errors in estimation of parameters of. Lee Carter model. - forecast errors in projected ARIMA model. ⢠indices of interest (e.g. hazard rates, annuity values, life.
NEW DEVELOPMENTS OF THE LEECARTER MODEL FOR MORTALITY DYNAMICS Professor Steven Haberman and Dr Arthur Renshaw Cass Business School, City University
Mortality and Longevity – Making Financial Sense of the Highly Uncertain 8 April, Edinburgh 15 April, London 1
Data and Notation
Basic Lee-Carter Model
Age-Period-Cohort Model
Risk Measurement
Concluding Comments
ILLUSTRATION OF DATA CONFIGURATION Typical rectangular data array and targeted projected array.
Data: ( d xt , ext ) d xt = number of deaths at age x and time t ext = matching exposure to risk of death with empirical central mortality rate mˆ xt = d xt / ext .
Random variables: Dxt = number of deaths at age x and time t Yxt = response (generic)
LEE CARTER MODELS: BASE VERSION STRUCTURE One of the benchmark demographic models used for mortality modelling and projections in many countries. Lee and Carter (1992) proposed:
ln mxt = ηxt + ε xt , ηxt = α x + β x κt , where the
ε xt are IID
Ν (0, σ ) variables. 2
This is a regression framework with no observable quantities on the RHS.
Structure is invariant under the transformations
{α x , β x , κ t } 6 {α x , β x / c , c κ t } {α x , β x , κ t } 6 {α x − cβ x , β x , κ t + c} and is made identifiable using the following constraints (which are not unique): tn
∑κ t =t1
= 0,
= 1, and which imply the least squares estimator
tn ∧ 1 αˆ x = ln mxt ∑ tn − t1 + 1 t =t1
INTERPRETATION OF PARAMETERS α x : ‘average’ of log mxt over time t so that exp α x represents the general shape of the age-specific mortality profile.
κt : underlying time trend. β x : sensitivity of the logarithm of the hazard rate at age x to the time trend represented by κt . ε xt : effects not captured by the model.
FITTING BY SVD (Lee and Carter (1992)) A two-stage estimation process: estimate α x as above. Estimate κt and β x as the 1st right and 1st left singular vectors in the SVD of the matrix [log mˆ xt − αˆ x ]. Thus log(mˆ xt ) = αˆ x + s1u1 ( x)v1 (t ) + ∑ si ui ( x)vi (t ) i >1
where si , ui , vi = (ordered) singular values and vectors and βˆ x κˆ t = s1u1 ( x)v1 (t ) subject to the constraints on κt and β x . Finally, κˆ t are adjusted so that
all, x
= ∑ dˆxt ∀ t .
where dˆxt = ext exp(αˆ x + βˆ x κˆ t ) .
all, x
FITTING BY WEIGHTED LEAST SQUARES (GAUSSIAN) Perform the iterative process Set starters αˆ x , βˆ x , κˆ t ; compute yˆ xt ↓ update αˆ x ; compute yˆ xt
ˆ t , adjust s.t. update κ
∑κ t =t1
= 0 ; compute yˆ xt
update βˆ x ; compute yˆ xt compute D( y xt , yˆ xt ) ↓ repeat; stop when D ( y xt , yˆ xt ) converges Where
y xt = log mˆ xt , yˆ xt = ηˆ xt , D ( y xt , yˆ xt ) = ∑ wxt ( y xt − yˆ xt ) 2 x,t
with weights wxt = d xt (or = 1). For a typical parameter, we use the updating algorithm: ∂D ∂ 2 D updated (θ) = θ − . ∂θ ∂θ2
POISSON BILINEAR MODEL Yxt = Dxt , Ε(Yxt ) = ext exp(α x + β x κt ), Var(Yxt ) = φΕ(Yxt ) with log-link and non-linear predictor ηxt = log ext + α x + β x κt . Perform iterative process with y xt = d xt , yˆ xt = dˆxt = ext exp(αˆ x + βˆ x κˆ t ) ⎧⎪ ⎛ d xt ⎞ ˆ − d xt − dˆxt D(d xt , d xt ) = ∑ 2 wxt ⎨d xt log ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ dˆ ⎟ x,t ⎪⎩ ⎝ xt ⎠ with weights
