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Jan 15, 2016 - Follow us on Twitter @kingsley_school .... A new Computer Club begins next Tuesday ... “I absolutely lo


MOMENT Preparatory School Edition

Reception & Foundation at Forest School



Work of the Week

Edition 08 15. January 2016 Follow us on Twitter @kingsley_school

Head’s Welcome Welcome back and Happy New Year to all. Hopefully you all enjoyed a superb Christmas break and the New Year is treating you well. Personally, I am really happy to be back in the swing of things - the Spring Term has got off to a flying start! On the extra-curricular menu there is a whole range of new clubs and opportunities to choose from. We have kept on the ever popular activities such as Debating Club and huge variety of musical clubs, but have also added exciting new activities such as Cheerleading. On the sports field (or court) the netball season kicked off (or passed off perhaps?) this week with our first matches - it was great to see so many girls involved. There are a whole host of big exciting events on the horizon. This year’s Science Week will be massive. We have several house quizzes taking place where we will be testing the extent of pupils’ knowledge, as well as the parents’ quiz! We will also be looking forward to seeing the results of the whole school art competition. There are the Scholarships at the end of this term and of course we must not forget one of the most special forthcoming events – the Mothering Sunday Event! Mr Berry, Head of Prep

House Points It’s neck and neck between Milroy, Gadesden and Huckwell so far this term, but there is plenty of time and opportunity for Loveday to work their way up and overtake! We are sure that watching this term’s house point scores will be just as nail-biting as last year.

Milroy 37 Points

Gadesden 36 Points

Huckwell 35 Points

Loveday 24 Points

The Adventures of Chic Chic For those who want an update on the progress of ‘Chic Chic’, the adopted battery hen, we are happy to report that she is flourishing! She has adapted well to life outside of a cage, has learned to scratch and scrape for her own food, and is managing to eat a range of new things other than the processed mash she will have been raised on. Chic Chic has been truly fascinated by the outside world. It really is frightening to imagine that she spent the first year or more of her life locked in a cage the area of a sheet of paper. Just take a look at the before and after photos - her feathers and comb are quite recovered. That is one happy chicken!

September 2015

January 2016

Charity News We have made a great start to our fundraising for 2016 with this week’s Silver Bag collection, and the Care Bear has been awarded to Year 3. Well done and thank you to everyone. Let’s make a Kingsley New Year’s Resolution to be even more caring and generous this year!

How to Train Your Dragon Year 1 and 2 have been researching Chinese dragons using the iPads, and then creating their own dragons in art. They also acted out the twelve Signs of the Zodiac, with each representing a different animal!

Fairy Tales This term Foundation and Reception have travelled into the magical lands of traditional tales, learning about the Three Billy Goats Gruff and Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The class have made and tasted different flavours of porridge. Safa said “I don’t like the salty one, it’s too salty!” and Liana commented “I like the golden syrup, it makes me feel all warm and snuggly.” The girls have worked hard to build bridges for the troll and chairs for baby bear to replace his broken chair.

Forest School Foundation and Reception have been loving their Forest School afternoons and have been learning about the art work of Andy Goldsworthy. They then worked as a team to collect natural resources to create their own environmental art.

New Starters Nursery has been simply buzzing with the crop of new starters who joined us recently. They have all settled in so quickly, bringing lots of fun, laughter and enthusiasm to the class. We would like to wish a big Kingsley welcome to Elora, Ivai, and Grace, and look forward to Alice joining us in the next week!

Tooth Fairy Another visit by the Tooth Fairy will have been due - Siya in Reception class lost her second tooth in PE with Mrs Close on Wednesday!

A Mammoth Task Year 1 and 2’s topic this half term is the Stone Age. The girls have been learning many facts about prehistoric life - did you know that if a family hunted a mammoth it would feed them all for a month? For their art lesson this week, the girls made pictures in the style of cave paintings, using sticks to apply the paint. We are going to put the paintings inside our classroom cave - feel free to come and take a look!

Stone Age Day Year 1 and 2 will be having a Stone Age day on Friday 29th January, where the girls can come in dressed up in Stone Age costumes. They will be trying a range of prehistoric activities including making jewellery, and preparing a Stone Age feast!

Computer Club A new Computer Club begins next Tuesday lunchtime. This is aimed at pupils from Year 3 upwards who would like to hone their skills on the PCs, or learn to code and program. Maybe the next generation’s Bill Gates or Steve Jobs will emerge? The club will happen straight after lunch at 12:30pm every Tuesday. Please can interested pupils give their names to Mrs Parker.

