Modelling Climate Change Impact on Agriculture and

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Prepare National Communication platform on Climate Change Impacts as well develop strong ..... Several studies have identified the Indo-Gangetic basin aquifer underlying the northern India ...... management: key themes from case studies.
Modelling Climate Change Impact on Agriculture and Developing Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Sustaining Agricultural Production in Bangladesh

A Commissioned Research Project Proposal

Implementing Organizations: o Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur o Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur o Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur






Overview of Bangladesh agriculture Bangladesh climate Temperature rise and its consequences on crop production Rainfall Drought Sea level rise and salinity intrusion Climate change and water resources PROJECT DESCRIPTION Background Modelling climate change impact on agriculture Climate change impacts on agronomic management decisions Major concern Research needs Scope of crop simulation models Scope of the proposed work Overall objective Specific objectives and activities Methodology/steps for achieving the objectives Actions from facilitating agency, KGF Project implementation strategy References SECTION C: BUDGET Results framework

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SECTION A: SUMMARY OF RESEARCH PROPOSAL Modelling Climate Change Impact on Agriculture and Developing Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Sustaining Agricultural Production in Bangladesh Globally climate change is the major threat to environment, agriculture and livelihood. The build-up of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and its effects are the major cause of climate variability and global climate change. Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries to climatic variability/climate change. Because of its geographical location and greater degree of reliance of major segment of population on agriculture, the vulnerability of the country to climate change is much higher. Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, halocarbons and ozone in the lower atmosphere are the major gases that are contributing to the increased greenhouse effect and there is need to identify options to reduce GHGs emission. During last three decades, the occurrence of extreme climatic/episodic events has increased. There is a need to evaluate options to sustain agricultural productivity under these extreme events. Sustaining food security for supplying adequate food to meet the requirements of growing population is a major concern in Bangladesh. Agriculture being the hardest hit by climate change, and increasing or sustaining agricultural productivity remaining critical, developing climate resilient agriculture through adapting agricultural production practices and management options to changing climate is urgently needed. Development of climate resilient agriculture requires prior understanding and delineation of risks and impact of climate change on agriculture, the nature and extent of climate variability/climate change, vulnerability of crops to climate change, impact of climate change on crops and coping mechanisms and crops’ adaptation strategies in changing climatic conditions. Crop simulation models, mechanistic and dynamic, have been successfully employed in developed and developing nations including India to assess yield of crops/cropping systems under various biotic and abiotic stresses, quantify soil and environmental health on short and long term basis, forecasting regional agricultural production, for adoption of suitable natural resource management options and characterizing climatic variability/climate change through growth response. Assessment of the nature and extent of climate variability and climate change into the future and their impact on crop performance in Bangladesh can be successfully done through simulation modelling. The reliability or predictability of climate change impact on crops’ performance can be assessed through calibrated/validated crop simulation models. Once the risk, vulnerability and impact of climate change on crop processes, crop yields and cropping systems are mapped out, the probable mitigation and adaptation options and strategies can be developed through experimental field trials and crop models. These will be done conducting experiments in different agro-ecological environments. Information on the probable climate change impact and the possible agronomic options for adapting agriculture to climate change need to be disseminated to the end users (e.g., farmers, extension, planners and other stakeholders). The proposed project aims at characterizing climatic variability and climate change and their impact on agricultural production through modelling approach. Simulation of the response of major crops and crop processes to variability in climatic factors, soil and hydrological conditions will be understood using models (DSSAT, APSIM, InfoCrop, WOFOST). 2|P a g e

Initially, the assessment of vulnerability to and impact of climate change four crops (rice, wheat, mungbean, maize, mustard and associated cropping systems) will be performed. Once the team consolidates its activities gaining experience and acquiring skill and knowledge on modelling, studies on other crops and enterprises will follow. Parameter values required for running the models will be generated through field experiments, on-farm trials, and literature search. Crop response to variable agronomic practices under changing climate and climatic variability will also be assessed by conducting experiments specifically to bridge knowledge gaps. The results of the simulations, experiments and trials will be used to design adaptive strategies for growing crops under changing climate. The major steps involved for evaluating the impact of climate change and its variability on crops/cropping systems will be as below: 

Calibration of DSSAT for crops (rice, wheat, sugarcane and maize) and associated cropping systems through conducted on-farm trials over various locations and production environments. Field experiments to be carried out on knowledge gaps. INFOCROP and WOFOST to be used for mungbean and mustard.

