Monday, 7:30 pm Monday, 8:00 pm Monday, 8:30 pm ...

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Kelly A. Rodgers, City University of New York ..... Antonio; Erin Doran, The University of Texas - San Antonio. The Effect of Tuition and ... Erin Lee Dyke, University of Minnesota; ...... Teacher Reactions to Twitter as a Personal Learning Network.

Tuesday Morning, April 12, 2016 Multilevel Modeling with Missing Data. Sophia Rabe-Hesketh, University of California - Berkeley

68.034. Music Education SIG Business Meeting. SIG-Music Education; Business Meeting Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon A; 6:45-8:15pm Chair: Ronald P. Kos, Boston University 68.035. Narrative and Research SIG Business Meeting: Invited Talk by D. J. Clandinin, V. Caine, and A. Estefan. SIG-Narrative and Research; Business Meeting Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon M; 6:45-8:15pm 68.036. Out-of-School Time SIG Business Meeting. SIG-Out-of-School Time; Business Meeting Convention Center, Level One, Room 101; 6:45-8:15pm Chair: Valerie A Futch Ehrlich, Center for Creative Leadership 68.037. Professors of Educational Research SIG Business Meeting. SIGProfessors of Educational Research; Business Meeting Convention Center, Level One, Room 143 B; 6:45-8:15pm 68.038. Qualitative Research SIG Business Meeting. SIG-Qualitative Research; Business Meeting Convention Center, Level One, Room 146 C; 6:45-8:45pm Participant: To (RE)search Is to (RE)member: Endarkened Feminisms and the Work of Qualitative Inquiry. Cynthia B. Dillard, University of Georgia 68.039. Rasch Measurement SIG Business Meeting. SIG-Rasch Measurement; Business Meeting Marriott Marquis, Level Two, Marquis Salon 1; 6:45-8:15pm Participant: Elena Kardanova, National Research University High School of Economics 68.040. Religion and Education SIG Business Meeting. SIG-Religion and Education; Business Meeting Convention Center, Level One, Room 145 B; 6:45-8:45pm 68.041. Research Focus on Black Education SIG Business Meeting. SIGResearch Focus on Black Education; Business Meeting Convention Center, Level One, Room 144 A; 6:45-8:15pm Chair: Terrell Lamont Strayhorn, The Ohio State University 68.042. Research on Learning and Instruction in Physical Education SIG Business Meeting. SIG-Research on Learning and Instruction in Physical Education; Business Meeting Convention Center, Level One, Room 143 A; 6:45-8:15pm Chair: Bo Shen, Wayne State University 68.043. Research on Teacher Induction SIG Business Meeting. Invited Address: Ashley Woodson, University of Pittsburgh. SIG-Research on Teacher Induction; Business Meeting Convention Center, Level One, Room 158 A; 6:45-8:15pm Participants: Anthony L. Brown, The University of Texas - Austin; Marvin Lynn, Indiana University - South Bend; Travis Bristol, Stanford University; Chezare A. Warren, Michigan State University 68.044. Research on the Education of Deaf Persons SIG Business Meeting. SIG-Research on the Education of Deaf Persons; Business Meeting Convention Center, Level One, Room 149 A; 6:45-8:15pm 68.045. School Community, Climate, and Culture SIG Business Meeting. SIG-School Community, Climate, and Culture; Business Meeting Convention Center, Level Two, Room 206; 6:45-8:15pm Chair: Lisa Bass, North Carolina State University 68.046. Semiotics in Education: Signs, Meanings, and Multimodality SIG Business Meeting. SIG-Semiotics in Education: Signs, Meanings and Multimodality; Business Meeting Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon F; 6:45-8:15pm 68.047. Social Studies Research SIG Business Meeting. SIG-Social Studies Research; Business Meeting

Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon D; 6:45-8:15pm Chair: Wayne Journell, University of North Carolina - Greensboro 68.048. Teachers’ Work/Teachers Unions SIG Business Meeting: With Keynote Address, Dean Leslie Fenwick, Howard University. SIGTeachers Work/Teacher Unions; Business Meeting Convention Center, Level One, Room 144 C; 6:45-8:45pm Chairs: Sarah A. Robert, University at Buffalo - SUNY; Deena Khalil, Howard University Participant: Leslie T. Fenwick, Howard University Participant: Preparing and Supporting Teachers to Educate in Diverse Democracies. Leslie T. Fenwick, Howard University 68.049. Technology as an Agent of Change in Teaching and Learning SIG Business Meeting. SIG-Technology as an Agent of Change in Teaching and Learning; Business Meeting Marriott Marquis, Level Two, Marquis Salon 13; 6:45-8:15pm Participants: Chrystalla Mouza, University of Delaware; Debra R. Sprague, George Mason University; DeAnna Noelle Owens, The University of Memphis; Anthony E. Kelly, George Mason University; Doug Hearrington, James Madison University; Amy Carter Hutchison, Iowa State University 68.050. Urban Learning, Teaching, and Research SIG Business Meeting. SIG-Urban Learning, Teaching, and Research; Business Meeting Convention Center, Level One, Room 155; 6:45-8:15pm

Monday, 7:30 pm AERA Related Activities 69.010. AERA Joint Social Justice Combined Reception. AERA Related Activities; Reception Convention Center, Level Two, Room 202 B; 7:30-9:00pm

Monday, 8:00 pm SIG Sessions 70.010. Out-of-School Time SIG 10th Anniversary Celebration. SIG-Outof-School Time; Reception Convention Center, Level One, Room 141; 8:00-10:00pm

Monday, 8:30 pm WERA Sessions 71.010. World Education Research Association Dessert Reception: Invitation Only. World Education Research Association (WERA); Reception Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Archives; 8:30-10:00pm

SIG Sessions 71.011. Research Focus on Black Education SIG Reception. SIG-Research Focus on Black Education; Reception Capitale, 1301 K St. NW, #103, Wasington, D.C.; 8:30-11:00pm

Tuesday, 7:00 am Governance Meetings and Events 72.001. AERA Executive Director and Division Vice Presidents: Closed Meeting. AERA Governance; Governance Session Marriott Marquis, Level One, Gallaudet University; 7:00-8:00am

Tuesday, 7:30 am Governance Meetings and Events

Tuesday Morning, April 12, 2016 73.001. AERA Minority Fellows Mentoring Meeting With the Minority Fellowship Selection Committee: Closed Meeting. AERA Governance; Governance Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon H; 7:30-10:15am Chair: Ruth Lopez Turley, Rice University

Tuesday, 8:15 am Governance Meetings and Events 74.001. AERA Open Business Meeting. AERA Governance; Governance Session Convention Center, Level Two, Room 209 A; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Jeannie Oakes, University of California - Los Angeles

Committee Sessions 74.010. Defining Social Justice in Education: An Interactive Session. Social Justice Action Committee; Invited Speaker Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 147 A; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Kofi Lomotey, Western Carolina University Speakers: Jerome E. Morris, University of Missouri-St. Louis; Rodney K. Hopson, George Mason University; Louis Bertrand Gallien, Appalachian State University; Sonia Nieto, University of Massachusetts - Amherst

WERA Sessions 74.011. Pursuing Technology-Enhanced Quality Learning for All: Strategies Developed From the International Summit on Information and Communication Technologies in Education (EDUSummIT) 2015. World Education Research Association (WERA); WERA Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 154 A; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Kwok-Wing Lai, University of Otago Participants: EDUsummIT: An innovative knowledge building community for educational researchers, practitioners, and policy makers. Kwok-Wing Lai, University of Otago; Joke M. Voogt, University of Amsterdam; Gerald A. Knezek, University of North Texas; David Gibson, Curtin University Advancing Mobile Learning in Formal and Informal Settings. Ferial Khaddage, Deakin University; Rowland Baker; Barry Quinn, Kings College, London Indicators of Quality Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning. Nancy Law, The University of Hong Kong; Rhonda R. Christensen, University of North Texas; Dale S. Niederhauser, West Virginia University Advancing Understanding of the Roles of Computer Science/Informatics in the Curriculum. Margaret Josephine Cox, King’s College London; Mary Webb, Kings College, London; Andrew Fluck, University of Tasmania 74.012. The International Politics of Knowledge Mobilization: The Intersection of Funding Agencies, International Organizations, Epistemic Communities, and Policy Entrepreneurs. World Education Research Association (WERA); WERA Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 103 B; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Christopher A. Lubienski, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Participants: Social Science Funding Agencies’ Support and Promotion of Knowledge Mobilization: An International Study. Amanda Cooper, Queen’s University International Organizations and the Politics of Knowledge Production: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Education Privatization Debate. Antoni Verger, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Ruarri Rogan, University of Amsterdam; Thomas Gurney, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Understanding Knowledge Mobilization in the Context of Global Education Policy: A Bibliometric and Discursive Analysis of World Bank Publications. Francine Menashy, University of Massachusetts Boston; Robyn Read, OISE/University of Toronto The Echo Chamber of Global Education Policy: Charter Schools in Colombia, Inconclusive Evidence, and the International Promotion of Public-Private Partnerships Through Research Mobilization. D. Brent


Edwards Jr., Drexel University Discussant: Gustavo E. Fischman, Arizona State University 74.013. WERA IRN Meeting - Reading Literacy of At-risk Children. World Education Research Association (WERA); Governance Session Marriott Marquis, Mezzanine Level, Scarlet Oak; 8:15-9:45am 74.014. World Education Research Association Symposia and Keynote Planning Committee Meeting. World Education Research Association (WERA); Governance Session Convention Center, Level Three, Room 301; 8:15-9:45am Chairs: Liesel Ebersohn, University of Pretoria; Yin Cheong Cheng, The Hong Kong Institute of Education Participants: Masako Nakamura, Japanese Educational Research Association; Teresa Bracho, Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación

Division Sessions 74.015. Educational Leadership After Obergefell v. Hodges. Division A Administration; Symposium Convention Center, Level Two, Room 206; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Catherine A. Lugg, Rutgers University Participants: Constructing LGBT-Inclusive Public Educational Policy: Implications for a Post-Obergefell Context. Michael Patrick O’Malley, Texas State University; Tanya Alyson Long, Texas State University Educational Leadership Preparation Programs That Claim to Be Social Justice–Oriented and Ignore Sexual/Gender Identity: Lessons From the Gay Marriage Ruling. Colleen A. Capper, University of Wisconsin - Madison Obergefell v. Hodges and LGBTQ Youth: Does It Even Matter? James W. Koschoreck, Northern Kentucky University After Obergefell: The End of the Kulturekampf in U.S. Public Schools? Catherine A. Lugg, Rutgers University; Jason Murphy, Rutgers University Discussant: Catherine A. Lugg, Rutgers University 74.016. Evaluating Leadership Preparation Programs and Trends. Division A - Administration; Paper Session Convention Center, Level Two, Room 209 B; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Bradley W. Carpenter, University of Louisville Participants: Developing Community Equity Literacy in Educational Leaders: An Exploratory Study of Aspiring Principals. Terrance Green, The University of Texas - Austin Examining the University Council for Educational Administration/New Leaders Framework for Evaluating Leader Preparation Programs. Ed Fuller, The Pennsylvania State University; Liz Hollingworth, University of Iowa; Michelle D. Young, University Council for Educational Administration Performance Assessment for Principal Licensure: Field Trial Results and Implications. Margaret Terry Orr, Bank Street College of Education; Raymond Lee Pecheone, Stanford University; Jon D. Snyder, Stanford University; Joseph F. Murphy, Vanderbilt University; Liz Hollingworth, University of Iowa; Barbara Q. Beaudin, Independent Consultant Redesigning a Superintendent Preparation Program to Prepare Leaders for the Schools We Need. Barry J. Aidman, Texas State University; Denise Collier, Texas State University Trends in the Preparation of School Leaders for the 21st Century. Frank Perrone, University of Virginia; Pamela D. Tucker, University of Virginia 74.017. Ontario’s 2015 Sex Education Curriculum: Opportunities and Challenges. Division B - Curriculum Studies; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon N; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Mishael (Misha) Abarbanel, Ontario Institute of Studies in Education Participants: Revising Sex Education: The Politics of Teaching a New Generation of Sexually Empowered, Agentic Youth. Jessica Wright, University of Toronto - OISE Queering Sex Education: Challenging Heteronormativity in Ontario’s 2015 Health and Physical Education Curriculum. Laura Hughes, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education “If It’s Wrong for Catholic Kids, Then It’s Wrong for All Kids”: Religious


Tuesday Morning, April 12, 2016 Resistance. Lauren Bialystok, University of Toronto - OISE

74.018. Rethinking Pedagogies of Resistance, Reversing the Spectacle of Disaster as an Object of Inquiry. Division B - Curriculum Studies; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon M; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Lisa (Leigh) Patel, Boston College Participants: Critical Lens of La Frontera: Educator Perceptions of Their Bilingual Students’ Lived Experiences of Border Violence in South Texas and Mexico. Edith Espinosa Trevino, The University of Texas - Brownsville Crisis as Ritual: Service Learning and the Maintenance of Colonialism. Megan Snider Bailey, The University of Alabama Trauma, Violence, and the Paradox of Public Pedagogy: Decolonizing the Human Rights Museum. Brenda M. Trofanenko, University of Illinois 74.019. Examining the Instruction and Learning Relationship: The Role of Teacher Knowledge, Curriculum, and Context. Division C Learning and Instruction; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 154 B; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Khadija Engelbrecht Fouad, Indiana University - Bloomington Participants: Mathematics and Science Curriculum Integration: An Exploratory Study of Use and Skill Transfer. Andrea Weinberg, Colorado State University; Laura B. Sample McMeeking, Colorado State University Teacher Knowledge About Climate Change in the Context of ProblemBased Learning Professional Development. Amanda Luh, George Mason University; Susan Poland, George Mason University; Danielle Kittrell, George Mason University; David E. Long, George Mason University Teaching Inquiry in the Outdoors: Do Different Genres Change Teachers’ Views? Tali Tal, Technion Israel Institute of Technology; Rachel Levin Peled, Technion Israel Institute of Technology; Mordechai Aviam, Kinneret College; Nirit Lavie Alon, Technion Israel Institute of Technology The Challenge of Enacting Productive Classroom Dialogue in Teaching Science: A Case Study. Ann-Kathrin Pehmer, TU München; Florencia Gomez Zaccarelli, Stanford University; Hilda Borko, Stanford University; Jonathan F. Osborne, Stanford University; Evan J Fishman, Stanford University The Role of Relationship in STEM Education: A First-Person Perspective. Brian K. Sohn, The University of Tennessee - Knoxville; Jessica Koehler Yom, University of Pennsylvania Discussant: K.C. Busch, Stanford University 74.020. Innovative Approaches to Supporting Literacy Across Contexts: Reconfiguring Relationships Among Readers, Writers, Teachers, and Texts. Division C - Learning and Instruction; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 144 C; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Dan Reynolds, Vanderbilt University - Peabody College Participants: Literary Communion: Imagining a New Ethic of Reading in the Literature Curriculum. Kati Macaluso, Michigan State University Turning Around the Preparation of Prospective Teachers: Reframing Literacy Practices for Diverse Students. Cassie Jo Brownell, Michigan State University; Kristen White, Michigan State University Beyond Oneself: Investigating Innovative Practices in an Argument Writing Project Across Rural Secondary Classrooms. Michael T. O’Connor, Boston College How to Help Kids Read Hard Texts: Evidence for Motivational Scaffolding. Dan Reynolds, Vanderbilt University - Peabody College; Amanda P. Goodwin, Vanderbilt University Discussant: Jayne C. Lammers, University of Rochester 74.021. Race and Ethnicity in the Study of Learning and Motivation Within Educational Contexts. Division C - Learning and Instruction; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 145 A; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Paul A. Schutz, The University of Texas - San Antonio Participants: What Else Should We Know About School Belonging? Conceptual, Methodological, and Population Considerations. DeLeon Lavron Gray, North Carolina State University; Kelly-Ann Allen, Toorak College; Lisa Jackson, Virginia Commonwealth University; LaBarron K. Hill, Duke

