Communication. Simon Haykin, Michael Moher. CH06-2. Modern Wireless
Communications. Chapter 6. Diversity, Capacity and Space-. Division Multiple
Modern Wireless Communications
Modern Wireless Communications
Modern Wireless Communication
Chapter 6 Diversity, Capacity and Space-
Simon Haykin, Michael Moher
Division Multiple Access
Modern Wireless Communications
Modern Wireless Communications
Contents •
6.1 Introduction
6.2 “Space Diversity on Receive” Techniques
Content (Cont.) – 6.4.3 Outage Capacity – 6.4.4 Channel Known at the Transmitter
– 6.2.1 Selection Combining
6.5 Singular-Value Decomposition of the Channel Matrix
6.6 Space-Time Codes for MIMO Wireless Communications
– 6.2.2 Maximal-Ratio Combining
– 6.5.1 Eigendecomposition of the Log-det Capacity Formula
– 6.2.3 Equal-Gain Combining – 6.2.4 Square-Law Combining •
– 6.6.1 Preliminaries
6.3 Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output Antenna Systems
– 6.6.2 Alamouti Code
– 6.3.1 Coantenna Interference
– 6.6.3 Performance Comparison of Diversity-on-Receive and Diversity-onTransmit Schemes
– 6.3.2 Basic Baseband Channel Mode •
6.4 MIMO Capacity for Channel Known at the Receiver
– 6.6.4 Generalized Complex Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes
– 6.4.1 Ergodic Capacity
– 6.6.5 Performance Comparisons of Different Space-Time Block Codes Using a Single Receiver
– 6.4.2 Two other special case of log-det formula: Capacities of Receiver and Transmit Diversity Links
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Content (Cont.) •
6.7 Differential Space-Time Block Codes – 6.7.1 Differential Space-Time Block Coding – 6.7.2 Transmitter and Receiver Structures
6.1 Introduction
– 6.7.3 Noise Performance •
6.8 Space-Division Multiple Access and Smart Antennas – 6.8.1 Antenna Arrays – 6.8.2 Multipath with Direction Antennas
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Diversity – Frequency diversity
6.2 “Space Diversity on Receive” Techniques
– Time (signal-repetition) diversity – Space diversity • Receive diversity • Transmit diversity • Diversity on both transmit and receive
Multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) – User terminal of limited battery power – Channel of limited RF bandwidth
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6.2 “Space Diversity on Receive” Techniques 6.2.1 Selection Combining
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• Given Nr receiver outputs produced by common transmitted signal, logic circuit selects particular receiver output with largest signal-to-noise ratio as received signal.
Complex envelope of received signal of kth diversity branch is ~ ~ (t ) 0 ≤ t ≤ T and k = 1,2,K , N xk (t ) = α k e jθ k ~ s (t ) + w k r
With fading assumed to be slowly varying relative to symbol duration T, we simply the above Eq. to ~ ~ (t ) 0 ≤ t ≤ T and k = 1,2,K , N x (t ) ≈ α ~ s (t ) + w
The average signal-to-noise ratio at kth receiver output
• Assumption
– Frequency-flat: all frequency components constituting the transmitted signal are characterized by same random attenuation and phase shift. – Slow-fading: fading remains unchanged during transmission
[ [
] ]
2 2 E αk ~ s (t ) E ~s (t ) = E α k2 2 2 ~ E wk (t ) E wk (t )
(SNR )k = •
– Fading phenomenon is described by Rayleigh distribution.
[ ]
k = 1,2,K , N r
As mean-square value of w~k (t ) is the same for all k , we have (SNR )k = E E α k2 k = 1,2,K , N r N0
[ ]
(6.4) CH06-12
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Probability that all the diversity branches have a signal-to-noise ratio less than threshold γis N prob(γ k < γ for k = 1,2,K , N r ) = ∏ prob(γ k < γ ) r
Instantaneous signal-to-noise ratio γk =
k = 1,2,K , N r
γ av
γ exp − k γ av
γ k≥ 0 k = 1,2,K , N r
f Γ f (γ k )dγ k
γ = 1 − exp − γ av
γ ≥0
γ = 1 − exp − γ av
γ ≥0
Cumulative distribution function of random variable ΓSC
Cumulative distribution function of selection combiner
γ sc = max{γ 1 , γ 1 ,K, γ 1 }
For some signal-to-noise ratio, the associated cumulative distributions of individual branches are prob (γ k ≤ γ ) = ∫
Nr γ = ∏ 1 − exp − k =1 γ av
Assume average signal-to-noise ratio over short-term fading is same, the probability density functions of random variables Γ k pertaining to individual branches as f Γk (γ k ) =
E 2 αk N0
k =1
γ FΓ (γ sc ) = 1 − exp − sc γ av
γ sc ≥ 0
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Probability density function of
f Γ (γ sc ) = = •
d dγ sc Nr
γ av
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f Γ (γ sc )
FΓ (γ sc )
γ γ exp − sc 1 − exp − sc γ av γ av
N r −1
γ sc ≥ 0
For convenience of graphical presentation, we use the scaled probability density function f X ( x ) = γ av f Γsc (γ sc ) where the normalized variable x is x = γ sc γ av
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From figure 6.2 – As the number of branches increase, probability density function of normalized random variable moves progressively to right. – Probability density function becomes more symmetrical and Gaussian as Nr increase.
