Module Training

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You are now on the dashboard of training management module. Actually, you ... You can access the training requests from
User Guide

Module Training

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User Guide - Module Training

Table of contents 1 Introduction ................................................................................ 3 2 Dashboard Training ...................................................................... 4 2.1 My Trainings .......................................................................... 6 2.1.1 Training Requests ............................................................ 6 2.1.2 Training Requests Admin ................................................... 9 2.1.3 Training Attendance ........................................................ 11 2.2 My Team - Admin & Manager .................................................. 14 2.2.1 Training Requests .......................................................... 14 2.2.2 Trainings ....................................................................... 16 2.2.3 Last Training Requests .................................................... 18 2.2.4 Last Trainings ................................................................ 19 2.3 My Group - Admin ................................................................ 22 2.3.1 Training Requests .......................................................... 22 2.3.2 Last Training Requests .................................................... 24 2.3.3 Last Trainings ................................................................ 25 3 Training Information ................................................................... 27 3.1 Training - All users ............................................................... 28 3.2 Training - Admin .................................................................. 30 3.3 Attendance - All users .......................................................... 31 4 Training Catalog - Admin ............................................................. 33 4.1 Managing Groups and Trainings .............................................. 34 4.2 Training Information ............................................................. 38 4.2.1 Summary ...................................................................... 38 4.2.2 Objectives .................................................................... 39 4.2.3 Event ........................................................................... 41 Training Attendance .................................................. 43 4.2.4 Request ........................................................................ 43

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1 Introduction The Briolabʼsolution provides the possibility to create a training catalog. Thanks to this functionality, you can plan training sessions for you employees and they can register to a formation by themselves or you can decide to register them to a training. Each training has a description and an agenda which allows you to plan different sessions. It is also possible for the employee to ask a specific training which is not available in the catalog. He has the possibility to ask it to the hr department directly from the training management dashboard. When you arrive on the global dashboard, select the tab "Training Management" to reach the dashboard of the feature.

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2 Dashboard Training You are now on the dashboard of training management module.

Actually, you can find 3 different dashboards for the feature.

The first one is called "My Training" and contains the trainings you've requested. This dashboard is available for every user.

In the second one, "My Team", you can find the trainings of your employees. It is only visible by managers and administrators.

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The third one, "My Group" shows you all the trainings of the people who are in the same group of employees as you. This one is available for administrators only.

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2.1 My Trainings We will now discover the functionalities of the training dashboard. We will first introduce you the tab "My training" in the next video. In this video, you can also find some information about the two other tabs: "My Team" and "My Group".

In this topic, you will also get some information about the management of training requests for all users and the specific functionalities for administrators. You will also discover the management of training attendance.

2.1.1 Training Requests You can access the training requests from the training dashboard. To do this, we will click on the button "See all" of the item "Last training requests".

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This will drive you in the training requests

By clicking on a specific column, you can organize the results of this column on a specific order.

On the left-side panel, you can find different ways to display your requests. First, you can sort them by their state. As you can see on the next picture, you can show the trainings that have been requested, granted or refused.

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For each request, you can find the color that corresponds to its state.

You can use a second criteria to display the trainings. Indeed you can choose to show your requests, your team or your group ones.

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2.1.2 Training Requests Admin You can access the training requests from the training dashboard. To do this, we will click on the button "See all" of the item "Last training requests".

This will drive you in the training requests

On the left-side panel, you can find different ways to display your requests. First, you can sort them by their state. As you can see on the next picture, you can show the trainings that have been requested, granted or refused.

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For each request, you can find the color that corresponds to its state.

You can use a second criteria to display the trainings. Indeed you can choose to show your requests, your team or your group ones.

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In the next video, you can discover the specific functionalities of the training requests management for administrators.

2.1.3 Training Attendance From the training dashboard, you can access the training attendance. To do this, we will click on the button "See all" of the item "Last trainings".

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This will allow you to access the training attendance.

On this screen, you can organize the data by clicking on the columns to sort them in a specific order.

You can directly access the training sheet by clicking on the training you choose in the column "Training". You can get more information about the training sheet in the topic "Training"

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Moreover, you can access the training attendance by clicking on the session you choose in the column "Event". Learn more about training session in the topic "Attendance".

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2.2 My Team - Admin & Manager The tab "My Team" in the training dashboard is only available for administrators and managers.

You can discover the functionalities of the training dashboard "My Team" in the next topics or by watching the video of the dashboard "My Trainings".

2.2.1 Training Requests The first item, "Training requests" regroups all the information of your team's requests on a graph.

We can display this graph on a largest screen by clicking the button at the top right of the item.

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You can choose to show the information you want on the graph by clicking on them to add or remove them from the chart.

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2.2.2 Trainings The second item will show the number of training that your employees have followed on a graph.

We can display this graph on a largest screen by clicking the button at the top right of the item.

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You can show the employees' trainings that you want to see on the graph by clicking on them to add or remove them from the chart.

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2.2.3 Last Training Requests The third item, "Last training requests" indicates the last requests of your employees.

You can organize the data by clicking on the columns to sort them in a specific order.

You can choose the number of results you want to see on the screen by selecting a number

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in the menu "Limite"

You can also filter these data by choosing a state in the appropriate menu.

From this item, you can access all the training requests by clicking on the button "See all". Find more information about training request in the topic "Training Requests"

2.2.4 Last Trainings The fourth item of the dashboard is "Last trainings" and show the last trainings attended by your employees.

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You can organize the data by clicking on the columns to sort them in a specific order.

