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Molecular and Morphological Identification of the Soybean Aphid and Other Aphis Species on the Primary Host Rhamnus davurica in Asia HYOJOONG KIM,1 KIM A. HOELMER,2 WONHOON LEE,1 YOUNG-DAE KWON,3 1,4 AND SEUNGHWAN LEE

Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 103(4): 532Ð543 (2010); DOI: 10.1603/AN09166

ABSTRACT The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura, was recently introduced into North America where it has become a serious pest of soybean, Glyine max (L.) Merr. In its native range of northeastern Asia, A. glycines undergoes host alternation between the soybean (summer host) and Dahurian buckthorn, Rhamnus davurica Pallas (winter host). On the primary host, it is difÞcult to discriminate A. glycines from coexisting, morphologically similar Aphis species, including seasonal polymorphisms of each species (e.g., gynopara, ovipara, and male). Two widely used molecular markers, the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) “barcode” region (658 bp) and the partial tRNA-leucine ⫹ cytochrome c oxidase II (tRNA/COII, 702 bp), were used to analyze 31 individuals of Aphis from R. davurica in Asia and compared with 26 closely related Aphis species. We found that three different species, Aphis gossypii Glover and two new and undescribed putative Aphis species, occur together with A. glycines on R. davurica. All these species were genetically close within the gossypii group. A study of 28 quantitative morphological characters showed that A. glycines, A. gossypii, and one of the new species were quite similar with only a few characters differing signiÞcantly between species. KEY WORDS Aphis glycines, Aphis gossypii, host alternation, molecular identiÞcation, morphology

The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura, is a recently invaded exotic pest in North America, where it causes considerable economic losses every year (Ragsdale et al. 2004, 2007). Its origin is northeast Asia, i.e., China, Japan, and Korea, but it has been transferred to other regions where it has sometimes established depending on the suitability of the climate (Venette and Ragsdale 2004). As an aphid with a heteroecious holocyclic life, it has an obligatory host alternation between soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., as the secondary host and certain Rhamnus spp. as the primary host (Blackman and Eastop 1994, Ragsdale et al. 2004). Recently, two Rhamnus species, Rhamnus cathartica L. and Rhamnus alnifolia LÕHe´ ritier, were conÞrmed as suitable primary host plants in North America (Voegtlin et al. 2004a, 2005; Yoo et al. 2005), whereas Rhamnus davurica Pallas and Rhamnus japonica Maximowicz are known as primary hosts in Asia (Takahashi et al. 1993, Wu et al. 2004). Although R. japonica is endemic to Japan, R. davurica is widely distributed in Korea and China; thus, the soybean aphid population in the latter countries is largely re1 Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Research Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, 151921, Republic of Korea. 2 USDAÐARS, BeneÞcial Insect Introduction Research Unit, Newark, DE 19711. 3 Gyeonggi-do Forestry Environment Research Institute, Osan, 447-290, Republic of Korea. 4 Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected].

lated to the distribution of R. davurica. Large populations of the soybean aphid can easily be found on R. davurica in Korea and China (Wu et al. 2004). On R. davurica, there are also other Aphis species which occur together with A. glycines (Blackman and Eastop 1994, Wu et al. 2004). The cotton or melon aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover, has been reported previously as sharing R. davurica with A. glycines as a primary host in northeastern Asia (Blackman and Eastop 1994, Wu et al. 2004). However, the buckthorn aphid, Aphis nasturtii Kaltenbach, and Aphis frangulae Kaltenbach have not been reported from China, Japan, and Korea (Hua 2000, Tadauchi and Inoue 2000, Blackman and Eastop 2006, Lee and Kim 2006). A. glycines and A. gossypii have been frequently found on Rhamnus at the same time during overwintering seasons (fall, winter, and spring), and they often form mixed colonies of overwintering generations on the same leaves (Voegtlin et al. 2004b), contributing to their being misidentiÞed as the same species. Although it has been reported that A. glycines differ from A. gossypii in external coloration among the spring migrant, gynopara, male, and ovipara (Voegtlin et al. 2004b), discrimination by coloration pattern is not only unreliable for species identiÞcation due to the variation within each species, but it is almost impossible to discriminate between the species based on their morphologies in macerated slide specimens due to the lack of diagnostic characters. The situation is further complicated because of differences between

0013-8746/10/0532Ð0543$04.00/0 䉷 2010 Entomological Society of America


July 2010 Table 1.


Sample list of the Aphis species collected from R. davuricaa


No. individual (morph.)

Collection locality



Voucher no.

K-1 K-2 K-3 K-4 K-5 K-6 C-1 C-2

7 (gy.) 4 (gy.) 3 (gy.) 1 (al.) 3 (gy.) and 5 (ov.) 2 (fu.) 3 (ov.) 3 (ov.)

Mulhyanggi Arboretum, Osan, Gyeonggi, KR SNU Arboretum, Suwon, Gyeonggi, KR Mulhyanggi Arboretum, Osan, Gyeonggi, KR Mulhyanggi Arboretum, Osan, Gyeonggi, KR Mulhyanggi Arboretum, Osan, Gyeonggi, KR Mulhyanggi Arboretum, Osan, Gyeonggi, KR Changbaishan district (1), Jilin, CN Changbaishan district (2), Jilin, CN

25 Oct. 2005 27 Oct. 2005 9 Oct. 2008 19 May 2008 1 Nov. 2008 23 April 2009 25 Sept. 2008 25 Sept. 2008

K. Hoelmer and S. Lee K. Hoelmer and S. Lee H. Kim H. Kim H. Kim H. Kim H. Kim H. Kim

051025SH1 051027HJ1 081009HJ1 080519HJ1 081101HJ1 090423HJ12 080925HJ16 080925HJ41


gy., gynopara; al., alata; ov., ovipara; fu., fundatrix; KR, Republic of Korea; CN, China.