University; Lauren H. Bryant, North Carolina State University Arab American Adolescents’ Identity Negotiations and Academic and Psychological Well-Being: Theoretical, Methodological, and Phenomenological Considerations. Revathy Kumar, University of Toledo; Stuart A. Karabenick, University of Michigan; Jeffery Warnke, University of Toledo Retention Versus Persistence: A Self-Determination Analysis of Students of Color in STEM. Kelly A. Rodgers, City University of New York African American Racial Identity as Promoting Academic Achievement and Excellence: Resisting Stereotypes and the Myth of Acting White. Tabbye Maria Chavous, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor; Seanna Leath, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor; Bridget Richardson, University of Michigan Desegregating Gifted Education for Culturally Different Students: Recommendations for Ensuring Equitable Recruitment and Retention. Donna Y. Ford, Vanderbilt University Discussant: Jessica T. Decuir-Gunby, North Carolina State University 74.022. Translating Scholarship on Epistemic Cognition: Fostering Public Knowledge and Knowing. Division C - Learning and Instruction; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 150 A; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Lisa D. Bendixen, University of Nevada - Las Vegas Participants: Challenges for Epistemic Cognition Researchers: Translation, Dissemination, and Relevance. Barbara K. Hofer, Middlebury College Positioning Epistemic Cognition Within the Educational and Psychological Literatures: Relational Complements and Complexities. Patricia A. Alexander, University of Maryland - College Park Epistemic Cognition Within and About the Disciplines. William A. Sandoval, University of California - Los Angeles The Social Aspects of Epistemic Cognition: Informing Models and Interventions About Knowledge and Knowing. Jeff A. Greene, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill Epistemic Cognition Interventions. Ivar Braten, University of Oslo Measuring and Modeling Epistemic Cognition in Service of Translational Research. Gale M. Sinatra, University of Southern California 74.023. Understanding Reading: Methods for Assessing Underlying Processes and Problems. Division C - Learning and Instruction; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 144 B; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Rebecca Kang McGill-Wilkinson, Institute of Education Sciences Participants: Eye Movements in Oral and Silent Reading and Reading Proficiency for Beginning Readers. Young-Suk Kim, Florida State University; Yaacov Petscher, The Florida Center for Reading Research; Christian Vorstius, University of Wuppertal Using a New Reading Comprehension Assessment to Distinguish Among Diverse Subgroups of Intermediate-Grade Readers. Gina Biancarosa, University of Oregon; Sarah Elizabeth Carlson, University of Oregon; Ben Seipel, California State University, Chico; Mark L. Davison, University of Minnesota Covert Measures of Reading Comprehension and Mind-Wandering While Reading. Jonathan W Schooler, University of California - Santa Barbara; James Broadway, University of New Mexico; Claire M Zedelius, University of California - Santa Barbara 74.024. Challenges of Assessing Learning Progressions in Science: Item Design, Validation, and Measurement. Division D - Measurement and Research Methodology; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon G; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Ravit Golan Duncan, Rutgers University Participants: Navigating the Challenges of Open-Ended Response Scores. Ann E. Rivet, Teachers College, Columbia University Assessing Students’ Level of Understanding the Core Idea of Matter Using Ordered Multiple-Choice Items. Knut Hartmut Neumann, Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education Validating Assessments for a Genetics Learning Progression. Jinnie Choi, Pearson; Ravit Golan Duncan, Rutgers University; Moraima CastroFaix, Rutgers University; Veronica Cavera, Rutgers University - New Brunswick/Piscataway What We’ve Learned About Learning Progressions, Items, and Scoring

Tuesday Morning, April 12, 2016 Guides From Using Item Response Models. Karen L. Draney, University of California - Berkeley; Jennifer H. Doherty, University of Washington; Charles W. Anderson, Michigan State University; Jinho Kim, University of California - Berkeley Machine Learning Analysis of Student Responses to Carbon: Transformations in Matter and Energy (Carbon TIME) Learning Progression Items. James Lamar Gambrell, ACT, Inc.; Jay Thomas, ACT, Inc.; Richard Meisner, ACT, Inc.; Brad Bolender, ACT, Inc. Discussant: Derek C. Briggs, University of Colorado, Boulder 74.025. Patterns of Questions and Explanations in Family Interactions: Tools Young Children Use for Acquiring Knowledge. Division E Counseling and Human Development; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 145 B; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Katelyn E. Kurkul, Merrimack College Participants: Questioning as an Epistemically Rich Parent-Child Practice. Jessica Umphress, Northwestern University Parent-Child Conversations About Claims With Conflicting Evidence: Individual Variation and Links to Children’s Reasoning. Megan R. Luce, Stanford University What Children Learn From the Explanations They Hear: Differences in Caregivers’ Explanations That Impact Learning. Katelyn E. Kurkul, Merrimack College; Kathleen H. Corriveau, Boston University Discussant: Kathleen H. Corriveau, Boston University 74.026. “Security Anxiety in Education”: A Cross-National Comparison. Division G - Social Context of Education; Symposium Convention Center, Level Two, Room 207 A; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Thabo Msibi, University of KwaZulu-Natal Participants: Encountering Surveillance and Reliving Security Anxiety in Education: The Case of Tottenham. Jo-Anne Margaret Dillabough, The University of British Columbia Young People Engaging With Elite Nodes, “Necessary Policing,” and Fluctuating Borders in Postapartheid Cape Town. Adam Cooper, Stellenbosch University Securitizing Childhood in Early Childhood Education: “Spectacle” and “Waste.” Beatrice Jane Vittoria Balfour, University of Cambridge Policing Social Virtue: Intergenerational Narratives of Feeling Safe and Secure in School and Community. Julie E. McLeod, University of Melbourne Discussant: Martin Mills, University of Queensland 74.027. Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies: Teaching and Learning for Educational Justice in a Changing World. Division G - Social Context of Education; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 146 C; 8:15-10:15am Chair: Django Paris, Michigan State University Participants: #BlackStudentsDoWrite: Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy With Black Youth. Valerie Kinloch, The Ohio State University “For Us, by Us”: A Vision for Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies Forwarded by Latina/o Youth. Jason G. Irizarry, University of Massachusetts Amherst “We a Family, Not a Class”: Recentering Indigenous Paradigms in Colonizing Schooling Spaces. Timothy Jose San Pedro, The Ohio State University Sustaining Culture, Transforming Society: Emotion, Activism, and Youth Expertise. Mary Bucholtz, University of California - Santa Barbara Sustaining Cultural Flexibility, Heritage and Contemporary Ways, and Possible Futures With Indigenous and African American Youth. Django Paris, Michigan State University The (R)Evolution Will Not Be Standardized: Teacher Education and HipHop Pedagogy. Gloria J. Ladson-Billings, University of Wisconsin - Madison Critical Culturally Sustaining/Revitalizing Pedagogy and Indigenous Education Sovereignty. Teresa L. McCarty, University of California Los Angeles; Tiffany S. Lee, University of New Mexico Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy for Diverse Immigrant Youth: Possibilities, Challenges, and Directions. Stacey J. Lee, University of Wisconsin Madison Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies and Combating the Disposability of Black Bodies. Marc Lamont Hill, Morehouse College


Elder Epistemologies as Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy. Amanda Holmes, University of Arizona; Norma E. Gonzalez, The University of Arizona Reviving Soul(s): Hip-Hop as Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy in the United States and South Africa. H. Samy Alim, Stanford University; Adam Haupt, University of Cape Town An Ecological Framework for Enacting Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy. Carol D. Lee, Northwestern University What Counts as Culture and Cultural Repertoires in Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies? Kris Gutiérrez, University of Colorado - Boulder 74.028. Numbers, Education, and the Making of Society: International Assessments and Their Expertise. Division G - Social Context of Education; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon K; 8:15-10:15am Chair: Sverker S:son Lindblad, University of Gothenburg Participants: The History of International Large-Scale Assessments in Education. Daniel Pettersson, Gävle University College; Sverker S:son Lindblad, University of Gothenburg Knowledge Actors and the Construction of New Governing Panoramas: The Case of the European Commission’s Directorate General Education and Culture. Sotiria Grek, University of Edinburgh The Struggle to Standardize: Assembling the International Standard Classification of Education. Radhika Gorur, Deakin University Knowledge by the Number: A Systematic Research Review on International Comparisons of School Performances. Sverker S:son Lindblad, University of Gothenburg; Daniel Pettersson, Gävle University College The Implications of Understanding That PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) Is Simply Another Standardized Achievement Test. David C. Berliner, Arizona State University The Cultural Inscription of Numbers: The Gray Zone in International Comparison of School Result Research and Policy Making. Thomas S. Popkewitz, University of Wisconsin Discussants: Gary J. Natriello, Teachers College, Columbia University; Robert L. Lingard, University of Queensland 74.029. Politicized Caring, Healing, and Empowerment: Black Feminist Praxis and Schoolin’ Urban Girls. Division G - Social Context of Education; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 149 B; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Venus E. Evans-Winters, Illinois State University Participants: If You’re Dissin’ the Sistas, You Ain’t Fightin’ the Power: Engaging a Politicized Ethic of Care. Monique Lane, Teachers College, Columbia University “My Sister, Myself”: Defining Space and Place for the Healing of Black Girls. Sherell A. McArthur, Boston University My Choice: Black Girls’ Speak About the Journey to College. Samarah Blackmon, University of California - Los Angeles Discussant: Bettina L. Love - Athens, University of Georgia 74.030. Teacher Identity: Reflections on Culture, Gender, Training, and Practice. Division G - Social Context of Education; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 147 B; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Phitsamay Sychitkokhong Uy, University of Massachusetts Lowell Participants: Overcoming Cultural Differences: Teachers’ Perspectives and Values in American Indian Reservation Schools. RikkiLynn Archibeque, Arizona State University; Irina S. Okhremtchouk, Arizona State University Performing Masculinities: Latino Male Teachers, Gender Reproduction, and Disidentification Practices. Michael Singh, University of California - Berkeley Hiding or Sharing “My Dirty Little Secret”: The Conflicted Identities of Teach For America Teachers in Traditional Public Schools. Matthew A.M. Thomas, The University of Sydney I Want to Appear Like a Virtuous Teacher: Carnivalesque Reflection as Examination of Practice. Suzanne L. Porath, Edgewood College & Concordia University Discussant: Cheryl Jones-Walker, University of San Francisco 74.031. Challenges of Evolving Assessment Contexts: Examples From Local, State, and National Scenarios. Division H - Research, Evaluation and Assessment in Schools; Paper Session


Tuesday Morning, April 12, 2016

Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon F; 8:15-10:15am Chair: Vitaliy Shyyan, National Center on Educational Outcomes Participants: Validity as Threshold Concept to Develop Assessment Cultures in Schools. Lise Vikan Sandvik, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Henning Fjoertoft, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Classroom Assessments: What Type of Learning Is Being Measured? Heather Peltier Wright, Polk County School District; Alice Renee Foran, Pinellas County Schools; Harold Holmes, University of South Florida; Yiping Lou, University of South Florida Examining Changes to Michigan’s Early Childhood Quality Rating and Improvement System. Ann-Marie Faria, American Institutes for Research; Laura Hawkinson, University of Pennsylvania; Ariela C. Greenberg, American Institutes for Research; Eboni C. Howard, American Institutes for Research; Leah Brown, American Institutes for Research Return to Sender: Policy Borrowing and Contestation in Reforming Assessment in Lower Secondary Education. Damian P. Murchan, Trinity College Dublin Common Core and Its Impact on State Standardized Tests: A New York Case Study. Jody Nicole Polleck, Hunter College - CUNY; Jill V. Jeffery, Brooklyn College - CUNY 74.032. Effectiveness and Accountability: Measuring School and Teacher Performance. Division H - Research, Evaluation and Assessment in Schools; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Capitol; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Jingshun Zhang, Florida Gulf Coast University Participants: The Effects of the Summer Period on Value-Added Assessments of Teacher and School Performance. Gregory J. Palardy, University of California - Riverside Using Student Growth Percentiles to Measure Teacher Effectiveness: Accountability Concerns. Adam Reeger, University of Iowa; Owen Gaasedelen, The University of Iowa; Stephen B. Dunbar, University of Iowa; Catherine Welch, University of Iowa An Examination of the Nature of Postobservation Feedback Provided to Middle School Mathematics Teachers. Christine Patricia Trinter, Virginia Commonwealth University; Heather Carlson-Jaquez, Virginia Commonwealth University Early Implementation of the Accountability Provisions Under Elementary and Secondary Education Act Flexibility. Courtney Tanenbaum, American Institutes for Research; Kerstin A. Carlson Le Floch, American Institutes for Research; Terris Raiford Ross, U.S. Department of Education Discussant: Kathleen Banks, LEAD Public Schools 74.033. Access to the Profesions. Division I - Education in the Professions; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 143 B; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Eugene L. Anderson, Anderson Policy Consulting Participants: Putting a Face to Disparity and Access Issues: Why Veterinary Medicine Students Need Interprofessional Education (IPE). Linda BeharHorenstein, University of Florida; Amara H Estrada, University of Florida; Daniel Estrada, University of Florida; Erik W. Black, University of Florida; Amy V Blue Pay to Play: Investigating Differences in Spending Among Different Demographic and Socioeconomic Groups in the Medical School Admissions Process. W. Patrick Bryan, The University of Arizona; Diana B Sesate, The University of Arizona; Jeffrey F. Milem, The University of Arizona; Kadian McIntosh, The University of Arizona; Victoria Navarro Benavides, The University of Arizona A Systematic Review of Contemporary Diversity Literature in Pharmacy Education. Antonio Bush, UNC-CH School of Pharmacy; Jacqueline E. McLaughlin, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill; Carla White, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill A Racial/Ethnic Comparison of Personal and Program Barriers Across American Medical Schools. Robert H. Tai, University of Virginia; Devasmita Chakraverty, University of Virginia; Donna B. Jeffe, Washington University in St. Louis; Dorothy Andriole, Washington University in St. Louis; Heather D. Wathington, University of Virginia Discussant: Mark A. Lopez, American Dental Education Association

74.034. #BlackLivesMatter, Even in Educational Research. Division J Postsecondary Education Cosponsored with SIG-Research Focus on Black Education; Invited Speaker Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Monument; 8:15-9:45am Chairs: Terrell Lamont Strayhorn, The Ohio State University; T. Elon Dancy, University of Oklahoma; Royel M. Johnson, The Ohio State University - Columbus Participants: Tyrone C. Howard, University of California - Los Angeles; Walter R. Allen, University of California - Los Angeles; Marybeth Gasman, University of Pennsylvania; Ebony Omotola McGee, Vanderbilt Peabody College 74.035. Innovative Approaches to Developmental Education. Division J Postsecondary Education; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 152 A; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Federick Joseph Ngo, University of Southern California Participants: Alternatives to Placement Tests: Using High School Achievement Data to Make Better Placement Decisions. Vikash Reddy, Teachers College, Columbia University; Elisabeth Barnett, Teachers College, Columbia University; Peter Bergman, Teachers College, Columbia University; Dan Cullinan; Kelsey Patterson; Caroline Schultz Does It Matter to Have an Adjunct Instructor in the Developmental Education Course? Evidence From a Community College System. Di Xu, community college research center, columbia university; Xiaotao Ran, Teachers College, Columbia University Selection on Noncognitive Traits: Possibilities for Community College Students. Federick Joseph Ngo, University of Southern California; Elizabeth Park, University of Southern California; W. Edward Chi, University of Southern California The Architecture of Innovation: System-Level Course Redesign in Tennessee. Jennifer R. Crandall, University of Pittsburgh; Louis Soares, American Council on Education Discussant: David E. Hardy, The University of Alabama 74.036. Maximizing College Readiness? The Outcomes and Unintended Consequences of Preparation Programs and Activities. Division J Postsecondary Education; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 151 A; 8:15-10:15am Chair: Shazia R. Miller, American Institutes for Research Participants: College Readiness Fatigue? Unintended Consequences of College Readiness Efforts and Fostering a College Culture. Melissa Ann Martinez, Texas State University; Katherine Lewis, Texas State University - San Marcos; Jocabed Marquez, Texas State University Determining the Predictability of Accelerated and Concurrent Enrollment Models. Jason L. Taylor, University of Utah; Rui Yan, University of Utah It’s About Time: Evaluating the Significance of Timing of College Preparatory Behaviors for Applying to Four-Year Colleges. Carolyn Sattin-Bajaj, Seton Hall University; Rong Chen, Seton Hall University School-to-University Pathways: Enhancing Access and Participation in Higher Education for Refugee-Background Students. Jane Wilkinson, Monash University; Kiprono Langat, Charles Sturt University; Loshini Naidoo, University of Western Sydney; Misty Adoniou, University of Canberra; Rachel Cunneen, University of Canberra The Effects of Dual Enrollment on Achievement in Subsequent Coursework at the University Level. Adam C. Elder, Louisiana State University; Keena N. Arbuthnot, Louisiana State University; Guadalupe M. Lamadrid, Louisiana State University; Renee Lastrapes, University of Houston - Clear Lake Discussant: Ryan S. Wells, University of Massachusetts - Amherst 74.037. The Influence of Policy on College Choice. Division J Postsecondary Education; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 151 B; 8:15-10:15am Chair: Brian Holzman, Stanford University Participants: Gender Gaps in Expected Wages: Implications for College Choice Theory and Public Policy. Grant Blume, University of Washington High School Counselors as a Policy Lever to Increase College Access: Findings From Washington State. Grant Blume, University of Washington

