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A point-blank separation between knowledge bent to persons and information is reached by modelling explicit knowledge and information as information object.
The Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of Concurrent Enterprising, Espoo, Finland, 16-18 June 2003

Modelling Knowledge Intensive Engineering Processes with the Knowledge Modeller Declaration Language KMDL Norbert Gronau1 1

University of Oldenburg, 26111 Oldenburg, Germany; [email protected]

Abstract Engineering is a knowledge intensive process. Many tools are known that are able to support the knowledge management in these processes but do not relate to the flow and conversion of knowledge, especially in concurrent engineering processes. In this paper a modelling approach for knowledge intensive processes is presented that combines advantages of business process modelling with the necessary depth of investigation to support not only information management but also access to knowledge. An example process with engineering standards shows the results of modelling with the Knowledge Modeler Description Language KMDL. Keywords Knowledge flow, knowledge conversion, process model

1 Introduction The resource „knowledge“ as part of the firm’s value chain shows an increasing importance in the last years. The term „knowledge“ is interpreted as bound to persons in this paper. This implicit knowledge is personally and nearly not representable with formal methods. It is anchored in the activities and experiences of the knowledge bearer and in his ideals, values and wisdom [Nonaka 1995]. The K-Modeler description language tries to model implicit knowledge during the analysis of business processes like product or software development. Next to the representation of implicit knowledge also the dynamism of implicit knowledge objects is recorded. This is carried out by modeling the creation and further handling of implicit knowledge. Knowledge flows and the different shapes of knowledge conversion give information about the generation of new knowledge and possible weak spots in the engineering process. The conceptual target of the K-Modeler description language allows the modelling, analysis and improvement of knowledge processing in processes like engineering and design.

2 Existing theories: the definition of knowledge intensive busin ess processes HEISIG accentuates the ability to plan the knowledge requirement and determines the knowledge intensity on the basis of variability and exceptional conditions [Heisig 2002]. Other sources name processes as knowledge intensive if an improvement with conventional methods of business reengineering is not or only partially possible [Remus 2002]. DAVENPORT recognises the knowledge intensity by the diversity and uncertainty of process input and output [Davenport 1995]. A process is knowledge intensive if its value can only be created through the fulfilment of the knowledge requirements of the process participants. Clues for a knowledge intensive process are apart the above mentioned criteria: •

Diversity of information sources and media types

The Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of Concurrent Enterprising, Espoo, Finland, 16-18 June 2003

• •

Variance and dynamic development of process organisation [Hoffmann 2002] Many process participants with different expert’s reports

Use of creativity

High degree of innovation

An available degree of decision scope.

It can be assumed that the process of product development is typically a knowledge intensive process.

3 Research Approach: The K-Modeler description language for knowledge intensive business processes K-Modeler is a method for modelling knowledge intensive business processes. With K-Modeler it is possible to identify knowledge and information in a process systematically. Furthermore the determination of origin and usage of knowledge and information is possible.


Knowledge and information

NONAKA/TAKEUCHI argue that knowledge cannot exist on information media like documents or database entries, because this media is not bent to persons. Knowledge that can be expressed on handbooks, papers, patents or software is named as explicit knowledge following a term created by POLANYI [Nonaka 1995]. New knowledge and information objects are created from a transformation of the objects in the process. As an analogy to NONAKA and TAKEUCHI it is distinguished between four types of knowledge conversion. A point-blank separation between knowledge bent to persons and information is reached by modelling explicit knowledge and information as information object and implicit knowledge as knowledge object. K-Modeler distinguishes the following types of knowledge conversion: 3.1.1 Internalisation Internalisation means the conversion of information in implicit knowledge. A knowledge object is generated with the help of one or more information objects. 3.1.2 Externalisation Externalisation is understood as the transformation of implicit knowledge in information objects. An information object is created with the help of one or more knowledge objects. Other information objects do not participate in the creation of the new knowledge object. 3.1.3 Socialisation The transmission of implicit knowledge from person to person is called socialisation. This is handled normally using direct personal communication. Socialisation is represented by the interaction of knowledge objects in the K-Modeler description language. 3.1.4


During a combination one or more information objects are used to create new information. Knowledge objects can be participating at the combination, but have only a co-ordinating role and are not created by the information to be combined.


Objects of the K-Modeler description language

K-Modeler supports the description of information and knowledge processing tasks using the objects described in the following sections. An example is shown in figure 1.

The Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of Concurrent Enterprising, Espoo, Finland, 16-18 June 2003

research areas

encourage publication



concept for certain publication

creation of the publication




Scientific project leader


John Doe

Eva Smith

Legend Task


scientific ! Writing papers ! Specialised knowledge current project ? state


scientific ! Writingpapers ? Specialised knowledge ! Publication details


Information object

Post requirement

Available ! knowledge object knowledge ?Inquiredobject

Figure 1: Writing a scientific paper, modelled with KMDS 3.2.1 Task Tasks are the basic framework for models of engineering processes. The task order determines the temporal structure of the process. A task is defined as an atomic transfer from input to output, represented as information objects. 3.2.2 Task requirement The totality of task requirements defines the implicit knowledge that is necessary for a post working on a certain task. Every needed implicit ability is represented by a knowledge object. 3.2.3


Tasks are related to and be fulfilled by posts. Posts are manned by persons and have the necessary knowledge objects of all persons assigned to them. 3.2.4 Person Persons are the owner of knowledge objects that are necessary to fulfil tasks. The totality of knowledge objects of a person should be equal to the requirements of the task the person has to do. 3.2.5 Knowledge object A knowledge object contains implicit knowledge of persons. Knowledge objects can be available or asked. Available knowledge objects can be used for task fulfilment immediately. Asked knowledge objects are necessary for the task fulfilment, but must generated by the person responsible for the task. This can be done by internalisation or socialisation. 3.2.6 Information object It is relatively easy to externalise information by storing on data media or writing documents. New information objects can be created by externalisation or combination. Information and knowledge objects that are involved in the creation of a new information object are stored in attributes of the information object.

The Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of Concurrent Enterprising, Espoo, Finland, 16-18 June 2003

4 Findings: The usage benefit of K-Modeler Viewing the sources of knowledge and information objects it is possible to generate statements concerning the generation of knowledge and information. This is very important in knowledge intensive processes like the engineering process, because knowledge as production factor can be used at first after it was generated or acquired. With the differentiation between knowledge and information creation in different types of knowledge conversion K-Modeler is able to analyse processes for weak spots and to produce statements concerning the effect of reorganisation measures on the knowledge creation in the investigated process.


Examination of information and knowledge flows with K-Modeler

K-Modeler integrates the knowledge flow into the description of the engineering process. Knowledge has to flow constantly not to become obsolete [Borghoff, Pareschi 1998]. Flowing knowledge can be shared with other persons and can be used to create new information. Knowledge is replenished during the process of acquisition in the same way information is completed during entering or modification. The flow of knowledge is on the one hand a prerequisite for the creation of new knowledge and information and on the other hand a mechanism to hold knowledge and information on a present state. To make the usage of K-Modeler easier for user of other modelling languages a process framework of tasks is used. Objects and attributes are collected and the process framework is filled with the help of a recording plan. An investigation of weak spots in the knowledge flow can be built up on this process framework that helps in the redesign of the engineering process.


Weak spot analysis and hints for process redesign

The weak spot analysis is intended to recognize obstacles in the knowledge flow. Examples for weak spots that can be recognized automatically with K-Modeler are: •

Knowledge monopolies

Unsuitable knowledge profiles of employees

Dissatisfied demand for knowledge objects

Acquisition and generation of unnecessary knowledge

Multiple generation of similar knowledge

• •

Barriers against knowledge transfer Media breaks

• Missing actualization of knowledge If K-Modeler is used with person-related data, a well-directed comparison is possible between the qualification of employees and the process requirements. So employees can be supported, because matching teachers for specific abilities can be found and connected with these employees easily.


The K-Modeler Tool for knowledge intensive business processes

Basing on the above described description language a JAVA-based tool (cf. figures 2 and 3) was developed that allows a computer-based representation and analysis of modelled processes.

The Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of Concurrent Enterprising, Espoo, Finland, 16-18 June 2003

User interface


Syntax check


Weak spot analysis Runtime model




Information objects

Task requirements


Knowledge objects

Knowledge intensive Business Process

Figure 2: Architecture of the K-Modeler tool

Figure 3: Screenshot from the K-Modeler tool All model information is stored into a relational database. Objects can be dragged from an object window and dropped on a modeling area. During the drawing process an intelligent syntax agent supervises the modeling area and reports modeling errors. An additional function of the KModeler tool is the analysis of the process to identity weak spots.

The Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of Concurrent Enterprising, Espoo, Finland, 16-18 June 2003

5 Application in the area of engineering The analysis and improvement of knowledge intensive processes are tested on the example of carrying out new engineering standards in a manufacturing enterprise. The example presented in this paper was changed against the original case to protect the identity of the company. An engineering standard defines the high-level rules, the overall principles and the requirements to be applied to all mechanical-engineering activities performed for the establishment of requirements and for the definition, development, production, operation, and eventual disposal of products. The standard takes into account both the engineering processes and the technical aspects of products in accordance with system-engineering approaches and practices [Klein 2001]. The underlying problem in the investigated process was a far reaching fragmentation of organizational bodies that develop or use new or changed engineering standards. The process modeled with KMDS was differentiated in two partial processes, an enterprise-wide part (cf. figure 4) and a location-specific part. Thirty interviews were conducted and the results from modeling were discussed with the participants.

