Molecular imaging of brown adipose tissue in health and disease ...

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Molecular imaging of brown adipose tissue in health and disease. Authors; Authors and affiliations. Matthias Bauwens; Roel Wierts; Bart van Royen; Jan ...
Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging (2014) 41:776–791 DOI 10.1007/s00259-013-2611-8


Molecular imaging of brown adipose tissue in health and disease Matthias Bauwens & Roel Wierts & Bart van Royen & Jan Bucerius & Walter Backes & Felix Mottaghy & Boudewijn Brans

Received: 31 July 2013 / Accepted: 7 October 2013 / Published online: 8 February 2014 # Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Abstract Purpose Brown adipose tissue (BAT) has transformed from an interfering tissue in oncological 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) to an independent imaging research field. This review takes the perspective from the imaging methodology on which human BAT research has come to rely on heavily. Methods This review analyses relevant PubMed-indexed publications that discuss molecular imaging methods of BAT. In addition, reported links between BAT and human diseases such as obesity are discussed, and the possibilities for imaging in these fields are highlighted. Radiopharmaceuticals aiming at several different biological mechanisms of BAT are discussed and evaluated. Results Prospective, dedicated studies allow visualization of BAT function in a high percentage of human subjects. BAT dysfunction has been implicated in obesity, linked with diabetes and associated with cachexia and atherosclerosis. Presently, 18F-FDG PET/CT is the most useful tool for evaluating M. Bauwens : R. Wierts : J. Bucerius : F. Mottaghy : B. Brans (*) Department of Medical Imaging, Division of Nuclear Medicine, MUMC, Maastricht, Netherlands e-mail: [email protected] M. Bauwens Research School NUTRIM, Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands B. van Royen : W. Backes Department of Medical Imaging, Division of Radiology, MUMC, Maastricht, Netherlands J. Bucerius : F. Mottaghy Division of Nuclear Medicine, Uniklinikum Aachen, Aachen, Germany J. Bucerius Research School CARIM, Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands

therapies aiming at BAT activity. In addition to 18F-FDG, other radiopharmaceuticals such as 99mTc-sestamibi, 123Imetaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG), 18F-fluorodopa and 18F14(R,S)-[18F]fluoro-6-thia-heptadecanoic acid (FTHA) may have a potential for visualizing other aspects of BAT activity. MRI methods are under continuous development and provide the prospect of functional imaging without ionizing radiation. Conclusion Molecular imaging of BAT can be used to quantitatively assess different aspects of BAT metabolic activity. Keywords Brown adipose tissue . Molecular imaging . PET/ CT . Radiopharmaceuticals . Obesity . Cachexia

Prevalence of brown adipose tissue Brown adipose tissue (BAT) has been an elusive tissue which has only gradually given up its secrets. In the 1990s, as 18Ffluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) scans began proliferating in hospitals to be used for whole-body staging in oncology, cervical hot spots were occasionally seen on PET scans but interpreted as interfering with tumour diagnostics, probably being of muscular origin and suppressible with propranolol and diazepam [1, 2]. In 2002 with the advent of hybrid PET/CT, Hany et al. launched their hypothesis that the uptake was due to BAT, as Hounsfield units in these areas indicated negative values, compatible with fat and not muscle [3]. In parallel observations by another group, Cohade et al. [4, 5] introduced the term “USA-fat” (uptake in the supraclavicular area) which they could relate to the ambient outdoor temperature. Nedergaard et al. in an authoritative review in 2007 hence suggested the use of 18F-FDG as a possible research tool [6]. In 2009, several landmark studies appeared in one issue of the New England Journal of Medicine [7–9] which together with other studies [10, 11] definitely established the high incidence of active BAT in adult men using 18F-FDG PET/CT, as well as its