sexually specialized morphs (i.e., gynopara, ovipara, male), overwintering eggs, and fundatrices of each species that occur on Rhamnus (Blackman and Eastop 1994, 2006). These difÞculties hamper efforts to study the biology and ecology of soybean aphid and to Þnd speciÞc natural enemies of A. glycines for its control on Rhamnus species. Molecular identiÞcation techniques provide not only objective and reliable data in the form of DNA sequences to identify Aphis species, thereby serving to corroborate morphological identiÞcations, but also can provide good evidence for constructing phylogenetic relationships. Many molecular phylogenetic studies on aphids have exploited useful primer sets and accumulated comparable DNA sequences like the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI), cytochrome c oxidase II (COII), and the nuclear elongation factor 1␣ (EF1␣) for major aphid groups (Stern 1994, Moran et al. 1999, Normark 2000, von Dohlen et al. 2006). In addition, DNA barcode studies have accumulated the sequences of ⬇650 bp of COI for ⬎300 species, making molecular identiÞcation workable for aphids (Foottit et al. 2008). In the genus Aphis, the molecular identiÞcation technique has effectively solved the identiÞcation problems due to cryptic morphological differences between A. gossypii and A. frangulae (Carletto et al. 2009), and the phylogenetic studies have provided many useful sequences of major taxa (von Dohlen and Teulon 2003, Coeur dÕacier et al. 2007, Kim and Lee 2008). In this study, we used the COI “barcode” and partial tRNA-leucine ⫹ cytochrome c oxidase II (tRNA/ COII) regions for identiÞcation of the various Aphis samples collected from R. davurica in Asia. In addition, we attempt to Þnd useful morphological characters for the species identiÞed by molecular methods. Based on the results, we suggest methods for the accurate identiÞcation of A. glycines collected from Rhamnus species. Materials and Methods Taxon Sampling. We examined 31 individual Aphis specimens obtained from eight different collections on R. davurica located at two sites near Seoul, Republic of Korea, and two sites in the vicinity of Changbaishan, Jilin, China (Table 1). Different morphs, e.g., gynoparae, oviparae, and fundatrices, occurring on

the primary host were variously selected at one collection site, the Mulhyanggi Arboretum, as part of a study of the seasonal dynamics and successful overwintering of the populations. Live samples were initially selected according to differences in coloration that ranged from pale yellow to dusky green (Fig. 1). Twenty-six closely related species in Aphis were used in our analysis for character comparison, and Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) was included as an outgroup (Table 2). Before the molecular work, the species were identiÞed based on the taxonomic keys and descriptions of Takahashi (1966), Stroyan (1984), Heie (1986), Pashchenko (1997), and Blackman and Eastop (2006); and, if available, they also were compared with the specimens loaned from the Canadian National Insect Collection, Ottawa, ON, Canada (Robert Foottit and Eric Maw) and the Institute of Czech Academy of Science, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic (Jaroslav Holman and Jan Havelka). For the comparison of COI, several GenBank sequences of A. nasturtii, A. frangulae, and Aphis sp. ex Rhamnus were added (GenBank accessions below). To conÞrm the intraspeciÞc variation within A. glycines or A. gossypii, we used eight and six duplicate samples, respectively. All the aphid specimens used for molecular analyses were collected and preserved in 95 or 99% ethanol, and the samples for maceration and slide preparation were collected in 80% ethanol. All the voucher specimens and samples are deposited in the Insect Collection of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University (SNU), Seoul, Korea. DNA Extraction, Amplification, and Sequencing. Total genomic DNA was extracted from single individuals using a DNeasy_ Blood & Tissue kit (QIAGEN, Dusseldorf, Germany). For making voucher specimens from the DNA-extracted samples, we used a nondestructive DNA extraction protocol slightly modiÞed from the method of Favret (2005). The entire body of the aphid was left in the lysis buffer with protease K solution at 55⬚C for 24 h, and the cleared cuticle was dehydrated and mounted directly onto a microscopic slide. The primers used for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) ampliÞcations were as follows: LCO1490f (5⬘-GGTCAACAAATCATAAAGATATTGG-3⬘; Folmer et al. 1994) and HCO2198 (5⬘-TAAACTTCAGGGTGACCAAAAAATCA-3⬘; Folmer et al. 1994) for COI and 2993⫹ (5⬘CATTCATATTCAGAATTACC-3⬘; Stern 1994) and



Vol. 103, no. 4

Fig. 1. Aphis species on leaves of R. davurica. (A) A yellow gynopara and its nymphs. (B) Yellowish green oviparous nymphs. (C) A mixture of variously colored oviparous nymphs. (D) Dark green gynopara and grayish green nymphs. Based on coloration, validated by morphological characters (refer to text), aphids in A and B are A. glycines; those in D are Aphis sp.1; and C includes A. glycines, A. gossypii, and Aphis sp.1. (Online Þgure in color.)

A3772 (5⬘-GAGACCATTACTTGCTTTCAGTCATCT3⬘; Normark 1996) for tRNA/COII. The DNA fragments to be analyzed were ampliÞed using AccuPower_PCR PreMix (BIONEER, Corp., Daejeon, Korea) in 20-␮l reaction mixtures containing 0.4 ␮M each primer and 0.05 ␮g of genomic DNA template. PCR was performed using a GS482 thermocycler (Gene Technologies, Ltd., Essex, United Kingdom) according to the following procedure: initial denaturation at 95⬚C for 5 min, followed by 34 cycles of 95⬚C for 30 s; annealing temperature (43Ð 45⬚C depending on the primer sets) for 30 Ð50 s; and extension at 72⬚C for 30 Ð 60 s and Þnal extension at 72⬚C for 5 min. The primer-speciÞc annealing temperatures of each primer set were as follows: 43⬚C for COI, 42Ð 45⬚C for tRNA/COII. PCR products were visualized by electrophoresis on a 1.5% agarose gel, and if observing a single band, puriÞed using QIAquick_PCR puriÞcation kit (QIAGEN, Inc.), and then sequenced directly on an automated sequencer (ABI Prism_3730 XL DNA Analyzer, Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) at National Instrumentation Center for Environment Management, SNU. The sequences generated in this study were all deposited to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) GenBank as the following accessions: GQ904080 ÐGQ904148 for COI and GQ904149 Ð GQ904192 for tRNA/COII.