6.2 “Space Diversity on Receive” Techniques
Procedures of scanning version of selection-combining: – Selecting receiver with strongest output signal.
6.2.2 Maximal-Ratio Combining
– Maintain the procedure by using the output of this particular receiver as combiner’s output. – When the instantaneous signal-to-noise ratio of combiner falls below the threshold, select a new receiver with strongest output signal.
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Limitation of selection combiner can be mitigated by maximal-ratio combiner
Complex envelope of linear combiner output Nr
~y (t ) = a ~ ∑ k xk (t ) k =1
~ (t ) = ∑ ak α k e jθ k ~s (t ) + w k
k =1 Nr
k =1
k =1
~ (t ) = ~s (t )∑ ak α k e jθ k + ∑ ak w k
From Eq. (6.12), we notices that
jθ k ~ – Complex envelope of output signal equals s (t )∑ akα k e k =1
∑ a w~ (t )
– Complex envelope of output noise equals
k =1
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~ (t )are mutually independent for k = 1,2,K , N , the output signal - to - noise ratio of linear combiner is Assuming w k r 2 Nr E ~s (t )∑ akα k e jθ k k =1 (SNR )c = 2 N r ~ (t ) E ∑ ak w k k =1
[ [
] ]
s (t ) E~ ⋅ ~ (t ) 2 Ew k 2
∑a α e θ j
Nr E ∑ a k α k e jθ k k =1 2 Nr E ∑α k k =1
k =1
Let γ c denote the instantaneous output signal-to-noise ratio of linear combiner, then using
2 k
k =1
as the instantaneous values of expectations in numerator and denominator of eq.(6.13), we can write 2
2 Nr E ∑ a k α k e jθ k E k =1 = 2 Nr N 0 E ∑α k k =1
∑ a k α k e jθ k
k =1
γ c = N0
2 k
k =1
where E/N 0 is the symbol energy - to - noise spectral density ratio
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According to Cauchy-Schwarz inequality for complex number, we 2 have Nr Nr Nr 2 2 (6.15) ∑ ak bk ≤ ∑ ak ∑ bk k =1
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k =1
a ∑α e θ E ∑ 2
= cα k e •
k = 1,2,K , N r
Instantaneous output signal-to-noise ratio of maximal-ratio combiner
E Nr
k =1
According to Eq.(6.5), the maximal-ratio combiner produces an γmrc that is the sum of instantaneous signal-to-noise ratios of individual Nr branches γ mrc = γ k (6.20)
The term “maximal-ratio combiner” has been coined to describe the combiner of Fig. 6.4 that produces the produces optimum result.
Canceling common terms in Eq.(6.16)
E Nr γ c ≤ ∑ α k2 N 0 k =1
k =1
− jθ k
γ mrc = ∑ α k2 N
k =1 Nr
Therefore, the equality in Eq.(6.17) holds for
ak = c α k e j θ k
k =1
Applying Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to instantaneous output signalto-noise ratio Nr Nr 2
γ c ≤ k =1 N
k =1
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Chi-Square with 2Nr degrees of freedom N r −1 γ 1 γ mrc f Γmrc (γ mrc ) = exp − mrc (N r − r )! γ avN r γ av
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6.2 “Space Diversity on Receive” Techniques 6.2.3 Equal-Gain Combining
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Three issues for maximal-ratio combiner 1. Significant instrumentation is needed to adjust the complex weighting parameters of maximal-ratio combiner to their exact values.
6.2 “Space Diversity on Receive” Techniques
2. Additional improvement in : 1. output signal-to-noise ration gained by mrc over sc is not large 2. Receiver performance is lost in inability to achieve the exact setting of mrc
6.2.4 Square-Law Combining
3. other details of the combiner may result in a minor improvement in overall receiver performance. •
Equal-gain combiner: all the complex weighting parameters have their phase angles set opposite to those of their respective multipath branches. CH06-27
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No need phase estimation.
Applicable to orthogonal modulation.
