Modelling of Communication Contention in Multiprocessors Cecile Tron and Brigitte Plateau Laboratoire de Genie Informatique, IMAG-INPG, 46, avenue Felix Viallet, 38031 Grenoble cedex, FRANCE, (emails:
[email protected],
[email protected])
Abstract. This paper deals with performance evaluation and modelling of point-to-point communications in parallel machines with distributed memory. Existing models of point-to-point communications in contentionfree networks are presented. A major drawback of these models is that they do not re ect the behavior of the network during the execution of a real parallel application. A general methodology for studying the effect of contention on point-to-point communications under \reasonable" load is presented here. This methodology has been applied on the software router VCR on a Meganode. Keywords: point-to-point communications, performance evaluation, modelling, contention, VCR.
1 Introduction Parallel machines are used to run faster, and from this point of view performance is essential. In parallel machines with distributed memory the speed-up is limited by the cost of communication and synchronization. The ratio communication speed/computation speed determines the best possible level of granularity in order to use eciently the architecture. Thus performance evaluation of communication is a key problem. Communication delay is generally characterized by two parameters: bandwidth and start-up delay. These two parameters have dierent values depending on whether the evaluated communication primitive is a system call or a message passing library call, and depend on the performance of the hardware. Such parameters are taken into account in existing models of communication delay, but these models characterize only point-to-point communication in a contention-free network. A general methodology to measure performance of communications under contention does not exist. Benchmarks dedicated to speci c machines [7, 13, 4] generally ll in this gap. Results of these benchmarks are dicult to use in order to compare dierent machines. In this paper a general methodology is proposed to evaluate performance under light to average contention of point-to-point communications. Very high contention should not appear frequently and can be a sign of bad implementation choices or it can mean that the machine is not ap-
propriate for the application. There are two types of communications in a parallel machine: point-to-point communications (one process communicates with another one), and global communications (groups of processes communicate). Global communications make an intensive use of the communication network, but are implemented in a synchronous mode in order to avoid unexpected delay. This paper focuses on modelling point-to-point communications, and the proposed methodology is planned to be extended to global communications. In Section 2, we present existing models of point-to-point communication and methodologies generally used in order to evaluate communication performance. Section 3 describes the proposed methodology, and experiments on the software router VCR are presented in section 4 and section 5.
2 Performance Evaluation of Communication in Parallel Machines The main parameters used to characterize communication are described in this section. These parameters do not generally take into account the contention of the network. The second part of this section describes the method used to measure these parameters.
2.1 Modelling of Point-to-Point Communications
In most of the parallel machines available on the market, communication delay can be characterized by a linear model. This means that communicating a message of size l between two physically connected processors takes: T (l) = + l (1) where is the start-up delay, the time required for the machine to handle the message at both source and destination node [15] ; is a characteristic of the link, its inverse 1 is generally called the bandwidth. If the communication primitive is a system call or a message passing library call, these two parameters may have dierent values for the same hardware. If the processors are not physically connected, messages must be routed. Such routing capabilities are integrated in the hardware of recent machines. In this case, communication delay depends on the size l of the message and on the distance d of the two processors which communicate. Modelling distant communication generally assumes that the linear model given by (1) is veri ed for two physically connected processors. Popular routing modes are message switching and packet switching, and have been replaced in the \new" parallel machines by the wormhole routing mode [11, 17]. In the packet-switching routing mode the unit of routed data is the packet. Each packet includes a header composed of the identi er of the destination and the useful data (the message or the last packet can be smaller than a unit). Packets are independent, and at each step the packet is stored in the memory of the intermediate node before being sent to the next node. Packets are pipelined
