condensed on coemitted BC in a hydrophilic form. Decreasing the fraction emitted in the hydrophilic form increases the removal rate through wet deposition and increases dry deposition on wet surfaces. Dry deposition of hydrophilic carbonaceous aerosols is calculated with a deposition velocity of 0.025 cm/s over dry surfaces (land) and 0.2 cm/s over oceans. For hydrophobic aerosols a deposition velocity of 0.025 cm/s is applied for all surfaces. The hydrophilic aerosols are also removed by wet deposition. These aerosols are assumed to be 100% absorbed in the cloud droplets, and are removed according to the fraction of the liquid water content (LWC) of a cloud that is removed by precipitation. [11] Emissions of BC from FF sources are taken from Cooke et al. [1999], and BC from BB sources are taken from the Global Emissions Inventory Activity (GEIA), which again is based on the method by Cooke and Wilson [1996]. Total emissions of BC from FF sources are 5.12 Tg(C)/yr. For August the emission of BC from BB is 0.64 Tg(C)/month, while for September it is 0.32 Tg(C)/month. Total (FF + BB) monthly emissions for OC are taken from Liousse et al. [1996]. For August and September the total emissions of OC are 8.9 and 6.9 Tg(C)/month, respectively. [12] Emissions from BB are assumed to be associated with a lift due to the release of thermal heat in the fires [Stocks et al., 1996]. In our reference simulation the a priori assumption is that all emissions from BB are emitted at the two model levels around the local boundary layer height (BLH), as given by the ECMWF data. In the work of Eck et al. [2003] it is suggested that most of the BB occurs during the day. Therefore, in the model, the BB emissions are evenly distributed over 12 hours period of daylight with no emissions during the night. Over south Africa the BLH can reach a maximum of 3 –4 km and higher than 2 km over large regions at noon and in the early afternoon. The altitude of the emissions are in agreement with the altitude measured by Stocks et al. [1996]. In the morning and afternoon the BLH is generally below 1 km. [13] For the simulations in this study, the CTM has been run with a 20 day spin-up, and results have been sampled every third hour for August and September of 2000. 2.2. Radiative Transfer Model [14] In this work impact of BB on solar radiation is studied in detail. In the radiative transfer calculations we apply a multistream model using the discrete-ordinate method [Stamnes et al., 1988]. In this study eight streams are used. The radiative transfer model includes Rayleigh scattering and clouds, and the exponential sum fitting method [Wiscombe and Evans, 1977] is used to account for absorption by gases. The spectral resolution in the solar region is four bands (see Myhre et al. [2002] for further details). [15] The meteorological data for temperature, water vapor, and clouds from ECMWF with T63 spatial resolution as described in section 2.1 are used in the radiative transfer calculations. Within each model grid column we perform separate radiative transfer calculations in clear and cloudy regions to establish an overall radiative flux for the column. Hogan and Illingworth [2000] use radar observations to


show that the random cloud overlap is a satisfactory assumption to estimate the total cloud cover. In this model version with 40 vertical layers we combine the random cloud overlap (to describe effect of clouds in different height regions) and the maximum cloud overlap assumption (for nearby levels) to estimate a realistic total cloud cover. The optical properties of clouds are calculated using the procedure described in Slingo [1989] with an effective radius of 10 mm for low clouds [Stephens and Platt, 1987], which is in reasonable agreement with observations made by the C-130 in stratocumulus clouds off the coast of Namibia [Keil and Haywood, 2003]. For high clouds an effective radius of 18 mm is used. [16] The surface albedo is modeled as function of solar zenith angle and spectral region. Over ocean the surface albedo dependence on solar zenith angle is modeled according to Glew et al. [2002], whereas over land as in the work of Briegleb et al. [1986]. Surface albedo over land is based on vegetation data from Ramankutty and Foley [1999] with spectral albedo values from Briegleb et al. [1986]. 2.3. Optical Properties [17] The size distribution and refractive index of the particles in the biomass burning plume are adopted from Haywood et al. [2003] to model the optical properties (specific extinction coefficient, single scattering albedo, and asymmetry factor) using Mie theory. Haywood et al. [2003] show that the observed size distribution can be fitted with three lognormal size distributions. The third mode represents larger particles including mineral dust which are not included in our emission inventories. Inclusion of the largest mode would thus lead to an underestimation of the mass of the two smaller modes and thereby in the extinction coefficient. Therefore the two mode size distribution is adopted in the calculations of the specific extinction coefficient. For estimation of the single scattering albedo and the asymmetry factor the three mode size distribution is used to better represent the observed optical properties. The latter assumption will be discussed later in section 3.3. [18] Rather than using the modeled BC/OC ratio we adopt the observed ratio from Haywood et al. [2003] of 0.12. In the model OC is derived, but organic matter (OM) accounts for additional mass with OC. Formenti et al. [2003] found an OM/OC ratio of 2.6 which is adopted in our simulations. Further the same studies describe that the biomass aerosol chemical composition measurements (particles smaller than 0.65 mm) indicate a mass fraction of inorganic components of 17% of the total mass. To take this into account we have increased the modeled aerosol mass by 20%. Uncertainties in the values used for the chemical composition of the BB aerosols are discussed by Formenti et al. [2003] and Haywood et al. [2003]. Haywood et al. [2003] calculate a refractive index of 1.54 –0.018i at 0.55 mm using the Maxwell-Garnet mixing rule for the internal mixing, and we use the wavelength dependent refractive index in our simulations. Hygroscopic growth is not taken into account, as Kotchenruther and Hobbs [1998] have shown that this effect influences the optical properties for aerosol from BB only modestly in the low relative humidities found within the aerosol layer [e.g., Haywood et al., 2003].