Sequences Used or Retrieved From NCBI GenBank. For precise species identiÞcation, we used 99 COI sequences (EU701339ÐEU701422, EU930150 ÐEU930163, and DQ499026) of melon aphid; Þve (EU701334EU701338) of the soybean aphid; Þve (EU701459 Ð 701463) of the buckthorn aphid; one (EU930142) of A. frangulae; and one (EU701485) of Aphis sp. ex Rhamnus. In addition, we retrieved 25 tRNA/COII sequences (EU358824 ÐEU358847 and EU358858) for Aphis species and Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) and one (AM085407) of A. frangulae. Sequence Alignment and Characterization. Raw sequences were examined and corrected using SeqManPro version 7.1.0 (DNASTAR, Inc., Madison, WI). All DNA sequences for each fragment were aligned using Clustal X version 2.0.11 (Thompson et al. 1997), with default settings. Pairwise distances, number of substitutions, and nucleotide compositions for COI and tRNA/COII were obtained using MEGA 4.0 (Kumar et al. 2008) based on the Kimura two-parameter (K2P) model. Data Analysis of COI and tRNA/COII. For the COI barcode data set, neighbor-joining (NJ) analyses were performed using MEGA 4.0. The K2P model of nucleotide substitution (Kimura 1980) which is the best model for species-level analysis with low distances (Hebert et al. 2003), was selected for the analyses.


July 2010 Table 2.


Collection information for 26 closely related Aphis species used for species identificationa


Host plant

Collection locality



Voucher no.

9 Oct. 2003 3 Sept. 2004 23 Sept. 2004 3 Aug. 2005 21 July 2008 21 Aug. 2008 28 Aug. 2008

H. Kim & S. Lee H. Kim & S. Lee S. Lee H. Kim H. Kim K. Hoelmer K. Hoelmer

031009SH30 040917HJ3 040923SH1 050829HJ3 080721HJ20 080821HM1 080828HM2

21 July 2008 13 May 2003 6 June 2003 25 June 2003 9 Oct. 2003 22 April 2005 16 June 2005 25 Sept. 2008

Y. Matsumoto H. Kim & S. Lee H. Kim & S. Lee H. Kim & S. Lee H. Kim & S. Lee H. Kim & S. Lee H. Kim & S. Lee H. Kim

080721MM1 030513HJ47 030606SH3 030625SH15 031009SH034 050422SH7 050616SH58 080925HJ29

9 Oct. 2003

H. Kim & S. Lee


Aphis glycines Matsumura

Glycine max

Aphis gossypii Glover

Citrus sinensis Perilla frutescens Lysimachia coreana Clinopodium multicanle Capsella bursa-pastoris Lysimachia barystachys Agrimonia pilosa

Boryeong, CH, KR Hoengseong, GW, KR Suwon, GG, KR Gangneung, GW, KR Yeoncheon, GG, KR USDAÐARS, Newark, DE, US Judge Morris Estate, Newark, DE, US Omahachi, Nagano, JP Jeju Island, KR Paju, GG, KR Pyeongchang, GW, KR Boryeong, GN, KR Taean, CH, KR Yangyang, GW, KR Changbaishan district, Jilin, CN

Clerodendrum trichotomum

Boryeong, CH, KR

Robinia hispida Ligustrum obtusifolium Perilla frutescens Rumex crispus Salix koreensis