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quantification, its relation to age and body mass index (BMI), and proved with histological biopsies that FDG-avid BAT areas correlated with signature genes of BAT. Prior to 2009, 18F-FDG uptake by BAT was investigated by retrospectively analysing several hundreds or thousands of available PET/CT images routinely performed (Table 1). While this methodology allowed large numbers of scans to be processed and provided strong statistics, the true prevalence of BAT activity could not be assessed from these studies because of the different temperature circumstances under which these PET scans were made. In addition, PET scans were performed in different age groups and in disease states such as cancer and inflammation which are known to affect fat metabolism. This paradox was eloquently demonstrated by Lee et al. in 2010, by comparing multiple 18F-FDG PET/CT scans of a large number of patients [19]. They calculated that in their cohort of patients the chance of detecting BAT in a patient by means of a single scan was about 8.5 %. However, among those patients with BAT who were scanned again after the first (positive) scan, the frequency of at least one other positive scan rose with increasing occasions of study: from 8 % for one additional scan to 65 % in patients with more than four additional scans. This was later confirmed by dedicated prospective PET studies using standardized mild cold exposure that to date have indicated a prevalence of 33–100 % [8, 9, 11, 26, 27], depending on the intensity of the cooling protocol used (air-cooled environment, cold wetsuit). However, these studies were mostly done in healthy, young individuals. Therefore, these data particularly have to be confirmed in older and diseased age groups before the full potential of BAT function changes can be assessed. Table 2 lists the physiological factors that have been identified to influence the detection of BAT. A strong (negative) association has been found with increasing age. Indeed,

Table 1 Retrospective population-based studies trying to determine the prevalence of human BAT using 18F-FDG PET



retrospective as well as prospective studies have shown this. This may be related to a shifting balance between decreased stimulatory sex hormones and inhibitory effects of glucocorticosteroids [37]. Yoneshiro et al. [30] have shown that age-related decline in BAT activity is associated with accumulation of total, visceral and subcutaneous fat. In paediatric subjects, BAT incidence is higher in newborns (up to 2 years) and pubertal subjects [38, 39]. While retrospective studies cannot yield information on the prevalence of BAT, they do show that outdoor temperature (average per year or current temperature or season) has a negative correlation with BAT detection, in Nordic as well as southern, subtropical climatic zones [31]. Prospective acclimation studies show that not only acute but also chronic ambient temperature changes affect BAT mass, function and 18F-FDG uptake [40, 41]. Only one study in mice has addressed the connection with diurnal rhythm and found that glucose uptake in BAT peaked at approximately 9 h into the light phase [42]. In humans this would correspond to the late afternoon but has not been studied so far. The use of concomitant medication (in particular beta-blockers) as well as hormones (in particular insulin) and cytokine levels are also known to affect BAT [7, 21, 22] and these provide interesting targets for therapeutic manipulation of BAT function.

Function and distribution of BAT Heat production throughout the body Today, we distinguish three types of fat cell phenotypes, namely white, beige or brite and brown adipocytes, which have a distinct ontogeny (for a review, see [43]). The tentative primary

Publication year

Number of subjects

Incidence of BAT detection

Cohade et al. [5]




Yeung et al. [12] Truong et al. [13] Kim et al. [14] Williams and Kolodny [15] Cypess et al. [7] Cheng et al. [16] Stefan et al. [17] Au-Yong et al. [18] Lee et al. [19] Pace et al. [20] Ouellet et al. [21] Jacene et al. [22] Yilmaz et al. [23] Huang et al. [24] Skillen et al. [25]

2003 2004 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012

863 845 1,159 1,972 1,972 1,080 3,604 3,614 2,934 848 4,842 908 1,832 1,740 300

4% 2% 3% 5% 5% 4% 5% 5% 8.5 % 8.6 % 6.8 % 6.2 % 2% 1.7 % 9.3 %


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Table 2 Impact factors on BAT activity in humans Factor (study)

Correlation (statistical power)


BMI [7, 19–21, 28, 29]

Negative, exponential (r=−0.8, p 5 % weight (%) loss) (%)

Overall Favourable non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma NSCLC Genito-urinary Colorectal Breast