With binary orthogonal signaling, receiver generates 1 T ~ ~∗ 1 T ~ ~∗ Q0 k = ∫0 xk (t )s0 (t )dt and Q1k = ∫0 xk (t )s1 (t )dt
In orthogonal modulation, two signaling waveforms approximately satisfy the condition T i= j E ~ (6.29) s (t )~ s ∗ (t )dt = b
i≠ j
If binary symbol 0 is transmitted, the two decision variables are Eb α k e jθ w w Q0 k = + 0k and Q1k = 1k (6.30,31) k
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Square-law receiver makes a decision between symbols 0 and 1 as
if •
Q0 k > Q1k
say 0 otherwise say 1
and Q1 = ∑ Q1k
k =1
• (6.33,34)
Eb Var (w0 k ) Var α k e jθ k + N0 N0
Var(Q1k ) =
Eb Var [w0 k ] E α k2 + N0 N0
( [ ])
1 Var (w1k ) N0
= γ av + 1
q N r −1
(N r − 1)! (γ av + 1)
q exp − γ av + 1
(N r − 1)!
q N r −1 exp(− q )
As Q1 and Q0 are independent random variables, the probability of error is ∞ ∞ prob(Q0 < Q1 ) = ∫ f Q0 (q0 ) ∫ f Q1 (q1 )dq1 dq0 0 q0
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For incorrect symbol, it is
f Q1 ( q) =
k =1
If s0(t) was transmitted, the variances are given by
Var (Q0 k ) =
Probability density function for correct symbol is
f Q0 (q ) =
With square-lave combining, we form the decision variable
Q0 = ∑ Q0 k •
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• MIMO wireless communications include space diversity • Three important points:
6.3 Multiple-Input, MultipleOutput Antenna Systems
– Fading phenomenon is an environmental source of possible enrichment. – Space diversity provides the basis for a significant increase in channel capacity or spectral efficiency. – Increasing channel capacity with MIMO is achieved by increasing computational complexity with maintaining primary communication resources fixed.
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6.3 Multiple-Input, MultipleOutput Antenna Systems 6.3.1 Co-antenna Interference
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Spatial parameter, defines as a new degree of freedom.
n = min{N t , N r }
6.3 Multiple-Input, MultipleOutput Antenna Systems
Nt-by-1 vector, denotes the complex signal vector transmitted by the Nt antennas at discrete time n. T s(n) = [~ s1 (n), ~ s2 (n),K, ~ st (n)]
6.3.2 Basic Baseband Channel Model •
Total transmit power is fixed at the value
P = N tσ s2
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For flat-fading, we can use hik (n) denote sampled complex gain of channel, thus express the Nr-by-Nt complex channel matrix as
~ ~ ~ h11 (n ) h21 (n ) L hN 1 (n ) ~ Nr ~ ~t h (n ) h22 (n ) L hN t 2 (n ) H (n) = 21 receive M M M ~ antennas ~ ~ hN r 1 (n ) hN r 2 (n ) L hN r N t (n ) 14444442444444 3
The system of equations, defines the complex signal received at ith sk (n )radiated by kth antenna antenna due to transmitted symbol ~ Nt ~ ~ ~ (n ) xi (n ) = ∑ hik (n )~ sk ( n) + w i
• (6.43)
k =1
Complex received signal vector
i = 1,2,K, N r k = 1,2,K, N t
x(n ) = [~ x1 (n), ~ x1 (n),K, ~ x1 (n)]
Complex channel noise vector ~ (n), w ~ (n),K, w ~ ( n) T w (n ) = w 1 2 Nr
Therefore, the compact matrix form of the system equation which is the basic complex channel model for MIMO wireless communications
To simply the exposition, we get
N t transmit antennas
x(n) = H (n)s(n) + w(n)
x = Hs + w
(6.47) (6.48)
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For mathematical tractability, we assume Gaussian model made up of three elements 1. Transmitter 2. Channel 3. Receiver
1. Correlation matrix of transmitted signal vector s is Rs = E[ss†] =σ2sINt where I N t is the Nt-by-Nt identity matrix
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2. The Nt x Nt elements of channel matrix H is
hik : N 0,1 •
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2 + jN 0,1
i = 1,2,K , N r k = 1,2,K , N r
3. Correlation matrix of noise vector w is Rw = E[ww†]
On this basis, the amplitude component hik is rayleigh distributes, this is the reason why MIMO channel is a rich Rayleigh scattering environment.
where I Nt is the Nr-by-Nr identity matrix •
The average signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at each receiver is
Mean of squared amplitude component is a chi-square random variable
[ ]= 1
E hik
for all i and k
σ w2 N tσ s2
2 w
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6.4 MIMO Capacity for Channel Known at the Receiver
6.4 MIMO Capacity for Channel Known at the Receiver 6.4.1 Ergodic Capacity
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Information capacity of AWGN channel with fixed transmit power is defined as P C = B log 2 1 + 2 bit / s (6.54)
With the sampling theorem, we can rewrite to
1 P C = log 2 1 + 2 bit / s / Hz 2 σw •
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det R W + HR S H + C = Elog 2 tr ( R S ) ≤ P bit / s / Hz which is subject to constraint max Rs det(R W )
Capacity of complex, flat-fading channel is 2 h P (6.56) C = E log 2 1 + 2 bits / s / Hz σ w Assume the channel is stationary and ergodic, C is commonly referred to ergodic capacity of single-input, single-output (SISO) flat fading channel.