Gwanak, SL, KR Gwanak, SL, KR Hoengseong, GW, KR Jeju Island, KR Suwon, GG, KR

26 Oct. 2003 25 April 2005 9 Aug. 2005 27 May 2004 23 May 2003

H. Kim S. Lee H. Kim & S. Lee H. Kim H. Kim & S. Lee

031026HJ1 050425SH1 050809HJ1 040527HJ16 030523SH14

Petasites japonicus Hedera japonica Sambucus sieboldiana Hypericum ascyron

Jeju Island, KR Namhae, GN, KR Urleung Island, GN, KR Yangyang, GW, KR

27 May 2004 7 June 2006 8 June 2004 16 June 2005

H. Kim H. Kim & S. Lee H. Kim & S. Lee H. Kim & S. Lee

040527HJ10 060407SH24 040608HJ24 050616SH29

Rubus sp. Rubus parvifolius Artemisia princeps

Hongcheon, GW, KR Jeju Island, KR Anyang, GG, KR

25 June 2003 13 May 2003 3 June 2005

H. Kim & S. Lee H. Kim & S. Lee H. Kim

030625SH53 030513SH10 050603HJ16

Spiraea prunifolia

Suwon, GG, KR

23 May 2003

H. Kim & S. Lee


Metaplexis japonica

Boryeong, CH, KR

9 Oct. 2003

H. Kim & S. Lee


Iris sanguinea Rumex crispus Sanguisorba officinalis

Anyang, GG, KR Busan, GN, KR Pyeongchang, GW, KR

3 June 2005 13 May 2004 17 Sept. 2004

H. Kim & S. Lee H. Kim H. Kim & S. Lee

050603SH10 040513HJ10 040917HJ6

Sedum sp. Spiraea thunbergii Viola sp. Taraxacum officinale

Dongdaemun, SL, KR Anyang, GG, KR Gunpo, GG, KR Gunpo, GG, KR

11 May 2003 3 June 2005 13 May 2005 13 May 2005

H. Kim H. Kim & S. Lee H. Kim & S. Lee H. Kim & S. Lee

030511HJ1 050603HJ6 050513HJ21 050513HJ11

Oenothera odorata

Hongcheon, GW, KR

25 June 2003

H. Kim & S. Lee


Oryza sativa

Suwon, GG, KR

4 Aug. 2005

H. Kim & S. Lee


Aphis argrimoniae (Shinji) Aphis clerodendri Matsumura Aphis craccivora Koch Aphis crinosa Paik Aphis egomae Shinji Aphis fabae Scopoli Aphis farinosa J.F. Gmelin Aphis fukii Shinji Aphis hederae Kaltenbach Aphis horii Takahashi Aphis hyperciphaga Pashshenko Aphis ichigo Shinji Aphis ichigocola Shinji Aphis kurosawai Takahashi Aphis neospiraeae Takahashi Aphis nerii Boyer de Foscolombe Aphis newtoni Theobald Aphis rumicis Linnaeus Aphis sanguisorbicola Takahashi Aphis sedi Kaltenbach Aphis spiraecola Patch Aphis sumire Moritsu Aphis taraxacicola (Brner) Aphis oenotherae Oestlund Schizaphis graminum (Rondani)

a DE, Delaware; GG, Gyeonggi-do; GW, Gangwon-do; CH, Chungcheongnam-do; GN, Gyeongsangnam-do; SL, Seoul; KR, Republic of Korea; US, United States; CN, China; JP, Japan.

For the combined data set of the COI and tRNA/ COII, maximum parsimony (MP) analyses were performed with PAUP*4.0b10 (Swofford 1998), by using the heuristic search procedure, with 1,000 random additions of sequences and 10 trees held at each pseudoreplicate, and the tree bissection-reconnection branch swapping method. All characters were treated as unordered and equally weighted for MP analysis. Bootstrapping of the MP analysis was conducted using 1,000 replicates under the heuristic search procedure with 10 random-addition sequences. Then, Bayesian phylogenetic (BP) analyses were performed using MrBayes version 3.1.1 (Ronquist and Huelsenbeck 2003). Corresponding to the ML analysis, the best-

Þtting nucleotide substitution models (GTR ⫹ I ⫹ ⌫) and estimated parameters for each of the Þve partitions were selected using the hierarchical likelihood ratio test implemented in MrModeltest 2.0 (Nylander 2004). Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) analysis was run with one cold chain and three heated chains. The number of generations of MCMC and tree sampling frequency were 10 million generations and 100th generations, respectively. The critical value for the topological convergence diagnostic was checked with MCMC options of “stoprule ⫽ yes” and “stopval ⫽ 0.01” in preliminary tests. The burn-in parameter was empirically estimated by plotting ⫺ln L against the generation number by using Tracer version 1.5 (Ram-



Table 3.

Vol. 103, no. 4

Morphometric data of gynoparae and oviparae of three different speciesa Gynopara


Aphis glycines (n ⫽ 24)

Body color when alive Greenish yellow, pale green, green Absent or only VII Abdominal tergites and VIII with black (irregular) sclerotized bands Length (mm) Body 1.812 (1.393Ð2.157) Whole antennae 1.266 (1.047Ð1.464) Ant.I 0.058 (0.047Ð0.069) Ant.II 0.053 (0.041Ð0.059) Ant.III 0.316 (0.252Ð0.375) Ant.IV 0.221 (0.157Ð0.283) Ant.V 0.187 (0.144Ð0.222) Ant.VIb 0.116 (0.089Ð0.181) PT 0.314 (0.252Ð0.363) URS 0.088 (0.078Ð0.127) Hind femur 0.465 (0.374Ð0.537) Hind tibia 0.920 (0.765Ð1.104) 2HT 0.086 (0.064Ð0.103) SIPH 0.205 (0.163Ð0.243) Cauda 0.123 (0.098Ð0.170) Setae on Ant.III 0.013 (0.008Ð0.016) Setae on AbdT.III 0.024 (0.015Ð0.030) No. hairs on Ant.I 5 (4Ð6) Ant.II 4 (3Ð6) Ant.III 5 (3Ð12) AbdT.VII 4 (3Ð4) AbdT.VIII 2 Median of GP 2 (2Ð3) Posterior margin 9 (8Ð12) of GP Cauda 8 (6Ð9) No. rhinaria on Ant.III 8 (6Ð12) Ant.IV 0 Ant.V 0 Ratio (times) Whole antennae/ 0.70 (0.59Ð0.81) body PT/Ant.VIb 2.73 (1.80Ð3.18) PT/Ant.III 1.00 (0.71Ð1.22) URS/2HT 1.03 (0.76Ð1.49) URS/Ant.VIb 0.77 (0.49Ð1.09) SIPH/body 0.11 (0.09Ð0.15) SIPH/Ant.III 0.65 (0.53Ð0.80) SIPH/hind femur 0.44 (0.34Ð0.53) SIPH/cauda 1.70 (1.19Ð2.09) Cauda/width of 1.64 (1.11Ð2.10) cauda Setae on Ant.III/ 0.61 (0.40Ð0.78) Ant.IIIBD Setae on AbdT.III/ 1.11 (0.75Ð1.43) Ant.IIIBD

Aphis gossypii (n ⫽ 16) Green, dusky green

Ovipara Aphis sp.1 (n ⫽ 18) Green, dusky green

IÐVI (irregular), VII and VIII (large)

IÐVI (irregular), VII and VIII (large)

1.603 (1.384Ð1.950) 1.112 (1.002Ð1.226) 0.054 (0.039Ð0.060) 0.051 (0.036Ð0.062) 0.276 (0.245Ð0.324) 0.190 (0.159Ð0.211) 0.171 (0.142Ð0.198) 0.103 (0.081Ð0.131) 0.267 (0.246Ð0.286) 0.091 (0.090Ð0.092) 0.415 (0.331Ð0.493) 0.813 (0.699Ð0.951) 0.080 (0.069Ð0.088) 0.193 (0.150Ð0.247) 0.106 (0.083Ð0.128) 0.015 (0.012Ð0.018) 0.023 (0.017Ð0.025)