and the communication time depends on whether the message to be routed is lower or greater than a packet. The router has to split the message and this operation takes a time proportional to the number of packets included in the message. Given l the size of the message to be routed, d the distance between source node and destination node, p the size of a packet, h the size of the header, if l is smaller than p, communication delay can be modelled by the following equation: If l p then T (l; d) = 0 + 1 + d( + (l + h)) (2) where and have the same meaning as in (1), 0 is the time needed to initialize the packetization and 1 the time needed to prepare a packet. If l is greater than or equal to p communication delay can be characterized by the following equation: If l > p, l = pq + r then T (l; d) = 0 + 1(q +1)+ d( + (p + h))+(q ? 1)( + (p + h))+ + (r + h)(3) where 0 is the initialization time of the packetization, 1 the preparation time of packet, and are the same as in (1). Generally r is assumed to be equal to 0 or 1, h is assumed negligible in comparison to l, and 1 negligible in comparison to + p. With these assumptions the approximated equations are : If l p then T (l; d) = 0 + 1 + d + dl (4) If l > p then T (l; d) = (0 ? ( + p)) + d( + p) + pl ( + p) (5) The wormhole routing mode may be characterized by a linear model too [15]. In this mode, the unit of routed data is the packet (called it). A it ( ow control digit) has the size of the queues of the channels. Unlike in the packet switching routing mode, a communication at distance d is not equal to d communications between neighbors. One packet, the header, is added, and only this includes the address of the destination, so packets are not independent. The header is sent rst, and commutes routers on each intermediate node, the other packets following in a pipelined mode. The last packet frees the queue of the channel it is leaving. First the router has to split the message in it (the size of one it is noted p); this operation is done within the following delay: T0 (l) = 0 + 1 pl (6) As in the packet-switching mode the message is generally assumed to include an exact number of its. In (6) 0 is the time needed by the router to handle the message, plus the initialization time of the packetization, 1 is the time needed
to prepare one it. The delay needed to forward the header at a distance d can be formulated as: T1 (d) = d + p (7) 1 where is the time needed to commute on each intermediate node, the bandwidth and p the size of a it. The rest of the message reaches the destination in a pipelined mode within : T2 (l) = l (8) where l is the size of the message and 1 the bandwidth. The sum of (6), (7) and (8) gives the delay formula of the wormhole routing mode ; this model is generally approximated assuming l f and p negligible in comparison to , by the following equation: T (l; d) = 0 + d + l (9) Linear model (T (l; d) = a1 + a2 d + a3l) is veri ed for a lot of routing modes (packet switching, wormhole, circuit switching : : : ) [18, 2]. Further, models described above depend on the topology of the network because they include the distance as a parameter. There are mainly three types of recent machines: those with a network (grid, hypercube, etc) including the computing nodes (Telmat's Meganode, Intel's Paragon, Fujitsu's AP1000), networks where computing nodes are connected to ports with non-homogeneous distances among them (like the fat-tree of Thinking Machine's CM-5) and networks where computing node are connected to ports at the same distance of each other (like multi-stage topology of PCI's CS2 or IBM's SP1). In grid-like and in the fat-tree topologies, the distance is relevant, but in multi-stage networks all nodes are at the same distance and the distance does not appear in the model. Finally the evaluation of these model parameters is useful to assess the communication eciency of a machine. The method used for such an evaluation is described in the following section. 1
2.2 Measurement of Communication Parameters
Manufacturers give values of the parameters and of (1), but these values are generally hardware characteristics, and take into account neither software management nor resource contention. So and have to be evaluated more accurately during real execution. The aim of benchmark applications is to evaluate performance of machines during real execution, but most of them are developed on monoprocessor machines, and are not speci c to parallel machines. For instance,the Livermore Loops [14], and LINPACK/LAPACK [7] use automatic parallelizers to evaluate parallel computers. The rst benchmark speci c to distributed memory parallel machines is Genesis, which gives performance metrics, and includes speci c codes for problems like scheduling, load balancing, communications and synchronisation. For instance, Genesis [9] includes an implementation of the ping-pong
method generally used to evaluate communications in MIMD (Multiple Instructions Multiple Data) parallel machines [10]. However, the ping-pong application executes only one communication at a time. This application is very useful to evaluate parameters described in paragraph 2.1, but it does not evaluate communications in the case of contention or of global communications. For these two cases, speci c benchmarks have been developed for speci c machine (for instance, evaluation of communications on the CM5 1 [13, 4, 16]). Boyd et al. developed a benchmark in the which user can control some communication parameters like the average number of point-to-point data communications per processor, the degree of sharing (the number of variables read but not owned by a processor), the computation-to-communication ratio [3]. However all these parameters are averages, and if the user controls the average trac in the network, the distribution is not controlled. This benchmark uses synthetic sparse matrix multiplication.