Tuesday Morning, April 12, 2016 Predicting Graduation Rates at Four-Year Broad-Access Institutions Using a Bayesian Modeling Approach. Gloria Crisp, The University of Texas - San Antonio; Nicole Alia Salis Reyes, The University of Texas - San Antonio; Erin Doran, The University of Texas - San Antonio The Effect of Tuition and Aid Regimes on Postsecondary Perceptions in High School. Erin Dunlop Velez, RTI International; Thomas Austin Lacy, RTI International Uncommon Effects? The Impact of Common Application Membership on Public Colleges and Universities. Erin B. Ciarimboli, University of Georgia Discussant: Lorelle Espinosa, American Council on Education 74.038. Valid Assessment of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education: Cross-National Comparisons. Division J - Postsecondary Education; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 102 A; 8:15-10:15am Chairs: Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz; Hans Anand Pant, Humboldt University - Berlin Participants: Cross-National Comparison of Higher Education Learning Outcomes in Germany and Australia. Hamish Bennett Coates, University of Melbourne; Miriam Toepper, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz; Corinna Lautenbach, Humboldt University - Berlin Validating a Chinese Version of a Critical Thinking Assessment. Ou Lydia Liu, ETS; Liyang Mao, IXL Learning; Zhen Wang, ETS International Testing of a Performance-Based Assessment in Higher Education. Doris Zahner, Council for Aid to Education; Fiorella Kostoris On the Practices and Challenges of Measuring Higher Education Value Added: The Case of Colombia. Richard J. Shavelson, SK Partners & Stanford University; Benjamin W. Domingue, University of Colorado - Boulder; Julian Patricio Mariño von Hildebrand, Universidad de los Andes; Adriana Molina, Colombian Institute for Educational Assessment; Julián P. Marino; Edward Wiley Cross-National Comparison of Gender Effects Among Business and Economics Students in Germany, Japan, and the United States. Sebastian Brueckner, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz; Manuel Förster, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz; William B. Walstad, University of Nebraska; Michio Yamaoka; Tadayoshi Asano Discussants: Edward Wiley; Ronald K. Hambleton, University of Massachusetts - Amherst 74.039. Critical Issues in Teachers of Dual Language and Bilingual Learners. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 159 A; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Beth A. Wassell, Rowan University Participants: Coming Up Against the Wall: Learning From Attempts at OjibweImmersion Teacher Education. Erin Lee Dyke, University of Minnesota; Mary Hermes, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities Mainstream Teachers’ Language-Related Knowledge and Linguistically Responsive Teaching Practices for English Language Learners. Erin Sullivan, Notre Dame of Maryland University; Christa de Kleine, Notre Dame of Maryland University Teacher Identity and English Learners: A Review of the Literature. Adrian D. Martin, Montclair State University; Kathryn Jill Strom, California State University - East Bay “I Wonder Why They Don’t Do the Two-Way”: Reenvisioning the Possibilities of Dual Language Education. Kathryn I. Henderson, The University of Texas - San Antonio; Deborah K. Palmer, The University of Texas - Austin Discussant: Richard A. Orozco, The University of Arizona 74.040. Defining Teacher Leadership. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon I; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Jill Harrison Berg, Teachers21 Participants: In Search of a New Form-ula: Drilling Down Into the Informal Versus Formal Teacher Leadership Debate. Jasmine Ulmer, Wayne State University; Jason M. Margolis, Duquesne University Beyond Superheroes and Advocacy: A Model of Teacher Leadership Development. Jonathan Eckert, Wheaton College; Mark A. Smylie, University of Illinois


A Survey Tool for Assessing Distinct Types of Teacher Leadership. Christine Sue-Jeung Lee, California State University - East Bay; Kathryn N. Hayes, California State University - East Bay; Dawn M. O’Connor, Alameda County Office of Education; Jeffrey C. Seitz, California State University - Hayward; Rachelle DiStefano, California State University - East Bay Discussant: Morgaen L. Donaldson, University of Connecticut 74.041. How You Doing? Cooperating Teacher and Supervisor Selection, Needs, and Expectations. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon L; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Amanda Wall, Georgia Southern University Participants: A Focus on Learning in the Field: Connecting Coursework and Field Experience Through Teacher Educator Collaboration. Jessica Tunney, University of California - Irvine Selecting Cooperating Teachers Who Can Provide Educative Student Teaching Experiences. Amy Guenther, Michigan State University; Lindsay Joseph Wexler, Michigan State University What Do We Get Out of It? Examining the Cooperating Teacher/Intern Relationship From the Cooperating Teachers’ Perspective. Amanda L. Nolen, University of Arkansas at Little Rock; Karina R. Clemmons, University of Arkansas at Little Rock “Fit for the Profession”: Supervising Teachers’ Judgments During Practicum. Lynn Sheridan, University of Wollongong; Sharon TindallFord, University of Wollongong; Garry F. Hoban, University of Wollongong; Wendy S. Nielsen, University of Wollongong; Kellie Buckley-Walker, University of Wollongong; Peter Anderson; Dennis Jablonski, Southern Oregon University; Susan Duchesne; Noelene Weatherby-Fell Discussant: Terry Robertson 74.042. No Easy Road: Preparing Early Childhood Teachers for an Arts Pathway to Educating Diverse Democracies. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon D; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Kelli Jo Kerry-Moran, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Participants: Studio Thinking in Early Childhood. Kimberly Marie Sheridan, George Mason University Is Art-Making Enough? Changing Perceptions of Art and Learning Through an Artist Residency. Kelli Jo Kerry-Moran, Indiana University of Pennsylvania; Alexandria Lincoln Kappel, Indiana University of Pennsylvania “Struggling Learner” ... or “Struggling Teacher”: Implications of Teacher Education’s Failure to Prepare Multiliterate Practitioners. Marilyn J. Narey, Narey Educational Consulting, LLC 74.043. Technology as a Tool for Shaping the Preparation of Preservice Student Teachers and Interns. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon P; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Katie Dredger, James Madison University Participants: Preparing Our Preservice Secondary Mathematics Teachers to Enhance Their Teaching With Technology. Sharmin Hakim, Teachers College, Columbia University; Ellen B. Meier, Teachers College, Columbia University Digital Internships: Using Online Groups to Connect Real-World Learners to Preservice Teachers. Katie Dredger, James Madison University Learning Teaching in and From Practice: Insights From a Student-Teacher Multiple-Case Study During Field Placement. Charalambos Y. Charalambous, University of Cyprus; Stavroula Philippou, University of Cyprus; George Olympiou, University of Cyprus Discussant: Joan L. Whipp, Marquette University 74.044. The Possibilities and Limits of Policy Frameworks for Teacher Candidate Performance Assessments. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level One, University of DC; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Carlos C. Ayala, Sonoma State University Participants: An Analysis of the Structure and Assessment of Standards for Teacher


Tuesday Morning, April 12, 2016

Candidates and Programs. Kip T. Tellez, University of California Santa Cruz Celebrations, Confessionals, and Creative Interpretations: Representing Teaching Practice in the edTPA as a High-Stakes Certification Exam in New York and Washington States. Kevin W. Meuwissen, University of Rochester; Jeffrey M. Choppin, University of Rochester; Kathryn D Cloonan, University of Rochester - Warner School; Hairong ShangButler, University of Rochester The edTPA Pilot and the Evolution of a Preservice Performance Assessment for Massachusetts Teachers (2010–2014). Patricia C. Paugh, University of Massachusetts - Boston; Kristen Wendell, Tufts University; Michael Gilbert, University of Massachusetts - Boston; Christine Power, Boston College A Localized Policy Framework: A Statewide Collaboration Toward a Teacher Candidate Performance Assessment. Emilie N. Reagan, University of New Hampshire; Dianna L. Gahlsdorf-Terrell, Saint Anselm College; Audrey P. Rogers, Southern New Hampshire University; Thomas H. Schram, University of New Hampshire; Page Tompkins, Upper Valley Educators Institute; Chris Ward, Upper Valley Educators Institute; Megan L. Birch, Plymouth State University; Kathryn McCurdy, University of New Hampshire; Gregory McHale, Southern New Hampshire University Discussants: Marilyn Cochran-Smith, Boston College; Brent M. Duckor, San José State University 74.045. The Professional Learning and Development of Teachers in England and Shanghai: Opportunities and Effects. Division K Teaching and Teacher Education; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon J; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Christopher W. Day, University of Nottingham Participants: Teacher Collaboration in England and Shanghai: Similarities and Differences. Zeng Yan; Mary Oliver Professional Learning and Development of Teachers in England and Shanghai: Impact of Policy on Practice. Jiexin Lu; Bernadette Youens, University of Nottingham; Guoyong Hu What Does Doing Research Mean for Teachers? Comparison Between England and Shanghai. Fan Yang; Jane Medwell, University of Nottingham; Guoyong Hu Principals’ Roles in Teachers’ Professional Learning and Development in Shanghai and English Schools. Christopher W. Day, University of Nottingham; Zeng Yan Discussant: Kira J. Baker-Doyle, Arcadia University 74.046. Connecting Research and Practice: Regional Educational Laboratory Partnerships to Improve Data Use in Education. Division L - Educational Policies and Politics; Structured Poster Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 101; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Felicia Charron Sanders, Institute of Education Sciences Participants: 1. Supporting Practitioner Research to Improve Teaching and Learning: Regional Educational Laboratory Appalachia’s Action Research and Collaborative Inquiry. Patricia J. Kannapel, CNA 2. Using State Education Agency Data to Support a Study of Clinical Practice in Teacher Preparation. Stephen J. Meyer, RMC Research Corporation 3. Building Authentic Stakeholder Engagement in the Mid-Atlantic Region Through the Longitudinal Data Use Research Alliance. Katarzyna A. Razynska, ICF International 4. Developing a Continuous Improvement Model in Michigan to Improve Statewide Supports to Focus Schools. Julie R. Kochanek, American Institutes for Research; Monica Bhatt, American Institutes for Research 5. Working With Practitioners on a Study on Data Collection and Use in Early Childhood Education Programs. Jacqueline Zweig, Education Development Center, Inc.; Julie Riordan, Education Development Center, Inc. 6. Leveraging Research Alliances to Increase Evidence-Based Policy Decision Making for Educational Equity. Vicki M. Nishioka, Education Northwest; Ashley Pierson, Education Northwest; Havala Hanson, Education Northwest 7. Using longitudinal data to research College and Career Readiness and Success in the Northern Mariana Islands. Phillip Herman, McREL International; Daisy Carreon; Spencer Scanlan; Rita Aldan Sablan,

CNMI Public School System; Leo Pangelinan, Northern Marinas College; Lisa Hacskaylo; Barbara Merfalen, Northern Marianas College; Jackie Che, Northern Marianas College; April Wilson 8. Regional Educational Laboratory Southeast’s Partnership With South Carolina to Create a Reliable Measure of School Performance. John Hughes, Florida Department of Education; Sharon Koon, Florida State University 9. Facilitating Professional Learning Communities That Support Struggling Readers Who Are English Learners in the Southwest. Jackie W. Burniske, American Institutes for Research 10. Using Data to Foster School Climate Improvement by Regional Educational Laboratory West. Rebeca Cerna, WestEd 74.047. How Public Are Desirable Urban Public Schools? Theme Schools and Equity, School Choice, and Gentrification. Division L Educational Policies and Politics; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 146 A; 8:15-9:45am Chairs: Molly V. Makris, Guttman Community College - CUNY; Mira C. Debs, Yale University Participants: Too Many White Ping-Pong Balls: The Difficulty of Diversity Maintenance in Prestige Charter Schools. Elizabeth Brown, William Paterson University; Molly V. Makris, Guttman Community College CUNY Under- and Overenrollments: Race and Place in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. Kristi Lynn Donaldson, University of Notre Dame “The Real Problem Is the Lack of Diversity”: The Social Cost of Segregated School Programs. Allison Roda, Rutgers University Newark Minority Parents, Montessori Schools: Perceiving Cultural Fit in ThemeBased Public Schools. Mira C. Debs, Yale University Racial Diversity in Montessori Charter Schools. Katherine Elizabeth Brown, University of North Carolina - Charlotte Discussant: Maia B. Cucchiara, Temple University 74.048. Teacher Sorting and Turnover. Division L - Educational Policies and Politics; Paper Session Convention Center, Level Two, Room 209 C; 8:15-10:15am Chair: Daniel A Collier, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Participants: Examining How Personal Statements in Principal Job Applications Predict Applicant Sorting and Matching in Schools: Automated Text Mining of Wisconsin Principal Job Application Position Statements Linked to Training and Hiring. Peter Trabert Goff, University of Wisconsin Madison; Alex J. Bowers, Teachers College, Columbia University The Relationships Among Position/Job Fit, Satisfaction, and Retention in K–12 Teachers. Christina Ellis, Sam Houston State University; Julie P. Combs, Sam Houston State University; Susan Troncoso Skidmore, Sam Houston State University The Invisible Revolving Door: The Issue of Teacher Attrition in English Language Development Classrooms in Arizona. Amy Jennifer Heineke, Loyola University Chicago Factors Associated With Elementary Mathematics Teachers’ Decisions to Enter Teaching: A Three-Country Analysis Using Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M) Data. Peter A. Youngs, University of Virginia; Amita Chudgar, Michigan State University Toward Research on Recruitment and Retention of Teachers of Color in Rural and Suburban Contexts. Deanna Hill, Drexel University; Circe Stumbo, West Wind Education Policy Inc.; Kristine Lewis Grant, Drexel University; Jeff Hendred, Drake University The Impact of Personality Traits on Beginning Teacher Performance and Persistence. Kevin Christopher Bastian, University of North Carolina; David McCord, Western Carolina University; Julie Marks, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill; Dale Carpenter Discussant: H. Alix Gallagher, SRI International

SIG Sessions 74.049. What Is a Cellphilm? Integrating Mobile Phone Technology Into Participatory Arts–Based Research and Activism. SIG-Arts-Based Educational Research; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon B; 8:15-9:45am

Tuesday Morning, April 12, 2016 Chair: Katie MacEntee, McGill University Participants: Ourselves/Our Students: Cellphilming as Participatory Pedagogy in a Digital Age. Ashley DeMartini, McGill University; Claudia Mitchell, McGill University The Analytical Practices of Teacher and Student A/r/t/ographers Creating Cellphilms. Sean P. Wiebe, University of Prince Edward Island The Reflexive Eye: Cellphilms and Self-Study in Teacher Education. Claudia Mitchell, McGill University; Relebohile Moletsane, University of KwaZulu-Natal; Naydene De Lange, University of KwaZulu-Natal Remaining Anonymous: Using Participatory Arts-Based Methods With Migrant Women Sex Workers in the Smartphone Age. Vivian Wenli Lin, City University of Hong Kong Our Hong Kong Too! Disseminating Cellphilms in a Participatory Archive. Casey Megan Burkholder, McGill University “Out Here, It’s All About Our Hustle”: Cellphilms Redefining Film Production. April R. Mandrona, McGill University 74.050. Opportunities, Contradictions, and Tensions in Building Upon Bilingual Students’ Linguistic and Cultural Resources. SIGBilingual Education Research; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 141; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Mileidis Gort, The Ohio State University Participants: Common Sense or Nonsense? The Work of Emergent Bilingual Children and Teachers Amid Contradictory Language Ideologies. Luz A. Murillo, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Patrick Henry Smith, The University of Texas - El Paso Shifting Latina/o Demographics and Spanish-Immersion Schooling: Opportunities and Tensions in Building Upon Spanish Speakers’ Resources in the Classroom. Mileidis Gort, The Ohio State University; Sarah Gallo, The Ohio State University Negotiating Translanguaging Pedagogy in Almost Bilingual Classrooms. Elaine Cristina Allard, Swarthmore College Transnational Biliteracy in College: Mobilizing Semiotic Resources, Marketing selves To Author Professional Identity Texts. Alberto Esquinca, The University of Texas - El Paso Discussant: Ramon Antonio Martinez, Stanford University 74.051. Multiplicities of Multiplicities: Exploring Deleuze and Guattari Across Educational Contexts. SIG-Critical Issues in Curriculum and Cultural Studies; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon O; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Petra Munro Hendry, Louisiana State University Participants: The “Face” of Induction: Deleuzian Perspectives on Becoming the Novice Teacher. Maria Ferris Greene Wallace, Louisiana State University From Arborescence to Rhizome: West (Finally) Meets East at the Intersection of the Buddhist and Deleuzian Subject. David Wayne Robinson-Morris, Louisiana State University Should (Postsecondary) Education Seek Desubjectification? Paul William Eaton, Sam Houston State University Reconceptualizing Child and Childhood in Education: A Deleuzian Perspective. Shaofei Han, Louisiana State University A Charter School as a Body Without Organs. Gareth Mitchell, Louisiana State University Discussant: Alecia Youngblood Jackson, Appalachian State University 74.052. Closing the School Readiness Gap for Black and Latino Children: Start Early and at Home. SIG-Early Education and Child Development; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 142; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Jennifer Astuto, New York University Participants: Parent-Child Home Program: Unique Service Delivery for Getting Black and Latino Children Ready for Success. Cristina M. Medellin, New York University; Jennifer Astuto, New York University Predictors of Early Numeracy and the Home Context as a Place for Leaning. Kalina Gjicali, The Graduate Center, CUNY; Jennifer Astuto, New York University Engaging and Retaining Culturally Diverse Families Through a Playful Learning Home-Based Intervention. Cesar Zuniga, Parent Child Home Progran