⎫⎪ ⎬ ⎭⎪
1, ext > 0 wxt = 0 , ext = 0
η xt = α x + β xκ t
= 1, κ tn = 0
and link functions η xt = g ( qxt ) Possible choices of
g are:
I. complementary log-log link
η xt = log {− log (1 − qxt )}
II. log-odds link
⎛ qxt ⎞ η xt = log ⎜ ⎟ − 1 q xt ⎠ ⎝
III. probit link
η xt = Φ −1 ( qxt )
DIAGNOSTICS 1) Proportion of the total temporal variance explained by the 1st SVD component: s12 ×100% . 2 ∑ si all, i
(Not a good indicator of goodness of fit.) 2) Standardised deviance residuals εˆ xt = sign( y xt − yˆ xt ) dev ( x,t ) / φ (we could also use standardised SVD residuals) 3) Plot differences between actual total and expected total deaths for each time period, t. 12
{κˆ t : t ∈ [t1 , tn ]} 6 {κ tn + s : s > 0}. Construct mortality rate projections m x,tn + s = mˆ xtn exp{βˆ x ( κ tn + s − κˆ tn )}, s > 0 by alignment with the latest available mortality rates. Note F ( x, tn + s ) = exp{βˆ x ( κ tn + s − κˆ tn )}, s > 0 is a mortality reduction factor, as widely used in the UK and elsewhere. For ARIMA(0,1,0) with drift parameter λ F ( x, t + s ) = exp(βˆ λˆ s ), s > 0 , n
E+W 1961 – 2003 male mortality experience. Log crude mortality rates against period, for grouped age (0-,1-,5-,10-, …, 90-, 95-).
E+W female mortality experience (LC)
E+W male mortality experience (LC)
LC model: E+W mortality experience 16
Basic LC model fits England and Wales females mortality experience fairly well; but poor fit for male experience
Enhancements - optimize choice of fitting period (1) (1) (2) (2) - add a second factor: α x + β x κ t + β x κ t
- allow for a cohort effect
AGE-PERIOD-COHORT MODELS IN LC FRAMEWORK UK: Strong cohort effect for those born in period 1925 – 1945 (also US, Japan, Germany Sweden) The Lee-Carter structure may be expanded to incorporate a cohort effect: (1) APC: ηxt = log e xt + α x + β(0) ι + β x t-x x κt
under the Poisson setting. The age-cohort substructure AC: β(1) x =0 is also of interest, while we recall that for the standard model LC: β(0) x = 0.
FITTING AGE-PERIOD-COHORT MODELS Fitting is problematic because of the relationship cohort = (period – age) or z = t – x between the three main effects. We resort to a two-stage fitting strategy, in which α x is estimated first, according to the original Lee-Carter SVD approach, thus tn ∧ 1 αˆ x = ln mxt ∑ tn − t1 + 1 t =t1
The remaining parameters can then be estimated subject to the parameter constraints (0) β ∑ x = 1, x
(1) β ∑ x = 1 and ιt − x = 0 or κ t = 0 . 1
Effective starting values are obtained by setting β x( 0 ) = β x(1) = 1 and fitting a restricted version of the model to generate starting values for ι z and κ t . 20
Use separate ARIMA time series
{κˆt : t ∈ [t1, tn ]} 6 {κtn + s : s > 0}, {ιˆz : z ∈ [t1 − xk , tn − x1 ]} 6 {ιtn − x1+ s : s > 0}, then
F ( x, tn + s ) = exp{βˆx( 0 ) (ιtn − x+ s − ιˆtn − x ) + βˆx(1) (κtn + s − κˆtn )}, s > 0 where
ιt − x+ s = n
ιˆt − x+ s , s ≤ x-x1 n
ιt − x+ s , s > x-x1
UK female mortality experience (LC) – residual plots
UK female mortality experience (AC) – residual plots
UK female mortality experience (APC) – residual plots
APPLICATIONS Time Series Forecasts p
κt : yt = a0 + a1t + ∑ φi yt −1 with p=2
= κ t − κ t −1
i =1
( a1
≠ 0 for males; a1 = 0 for females)
For ι z
ARIMA (1,1,0)