2.3 Conclusion If \classical" benchmarks are useful to evaluate the eciency of a single processor or the overall power of a parallel machine, they are dicult to use for evaluation of communication in a parallel machine. Genesis tries to ll this gap, but it includes a generic method only for point-to-point communications. One initiative to introduce contention in evaluation of communication is synthetic sparse matrix multiplication [3], but it gives results only for one \scheme of communication".
3 Methodology for Studying Communication in a Network Under Contention In our experiment, the load of a network is de ned as the average load of each physical link in the network. The load of a physical link is de ned as the number of bytes placed on its input during a time unit. If a link is bidirectional it has an input load per direction. An application devoted to performance evaluation of communications should not be speci c to an architecture, because it should be executed on dierent machines in order to compare performance of communication networks. Such an application should allow users to know communications contentions (averages and variances) of each physical links. We propose an application composed of a ping-pong application (called tagged ping-pong) and an application which generates the contention of the network. The application generating the contention is composed of a set of pairs (master, slave) of tasks. The slave task is always waiting for a message from the master. 1
Trademark Thinking Machine Corporation
To implement this application on a machine, only communication primitives like send and receive and multithreading is required. The characteristics of the contention are to be chosen and the possibilities are numerous. In parallel applications there are generally two types of messages: control messages and data messages. Control messages are relatively small and data messages may be large. Depending on the type of application, the proportion of small messages and of big messages may be dierent. For instance, in divide and conquer algorithms a lot of data messages are exchanged, and in some fault tolerant applications a lot of control messages are regularly exchanged. In order to mimic these behaviors, the size of messages sent by masters of the contention application is uniformly chosen in [Asmall ; Bsmall ] with probability p1 or in [Abig ; Bbig ] with probability p2 = 1 ? p1. In order to obtain dierent average load, the average time between each message varies. The two tasks, master and slave, are placed in such a way that the load is the same on each physical link. The load is statistically homogeneous in the network. Even if it is not generally veri ed in real applications, it will be sucient for our purpose which is to assess performance of a communication device from an applicative level. The goal is to derive a simple model from a portable experiment. The mapping of the couples (master,slave) may be dierent according to the physical topology of the studied network. On grid-like topologies these two tasks are placed on each pair of physically connected processors, if the link is bidirectional a master and a slave are placed on each processor of the pair. On multi-stage topologies like omega networks, the simplest way to obtain the same average load on each physical link, is to place a couple on each pair of processors (the omega network is fully-connected). In order to compare the two implementations and measurements, the load generated per node has to be kept constant. On fat-tree topology, load may be tuned such that all intermediate routing nodes support the same load (mapping described in [13] veri es this condition). The communication delay between the two tasks of the tagged ping-pong depends now on the size of the message exchanged by the tasks of the tagged ping-pong, the distance between the two tasks of the tagged ping-pong and statistical characteristics of the load of the network. As in a contention-free network, the average and the variance of the communication time between the two ping-pong tasks are measured. A heavy contention surely increases this variance, so the number of samples has to be chosen in order to obtain relevant values. Variation of the size of the message exchanged by the ping-pong tasks, and distance between these two tasks have to be chosen according to the domain of interest. As described in section 2.1 the communication time on a contention-free network is generally a linear function of the size of the message and of the distance between processors which communicate. Messages using the same physical links (let us call them background messages) add extra delays, which means that the parameter in (4) and (5) or parameter in (9) should be a function of the
load. The experiments will identify the eect of contention on communication delay. An experiment where the ping-pong tasks is replaced by a set of tasks performing a group communication could be easily done. Thus the methodology allows to evaluate the performance of global communication primitives in a loaded network, the load being generated by point-to-point communication. The de nition of a load composed of point-to-point and global communication is more complex and would require more modelling work.
