Melon Soup. Cold puréed melon served with crushed feta and herbs. Desserts. Ice Cream and Fresh Fruit Salad. OR. Fruit
Festive Season Festivities Day of Reconciliation FUN DAY!
16 DECEMBER | 15:00 L IVE BAND Enovelle will be playing from 16:00! 15:00 | Colour Games
Christmas Lunch
Join us at the Le Fera Boma on
25 DECEMBER | 12:00 Starters
Crunchy Taco Cups
Pastry cup filled with mince and salsa
Meet @ the Restaurant
16:30 | Monateng Quiz
Cold puréed melon served with crushed feta and herbs
18:30 | Super Parents
How many questions can you answer?
Melon Soup
Family FUN for All
Leg of Lamb
19:30 | Minute to WIN it
Served with a delicious gravy
All Ages Welcome
Chicken Casserole
Beef, Lamb and Chicken Potjies will be Available. Specials @ Le Fera Restaurant.
New Year’s Eve Bash! 31 DECEMBER | 17:00
FOR AN EPIC CEL EBRATION! Be there @ 17:00 Sharp for QUIZ TIME! Do you know all of the answers? FUN FESTIVITIES Super Parents Marshmallow Braai How Well Do You Know Your Partner FUNKY PHOTO BOOTH to Capture Those Moments Live Acoustic Entertainment by Enovelle from 18:00.
Potato Bake Greek Salad Pumpkin Fritters Sweet Potato Bake Steamed Vegetables Noodle Salad
Ice Cream and Fresh Fruit Salad
Fruit Cake Served with Custard (Take-Aways Optional)
R 145 per adult. Bookings essential. Christmas Lunch will be plated.
For enquiries or bookings please contact Le Fera Monateng Tel: 079 885 9724 | Email:
[email protected]
This is one party you don’t want to miss!