You can choose the number of results you want to see on the screen by selecting a number in the menu "Limite"

From this item, you can access the training attendance page by clicking on the button "See all". Find more information about training session in the topic "Training Attendance"

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2.3 My Group - Admin The tab "My Group" in the training dashboard is only available for administrators.

You can discover the functionalities of the training dashboard "My Group" in the next topics or by watching the video of the dashboard "My Trainings".

2.3.1 Training Requests The first item, "Training requests" regroups all the information of your team's requests on a graph.

We can display this graph on a largest screen by clicking the button at the top right of the item.

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You can choose to show the information you want on the graph by clicking on them to add or remove them from the chart.

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2.3.2 Last Training Requests The second item, "Last training requests" indicates the last requests of the employees in your group.

You can choose the number of results you want to see on the screen by selecting a number in the menu "Limite"

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You can also filter these data by choosing a state in the appropriate menu.

From this item, you can access all the training requests by clicking on the button "See all". Find more information about training request in the topic "Training Requests"

2.3.3 Last Trainings The third item of the dashboard is "Last trainings" and show the last trainings attended by your group.

You can choose the number of results you want to see on the screen by selecting a number

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in the menu "Limite"

From this item, you can access the training attendance page by clicking on the button "See all". Find more information about training session in the topic "Training Attendance"

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3 Training Information Here we will discover how you can find all the information you need about the different training and their sessions.

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3.1 Training - All users To access the training information, you can directly click on the training you want in the item "Last Trainings" from the dashboard.

On this page, you can see all the information about the training.

The screen presents two items. The first one, "Summary" gives you some information like the name, the code, the visibility or the registrability of the training.

You can place your cursor on the icons "visible" and "registrable" to display their legend. Each training could be visible by every user or not and can be self-registrable or not. If it is not, you need the HR manager to register you for the training.

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The second item shows the objectives of the training.

We can sort the elements in a specific order by clicking on the columns we want to organize.

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3.2 Training - Admin In the next video, you will find all information about training. Some of these information are available for all users but most of them are only manageable by administrators.

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3.3 Attendance - All users You can access the training attendance by directly clicking on a specific session of the item " Last Trainings" from the main dashboard.

You can also access this sheet by clicking on a session in the colums "Event" when you are in the training attendance.

You can see three different items on this page. the first one, "Workflow" indicates the different steps of the attendance and shows you where you are in the process

The second one, "Summary", presents the main information of the attendance like the name, the begin and end dates and the language of the session.

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The third one, "Schedule", contains the timetables of the session.

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4 Training Catalog - Admin You can directly access the training catalog from the training dashboard by clicking on the top left button "Training Catalog"

So you will arrive on the training catalog page.

On the left side panel, you can see the different groups that are available in the catalog. You can use the groups to sort your trainings.

You can also find these groups in the middle of the screen.

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4.1 Managing Groups and Trainings For each group, you can get some information like its name and its description. Moreover, you can see if the group is visible or not. If it is visible, that means that the folder or the training is visible by every user. If it is not, only administrator can see it.

You can also see if the group is self-registrable or not. If the group or the training is self registrable or public, that means that everyone can register himself to an event. If it is not self-registrable, it means that an administrator has to register the employee to an event. In this case, the employee can request a training and his manager has to approve it.

Each group can be edited by an administrator by clicking this button.

When you click on it, a dialog box appears and allows you to modify some information of the group. The fields written in black are required and the fields written in gray are optional.

If you select a file, you can see that two different buttons appear above the list of the

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The first one, "Organize", will help you to move the group in a specific folder.

If you click on this button, a dialog box appears to ask you where you want to move the file.

The second one, "Delete", will allow you to delete the group permanently.

By clicking on the button "Add" above the list, a dialog box appears to allow you to create a new group or a new training.

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If you choose to add a new group, you will have to fill some information about this group. The black fields are required and the grey fields are optional.

If you choose to create a new training, you will also have to indicate some information about it.

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You can access the training available in each group by clicking on the group you want to open in the left side panel or in the middle of the screen.

As you can see, the active folder has changed in the left side panel and you can now see the training available in this group in the middle of the screen.

For each training, you can find the same functionalities available for the groups.

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4.2 Training Information You can access all the information of a training by clicking on it.

From this sheet, you can manage the trainings of the catalog.

4.2.1 Summary You can find different tabs that you can manage. The first one, "Summary", contains the main information of the training.

By clicking on the "Edit" button, you can modify the information available in the summary.

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Don't forget to confirm your changes once they are done.

4.2.2 Objectives The second item, "Objectives" indicate which goal can be achieved by following this training.

You can edit an objective by clicking on the pen.

A dialog box will appear to allow you to edit the goal.

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You can also create a new objective by clicking on the "Add" button above the list of targets.

A dialog box will ask you to complete the information about the new objective.

If you select a goal, a new button appears to allow you to delete the objective.

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4.2.3 Event The third item, "Event", presents you the different sessions available for the training.

For each session, you can access the training attendance by clicking on the button designed by a pen on the right side.

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You can get more information about editing training attendance in the catalog in the topic "Training Attendance". Thanks to this item, you can see the state of each session.

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You can add a new session by clicking on the "Add" button. Training Attendance

For each session, you can access the training attendance from the training catalog by clicking on the button designed by a pen on the right side.

Discover the functionalities of training attendance in the next video.

4.2.4 Request The fourth item, "Request", will allow the administrator to register an employee to an event.

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To do this, you will have to use both items "Event" and "Request". You have to select an employee and an event before clicking on the button "Register to an event".

If you select an employee from the tab "Request", a button appears to allow you to refuse the request of the employee.

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