4 Experiments on Point-to-Point Communications in Absence of Network Trac The experiments were done on a Meganode 2 , which is a MIMD machine with distributed memory, including 128 processors (transputers). This machine is recon gurable, all physical topologies with a degree of four being possible. It does not have hardware routing capabilities, so the software router VCR (Virtual Channel Router) is used [5, 6]. VCR implements a packet-switching routing mode (see section 2.1). In our con guration of VCR the size of a packet is 160 bytes and the size of the header is 4 bytes. For all experiments presented in this paper the Meganode was con gured as a grid with 32 nodes (a 4x8 grid). The grid topology is chosen because it has the maximal possible degree and it is easy to extend.
4.1 Ping-Pong Experiment In this experiment only the two tasks of the tagged ping-pong were executed. A description of this application can be found in [10]. Figure 1 shows the average communication time as a function of the size of the message for dierent distances. The hops are due to the packetization. In Figures 2 and 3, average communication time is a function of the two parameter sizes and distance. A change in the curve appears clearly when the size of ping-pong messages is lower or greater than the size of a packet (160 bytes). The linear model given by (4) and (5) is veri ed. Figures 4 and 5 show the standard deviation of the average delay for two distances, this standard deviation () is smaller than 5% for distance 2 and smaller than 2% for distance 10. According to this model, a linear regression on data gives: If l 160 then T (l; d) = 168 + 111d + 1:2ld (s) 5% (10) If l > 160 then T (l; d) = ?48 + 321d + 2l (s) 5% (11) 2
Trademark Telmat
For these two regressions the sample squared multiple correlation coecients are respectively 0.998 and 0.997. This con rms that these linear models are a good approximation of the experimental data. The identi cation of (4) and (10) with (5) and (11) gives results shown in Table 1. Physical topology: 4x8 grid 7000
communication time
4000 3000 2000
distance = 1 1000
distance = 10
0 0
size of ping-pong message (bytes)
Fig. 1. Average communication time as a function of the size of the ping-pong message. Each value is the mean obtained with 1000 samples.
communication time
Physical topology: 4x8-grid
7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0
160 500 (one packet)
size of message
Fig. 2. Average communication time as a function of the size of the ping-pong message and the distance. Each value is the mean obtained with 1000 samples.
Physical topology: 4x8-grid 150000
communication time (microsecond)
500010000 15000 20000
2500030000 35000 40000 45000 50000 sise of message (bytes)
Fig.3. Average communication time as a function of the size of the ping-pong message and the distance, for big sizes.
Standard deviation for distance = 2 4000 3500
communication time
3000 2500 2000 1500
average time 1000
-standard deviation +standard deviation
500 0
size of message (bytes)
Fig. 4. Standard deviation of average communication time, distance = 2.
Standard deviation for distance = 10 7000
communication time
average time
-standard deviation +standard deviation
1000 0
size of message (bytes)
Fig. 5. Standard deviation of average communication time, distance = 10. The measured value of is also equal to 1:2 second=bytes, which means that the measured bandwidth is equal to 0:8 Mbytes=second. The bandwidth given by the manufacturer is 1:25Mbytes=second, so the measured bandwidth is equal to 70% of the hardware bandwidth [19]. The dierence between the measured values when l is smaller or greater than p is equal to 6%, and is due to the standard deviation of the measured communication time; this standard deviation is small but for the computation of + p the errors are added.