74.053. International Research on Sustainability in Higher Education: Policy, Research, and Activism for Sustainable Campuses. SIGEnvironmental Education; Working Group Roundtable Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Archives; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Marcia McKenzie, University of Saskatchewan Participants: The Becoming of Sustainability in South African Higher Education: The Case of Stellenbosch University. Lesley Lionel Leonard Le Grange, Stellenbosch University Enacting Sustainability in Higher Education Through Fossil Fuel Divestment Activism. Naomi Maina Strategic Planning for Sustainability in Canadian Higher Education Policy Making. Andrew Bieler, University of Saskatchewan Unsustainable Development as the Constitutive Other in Vietnamese Policy on Sustainable Development and Higher Education. Stefan Bengtsson, Uppsala University 74.054. Labor Markets and Economics of Education. SIG-Fiscal Issues, Policy and Education Finance; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Mint; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Raymond A. Lauk, Maywood-Melrose Park-Broadview SD 89 Participants: A First Look at the Spatial Geography of New Principal Labor Markets. Karen J. DeAngelis, University of Rochester; Brad White, Illinois Education Research Council; Jennifer Carol LaFleur, University of Rochester How School Systems Alter Their Spending on Administrative Services Under Accountability Reform Pressures. Yas Nakib, The George Washington University; Drew Atchison, The George Washington University Who Bears the Costs of District Funding Cuts? Equity Implications of Large-Scale Teacher Layoffs. David S. Knight, University of Texas at El Paso; Katharine Omenn Strunk, University of Southern California Discussant: Marvin A. Titus, University of Maryland 74.055. Engaging Refugee Children and Youth in Informal Learning Environments Toward Transformative Learning. SIG-Informal Learning Environment Research; Structured Poster Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 102 B; 8:15-9:45am Chairs: Shannon Mary Daniel, Vanderbilt University - Peabody College; Minjung Ryu, Purdue University Participants: 1. “We Are Creators and Makers”: STEM Trajectories Among Refugee Youth in an Informal Community Makerspace. Beverly S. Faircloth, University of North Carolina - Greensboro; Edna Tan, University of North Carolina at Greensboro 2. Critical STEM Literacy Practices Among Resettled Burmese Refugee Youth. Minjung Ryu, Purdue University; Mavreen Rose Sta Ana Tuvilla, Purdue University 3. Storytelling in Refugee Families: Children’s Perception of (Dis) Connected Home and School Cultures. Ekaterina Strekalova-Hughes, University of Missouri - Kansas City; X. Christine Wang, University at Buffalo - SUNY 4. Refugee Digital Storytelling in a Community Organization: Safe Space to Voice Contradicting Realities of Mobility. Audrey LamotheLachaîne, Université de Montréal; Jrene Rahm, University of Montreal 5. Learning to Form Integrated Identities: Teens’ Identity Work in an AfterSchool Refugee Services Program. Shannon Mary Daniel, Vanderbilt University - Peabody College 6. Enacting a Student Identity Across Multiple Learning Spaces. Delila Omerbasic, Tulane University 7. Nhân Đạo: One School’s Story of Connecting the Head and the Heart. Caitlin Forsey, University of Winnipeg; Jan Stewart, University of Winnipeg 8. Practicing Freedom by Narrating Community and Self: Burmese Students Consider Home. Thu Suong Thi Nguyen, Indiana University IUPUI; Brendan D. Maxcy, Indiana University - IUPUI 9. Dispositional Transformations: Results of a High School–Preservice Teacher Partnership. Claudine Prairie Bedell, Saint Michael’s College Discussant: Angela Calabrese Barton, Michigan State University 74.056. Innovating Learning and Teaching in a Centralized Education System: Potentialities and Problematics. SIG-International Studies; Symposium


Tuesday Morning, April 12, 2016

Convention Center, Level One, Room 144 A; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Erica McWilliam, Queensland University of Technology Participants: Systems Research in Singapore: Creating a Dialogic Space for Research, Policy, and Practice. Dennis Kwek, National Institute of Education Nanyang Technological University Engendering Curriculum Innovation in a Centralized Educational System: How Does It Work? Liang See Tan, National Institute of Education Nanyang Technological University Scaling Innovative Pedagogy in Singapore Schools: Models for Scaling? Junsong Huang, National Institute of Education - Nanyang Technological University Culture(s) and Pedagogy: Investigating Singapore as a Microcosm. Maria Manzon, National Institute of Education - Nanyang Technological University Fostering Collaborative Criticality Through a Multiliteracies Learning Analytics Innovation in Singapore: Promises and Problematics. Jennifer Pei-Ling Tan, National Institute of Education - Nanyang Technological University Discussant: David Hung, National Institute of Education/Learning Sciences and Technologies 74.057. The Law and Higher Education. SIG-Law and Education; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 158 B; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Mariam Orkodashvili, Vanderbilt University Participants: Closing Down Faculty Through Open Records: The “Weaponization” of Records Requests. Azalea Hulbert, The Pennsylvania State University University Park; Neal H. Hutchens, The Pennsylvania State University - University Park; Frank Joseph Fernandez, The Pennsylvania State University - University Park; Kaitlin Quigley, The Pennsylvania State University Does Diversity Talk Match Walk? Considering Institutional Admissions Policy and Practice. Patricia Marin, Michigan State University; Catherine L. Horn, University of Houston For-Profit Higher Education: An Analysis of Recurring Legal and Policy Challenges. A.J. Angulo, Winthrop University Discussant: Kendall Dwayne Deas, College of Charleston 74.058. Lives of Teachers: Preservice and In-Service Implications and Perspectives. SIG-Lives of Teachers; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon E; 8:15-10:15am Chair: Delar K. Singh, Morehead State University Participants: After the Atlanta Cheating Scandal: Implications for Teacher Preparation in a High-Stakes World. Kristin Marie Murphy, University of Massachusetts - Boston; Andrew Saultz, Miami University - Oxford; Brittany Alexis Aronson, University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth Fear and Controversy: edTPA and the Ongoing Struggle to Control America’s Teachers. Hilary Lochte, D’ Youville College; Julie H. Carter, D’ Youville College Teacher Motivation in Early Career: Findings of a Longitudinal Study. Clive M. Beck, OISE/University of Toronto; Clare Kosnik, University of Toronto/OISE; Elizabeth Rosales, University of Toronto - OISE; Shelley Murphy, OISE/University of Toronto; Kirsten Tenebaum, University of Toronto; Belinda Monique Longe, University of Toronto - OISE; Julie Middleton, OISE/University of Toronto; Rosanne B. Brown, Peel District School Board The Terrible Problem of Knowing: Two Teacher Educators’ Self-Shattering and Subjective Reconstruction. Westry A. Whitaker, The University of North Georgia; Jim Burns, Florida International University Discussant: Melissa A. Newberry, Brigham Young University 74.059. Music Education SIG: Music Education Philosophy and Teaching. SIG-Music Education; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon C; 8:15-10:15am Chair: Sommer H Forrester, University of Massachusetts - Boston Participants: What Constitutes “a Shared Endeavor”? Lessons From an Urban District’s Arts Education Cuts. Ryan Shaw, Capital University Measuring Music Education: A Philosophical Investigation of the Model Cornerstone Assessments. Lauren Kapalka Richerme, Indiana University - Bloomington

A Grounded Theory of Preservice Music Educators’ Lesson Planning Processes. Elizabeth Cassidy Parker, Temple University; Vanessa L. Bond, University of Hartford; Sean Powell, University of North Texas Middle-Level General Music and the Principles of Middle-Level Philosophy: A Mixed-Methods Study. Stephanie Cronenberg, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 17 Years in the Field: Personal and Professional Growth in the Music Classroom. Sommer H Forrester, University of Massachusetts - Boston 74.060. Brokering Future Learning Opportunities: Theoretical and Practical Considerations for Linking Youth to Out-of-School Time Opportunities. SIG-Out-of-School Time; Structured Poster Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 103 A; 8:15-9:45am Chairs: Denise Nacu, DePaul University; Katie Van Horne, University of Colorado - Boulder Participants: 1. Brokering Learning Opportunities Within an Out-of-School Network: A Conceptual Model for Supporting Youth Interest-Driven Learning. Dixie Ching, New York University; Rafi Santo, Indiana University Bloomington; Christopher Hoadley, New York University; Kylie A. Peppler, Indiana University - Bloomington 2. Youth as Knowledge Brokers Across Learning Environments: Social Capital as Catalyst for Cross-Setting Learning. Timothy Podkul, SRI International; Denise Sauerteig, SRI International; Amy Homma, Smithsonian Hirshhorn Museum & Sculpture Gardens 3. Enabling and Enhancing the Role of Learning Broker in Online Social Learning Networks. Denise Nacu, DePaul University; Michael Schutzenhofer, DePaul University; Caitlin Kennedy Martin, DePaul University - Digital Youth Network; Taha Hamid, DePaul University; Jonathan Gemmell, DePaul University; Daniela Stan Raicu, DePaul University; Nichole D. Pinkard, DePaul University 4. Examining Brokering for Future Learning Opportunities Over Time. Katie Van Horne, University of Colorado - Boulder; Josie ChangOrder, University of Colorado - Boulder; Daniela Kruel DiGiacomo, University of Colorado - Boulder; Erica Jeanne Van Steenis, University of Colorado - Boulder; Carrie D. Allen, University of Colorado Boulder 5. Brokering in Blended Environments: Designing to Support Learning On- and Off-Line. Caitlin Kennedy Martin, DePaul University - Digital Youth Network; James Sandherr, Digital Youth Network; Elaina Boytor, DePaul University; Denise Nacu, DePaul University; Nichole D. Pinkard, DePaul University; Sheena Erete, DePaul University 6. Brokering Opportunities in a Learning Ecosystem: A Case Study of a Regional Environmental Education Landscape. Stacy Song Kehoe, University of Pittsburgh; Jennifer L. Russell, University of Pittsburgh; Kevin Crowley, University of Pittsburgh 7. Supporting Young People’s Access to Sustainable Livelihoods in New Media Arts. Ben R. Kirshner, University of Colorado - Boulder; Josie Chang-Order, University of Colorado - Boulder; Michael D. Harris, Colorado University - Boulder; Katie Van Horne, University of Colorado - Boulder 8. Brokering Learning Opportunities in and out of the Classroom: A CrossSetting Intervention. Shelley Stromholt, University of Washington 9. Navigating Interest-Driven Learning Pathways: How Parents Broker Out-of-School Time Opportunities for Their Children. Marti Louw, Carnegie Mellon University; Kevin Crowley, University of Pittsburgh 10. Learning Brokers as Sociocultural and Sociohistorical Mediators. Lisa Hope Schwartz, University of Colorado, Boulder Discussant: Brigid J.S. Barron, Stanford University 74.061. Educational Policy and the Cultural Politics of Race. SIG-Politics of Education; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 146 B; 8:15-10:15am Chair: Michael J. Dumas, University of California - Berkeley Participants: Educational Policy and the Cultural Politics of Race. Wayne Au, University of Washington - Bothell; Ujju Aggarwal, Graduate Center of the City University of New York Educational Policy and the Cultural Politics of Race. Nelson Flores, University of Pennsylvania; Sherick A. Hughes, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill Educational Policy and the Cultural Politics of Race. Connie Wun, University of Illinois at Chicago; Kevin Lawrence Henry, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Tuesday Morning, April 12, 2016 Discussant: Tina M. Trujillo, University of California - Berkeley 74.062. Ethics and Eros: Theoretical Considerations of LGBTQ Young Adult Literature. SIG-Queer Studies; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 155; 8:15-9:45am Chair: David L. Carlson, Arizona State University Participants: Problematizing Normative Narratives of Coming Out and Coming of Age in Young Adult Literature: An Analysis of Sáenz’s Aristotle and Dante. Amanda Haertling Thein, University of Iowa; Kate E Kedley, University of Iowa Queer Recognition and Interdependence: LGBTQ Young Adult Literature and the Contemporary Moment. David L. Carlson, Arizona State University Friendship as Shared Enmity. Kevin Burke, University of Georgia - Athens; Adam Joseph Greteman, School of the Art Institute of Chicago Queering Performances. Mirka E. Koro-Ljungberg, Arizona State University Discussant: Darla Linville, Georgia Regents University 74.063. Dialogic Literary Gatherings: Improving Literacy Standing on the Shoulders of Classic Readings. SIG-Research in Reading and Literacy; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Treasury; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Liz Todd, Newcastle University Participants: Exploring the Conditions for Successful Implementation of Dialogic Literary Gatherings in Elementary Schools in England. Rocío GarcíaCarrión, University of Deusto; Linda M. Hargreaves, University of Cambridge Becoming a Reader of Classic Literature Later in Life: Nonacademic Adults in Dialogic Literary Gatherings. Maria Padrós Cuxart, Universitat de Barcelona; Sandra Girbés-Peco, Univesity of Barcelona; Guiomar Merodio, University of Barcelona Reading the Word and the World: Articulating Popular Culture Through Classical Literature in Brazil. Roseli Rodrigue de Mello, University of Sao Carlos; Adriana C. Marigo, University of Sao Carlos; Raquel Moreira, Federal University of Sao Carlos; Rosimara Silva Correia, Universidade Federal de São Carlos Reading Kafka in Prison: Exploring the Sustainability of Dialogic Literary Gatherings in Challenging Contexts. Pilar Alvarez, Loyola University Andalucía; Beatriz Carballido Villarejo, Universitat de Barcelona Discussant: Catherine F. Compton-Lilly, University of Wisconsin - Madison 74.064. Examining the Impact of School Culture and Climate on Equity and Access. SIG-School Community, Climate, and Culture; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 158 A; 8:15-10:15am Chair: Elizabeth A Mellin, Binghamton University - SUNY Participants: Addressing College Access: The Importance of College-Going Cultures and Caring School Environments. Robert Cooper, University of California - Los Angeles; Jonathan C. W. Davis, University of California - Los Angeles The Development of Relationships in Class and Students’ Well-Being at School During Lower Secondary. Michaela Kilian, University of Vienna; Corinna Geppert, University of Vienna; Mariella Knapp, University of Vienna; Tamara Katschnig, University of Vienna Evaluating the Impact of Environmental Stressors on Cognitive Development and Self-Efficacy for Students in Poverty. Tracey Banks, Notre Dame of Maryland University Professional Development for Teachers Related to School-Wide Suspensions for a Large Urban School System. Rachel M Flynn, New York University; Rachel Ellen Lissy, Ramapo for Children; Stacey Alicea, Ramapo for Children; Lisa Tazartes, Ramapo for Children; Mary M McKay, New York University The Impact of Middle School Connectedness on High School Outcomes in a Black American Sample. Sara E. Tomek, The University of Alabama; Anneliese C Bolland, The University of Alabama; Lisa Marie Hooper, The University of Alabama; Shannon Hitchcock, University of Alabama; John Bolland, The University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa Discussant: Dana C. Griffin, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill 74.065. Race, Class, and Gender in Social Studies. SIG-Social Studies


Research; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon A; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Ehaab Dyaa Abdou, McGill University Participants: Building the Bridge to Cultural Citizenship: Curricular Responses of Muslim Girls From Minority Communities of Interpretation. Natasha Merchant, University of Washington Unfinished Entanglements: Gender, Sex, and Elementary Social Studies Teacher Education Research. Sarah B. Shear, The Pennsylvania State University - Altoona Gender Equity in Social Studies: An Analysis of Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices. Kaylene Mae Stevens, Boston University; Christopher C. Martell, Boston University How Social Studies Teachers View the “Lessons” of Ferguson. Jason L. Endacott, University of Arkansas; John P. Broome, University of Mary Washington “You Excluded Us for So Long and Now You Want Us to Be Patriotic?” The Quandary of Citizenship. Amanda Elizabeth Vickery, Arizona State University Discussant: Sandra Schmidt, Teachers College, Columbia University 74.066. Psychosocial Skills in the 21st Century: Theory, Research, and Applications. SIG-Social and Emotional Learning; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 143 A; 8:15-10:15am Chairs: Anastasiya A. Lipnevich, Queens College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York; Franzis Preckel, University of Trier Participants: Psychosocial Skills: Essential Components of Development and Achievement in K–12. Jeremy Burrus, Professional Examination Service; Meghan Wilson Brenneman, ETS Personality Development During the School-Aged Years: Implications for Theory, Research, and Practice. Kate Walton, St. John’s University; Kimberly Billera, St. John’s University A Guide to Conscientiousness in Education. Lisa E. Kim, The University of Sydney; Arthur Poropat, Griffith University; Carolyn Elizabeth MacCann, The University of Sydney Academic Emotions and Their Regulation via Emotional Intelligence. Thomas Goetz, University of Konstanz; Madeleine Bieg, University of Konstanz Current Theories, Constructs, and Interventions Within an ExpectancyValue Framework. Chris S. Hulleman, University of Virginia; Kenn E. Barron, James Madison University; Jeffery John Kosovich, University of Virginia; Rory Lazowski, The College Board Fostering Psychosocial Skills: School-Based Promotion of Resiliency in Children and Adolescents. Donald Saklofske, University of Calgary; Sandra Prince-Embury, The Resiliency Institute of Allenhurst, LLC; Katia Keefer, Queen’s University - Kingston Discussant: Richard Dean Roberts, Professional Examination Service

Division and SIG Roundtables 74.067. Roundtable Session 50; Roundtable Session 74.067-1. Taking Stock: Engaging Diverse Perspectives on Education at Macro and Micro Levels. SIG-Caribbean and African Studies in Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 8:15-9:45am Participants: The Analytic Value of an Interpretation/Use Argument for the 11+ Examinations in Trinidad and Tobago. Jerome De Lisle, University of the West Indies; Susan Herbert, University of the West Indies; Nirmala Ramnarine, Ministry of Education - Trinidad and Tobago Engaging Diverse Voices: The Experiences of Barbadian and Trinidadian Adults With Disabilities at School. Stacey Natasha Jillian Blackman, University of the West Indies; Dennis Conrad, State University of New York; Lisa Philip, University of the West Indies-Open Campus Language-Based Differences in the International Literacy Assessment of Bidialectal Youth. Patriann Smith, Texas Tech University; Jehanzeb Cheema, University of Baltimore; Alex Kumi-Yeboah, University at Albany - SUNY Parental Perspectives on Psychological Adjustment: A National Measurement Study in Trinidad and Tobago. Anna Rhoad, University of Pennsylvania; Paul A. McDermott, University of Pennsylvania; Jessica Chao, University of Pennsylvania; Marley Watkins, Baylor University;


