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Modulation of sarcomere organization during embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocyte differentiation. Kaomei Guana. , Dieter O. Ftirstb. , Anna M. Wobus l)a.

Europeon Journal of Cell Biology 78, 813-823 (1999, November) . © Urban & Fischer Verlag· Jena


Modulation of sarcomere organization during embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocyte differentiation Kaomei Guan a , Dieter O. Ftirstb , Anna M. Wobus l)a a b

In Vitro Differentiation Group, IPK Gatersleben, GaterslebeniGermany Institute of Zoophysiology and Cell Biology, University of Potsdam, Potsdam/Germany

Received November 25, 1998 Received in revised version May 31, 1999 Accepted August 2, 1999

Myofibrillogenesis - sarcomeres - mouse embryonic stem cells - cardiomyocytes - ~1 integrin Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells, when cultivated as embryoid bodies, differentiate in vitro into cardiomyocytes of ventricle·, atrium· and pacemaker·like cell types characterized by develop· mentally controlled expression of cardiac·specific genes, struc· tural proteins and ion channels. Using this model system, we show here, (1) that during cardiac myofibrillogenesis sarco· meric proteins are organized in a developmentally regulated manner following the order: titin (Z·disk), a·actinin, myome· sin, titin (, myosin heavy chain, a'actin, cardiac tropo· nin T and M'protein, recapitulating the sarcomeric organization in the chicken embryonal heart in vivo. Our data support the view that the formation of I·Z·J complexes is developmentally delayed with respect to A·band assembly. We show (2) that the process of cardiogenic differentiation in vitro is influenced by medium components: Using a culture medium supplemented with glucose, amino acids, vitamins and selenium ions, we were able to increase the efficiency of cardiac differentiation of wild· type, as well as of Ih integrin·deficient Oh -/-) ES cells, and to improve the degree of organization of sarcomeric structures in wild· type and in III -/- cardiac cells. The data demonstrate the plasticity of cardiogenesis during the differentiation of wild·type and of genetically modified ES cells.

Abbreviations. MHC myosin heavy chain. - ES cells Embryonic stem cells. - EBs Embryoid bodies. - DMEM Dulbecco's modified Eagle's minimal essential medium. -IMDM Iscove's modified DMEM. - FCS Fetal calf serum. - HPRT Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase. - ~-ME ~-Mercaptoethanol. - MTG a-Monothioglycerol 3-mercapto-l,2-propandiol. - NEAA Non-essential amino acids. PBS Phosphate-buffered saline. - RT-PCR Reverse transcriptionpolymerase chain reaction. - SEM Standard error of the mean. - wt Wild-type. - ~l-/- Homozygous ~l integrin-deficient.

1) PD Dr. Anna M. Wobus, In Vitro Differentiation Group, Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK), D-06466 Gatersleben/Germany, e-mail: [email protected], Fax: + 49394825500.

Introduction The vertebrate heart is the first embryonic organ to develop, but, in contrast to skeletal muscle development (Furst et al., 1989; Furst and Gaute1, 1995), more data are needed regarding the developmental processes involved in cardiogenesis and the structural organization of sarcomeres in mammals. Developmental studies in vivo are hampered by the rapid development and specialization of cardiac muscle cells at early embryonic stages. Cardiac myofibrillogenesis was analyzed in chicken embryos (Tokuyasu and Maher, 1987a, b; Han et aI., 1992; Auerbach et aI., 1997, Ehler et aI., 1999), in cardiac muscle cells cultivated in vitro from chicken embryos (Wang et aI., 1988; Handel et aI., 1991; Rhee et aI., 1994), and from heart tissue of newborn and adult rats (Messerli and Perriard, 1995; LoRusso et aI., 1997; Rothen-Rutishauser et aI., 1998; Nag et aI., 1990, 1996; Nag and Lee, 1997). However, investigations of cardiac myofibrillogenesis using primary cultures show some limitations: (i) The assembly of myofibrils may not entirely reflect the de novo assembly in the embryo, (ii) myofibrils of cardiac cells reorganize into mature myofibrils during cultivation mainly under participation of existing myofibrillar proteins (Nag et al., 1990; Nag and Lee, 1997) and (iii) cultivated neonatal or adult cardiomyocytes have to adapt to culture conditions, and the developmental process of cardiogenesis seems to be, at least partially, disturbed upon cultivation (Eppenberger et aI., 1988; Rhee et aI., 1994; Nag et aI., 1990; Rothen-Rutishauser et aI., 1998). Pluripotent embryonic stem (ES) cells have been used to study various early embryonic differentiation processes, including cardiogenesis (Wobus et aI., 1991; Maltsev et aI., 1993, 1994; Miller-Hance et aI., 1993; Strubing et aI., 1995; Rohwedel et aI., 1994, 1998; Drab et aI., 1997; Metzger et aI., 1997; Wobus and Guan, 1998). ES cell-derived cardiomyocytes were found to differentiate into sinusnodal-, atrium- and ventricle-like cells (Maltsev et aI., 1993, 1994) and the expression of cardiac-specific genes, ion channels and the occurrence of action potentials was developmentally controlled (Maltsev et aI., 1993, 1994; Miller-Hance et aI., 1993; Hescheler et aI., 1997; Wobus and Guan, 1998). Using the ES cell model, we