Ergodic capacity of MIMO channel
Substituting Eqs. (6.49) and (6.52) into Eq.(6.57)
σ C = Elog 2 det I N r + HH + bit / s / Hz σ 2 s 2 w
Invoking definition of average signal-to-noise ratio, we get
ρ C = E log 2 det I N r + HH + bit / s / Hz N t •
This is the log-det capacity formula for a Gaussian MIMO channel. CH06-48
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Asymptotic formula
N →∞
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C ≥ constant N
6.4 MIMO Capacity for Channel Known at the Receiver
The ergodic capacity of a MIMO flat-fading wireless link with an equal number N of transmit and receive antennas grows roughly proportionately with N
6.4.2 Two other special case of log-det formula: Capacities of Receiver and Transmit Diversity Links
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1. Diversity-on-receive channel
– Applying log-det capacity formula to this case, Eq. (6.60) reduces to Nr C = E log 2 1 + ρ ∑ hi i =1
bit / s / Hz
2. Diversity-on-transmit channel – The log-det capacity formula reduced to
ρ C = Elog 2 1 + N t
k =1
bits / s / Hz
– Eq. (6.62) expresses the ergodic capacity due to linear combination of receive-antenna outputs. – It designed to maximize the information contained in Nr received signals about the transmitted signal. CH06-51
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6.4 MIMO Capacity for Channel Known at the Receiver
Outage probability of MIMO link is defined as the probability for which the link is in a state of outage for data transmitted across the link at a certain rate, R.
To proceed on this probabilistic basis, we invoke a quasi-static model: – The burst is long enough to accommodate the transmission of large number of symbols.
6.4.3 Outage Capacity
– Yet the burst is short enough that can be treated as quasi static. – Channel matrix is permitted to change. – The different realizations of transmitted signal vector are drawn from a white gaussian codebook.
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In light of the log-det capacity formula, we may view the random variable ρ + Ck = E log 2 det I N r + H k H k bit / s / Hz (6.64) Nt as the expression for a sample of the wireless link. •
6.4 MIMO Capacity for Channel Known at the Receiver
Outage probability at rate R is Poutage ( R ) = prob{Ck < R for some burst k }
6.4.4 Channel Known at the Transmitter
or equivalently, ρ + Poutage ( R ) = problog 2 det I N r + H k H k < R for some burst k Nt
Outage capacity of the MIMO link is the maximum bit rate that can be maintained across the link for all bursts of data transmissions for a prescribed outage probability. CH06-55
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• Log-det capacity formula is based on the premise that the transmitter has no knowledge of channel state.
6.5 Singular-Value Decompostion of the Channel Matrix
• Knowledge of channel state can be gathered by – first estimating the channel matrix at receiver – then sending to the transmitter via feedback channel. – Capacity is optimized.
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Diagonalize HH+ by invoking eigendecomposition of Hermitian Matrix
U + HH + U = A •
The matrixΛis a diagonal matrix whose Nr elements are eigenvalues of matrix product HH+
The matrix U is a unitary matrix whose Nr columns are the eigenvectors associated with eigenvalues of HH+.