Table 1. Results of identi cation
0 + p (s) (s) (s=bytes) (s) l p 168 111 1:2 303 l > p 273 321
4.2 In uence of other Activities Parameters of model (1) are \pure", which means that they characterize communications in absence of other activities. The presence of concurrent processes on the same processor in uences the scheduler, and the routing process executes less frequently even if it has a high priority in a scheduling system without preemption.
0 in microsecond
700 .
Experiment on a 4x8-grid
. "".. " 600 . "" . " . "" 500 . " " . . .." 400 . " " " . " 300 . " . ."" .." ." 200...! ...! 1000. 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 Rate of memory access in Mbytes/second
Fig. 6. In uence of other activities, as a function of the memory access rate 0
On the Meganode, communications are handled by a DMA on each node and the scheduler does not implement preemption. In order to observe the in uence of other activities on communication parameters, a task accessing the memory and performing computations has been placed on each processor of the network. The memory access rate of this task varies, and a ping-pong is executed concurrently. Figure 6 shows the parameter 0 as a function of the memory access rate; 0 is time needed by the router to handle the message, and the router has to wait for the descheduling of the current activity before executing. The parameters and are not in uenced.
5 Experiments with the Loaded Network This section presents an experiment of the methodology described in section 3. Conditions of the experiment are rst detailed, and the results are presented in order to observe the in uence of contention. A linear model using the size of the tagged message, the distance between ping-pong tasks and the average load as parameters is proposed and experimented. This model is re ned in order to take into account the variance of the load. Finally the interpretation of the model is given.
5.1 Conditions of the Experiment
For these experiments the Meganode was con gured as a 4x8-grid. The tagged ping-pong was executed concurrently with the application generating the contention as described in section 3. Because the Meganode has little memory on each node (1Mbyte/node), only light load was studied.
5.2 Results
Time as a function of load and size of tagged message, distance = 5
time (micro−second)
6000 5000 4000 3000 2000
800 700 600 500 1000 300
400 size of tagged message
1500 100
load (bytes/second) 2000
Fig. 7. Average communication time between tagged tasks when the distance is xed, p1 = 0.5.
Time as a function of load and distance, size of tagged message 80 bytes
time (micro−second)
4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000
10 9 8 7 6
5 4 1500
3 2
load (bytes/second) 2000
Fig. 8. Average communication time between tagged tasks when the size of the tagged message is equal to 80 bytes, p1 = 0.5.
Results for p1 equal to 0:5 are presented in the following gures. Figures 7, 8, 10, and 9 show the average communication time between the two tasks of the tagged ping-pong when one of the three parameters (size of tagged ping-pong message, distance between tagged ping-pong tasks and average contention) is xed. In all these three cases, neglecting the eect of packetization, curves are approximatively planes. Change of slope when the size of the tagged message is lower or greater than the size of one packet (160) appears also on these curves. Given the general aspect of the curves we assume that the in uence of the load on the average communication time between tagged tasks is linear, and that this in uence modi es the parameter of (4) and (5). The load adds a delay and parameter could be replaced by 0 + 1 b where b is the average load of the network, measured in bytes per second. So the average communication time in a network under light contention, in the case of the packet-switching mode, may be modelled as: If l p then
T (l; d; b) = + 0 d + 1 db + ld
If l > p then T (l; d; b) = ( ? ( 0 + p))+( 0 + p) pl +( 0 + p)d ? 1b + 1 pl b + 1 db(13) where l is the size of the tagged message, d is the distance between the source and the destination of the tagged message, b the average load of the network and p the size of a packet. Time as a function of size of tagged message and distance, load=1500b/s
time (micro−second)
10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 10 9 8 7 0
6 100
5 300
4 400
size of tagged message
3 600
2 800
Fig.9. Average communication time between tagged tasks when the average load is equal to 1500 bytes=s, p1 = 0.5.