1.542 (1.182Ð1.778) 0.970 (0.793Ð1.135) 0.046 (0.035Ð0.063) 0.047 (0.042Ð0.057) 0.252 (0.211Ð0.288) 0.169 (0.141Ð0.207) 0.140 (0.114Ð0.163) 0.080 (0.055Ð0.100) 0.236 (0.149Ð0.288) 0.086 (0.077Ð0.093) 0.376 (0.300Ð0.415) 0.707 (0.557Ð0.839) 0.075 (0.052Ð0.095) 0.161 (0.116Ð0.205) 0.087 (0.058Ð0.095) 0.012 (0.008Ð0.017) 0.018 (0.010Ð0.026)

Aphis glycines (n ⫽ 18)

Aphis gossypii (n ⫽ 10)

Aphis sp.1 (n ⫽ 20)

Greenish yellow, yellow, green

Dusky green, grayish green

Dusky green, grayish green

1.324 (1.132Ð1.547) 0.687 (0.591Ð0.743) 0.043 (0.032Ð0.049) 0.036 (0.031Ð0.043) 0.228 (0.166Ð0.267) * 0.107 (0.048Ð0.122) 0.079 (0.070Ð0.092) 0.195 (0.166Ð0.221) 0.077 (0.591Ð0.743) 0.221 (0.173Ð0.262) 0.398 (0.354Ð0.445) 0.066 (0.043Ð0.084) 0.117 (0.096Ð0.145) 0.081 (0.050Ð0.094) 0.011 (0.008Ð0.015) 0.015 (0.012Ð0.018)

1.310 (1.220Ð1.389) 0.674 (0.648Ð0.687) 0.043 (0.038Ð0.048) 0.036 (0.032Ð0.041) 0.222 (0.199Ð0.235) * 0.111 (0.085Ð0.129) 0.091 (0.076Ð0.107) 0.170 (0.135Ð0.206) 0.076 (0.061Ð0.078) 0.226 (0.165Ð0.271) 0.407 (0.355Ð0.476) 0.071 (0.061Ð0.078) 0.109 (0.085Ð0.125) 0.097 (0.071Ð0.124) 0.011 (0.008Ð0.012) 0.017 (0.014Ð0.019)

1.315 (1.180Ð1.552) 0.631 (0.536Ð0.687) 0.042 (0.033Ð0.048) 0.036 (0.030Ð0.045) 0.209 (0.171Ð0.235) * 0.105 (0.090Ð0.129) 0.078 (0.064Ð0.100) 0.161 (0.108Ð0.206) 0.075 (0.060Ð0.096) 0.220 (0.165Ð0.271) 0.392 (0.031Ð0.476) 0.069 (0.057Ð0.078) 0.101 (0.084Ð0.125) 0.094 (0.070Ð0.124) 0.010 (0.007Ð0.012) 0.017 (0.014Ð0.020)

4 (3Ð6) 4 (3Ð5) 5 (3Ð8) 4 (3Ð4) 2 3 (2Ð4) 8 (7Ð10)

4 (3Ð5) 4 (3Ð5) 6 (3Ð9) 4 2 2 (2Ð3) 10 (6Ð14)

4 (3Ð5) 3 (2Ð4) 3 (2Ð4) 5 (4Ð6) 5 (4Ð6) 12 (11Ð14) 16 (13Ð19)

5 (3Ð6) 3 (3Ð4) 2 (2Ð5) 5 (5Ð8) 5 (5Ð8) 12 (12Ð18) 13 (13Ð19)

5 (3Ð6) 3 (3Ð4) 3 (3Ð5) 6 (4Ð8) 6 (4Ð8) 15 (12Ð19) 15 (12Ð19)

5 (4Ð6)

6 (6Ð8)

6 (5Ð8)

4 (4Ð6)

5 (4Ð6)

8 (6Ð12) 0 (0Ð1) 0

10 (6Ð13) 4 (1Ð5) 0 (0Ð2)

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0.70 (0.57Ð0.81)

0.63 (0.52Ð0.75)

0.52 (0.43Ð0.63)

0.52 (0.47Ð0.56)

0.48 (0.39Ð0.56)

2.62 (1.92Ð3.30) 0.97 (0.85Ð1.09) 1.14 (1.03Ð1.33) 0.89 (0.69Ð1.12) 0.12 (0.10Ð0.14) 0.70 (0.55Ð0.89) 0.46 (0.38Ð0.58) 1.83 (1.28Ð2.17) 1.50 (1.11Ð1.71)

2.95 (1.96Ð3.31) 0.94 (0.60Ð1.17) 1.15 (0.90Ð1.48) 1.08 (0.86Ð1.56) 0.11 (0.08Ð0.13) 0.64 (0.49Ð0.75) 0.43 (0.34Ð0.53) 1.90 (1.22Ð2.89) 1.34 (0.89Ð1.63)

2.47 (2.27Ð2.76) 0.87 (0.67Ð1.12) 1.19 (0.91Ð1.86) 0.98 (0.80Ð1.24) 0.09 (0.07Ð0.11) 0.52 (0.40Ð0.79) 0.53 (0.44Ð0.68) 1.49 (1.16Ð2.18) 1.17 (0.56Ð1.69)

1.88 (1.35Ð2.71) 0.77 (0.57Ð0.98) 1.07 (0.81Ð1.30) 0.84 (0.67Ð1.07) 0.08 (0.07Ð0.09) 0.49 (0.38Ð0.53) 0.49 (0.38Ð0.64) 1.14 (0.95Ð1.39) 1.35 (0.97Ð1.65)

2.07 (1.35Ð2.71) 0.77 (0.53Ð0.98) 1.09 (0.81Ð1.33) 0.96 (0.72Ð1.22) 0.08 (0.05Ð0.09) 0.48 (0.38Ð0.56) 0.47 (0.36Ð0.64) 1.09 (0.82Ð1.39) 1.34 (0.97Ð1.65)

0.69 (0.58Ð0.86)