60–80 30–40

2–8 34

50 60–70


47 56 55–60 10–35

4 6 4 7

20 46 43 80–90

11–13 9–18 15–20 70–80

Pancreas Head and neck Phaeochromocytoma Sarcoma Hibernoma

83–87 10–15 7–23 31–40 Rare

4 ND >30 9 ND

5–25 57 36–74 56–90 >90

5–15 36 ND ND ND

ND no data available, NSCLC non-small cell lung cancer

14(R,S)-[18F]fluoro-6-thia-heptadecanoic acid (FTHA) [123]. 18 F-FTHA uptake in the heart and mitochondrial retention was shown to be insulin sensitive [124]. This fatty acid is metabolized via beta-oxidation, but is irreversibly bound to mitochondrial proteins once the sulphur group is free. This allows quantification of tissue uptake by linearization methods, such as Patlak analysis. In addition to these radiopharmaceuticals, Henkin et al. developed fatty acid coupled to luciferin [125]. While this compound is not applicable in humans due to the short penetration depth of light originating from luciferin, it can be used for preclinical research as it allows non-invasive dynamic imaging of free fatty acid uptake. So far, only one dedicated study to visualize BAT fatty acid uptake has been performed [35]. The study, using six healthy test subjects, showed that 18F-FTHA uptake by BAT under cold-stressed conditions was 2.3 μmol/min, while it was low in ambient temperatures. Although this uptake is rather low [especially when compared to FDG (10.8 μmol/min)], it is not unreasonable because: 1. Free fatty acids represent only a minor part of the fatty acids in the blood, as most lipids are in the form of triglycerides, very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), lowdensity lipoprotein (LDL) or high-density lipoprotein (HDL) particles. BAT tissue may therefore be more adapted to a high uptake of triglycerides and not free fatty acids such as FTHA. 2. The intracellular pool of lipids in BAT cells is substantial and is the preferential source of energy for BAT [35, 51, 126].

As such, the uptake of new free fatty acids need not be a fast process, resulting in low uptake of 18F-FTHA. These remarks are true for all radiolabelled free fatty acids, rendering them a suboptimal choice for imaging overall BAT activity and capable solely of imaging free fatty acid uptake. In the future, radiolabelled triglycerides may be developed as a further attempt to monitor BAT lipid uptake. The preferential use of intracellular lipids is a feature that cannot be monitored by imaging with radiopharmaceuticals. However, CT is capable of estimating lipid content in BAT tissue over time, allowing one to calculate lipid disappearance/ burning [50, 126]. Considering the widespread use of PET/ CT, a combined approach by measuring both the uptake of the radiopharmaceutical by PET and simultaneously measuring the change in CT signal indicating lipid burning, is entirely within reason for future research. Oxidative metabolism 11

C-Acetate is a radiopharmaceutical targeted at visualizing fatty acid synthase activity and is currently being investigated as a tracer for imaging prostate cancer [127–130]. More importantly, dynamic PET imaging of 11C-acetate allows one to estimate tissue oxidative metabolism. Ouellet et al. showed that 11C-acetate uptake increased approximately twofold when healthy test subjects were exposed to cold [35], a figure that corresponds well to that reported with 15O-labelled O2 [73, 131]. Both 11C and 15O are cyclotron-produced isotopes with a very short half-life however (20 and 2 min, respectively), making their use restricted to research institutes with an in-house cyclotron.