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K. Guon, D. O. Furst, A. M. Wobus

have also shown that the differentiation of ~1 integrindeficient WI -/-) ES cells into cardiomyocytes (Fassler et aI., 1996) or skeletal myocytes (Rohwedel et aI., 1998) was severely impaired. In particular, the differentiation of ~1-/- ES cells into cardiomyocytes or skeletal myocytes was delayed, and specialized cardiac cell types appeared at a reduced ratio and only transiently. Furthermore, sarcomere architecture in cardiomyocytes and skeletal myocytes, both in vivo and in vitro was found to depend on the presence of ~1 integrin (Fassler et aI., 1996, Rohwedel et aI., 1998). In the present study, we show that during normal cardiogenesis of ES cells in vitro sarcomeric proteins were organized in a developmentally controlled pattern in the following sequence: titin (Z-disk), a-actinin, myomesin, titin (M-band), myosin heavy chain (sarcomeric MHC), sarcomeric a-actin and cardiac troponin T at early cardiac differentiation stages, followed by M-protein at a terminal developmental stage. The timing of cardiac-specific gene expression patterns and the assembly of sarcomeres in cardiomyocytes were influenced by the cultivation medium used during ES cell differentiation. Supplementation of culture medium by glucose, amino acids, vitamins and specific inorganic ions resulted in an accelerated and increased expression of the cardiac-specific a-myosin heavy chain (a-MHC) gene, and in a regular organization of sarcomeres. Thus, our data demonstrate the plasticity of cardiogenesis and sarcomerogenesis during differentiation of wild-type and of genetically modified ES cells.

Materials and methods Cell culture and differentiation of embryoid bodies Undifferentiated ES cells of line D3 (wild-type, wt, Doetschman et aI., 1985) were cultivated on a feeder layer of primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts (Wobus et aI., 1991) on gelatin (0.1 %)-coated Petri dishes (Falcon) in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's minimal essential medium (DMEM, 4.5 gil glucose; Gibco BRL, Life Technologies, Eggenstein, FRG) supplemented by 15 % heat-inactivated fetal calf serum (FCS, selected batches, Gibco), L-glutamine (Gibco, 2mM), ~­ mercaptoethanol (~-ME, Serva, Heidelberg, FRG, final concentration 50 ~M) and non-essential amino acids (NEAA, Gibco, stock solution diluted 1:100) as described (Wobus et aI., 1991; Rohwedel et aI., 1998). ~1 integrin-deficient ES cells (G201, ~1 -/-, Fassler et aI., 1995) were grown without feeder layer in DMEM supplemented with 20 % FCS and 10 nglml recombinant human leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF). For differentiation of ES cells, three kinds of media were used: (i) DMEM supplemented with 1.0 gil glucose, 20 % FCS, L-glutamine, NEAA and ~-ME (= "DMEM 1.0"), (ii) DMEM supplemented with 4.5 gil glucose, 20 % FCS, L-glutamine, NEAA and ~-ME (= "DMEM 4.5"), and (iii) Iscove's modified DMEM (IMDM) supplemented with 4.5 gil glucose, 20 % FCS, L-glutamine, NEAA and amonothioglycerol 3-mercapto-1,2-propandiol (MTG, final concentration 450 ~M, Sigma) (= "IMDM 4.5"). Compared to DMEM, IMDM contained additional amino acids (25 mg/l L-alanine, 25 mgll Lasparagine, 30 mgll L-aspartic acid, 40 mgll L-proline and 75 mgll Lglutamic acid), 0.017 mg/l Na2Se03 . 5H20, 0.013 mgll biotin, 0.013 mgll vitamin B12 and 450 ~M MTG instead of 50 ~M ~-ME. ES cells were cultivated as aggregates (embryoid bodies, EBs) in hanging drops in one of the three differentiation media. ES cells (n = 400) in 20 ~l differentiation medium were placed on the lids of Petri dishes filled with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and cultivated in hanging drops for 2 days and in bacteriological Petri dishes for 3 days. EBs were plated separately onto gelatin-coated culture plates at day 5. In addition, EBs were also plated at days 7 and 9, respectively.


For the determination of cardiac differentiation, spontaneously beating cardiomyocytes were investigated from the outgrowths of EBs cultured in two 24-microwell plates at various stages during differentiation. The percentage of EBs containing beating cardiomyocytes was determined as the degree of cardiomyocyte differentiation. At least three independent experiments were performed. Each data point represents mean values ± standard error of the mean (SEM).