Inverse of unitary matrix is equal to Hermitian transpose of matrix, as shown by
U −1 = U + or, equivalent ly,
UU + = U + U = I N r
Let Nt-by-Nt matrix V be another unitary matrix, that is
VV + = V + V = I N r
Inject the matrix product VV+ into the center of left-hand side of Eq. (6.67) (6.71) U + H(VV + )H + U = Α
Let the Nt-by-Nt matrix D denate a new diagonal matrix related to Nrby-Nr diagonal matrixΛwith Nr ≤ Nt by
Α = [D 0][D 0]
Examining Eqs.(6.71) and (6.72) and comparing terms, we deduce the new decomposition, which is singular-value decomposition (SDV)
U + HV = [D 0] CH06-59
(6.73) CH06-60
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According to SVD theorem, we have – Elements of diagonal matrix
D = diag d1 , d 2 , K , d Nt
~ ~ xi = d i ~ si + w i
are the singular values of channel matrix H. – Columns of unitary matrix
U = u , u ,K , u N r
1 1 are the left singular vectors of matrix H
Using the definitions of Eqs. (6.74) through (6.76), the decomposed channel model can changed to scalar form
– Columns of second unitary matrix
V = v , v ,K, v
1 2 Nt are the right singular vectors of matrix H
i = 1,2,K , N r
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6.5 Singular-Value Decompostion of the Channel Matrix
Substituting Eq. (6.59)into Eq. (6.67) leads to spectral decomposition of HH+ in terms of Nr eigenmodes, we may write HH + = UΑU + Nr
= ∑ λi u iu i+
6.5.1 Eigendecomposition of the Logdet Capacity Formula
Substituting the first line of this decomposition into determinant part of Eq. (6.59) yields
ρ ρ det I N r + HH + = det I N r + UΛU + Nt Nt •
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And then using the defining Eq. (6.69), we can rewrite Eq. (6.83)
ρ ρ + det I N r + HH + = det I N r + U UΛ Nt Nt ρ = det I N r + Λ N t
Invoking the determinant identity.
det(I + AB ) = det (I + BA )
i =1
Nr ρ = ∏ 1 + λi N t i =1
Nr ρ (6.86) C = E ∑ log 2 1 + λi bits / s / Hz N t i =1 • Ergodic capacity of a MIMO wireless communication system is the sum of capacity of Nr virtual single-input, single-output channels defined by the spatial eigenmodes of the matrix product HH+. •
Finally, subsitute Eq. (6.85) into Eq. (6.59)
Using the log-det capacity formula of Eq.(6.60), for Nt ≤ Nr, we can show that Nt ρ C = E ∑ log 2 1 + λi bits / s / Hz (6.87) N r i =1
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• Space-Time codes – Joint channel encoding of multiple transmit antennas
6.6 Space-Time Codes for MIMO Wireless Communications
– Employ redundancy for purpose of providing protection against channel fading, noise, interference. – Maximize outage capacity – Classified into • Space-time trellis codes • Space-time block codes
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• Space-time trellis code
• Space-time block code
– Permits serial transmission of symbols.
– Transmission of signal takes place in blocks. Code is defined by transmission matrix with 3 parameters
– Designed for two to four transmit antennas
• Number of transmitted symbols l
– Well for slow-fading environment but not indoor data transmission.
• Number of transmit antennas, Nt, defines the size of transmission matrix.
– For decoding, multidimensional version of Viterbi algorithm is required – Decoding complexity of space-time trellis codes increases exponentially as the function of spectral efficiency.
• Number of time slots in data block m
– Ratio l/m defines of rate of code. – For efficient transmission, transmitted symbols are expressed in complex form.
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– Linear processing • Estimate transmitted symbols at receiver and simplify the receiver design.
– Different receiver design procedures: • Complex orthogonal design • Generalized complex orthogonal design
– Complex orthogonality of transmission matrix in temporal sense is a sufficient condition for linear processing at receiver. – Alamouti code: code with code rate of unity.
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6.6 Space-Time Codes for MIMO Wireless Communications 6.6.1 Preliminaries
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• Two functional units: – Mapper
6.6 Space-Time Codes for MIMO Wireless Communications
• Take incoming binary data stream and generate a new sequence of blocks.
– Block encoder • Converts each block of complex symbols produced by mapper into an l-by- Nt transmission matrix S, where l and Nt are temporal dimension and spatial dimension
6.6.2 Alamouti Code
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Two-by-one orthogonal space-time block code.
~ s* S = 1~ * − s2
−~ s2* → Space ~ s1*
~ s* ~ s * ~ s* −~ s * SS + = 1~ * ~2* ~1* ~ *2 s1 − s2 s1 s2 2 2 ~ s1 s1 s1 ~ s2 + ~ −~ = ~ *~ * 2 *~ * ~ ~ s1 − s2 s1 + s1 s2
↓ Time •
Hermitian transpose of S
~ s* S + = ~1* s2
−~ s2* → Time ~ s1* ↓ Space
s2 ~ s1 + ~ 2 + ~ s1
0 2 2 1 s1 + ~ s2 = ~ 0 1
Multiply code matrix S by its Hermitian transpose, obtaining
This result also holds for alternative matrix product S+S, which is proof of orthogonality in the temporal sense CH06-78
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The transmission matrix of Alamouti code satisfies the unique condition
2 2 SS + = S + S = ~ s1 + ~ s2 I
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• Four Properties of Alamouti code • Property 1. Unitarity (Complex Orthogonality) (6.91)
– Alamouti code is an orthogonal space-time block code – Product of transmission matrix with its Hermitian transpose is equal to the two-by-two identity matrix scaled by the sum of squared amplitudes of transmitted symbols.