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Mitochondrial activity BAT is distinctive compared to WAT due to its large number of mitochondria, and its mitochondrial density is rivalled only by that of the heart muscle. As a consequence, it is possible to image BAT using tracers targeting mitochondria such as 99mTcsestamibi or 99mTc-tetrofosmin (Fig. 3) [132–134]. In general, these tracers rely on the high mitochondrial membrane voltage as a target. Similar to FDG, the discovery of 99mTc-sestamibi uptake in BAT was accidental as it provided an explanation for the previously undetermined focal uptake spots in the supraclavicular region. So far, no dedicated studies have been performed however, and only one large (n=205) retrospective study [132] was performed which demonstrated a 6.3 % chance of BAT detection. Notably, this number is similar to the detection reported for FDG in retrospective studies. Animal studies with 99mTc-sestamibi have shown that, when compared to FDG, sestamibi has a higher uptake in BAT under basal conditions [135, 136]. However, when the animal is exposed to cold, sestamibi uptake only increases by a factor of about 1.4, while the uptake of FDG increased up to 26-fold. In addition, the sestamibi increase can partly be explained by an increase in BAT blood flow. These results are coherent with the idea that sestamibi targets mitochondrial density, which is unaltered in short-term experiments such as acute cold exposure. As such, MIBI is only suitable to visualize long-term changes in mitochondrial density in BAT. Madar et al. developed a 18F-labelled mitochondrial targeting agent, 18F-fluorobenzyl-triphenylphosphine (FFBnTP), that so far has only entered preclinical trials [137–139]. Similar to sestamibi, this compound showed a relatively high uptake in BAT under basal conditions. Interestingly, 18F-FBnTP uptake in BAT decreased by about 80 % when the animal was exposed to cold. According to the authors, this is due to a decrease in mitochondrial membrane voltage when UCP1 is activated. If confirmed in further (human) studies, this may represent a method to directly and non-invasively monitor UCP1 activity. Adrenergic receptors BAT is predominantly activated by adrenergic receptor signalling from specific nerves, starting in the hypothalamus and ending in BAT. The number of adrenergic receptors on BAT is therefore a good indication of the susceptibility of BAT to be activated, especially when considering that WAT shows only minor amounts of these receptors. 123 I-Metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) and 1 8 Ffluorodopamine (F-DA), originally developed as tracers for neuroendocrine tumours, are now also being used to visualize BAT (Fig. 4) [27, 140–142]. Hadi et al. retrospectively showed this for both 123I-MIBG and 18F-F-DA in around 40 % of phaeochromocytoma patients [140]. Admiraal et al.


showed in a prospective study a detection of BAT in seven of ten healthy test subjects after cold treatment using MIBG (compared to eight of ten when using FDG) [27]. No dynamic studies have been undertaken so far, so changes in receptor density over time remain to be determined. CT, MRI and MRS The radiation dose associated with (18F-FDG) PET/CT studies limits the application of the technique in prospective longitudinal human studies, especially in young healthy subjects. Reducing the administered activity of radiopharmaceutical, in some studies down to 50 MBq 18F-FDG [143], only partially solves this problem. Stand-alone CT results in further reduced radiation doses, but only allows visualization of changes in fat content in BAT over longer periods of time and not instant visualization of BAT metabolic activity [126]. Taken together with the difficulty of accurately delineating (active) BAT from WAT or muscle based only on Hounsfield units, stand-alone CT is inferior compared to PET/CT. MRI, as well as magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), do present radiation-free imaging methods and thus allow multiple scans of the same subject/patient more easily when compared to PET/CT, facilitating longitudinal studies. The earliest application of MRI to BAT was the morphological imaging in rodents [144–146]. BAT was found to have a distinct contrast compared to WAT which corresponded well to histological sectioning. The main origin of contrast between WAT and BAT is the tissue water and fat content. Quantifying the BAT water-fat fraction has been performed using chemical shift imaging, in which water and fat images are obtained by selective excitation of water and fat protons, respectively [147, 148]. More recently, quantification of fat content has been performed using multi-echo MRI sequences [149], where water-fat separation is performed based on the MRI signal change caused by the phase differences between water and fat protons. Alternatively, the water-fat content has been quantified using MRS [150], showing a good correspondence to chemical shift imaging [151]. Water-fat quantification using MRI has convincingly shown that BAT fat fractions in the different studies range from 40 to 80 %, whereas WAT generally has a fat fraction of>80 %. However, it was recently observed that fat fraction in the supraclavicular depots did not correlate strongly with BAT activity as quantified on 18F-FDG PET/CT (r=0.63) [152]. Imaging of BAT perfusion is another potential imaging strategy. BAT is highly vascularized and shows an increase in perfusion upon activation [153]. Furthermore, dynamic T2*-weighted imaging has been used to map perfusion changes upon cold-induced and pharmacological activation of BAT [152, 154, 155]. Recently, PET/MRI devices have also allowed simultaneous or sequential PET and MRI imaging. Considering the ability of PET to visualize metabolic processes in BAT with a high