Detection of cardiac-specific a-myosin heavy chain gene The expression of the cardiac-specific a-myosin heavy chain (a-MHC) gene in EBs and EB outgrowths was analyzed by semi-quantitative RTPCR using the "primer-dropping" method according to Wong et al. (1994) as described (Wobus et aI., 1997). EBs (n = 25) collected at day 5, and 2,5,7,12,18 and 24 days after plating (5+2, 5+5, 5+7, 5+12, 5+ 18, 5+24d) were suspended in 400 ~llysis buffer (4M guanidinium thiocyanate, 25 mM sodium citrate, pH 7.0; 0.5 % sarcosyl, 0.1 M ~­ ME). Total RNA was isolated using a single-step extraction method (Chomczynski and Sacchi, 1987). mRNA was reverse transcribed using poly(dT) tail primer Oligo d(T)16 (Perkin-Elmer, Uberlingen, FRG) and cDNA was amplified using oligonucleotide primers complementary and identical to the cardiac-specific a-MHC gene (5'-CTGCTGGAGAGGTTATTCCTCG-3', 5' -GGAAGAGTGAGCGGCGCATCAAGG-3'; 64°C; 301 bp; Mahdavi et aI., 1984) and the housekeeping gene hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT; 5'-CGCTCATCTTAGGCTTTGTATTTGGC-3', 5'-AGTTCTTTGCTGACCTGCTGGATTAC-3'; 447 bp; Konecki et aI., 1982) used as an internal standard. Reverse transcription was performed with MuLV reverse transcriptase (Perkin-Elmer) for 1 hour at 42°C, followed by denaturation for 5 min at 99 °C and cooling to 4°C following the protocol supplied by the manufacturer. For the quantitative determination of the a-MHC mRNA level, the products of the reverse transcription reactions were denatured for 2 min at 95°C, followed by 41 cycles (HPRT) and 40 cycles (a-MHC) of amplification in the same reaction with Ampli Taq DNA polymerase (Perkin-Elmer): 50sec denaturation at 95°C, 40 sec annealing at 64 °C and 50 sec elongation at 72 DC. One third of each PCR reaction was electrophoretically separated on 2 % agarose gels containing 0.35 ~g/ml of ethidium bromide. Gels were illuminated with UVlight and the ethidium bromide fluorescence signals of gels were stored by using the E.A.S. Y system (Herolab GmbH, Wiesloch, FRG) and analyzed by the TINA2.08e software (Raytest IsotopenmeBgerate GmbH, Straubenhardt, FRG). The intensity of the ethidium bromide fluorescence signals was determined from the area under the curve for each peak and the data for a-MHC mRNA were plotted as percentage changes in relation to the mRNA level of the housekeeping gene HPRT. All experiments were done in triplicate.

Immunofluorescence microscopy Single beating cardiomyocytes were isolated from EB outgrowths by a modified procedure of Isenberg and Klockner (1982) as described by Maltsev et al. (1993, 1994) and Wobus et al. (1997). The isolated cells were plated onto gelatin-coated tissue culture dishes containing coverslips and cultivated in "DMEM 1.0" or "IMDM 4.5", respectively. During the first 12 hours after single cell isolation, the cardiomyocytes showed spontaneous rhythmic contractions. To analyze the assembly of sarcomeres, cardiomyocytes were immunostained at days 5 + 4 and 5 + 18. To compare the organization of sarcomeric proteins in wt and ~1 -/- cardiomyocytes, wt cardiomyocytes were immunostained at the following stages: 7 + 4 d (early), 7 + 14 d and 7 + 21 d (terminal). Because of a delayed cardiogenic differentiation of ~1-/- cells (Fassler et aI., 1996), ~1-/- cardiomyocytes were immunostained at days 9 + 4 d (early) and 9 + 23d (terminal). The developmental stages of cardiomyocytes (in days, d) included the time of differentiation as EBs plus culture days after isolation. For immunostaining, cells were rinsed two times with PBS and fixed with methanol:acetone (7: 3, v/v) at -20°C for 10 min. After treatment

with 10 % goat serum in PBS for 45 min, specimens were incubated at 37°C for 1 h with the following antibodies: monoclonal mouse antititin (Z-disk) T12 (FUrst et aI., 1988), anti-myomesin MyBB78 (Vinkemeier et aI., 1993; Obermann et aI., 1996), anti-M protein MpAA241 (Vinkemeier et aI., 1993; Obermann et aI., 1996), anti-sarcomeric MHC MF-20 (Bader et aI., 1982), anti-sarcomeric a-actin 5C5 (Sigma, FRG), anti-titin (M-band) T51 (UU 30.5, Obermann et aI., 1996), anti-cardiac troponin TM7 (MUller-Bardorf et aI., 1995; a gift of Dr. K. Hallermayer, Roche Diagnostics, Penzberg) and the polyclonal rabbit anti-a-actinin 653 (Hissler et aI., 1996). After rinsing in PBS for three times, specimens were incubated at 37°C for 1 h with the fluorescent antibodies: Dichlorotriazinyl Amino Fluorescein (DTAF)- F(ab')2 fragment goat anti-mouse IgG (Dianova, Hamburg, FRG) for T12, T51, MyBB78, MF-20, MpAA241 and M7, DTAF- F(ab')2 fragment goat anti-mouse IgM (Dianova) for 5C5, and DTAF- F(ab')2 fragment goat anti-rabbit IgG (Dianova) for 653. Specimens were rinsed in PBS (3X) and in distilled water (IX), embedded in Vectashield mounting medium (Vector Laboratories Inc., USA) and analyzed using a fluorescence microscope Optiphot-2 (Nikon, DUsseldorf, FRG). For the analysis of the structural organization of sarcomeric proteins, immunolabelled cardiomyocytes were counted and the number of cardiomyocytes containing fully or partially organized sarcomeres was estimated.