Tuesday Morning, April 12, 2016 Frank C. Worrell, University of California - Berkeley; Tracey E. Hall, Center for Applied Special Technology Scaling Down: Education Policy Progress and Potential in a Diverse Nicaraguan Community. Erica Beth Sausner, Pennsylvania State University; Nicole Webster, The Pennsylvania State University

74.067-2. Advancing the Science of Classroom Observation: New Applications and Directions From the Field. SIG-Classroom Observation; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Christina Cipriano Crowe, University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth Participants: Refining and Raising the Reliability of Classroom Observations. Cara Jackson, Urban Teachers; Andrew Dean Ho, Harvard University Validity of Teacher-Child Interactions in Primary Grades: Testing Alternative Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) K–3 Models. Lia Elaine Sandilos, University of Virginia; Sarah Wollersheim Shervey, University of South Dakota; James C. Diperna, The Pennsylvania State University; Weiyi Cheng, The Pennsylvania State University; Pui-Wa Lei, The Pennsylvania State University Validating the Recognizing Excellence in Learning and Teaching (RELATE) Tool for Special Education Classrooms: A Pilot Study. Tia Navelene Barnes, Yale University; Christina Cipriano Crowe, University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth; Lisa Flynn, Yale University; Susan E. Rivers, Yale University Emotionally Intelligent Teaching: What Is It and How Do We Measure It? Craig Steven Bailey, Yale University; Shauna Tominey, Yale University; Svea Olsen, Yale University; Caitlin Sneeden, Yale University 74.067-3. Research on Teacher Induction SIG Roundtables. SIG-Research on Teacher Induction; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Amanda Rabidue Bozack, University of New Haven Participants: Preservice Science and Mathematics Teachers’ Epistemological Understanding of Science. Seda Çavuş Güngören, Giresun University; Nihal Dogan, Abant Izzet Baysal University; Savas Gungoren, Middle East Technical University The Impact of Professional Development on Teachers’ Enactment of New Literacy Practices on Middle School Students’ Reading and Science Content Learning Outcomes. Hui-Yin Hsu, New York Institute of Technology; Shiang-Kwei Wang, New York Institute of Technology; Daniel Coster, Utah State University Why Second-Career Professionals Choose to Teach and the Experiences That Shape Their Practice. Patricia A. Dickenson, National University 74.067-4. Understanding Differences in Charter School Outcomes. SIGCharters & School Choice; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Katherine A. Curry, Oklahoma State University Participants: Challenges With Special Education Provision in Start-Up Versus Conversion Charter Schools. Elizabeth R. Drame, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Characteristics of High-Performing Charter Schools Serving Underrepresented Minority and Low-Income Students. Timothy L. Weekes, San Francisco State University Charter School Effect on Student Academic Achievement: A Propensity Score Matching Approach With Multilevel Data. Wei Xu, University of Florida; M. David Miller, University of Florida; Nancy Thornqvist, University of Florida Charter Schools, Leadership, and Teacher Turnover: A Difference Between Sectors? Ean Fonseca, Johns Hopkins University; Marc L. Stein, Johns Hopkins University 74.067-5. Teachers and Administrators in Schools. SIG-Sociology of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Roy Y. Chan, Indiana University - Bloomington Participants: Becoming an Urban Teacher. Joanne Wang Golann, Princeton University Teacher Inaccuracy in Estimation of Kindergartners’ Ability and Its Implications for Future Academic Development. Megan P. Duff, Teachers College, Columbia University; Melissa Figueira, Teachers

College, Columbia University; Douglas Ready, Teachers College, Columbia University “Away From Chalk-and-Talk”: A Diary Study of a Professional Development’s Role in College Instructors’ Professional Identities. Davinah S. Childs, Temple University; Brooke Y. Hoffman, Temple University; Karen Pezzetti, Temple University 74.067-6. The Lifeworlds of Rural Educators. SIG-Rural Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Annette M. Zehler, Westat Participants: Big Fish in Very Little Ponds: A Cross-Case Mini-Ethnographic Study of Utah Rural School Principals. Courtney Stewart, Utah State University Exploring Differences in Principal Experiences According to Rurality: A Mixed-Method Study. Laura Parson, University of North Dakota; Robert H. Stupnisky, University of North Dakota; Cheryl A. Hunter, University of North Dakota Understanding Wicked Problems: Teacher Retention in Rural Alaska. Ute Kaden, The University of Alaska - Fairbanks; Philip Patrick Patterson, The University of Alaska - Fairbanks; Joanne Healy, University of Alaska; Barbara Leigh Adams, University of Alaska Fairbanks 74.067-7. Neoliberal Policy Effects on Teachers’ Work and Teacher Unions. SIG-Teachers Work/Teacher Unions; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 8:15-9:45am Chair: AnaLuisa Munoz-Garcia, Universidad Andres Bello Participants: Advocating Change: The Role of the California Teachers Association in the Quality Education Investment Act. Courtney L. Malloy, Vital Research, LLC Reformer or Advocate? The Changing Role of Teachers’ Unions in the New Policy Arena. Peter Piazza, American Institutes for Research The Rise of Digital Reporting and Assessment Practices: Understanding the Implications for Teachers’ Work. Philip Andrew McRae, University of Alberta; Jason Scott Daniels, University of Alberta; Stanley J. Varnhagen, University of Alberta; Jean-Claude Couture, Alberta Teachers’ Association Uncomfortable Thoughts on Neoliberalism, Governmentality, and Beginning Teacher Mentorship. Anne Catherine Hales, The University of British Columbia 74.067-8. Research Illuminating Freirean Perspectives. SIG-Paulo Freire, Critical Pedagogy, and Emancipation; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Donna-Marie Taursha Cole-Malott, The Pennsylvania State University - University Park Participants: Critical Autoethnography and Conscientization as a Researcher. Gresilda A. Tilley-Lubbs, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Engaging the Public in Scientific Research: Public Perceptions on Motivations to Contribute. Renee Mary Lyons, Clemson University; Vincent R. Genareo, Iowa State University; Amber Simpson, Clemson University; Michelle Patrick Cook, Clemson University Excavating the Hidden Curriculum of Schools Using Participatory Action Research. Sharon M. Ravitch, University of Pennsylvania; Nicole Mittenfelner Carl, University of Pennsylvania 74.067-9. Understanding and Predicting Factors Affecting Student Engagement. Division J - Postsecondary Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Ching-Hui Lin, Indiana University - Bloomington Participants: Acculturative Stress Among Migrant Latina/o College Students: A Predictor of Belonging, Academic Motivation, and GPA? Julian Jesus Mendez, Westminster College; Amy Michelle Olson, Duquesne University Biracial, Black, and White Students’ Engagement at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Non-HBCUs. Jessica C. Harris, The University of Kansas; Allison BrckaLorenz, Indiana University Estimating the Effects of Internship Participation on Retention and Graduation. Ruirui Sun, University at Albany - SUNY; Alan Wagner,

Tuesday Morning, April 12, 2016 State University of New York; Katie Zuber; Patricia Strach, State University of New York Institutional, Discipline-Specific, and Individual Factors Related to Student Satisfaction and Engagement. Daniel R. Muijs, University of Southampton; Christian Bokhove, University of Southampton; Alex Buckley 74.067-10. The Role of the State in International Education. Division F History and Historiography; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Susan R. Studer, California Baptist University Participants: Indian Residential Schools as Seen Through House of Commons Debates, 1876-1951. Danielle Lorenz, University of Alberta The State Versus Learners and Communities: Schooling in British Columbia, 1939–1945. Helen S. Raptis, University of Victoria; Ashley Forseille, University of Victoria Teacher Education in Dictatorship, History, and Legacy: The Case of the University of Chile. Ilich Silva-Peña, Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez 74.067-11. Methodological Innovations and New Perspectives in Qualitative Research. SIG-Qualitative Research; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Eric Archer, Western Michigan University Participants: Writing Through Transcription and Memory: Exploring the Phenomenological Question Through “Event Memory.” Meredith N. Sinclair, Southern Connecticut State University A Relational Approach to Constructivist Grounded Theory. Janelle McFeetors, University of Alberta Diffraction or Reflection? Sketching the Contours of Two Metaphors in Educational Research Methodology. Vivienne Grace Bozalek, University of the Western Cape; Michalinos Zembylas, The Open University of Cyprus Here There Be Dragons: Initially Developing Prism Theory and Prismatic Inquiry. Marni E. Fisher, Chapman University 74.067-12. Methodological Knowledge and Issues in Biographical Research. SIG-Biographical and Documentary Research; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Trisha Wickland, Concordia University - Chicago Participants: Finding the Finishing Line. Career Support for Experimentation: Transitions and the Role of Lifelong Learning. Antje Barabasch, Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training Overeager and Underprepared: Documenting How a Historically White University Welcomes Students of Color. Trisha Wickland, Concordia University - Chicago “A Sign of Having Been Here”: Children’s Authors’ Views on Using Their Texts as Pedagogical Tools. KaaVonia Hinton, Old Dominion University 74.067-13. Writing and Literacies SIG Roundtable 7. Aesthetes Then and Now: A Bricolage of Historical, Artistic, and Material-Discursive Meanings. SIG-Writing and Literacies; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Kathy Ann Mills, Queensland University of Technology Participants: Antique Instagrams or Snapchats? Multimodal Composition of Early 20thCentury British Postcards. Julia Gillen, Lancaster University Affect, Art, and the Zeitgeist: Youth Photoethnographic Self-Studies of Their Everyday Engagement With Texts. Amanda Smith, Michigan State University Capturing Boisterous Play and Sacred History on Paper: Who Is “Authorized” to Write This Down? Beth A. Buchholz, Indiana University Visual-Verbal Journaling as Multimodal Literacy Pedagogy: MaterialDiscursive Practices in Preservice Teacher Education. Jaye Johnson Thiel, The University of Tennessee - Knoxville 74.067-14. Preservice Mathematics Teachers’ Knowledge and Understanding. SIG-Research in Mathematics Education; Roundtable Session


Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Theodore Chao, The Ohio State University Participants: Construction of an Analytical Framework to Explore Prospective Teachers’ Technological Content Knowledge for Geometry. Vecihi Serbay Zambak, Marquette University; Andrew Tyminski, Clemson University Formulating a Robust Understanding of Proportional Reasoning for Teaching. Travis Weiland, University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth; Chandra H. Orrill, University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth; Rachael Eriksen Brown, Penn State Abington; Gal Gili Nagar, University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth; James P. Burke, University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth Middle School Preservice Teachers’ Mathematical Argumentation on Crypto-Arithmetic Problems. Vecihi Serbay Zambak, Marquette University; Joshua W Richie, Marquette University; Sunita Mehrotra, Marquette University; Marta T. Magiera, Marquette University Strategies Used by Preservice Middle and High School Mathematics Teachers to Solve Proportion Problems. MUHAMMET ARICAN, Ahi Evran University 74.067-15. Communicative Practices and Digital Learning in Multilingual Settings. SIG-Second Language Research; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Wei Jiang, Texas A&M University - College Station Participants: A Systematic Literature Review on Content and Types of Peer Written Feedback via Technology. Wei Jiang, Texas A&M University - College Station; Angelica Ribeiro, Texas A&M University - College Station Commonality and Uniqueness in L2 Speaking and Writing Skills. Hye K. Pae, University of Cincinnati; Elizabeth Lowrance, University of Cincinnati Learning a Language as a Shared Experience: A Study of an eTandem Language Learning Experience. Se Jeong Yang, The Ohio State University - Columbus Situational Willingness to Communicate Among Adult Second Language Learners: An Emerging Theory Supporting Diverse Learning. Carol Lynn Wright, ELS Language Centers, La Verne; Ying Hong Jiang, Azusa Pacific University; Susan R. Warren, Azusa Pacific University; Jenny Y.P. Yau, Azusa Pacific University 74.068. Roundtable Session 51; Roundtable Session 74.068-1. Research in Early Childhood Mathematics Education. Division C - Learning and Instruction; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 8:15-9:45am Participants: An Evaluation of a Math Response to Intervention Training Program in the Primary Grades. Lola J. Aagaard, Morehead State University; Rebecca Gaye Roach, Morehead State University; Tammy Wall; Vonda Stamm Exploring Kindergarten Mathematics Instruction: A Survey of Teachers’ Instructional Practices and Resources. Deni L. Basaraba, Bethel School District 52; Leanne R. Ketterlin-Geller, Southern Methodist University; Erica Simon, Southern Methodist University Preschoolers’ Playful Math Exploration Is Dependent Upon Their Own and Their Play Partner’s Math Knowledge. Erica Leigh Zippert, University of Maryland - College Park; Geetha Ramani, University of Maryland College Park Supporting Kindergarten Children’s Dual Representation: Meaningful Use of Mathematics Manipulatives. Helena P. Osana, Concordia University; Nicole Pitsolantis, Concordia University 74.068-2. Supporting Family Language and Literacy Development. SIGFamily, School, Community Partnerships; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Reyna G. Garcia-Ramos, Pepperdine University Participants: Writing With Families in Response to Picture Books to Support Their Children’s Writing Development. Danielle Louise DeFauw, University of Michigan - Dearborn A Conceptual Review of Family Literacy Initiatives Targeting Reading Comprehension. Patricia A. Edwards, Michigan State University; Maria Selena Protacio, Western Michigan University; Marliese Peltier, Michigan State University; Laura J. Hopkins, Michigan State University


Tuesday Morning, April 12, 2016 Maintenance Is Not Enough: Refocusing the Heritage Language Debate. Marta McCabe, Durham Technical Community College

74.068-3. Stemming the Tide: Promoting Success for Black Students in STEM. SIG-Research Focus on Black Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Sosanya M. Jones, Southern Illinois University - Carbondale Participants: A Qualitative Case Study of Factors That Influence the Social and Academic Integration of African American STEM Students. Yonghong Jade Xu, The University of Memphis; Chloe Lancaster, University of Memphis A Meta-Synthesis of Academic and Social Characteristic Studies: FirstGeneration College Students in STEM Disciplines at HBCUs. Terence Hicks, East Tennessee State University; J. Luke Wood, San Diego State University The Success of African American STEM Majors at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Danielle Forbes, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Students’ Experiences and Administrators’ Responses to the Racial Realities of Black Collegians in STEM. Tonisha B. Lane, University of South Florida 74.068-4. Issues in Postsecondary Education: What We Can Learn From National Databases. SIG-Advanced Studies of National Databases; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Deanne W. Swan, National Center for Education Statistics Participants: Comparing K–12 STEM Teachers’ College of Preparation: Effects on Preparedness, Autonomy, and Commitment to Teaching. Luke C. Lyons, Texas A&M University - College Station; Jennifer G. Whitfield, Texas A&M University - College Station; Hersh C. Waxman, Texas A&M University Differential Effects of Math Attitudes and Self-Efficacy on STEM Outcomes. Myley Dang, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc; Karen L. Nylund-Gibson, University of California - Santa Barbara; Mary E. Brenner, University of California - Santa Barbara How Parental Involvement Associates With Students’ Postsecondary Education Enrollment Between Asian Americans and Whites. Yin Wu, University at Buffalo - SUNY; Keqiao Liu, University at Buffalo SUNY; Yichen Zhao, University at Buffalo - SUNY The Role of Parental Involvement in Postsecondary Enrollment Among Asian Americans and Whites. Keqiao Liu, University at Buffalo SUNY; Yin Wu, University at Buffalo - SUNY; Yichen Zhao, University at Buffalo - SUNY 74.068-5. Students’ Attitudes Toward and Socioemotional Experiences With Science and Science Education. SIG-Science Teaching and Learning; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Chris Brkich, BASE-2 Group, LLC Participants: A Cross-Sectional Investigation Into Illinois Students’ Attitudes Toward Science Using Multilevel Modeling. Ryan Glenn Summers, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Fouad S. Abd-El-Khalick, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Implementing the Thinking Frames Approach to Support Students’ Scientific Explanations, Self-Efficacy, and Attitudes to Science. Felicity McLure, Curtin University; Mihye Won, Curtin University; David F. Treagust, Curtin University Socioemotional Experiences of Students in Science and Other Academic Classes. Christopher R Klager, Michigan State University; Janna Inkinen, University of Helsinki 74.068-6. Online Teaching and Learning SIG Roundtable Session 4. SIGOnline Teaching and Learning; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Christina Hamilton, Texas A&M University-Central Texas Participants: A Generalizable Framework for Classifying Massive Open Online Course Students. Wik Hung Pun, The Pennsylvania State University; Yao Xiong, The Pennsylvania State University; Xiuyan Guo, The Pennsylvania State University - University Park; Deborah Goins, The