0.63 (0.44Ð0.81)

0.74 (0.47Ð1.36)

0.59 (0.47Ð0.67)

0.57 (0.47Ð0.67)

1.06 (0.85Ð1.48)

0.95 (0.59Ð1.24)

1.00 (0.75Ð1.64)

0.96 (0.74Ð1.13)

0.98 (0.74Ð1.18)

a Values are means, with min.-max. in parentheses. Abbreviations are explained in the text. A blank cell in the range columns means that all measurements were identical. *Ant.VI mostly fused to Ant.III in ovipara.

baut and Drummond 2007), and the trees corresponding to the Þrst 10% generations were discarded. To conÞrm the parsimony network between the closely related species nested within A. frangulae (see Results), a minimum-spanning network was constructed for the combined data set of COI and tRNA/COII using TCS version 1.21 (Clement et al. 2000), where a 95% connection limit was used and gaps were treated as missing data. Morphological Measurement and Test of Difference. All specimens were identiÞed by comparison with the voucher specimens used for DNA extraction.

Except for the one alate specimen (K-4; Aphis sp.2), samples of both gynoparae and oviparae mounted on microscopic slides could be separated into three speciÞc phenotypes (A. glycines, A. gossypii, and Aphis sp.1) based on our molecular identiÞcation. Fundatrix forms were excluded from morphological measurement due to lack of a sufÞcient number of specimens. A morphometric data set was assembled by measuring/counting 28 characters and 12 ratios for 106 specimens including the voucher specimens (Table 3), which followed the recent biometric works on Aphis (Mier Durante et al. 2003, Kim et al. 2006). Measure-

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ments and observations were performed using Image Lab version software (MCM Design, Hillerød, Denmark) and digital images were captured by a charge-coupled device SPOT Insight Color Mosaic 14.2 (Diagnostic Instruments, Inc., Sterling Heights, MI), attached to a DM 4000B microscope (Leica Microsystems GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany). Morphological terminology, measurement range, and location of each character follow Heie (1986) and Blackman and Eastop (2006). To determine the morphological characters useful for identiÞcation, differences of each character between the three species were examined by multiple comparisons of TukeyÐKramer test in analysis of variance (ANOVA). Some characters without variation were excluded from analysis. SigniÞcant thresholds were set to 99% conÞdence level (P ⬍ 0.01). Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version 12.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). Abbreviations for the characters used in the text are as follows: Ant.I, Ant.II, Ant.III, Ant.IV, Ant.V, Ant.VI, Ant.VIb for antennal segments I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and the base of Ant.VI, respectively; PT, processus terminalis; URS, ultimate rostral segment (i.e., the combined length of rostral segments IV and V); HFM, hind femur; HTB, hind tibia; 2HT, second segment of hind tarsus; AbdT.I, AbdT.II, AbdT.III, AbdT.IV, AbdT.V, AbdT.VI, AbdT.VII, AbdT.VIII for abdominal tergite I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, and VIII, respectively; SIPH, siphunculus; and GP, genital plate. Results Characteristics of the COI and tRNA/COII. For the COI data set, 66 terminal taxa in total were analyzed and 720 aligned base pair (bp) sites were found, but only 658 bp were used for the analyses after excluding primer sites. Among the 658 bp selected, 175 were variable and 127 were parsimony informative. The K2P sequence divergence among taxa for tRNA/COII ranged from 0 to 12.6%, with an average of 5.0%. Average proportions of T:C:A:G were 41:14:35:10, with a narrow SD. For the tRNA/COII data set, 59 terminal taxa in total were analyzed, with 760 aligned bp sites found, but 702 bp were used for the analyses after excluding primer sites. Among the 702 bp selected, 160 were variable and 93 were parsimony informative. The K2P sequence divergence among taxa for tRNA/COII ranged from 0 to 9.0%, with an average of 3.6%. Average proportions of T:C:A:G were 39:12:41:8, with a narrow SD. Molecular Identification Using COI and Combined Analysis Using COI and tRNA/COII. The NJ tree from the COI analysis shows that all samples that were matched to A. glycines from either soybean (13 sequences) or R. davurica (11 sequences) were identical to each other (Fig. 2). The clade of A. glycines was placed between two relatively unrelated species, Aphis ichigo Shinji and Aphis ichigocola Shinji, and was completely separated from those of the other Aphis


groups sampled on R. davurica, which means that A. glycines can be successfully discriminated from them by the COI barcode region. Except for the samples identiÞed as A. glycines, the remaining samples were divided into four different groups: Aphis gossypii ex Rhamnus 1, Aphis gossypii ex Rhamnus 2, Aphis sp.2, and Aphis sp.1. A. gossypii ex Rhamnus 1 and 2 within “A. gossypii ⫹ closely related species” were congruent to four and 63 A. gossypii sequences, respectively, whereas the Aphis sp.1 and 2 differed 2.1 and 3.8%, respectively, from A. gossypii, and 4.6 and 3.5%, respectively, from A. glycines. This level of genetic divergence is considerably greater than the mean divergence of 1.9% seen among the species [e.g., Aphis argrimoniae (Shinji), Aphis clerodendri Matsumura, Aphis sumire Moritsu, and Aphis taraxacicola (Bo¨ rner)] within the clade that are sister to A. frangulae, which supports the treatment of Aphis sp.1 and 2 as different species. In addition, these two groups did not match the buckthorn aphid, A. nasturtii, and Aphis sp. ex Rhamnus (EU701485) at all. The 13 samples of Aphis sp.1 collected in both Korea and China were identical, which also suggests a new species distinct from A. gossypii and A. glycines, coexisting on R. davurica. Although we were not able to collect a comparable number of Aphis sp.2 samples, this species might use R. davurica as a secondary host because it was found that some colonies were initiated by migrants, alate viviparous females, on its young shoots in late May. All the recognized groups comprising our samples were seemingly located in the gossypii group (clade A), whereas A. nasturtii is close to the fabae group (clade B). In the combined analysis using the COI and tRNA/ COII (Fig. 3), the tree inferred by both BP and MP analyses shows a similar topology to that of COI, and all analyzed samples are located within the gossypii group (clade A). Species or samples that were not sequenced for tRNA/COII (e.g., A. nasturtii) were excluded from the analyses. Because the 19 samples of A. glycines had no variation in the tRNA/COII sequence, they clearly clustered. The phylogenetic tree robustly supports the idea that the Aphis sp.1 and 2 could be different species coexisting with A. gossypii and A. glycines on R. davurica. Because the node sister to A. glycines were supported by 100% in PP and 91% in MP bootstrap analysis, Aphis sp.1 and 2 were genetically closer to A. gossypii than A. glycines. Nested clade analysis (Fig. 4) shows that the samples of A. gossypii were divided into four haplotypes and linked together by one mutational step, where the other closely related species were networked with the haplotypes of A. gossypii. In contrast, Aphis sp.1 and 2 were not directly connected with A. gossypii, which were linked via 13 or 21 missing haplotypes, respectively. However, A. taraxacicola, A. clerodendri, and A. sedi that are not speciÞc to Rhamnus were closely located to A. gossypii rather than Aphis sp.1 and 2. Morphological Identification and Test of Character Difference. Because of the possibility of overlapping morphological variation among the different species,