And Note that
S −1 =
1 ~ s1 + ~ s2 2
• Property 2: Full-Rate Complex Code (6.92)
– Only complex space-time block code with a code rate unity.
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With s%1 and s% 2 transmitted simultaneously at time t , the complex received signal at time t' > t , is
• Property 3. Linearity
x%1 = α1e jθ1 s%1 + α 2e jθ 2 s%2 + w1
– Alamouti code is linear in transmitted symbols.
The complex signal received at time t' + T is
• Property 4. Optimality of Capacity
x%2 = −α1e jθ1 s%2* + α 2e jθ2 s%1* + w2 Reformulate the variable x%1 and complex
– For two transmit antennas and a single receive antenna, the Alamouti code is the only optimal space-time block code that satisfies the log-det capacity formula of Eq. (6.63).
conjugate of the second variable x%2 in matrix form x%1 α1e jθ1 ∗ = − jθ x%2 α 2e 2
α1e jθ 2 s%1 w%1
+ * −α1e− jθ1 s%2 w% 2
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Multiply Eq.(6.97) by hermitian transpose of two-by-two channel matrix− jθ ~ α1e 1 α 2e − jθ2 ~ x1 1 0 ~ s1 α1e − jθ1 α 2e − jθ2 w 1 2 2 − jθ 2 * = (α1 + α 2 ) ~ + − jθ − jθ ~ x2 − α1e − jθ1 ~ 0 1 s2 α 2 e 2 − α1e 1 w2 α 2 e ~ ~∗ s α e − jθ1 w ~ α 2 e − jθ 2 w 2 = (α12 + α 22 )~1 + 1 − jθ ~1 − jθ ~ ∗ (6.98) s2 α 2e 2 w1 − α1e 1 w2 And let
x1 ~y1 α1e − jθ1 α 2e − jθ 2 ~ * ~ = − jθ 2 x2 − α1e − jθ1 ~ y2 α 2 e α e − jθ1 ~ x + α 2 e − jθ 2 ~ x2∗ = 1 − jθ ~1 − jθ1 ~ ∗ 2 α e x − α e x 2 1 1 2
~ v~1 α1e − jθ1 w 1 v~ = − jθ 2 ~ 2 α 2 e w1
~∗ + α 2 e − jθ 2 w 2 − jθ1 ~ ∗ − α1e w2 (6.99)
Recast Eq.(6.98) in matrix form of input-output relations describing the overall behavior of Alamouti code ~ y1 ~ v~1 2 2 s 1 2 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ = α1 + α 2 ~ + ~ in expanded form, yk = α1 + α 2 sk + vk k = 1,2 y2 s2 v2 (6.102)
Due to complex orthogonality of Alamouti code, the unwanted symbols are cancelled out in the equations. This cancellations are responsible for the simplification of receiver.
The detrimental effect of fading arises when diversity paths suffer from it. This means a wireless communication system based on the Alamouti code enjoys a two-level diversirty gain.
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Maximum-likelihood decoding rule: – Given that receiver has knowledge of • Channel fading coefficients α1andα2. • Set of all possible transmitted symbols in the mapper’s constellation denoted by S, the maximum-likelihood estimates of transmitted symbols defined by sˆ = arg min {d 2 (~ y , (α 2 + α 2 )ϕ )} and sˆ = arg min {d 2 (~ y , (α 2 + α 2 )ϕ )} (6.1) 1
where the φ denote the different hypotheses for the linear combiner output.
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6.6 Space-Time Codes for MIMO Wireless Communications 6.6.3 Performance Comparison of Diversity-on-Receive and Diversity-onTransmit Schemes
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• Generalized complex orthogonal designs of space–time block codes distinguish themselves from the Alamouti code in three respects:
6.6 Space-Time Codes for MIMO Wireless Communications
– Nonsquare transmission matrix – Fractional code rate – Orthogonality of transmission matrix only in temporal sense.
6.6.4 Generalized Complex Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes
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Let G be a an m-by- Nt matrix, Nt is the number of transmit antennas and m is the number of time slots, the entries of the matrix
Construction of space-time block codes using generalized complex orthogonal design is exemplified by rate-1/2 codes.