For these experiments, a regression on the data gives:
If l 160 then for p1 = 0:8
for p1 = 0:5 for p1 = 0:2 for p1 = 0:0
T (l; d; b) = 216 + 101d + 0:012db + 1:16ld R2 = 0:9986 T (l; d; b) = 182 + 106d + 0:005db + 1:17ld R2 = 0:9985 T (l; d; b) = 174 + 107d + 0:004db + 1:17ld R2 = 0:9985
T (l; d; b) = 170 + 107d + 0:003db + 1:18ld R2 = 0:9985 Where R2 is the sample squared multiple correlation coecient.
If l > 160 then for p1 = 0:8
for p1 = 0:5 for p1 = 0:2 for p1 = 0:0
T (l; d; b) = ?74 + 1:9l + 318d + 0:016b + 0:0001lb +0:016db R2 = 0:988 T (l; d; b) = ?107 + 2l + 321d + 0:008b + 5 10?5lb +0:008db R2 = 0:989 T (l; d; b) = ?114 + 2l + 322d + 0:005b + 3:3 10?5lb +0:005db R2 = 0:989 T (l; d; b) = ?117 + 2l + 322d + 0:005b + 2:8 10?5lb +0:005db R2 = 0:989
For all these regressions the sample squared multiple correlation coecient (R2 ) is greater than 0:9. Thus this model seems to be a good approximation of the data. However some of the regression coecients depend on the value of p1 : all except the coecients of l and d. This may imply that these coecients depend on the variance of the load (the variance decreases when p1 decreases). We study this in the next section.
Time as a function of load and distance, size of tagged message 400 bytes
time (micro−second)
7000 6000 5000 4000 3000
10 9 8 7 6
5 4 1500
3 2
load (bytes/second) 2000
Fig.10. Average communication time between tagged tasks when the size of the tagged message is equal to 400 bytes, p1 = 0.5.
5.3 Re nement of the Model In order to get an intuition of how this variance might interfere, consider that a link can be modelled by a single server. In this case, the extra delay added by the contention can be modelled by the average waiting time in the queue (generally noted E [W ]). For one server with general service and input rate distribution, an approximation of E [W ] of a FIFO GI/GI/1 may be [8]: a + Ks ) E [W ] = (2K(1 ? )
where = , is the queue input rate, is the service rate, Ka the coecient of variation of the input rate and Ks the coecient of variation of the service rate. In our case corresponds to what is de ned as average load of a link in section 3, measured in packet=second. The service time of our queue is equal to ( +p) second=packets, so the service rate is equal to = +1p packets=second. Ks is also very low and may be approximated by zero. Let us note b0 the input 0 b trac expressed in packet=second (b = p ). With our notations, formula (14) is also equivalent to: ( + p)2Kb0 E [W ] = b0 (15) 2(1 ? (( + p)b0)) where b0 is the average load expressed in packets/second, and are the parameters de ned in (1), Kb0 is the coecient of variation of b0 .