Validation of DSSAT and other models for performance evaluation in terms of various biotic/abiotic stresses.

Application of crop simulation models for N- and water-management, handling problem soils, yield forecasting, climatic variability characterization, deriving optimum sowing window and cultivars suitability over locations and cropping sequence.

Creation of data base management centre for characterizing soil (physical, chemical and biological), water (surface and ground water availability and quality), crops/cropping systems characters (genetic, physiological and phonological coefficients), agronomic management options over regions, crops/cropping system coverage and productivity estimates, climate variability/climate change surfaces.

Collation of future climate change scenarios for various agro-ecological zones of Bangladesh and characterization of inter-annual climatic variability in various metdivisions.

Identifying vulnerable regions for crops/cropping systems through crop models and field experimentations and preparing the vulnerability maps using GIS.

Suggesting suitable mitigation options to check GHGs emissions for conserving the nature.

Define suitable adaptation strategies for sustaining the agricultural production under climate change scenarios and extreme episodic/climatic events.

Evaluating soil health (carbon dynamics, soil fertility, moisture availability, soil biotic health) in relation to rapid land use/cover change and climate change scenarios through use of simulation models (models viz. CENTURY and DNDC to be used, training to be provided to some of the scientists within the network).

Changing insect/pest scenarios over the recent past, association with the intensive agriculture and also linking with the climate change scenario to assess the insect/pest intensity and associated yield losses and to suggest control options for sustenance.

Identifying the best management practices (BMPs) for sustainable agriculture development.

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Prepare National Communication platform on Climate Change Impacts as well develop strong linkage with IPCC and UNFCCC of the network for Bangladesh results.

Explore the possibility of introducing fishery/livestock, forestry/agro-forestry components for integrated impact assessment and for introducing Farming System Behaviour to Climate Change.

To create a centre of excellence for research, education and training on Climate Change Impact on Agriculture, in a NARS institution. KGF may explore the process in this regard.

KGF will act as facilitator to monitor the progress of the network, provide training to the team scientists on the desired components, monitor the progress of the project through conducting mid-term reviews, and facilitate the team partners with IPCC, UNFCCC, and other international organisations.

The project will be implemented bringing multidisciplinary scientists together from different NARS institutions, universities, extension agencies and non-government organizations engaged in research and development. The KGF will take responsibility of providing financial support and technical supervision. Being assisted by a host of researchers drawn from the lead and collaborative institutions, the Coordinator of the project will be responsible for overall implementation of the project. For convenience of project implementation, activities and responsibilities would be distributed among a number of sub-groups of scientists. The coordinator will be assisted by two Deputy Coordinators and group and subgroups leaders. A steering committee will oversee and provide administrative support in effective implementation of the project. SECTION B: DETAILS OF RESEARCH PROJECT Project title: Modelling Climate Change Impact on Agriculture and Developing Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Sustaining Agricultural Production in Bangladesh Project duration: 36 months (Start date: May 2015, End date: April 2018) Project locations: Project activities will be carried out both in laboratories and in fields. Laboratory activities and simulation studies will be carried out in participating institutions spread throughout the country. Likewise, field experiments and studies will also be conducted in the experiment stations of NARS institutions located in different agro-ecological zones of Bangladesh. Participating Institutions:   

Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Salna, Gazipur

Estimated project cost: Tk. 19,97,07,000.00

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Overview of Bangladesh Agriculture Bangladesh is predominantly an agricultural country. With a land area of 147570 km 2 the country has a population of over 150 million with a per capita GDP of US $ 750. Nearly 70% of the total population lives in rural areas and major segment of the rural population depends on agriculture. About 21% of country’s GDP comes from agriculture. Growth in manufacturing sector is also remarkable with substantial export earnings. Agriculture in Bangladesh is highly intensive and diversified. With an average farm size of 0.35 ha per farm family, agricultural production in the country is dominated by small and marginal farmers. Over 95% of total farm holdings (14.94 million) are small, medium and landless farmers (BBS 2005; BBS 2008). Tropical climates and fertile land favour growing wide arrays of crops round the year provided soil moisture is not limiting. Rice, wheat, sugarcane, pulses, oilseeds, potato, vegetables and spices crops are grown. Fruit plants are grown mainly in the homesteads, although commercial fruit orchards are not uncommon. Bangladesh grows about 50 economic crops of which rice are the dominant one producing more than 34 million tons annually. Rice covers more than 80% of the land area and its production registered a long term (1981-2007) steady annual growth rate of 2.8%. Production and area under pulses declined sharply during the past three decades. Production of wheat increased steadily beginning early eighties and reaching peak in mid-nineties declined sharply by the turn of century. Cropping systems are highly dynamic and as the market force is increasingly acting on the farmers’ decision, farming enterprises tend to be increasingly commercial. Farmers prefer growing crops of high market demand despite most farmers operate under subsistence level. Commercialization of agriculture promises farmers’ income increase but also presents greater risk for growing of specialized crops meeting the market demand requires defraying inputs and marketing cost. Particularly the small and poor farmers engaging in commercial farming thus run high risk of market failure. Bangladesh achieved and now maintains a precarious balance between production and demand of cereal crops. Despite a steady growth in agriculture as well as in food production, Bangladesh has been facing persistent challenges in achieving/sustaining food security. This is mainly due to natural disasters and fluctuations in food prices. Food security worsens with inter-year shortfall in food grain production caused by climatic variations and natural disasters such as cyclones, floods, tidal surge, drought and insect and pest attacks. Bangladesh Climate Bangladesh has a humid, warm tropical climate. There are four prominent seasons – premonsoon (March–May), monsoon (June-early October), post-monsoon (late October to November) and winter (December–February). The mean annual rainfall varies widely across locations within the country, ranging between 1200 mm and 5800 mm. Seasonal and spatial variation in surface temperature is also substantial. 

Pre-monsoon is hot with an average maximum temperature of 36.7°C, very high rate of evaporation and erratic but occasional heavy rainfall from March to June. In some places the temperature occasionally rises up to 40.6°C or more. The peak of the maximum temperatures are observed in April, the beginning of pre-monsoon season.

Monsoon is both hot and humid, brings heavy torrential rainfall throughout the season. About four-fifths (over 70%) of the mean annual rainfall occur during

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monsoon. The mean monsoon temperatures are higher in the western region compared to rest of the country. Warm conditions generally prevail throughout the season, although cooler days are also observed during and following heavy downpours. 

Post-monsoon is short-lived and the season is characterized by withdrawal of rainfall and gradual lowering of night-time minimum temperature.

Winter is relatively cooler and drier, with the average temperature ranging from a minimum of 7.2 to 12.8°C and a maximum of 23.9 to 31.1°C. The minimum temperature occasionally falls below 5oC in the northern region though frost is extremely rare. There is a south to north thermal gradient in winter mean temperature: generally the southern and south-eastern districts are 5oC warmer than the northern districts.

Temperature: Analysis of long term climatic data shows a fair degree of inter- and intra seasonal variations in temperature changes in Bangladesh. Air temperature generally shows an increasing trend over the years. Studies conducted at SAARC Meteorological Research Center reveal that mean temperature in pre-monsoon season decreased. But in other seasons of the year temperature generally increased (Huq et al., 2003). The average monsoon maximum and minimum temperatures show an increasing trend annually at 0.05°C and 0.03°C, respectively. Maximum and minimum temperatures in winter season (December, January and February) show a decreasing and an increasing trend annually at 0.001°C and 0.016°C, respectively (Rahman and Alam, 2003). Temperature rise and crop production: Increase in temperature would greatly affect the productivity of temperature sensitive crops, especially rabi crops in Bangladesh. The production of wheat might drop 32% by the year 2050 (IPCC, 2007). Under a severe climate change (4OC temperature rise) scenario, the potential shortfall in wheat and potato production could be as high as 50% and 70%, respectively (Karim, 1996). Besides, temperature increase would shorten winter season in Bangladesh. Short winter would adversely affect the vegetative as well as reproductive growth of most of the winter crops and consequently reduce yield. Rise of 1 to 20C temperatures in combination with lower solar radiation causes rice spikelets sterility. High temperature was found to reduce yields of HYVs of aus, aman and boro rice. The effect was particularly evident at a rise of temperature by 40C. Changes in temperature, humidity and radiation, have great effects on the incidence of insect pests, diseases and microorganisms. A change of 10C in the air temperature, changes the virulence of some races of rust infecting wheat. It was observed that temperature increase of 40C would have severe impact on food-grain production, especially for wheat production. A rise in temperature would cause significant decrease in production, some 28% and 68% for rice and wheat, respectively. Doubling of atmospheric concentration of CO2 in combination with a similar rise in temperature may result in an overall 20% increase in rice yield but associated higher temperature offset the yield advantage. A 60 % moisture stress might decrease pre-monsoon rice yield as much as 32%. Moisture stress is predicted to be more intense during dry season, which might force the Bangladeshi farmers to reduce the area for boro (dry season irrigated crop) rice cultivation. Cold spell (night temperature below 180C and day temp around ≥250C if continued for 5-6 days) just after panicle initiation lead to sterility and often crop failure. Mean grain weight of wheat declined by 16% for every 5oC increase beyond 25o C (Abrol et al., 1996). The minimum temperature during January and maximum temperature in February determine the wheat yield. Wheat yield decreases by 400 kg/ha per 1oC increase in maximum temperature 6|P a g e