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ES D3 cells were cultivated in "IMDM 4.5" in order to allow for a maximal degree of cardiomyocyte differentiation. This was achieved approximately at day 5 + 9, i.e. at a time when 92 % of the EBs contained contracting cardiomyocytes. Upon extended differentiation time, the number of EBs containing beating cardiomyocytes decreased significantly to 37 % at 5 + 24 d (Fig. la). This differentiation pattern was reflected by the expression pattern of the cardiac-specific a-MHC gene. aMHC mRNA was first detected in EBs at day 5, then upregulated to a peak level at day 5 + 12, and down-regulated at terminal stages (Figs. la and b). The protocol was used to analyse sarcomere assembly during cardiogenesis in ES cell-derived EBs. A complex progression pattern for the development of myofibrils was revealed (Fig. lc). Z-disk epitopes of titin (Fig. 2a) and a-actinin (Fig. 2b) were found to be regularly organized earlier than myomesin (Fig. 2c), M-band epitopes of titin (Fig. 2d), the sarcomeric isoforms of myosin (Fig. 2e) and actin (Fig. 2f), and cardiac troponin T (Fig. 2g). Myofibrillar localization for all these proteins was evident as early as differentiation stage at 5 + 4d. The only exception was M-protein, which was diffusely distributed at stage 5 + 4d (Fig. 2h), and revealed in myofibrils exclusively at terminal stages (Fig. 2i). A quantitative assessment further substantiated these structural findings (Fig. lc): While in cardiomyocytes of the early stage (5 + 4 d) about 70 % of the cells showed a well organized sarcomeric staining pattern with Z-disk epitopes of titin, only 57 % of the cells contained myofibrillar a-actinin staining. This value dropped to 50 % for myomesin, 42 % for M-band epitopes of titin, 37 % for sarcomeric myosin, 33 % for actin and 5 % for cardiac troponin T, whereas M-protein-labelled sarcomeric structures were not present in early-stage cardiomyocytes and were only organized at terminal stages (Fig. 2i). Therefore, we conclude that sarcomere assembly during cardiac myofibrillogenesis proceeds in the following order: Z-





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Developmentally controlled level of a-MHC and sarcomere assembly in vitro







Sarcomeric proteins in ES cell-derived cardiomyocytes


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Fig. 1. Cardiomyocyte differentiation, level of cardiac-specific amyosin heavy chain (a-MHC) mRNA and sarcomeric organization during in vitro differentiation of D3 embryonic stem (ES) cells. (a) Percentage of embryoid body (EB) outgrowths containing spontane-

ously beating cardiomyocytes cultivated in "IMDM 4.5", and relative levels of a-MHC mRNA during ES cell differentiation. (b) Level of a-MHC mRNA in EBs and EB outgrowths analyzed by semiquantitative RT-PCR. The ethidium bromide-stained gels of PCR products (b) were analyzed by computer-assisted densitometry and the data were plotted (in %, a) for a-MHC gene in relation to the expression of the housekeeping gene hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) used as an internal standard. Three independent RT-PCR experiments and three independent gels were analyzed. H, mouse embryonic heart (16d p.c.); MW, molecular weight markers; ES, embryonic stem cells. (c) Percentage of cardiomyocytes showing typical sarcomeric organization in early differentiation stage (5 + 4d) by immunofluorescence analysis using antibodies against the sarcomeric proteins titin (Z-disk epitope), a-actinin, myomesin, titin (Mband epitope), sarcomeric myosin heavy chain (sarcomeric MHC), asarcomeric actin, cardiac troponin T and M-protein (number of immunolabelled cardiac cells analyzed is given in brackets).

disk epitopes of titin, a-actinin, myomesin, M-band epitopes of titin, sarcomeric MHC, actin and cardiac troponin T for early developmental stages and M-protein at terminal stages.

816 K. Guan, D. O. Furst, A. M. Wobus

Fig. 2. Organization of sarcomeric proteins titin (Z-disk epitope, a), a-actinin (b), myomesin (c), titin (M-band epitope, d), sarcomeric myosin heavy chain (sarcomeric MHC, e), a-actin (f) , cardiac troponin T (g) in cardiomyocytes after in vitro differentiation of D3 embryonic


stem cells at stage 5 + 4d. M-protein (h, i) was not organized in sarcomeres at the early stage (h) , but was assembled only at the terminal stage (5 + 18 d, i) . Bar = 101lm.

Sarcomeric proteins in ES cell-derived cardiomyocytes


Influence of cultivation medium on cardiac diHerentiation and sarcomere assembly

In the course of our studies, we.observed that the glucose content of media influenced the degree of cardiac differentiation of ES cells. We thus investigated the effect of different glucose concentrations on the "normal" developmental pattern of cardiac differentiation. We found that cultivation of ES cells in medium with higher glucose content ("DMEM 4.5") significantly enhanced cardiac differentiation in comparison to "DMEM 1.0" (Fig. 3a). Thus, up to 91 % of the EBs (n = 144) contained beating cardiomyocytes in "DMEM 4.5", while only 45 % of the EBs (n = 168) which differentiated in "DMEM 1.0" showed beating clusters of cardiomyocytes at



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16 20 12 8 Differel1ltatiol1 time (d)