Case 1: For three transmit antennas (l=4, m=8) ~ ~ s1 s2 s3 ~ − ~ ~ ~ s s − s4 1 2 ~ ~ − ~ s3 s4 s1 ~ ~ −s −~ s s G 3 = ~ *4 ~ *3 ~2* → Space s1 s2 s3 ~* ~* s1 −~ s4* − s2 ~ − ~ s3* ~ s4* s1* ~* ~* ~ s2* − s4 − s3 ↓ Time
0,± s1 ,± s1* ,± s2 ,± s2* , K ,± sl ,± sl*
• G is said to be generalized complex orthogonalized design of size Nt and code rate is l/m if
l 2 G + G = ∑ s j I j =1
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Case 2: For four transmit antennas (l=4,m=8)
s1 ~ − ~ s2 − ~ s3 ~ s − G 4 = ~*4 s1 ~* − s2 − ~ s* ~3* − s4
~ s2 ~ s1 ~ s
~ s3 s4 −~ ~ s
s3 −~ ~ s2* ~ s* 1
~ s2 ~ s3* s* −~
~ s4* s* −~
~ s1* ~ s*
~ s4 ~ s3 s −~
2 ~ s1 → Space * ~ s4 * ~ s3 −~ s2* ~ s1*
Compare with Alamouti code, space-time codes G3 and G4 are at a disadvantage in two respects: 1. The bandwidth efficiency is reduced by a factor of two. 2. The number of time slots across which channel is required to have a constant fading envelope is increased by a factor of four.
↓ Time CH06-93
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To improve the bandwidth efficiency, we may use rate-3/4 generalized complex linear processing orthogonal designs referred to as sporadic codes:
Case 1: For three transmit antennas (l=3, m=4)
~ s1 ~* − s2 H 3 = ~* s 2 ~3* s3 2
~ s2 ~ s1* ~ s3* 2 −~ s3* 2
~ s3 ~ s3
2 2
(− ~s − ~s + ~s − ~s ) (~s + ~s + ~s − ~s ) 1
↓ Time
* 1 * 2
* 2 * 1
→ Space 2 2
Case 2: For four transmit antennas (l=3,m=4)
~ s1 ~* − s2 H 3 = ~* s 2 ~3* s3 2
~ s2 ~ s1* ~ s3* 2 −~ s3* 2
~ s3 2 ~ s3 2 −~ s1 − ~ s1* + ~ s2 − ~ s2* ~ s2 + ~ s2* + ~ s1 − ~ s1* ↓
2 2
~ s3 2 −~ s3 2 −~ s2 − ~ s2* + ~ s1 − ~ s1* − ~ s +~ s* +~ s −~ s*
) )
→ Space 2 2 (6.110)
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6.6 Space-Time Codes for MIMO Wireless Communications 6.6.5 Performance Comparisons of Different Space-Time Block Codes Using a Single Receiver
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6.7 Differential Space-Time Block Codes
6.7 Differential Space-Time Block Codes 6.7.1 Differential Space-Time Block Coding
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Given the new pair of complex signals to be transmitted at time t+2, the row vector can be expressed as
3, t + 2
,~ s4 ,t + 2 ] = a1,t + 2 [~ s1,t , ~ s2 , t ] + a 2 , t + 2 − ~ s2* , ~ s1*,t
• a1,t+2 and a2,t+2 are coefficients of linear combination and defined as inner products of the row vector, therefore
1,t + 2
+ , a2,t + 2 ] = [~ s3,t + 2 , ~ s4,t + 2 ][~ s1,t , ~ s2,t ] , − ~ s2*,t +1 , ~ s1*,t +1 ~ s* −~ s2,t +1 = [~ s3,t + 2 , ~ s4,t + 2 ]~1*,t ~ s s 1,t +1 2 ,t = [~ s ,~ s ]S + 3,t + 2
4 ,t + 2
Similarly, we can write
[− a
* 2 ,t + 3
] [
Coefficients matrix is a product of two orthogonal Alamouti (quaternionic) matrices.
a1,t + 2 At + 2,t + 3 = * − a2 ,t + 3 = S t + 2,t +3S t+,t +1
, a1*,t +3 = − ~ s4*.t +3 , ~ s3*,t +3 S t+,t +1
a2 ,t + 2 a1*,t + 3
t ,t +1
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Since St,t+1 is a unitary matrix by virtue of orthonormality of its tow constituent row vectors, it follow that
Similarly, the received signal matrix in response to the next transmitted signal matrix St+2,t+3 is
New two-by-two matrix
X t + 2,t +3 = S t ,t +1H
S t−,+t +1 = S t ,t +1 •
Basis for differential space-time block encoding at the transmitter
S t + 2,t +3 = A t + 2,t +3S t−,+t +1 •
Yt + 2,t +3 = X t + 2,t +3 X t+,t +1
= A t + 2,t +3S t ,t +1
= S t + 2,t + 3 H (S t ,t +1H )
In the absence of channel noise, the received signal matrix in response to transmitted signal matrix St,t+1 is given by
X t ,t +1 = S t ,t +1H
= S t + 2,t + 3 HH S
+ t ,t +1
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From the solution to problem6.12, we note that
α e − jθ 1 H = 1 − jθ 2 α 2 e •
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α 2 e − jθ − α 1 e − jθ 2
H H = HH
= α
2 1
2 2
( = (α
) )A
Yt + 2 ,t +3 = α12 + α 22 S t + 2 ,t +3S t+,t +1 2 1
+ α 22
– A, is spanned by pair of complex coefficients (a1,a2) constituting matrix A
(6.119, 6.120)
Accordingly. Eq.(6.118) reduces to
t + 2,t + 3
With two sets of signal points involved in formulation of Eqs (6.115) and (6.121), we identify two signal spaces
~ ~ – S, is spanned by the complex signals s1 , s2 constituting matrix S
Properties of these signals:
1. With M-ary PSK as the method of modulation transmitting Alamouticode, – points representing signal space S are uniformly distributed on circle of unit radius
– Points representing signal space A constitute a quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) constellation
This is the basis for differential space-time block decoding at the receiver.