Pennsylvania State University - University Park; Jeremy Ray Gevara, The Pennsylvania State University - University Park; Hoi K. Suen, The Pennsylvania State University Achievement Emotion Profiles and Their Relationship With Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategies in Online Learning Environments. Yi Zhan, East China Normal University; Lijia Lin, East China Normal University; Youqun Ren, East China Normal University; Jiangshan Sun, East China Normal University; Xiaozhe Yang, East China Normal University; Huaihao Zhang, Shanghai Teacher Training Center Shanghai Online Decision Making and Web-Based Actions: How Does the ThinkAloud Methodology Affect Website Engagement? Pamela Beach, University of Toronto - OISE A Measure of Student Interaction in Online Courses. Di Sun; Tiffany A. Koszalka, Syracuse University; Gang Cheng, The Open University of China Teachers’ View on Harnessing “LearningVillages” in Collaborative Social Inquiry Learning. Morris S.Y. Jong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; To Chan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Eric Luk, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 74.068-7. Student Perceptions and Interactions in Technology-Supported Learning. SIG-Instructional Technology; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Filiz Aktan, Florida State University Participants: Applying Data-Mining Methods to Understand User Interactions Within Learning Management Systems: Approaches and Lessons Learned. Hongkyu Choi, Utah State University; Won Joon Hong, Utah State University; Nam Ju Kim, Utah State University; Ji Eun Lee, Utah State University; Kyumin Lee, Utah State University; Mason Lefler, Utah State University; John Louviere, Utah State University; Mimi M. Recker, Utah State University; Andrew Walker, Utah State University Exploring Internet of Things and Analytics in Team-Based Simulations. Brenda Bannan, George Mason University; Patrick Shane Gallagher, Institute for Defense Analyses; Bridgette Lewis, George Mason University; Alexis Battista, The Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine How Does Emotional Tone of Contextual Visual Aids Influence HealthRelated Online Learning? Sungwon Chung, Fort Hays State University; Jongpil Cheon, Texas Tech University Measuring Learner Satisfaction in E-Learning Environments: Validation of the e-Learner Satisfaction Scale. Albert Dieter Ritzhaupt, University of Florida Student Perceptions of Privacy Principles for Learning Analytics. Dirk Ifenthaler, University of Mannheim; Clara Schumacher, University of Mannheim 74.068-8. Digital Technology in K–12 Education. SIG-Technology as an Agent of Change in Teaching and Learning; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Cathy C. Leogrande, Le Moyne College Participants: Creating Efficacious Learning Ecologies: The Role of Teacher Orchestration Within a Digital Learning Environment. Alonzo Brandon Alexander, North Carolina State University; Katherine Chesnutt, North Carolina State University; Courtney Behrle, North Carolina State University; Eric N. Wiebe, North Carolina State University Incorporating a Digital Curriculum in Pre-Kindergarten to Reduce the Risk of School Failure in Kindergarten. DeAnna Noelle Owens, The University of Memphis; Leslie Ponciano, Age of Learning Inc.; KP Thai, Age of Learning, Inc Using Mobile-Assisted Narrative Writing to Examine Young English Learners’ Funds of Knowledge. Yan Chen, Northern Illinois University; Pi-Sui Hsu, Northern Illinois University; Chris Liska Carger, Northern Illinois University 74.068-9. Situating Learning and Becoming in Practice. SIG-Learning Sciences; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Kevin O’Connor, University of Colorado - Boulder Participants: Learning to Solve Unarticulated Problems in Engineering Education and Work. Alexandra Vinson, Northwestern University; Reed Stevens,

Tuesday Morning, April 12, 2016 Northwestern University Working One’s Way Into Professional Practice: Expanding Practices, Ethos, and Bodily Orientation in Vocational Training Interactions. Ingrid de Saint-Georges, University of Luxembourg “No Unfortunately About This”: Positioning and Repositioning in an Engineering Projects Class. Julie Cafarella, University of Colorado Boulder Feminism, Robots, and the Body in Becoming an Engineer. Jacob McWilliams, University of Colorado - Boulder; Kevin O’Connor, University of Colorado - Boulder 74.068-10. Social Networking and Online Learning Space in Instructional Technology. SIG-Computer and Internet Application in Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Satasha L. Green, Chicago State University Participants: A Cross-Country Analysis of Social Networking Sites’ Users’ Online Misrepresentations. Chiao Ling Huang, Institute of Education National Sun Yat-sen University; Shu Ching Yang, National Sun Yat-Sen University; Ifeng Jeng, Indiana University An Analysis of Participation and Interaction Patterns in an Online Learning Community: A Case Study. Zuheir N Khlaif, Indiana University Bloomington; Hamid Nadiruzzaman, Indiana University - Bloomington; Kyungbin Kwon, Indiana University - Bloomington Learner Perceptions of Learning Gains and Attitude Change in Three Massive Open Online Courses. Sunnie Lee Watson, Purdue University; Woori Kim, Purdue University; William R. Watson, Purdue University Social Media Use, Loneliness, and Academic Achievement: A Correlational Study With Urban High School Students. Nancy Simmons Golz, Merced College; Roque do Carmo Amorim Neto, Davenport University; Meaghan Polega, Grand Rapids Public Schools 74.068-11. Culturally Responsive STEM Education for Native Students. SIG-Indigenous Peoples of the Americas; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Jean Rockford Aguilar-Valdez, Portland State Univeristy Participants: Algonquin Looming and Culturally Responsive Mathematics: Reflections From Community Members. Ruth A. Beatty, Lakehead University; Danielle Blair, Ministry of Education - Ontario Current Research on Native Americans in STEM: Factors Influencing Success. Nizhoni Chow-Garcia, University of Rochester Integrating STEM Education and Indigenous Perspectives: A Case Study of an Aboriginal Teacher. Stefano Di Tommaso, University of Western Ontario; Isha DeCoito, University of Western Ontario 74.068-12. Social Justice for Tomorrow. SIG-Critical Educators for Social Justice; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 8:15-9:45am Chair: Wendy Y. Perez, University of California - Los Angeles Participants: Social Justice or Social Service? Understanding Social Justice Education in a Human Services Context. Charrise Hollingsworth, Vanderbilt University - Peabody College; Kimberly Bess, Vanderbilt University An Alternative Interactive Systemic Approach Toward Remedial Education for Social Justice. Hsiao-Lan S. Chen, National Taiwan Normal University Will the Revolution Be Cited? Navigating the Tensions Between Academia and Social Justice Activism. Pamela J. Konkol, Concordia University - Chicago; Jason Cory Mendez, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill; Farima Pour-Khorshid, University of California - Santa Cruz; Shaka Rawls, University of Illinois at Chicago; Sophia Rodriguez, College of Charleston; Amy E. Swain, Illinois State University We Got Next: Hip-Hop Pedagogy and Its Impact on Next-Century Educators. Michael B Dando

Tuesday, 10:15 am Governance Meetings and Events 75.001. AERA Orientation for New Council Members: Closed Meeting. AERA Governance; Governance Session


Marriott Marquis, Level One, Gallaudet University; 10:15am to 12:05pm

Tuesday, 10:35 am Presidential Sessions 76.010. How Much Testing and for What Purpose? Public Scholarship in the Debate About Educational Assessment and Accountability. AERA Presidential Session; Invited Speaker Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom C; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Matthew R. Lavery, Polk County Public Schools Participants: Linda Darling-Hammond, Stanford University; Eric A. Hanushek, Stanford University; Lorrie A. Shepard, University of Colorado - Boulder; David C. Berliner, Arizona State University Discussant: Wayne J. Camara, ACT, Inc.

76.011. Public Scholarship ED-Talks: Inclusive Education Practices. AERA Presidential Session; Invited Speaker Session

Convention Center, Level Two, Room 207 B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chairs: Megan L. Franke, University of California - Los Angeles; Nailah Suad Nasir, University of California - Berkeley; Michelle Renée Valladares, University of Colorado - Boulder Participants: Understanding the Paradoxes of Equity: The Case of Race and Disability Intersections. Alfredo J. Artiles, Arizona State University The Impact of K–12 Civic Education on Political Participation and Voting in an Era of Political Polarization. Diana E. Hess, University of Wisconsin - Madison How Students Learn to Read and Write Complex Texts for Success Beyond Schooling. Elizabeth Birr Moje, University of Michigan Educating Students With Benefit of Indigenous Knowledge. Sharon Nelson-Barber, WestEd Commentators: Nivri Shah, Politico; Mario Cardona, Executive Office of the President

Committee Sessions 76.012. Gender Equity as an Act of Praxis. Committee on Scholars and Advocates for Gender Equity in Education; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 144 A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Participants: Humanizing Critical Public Scholarship and Surviving. Monique Antoinette Guishard, Bronx Community College - CUNY; Yvanne Joseph, Medgar Evers College; Kevin Lowell Clay, Rutgers University In the Middle of Nowhere: (In)Visibility, Value, and the Clinical Educator. Nancy S. Niemi, Yale University; Amanda Rabidue Bozack, University of New Haven Mother-Scholars: Women Who Intellectualize and Mother in Higher Education. Yvette V. Lapayese, Loyola Marymount University Postfeminist Practice in Middle School Girls. Susan McCullough, City College of New York Discussant: Kendall Dwayne Deas, College of Charleston

WERA Sessions 76.013. Instructional Practices in a Global Arena. World Education Research Association (WERA); Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 153; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Katherine J. Sanford, University of Victoria Participants: Primary Teachers’ Use of Communicative Strategies for Linguistically Diverse Learners: A Cross-Cultural Case Study. Geraldine Mongillo, William Paterson University; Rochelle G. Kaplan, William Paterson University; Dorothy Feola, William Paterson University; Vered VakninNusbaum, Western Galilee College; Randa Abbas, Western Galilee College; Ari Neuman, Western Galilee College Difficulties of Teachers in the Teaching of Mayan Students in High School. Rubi Surema Peniche, CONACYT


Tuesday Morning, April 12, 2016

76.014. Socioemotional and Behavioral Perspectives on Student Support. World Education Research Association (WERA); Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 143 B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: George Head, University of Glasgow Participants: The Impact of Teachers’ Knowledge of Behavioral Analysis on Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder in Libya. Saleh Gadalla, University of Dundee; Fathi Gadalla, Omar El-Mukthar University - Libya Sociopsycho Factors and Secondary School Students’ Indiscipline in Ibadan North-East Local Government Area, Oyo State, Nigeria. Afolakemi Olasumbo Oredein, Lead City University; Ebunoluwa Oluwatoyin Aluko, Nickdel Private School Understanding Inclusion in Diverse Settings: Support Services and Collaboration. Vasilis Strogilos, Nanyang Technological University; Elias Avramidis, University of Thessaly 76.015. The Global Education Industry: The Role of Corporations and Philanthropies in Setting Education Agendas. World Education Research Association (WERA); WERA Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 154 A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Antoni Verger, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Participants: The Role of the Philanthropic Sector in Shaping the Emerging Education Market: Lessons From the United States on Privatization of Schools and Education Governance. Wayne Au, University of Washington - Bothell; Christopher A. Lubienski, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign Philantocracy: Philanthropic Governance, the Commercialization of Education, and That Thing Called “Democracy.” Antonio Olmedo, Institute of Education - University of London Private Authority or Ambiguity? The Evolving Role of Corporations and Foundations in the Global Partnership for Education. Francine Menashy, University of Massachusetts - Boston Entrepreneurial Influence in Brazilian Education Policies: The Case of Todos pela Educação. Erika Moreira Martins, Campinas University; Nora Rut Krawczyk, Campinas State University Discussant: Robert L. Lingard, University of Queensland 76.016. WERA IRN Meeting - Learning to Teach: Building Global Research Capacity for Evidence-Based Decision Making. World Education Research Association (WERA); Governance Session Marriott Marquis, Mezzanine Level, Scarlet Oak; 10:35am to 12:05pm 76.017. World School Leadership Study: Practices and Resilience. World Education Research Association (WERA); WERA Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 154 B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Ellen B. Goldring, Vanderbilt University Participants: First Prestudy. Strain and Stress in School Leadership—Practices, Personality, and Organization and System Features: Selected Findings From Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland. Stephan Gerhard Huber, University of Teacher Education Zug; Christine Wolfgramm, Institute for the Management & Economics of Education; Selin Kilic, Institute for the Management & Economics of Education; Marius Schwander, University of Teacher Education Zug Second Prestudy. Work Engagement, Work Addiction, Resilience, and Burnout of School Leaders: Selected Findings From Europe and Australia. Stephan Gerhard Huber, University of Teacher Education Zug; Marius Schwander, University of Teacher Education Zug; Guri Skedsmo, University of Oslo; Rolf Olsen World School Leadership Study: Concept and Design. Stephan Gerhard Huber, University of Teacher Education Zug; Guri Skedsmo, University of Oslo; Pierre Tulowitzki, University of Teacher Education in Zug (PH Zug); Marius Schwander, University of Teacher Education Zug; Viviane M. Robinson, University of Auckland; James P. Spillane, Northwestern University; Philip Hallinger, The Hong Kong Institute of Education; Ellen B. Goldring, Vanderbilt University; Charles L. Slater, California State University - Long Beach; Olof CA Johansson, Umeå universitet; Petros A. Pashiardis, The Open University of Cyprus; Saravanan Gopinathan, National Institute of Education - Nanyang Technological University; Rc Saravanabhavan, Howard University; Megan TschannenMoran, College of William and Mary; Allan David Walker, The Hong Kong Institute of Education; Greer Johnson, Griffith University

Discussant: Viviane M. Robinson, University of Auckland

International Organization Sessions 76.018. The Austerity of Change: Leadership Challenges in Diverse International Democracies. International Congress for School Effectiveness and School Improvement; Invited Speaker Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Monument; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Michael Schratz, Leopold-Franzens University of Innsbruck Participants: The Austerity of Finland: Comparing the Good Side of National Character With the Bad Side of an Economic Strategy? Pasi Sahlberg, Harvard University Educational Improvement in Predominantly Indigenous Communities: The Contribution of Collaborative Inquiry in an Era of Austerity. Paige Fisher, Vancouver Island University States of Success: Exploring and Explaining Differing Causes and Contexts of Similar High Performance in New England States Amid a Pervasive Educational Reform Movement. Shanee A Wangia, Boston College Partnership Working and Collaborative Inquiry: Promoting Educational Equity in the Context of Austerity. Christopher James Chapman, University of Glasgow; Hannah Renee Chestnutt, University of Glasgow; Stuart Hall, University of Glasgow; Niamh Friel, University of Glasgow; Kevin Lowden, University of Glasgow

Division Sessions 76.019. The Politics of Equity and Social Justice in Student Achievement. Division A - Administration; Paper Session Convention Center, Level Two, Room 206; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Heather Bennett, The Pennsylvania State University Participants: Justice in the Gaps: School Leader Ethics and the Use of Data to Address the Opportunity Gap. Osly Flores, University of Pittsburgh; Michael G. Gunzenhauser, University of Pittsburgh Data-Driven Toward the Panopticon: With Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, Leaders Restore Order Rather Than Establish Justice. Joshua Bornstein, Felician College School Discipline Practices Over Three Years in a Rapidly Growing, Diverse Public Middle School. Kathryn Elizabeth Wiley, University of Colorado - Boulder Fiddling With the Flame of Disequilibrium: A Study of Distributed Adaptive Leadership and Detracking. Sharon M. Chubbuck, Marquette University; Cynthia M Ellwood, Marquette University Discussant: Craig M. Peck, Stanford University 76.020. Understanding the Influence of Campus Typologies, Structures, and Organization on School Effectiveness. Division A Administration; Paper Session Convention Center, Level Two, Room 209 B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Ian Mette, University of Maine Participants: Does Boarding Benefit Primary and Middle School Student Mathematics Achievement? A Propensity Score Analysis. Siwen Guo, Michigan State University; Lingyan Li, Beijing Normal University; Yan Sun, Rutgers University - New Brunswick/Piscataway; William H. Schmidt, Michigan State University Educating English Language Learners: Structural Changes as a Foundation for Effective Implementation of Instructional Changes. Natalya Gnedko-Berry, American Institutes for Research; Trisha Hinojosa, American Institutes for Research; Marguerite Lukes, Internationals Network for Public Schools; Joseph Luft, Internationals Network Modeling Malleable Antecedents of Teacher Corps Stability. Patrick B. Forsyth, University of Oklahoma; Timothy G. Ford, University of Oklahoma; John A. Lepine, University of Oklahoma; Jentre James Olsen, University of Oklahoma; Ellen Ansley Dollarhide, Oklahoma State Department of Education Organizational Learning to Meet Students’ Special Needs. Martin Scanlan, Boston College “Open” Data? The Possibilities and Limitations of Democratizing School Data Access and Use. Michael Henderson, Monash University; Neil Selwyn, Monash University