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- 5-.-7 + 12 + 1 +24 H








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the maximum level (5 + 7 d; Fig. 3a). In line with this observation, the a-MHC mRNA was found at significantly higher levels in EBs cultivated in "DMEM 4.5" (Figs. 3b and c). To analyze the effect of glucose and other additives at the subcellular level, the organization of a panel of sarcomere proteins was studied by immunofluorescence microscopy. The resulting staining patterns were grouped into two categories: (1) cardiomyocytes with fully differentiated sarcomeric structures, and (2) cardiomyocytes with various degrees of only partially organized sarcomeres. As a general rule, we found that sarcomere formation was more complete in "IMDM 4.5" (Tab. Ia) both at early (Ud) and terminal (21d) stages of cardiomyocyte cultures. In "DMEM 1.0", the percentage of cardiomyocytes with fully organized sarcomeres for Z-disk epitopes of titin, a-actinin, myomesin, sarcomeric MHC and aactin changed from 63 %, 50 %, U %, 10 % and 10 % at early stage (Ud) to 63 %, 42 %, 47 %, 35 % and 28 % at terminal stages (21d), respectively (Tab. Ia). Differentiation of EBs in "IMDM 4.5", however, dramatically improved and accelerated the capability of the cells to differentiate and to form organized sarcomeric structures. Thus, already at the early developmental stage, 79 % of the cells showed sarcomere periodicity with Z-disk epitopes of titin, 59 % with a-actinin, 51 % with myomesin, 43 % with sarcomeric MHC and 38 % with a-actin. On the other hand, these cultures exhibited a tendency for accelerated deterioration, especially for Z-disk titin epitopes and a-actinin, since only a proportion of 71 % and 48 %, respectively, revealed myofibrillar staining patterns at the terminal stage (21d). In contrast, the myofibrillar organization of myomesin, sarcomeric MHC and a-actin was significantly enhanced up to 62 %,59 % and 51 %, respectively, at the terminal stage (21d). However, this ratio was not improved further upon prolonged cultivation (60 %,55 % and 51 % at 28d, Tab. Ia). M-protein seemed to be a late marker for myofibrillogenesis. Sarcomeric formation of M-protein could not be detected at all in both "DMEM 1.0" and "IMDM 4.5" cultures at the early stage (Ud) and in "DMEM 1.0" cultures yet at the terminal stage (21d). The increase of the proportion of cardiomyocytes containing fully organized M-protein-labelled sarcomeres from 13 % (21d) to 29 % (28d) after culture in "IMDM 4.5" clearly indicated the acceleration of differentiation and sarcomerogenesis by this medium (Tab. Ia).

Influence of cardiac diHerentiation by loss of ~1 integrin function


Differentiation ti me (d )

Fig. 3. Cardiomyocyte differentiation (a) and the level of cardiacspecific a-myosin heavy chain (a-MHC) mRNA (b and c) during in vitro differentiation of D3 wild-type (wt) embryonic stem cells cultivated in "DMEM 1.0" or in "DMEM 4.5". (a) Percentage of embryoid body (EB) outgrowths containing spontaneously beating cardiomyocytes. (b, c) Level of a-MHC mRNA in EBs and EB outgrowths shown by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. EBs were plated at day 5. The ethidium bromide-stained gels of PCR products (b) were analyzed by computer-assisted densitometry and the data were plotted (in %, c) for a-MHC mRNA in relation to the expression of the housekeeping gene hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT). H, mouse embryonic heart (16d p.c.); MW, molecular weight markers; ES, embryonic stem cells. Significance was tested by the Student's t-test (***: p:SO.OO1; **: p:SO.Ol; *: p:SO.05).


In our previous study, we found that the sarcomeric architecture in cardiomyocytes both in vivo and in vitro depended on the presence of /31 integrin (Fassler et aI., 1996). To test whether the organization of sarcomeric proteins did not strictly depend on /31 integrin function alone, but could also be influenced by culture conditions during cardiac differentiation in vitro, /31- 1- ES cells were cultivated via EBs in one of the following differentiation media: (1) "DMEM 1.0", (2) "DMEM 4.5" and (3) "IMDM 4.5". Thus, we now found that cardiomyocyte differentiation of ~1 -/- ES cells was significantly influenced by medium composition. The potential of EBs to undergo cardiac differentiation was increased up to 3 to 5 times in media (2) and (3) relative to medium (1) over a period from 5 + 4d to 5 + 24d (Fig. 4a). In addition, a smaller, but significant difference was revealed between media (2) and (3): Consistently, "IMDM 4.5" gave the best results for all parameters tested. Fig. 4a, for instance,

818 K. Guan, O. O. FOrst, A. M. Wobus


Tab. I.

Evaluation of the organization of sarcomeric structures in wild-type (wt, a) and ~1 integrin deficient (~1-/-' b) embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes cultivated in "OMEM 1.0" and "IMOM 4.5" media by immunofluorescence analysis at early (11 d, 13d) and terminal (21 d, 28d, 32d) stages.

a: wt

DMEM 1.0

IMDM 4.5

11 d (n)

21 d (n)

11 d (n)

21 d (n)

28 d (n)

Titin (Z-disk)

62.5 (56)

63.0 (46)

78.9 (90)

71.2 (52)

72.0 (93)


50.0 (40)

41.7 (35)

58.8 (51)

47.4 (38)

47.5 (61)


11.4 (44)

46.9 (32)

50.9 (53)

61.5 (39)

60.4 (53)

Sarcomeric MHC

10.2 (108)

34.7 (98)

43.2 (125)


55.0 (169)

Sarcameric a-actin

10.0 (160)

27.9 (68)

37.8 (143)

50.5 (99)

51.0 (155)

0 (19)

0 (27)

0 (32)