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• 2. Minimum distance between the points in signal space S is equal to the minimum distance between the points in signal space A. • 3. To construct matrix A
6.7 Differential Space-Time Block Codes
– Bijective mapping of 2b bits onto the signal space A.
6.7.2 Transmitter and Receiver Structures
– The mapping bijective in the sense that it is one-to-one and onto.
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Differential space-time block encoder
Differential space-time block decoder
1. Mapper
1. Differential decoder
Generate the entries that make up matrix At+2,t+3
2. Differential encoder •
Delay unit feeds forward the matrix Xt,t+1
Multiplier multiplies the matrices Xt+2,t+3 and Xt,t+1 to produce new matrix Yt+2,t+3
2. Signal estimator
Transforms the matric At+2,t+3 into matrix St+2,t+3 •
Delay unit feeds back the matrix St,t+1 to input of differential encoder
Multiplier multiplies matrix inputs At+2,t+3 and St,t+1 to provide the transmitted signal matrix St,t+3 in accordance with Eq.(6.115)
ˆ Computes the matrix that A t + 2,t + 3 is closest to Yt + 2,t + 3
3. Inverse mapper •
Operates on estimate At + 2,t + 3 to produce corresponding estimates of original pair of data bits transmitted at time t+2 and t+3.
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6.7 Differential Space-Time Block Codes 6.7.3 Noise Performance
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6.8 Space-Division Multiple Access and Smart Antennas
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• Advantages of 120o sector antennas at base station – Can be applied with FDMA, TDMA or CDMA – Allows multiple users to operate on same frequency and/or time slot in same cell – More users in same spectrum and improved capacity – Can be applied at base station without affecting mobile terminals
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• Advantages of smart antenna
– Greater range
– user terminals can spatially separated by virtue of their angular directions.
– Fewer base stations
• SDMA relies on smart antennas
– Better building penetration
• Examples of smart antennas
– Less sensitivity to power control errors – More responsive to traffic hot spots
– Sector antenna
• SDMA improves system capacity by
– Switched-beam antennas
– Minimization of effects of interference.
– Adaptive antenna
– Increasing signal strength
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6.8 Space-Division Multiple Access and Smart Antennas 6.8.1 Antenna Arrays
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Complex envelope of transmitted signal
~ s (t ) = m(t )e j 2πft •
Received symbols
Under the above assumptions, analysis depends solely on phase relationship of different elements.
If antenna element k is at distance lk from the transmitting antenna, then the carrier phase is φ (t ) = 2πf (t − lk c )
~ r (t , l ) = A(l )m(t − l c )e j 2πf (l c ) •
• (6.122)
= 2πf (t − l0 c ) − 2πf (lk − l0 c )
Key assumptions
≡ φ0 (t ) − 2πf∆lk / c
1. Incident field is a plane wave
≡ φ0 (t ) − ∆φk
2. The attenuation A(l ) ≈ A(l0 ) ≡ A0
3. . m(t − l c ) ≈ (t − l0 c ) ≡ m0 (t ) 4. There is no mutual coupling between the antenna elements.
The phase offset is
∆φk = (2πf c )(kd sin θ ) kd = 2π sin θ λ
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j 2π sin θ λ
kd = 2π sin θ λ
Complex rotation
ak (θ ) = e •
The received signal at element k is kd sk (t ) = s0 (t )e
s0 (t ) = A0 m0 (t )e jφ0 (t ) (6.126,127)
where kd j 2π sinθ λ
A phased array computes a linear sum of the signals received at each element in Fig 6.29, yielding the received signal N 2
r (t ) =
∑ w s (t ) * k k
k =− N 2
= w a s0 (t ) where w = w− N 2 ,K , wN 2 +
and a (θ ) = a− N 2 (θ ), K, a N 2 (θ )
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6.8 Space-Division Multiple Access and Smart Antennas 6.8.2 Multipath with Direction Antennas
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