The rst model used in section 5.2 approximates 2(1( ?+((p +) pK)bb00 )) by a constant, and we have seen that the in uence of Kb0 cannot be neglected. We assume now that ( + p)b0 is small (light load), so ( + p)2 (1 + O(( + p)b0) ( + p)2 (16) 0 = 2 2(1 ? (( + p)b )) Given 15 and 16 we approximate E [W ] by: E [W ] = b0 ( +2 p) Kb0 = pb ( +2 p) Kb 2
= 1 bKb (17) For each packet the communication time is now equal to + p plus the waiting time (E [W ]). Replacing in (4) and (5) by 0 + 1 bKb gives the following model: If l p then (18) T (l; d; b; Kb) = + 0 d + 1 dbKb + ld If l > p then T (l; d; b; Kb) = ( ? ( 0 + p)) + 0 +p p l + ( 0 + p)d ? 1 bKb (19) + p1 lbKb + 1 dbKb
where l is the size of the tagged message, d is the distance between the source and the destination of the tagged message, b the average contention of the network, (b) ), and p the size of a packet. Kb is coecient of variation of b ( V ariance b A regression on all data of all the four experiments gives the following result: If l p then (20) T (l; d; b; Kb) = 186 + 108d + 0:17dbKb + 1:2ld If l > p then T (l; d; b; Kb) = ?106 + 2l + 320d ? 0:22bKb + 0:0014lbKb + 0:22dbKb (21) The sample squared multiple correlation coecient of these two regressions is respectively 0.99 and 0.98. The identi cation of (18) and (20)on one hand, and (19) and (21) on the other hand give results reported in table 2. In presence of contention, the dierence between the values of + p is equal to 7%. In Table 2 we can see that the parameters and are not modi ed by the contention; the parameter 0 should increase because of the presence of other activities, however it is modi ed but not increased because its variation 2
may be included in the parameter 1 (the generated load (b) and the memory access rate in the application are bound). Given these values of and , 2(1?((( + +pp) )b)) is plotted in gure 11. In this gure we can see that the approximation by a constant is valid for values of b smaller than 50% of the asymptotic value ( +1p ). Our experiments clearly fall into this range. 2
Table 2. Results of identi cations for experiments without contention and with con-
tention lp l>p lp l>p
0 or 0 + p (s) (s) (s=bytes) (s) Without contention 168 111 1:2 303 273 321 With contention 186 108 1:2 300 220 320
f (b) = 1e-05
(s2 )
0:17 0.22
( +p)2
2(1 (( +p) b ))
. . . asymptote p . @@R . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .... . . . ....... ........... . . . . .. . .. . . . . . 6 1 +
50% of
Fig.11. Variation of the function
b in packet=second
( +p)2 (K +Ks )
b )) with + p = 320s.
2(1 (( +p)
6 Conclusion A benchmark has been proposed here, which allows user to evaluate point-topoint communication delay in a network under contention. This methodology is based on a synthetic application generating a trac on the network in such a way that the eective trac is statistically homogeneous. This benchmark can be implemented on dierent architectures as it requires only message passing capabilities and multithreading. The proposed methodology has been applied on the Meganode with VCR, and a model of the point-to-point communications in this network under contention is proposed. This model is based on a linear model of the packet-switching routing mode without contention and is extended to take into account contention eects. The extension is still linear as the network is used under 50% of its capacity. We advocate that this should cover cases of normal usage. Heavy load is generated by group communications which should be studied as such. Modelling group communications is an extension of this work which we plan to do in the next future. A similar model may exist for other routing modes. The methodology has to be adapted slightly. For instance, the circuit-switching routing mode is modelled by a linear equation in absence of other trac [11]. In this routing mode, a header including the address of the destination is sent rst to reserve the route. If it is successful, the message is transmitted and the route is freed. If there is contention, the message has to wait until the entire route is freed before being sent. So the waiting delay is added to the router start-up delay (noted in the paper), unlike in the packet-switching routing mode where the waiting delay is added to the link start-up delay (noted in this paper). Further work includes testing the methodology on dierent machines such as CM53, SP14 and Paragon5 in order to assess the generality of the method presented here. It should allow to the compare these networks using the same benchmarks and the same methodology. Another application of these models is the emulation a model of a machine on a real one. Within the ALPES [12] environment, synthetic programs are used to model applications and are run on a parallel platform (here the Meganode). If one wants to experiment what the performance of the application would be if the bandwidth ( ) is twice bigger, the model says that all messages of the synthetic application should be shortened by a factor of two. By measuring relative speed-up, one can play with relative values of the computing power and network speed within the synthetic application using these models identifying simple relationships. Trademark Thinking Machine Corporation Trademark IBM 5 Trademark Intel
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