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[19] We reproduce the single scattering albedo at 0.55 mm of 0.90, which was estimated by Haywood et al. [2003]. Further, the decrease with wavelength in specific extinction and single scattering [Haywood et al., 2003; Eck et al., 2001], which is important for the radiative transfer calculations, is also well reproduced.

3. Results 3.1. Model Results [20] Figure 1a shows the aerosol optical depth (AOD) at 0.55 mm for the period 5 – 19 September. The results are given for 0900 UTC, to allow comparison with satellite data (see section 3.2.1), which are retrieved at this time of the day. The figure shows a maximum estimated AOD higher than 1.0. There is a rather inhomogeneous pattern in AOD, with higher values over land than over ocean. However, the characteristic transport over ocean between Equator and 20S by the trade winds, as seen from satellite retrievals, is also evident in the model calculations. To a much smaller extent there is transport over ocean by the westerly winds south of 30S. The day-to-day variation in the model is substantial given the fact that the emission has been assumed to be the same during the whole period. [21] The monthly mean AOD (0.55 mm) is shown in Figure 1b. The maximum monthly mean is in the western part of Africa around 10S with a clear pattern revealing transport toward northwest and southeast. 3.2. Comparison With Remotely Sensed Data 3.2.1. MODIS [22] The AOD from MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) aboard the Terra satellite is shown for a comparison to the modeled AOD, both on a daily and a monthly basis (at 550 nm). Some is missing due to limited coverage, clouds screening, and bright underlying surfaces. The two first causes are especially important for the coverage of daily data, whereas the latter is most important for the monthly mean data. [23] The daily MODIS data in Figure 1c show that although the AOD is very inhomogeneous, the AOD shows a reasonably consistent transition between land and ocean surfaces. In general the AOD is higher in the beginning of the two weeks period than in the latter part of the period. These features compare well with the model, but local maximum values are higher in the satellite retrievals than the modeled AOD. It is encouraging that the pattern of AOD from the model has many similarities with the MODIS data. E.g. to the south east of southern Africa the ‘‘river of smoke’’ phenomenon is reasonably well represented (H. Annegarn et al., ‘‘The River of Smoke’’: Characteristics of the southern African springtime biomass burning haze, submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research, 2003). [24] In Figure 1d the monthly mean AOD from MODIS is shown. The monthly pattern is naturally much more smooth than the daily ones, but it is still patchy compared to the model results. There are large regions with AOD above 0.5. The maximum AOD (about 1.0) is near the equator in the western part of Africa (about 5S, 15E). There is a secondary maximum (AOD about 0.6) further east (8S, 25E). The model results yield only one maximum (AOD


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Figure 1. Aerosols optical depth (AOD) at 0.55 mm a) modeled during the period 5– 19 September 2000 given at 0900 UTC; b) Monthly mean during September 2000; c) Satellite retrieval from MODIS during the period 5 – 19 September 2000 between 0620 and 1125 UTC; d) Monthly mean for September 2000 from MODIS. 1.0 at 5 – 10S, 15E). However, the maximum area is quite broad, with an excursion toward east, so that in the region of the secondary maximum of the MODIS data, the modeled and the retrieved AOD are very similar in magnitude (about 0.6). Further, off the coast of Angola the MODIS AOD is somewhat higher than the modeled one. Note that the monthly mean AOD from MODIS is based on measurements once a day with somewhat limited spatial coverage and is cloud screened, whereas the modeled AOD is a monthly mean based on distributions 8 times each day,

without any sort of cloud screening. The general pattern of the satellite retrieved AOD and modeled AOD is in good accordance with somewhat higher AOD in the satellite retrieval. 3.2.2. AERONET [25] AERONET is a global ground-based network of Sun photometers (see Holben et al. [1998] for a detailed description). In the region investigated in this study data for 10 stations are available during large parts of September 2000. In Figure 2 a comparison between the modeled AOD