12.5 (56)

28.9 (83)




DMEM 1.0

IMDM 4.5

13 d (n)

32 d (n)

13 d (n)

32 d (n)

16.9 (59)

18.2 (66)

25.0 (80)

57.9 (57)

5.5 (73)

5.8 (69)

9.7 (62)

11.5 (61)

12.5 (48)

17.3 (52)

26.8 (71)

39.0 (41)

Sarcomeric MHC

9.0 (122)

16.1 (118)

20.0 (120)

24.0 (104)

Sarcomeric a-actin

7.0 (86)



15.1 (152)

23.0 (126)


0 (23)

0 (33)

17.6 (34)

ntin (Z-disk) a-Actinin Myomesin

2.2 (46)

Single cardiomyocytes were immunostained with antibodies against titin (Z-disk), a-actinin, myomesin, sarcomeric MHC, a-actin and M-protein. Shown are percentage values of cardiomyocytes exhibiting fully organized sarcomeric structures (cross-striated) and the number (n) of immunolabelled cardiac cells analyzed (for details, see Material and methods).

illustrates that in medium (1) the number of spontaneously beating cells reached a maximum level of 17 % after S + 11 d, while in medium (2) a percentage of 77 % was obtained after S + lSd. In medium (3), the peak level of 92 % was reached after S + 11 d. The second criterion used in this study was the level of 0.MHC mRNA in ~1-1- EBs as analyzed by semiquantitative RT-PCR (Figs. 4b and c). In accordance with the results demonstrated above, medium (3) yielded both an accelerated and an increased o.-MHC mRNA level compared to both other media (Figs. 4b and c). The third criterion was the degree of structural organization of sarcomeres in ~1-1- derived cardiomyocytes as revealed by immunofluorescence microscopy. As described above for wt cells, we used antibodies directed against titin epitopes in the Z-disk, sarcomeric a-actinin, myomesin, sarcomeric MHC, aactin and M-protein (Tab. Ib). Representative staining results were shown for the earliest marker protein titin (Z-disk epitope, Figs. Sa-f) and for the latest marker M-protein (Figs. Sg-l). We found that the structural organization of Z-disk epitopes of titin in ~1-1- cardiomyocytes was improved after culture in "IMDM 4.S" at early (13d) stages, and was greatly improved at terminal (32d) stages compared to cardiomyocytes grown in "DMEM 1.0" at both stages (Tab. Ib). Thus, well organized Z-disks were revealed already at early stages in wt cells (Fig. Sa) and were fully developed at terminal stages (Fig. Sb). ~1-1cells appeared dramatically retarded in their development

when cultivated in "DMEM 1.0" (Fig. Sc and d). Surprisingly, this effect was far less pronounced in "IMDM 4.S", and ~1-1cells appeared almost normal in this medium (Figs. 5e and f). The major difference visible in immunofluorescence microscopy was a worse lateral alignment of myofibrils in ~1-1cardiomyocytes, which was reminiscent of Z-disk streaming (Fig. Sd). Similar results were obtained for myomesin, sarcomeric MHC and a-actin: an increased amount of cardiomyocytes with fully organized sarcomeric structures was found after prolonged culture (32d) in "IMDM 4.S", whereas only a low number of cardiomyocytes with fully developed sarcomeres was found after culture in "DMEM 1.0" (Tab. Ib). These results are in contrast to the data obtained with monoclonal antibodies directed against a-actinin. Obviously, low levels of cardiomyocytes containing fully organized sarcomeres were found, both, in "DMEM 1.0" and "IMDM 4.S" at early stages, which were not significantly improved at terminal stages (Tab. Ib). Similar data were obtained for cardiac troponin T. Cultivation in high glucose medium did not improve or accelerate the assembly of troponin T. Nearly, no ~1-1- cardiomyocytes with fully organized sarcomere structures were found at all, both in "DMEM 1.0" and "IMDM 4.S" at terminal stages (data not shown). In contrast to titin, a-actinin and myomesin, M-protein was only present in minute amounts and randomly distributed at early stages, irrespective of medium composition, and either the presence or the lack of ~1 integrin (Tab. Ia and b, Figs. Sg


Sarcomeric proteins in ES cell-derived cardiomyocytes



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derived cardiogenic differentiation which would result in an increased differentiation efficiency and assembly of contractile proteins of wt and [31- 1- cardiomyocytes. The organization of sarcomeric structures was significantly improved, but not completely recovered in [31- 1- cardiomyocytes after differentiation in "IMDM 4.5".






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Fig. 4. Influence of loss of ~1 integrin function and of supplemented culture media on cardiomyocyte differentiation (a) and the level of cardiac-specific a-myosin heavy chain (a-MHC) mRNA (b, c). (a) Percentage of EB outgrowths containing spontaneously beating cardiomyocytes in ~1 integrin-deficient (~1-1-) cells dependent on cultivation media. EBs derived from ~l-f- embryonic stem cells were plated at day 5, and cultivated in "DMEM 1.0", "DMEM 4.5" and "IMDM 4.5". Cardiomyocyte differentiation was found to be enhanced after EB differentiation in "DMEM 4.5" and in "IMDM 4.5", compared to "DMEM 1.0". (b--c) Level of a-MHC mRNA in EBs and EB outgrowths of ~l-f- cells cultivated in "DMEM 1.0", "DMEM 4.5" and "IMDM 4.5" analyzed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. The ethidium bromide-stained gels of PCR products (b) were analyzed by computerassisted densitometry and the data were plotted (in %, c) for a-MHC gene in relation to the expression of the housekeeping gene hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT). H, mouse embryonic heart (16d p.c.); MW, molecular weight markers; ES, embryonic stem cells. Significance was tested by the Student's t-test (***, +++ or # # #: p::sO.OO1; **, ++ or # #: p::SO.01; *, + or #: p::S0.05). * = "DMEM 4.5" versus "DMEM 1.0"; + = "IMDM 4.5" versus "DMEM 1.0"; # = "IMDM 4.5" versus "DMEM 4.5".