and 0.5 hr in sunshine. The stages during which environment has the greatest impact on yield are from first spikelet initiation or terminal spikelet formation until anthesis. Wheat must have 60 days with minimum temperature of accessed 09/07/07. Iglesias, A., Garrote, L., Quiroga, S. and Moneo, M. 2011. A regional comparison of the effects of climate change on agricultural crops in Europe. Climatic Change, 112(1): 29–46. Karim, Z., Sk.G. Hussain and A.U. Ahmed. 1998. Climate change vulnerability of crop agriculture. In Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change for Bangladesh. S. Huq, Z. Karim, M. Asaduzzaman and F. Mahtab (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 39-54. Karim, Z. 1996. Agricultural Vulnerability and Poverty Alleviation in Bangladesh. In Climate Change and World Food Security, T.E. Downing (Ed.), NATO ASI Series, 137. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Hiedelberg, 1996. pp. 307-346. Lobell, DB, Schlenker, WS and Cesta-Roberts, J. 2011. Climate trends and global crop production since 1980. Science 333 (6042): 616-620. Meinke, H. and Stone, R.C., 2005. Seasonal and inter-annual climate forecasting: the new tool for increasing preparedness to climate variability and change in agricultural planning and operations. Climatic Change Meinke, H., Wright, W. Hayman, P. and Stephens, D., 2003. Managing cropping systems in variable climates. In: Pratley, J. (ed), Principles of field crop production. Fourth Edition. Oxford University Press, Melbourne, Australia, p. 26-77. Mendelsohn, R., Nordhaus, W.D. and Shaw, D. 1994. “The impact of global warming on agriculture: a Ricardian analysis.” The American Economic Review 84(4): 753–71. Padgham, J. 2009. Agricultural Development under a Changing Climate: Opportunities and Challenges For Adaptation. Joint Discussion Paper Agriculture and Rural Development & Environment Departments. Issue 1. Washington : The World Bank. Peng, S., J. Huang, J. E. Sheehy, R. C. Laza, R. M. Visperas, X. Zhong, G. S. Centeno, G. S. Khush, and K. G. Cassman. 2004. Rice yields decline with higher night temperature from global warming. PNAS 101: 9971–9975. Ramanathan, V., M. Agrawal, H. Akimoto, M. Aufhammer, S. Devotta, L. Emberson, S.I. Hasnain, M. Iyngararasan, A. Jayaraman, M. Lawrance, T. Nakajima, T. Oki, H. Rodhe, M. Ruchirawat, S.K. Tan, J. Vincent, J.Y. Wang, D. Yang, Y.H. Zhang, H. Autrup, L. Barregard, P. Bonasoni, M. Brauer, B. Brunekreef, G. Carmichael, C.E. Chung, J. Dahe, Y. Feng, S. Fuzzi, T. Gordon, A.K. Gosain, N. Htun, J. Kim, S. Mourato, L. Naeher, P. Navasumrit, B. Ostro, T. Panwar, M.R. Rahman, M.V. Ramana, M. Rupakheti, D. Settachan, A. K. Singh, G. St. Helen, P. V. Tan, P.H. Viet, J. Yinlong, S.C. Yoon, W.-C. Chang, X. Wang, J. Zelikoff and A. Zhu. 2008. Atmospheric Brown Clouds: Regional Assessment Report with Focus on Asia. United Nations Environment Program, Nairobi, Kenya

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1. Assessment and characterization of climatic variability and climate change