Join us for the Chinese New Year! Foundation, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 would like to invite Prep School parents to their Chinese New Year assembly on Wednesday 10th February, which will be held in the Prep School gym. Please do join us for some refreshments beforehand. The girls will be singing and speaking in Chinese, and Mrs Harper is very busy teaching a special song for the Year of the Monkey. They will also be performing a traditional Chinese tale and have lots of facts to share with you about Chinese New Year.

House Captains The four Prep School houses have just elected their new Captains for this term. Congratulations to the girls below, and here’s to a fantastic term ahead! Gadesden: Grace and Matilda Huckwell: Hannah and Phoebe Loveday: Maya and Charlotte Milroy: Jagoda and Sylvia

Congratulations Mr Berry! Over the holidays Mr Berry took to his trusty steed and, accompanied by Daisy Dog, made a daring and dashing appearance at his fiancée’s school. In the middle of their last school day, mounted and dressed as a knight in shining armour, he put the question to his future wife, Nicky, in front of all her pupils and staff. We hope that we all get an invitation to the wedding!

Busking for Charity A staggering £206.42 was raised for the Myton Hospice in December. The money was raised by Mrs Murphy’s Prep Recorder Group who played seasonal Christmas carols outside Marks & Spencer at The Royal Priors Shopping Centre on Wednesday 9th December 2015. Collection buckets were also placed out during the interval of the evening’s Whole School Christmas Concert - giving parents, staff and girls their opportunity to support our local hospice. A huge thank you has been received from Myton Hospice.

. . . H T I W T N A MOME Interview with Mrs Harrold Wednesday 13th January 2015 Reporters: Esmé C and Izzie G Location: Y5 Form Room What’s your favourite food?

Mrs Harrold

“I absolutely love apple crumble and custard, mmm!” Where is your dream holiday destination? “Anywhere with my family and where it’s not raining on my tent!” Do you have any hobbies? “Yes, I love going to the theatre and catching a movie at the cinema. I have to say I really enjoyed the new Star Wars film!” What kinds of music do you like? “I like all kinds of music. I have a Jukebox in my kitchen so there is always music playing in my house!” What is your favourite television programme? “Ha ha! I am a secret fan of ‘The Next Step’ on CBBC!” What kinds of games did you like to play when you were a little girl? “I’ve got lots of brothers and sisters so we used to be outside all day long, riding our bikes and building dens!” Name one crazy thing about yourself: “Lots of you won’t know this but I can leap over a dustbin on roller skates!” And, finally, why did you become a teacher? “Because children make me laugh, especially Kingsley girls! I love my job!”

WOW! k

Work of the Wee

Siya, Foundation & ing Reception, for work ise gn co re hard to read and va Ay , the ‘oa’ sound and ption, Foundation & Rece ative for her really imagin working role play in drama, pty on the story of Hum Dumpty.

Hannah, Year 4, for g her quick understandin s of coordinates in math r fo 4, ar and Emily, Ye of her brilliant recreation ant ‘Dance of the Flamboy Wings’ by Joan Miro.

Work of the Week is awarded to pupils every Friday assembly. The chosen piece of work can be from any subject and ranges from outstanding artwork to accurate arithmetic! The Work of the Week pupils from the past two weeks are...

Jennifer, Year 2, for challenging herself on number bond questions and Amy, Year 1, for her work investigating numbers that cannot be halved.

Liana, Year 3, for excellent understand ing and perseverance wi th a challenging new to pic on fractions and Anna , Year 3, for making exceptional progre ss on using partitioning to compare and order 3 and 4 digit numbers.

Georgia, Year 5, for her really imaginative contributions to a word map of a sensory walk and Esme, Year 5, for working hard on all aspects of time in maths.

Izzie, Year 6GA and Charlotte, Year 6SH for fantastic photo montages of their Christmas activities, and Sylvia, Year 6GA, and Matilda, Year 6SH for their fabulous understanding of topographic maps and making excellent 3D contour line models in geography.

MOMENT Year 1 and 2 had a Minerva Moment in Science this week. The girls were asked to sort objects into hoops by their properties, for example: squishing, stretching, twisting and bending. The girls realised some objects could go into more than one hoop, so Miss Knight-Adams introduced the girls to interlinking Venn Diagrams. They understood this very quickly, and then re-sorted their objects!