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Figure 2. A comparison between AOD (500 nm) from ten AERONET stations (*) and modeled AOD (solid line) during September 2000. and observations from AERONET is shown. The comparison is performed at 500 nm. [26] At many of the AERONET stations the agreement between the observed AOD and the model results is very good, but at some of the stations the model underestimates the AOD. However, the model captures much of the day-today variations indicating that variability in the meteorological conditions is the major reason for this variation rather than in fire activity. The model results of AOD compares best to the measurements at Bethlehem, Inhaca, Skukuza, Senanga, and Ascension Island. The AOD is generally lower by the end of the month both in the model and the AERONET observations. 3.3. Comparison With Aircraft Data [27] In this section a comparison with measurements from the C-130 aircraft is presented. The C-130 was equipped to measure aerosol size distribution, chemical composition, optical properties, and radiative fluxes (see Haywood et al. [2003] for further details). The C-130 flight pattern is shown by Haywood et al. [2003]. The flights took place mostly over the ocean off the coast of Namibia and Angola, but with some flights also over land in Namibia. 3.3.1. Vertical Profiles [28] Vertical profiles of temperature and scattering is shown in Figure 3 for one location over land and one over

ocean. The temperature and dew point temperature are in very good agreement over land, but differing slightly in the lowest few hundred meters over the ocean. In addition the layer originating from the boundary layer over land is more humid in the model. [29] Over land the observed vertical profile of the scattering is rather homogeneous, and the model shows a similar pattern with slightly higher scattering in the upper part of the aerosol plume and close to the ground compared to the measurements. The vertical profile over ocean is also in reasonable agreement. The maximum in the observed scattering is around 600 hPa, whereas in the model the maximum is at lower altitudes. In both the model and the observations the plume with aerosols from biomass burning is within the layer from about 900 hPa to 550 hPa. The observed scattering below 900 hPa is presumably due to sea salt which is not included in our simulations. [30] In Figure 4 the averaged vertical profile of scattering for three entire C-130 flights are compared to corresponding model results. Two of the flights are over land (A786 and A790) and one over ocean (A789). Note that the altitude is given above the sea level (asl), and the land surface is more than 1 km asl. For the two observations over land the observed profile indicates a rather constant scattering below about 5km, whereas the model has strong gradient in the scattering within the lowest 1 km, and underestimates the


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Figure 3. Observed and modeled vertical profiles of temperature (T), dew point temperature (Td), and scattering (550 nm) over land (upper panel) and over ocean (lower panel). The modeled T and Td are from ECMWF. See Haywood et al. [2003] for a description of the observed vertical profiles.

scattering in most of the rest of the aerosol layer. Over ocean the vertical profiles in the model and the observation are in better agreement. However, the scattering is lower in the model compared to the C-130 measurements. Note that the altitude of the maximum observed scattering in A786 and A789 is as high as 4 km. 3.3.2. Radiative Measurements [31] In the region from 7.5– 13.1E and 20.6– 24.4S a normalized clear sky radiative impact (radiative impact divided by AOD) is calculated based on the modeling. In these simulations clouds are excluded from the radiative transfer calculations to allow comparison with observations from the C-130, which were made under cloud free conditions. We have used the same aerosol distribution as shown in Figure 1a. During the day the normalized radiative impact reaches 90 W m 2 and it is mainly between 50 and 90 W m 2, see Figure 5. The normalized impact is

stronger at 0900 and 1500 UTC than at noon (local noon deviates from UTC noon by less than 1 hr in the region in question) as the radiative impact of particles is largest for high solar zenith angles [see Haywood and Shine, 1997; Myhre and Stordal, 2001]. However, this effect is almost compensated by diurnal variation in the surface albedo of the ocean, which is higher for large solar zenith angles. The day-to-day variation in the normalized radiative impact is small, about 10 W m 2 or slightly more than 10%. [32] Measurements from the C-130 are available for one day. The normalized radiative impact is weaker in the model than in the observations (17%). It is encouraging that modeled radiative impact of aerosols is in such good agreement with measurements, given the uncertainties in the model and observations. Two factors that influence the modeled normalized radiative impact are the AOD and the aerosol optical properties. The modeled AOD is substan-