Figure 3: Overview on the enterprise-wide part of the standardization process

Related to the different mechanisms of knowledge conversion the following problems and solutions were discovered: The creation of new drafts for engineering standards is carried out with typical office tools at the workplace of the creating person. The drafts are sent after finishing to the department responsible for engineering standards in the whole enterprise. At this time it is not known which other persons create a draft with which topic. The solution suggested after process modeling was to establish a working platform that allows the creation and distribution of engineering standards and additionally a categorization of the intended contents. A joint-editing tool should be installed and a useful workflow support should be integrated (assignment of editors or revisers and due dates). To be able to find out appropriate contact partners a profile search (Yellow pages) should be established. In the next step of the process the engineering standards are collected in a single file. This manual task also can be replaced by an appropriate support by the working platform. Next, the members of the standardization department check the collected drafts for plausibility and formal appropriateness. They carry out changes if necessary. Changes should be marked by a version control system that was not used at the time of process analysis. The following step, the check of changes by the author of the draft, should be initiated automatically, too. In regular intervals a topic independent workshop takes place where the standard drafts are discussed and suggestions of change are brought to the authors. It was suggested after the modeling that a moderated group discussion system would allow discussions on drafts regardless of the workshop dates. This discussion system would also help preparing the decisions to put changes to practice.

The Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of Concurrent Enterprising, Espoo, Finland, 16-18 June 2003

After the decision the engineering standards are published in the intranet of the company. To give every employee the possibility to inform himself on new or changed engineering standards it was suggested to establish a push mechanism that automatically draws the attention of the employee to relevant new standards that fit with his individual interest profile. Additionally to the process related measures some weak spots were found and suggestions to overcome them are made. The unambiguous determining of responsibilities plays an important role for the efficiency of the investigated process. This has to be determined as early as possible in future.


Access to information and knowledge

Information for the creation and revision of engineering standards is gained wither internally (internet, journals, books, project experiences) or externally (company contacts, congresses fairs, cooperation). The access to these sources of information and knowledge is governed in a decentralized system. This results in different levels of knowledge throughout the company. A first proposed measure is to achieve transparency over current projects in the different topic areas. Inside of an engineering department on the level of a single company site beside others the following weak spots and solution approaches are investigated: •

The internal passing of standardization drafts is carried out manually. An integration with the workflow management system mentioned above would be helpful.

The incorporation of changes is done parallel but by every involved employee separately. The installation of a joint editing tool would make visible the annotations of every editor for everybody.

Finally a topic oriented discussion platform should be available for all employees in the engineering department. As an additional measure it was suggested to give access rights to the employees in the different engineering departments to the working platform of the standardization body.


Knowledge conversion

The following weak points of typical design processes were found with K-Modeler in the above mentioned processes, sorted by the different types of knowledge flows Combination − Representation of information flows by workflow mechanisms − Categorization and personalization of information − Management of project histories and versions Externalisation − Saving and summarizing of workgroup meetings − Introduction of a separate work space for projects Socialisation −

Ruling of responsibilities − Flexible arrangement of online workgroups − Profiles of experts and search mechanisms for experts Internalisation − −

Topic-oriented discussion platform Documentation of information sources and best practices.

The Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of Concurrent Enterprising, Espoo, Finland, 16-18 June 2003

6 Conclusions It has to be emphasized that with the usage of the K-Modeler tool it was easy and efficient to find out all these weak points in a process with more than 30 assigned agencies and nearly 60 persons. Without the K-Modeler description language and the tool support much more time and people had been necessary to reach this level of process improvement suggestions. One of the next steps in the development will be the integration of an ontology-based navigation mechanism that allows a keyword-driven navigation through all information and knowledge objects, their related persons and tasks of an engineering process. References Borghoff, Uwe M., Pareschi, Remo (Ed.): Information Technology for Knowledge Management. Berlin 1998 Davenport, T. et al.: Improving Knowledge Work Processes. Working Paper 1995 (Access Sept.25, 2002) Heisig, P.; GPO -WM - Method and Tool for Business Process oriented Knowledge Management. In Abecker, A. (Ed.). Business Process oriented Knowledge Management, Berlin Heidelberg New York 2002 (in German) Hoffmann, M.; Analysis and support of knowledge processes as precondition for successful knowledge management. In Abecker, A. (Ed.): Business Process oriented Knowledge Management, Berlin Heidelberg New York 2002 (in German) Klein, M.: The ECSS-E-30 Mechanical Engineering Standard. ESA Bulletin 105, February 2001, p 80-81 Nonaka, I.: The Knowledge -Creating Company, N.Y.: Oxford University Press, 1995 Remus, U.; Integrated Process and communication modeling for the Improvement of knowledge intensive Business Processes. In Abecker, A. (Ed.). Business Process oriented Knowledge Management, Berlin Heidelberg New York 2002 (in German)