Oct 9, 2009 ... Worth Publishers is proud to announce the next-generation text for principles of
economics. Tyler Cowen Alex Tabarrok. MODERN ...
Worth Publishers is proud to announce the next-generation text for principles of economics
Tyler Cowen Alex Tabarrok
MODERN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS Available October 9, 2009 for Spring 2010 courses
ISBN: 1-4292-0227-5
As the macroeconomics course evolves, do you find yourself thinking:
As the microeconomics course evolves, do you find yourself thinking:
“I’d like to teach more modern growth.”
“Incentives matter. I want to show my students their impact in every aspect of their lives.”
“Now is the time to switch to a more modern macro model.” “Students should understand the new Keynesian and real business cycle models.”
“I want my students to see how selfinterest can promote the social interest.” “Students need to understand how economic theory works in their world.”
Worth Publishers is proud to announce the next-generation text for principles of economics
Cowen Tabarrok
MODERN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS GOVERNMENT 17. Public Goods and the Tragedy of the Commons Appendix: The Tragedy of the Commons: How Fast? 18. Economics, Ethics and Public Policy 19. Political Economy
ECONOMIC GROWTH 20. GDP and The Measurement of Progress 21. The Wealth of Nations and Economic Growth Appendix: The Magic of Compound Growth: Using a Spreadsheet 22. Growth, Capital Accumulation and the Economics of Ideas: Catching Up vs. The Cutting Edge Appendix: Excellent Growth 23. Savings, Investment, and the Financial System Appendix: Bond Pricing and Arbitrage
1. The Big Ideas
SUPPLY AND DEMAND 2. Supply and Demand 3. Equilibrium: How Supply and Demand Determine Prices 4. Elasticity and its Applications Appendix: Elasticities with Excel Appendix: Other Types of Elasticities
THE PRICE SYSTEM 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
The Price System: Signals, Speculation and Prediction Price Ceilings Price Floors, Taxes and Subsidies International Trade and Globalization Externalities: When Prices Send the Wrong Signals
FIRMS AND FACTOR MARKETS 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Profits, Prices and Costs Under Competition Monopoly Price Discrimination Cartels, Games, and Network Goods Labor Markets Getting Incentives Right: Lessons for Business, Sports, Politics and Life 16. Stock Markets and Personal Finance
BUSINESS FLUCTUATIONS 24. Unemployment and Labor Force Participation 25 Inflation and the Quantity Theory of Money Appendix: Get Real! An Excellent Adventure 26. Business Fluctuations and the Dynamic Aggregate DemandAggregate Supply Model 27. The Real Business Cycle Model: Shocks and Transmission Mechanisms Appendix: Business Fluctuations and the Solow Model
MACROECONOMIC POLICY AND INSTITUTIONS 28. The Federal Reserve System and Open Market Operations Appendix: The Money Multiplier Process in Detail 29. Monetary Policy 30. The Federal Budget: Taxes and Spending 31. Fiscal Policy
INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS 32. International Finance
BACK-OF-BOOK APPENDICES A. Reading Graphs in Economics B. Answers to Check Yourself