and h). At terminal stages, under all conditions rather few myofibrils were revealed in "DMEM 1.0", which seems to indicate a relatively immature state of these cardiomyocytes (Figs. 5i and j). Far more sarcomeres were positive for Mprotein, both in wt and [31-1- cardiomyocytes after cultivation in "IMDM 4.5" (Tab. Ia and b, Figs. 5k and 1). We, therefore, conclude that glucose and other compounds of the "IMDM 4.5" medium could influence the ES cell-

Using ES cell-derived cardiomyocytes as in vitro developmental model, we showed here that the sarcomeric proteins titin (Z-disk epitopes first), a-actinin, myomesin, titin (M-band), sarcomeric MHC, a-actin and cardiac troponin T sequentially formed myofibrils in ES cell-derived cardiomyocytes at early differentiation stage, whereas M-protein was organized only at terminal stages. The data further showed that cardiacspecific gene expression and sarcomere formation were greatly influenced by the cultivation media in both, wt and [31- 1- cardiomyocytes. One of the major questions in muscle development is how a great number of protein subunits assembles into the remarkably regular structure known as the sarcomere. Technicallimitations like, for instance, the lack of synchrony in the development of different muscle groups in the embryo or the difficulty to obtain a three-dimensional impression at high resolution from serial sections, may explain why studies on embryonic cells have been - and still are - so scarce . In a first report, myofibril formation in embryonic chicken cardiomyocytes was studied using antibodies specific for aactinin and titin (Tokuyasu and Maher, 1987a, b). This work led to the view that a-actinin and titin playa key role in Z-disk formation and, hence, in the initiation of sarcomere formation. Other studies, focusing for instance, on skeletal muscle cell differentiation in the mouse embryo (Furst et aI., 1989) and human skeletal muscle cell cultures (van der Ven et aI., 1993), showed, in addition that the expression and subsequent integration into sarcomeres followed a defined progression pattern, and that titin was of cardinal importance for the initiation of sarcomere formation. The technical problems mentioned above and the concomitant availability of muscle cell cultures allowed the process of myofibrillogenesis to be studied both at high spatial and temporal resolution in vitro. Most of these reports focused, however, on developmental aspects of single proteins or pairs of proteins (see e.g., Bennett et aI., 1979; Endo and Masaki, 1984; Grove et aI., 1985; Hill et aI., 1986; van der Loop et aI., 1992). The work of Schultheiss et ai. (1990) established the existence of a precursor of mature myofibrils, the "nonstriated myofibrils" (NSMFs). Interestingly, in these NSMFs only Zdisk epitopes of titin were revealed by antibodies while an epitope located in the A-I junction was not reactive at this stage (Schultheiss et aI., 1990). This and several other reports (e.g., Furst et aI., 1989; Lin et aI., 1994; Auerbach et aI., 1997; van der Ven et aI., 1993; van der Ven and Furst, 1997; Begum et aI., 1998; Ehler et aI., 1999) led to the general conclusion that (1) sarcomeric proteins are expressed in a defined temporal order, and (2) titin could play a key role in organizing the assembly of sarcomeres. Our results on ES cell-derived cardiomyocyte development reinforce both views. In these cells, we could observe that titin began to exhibit a sarcomere-like periodic organization initially at the Z-disc, subsequently at

820 K. Guon, D. O. Furst, A. M. Wobus


Titin (Z-disk)

-.-= ~

S ... ~

M-protein Early


Fig. 5. Influence of loss of ~1 integrin function and medium components on the organization of sarcomeric proteins analyzed by immunofluorescence with antibodies against titin (Z-disk epitope) and Mprotein. T'itin (Z-disk, a-f): In "DMEM 1.0" (a-d), assembly of sarcomeric structures was affected in ~1 integrin-deficient (~1-/-) cardiomyocytes (c, d), whereas wild-type (wt) cardiomyocytes (a, b) contained highly organized sarcomeres. The structural organization of sarcomeres in ~1-/- cardiomyocytes was improved after cultivation in "IMDM 4.5" (e,f). M-protein (g-I): In both wild-type (wt, g, i, k) and


~1 integrin-deficient (~1 - /-, h, j, I) cardiomyocytes, no sarcomeres were found in cardiomyocytes when cultivated in "IMDM 4.5" at the early stage (g, h). Sarcomeric structures in wt and ~l- /- cardiomyocytes were only assembled at terminal stages (i-I) after cultivation in both media, but to a higher degree in "IMDM 4.5" (k, I) compared to "DMEM 1.0" (i, j). Differentiation stages of wild-type cardiomyocytes were analysed at 7 + 4d (early) and 7 + 14d (terminal), respectively, and of ~l -/- cardiomyocytes at 9 + 4d (early) and 9 + 23d (terminal), respectively (for details, see Material and methods). Bar = lOf,lm.