Tuesday Morning, April 12, 2016 76.021. “What Would Freire Do?” Pursuing Critical Theoretical Scholarship’s Radical Possibilities at AERA’s 100-Year Mark. Division B - Curriculum Studies; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon P; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Michael J. Dumas, University of California - Berkeley Participants: The War Against Thinking: Neofunctionalist Empiricism, Normative Research Discourses, and the Fear of Knowing. Ricky Lee Allen, University of New Mexico “That Ain’t Research”: The Empiricist Takeover in Teacher Education. Cheryl E. Matias, University of Colorado - Denver How Spanish Became a Foreign Language: The Othering of the Majority in the Rio Grande Valley. Kip Austin Hinton, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley The Same Old Jim Crow: Race, Education, and the (Patho)logic of White Supremacy. Denise M. Taliaferro Baszile, Miami University Discussant: Michael A. Peters, The University of Waikato 76.022. Citizenship in the Global World: Civil Dis(engagement) in Everyday Life. Division B - Curriculum Studies; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon M; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Gabriel Stephen Huddleston, Texas Christian University Participants: Critical Encounters With Everyday Nationalism: Using Mobile Technologies to Read the Geography of Symbolic Flagging. Bryan Smith, University of Ottawa Global Citizenship Education: Locality as Hybrid Civic Space. William Gaudelli, Teachers College, Columbia University Immigrants and Citizenship Education in the Netherlands. Ozlem Erden, Indiana University - Bloomington Peace-Building Citizenship Learning Amid Violence: School (Dis) Connections With Lived Experience in Canada and Mexico. Kathy Bickmore, OISE/University of Toronto 76.023. Reexamining Urban Violence and Trauma: Ecological, Empathetic, and Pedagogical Responses. Division B - Curriculum Studies; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon N; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Ernest D. Morrell, Teachers College, Columbia University Participants: “Know Me, Feel Me”: Reexamining Urban Violence and Deepening Empathy Toward Urban Youth. David Philoxene, University of California - Berkeley From Coping to Hoping: Teaching Youth to Thrive Through Trauma. Patrick Camangian, University of San Francisco Fools, Foes, or Freedom: Which One Will We Feed? Jeffrey M.R. DuncanAndrade, San Francisco State University Discussant: Kris D. Gutiérrez, University of California - Berkeley 76.024. Different Routes to the Similar Outcomes: Improving Students’ Well-Being in Addition to Achievement in School. Division C Learning and Instruction; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 150 A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Geoffrey D. Borman, University of Wisconsin - Madison Participants: Translating the Science of Mindfulness Into the Classroom. Lisa Flook, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Richard J Davidson, University of Wisconsin - Madison An Emotion Regulation Intervention for Adolescents. Eric Smith, Stanford University; Carissa Romero, Stanford University; Brian Donovan, Stanford University; Ihno Lee; David Paunesku, Stanford University; Rachel Herter, Stanford University; Geoffrey L. Cohen, Stanford University; Carol Dweck, Stanford University; James J Gross, Stanford University Reappraising Adversity Improves Students’ Academic Achievement, Behavior, and Well-Being. Geoffrey D. Borman, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Chris Rozek, University of Chicago; Jaymes Ray Pyne, University of Wisconsin; Paul Hanselman, University of California - Irvine; Rachel Feldman, University of Wisconsin - Madison Changing a Simple Belief Alters Adolescents’ Cardiovascular and Neuroendocrine Responses to Social Stress. Jeremy Jamieson, University of Rochester; David Scott Yeager, Stanford University; Haekyung Lee, The University of Texas - Austin


Reappraising Test Anxiety Increases Academic Performance of FirstYear College Students. Shannon Brady, Stanford University; Bridgette Martin Hard, Stanford University; James J Gross, Stanford University Discussant: Adam Gamoran, William T. Grant Foundation 76.025. Emotions in Technology-Rich Learning Environments: Theory, Measurement, and the Future. Division C - Learning and Instruction; Symposium Convention Center, Level Two, Room 207 A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: John Ranellucci, Michigan State University Participants: Automatic Objective Measurement of Student Emotions in ComputerEnabled Classrooms. Sidney K. D’Mello, University of Notre Dame; Nigel Bosch; Shimin Kai, Teachers College, Columbia University; Luc Paquette, Teachers College, Columbia University; Ryan Baker, Teachers College, Columbia University; Jaclyn Ocumpaugh, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Valerie J. Shute, Florida State University Emotional Profiles in a Massive Open Online Course and Their Relationship With Engagement. Virginia Man Chung Tze, University of Alberta; Lia Marie Daniels, University of Alberta; Erin Buhr, University of Alberta; Lily Le, University of Alberta; Tracy Lyn Durksen, University of New South Wales Comparing Emotions in Class and During Online Video Lectures in a Flipped Classroom. John Ranellucci, Michigan State University; Kristy Amber Robinson, Michigan State University; Joshua Michael Rosenberg, Michigan State University; William Saltarelli, Central Michigan University; Cary J. Roseth, Michigan State University; Lisa Linnenbrink-Garcia, Michigan State University Really Not That Different in Theory? A Meta-Analytic Control-Value Approach to Emotions in Technology-Based Learning. Kristina Loderer, University of Munich; Reinhard Pekrun, University of Munich; James Lester, North Carolina State University Discussant: Anne C. Frenzel, University of Munich (LMU) 76.026. Reconceptualizing Individual Differences in Reading. Division C Learning and Instruction; Structured Poster Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 102 B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Peter P. Afflerbach, University of Maryland - College Park Participants: 1. Identifying Individual Differences in Reading: What Are We Looking For? Sandra Michelle Loughlin, University of Maryland; Patricia A. Alexander, University of Maryland - College Park 2. Individual Differences in Relations and Interrelations in Reading: Reconciling Issues of Definition, Dynamism, and Development. Emily W. Fox, University of Maryland; Liliane Maggioni, University of Maryland 3. The Influence of Effective Classroom Literacy Lessons on Readers’ Individual Differences. Richard L. Allington, The University of Tennessee; Rachael Gabriel, University of Connecticut 4. How Reading First, Response to Intervention, and Common Core Policies Conceptualize Individual Differences in Reading. Sarah L. Woulfin, University of Connecticut 5. Race as a Lens for Understanding Individual Differences in Displays of Competence in Reading Comprehension. Carol D. Lee, Northwestern University 6. Individual Differences in Epistemic Beliefs and Text Comprehension: Assumptions, Trends, and Future Challenges. Ivar Braten, University of Oslo; Helge I. Stromso, University of Oslo; Leila Ferguson, University of Oslo 7. Individual Differences in Prior Knowledge: Acquisition and Revision. Panayiota Kendeou, University of Minnesota; Edward J O’Brien, University of New Hampshire; Reese Butterfuss, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities 8. Individual Differences: A Dose-Response Analysis of Associations Between Phonological Processing and Reading in Students With Reading Disabilities. Jamie L Metsala, Mt. Saint Vincent University; Margaret David, Mt. Saint Vincent University 9. Individual Differences in Higher Order Thinking in Reading Comprehension. Danielle S. McNamara, Arizona State University; Matthew Jacovina, Arizona State University - Tempe; Laura K. Allen, Arizona State University 10. Individual Differences in Phonological Awareness and Their Role in Learning to Read. Jamie M Quinn, Florida State University; Mercedes Spencer, Florida State University; Rick Wagner, Florida State


Tuesday Morning, April 12, 2016

University Discussant: P. David Pearson, University of California - Berkeley 76.027. Reinscribing the City in Design Studies of Critical STEAM Conceptual Practice. Division C - Learning and Instruction; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 144 C; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Rogers P. Hall, Vanderbilt University Participants: Telling the City With Big Data. Jennifer Beth Kahn, Vanderbilt University - Peabody College; Rogers P. Hall, Vanderbilt University; Alvin Pearman, Vanderbilt Peabody College Participatory Mapping Tools for Teaching Mathematics for Spatial Justice. Laurie Rubel, Brooklyn College - CUNY; Maren Hall-Wieckert, The City University of New York; Vivian Y. Lim, University of Pennsylvania; Mary Candace Raygoza, University of California - Los Angeles; Lauren Shookhoff, New York City Department of Education Disrupting Mathematical Subjectivity With/in Urban Interventions: Opening Up the “Street Mathematics” Container. Anna Chronaki, University of Thessaly, Greece and Malmo University, Sweden; Chrysa Papasarantou, University of Thessaly Remembering/Forgetting the Music City: Performative Place-Making With Diverse Publics. Katherine Headrick Taylor, University of Washington - Seattle; Rogers P. Hall, Vanderbilt University; Lara Heiberger, Vanderbilt University - Peabody College The Micro-Geography of Engagement, Personal Curation, and Learning on the Move. Ben Shapiro, Vanderbilt Peabody College; Rogers P. Hall, Vanderbilt University Discussant: Noel D. Enyedy, University of California - Los Angeles 76.028. Understanding and Using Learner Data in Technology Environments. Division C - Learning and Instruction; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 144 B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Daniel H. Robinson, Colorado State University Participants: Exploring Student Participation Patterns and Meaning-Making in an Online Course: A Learning Analytics Approach. Priya Sharma, The Pennsylvania State University; Phil Tietjen, The Pennsylvania State University - University Park Learner Control in Online Environments: Understanding Learner Behaviors via Learning Analytics. Ying-Ying Kuo, George Mason University; Juan Luo; Jennifer Brielmaier Nonusers, Lurkers, and Posters: Profiles of Participation and Engagement in a Large-Scale Online Teacher Community. Kim Frumin, Harvard University; Christian Fischer, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor; Christopher J. Dede, Harvard University; Barry J. Fishman, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor; Arthur Eisenkraft, University of Massachusetts; Abigail Jurist Levy, Education Development Center, Inc.; Ayana Milele McCoy, University of Massachusetts - Boston; Frances P. Lawrenz, University of Minnesota; Yueming Jia, Education Development Center, Inc. Personalization of Automated Guidance in a Web-Based Inquiry Science Environment. Charissa Tansomboon, University of California Berkeley; Libby F. Gerard, University of California - Berkeley; Jonathan Michael Vitale, University of California - Berkeley; Marcia Linn, University of California - Berkeley Discussant: Roger Azevedo, North Carolina State University 76.029. Working Together: The Integration of Reading and Writing in Supporting Science Learning. Division C - Learning and Instruction; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 158 B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Tina Cheuk, Stanford University Participants: Science and Literacy Integration in Elementary Classrooms: Instructional Enactments and Student Learning Outcomes. Xavier Eric Fazio, Brock University; Tiffany L. Gallagher, Brock University Using Combined Text Genres to Reinforce the Understanding of Scientific Practices. Mesa Bryant Davis, Woodward Academy; Kadir Demir, Georgia State University The Impact of Refutation Texts: Merely Implying a Scientific Misconception Can Facilitate Learning. Kristin M Weingartner, Hofstra University; Amy M. Masnick, Hofstra University; Marisa Cohen, Saint Francis College

Examining 19 Years of Writing Intervention Research in Science Classrooms With K–12 Students, Including English Language Learners. Margarita Huerta, University of Nevada - Las Vegas; Tiberio Garza, University of Nevada - Las Vegas; Tracy Spies, University of Nevada - Las Vegas; Sharolyn D. Pollard-Durodola, University of Nevada Las Vegas Discussant: Elizabeth Wright, The Pennsylvania State University 76.030. Computerized Testing: New Developments and Comparability Issues. Division D - Measurement and Research Methodology; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon G; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Sage Ro, IBM Participants: A Meta-Analysis of Comparability Studies on Computer-Based Testing and Paper-and-Pencil Testing in K–12 Mathematics Tests. Qianqian Pan, University of Kansas Incorporating Mixed Item Formats in Computerized Adaptive Testing: A Comparison of Shadow Test and Bin-Structured Approach. Xin Luo, Northwest Evaluation Association; Mark D. Reckase, Michigan State University; Wei He, Northwest Evaluation Association Item-Level Comparative Analysis of Computerized and PaperAdministered Math Tests in Early Elementary Grades. Ye Lin, University of Iowa; Catherine Welch, University of Iowa; Stephen B. Dunbar, University of Iowa Measuring Noncognitive Facets in Computer-Based Problem-Solving Assessments by Using Embedded Experience Sampling. Andreas Rausch, University of Bamberg; Juergen Seifried, University of Mannheim; Kristina Koegler, University Frankfurt am Main; Steffen Brandt,, Germany; Rebecca Eigenmann, University of Mannheim; Christin Siegfried, Goethe University Robustness of Scoring for a Multistage Test Assessed by Subpopulation Invariance. Sooyeon Kim, Educational Testing Service Discussant: Qiwei He, Educational Testing Service 76.031. Engaging Diverse Communities in Scholarship Through Innovative Community-Based and Culturally Responsive Methodologies. Division D - Measurement and Research Methodology; Invited Speaker Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Congress; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Paul R. Hernandez, West Virginia University Participants: Jason C. Garvey, The University of Alabama; Daniel Light, Education Development Center, Inc.; Stafford Hood, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Carrie L. Billy, American Indian Higher Education Consortium; Ann Gates, The University of Texas - El Paso; A.A. Akom, San Francisco State University 76.032. Peer Relationships, Victimization, and Adjustment. Division E Counseling and Human Development; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 145 B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Dorothy L. Espelage, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Participants: Early Adolescent Peer Crowd Affiliation: Influences on Academic Engagement, Peer Classroom Support, and School Belonging. Sarah M. Kiefer, University of South Florida; Megan A Just, Florida SouthWestern State College; Katie Jansen, University of South Florida Child-Level Predictors of Boys’ and Girls’ Trajectories of Relational, Verbal, and Physical Victimization. Laura K. Clary, Arizona State University; Becky Kochenderfer-Ladd, Arizona State University - Tempe School Climate, Gender, Context, and Consequences: Effectively Addressing Middle School Sexual Harassment at School. Ashleigh Jones, University of Illinois; Gabriel Joey Merrin, University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign; Linda Charmaraman, Wellesley Centers for Women; Dorothy L. Espelage, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign Social Support and School Peer Victimization: Examining Effects Within Racial and Ethnic Subgroups. Kevin A. Gee, University of California Davis; North Cooc, The University of Texas - Austin 76.033. Progressivism in Action. Division F - History and Historiography; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 152 B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Ann Marie Ryan, Loyola University Chicago

Tuesday Morning, April 12, 2016 Participants: Lester Ward and the Roots of Progressivism. Victor James Sensenig, Washington College Mexicana/o Participation in Nonformal Education at Our Lady of Guadalupe Settlement House, 1919–1955. Caran A. Howard, University of Iowa Administrative Progressives in Higher Education, 1890–1936. Ethan W Ris, Stanford University Discussant: Ann Marie Ryan, Loyola University Chicago 76.034. Boosting School Effectiveness: The Role of Alternative and Sustainable Assessment Practices. Division H - Research, Evaluation and Assessment in Schools Cosponsored with SIG-School Effectiveness and School Improvement; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Capitol; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Duncan D. Chaplin, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. Participants: Too Much Testing! The Convergence of Perceptions and Realities of Overtesting. Diana Janet Zaleski, Illinois Education Association Toward Sustainable Assessment Practices and Data Use: Combining Assessment for Learning and Data-Based Decision Making. Judith Gulikers, Wageningen University What Lurks Beneath the Surface? Alternative Frameworks for Assessing School Effectiveness. D. Betsy Mccoach, University of Connecticut; John Settlage, University of Connecticut - Avery Point; Danielle Rita Bousquet, University of Connecticut College and Career Readiness Mathematical Practices Scale: Validation and Diagnostic Potential of Students’ Mathematical Capabilities. Shelagh M. Peoples, Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Comparing Science Content in the Next Generation Science Standards, NAEP, and TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study). Maria Stephens, American Institutes for Research; Teresa A. Neidorf, American Institutes for Research; Austin Lasseter, American Institutes for Research; Jizhi Zhang, American Institutes for Research 76.035. Collaboration to Improve Educational Opportunities for English Learners in the United States. Division H - Research, Evaluation and Assessment in Schools; Structured Poster Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 101; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Karen Douglas, U.S. Department of Education Participants: 1. High-Payoff Opportunities for Reclassifying English Learners: Partnering to Make a Difference. Peggy Estrada, University of California - Santa Cruz; Katherine G. Hayes, Los Angeles Unified School District; Hilda Maldonado, Los Angeles Unified School District 2. Analysis of English Learners’ Science Achievement as a Boundary Practice in a Research-Practice Partnership. Savitha Moorthy, SRI International; Andrew E. Krumm, SRI International; Ying Zheng, SRI Internatinal; Kevin David Biesinger, Clark County School District; Eileen Gilligan, Clark County School District; David Miller, Clark County School District; P. Gail Welch, Clark County School District 3. Addressing the Linguistic Challenges of Assessing English Learners: A State and Research Organization Partnership. Tracy E. Noble, TERC; Catherine Bowler, Massachusetts Department of Education; Rachel R. Kachchaf, Smarter Balanced; Ann Rosebery, TERC 4. English Learners Who Waive Services in a Northeastern District: Profile and Outcomes. Julie Riordan, Education Development Center, Inc.; Marco S. Andrade, Providence Schools; Katherine Shields, Education Development Center, Inc.; Caroline E. Parker, Education Development Center, Inc. 5. Toward a Typology of Questions Explored by Researcher-Practitioner Partnerships. Karen D. Thompson, Oregon State University; David Bautista, Oregon Department of Education; Guadalupe Diaz, Oregon State University; Chelsea Clinton, Oregon Department of Education; Martha Irene Martinez, Oregon Department of Education 6. Working in Partnership to Understand English Learner Classification’s Intended and Unintended Consequences. Ilana Marice Umansky, University of Oregon; Christina Mei-Yue Wong, San Francisco Unified School District 7. Understanding the Trajectories and Longitudinal Outcomes of Adolescent Newcomer English Language Learners in a Texas District. Aida Walqui, WestEd; Mariagrazia Sheffield, Fort Worth Independent School District; Suann Claunch, Fort Worth Independent School