Activity 1. Characterize inter-and intra-annual climatic variability for various production environments

1. Inter-and intra-annual climatic variability for various AEZ characterized

Activity 2. Analyze frequency of occurrence of extreme climatic/episodic events

2. Frequency of occurrence of extreme climatic/episodic events (cyclones, floods, droughts, high temperature, low temperature, delayed onset of monsoon) analyzed

Activity 3. Develop/collate future climate change scenarios for various agri-ecological zones

3.Future climatic scenarios developed for various AEZ 2. Soil and plant processes as influenced by climatic variability and climate change

Activity 1. Evaluate both intra- and inter-annual climatic variability through growth and yield of important crops/cropping systems Activity 2. Identify agronomic and management options to sustain agricultural production under extreme/episodic climatic conditions Activity 3. Evaluate the effects of rising temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentrations on yield of selected crops/cropping system Activity 4. Assess impact of climatic variability/climate change on soil water and nitrogen and carbon balance components Activity 5. Relate modifications in soil, plant and atmospheric conditions with agricultural intensification, climatic variability/change, other biophysical and socio-economic drivers Activity 6. Dynamics of insect/pests build up in relation to climate variability/change, agricultural intensification and human interventions Activity 7. Assess dynamics of soil health (soil physical, chemical, biological and fertility) with regard to intensive agriculture, climate variability/change and methodology development for operational programs (nutrients, tillage, problem soils, water issues)

3. Compilation of databases for soil resources, climate and environmental resources; biophysical and socio-economic conditions; crops and cropping systems, acreage and production of crops; agronomic management practices, yields, yield gaps, and narrowing yield gaps; dynamics of insect-pests of common crops.

Activity 1. Create databases on common cultivars and their varietal traits of rice, wheat, maize, kaon, mungbean, lentil, chickpea, blackgram, sugarcane, jute, cotton, potato, tomato, brinjal; agronomic and management practices, climate, common cultivars, agronomic and management practices, other biophysical and socio-economic scenarios, acreage and production delineation, yield gaps and options to narrow down the yield gap, dynamics of insects/pests for subsequent use in crop simulation models for applications viz. Climate change, NRM, yield forecasting etc. Activity 2. Conduct on-farm trials and crop-cuts to

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1. Growth and yield of major field- and horticultural crops and cropping system as influenced by climatic variability assessed 2. Agronomic management options that help sustain crop production under changing climate identified 3. Effects of rising temperature and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations on yield of selected crops/cropping system evaluated 4. Impact of climatic variability and climate change on soil physical, chemical and biological properties, hydrological conditions and their influence on crop production assessed and adaptation and mitigation optioned developed.

1. Databases on crops and varieties commonly grown in Bangladesh developed and available for general use

Options for narrowing yield gaps

determine achievable yields of specific crops under farmers’ condition to estimate yield gaps

of field crops identified running and validating simulation models

Activity 3. Running simulation models to create options to narrow down yield gaps 4. Calibration and validation of crop simulation models [DSSAT (for rice, wheat, sugarcane, cropping sequence, seasonal runs), INFOCROP & WOFOST (for mungbean, mustard) and APSIM]

Activity 1. Calibrate/validate relevant models for simulating crop/soil processes and subsequent growth and yield of crops (creating minimum datasets required for running of the model on the basis of secondary literature/already conducted field trials over locations and need based field experiments in research/farmers’ fields. Activity 2. Conducting field experiments with the test crops/cropping system for addressing knowledge gaps

5.Vulnerability assessment and mitigation/adaptation strategies for agri-production in relation to climatic variability/climate change

A. Vulnerability assessment Activity 1. Delineating vulnerable regions for major crops/cropping systems under extreme/episodic climatic events Activity 2. Delineate vulnerable regions for major crops/cropping systems under future climate change scenarios

DSSAT, WOFOST, APSIM, and InfoCrop models run for simulating crop growth and soil processes. Models appropriate for specific crops and soil processes identified and validated for Bangladesh conditions.