Sarcomeric proteins in ES cell-derived cardiomyocytes


the A-I junction and finally in the M-band. Our data also hint at the relative importance of myomesin in sarcomere formation due to its expression at very early stages which sharply contrasts the late onset of M-protein. This is in agreement with reports on myomesin and M-protein expression in chicken pectoral and cardiac muscle in vivo (Grove et aI., 1985; Auerbach et aI., 1997; Ehler et aI., 1999) and human skeletal muscle cells in vitro (van der Ven and Furst, 1997). The later onset of myomesin expression in skeletal muscle goes in hand with the general delay of embryonic skeletal muscle differentiation relative to cardiac development. M-protein, on the other hand, seems to have a less important general role in early sarcomere formation, since it is only expressed later in embryonic development at a time when contractile muscles have already formed. The process of myofibrillar assembly has been shown to be responsive to a remarkable variety of signals, like for instance, neurotransmitters (Pette and Vrbova, 1985), hormones (Rubinstein et aI., 1988), oncogenes (Alema and Tato, 1987; Holtzer et aI., 1975) and carcinogens (Antin et aI., 1986; Lin et aI., 1989). Here, we showed that variations in the supply with certain medium components can have a dramatic effect on the process of myofibril differentiation. Thus, high levels of glucose and the supplementation of media with amino acids (L-alanine, Lasparagine, L-aspartic acid, L-proline and L-glutamic acid), vitamins (biotin and vitamin B 12) and selenium ions strongly increased and accelerated cardiac differentiation in vitro, enhanced the a-MHC mRNA level, and improved the degree of structural organization of sarcomeres. In previous studies, we have shown that under standard culture conditions ES cells deficient for ~1 integrin function (Fassler et aI., 1995) exhibited a retarded cardiogenic (Fassler et aI., 1996) and myogenic differentiation (Rohwedel et aI., 1998). This was in line with the embryonic lethal phenotype of ~1-1- mice. Surprisingly, we now found that high levels of glucose and supplementation of the culture medium with amino acids, vitamins and selenium significantly improved the cardiogenic differentiation potential and the expression level of genes encoding structural proteins. It may be important to note that high glucose levels in vitro can up-regulate the expression of fibronectin, collagen, and laminin in several cell types (Cagliero et aI., 1991; Ayo et aI., 1991; Li et aI., 1984). Also the mRNAlevels of integrin a3, a5 and ~1 subunits, as well as the cognate proteins are increased in high glucose medium (Roth et aI., 1993). It has been shown that ~1 integrins playa critical role in myofibrillogenesis of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes (Hilenski et aI., 1992). Our data show that ~1-1- cardiomyocytes cultivated in reduced glucose medium expressed sarcomeric proteins and assembled sarcomeres with a delay, but the structural organization of sarcomeric proteins titin, myomesin, sarcomeric MHC, a-actin, and M-protein, but not a-actinin and cardiac troponin T may be partially recovered after cultivation in supplemented media. a-Actinin is known to bind to the cytoplasmic domain of ~1 integrin (Otey et aI., 1990). Antibody-perturbation experiments showed that ~1 integrins had a crucial function in the assembly of a-actinin into myofibrils (McDonald et aI., 1995). This may be the reason that the organization of a-actinin could not be recovered by supplemented medium. Our data suggested that the initial expression and accumulation of a-actinin might be (at least partially) independent of ~1 integrin, but the function of ~1 integrin could be very important for maintaining the stability of a-actinin organization.


Troponin T labelled cells were characterized by their spindleand triangular-shaped morphology which is typical for ventricular and atrial cells, respectively (Hescheler et aI., 1997). Interestingly, in ~1 integrin -1- cells we found troponin T labelled cardiomyocytes only at a reduced number. This is in accordance with our previous data that both, ventricular and atrial differentiation of ~ 1-1- cells was only transient and did not proceed until terminal stages (Fassler et aI., 1996). For sarcomere formation in general one can also conclude that the terminal differentiation of the thin filament system occurs largely independent of and subsequent to thick filament assembly and depends on integrin-mediated signalling events. This relative delay of thin filament organization was shown recently in whole mounts of embryonic chicken heart tissue (Ehler et aI., 1999).

In conclusion, we showed that the expression and sarcomere integration was developmentally controlled during cardiac differentiation in vitro. Thus, our data demonstrated the plasticity of cardiogenesis and sarcomere assembly during differentiation of wild-type and genetically modified ES cells even with loss of ~1 integrin function. The results also suggested that ~1 integrins play a functional role in the organization of sarcomeres into discrete striated patterns, but the initial accumulation of these sarcomeric proteins might not or only partially depend on the presence of ~1 integrin. Acknowledgements. The skilful technical assistance of Mrs. S. Sommerfeld, K. Meier and O. WeiB is gratefully acknowledged. We especially want to thank Dr. R. Fassler, University of Lund, for providing Bl integrin-deficient cells and Dr. K. Hallermayer, Roche Diagnostics, Penzberg, for the tropo'nin T antibody M7. The work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Wo 503/1-3, SFB 36(,)IYEI) and Fonds der Chemischen Industrie.

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