Here at Kingsley our pupils are extended and enriched frequently by the Minerva Programme. We have decided, from this point on, to share some of our gifted and talented ‘Minerva Moments’ in the newsletter. For those of you who aspire to

Ayva, aged 5 in Reception, had a Minerva Moment this week, doing independent multiplication, doubling and adding 10 to a group.

Parent v Pupil Challenge For those of you who aspire to demonstrate your own prowess you might like to tackle these puzzles below. Maybe try them against the clock and see if you can beat your children...

Make 37

Four bags contain a number of 1s, 3s, 5s and 7s. Pick any ten numbers from the bags so that their total is 37.

Replace each set of dashes in the following sentence with a six letter word. The same six letters must be used for both words. What are the words?

When the _ _ _ _ _ _ got trapped in the garden it _ _ _ _ _ _ its way through the fence to escape.

January/February Dates for the Diary... January 2016

February 2016

15th - ‘Friends of Kingsley Fish & Chips Quiz Night’ - 7pm for a prompt 7.30pm start in Senior School Hall. May the best team win!

1st - Kingsley Tiny Tots - 1.45pm to 3pm

18th - Kingsley Tiny Tots - 1.45pm to 3pm

8th - Chinese New Year 8th - Kingsley Tiny Tots - 1.45pm to 3pm

19th - Year 3 - Local Walk around Royal Leamington Spa - Visiting the Royal Pump Rooms and the Elephant Walk 20th - U11 Netball Match v The Croft School Kingsley Playing Fields - 2.15pm 22nd - Years 5 & 6 Visit RSC, Stratford upon Avon - ‘Behind the Scenes Tour’ - followed by a town walk - pm 25th - Kingsley Tiny Tots - 1.45pm to 3pm 29th - Years 1 & 2 Stone Age Day 29th - Wine Tasting Evening for the Parents of Year 7 Entry for September 2016 - Senior School

4th - Prep Gym and Dance Showcase - Senior School - 4.30pm

9th - Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Races! 10th - Foundation, Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 - Chinese New Year Assembly to Parents - Prep Gym - 8.50am (Coffee will be served before the Assembly at 8.30am) 15th to 19th - Half Term Holiday (No Tiny Tots) 22nd - The Kingsley Art Prize Submission Day - ‘Detail & Pattern’ - all sizes of Drawings, Paintings & Sculptures most welcome. Open to Students from Reception to Year 11 22nd - Kingsley Tiny Tots - 1.45pm to 3pm


Reaching New Heights

We are excited to announce that in conjunction with the Senior School we will be challenging the stalwart of our pupils to take on an obstacle course challenge. This will be a Kingsley first with pupils testing themselves over a distance run with some really challenging obstacles.

Climbing Club has resumed again with huge success. Our girls are now focussed on gaining their Level 2 awards and have begun to climb graded climbs with some conquering Font grades 3 and 4 (the latter used to be classed as ‘Very Difficult’ through to ‘Severe’!). Some of the keenest have even bought their own equipment and would like to compete one day.

This is part of the OCR (Obstacle Course Race) phenomena sweeping the world, such as the ‘Tough Mudder’ and ‘Spartan’ runs. We’ll be keen for parents and staff to join us too. Mr Berry bravely gave the local Stoneleigh RamRun a go to see if it would be good for our girls to try and the verdict was yes, but not the 24km version in January – the river Avon was very cold!

Cross Country

Shipston High School, 5th December 2015

Netball v Bablake Bablake School , 14th January 2016

The B team played well despite the very cold weather, implementing some good attacking skills and improving their marking and defensive play. Bablake proved to be a very strong side though, resulting in a 17 – 0 loss to Kingsley Prep. Notable performances came from Daisy Southgate, Charlotte Green and Kiera Tibbetts, who was voted Player of the Match. Well done to all of the team! The A team stormed ahead from the start

A few photos from the cross country event written up in Edition 07!

The Kingsley U11 A and B teams played their first netball fixture on Wednesday at Bablake School in Coventry. with some exceptional passing, marking and intercepting. Amy Barrett and Lulu Rogers proved to be excellent shooters. Footwork was good from the Kingsley girls, as was the spacing and reading of the game. All eight girls played with drive and determination ensuring a convincing win, 17 – 2. Player of the Match was Amy Barrett. Congratulations girls! Mrs K. Close