Vulnerable regions for major crops/cropping systems under extreme/episodic climatic events delineated Vulnerable regions for major crops/cropping systems under future climate change scenarios delineated

Activity 3. Integrated assessment, by also including other bio-physical stresses viz. Nutrients (fate of micro- and secondary- nutrients) and water availability climatic elements Activity 4: Soil health assessment with regard to biophysical and socio-economic aspects including climate variability and climate change B. Mitigation and Adaptation strategies

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Activity 1. Assessment of GHGs emission from important cropping systems in various production environments

1. GHGs emission from important cropping systems in various production environments assessed

Activity 2. Suitable agronomic and management options (cultivars, crops/cropping system, irrigation/nutrients management, other agronomic management, policy issues for adoption) to reduce GHGs emission

2. Suitable agronomic and management options developed to reduce GHGs emission

Activity 3. Best management practices (including RCTs, Crop residue management, SRI etc) as mitigation strategies

3. Best management practices as mitigation strategies developed

Activity 4. Adoption of methods for Carbon sequestration in the soil as strategy to reduce CO2 emission

4. Reduction of GHG emission

Activity 5. Identifying suitable adaptive measures to sustain agricultural production under climate change scenarios

5. Sustained crop production

Activity 6. Zonation of the productivity centers for major crops/cropping systems under climate change scenarios

6. Better utilization of natural resources for profitable farming

Activity 7. Options to safeguard soil health (soil

7. Healthier soil for future

fertility, soil physical conditions, soil biota, soil physic-chemical aspects).


Activity 8. Yield gap analysis and suitable agronomic and management options to bridge down the yield gap

8. Higher land productivity

Component of livestock/fishery will be added in later stage

6 Establishment of a Center of Excellence in research and education on Climate Change and development of human resources for conducting research on modelling and assessing the impact of climate change on agricultural production; and development and adoption of agriculture resilient to climate change.

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Activity1. Training of NARS scientists on modelling climate change on agriculture, developing and selecting climate resilient agricultural production technologies

1. Centre for climate change impact analysis for agriculture established

Activity 2. Training of scientific assistants, extension officers and farmers on climatic variability, climate change and their impact on agriculture

2. A contingent of scientists trained on modelling climate change impact on agriculture and awareness created among farmers

Activity 3. Waging campaign on climate resilient agricultural technologies for adapting to climate change for creating mass awareness

SECTION E: DECLARATION BY THE PROJECT LEADER AND ENDORSEMENT OF THE HEADS OF PROPOSING AND COLLABORATIVE INSTITUTIONS I hereby declare that the proposed research project ‘Modeling Climate Change Impact on Agriculture and Developing Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Sustaining Agricultural Production in Bangladesh’ has been developed in consultation and active participation of the relevant scientists of proposing and collaborative institutions and the proposal or parts thereof was not submitted elsewhere for funding and is not receiving funds from any other sources. I also declare that I shall remain committed to implementing the project if approved and funded.

Signature Name: Dr. Apurba Kanti Choudhury Designation: Principal Scientific Officer

Signature Name: Dr. Jatish Chandra Biswas Designation: Chief Scientific Officer

Address: On-Farm Research Division, BARI, Gazipur

Address: Soil Science Division, BRRI, Gazipur


Date: Endorsement by Head/Appropriate Authority of the Proposing Institution: Signature:


Name: Dr. Mohammad Jalal Uddin

Position: Director (Research)

Address: Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Endorsement by Head/Appropriate Authority of the Collaborating Institutions:

Signature: Date: Name: Dr Jiban Krishna Biswas Position: Director General Address: Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Signature: Date: Name: Professor Dr. Md. Mofazzal Hossain Position: Director (Research) Address: Bangabandhu Sk. Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur

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ANNEX- I. Short CV of Principal Investigators Md. Abdul Aziz: Chief Scientific Officer and Head, Agronomy Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur-1701. Completed PhD (major: stress physiology, minor: crop production under stress environment) in 2003 from BSMRA university, Gazipur, M Sc (Agronomy) in 1983 from BAU, Mymensingh. Exposed to wide ranged research and development work on cultural management, multiple cropping, crop physiology and varietal improvement of pulses, oill crops, maize and others minor field crops. Developed stress tolerant variety/technology for sustainable crop production in the problem areas of Bangladesh (Salinity, Drought, Waterlogging, High temperature, Charland, Hilly area, Haor area and etc.). Determined physiological basis of variation on growth, development and yield of different field crops under variable agro-ecological conditions. Developed management practices to increase productivity of different field crops such as pulses, oilseeds, wheat, maize, minor cereals, tuber crops and forage crops. Developed appropriate technologies on multiple cropping (Mixed-inter-and relay cropping) for maximizing yield and economic return. Prepared 12 research projects and worked as PI and co-PI. Acting as climate change focal point of BARI. Worked as lead scientist in various foreign aided projects, with international organizations such as IRRI, ACAIR, BMZ, GIZ, CYMMIT, DFID, FAO etc. Reviewed a huge number of research articles, MS Thesis and research proposals for different institutes at home and abroad. Supervised 2 MS students. Independently worked with computers with different software namely MS Word, Excel, Access, SPSS, Power point, etc. Ninety-eight scientific articles have been published in different journals at home and abroad. Visited to Thailand, India, and Saudi Arabia for various purposes like research, training and workshop. Jatish Chandra Biswas: My service was started at BRRI as Scientific Officer on 16 September 1985 and promoted to SSO in 19992, PSO in 2010 and CSO in 2014. Completed PhD (major: soil science, minor: microbiology) in 1998 from UPLB; M Sc (Ag) in Agronomy from BAU in 1984 and B Sc Ag (Hons) in 1982 from BAU. I served BRRI as research, trainer and administrator for running BRRI Regional Stations and Soil Science Division, Gazipur. I have working experiences at Soil Microbiology Lab, IRRI as Research Scholar for about four years along with project activities funded by BARC, DFID, Norway, USAID and participated in collaborative works with BIOFORSK, RDRS and GKF. At present, I am involved with ACIAR and USAID funded projects. I have got international training on Integrated Pest management (Philippines), Irrigation Water Management (Philippines) and DSSAT (USA) and national training on AquaCrop, InfoCrop, etc. I have work experiences in the field of crop modelling, climate change and rice production, plant nutrition, rice-rhizobia interactions, rhizobacteria induced growth promotion in rice: N2 fixation, hormone production, nutrient uptake, photosynthesis and respiration, conservation of soil organic matter and greenhouse gas emission and author of about 80 articles/books/book chapters, etc in national and international levels. Md. Maniruzzaman: He is working as a Principal Scientific Officer of Irrigation & Water Management Division in Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI), Gazipur, Bangladesh. He has around 24 years of research experience in on-farm water management, soil-water management, crop modelling, groundwater hydrology, integrated crop and nutrient management and adaption in climate change in coastal and drought prone ecosystems and climatic variability of Bangladesh with different national and international organizations like BARC, CEGIS, RDRS, KGF, IRRI, DFID, BIOFORSK and World Bank. He completed PhD (major in Irrigation and Water Management) in 2014 from BAU, Mymensingh. At present, he 33 | P a g e

involved with an ACIAR project for improving water use efficiency in north-west region of Bangladesh, India and Nepal. He attended international training on on-farm water management and water productivity improvement from Thailand and national training on AquaCrop, SWAT, DSSAT, Infocrop, WOFOST and GIS and remote sensing etc. He has attended and contributed in seminars and conferences in many countries like India, Thailand, The Philippines and Norway. He has about 66 publications as articles/books/book chapters, monograph etc. in national and international levels. Apurba Kanti Choudhury: Principal Scientific Officer, OFRD, BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur. Completed PhD in Agronomy (major: drought tolerance mechanisms) in 2009 from BSMRAU, Salna, Gazipur. Twenty five years’ research experiences on hill farming, various aspects of climate change particularly drought and coastal-saline prone areas, organic agriculture, bio-gas, crop modelling, and farming systems research and development including participatory diagnosis, coordination of FGD/PRA, designing/planning and implementation of integrated farming modules etc. Coordination of research planning, monitoring, evaluation, project development, technology packaging, editing and compilation of whole country research and development reports of OFRD. Dissemination of technologies to the agricultural extension personnel and farmers through training, field days, workshop. Engaged development of appropriate technologies on cropping system based research across the country. Worked as focal point and Co-PI of various foreign aided projects viz. Management and Utilization of Bio-slurry in Crop Production- funded by SNV (Netherlands), Fertilizer Deep Placement Project funded by IFDC & USAID, Farming Systems Research & Development project funded by WB, Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Management for Crops and Cropping Patterns funded by WB, AgLEARN Project funded by USAID jointly with AIT, Thailand etc. Currently, I am the Deputy Project Director under 'Combat of Climate change and development of sustainable crop management options for drought prone and saline/coastal area of Bangladesh' project funded by Govt. of Bangladesh, Ministry of Forest and Environment. Sohela Akhter: She is working as Principal Scientific Officer, Soil Science Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur-1701. Completed Ph.D. (Soil Science, Field of research: Crop Modelling), Bangladesh Agricultural University, 2006, M Sc. Ag. (Soil Science) in 1986 (held in 1990) from BAU, Mymensingh. Twenty six years’ research experience in the field of soil fertility and crop production, vermicomposting, crop modelling and climate change. Executed different projects as PI and Co-PI funded by Bangladesh Academy of Science (BAS), BARI-International Potasium Institute (IPI)-Bangladesh Fertilizer Association (BFA) coordinated Potassimu project, Bangladesh Agricultural Reseach Council (BARC), North west Crop Diversification Project (NCDP). Worked as crop modeller in different projects : SAARC-Australia Project, ACCA, AgMIP, NCCA. International training on DSSAT (USA), AgMIP (Srilanka),