Vol. 103, no. 4

Fig. 2. Neighbor-joining tree of the COI data set consisting of 31 individuals from R. davurica and 29 Aphis species, including A. glycines (66 terminal taxa) obtained by MEGA 4.0. Sample identiÞers are explained in Table 1. Clade A is the gossypii group and clade B is the fabae group. The number inside a bracket indicates a number of duplication sequences, which is followed by GenBank accession.

the morphological characters of preserved cuticles of specimens identiÞed by molecular sequences were then examined to Þnd morphological characters that would establish the identity of specimens not used for DNA sequencing. The results of 28 measured or counted characters and 12 character ratios showed that A. glycines, A. gossypii, and Aphis sp.1 were quite

similar in most characters (Table 3). There were not enough specimens collected of the putative Aphis sp.2 to make a morphological comparison. In living specimens, both oviparae and gynoparae of A. glycines were paler in coloration than the other two species, A. gossypii and Aphis sp.1. Gynoparae of A. glycines had no or weakly sclerotized black bands on the abdominal

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Fig. 3. The 50% majority rule consensus tree inferred by MrBayes using the combined data set of COI and tRNA/COII. Sample identiÞers are explained in Table 1. Clade A is the gossypii group and clade B is the fabae group. The number inside a bracket means a number of duplication sequences. Bold branches emphasize clades supported by 100% in posterior probability (PP). PP followed by supported values of MP bootstrap test with 1000 replicate are given on branches. If a clade is not established by an analysis, the value is expressed as dashes (Ð).

tergites, whereas A. gossypii and Aphis sp.1 generally had irregular bands on AbdT.IÐVI. Statistical analyses using TukeyÐKramer test in ANOVA showed that at least six characters (whole antenna, Ant.V, PT, HTB, number of hairs on cauda, and number of rhinaria on Ant.III) could be useful to identify gynoparae of the three species (Table 4). The lengths of the whole antenna, Ant.V, PT, and HTB of A. glycines were slightly longer than those of two other species. Gynoparae of Aphis sp.1 were distinguishable due to the presence of secondary rhinaria on Ant.IV and Ant.V, in contrast with their absence in A. glycines and A. gossypii, even though a few individuals of A. gossypii were observed bearing just one secondary

rhinarium on Ant.IV. However, signiÞcant characters were not found in the analyses of oviparae (data not shown). Discussion A. glycines was clearly discriminated by the COI barcode and the combined data set of COI and tRNA/ COII sequences (Figs. 2 and 3). Our molecular analysis showed that the samples of A. glycines were clearly clustered distinctly apart from the clade of A. gossypii and its related species. Species closely related to A. gossypii such as A. taraxacicola show very low molecular sequence differences for an independent species.



Vol. 103, no. 4

Fig. 4. Parsimony network constructed by TCS using the combined data set. Numbers at nodes indicate the number of nucleotide changes between haplotypes or species. The dashed nodes represent a single nucleotide change between haplotypes or species. Small open circles signify possible missing haplotypes. Boxes signify the recognized clades in Fig. 3.

Moreover, species in the gossypii group similarly show morphologically reduced or regressive characters compared with those of the fabae group (Lee and Kim 2006). Together, this implies that the species in the gossypii group are very young taxa recently diversiÞed among the genus Aphis. Some species of the gossypii group are associated with the host family Rhamnaceae as their primary host (Blackman and Eastop 1994, 2006). Our study revealed that A. glycines, A. gossypii, A. frangulae, and Aphis sp.1 using the genus Rhamnus as a primary host were grouped in clade A based on the molecular analyses. Moreover, host alternation between primary and secondary hosts is not a common trait within the genus Aphis (Blackman and Eastop 2006). The convergence of host utilization may constrain some species currently regarded as distinct into a species or species complex. Indeed, for a long time A. gossypii has been treated as a subspecies of A. frangulae due to such a congruence of primary host association as well as their morphological similarity (Stroyan 1984, Heie 1986). Similarly, A. gossypii and Aphis sp.1 were indistinguishable from each other except for one characteristic, the presence of secondary rhinaria on Ant.IV and Ant.V, even though those species were separated by the molecular markers used in this study. Nevertheless, we are reluctant to describe Aphis sp.1 as a new species at this time because its secondary host is unknown. Based on our molecular analyses, the convergent relationships of these Rhamnus-living species strongly suggest that they originated from a common ancestor feeding on Rhamnus or some other Rhamnaceae host. In particular, some species related to A. gossypii seem to show ongoing speciation related to the genus Rhamnus. Certain European Aphis species classiÞed in the gossypii group have a host alternation with the