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Fig. 3 99mTc-Sestamibi uptake in BAT. Early coronal slices of CT (a), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) (b), fused SPECT/CT (c) and maximum intensity projection (MIP) (d) of a 60-year-old woman with primary hyperparathyroidism. BAT is seen in the supraclavicular, axillary and paraspinal areas. Reprinted by permission of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) from [132]

sensitivity, and the ability of MRI to visualize perfusion and intracellular properties (lipid content, water content or even mitochondrial activity [156]), the combination holds great promise for future non-invasive metabolic research of BAT.

identified on the PET/CT images when the following criteria are met [7, 21, 140]: – –

Elevated FDG maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax) above a certain threshold CT tissue density according to adipose tissue

Quantitative measurement of BAT metabolic activity

In recent years, PET/CT has become the gold standard for the non-invasive visualization of metabolically active BAT. One major challenge in the systematic comparison between PET/ CT studies from various investigators is the lack of a standard methodology for the interpretation and quantification of metabolic BAT activity [157]. In general, BAT is

However, there is currently no standardization in reported SUVmax threshold value (range 1.0–2.5) or in CT density (lower and upper HU ranges −250 to −100 and −50 to −10, respectively) (Table 4). Interestingly, it was recently shown that metabolically active BAT (HU=−62.4±5.3) exhibits significantly higher CT HU than WAT (HU=−86.7±7.0) mainly due to its greater intracellular water content and higher degree of vascularization [39, 157]. In a study of 23 oncological patients who had a high FDG uptake in BAT depots (SUVmax

Fig. 4 MIP images of a patient with phaeochromocytoma. 18F-FDG PET (a) shows typical BAT uptake in the supraclavicular region extending into axillary and paravertebral regions. 18F-F-DA PET (b) and 123I-MIBG

SPECT (c) show BAT uptake in supraclavicular regions. Uptake in paraspinal regions is best seen on 18F-FDG images. Reprinted by permission of SNMMI from [140]

BAT identification and region delineation

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>3) in one PET/CT exam and a low BAT FDG uptake in another exam, significantly higher CT HU in BAT was observed in the high SUV exam than in the low SUV exam (−71.6±18.0 vs −104.4±16.8, p1.5

Semi-quantitative visual score of 1–5 in each depot

Cypess, 2009 [7]

1 .Wide ROI over cervical-supraclavicular-superior mediastinal depots 2. CT HU −250 to −50 3. SUVmax >2.0 (>2 SD of SUVmax in WAT typical depots) 1. Localization characteristic for BAT: bilaterally in neck, supra- and infraclavicular regions, paravertebral (lobster sign) 2. CT HU −250 to −50 and fat-like appearance 3. SUVmax isocontour threshold>2.0 1. Supraclavicular region 2. Circular ROI with a minimum ø of 5 mm and SUVmax >3 1. Neck region 2. SUVmax >2.0

Mass and activity of BAT in g × SUVmean in g/ml (on the basis of CT density of fat 0.9 g/ml)

Pfannenberg, 2010 [29]

Baba, 2010 [50] Yoneshiro, 2011 [30] Ouellet, 2011 [21]

Lee, 2011 [89]

Orava, 2011 [92]

Perkins, 2013 [31]

Vosselman, 2012 [143]