Figure 4. Vertical profiles of scattering (550 nm) as a function of altitude (km asl) for three C-130 flights and comparison with modeled scattering over the same area. See Haywood et al. [2003] for a description of the flights. tially lower than the observed, which tends to give a too strong normalized radiative impact. The observed AOD for 11 September (the day of observed normalized radiative impact) was 0.31, and only 0.04 in the model. The aerosol plume in the model is slightly further north (see Figure 1a) (see also the flight pattern by Haywood et al. [2003]). On the other hand if the two mode size distribution had been used in the calculation of single scattering albedo and asymmetry factor instead of the three mode size distribution a stronger normalized radiative impact had been calculated. Both of these two factors influence the normalized radiative impact by 10– 20%. 3.4. Radiative Impact 3.4.1. Daily Variation During the Campaign [33] The radiative impact of the aerosols from biomass burning is shown in Figure 6 for the same region as in


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Figure 1a. Clouds have been included in the simulations. Over land the radiative impact is generally negative whereas over ocean the sign varies. The clear sky radiative impact (not shown) is negative over the whole region. The positive values are therefore due to the presence of aerosols above the clouds. The weakly absorbing biomass aerosols give a positive radiative impact only for very bright underlying surfaces such as clouds (see also the case study by Keil and Haywood [2003]). However, this is not the case over arid regions, as will be discussed below. During the period investigated the radiative impact varies between around 50 W m 2 and 65 W m 2 with the strongest negative impact corresponding to high AODs in clear sky cases, and the strongest positive impact corresponding to high AODs over highly reflectant clouds. [34] Figure 7 shows the regional radiative impact of the aerosols from biomass burning both for clear sky conditions and when clouds are included in the calculations, over the period from 5 to 19 September. The region considered is the same as shown in Figure 6. The day-to-day variation is relatively small. The radiative impact of the aerosols from biomass burning decreases during the period. The clouds reduce the radiative impact by a factor of 2 to 3. Hence, clouds reduce the radiative impact of biomass aerosols to a greater extent compared to purely scattering aerosols (as sulfate). This is explained by the fact that locally clouds not only reduce the radiative impact in magnitude but even change the sign from negative to positive, as shown in Figure 6. [35] The wavelength dependence of the specific extinction coefficient and single scattering albedo is particularly strong for biomass aerosols. The decrease in these quantities with wavelength causes the surface albedo to play an important role for the radiative impact of the aerosols. Vegetated surfaces have an albedo with strong wavelength dependence [Dickinson, 1983]. Further, the surface albedo depends on the solar zenith angle. A calculation is performed with a broadband surface albedo assuming no solar zenith angle dependence on the surface albedo. This experiment resulted in a slightly more than 25% weaker radiative

Figure 5. Modeled and one observed (one case) normalized clear sky radiative impact (given as W m 2 per unit AOD) for various times during the day. Results are shown in the period 5 –19 September 2000.


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Figure 6. Radiative impact of biomass aerosols during the period 5 – 19 September 2000 at 0900 UTC. Contours every 10 W m 2. impact, with larger effect over land than ocean. This effect is particularly important over arid regions. The difference in the results of these two simulations is dominated by the spectral dependence of the surface albedo rather than the solar zenith angle dependence. 3.4.2. Monthly Averages [36] In Figure 8 the September 2000 monthly mean radiative impact of biomass aerosols is shown, for cloudy as well as for clear sky conditions. It is evident that clouds reduce the cooling effect of biomass aerosols substantially. The pattern of the clear sky radiative impact is very similar to the pattern of the monthly mean AOD. Clouds change the sign of the radiative impact over ocean areas with large stratocumulus cover and over land areas close to the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) with large cumulus clouds. The positive radiative impact of the aerosols over the south Atlantic ocean is associated with monthly mean cloud cover above 60– 70%. [37] The monthly mean radiative impact due to the aerosols from the southern Africa biomass burning, aver-

aged over the region shown in Figure 8, is 1.7 W m 2 when clouds are included and 4.3 W m 2 for clear sky. As the area of the selected region cover about 8% of the Earth’s surface this corresponds to global mean numbers of 0.14 W m 2 and 0.34 W m 2, respectively. The single scattering albedo has a key role in determining the magnitude of the radiative impact of aerosols. In a sensitivity test we have assumed purely scattering (single scattering albedo equals 1.0) biomass aerosols. The radiative impact then strengthens from 1.7 W m 2 to about 5 W m 2.

