Moments and Product Moments of Bootstrap ...

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Naoto Niki and Hiroki Hashiguchi. Department of ... E-mail:, [email protected]. 1. ... 1, (2) Taylor expansions for H(z) about z = m ...
Moments and Product Moments of Bootstrap Distributions Yoko Ono

Department of Management Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Science University of Tokyo Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8601, JAPAN E-mail: [email protected] Naoto Niki and Hiroki Hashiguchi

Department of Management Science, Science University of Tokyo Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8601, JAPAN E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] 1. Introduction Let X = (x1 ; : : : ; xn ) = ( [ x11 1 1 1 x1p ]; : : : ; [ xn1 1 1 1 xnp ] ) be a p-variate random sample of size n drawn from a population F . Let Y = (y 1 ; : : : ; y n ) denote a bootstrap sample of size n resampled from the empirical distribution F 3 composed from X . Distribution G3 of a statistic T (Y ) is called \the bootstrap distribution of T " and is used as an approximation to the distribution G of T (X ). The aim of this article is to express the moments of G3 in terms of the moments and product moments of F 3 for further discussions on the bootstrap method. For any p-dimensional vector

 = [ 1 1 1 1 p ] 2 Np of non-negative integers,

P =

n n X X xi = xi11 1 1 1 xipp i=1


and similar notations are used hereafter.

2. Main Results The proposition below is fundamental.

Proposition 1 Let y  F 3 then, for any  2 Np , it holds that EF 3 y  =


P: n 

Assumption 1 Following Bhattacharya and Ghosh(1978), we assume

T (Y ) = H (z ) = H

n 1X

n i=1

! [ f1 (y i ) : : : fk (y i ) ] ;

where H is a real-valued function on Rk and f1 ; : : : ; fk are those on Rp . For the sake of simplicity, we only consider here the case that all of f1 (y); : : : ; fk (y) are monomials in the elements of y ; that is, fj (y ) = y j (j 2 Np) as well as T (Y ) = H (z ) = H

n h 1X yi 1 : : :

n i=1


i yi k :

Proposition 2 If H is continuously di erentiable up to requisite order in a neighborhood of

m = EF 3 z =






: : : Pk ;

then (1) G3 tends to a normal distribution as n ! 1, (2) Taylor expansions for H (z ) about z = m are symmetric polynomials in the elements of Y , (3) the cumulants of Wn = 1 n 2 (H (z ) 0 H (m)) satisfy the Cornish-Fisher assumption and formal Edgeworth expansions for the distribution of Wn are valid. Remark 1 From (2) and (3) in Proposition 2, the approximate moments of G3 can be obtained as polynomials in P 's by using Proposition 1, where the term `approximate' means `given as a formal asymptotic expansion of O(n0s ) for a xed s'. Remark 2 The moments of the (approximate) moments of G3 , as statistics based on a sample X driven from F , can be expressed as polynomials in the moments and product moments of F by using the method due to Nakagawa and Niki (1991); see also Niki, Nakagawa and Hashiguchi (1995). 3. Simple Example Let p = 1, k = 2, f1 (x) = x2 , f2 (x) = x and H ([z1 z2 ]) = z1 0 z22 , then V = T (X ) is the sample variance of F . Let U = T (Y ) denote the bootstrap version of V then  1 2 n01 n 0 1 1 P V; EF 3 U = [2] 0 2 P[1] = n n n n  1  1 2 Var(U ) = EF 3 U 2 0 (EF 3 U )2 = 2 P[4] 0 3 2 P[4] + 4 P[3] P[1] + P[2] n n  1  2 2 + 4 P[4] + 8 P[3] P[1] + 4 P[2] + 8 P[2] P[1] n     0 15 4 P[3] P[1] + 3 P[2]2 + 20 P[2] P[1]2 + 4 P[1]4 + 16 12 P[2] P[1]2 + 10 P[1]4 :



We note the bootstrap bias correction happens to work well for V towards the population variance  2 such that   1 EF (EF 3 U 0 V ) 0 (V 0  2 ) = 0 2  2 ;


but sometimes makes the bias larger; typically, for the unbiased estimator n=(n 0 1) V of  2 ,   n n n 1 2 EF ( EF 3 U0 V)0( V 0  ) = 0 2: n01 n01 n01 n

REFERENCES Bhattacharya, R. N. and Ghosh, J. K. (1978). On the validity of the formal Edgeworth expansion, Ann. Statist., 6, 434{451. Nakagawa, S. and Niki, N. (1991). Change of bases of multi-system symmetric polynomials and their applications in distribution theory of multi-variate statistics (in Japanese), Bull. Comput. Statist. Jpn., 4, 35{43. Niki, N., Nakagawa, S. and Hashiguchi, H. (1995). Computer algebra application to the distribution theory of multivariate statistics, Proc. 1st Asian Tech. Conf. Math., 689{696.


D'autres discussions sur la \bootstrap methode" sont possibles en exprimant les moments des \bootstrap distributions" des statistiques en termes de moments des distributions empiriques.