SUVmean and volume of single and multiple 3D isocontour ROIs

SUVmax BAT positive or negative

1. Localization cervical, supraclavicular, paravertebral, perirenal SUVmean, SUVmax BAT activity=SUVmean × 2. SUVmax ≥1.0 volume 3. CT HU −100 to −10 1. Region between sternocleidomastoideus muscle anteriorly, supraclavicular BAT positive or negative joint caudally, and scalenus posterior muscle posteriorly and laterally 2. Tissue>4 mm in diameter (CT) 3. SUVmax >2.0 1. Dynamic PET study Regional glucose uptake rate (μmol/100 g/min) 2. Adjacent (2–3) transaxial ROIs in supraclavicular BAT 3. Regional TAC against radioactivity measured in plasma samples (Patlak-Gjedde model) 1. ROIs: neck/supraclavicular, axillary, mediastinal, paravertebral, perirenal 2. CT HU −250 to −50 1a. Threshold ROIs in area between skull base-kidneys 1b. Discrete ROIs in supraclavicular BAT 2. Threshold CT HU −180 to −10 3. Threshold SUVmax >1.5 (approximately 6 times higher than in WAT)

SUVmax values of regions

1a. SUVtotal =SUVmean × the volume of the region (cm3) 1b. SUVmean, SUVmax

ROI region of interest, ø diameter, TAC time-activity curve, HU Hounsfield units

Using a three-compartment model that accounts for both 15OO2 bound to haemoglobin in vascular spaces and 15O-H2O in tissue and blood spaces, local OEF can be estimated from the (dynamic) PET image and the arterial input function after inhalation of trace quantities of 15O-O2. The OEF model assumes that local blood flow and blood volume (BV, ml/ 100 g) are previously determined. Information about local BV can be obtained from (dynamic) PET data together with the arterial input function after inhalation of trace quantities of 15 O- (or 11C)-labelled CO gas [165, 167, 168]. Local blood flow is measured with 15O-H2O as described previously. Using this technique, Muzik et al. demonstrated that despite increased FDG tracer uptake, human BAT activation contributes little (< 2 %) to total energy expenditure ( < 25 kcal/day) [73, 131]. MRO2 was found to increase significantly during mild cold exposure in BAT-positive subjects (from 0.95±0.74 ml/100 g per

min to 1.62±0.82 ml/100 g per min), resulting from an increased blood flow. However, OEF was demonstrated to be similar during baseline and cold exposure conditions [131], although the cooling protocol of only 20 min may have been suboptimal. The important advantage of these techniques, although very limitedly available and costly, is that owing to the ultrashort half-life of these tracers, the dynamic process of activating and deactivating BAT can be precisely studied and multiple interventions done within one study.

Conclusion BAT plays a role in regulating body weight and active BAT is demonstrably low or absent in obesity, while it is possibly overly active in cancer cachexia. The list of diseases that are correlated

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with BAT activity together with the available interventions to affect BAT lead us to expect an increase in investigations where BAT activity is altered in an attempt to control the disease or at least manage some of its physiological symptoms [69]. Non-invasive imaging, using PET, SPECT, CT or MRI or a combination of these, has the potential to play a major role in assessing drug effects as, in addition to simply measuring weight gain/loss or muscle wasting, imaging has the capacity to visualize BAT activity in the short term as well as in (functionally) different compartments, while it can estimate the quantity of “burned” calories by BAT. This quantity can be a useful parameter in quickly determining the efficacy of drugs that aim to target BAT. BAT substrate metabolism may be further elucidated by multi-tracer studies, and specific tracers targeting active mitochondria and/or UCP1 could be valuable. Acknowledgements The authors wish to convey their thanks to Ivo Pooters, Marielle Visser and Emiel Beijer for their technical support. We are also grateful to Anouk van der Lans, Maarten Vosselman and Guy Vijgen for providing exemplary PET/CT images. Conflicts of interest This work was financially supported by a grant from the Weijerhorst foundation to the Department of Nuclear Medicine in Maastricht.

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