England and Wales population, parameter estimates, APC model: (a) females; (b) males 26
England and Wales population, parameter estimates, APC model: (b) females; (b) males
Latest and projected logμ xt age profiles: (a) LC and AC modelling; (b) LC and APC modelling 28
Life expectations at age 65 for a range of periods, computed by period and by cohort under age-period (LC) and age-period-cohort (APC) modelling 29
uncertainty in projections needs to be quantified i.e. by prediction intervals
but analytical derivations are impossible
2 different sources of uncertainty need to be combined -
errors in estimation of parameters of Lee Carter model forecast errors in projected ARIMA model
indices of interest (e.g. hazard rates, annuity values, life expectancies) are complex non linear functions of α x , β χ , κ t and ARIMA parameters. 30
DIFFERENT SIMULATION STRATEGIES A) Semi-parametric (Poisson) Bootstrap: generates new data sets ∧
Let d x be fitted number of deaths. Simulate response d x
( j)
from Poisson ( d x )
Compute μ x ( j ) ( j) ( j) ( j) α , β , κ Fit model: obtain estimates of x x t
( j) ( j) for ARIMA (0,1,0)⎤⎦ Compute κtn + k ⎡⎣ = κˆ tn + kθˆ
Repeat for j = 1,..., Ν
DIFFERENT SIMULATION STRATEGIES (Continued) C) Residuals Bootstrap: generates new data sets Let rx be the deviance residuals Sample with replacement to get rx ( j ) Map from rx ( j ) to d x ( j ) for each x Compute μ x ( j ) ( j) ( j) ( j) Fit Model: obtain estimates of α x , β x ,κ t
( j) ( j) ˆ ⎡ ˆ = + κ κ θ for ARIMA (0,1,0)⎤⎦ k Compute t + k ⎣ t n
Repeat for j = 1,..., Ν 32
DIFFERENT SIMULATION STRATEGIES (Continued) B) Parametric Monte Carlo Simulation: generates new parameter estimates from fitted parameter estimates Simulate e ( j ) vector of Ν (0,1) errors Let C be the Cholesky factorisation matrix of the variance- covariance matrix (needs to be invertible) Compute simulated model parameters
( j)
( j) ˆ =θ + ϕ C e
where ϕ is optional scale parameter ( j) κ Compute t + k n
Repeat for j = 1,..., Ν 33
JOINT MODELLING Attempt to model variable dispersion parameter (rather than fixed
2 stage process (LG model)
Dxt as independent Poisson response
{Dxt − E( Dxt )}2
R xt = ω xt
Rxt as independent gamma responses
E ( D xt )
the resulting squared Pearson residuals
V{E( R xt )} E( R xt ) = φ xt , Var( R xt ) = τ ; V(u ) = u 2 ω xt and log link and linear parametric structure in age.
Extend Poisson model (with no scale parameter ϕ = 1) Variance function in GLM becomes:
V (u ) = u + λ xu 2
• Other approaches to prediction intervals for Lee-Carter models – Bayesian methods • Adding simulation techniques to APC model • Extreme ages – extrapolation methods needed where data are scarce • Problems with forecasting structural changes • Time series methods and their application to long forecasting periods
FINAL COMMENT (continued)
• Effect of β x on smoothness of projected age profiles: need for smoothing of estimates • Assessing performance of forecasting methods. • Quality of data sources and appropriateness for particular applications: “basis risk”. • Model error – essential to investigate more than one modelling framework. • Sources of uncertainty – process, parameter, model, judgement. Not all sources of uncertainty can be quantified.
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