SAARC-Australia project (Nepal), Biogas (China), Zeenit machine (AAS) (Germany). Worked with DSSAT, APSIM and InfoCrop crop models. Fifty-four scientific articles have been published in different articles/books at home and abroad. Supervised 1 MS student, and at present supervising 3 MS students among which 2 are working on crop modelling. Reviewed a number of research articles, MS and Ph. D. Thesis for different institutes at home and abroad. Working with the climate change modelling group funded by KGF.

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ANNEX- III. List of researchers from three organizations A. BARI part 1. Dr. Md. Abdul Aziz, CSO and Head, Agronomy Division, BARI, Gazipur 2. Dr. Apurba Kanti Choudhury, PSO, OFRD, BARI, Gzipur 3. Dr. Abu Zaman Sarker, PSO, WRC, BARI, Nashipur, Dinajpur 4. Dr. Babul Lal Nag, CSO RARS, BARI, Rahmatpur, Barisal 5. Dr. Sohela Akhter, PSO, Soil Science Division, BARI, Gazipur 6. Dr. Rina Rani Saha, PSO, Plant Physiology Division, BARI, Gazipur 7. Dr. Md. Abu Hena Sorwar Jahan, PSO, RWRC, BARI, Gazipur 8. Dr. Farque Ahmed, PSO, Plant physiology Division, BARI, Gazipur 9. Dr. Md. Shawquat Ali, SSO, Agronomy Division, BARI, Gazipur 10. Md. Zabied Ali Montu, SSO Agronomy Division, BARI, Gazipur 11. Md. Hafijur Rahman, SO, RARS, BARI, Jessore 12. Mustafa Kamal Shahadat, SO, RARS, BARI, Rahmatpur, Barisal 13. Jamil Hossain, SO, RARS, BARI, Ishurdi, Pabna 14. Md. Sarfuddin Bhuiyan, SSO, BARI, Agronomy Division, BARI, Gazipur 15. Dr. Md. Zulfikar Haider Prodhan, PSO, OFRD, BARI, Bogra 16. Dr. Md. Faruque Hossain, SSO, OFRD, BARI, Gazipur 17. Sheikh Ishtiaque, SO, OFRD, BARI, Gazipur 18. Md. Aminul Islam, SO, OFRD, BARI, Shyampur, Rajshahi 19. Md. Akhter-ul Alam, SO, OFRD, BARI, Rangpur

B. BRRI part 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Dr. Jatish Chandra Biswas, CSO and Head, Soil Science Division Dr. Md. Maniruzzaman, PSO, Irrigation and Water Management Division Dr. Md. Ismail Hossain, PSO, Agricultural Statistics Division Dr. Md. Abdul Muttaleb, PSO, RFS, Division Md. Mofazzel Hossain, PSO, Entomology Division Dr. Md. M. Haque, SSO, Soil Science Division Hirendra Nath Barman, SSO, Plant Physiology Division Dr. Shamima Akter, SSO, Plant Pathology Division Md. Masud Rana, SO, Agronomy Division

C. BSMRAU part 1. Dr. Md. Main Uddin Miah, Professor, Dept. of Agroforestry and Environment, BSMRAU, Salna, Gazipur. 2. Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman, Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Soil Science, BSMRAU, Salna, Gazipur. 3. Nurunnaher Akter, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Agronomy, BSMRAU, Salna, Gazipur. 4. Dr. Hasan Mohammad Abdullah, Dept. of Agroforestry and Environment, BSMRAU, Salna, Gazipur.

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