4. Summary [38] Based on modeling linked to measurements we estimate the radiative impact of aerosols from biomass burning during the SAFARI-2000 campaign, with special focus on the period 5 – 19 September. We use a combination of theory and observations [Haywood et al., 2003] made during the campaign to derive a consistent set of optical properties. A comparison between our model results and


Figure 7. Radiative impact during the period 5 – 19 September 2000 (W m 2), excluding and including clouds. The results are for the region shown in Figure 6. available observations are made, with regard to AOD, the vertical profile, and the radiative impact of the BB aerosols. Observations include in situ data from the C-130 aircraft, ground-based, and satellite data. Using the ECMWF meteorological data for the campaign period the model manages to reproduce some of the main patterns of AOD during the period, found both in satellite retrievals and ground-based AERONET measurements. The agreement between the model data and the satellite retrieval can be seen by comparing Figures 1a and 1c. In particular the day-to-day variation in the transport to the south east of southern Africa is well captured in the model. The day-to-day variation in the AOD is also in reasonable agreement with the AOD from AERONET, especially taking into account the fact that we use monthly mean emission data. This indicates that variability in the meteorological conditions is more important than in the fire activity. However, daily fire activity information would probably have improved the day-to-day variation further. ATSR data show a significant temporal


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variability in countings of fires in the studied area, with variability also on a smaller regional scale. [39] One problem in our model simulations is the vertical profile over land, decreasing strongly with altitude in the lowest 1km, as opposed to the measurements which show a rather homogeneous boundary layer. This is not so evident in the vertical profiles close to noon shown in Figure 3, but clearly in the profiles for the entire flights in Figure 4 covering a longer time period. In a control simulation with no diurnal variation in the BB emission, larger differences between the model results and the measurements were found, including much larger differences between the observed and the modeled vertical profile over land in Figure 3. The vertical profile problem seems therefore linked to the problem with the BB emission occurring at too low altitude. This could be due to a BLH that is too low (ECMWF data), fire activity that is more concentrated during the day than estimated in our calculations, or that the thermal heat associated with the fires is strong enough for BB emission to be injected above the BLH during the morning and late afternoon. The inclusion of a diurnal variation in the BB emission improved the vertical profile, but had a relatively small influence on the AOD over the southern Africa. [40] Haywood et al. [2003] present some evidence that the single scattering albedo increases with distance from the source region (or equivalently time from emission), but it is unclear whether this is due to increase in the organic carbon content of the aerosol or due to more complex mixing of the particles, which is not included in our study. Eck et al. [2003] show that for some AERONET stations the AOD during September 2000 was high compared to some of the previous years. This can either be caused by high emissions of biomass aerosols during 2000 or by a meteorological situation favorable of high AOD. The latter aspect is taken into account in our study, whereas the former one, which is omitted in our study, can perhaps explain some of the underestimation in our model results. [41] The modeled radiative impact of the aerosols from biomass burning is compared to measurements under clear

Figure 8. Monthly mean radiative impact of biomass aerosols during September 2000 a) clouds included, b) clear sky.


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sky conditions. The radiative impact of the biomass aerosols depends on optical properties, the vertical profile, the abundance of the aerosols, and solar zenith angle. In the single case compared in our study, the difference between the model and observations is almost 20%. [42] Over the region where aerosols from BB is the dominating source of aerosols local radiative cooling and warming stronger than 50 W m 2 magnitude is modeled. The clouds strongly influence the radiative impact of the aerosols. The spectral dependence in the optical properties implies that the spectral dependence in the surface albedo is important for the radiative impact of the aerosols from BB. The aerosols from biomass burning in southern Africa result in a global radiative impact of 0.14 W m 2. [43] Acknowledgments. This work has been supported by the EUproject AIRARF funded through the LSF program CAATER and from the Research Council of Norway, through ChemClim. We thank NASA for making the MODIS data available.

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T. K. Berntsen, Center for International Climate and Environmental Research, Oslo, Norway. J. M. Haywood, Met Office, Bracknell, UK. B. N. Holben, Biospheric Sciences Branch, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA. M. Johnsrudn and F. Stordal, Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU), Kjeller, Norway. G. Myhre and J. K. Sundet, Department of Geophysics, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1022 Blindern, 0315 Oslo, Norway. (gunnar.myhre@