plants in Rhamnaceae (Cocuzza et al. 2008). The Aphis species that share Rhamnus as the primary host but that specialize on a different secondary host may have a similar mode of the aphid speciation, switching to a secondary host, such as the genus Cryptomyzus (Dixon 1987, Moran 1992). In contrast, although A. clerodendri, A. egomae, A. sedi, and A. taraxacicola show no primary host association with Rhamnus, those species are genetically very close to A. gossypii in COI and tRNA/COII results (Figs. 2 and 3). The nested clade analysis (Fig. 4) supports that these closely related species diverged from the different haplotypes of A. gossypii, suggesting that their diversiÞcation might have originated with the population level isolation mainly by adapting to different host plants. This intriguing result may explain the speciation mode within the gossypii group. Based on this intimacy with A. gossypii, it may be hypothesized that they were separated by the loss of their host alternation process that led to speciation (Moran 1992). A. gossypii generally has a monoecious life cycle with either holocycly or anholocycly, but there are some reports of host alternation in parts of East Asia and North America (Blackman and Eastop 2006, Liu et al. 2008a). Although it is still unclear whether a single population of A. gossypii is able to use two unrelated hosts as primary and secondary hosts through host alternation (Liu et al. 2008a,b), A. gossypii populations sampled on Malvaceae (Hibiscus spp.), considered to be their primary host, showed higher genetic diversity and more genotypic variation than those collected on usual secondary hosts such as Cucurbitaeceae and Solanaceae (Charaabi et al. 2008). Presuming these Þndings are the outcome of host specialization, the low genetic diversity seen in populations on secondary hosts suggests that host-related isolation may eventu-


July 2010 Table 4.

Multiple comparisons of character differences of gynoparae between three species by Tukey–Kramer test in ANOVAa P value of TukeyÐKramer test in ANOVA


A. glycines vs. A. gossypii

A. glycines vs. Aphis sp.1

A.gossypii vs. Aphis sp.1

0.006 0.000 0.105 0.414 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.013 0.000 0.520 0.002 0.000 0.076 0.387 0.019 0.124 0.801

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.747 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.176 0.001

0.651 0.000 0.003 0.107 0.059 0.023 0.000 0.000 0.008 0.217 0.023 0.001 0.026 0.004 0.010 0.003 0.012

0.007 0.937 0.653 0.869 0.027 0.061

0.000 0.884 0.861 0.551 0.987 0.151

0.043 0.735 0.399 0.335 0.029 0.001

0.000 0.428 0.001 1.000

0.000 0.019 0.000 0.059

0.000 0.366 0.001 0.095

Length Body Whole antennae Ant.I Ant.II Ant.III Ant.IV Ant.V Ant.VIb PT URS Hind femur Hind tibia 2HT SIPH Cauda Setae on Ant.III Setae on AbdT.III No. hairs on Ant.I Ant.II Ant.III AbdT.VII Median of GP Posterior margin of GP No. rhinaria on Cauda Ant.III Ant.IV Ant.V a


All P values ⬍0.01


Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Abbreviations are explained in the text.

ally lead to speciation (Via et al. 2000, Raymond et al. 2001). If the primary host is lost, the rate of speciation will be increased by reproductive isolation (Moran 1992). In addition, either monoecious holocycly or anholocyly in the host accelerates incipient speciation, even though these are temporary mechanisms that only occur under certain conditions in A. gossypii (Dixon 1987, Moran 1992, Moran et al. 1999). In the gossypii group, this hypothesis is strongly supported in that some species in the group show congruent use of primary hosts in the Rhamnaceae, especially the Frangula and Rhamnus genera (Cocuzza et al. 2008). Moreover, that host alternation between primary and secondary hosts is very rare within the genus Aphis and that ⬍15 species do so (Blackman and Eastop 2006) provides further support for this hypothesis. Just as with our discovery of a putative Aphis sp.1 coexisting with soybean aphid on Rhamnus in northeastern Asia, we suspect a similar species complex might exist on other Rhamnus species, e.g., Rhamnus cathartica, in North American regions during the overwintering season. We expect molecular characterizations to be useful in detecting new species related to A. glycines or A. gossypii in the future. Although genetic isolation leading to speciation generally requires physically isolated circumstances to prevent reproduction to avoid possible hybridization between different species, it is unusual and mysterious why Rhamnus-living Aphis species still share a primary host

during the sexual phase of the overwintering season. Thus, further study of Rhamnus-speciÞc species may be helpful to reveal the speciation and evolution of the related aphid species. As a cautionary note, it is worth considering that genetic distance may be low between species (e.g., ⬍1.6% as cited in Kankare et al. 2005) or relatively great within species for a variety of reasons (Ferguson 2002). Resolution of cryptic species within the aphid parasitoid genus Aphelinus required as many as six gene regions and corresponding laboratory cross mating studies (Heraty et al. 2007). Thus, additional research on cryptic species within Aphis on Rhamnus would ideally investigate population structure and include mating studies where appropriate. Acknowledgments We are indebted to Robert Foottit, Eric Maw, Jaroslav Holman, Jan Havelka for the loan of Aphis specimens from their regions for comparison. We thank Gexia Qiao, Liyun Jiang, and Xiaolei Huang for cooperative aphid collection in the Changbaishan area in northeastern China. We also thank Yoshiyuki Matsumoto for sending Japanese samples. Special thanks to Youngboon Lee (Seoul National University) for preparing many aphid specimens, to Wonyeol Jang for assistance with the measurement of specimens, and to Yeyeun Kim for assistance with the molecular work. This research was supported by the grants from the Technology Development Program for Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry for



Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Republic of Korea (500-20080241) and the project on survey and excavation of Korean indigenous species of the National Institute of Biological Resources under the Ministry of Environment, Korea. H.K. and S.L. also were supported by USDAÐARS speciÞc cooperative agreement 58-1926-7-154 F.

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July 2010


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