District Discussant: Sean F. Reardon, Stanford University 76.036. International Education, Environments, and Experiences. Division J - Postsecondary Education; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 151 B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Maite Fernández Ferrer, University of Barcelona Participants: Can the Flipped Classroom Help Democratize Brazil’s Higher Education System? Laura Ann Scheiber, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Brazil Impact of Gender and Migration Background on Students’ Statistics Anxiety and Self-Concept in Higher Education. Manuel Förster, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz; Andreas Maur, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz The Impact of Filial Piety on Self-Authorship Development of Chinese Undergraduate Students. Leslie L Bohon, College of William and Mary The Impact of Study Abroad and Student Engagement on World Language Learning. Rachel Anne Burns, University of Georgia - Athens; Donald Rubin, University of Georgia; Michael Tarrant, University of Georgia - Athens Discussant: Elizabeth Niehaus, University of Nebraska - Lincoln 76.037. The Power and Possibility of the Co-Curriculum. Division J Postsecondary Education; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 152 A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Michelle Samura, Chapman University Participants: Adopting a Transformative Paradigm: Food Concerns at the University as a Matter of Social Justice. Yasmine Dominguez-Whitehead, University of the Witwatersrand Enfranchised Leadership: The Identity Development of Students of Color Within Co-Curricular Organizations. Bryan Hotchkins, University of Utah Immersive Service-Learning and College Students: Changes in Perception, Consciousness, and Ideology. Kristyn Stewart, Temple University; Danielle Morris Sutherland, Temple University ¡Yo Soy Xingona! Acts of Resistance and Power in the Lives of Undergraduate Latinas. Vanessa Segundo, University of California Davis Discussant: Nolan L. Cabrera, The University of Arizona 76.038. Trends and Tensions in Scholars’ Social Media Strategies and Formats for Public Scholarship. Division J - Postsecondary Education Cosponsored with Division C - Learning and Instruction; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 151 A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Christine M. Greenhow, Michigan State University Participants: Genre-Based Tensions From Writing and Commenting in Public Spaces: Are Blogs Rewarding or Rewarded? Vanessa Paz Dennen, The Florida State University How Educational Researchers at Varying Career Stages Are Adopting Social Media for Public Scholarship. Christine M. Greenhow, Michigan State University The Tensions and Conundrums of Public Scholarship. George Veletsianos, Royal Roads University Discussant: Sara Goldrick-Rab, University of Wisconsin Madison 76.039. Work/Life Policies on the National Stage. Division J Postsecondary Education; Invited Speaker Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 146 C; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Jaime R. Lester, George Mason University Participants: Sarah Jane Glynn, Center for American Progress; Margaret W. Sallee, University at Buffalo - SUNY; Kerry Ann O’ Meara, University of Maryland - College Park; Kevin Miller, American Association of University Women; Ann Person, Mathematica Policy Research 76.040. Context-Specific Teaching Practice: Collaborating With Children’s Families, Communities, and Community-Based Organizations to Support Equitable Teaching. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level One, University of DC; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Simona Goldin, University of Michigan


Tuesday Morning, April 12, 2016

Participants: Learning How to See and Engage Community: Context-Specific Teaching in Action. Kavita Kapadia Matsko, University of Chicago Using the Affordances of Museums in Learning to Teach. Karen M. Hammerness, American Museum of Natural History; Preeti Gupta, American Museum of Natural History; Jennifer Dawn Adams, Brooklyn College - CUNY Crossing Boundaries to Partner With Families: Supporting the Learning of Ambitious and Equitable Teaching. Simona Goldin, University of Michigan; Debi Khasnabis, University of Michigan; Catherine H. Reischl, University of Michigan; Susan Atkins, Ann Arbor Public Schools Intersections of Race, Class, and Culture: Examining a Unique Model of Chicago Teacher Preparation. Robert E. Lee, Illinois State University; Brent Showalter, Illinois State University Frameworks at Work: Analyzing Candidates’ Out-of-School Learning With a Range of Theoretical Tools. Kate Brayko, University of Montana Missoula Discussant: Kenneth M Zeichner, University of Washington - Seattle 76.041. Designing Experiences to Challenge Preservice Teachers’ Knowledge and Beliefs of English Language Learners. Division K Teaching and Teacher Education; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon I; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Laura Boynton Hauerwas, Providence College Participants: A Qualitative Study of the Impact of an ESOL Course on Preservice Teachers’ Identity Construction. Hasan Deniz, University of Nevada Las Vegas; Refika Turgut, University of Nevada - Las Vegas Are We Doing What We Should? Exploring English Language Learner– Related Content Addressed in a Teacher Preparation Curriculum. Yue Bian, Michigan State University Building Capacity-Oriented Views of Emergent Bilinguals in Urban, Underserved Communities. Althier M. Lazar, Saint Joseph’s University Changes in Preservice Teachers’ Knowledge of Bilingualism and Bilingual Education. Ryan W. Pontier, Miami Dade College; Christine R. Hughes, Early Learning Coalition of Miami-Dade/Monroe Discussant: Gretchen M. Cole-Lade, Oklahoma State University 76.042. Making Sense of Science: Preparing Teachers for Understanding Student Thinking. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 102 A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Shiyu Liu, The Pennsylvania State University - University Park Participants: Beginning Secondary Science Teachers’ Subject Matter Knowledge: Additional Explorations and Implications. Julie A. Luft, University of Georgia; Benjamin Campbell, University of Georgia - Athens; Ryan Nixon, Brigham Young University; Kathleen Hill, Bethany College; Shannon Lynne Dubois, Valparaiso University Supporting Children to Construct Evidence-Based Claims in Science: Individual Learning Trajectories in a Practice-Based Program. Anna Maria Arias, Illinois State University Teachers’ Noticing of Students’ Thinking Through Classroom Artifacts: How Are Science and Engineering Practices Evident? Melissa J. Luna, West Virginia University; Sarah Selmer, West Virginia University; Jim Rye, West Virginia University Unanticipated Opportunities for Student Sense-Making When Beginning Teachers Stall for Time in Elementary Science Discussions. Christa Haverly, Michigan State University; Angela Calabrese Barton, Michigan State University; Christina V. Schwarz, Michigan State University; Melissa Lee Braaten, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Elizabeth Xeng de los Santos, Michigan State University Discussant: Todd L Hutner, The University of Texas - Austin 76.043. Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Foreign Language Teachers: Conceptualizations and Empirical Findings Across Different Domains. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon C; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Johannes Koenig, University of Cologne Participants: Pedagogical Content Knowledge in French: Development and Relation With Content Knowledge and General Pedagogical Knowledge.

Marie Evens, K.U. Leuven; Jan M. Elen, KU Leuven; Fien Depaepe, University of Leuven Emerging Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Preservice Spanish Teachers: An Examination of Liberal Arts and Education Majors’ Writing. Anne Hlas, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire; Susan A. Hildebrandt, Illinois State University Modeling and Validating the Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Preservice Teachers of English as a Foreign Language. Johannes Koenig, University of Cologne; Sandra Lammerding, University of Cologne; Guenter Nold, University of Dortmund; Andreas Rohde, University of Cologne; Sarah Strauss, University of Cologne; Sarantis Tachtsoglou, University of Cologne Discussant: Drew H. Gitomer, Rutgers University - New Brunswick/ Piscataway 76.044. Reflective Practice in the Lives of Teachers. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon J; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Margaret I. Ford, Southern New Hampshire University Participants: Beyond the Practical Aspects of Learning to Teach: Mentoring Teacher Candidates Toward the Diverse Needs of Students. Kimberly S. Reinhardt, Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi Educators’ Perceptions of Student Reflection: Development of a Survey Measuring Reflective Thinking Pedagogy. Kim Boddie Wright, Texas A&M University - College Station; Jacqueline R. Stillisano, Texas A&M University - College Station; Tracey S. Hodges, University of Southern Mississippi; Sunni L Sonnenburg, Texas A&M University - College Station; Hersh C. Waxman, Texas A&M University Essences of Growth: Mentoring in Education as a Community of Practice. Julie Bell, Michigan State University Feedback on Reflection: Facilitating Teacher Professional Growth Through Measures of Reflective Practice. Daniel L. Murphy, Pearson; Bradley A. Ermeling, Pearson Research and Innovation Network More Than Instruction: Emotional Dimensions in Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Role. Tali Aderet-German, University of Haifa; Esther Dromi, Tel- Aviv University Discussant: Sheila R. Vaidya, Drexel University 76.045. Research on Coaching as Professional Development. Division K Teaching and Teacher Education; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon F; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Raymond W. Francis, Central Michigan University Participants: Integrating Teacher Coaching and Formative Assessment for Improving Classroom Practices: A New Coaching Model. Linda Reddy, Rutgers University; Christopher M Dudek, Rutgers University - New Brunswick/ Piscataway Biography-Driven Reflective Coaching: Empowering Teachers Through Strategy Implementation With Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students. Diana Gonzales Worthen, University of Arkansas; Janet Penner-Williams, University of Arkansas; Eva I. Diaz, University of Arkansas at Fayetteville Teacher Learning Through Coach-Facilitated Rehearsal. Nicholas M. Kochmanski, Vanderbilt University - Peabody College Discussant: Phillip Michael Wilder, Clemson University 76.046. Supporting a Persistent Pursuit of Social Justice in Novice Teachers. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon K; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Susan M. Baker, California State University - Sacramento Participants: “Learned Passions”: A Longitudinal Examination of Teaching for Social Justice From Teacher Residency to Practice. Crystal Chen, Teachers College, Columbia University; Emilie N. Reagan, University of New Hampshire; Laura Vernikoff, Teachers College, Columbia University; A. Lin Goodwin, Teachers College, Columbia University Preparing for Persistence—but Persistence at What? A Study of FourthYear Teachers and Preparation Pathways. Kathryn McGinn Luet, Rowan University; Monika Williams Shealey, Rowan University Reframing Social Justice: Tensions Experienced by Novice Teachers in an Era of High-Stakes Accountability. Bruce Munro Burnett, Queensland University of Technology; Jo Lampert, Queensland University of

Tuesday Morning, April 12, 2016 Technology Illusion of Inclusion in Public and Private School Settings: Exclusive Practices and Students With Disabilities. Eileen T Radigan, Monroe Community College; Julia M. White, Syracuse University Discussant: Paul Cameron Gorski, George Mason University 76.047. Teachers’ Tensions, Autonomy, and Social Constructions in Professional Development. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 159 A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Roque do Carmo Amorim Neto, Davenport University Participants: Teachers’ Emotional Exhaustion Is Related to Students’ Achievement: Evidence From a Large-Scale Assessment Study. Uta Klusmann, Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education, Kiel; Dirk Richter, University of Wuppertal; Oliver Lüdtke, Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education, Kiel, Germany Teacher Learning as Productive Tension: Autonomy and the Social Construction of Practice. Vicki S. Collet, University of Arkansas at Fayetteville The Emotional Underbelly of Professional Development: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives on Teachers’ Experiences During Professional Development. David J. Osman, The University of Texas - Austin; Jayce R. Warner, The University of Texas - Austin; Rachel E. Gaines, The University of Texas - Austin; Danika Maddocks, The University of Texas - Austin; Diane L. Schallert, The University of Texas - Austin; Jen L. Freeman, The University of Texas - Austin; Sherry Kroll, The University of Texas - Austin How to Balance Teacher Autonomy and System Coherence? Lisa H. Sullivan, University of California - Davis Discussant: Vicki Thomas, Stephen F. Austin State University 76.048. Teaching for Change: Teacher Education in the Age of the Black Lives Matter Movement. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Invited Speaker Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon L; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chairs: Marcelle M. Haddix, Syracuse University; Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz, Teachers College, Columbia University Speaker: Duchess Harris, Macalester College Discussants: Cally L. Waite, Teachers College, Columbia University; Marcelle M. Haddix, Syracuse University; Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz, Teachers College, Columbia University 76.049. Caught in the Crucible: Deported and Returning Mexican American Youth in Mexico. Division L - Educational Policies and Politics; Symposium Convention Center, Level Two, Room 209 C; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Roberto G. Gonzales, Harvard University Participants: Activist Research: Promoting the Right to Education of Returned Mexican American Children in Mexico. Monica Jacobo-Suarez, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Economicas A.C. The Adaptation Process of Transnational Children in Mexican Schools: A Theoretical Approach. Colette I. Despagne Broxner, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla Academic Advocacy With “Dreamers” in Mexico: From U.S. American High Schools to Mexican Higher Education. Jill Anderson, Independent Scholar Mexican Universities and Returned Students From the United States: The Case of the University of Guadalajara. Hiram Abel Angel, Universidad de Guadalajara From Marginalization to Insider Research: Advancing the Right to Educational Mobility of U.S.-Educated Deportees in Mexico. Nancy Landa, Independent Consultant 76.050. Education Finance, Pay, and Productivity. Division L - Educational Policies and Politics; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 147 B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Sarah A. Cordes, Temple University Participants: How Do School Districts Respond to Statewide Finance Reform? Evidence From Pennsylvania. Matthew Philip Steinberg, University of Pennsylvania; Rand Quinn, University of Pennsylvania; Daniel Kreisman, Georgia State University; J. Cameron Anglum, University of


Pennsylvania Can Pay Draw Teachers to Hard-to-Staff Schools? Evidence From Chile. Rebecca Hinze-Pifer, University of Chicago; Carolina Mendez, University of Chicago Do Equity Court Decisions and Policies Make a Difference for At-Risk Students Following Abbott? Stephen Quin Cornman, U.S. Department of Education Supervisor Ratings as Measures of Principal Performance: Evidence From the Tennessee Educator Accelerator Model Evaluation System in Tennessee. Jason A. Grissom, Vanderbilt University; Richard Blissett, Vanderbilt University - Peabody College; Hajime Mitani, Vanderbilt University - Peabody College Does the Denver Professional Compensation System (ProComp) Help Retain the Best Teachers and Improve Student Achievement? Outcome Trends Across 14 Years. Allison C. Atteberry, University of Colorado - Boulder; Derek C. Briggs, University of Colorado, Boulder; Sarah Elizabeth LaCour, University of Colorado - Boulder Discussant: Min Sun, University of Washington - Seattle 76.051. Measuring and Supporting the Improvement of Common Core State Standards–Aligned Mathematics Teaching at Scale. Division L - Educational Policies and Politics; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 146 A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Mary Kay Stein, University of Pittsburgh Participants: Theorizing and Measuring Mathematics Teaching at Scale. Mary Kay Stein, University of Pittsburgh; Richard James Correnti, University of Pittsburgh; Jennifer L. Russell, University of Pittsburgh; Katelynn Kelly Theorizing and Measuring Social Supports for Teacher Learning. Jennifer L. Russell, University of Pittsburgh; Mary Kay Stein, University of Pittsburgh; Richard James Correnti, University of Pittsburgh; Stacy Song Kehoe, University of Pittsburgh; Debra W. Moore, University of Pittsburgh Validity Evidence for Measures: Understanding Both Construct and Consequential Validity. Richard James Correnti, University of Pittsburgh; Mary Kay Stein, University of Pittsburgh; Jennifer L. Russell, University of Pittsburgh; Debra W. Moore, University of Pittsburgh Discussants: James Hiebert, University of Delaware; Alan J. Daly, University of California - San Diego 76.052. Rural Education Across Geography: Understanding Marginalization in Domestic and International Contexts. Division L - Educational Policies and Politics; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 146 B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Catharine Biddle, University of Maine Participants: Do Rurality and Poverty Moderate the Relationship Between School Size and Student Outcomes? Aaron Orzech, Harvard University Neoliberalism and Rural Women’s Education: A Case Study From India. Rashmi Sharma, Ohio University Public Scholarship Partnerships: Political Culture Considerations in Rural School-University Research Communities. Ellen M Hampshire, Clemson University; Jane Clark Lindle, Clemson University The Marginalization of “Left-Behind” in China’s Great Migration Era. Xiao Yu, Johns Hopkins University; Lingxin Hao, Johns Hopkins University Discussant: Mara Casey Tieken, Bates College 76.053. When Education Policy Backfires and What We Can Learn. Division L - Educational Policies and Politics; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 149 B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Gilberto Q. Conchas, University of California - Irvine Participants: What Is School Policy Backfire? Cameron Sublett, University of California - Santa Barbara; Odelia Simon, University of California - Santa Barbara Reading Between the Lines: Uncovering and Understanding the Backfire of a Middle School Literacy Intervention. Shaun Michael Dougherty, University of Connecticut When Minimum Grading Policies Backfire: How Can We Transform the Politics of Failure? Martha Abele Mac Iver, Johns Hopkins University Rescue Mission: The Effects of a School Closure on Displaced Students. Matthew Newman Gaertner, SRI Internatinal; Ben R. Kirshner,

Tuesday Morning, April 12, 2016


University of Colorado - Boulder; Kristen Margaret Pozzoboni, San Francisco State University Elusive Equity: The Limits of High School Choice in New York City. Carolyn Sattin-Bajaj, Seton Hall University Discussant: Michael A. Gottfried, University of California - Santa Barbara

SIG Sessions 76.054. Beyond the Homogeneous English Learner Classification: New Progress Analyses Using New, Multiple English Learner Subgroups. SIG-Bilingual Education Research; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 147 A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Sandra Garcia, U.S. Department of Education Participants: A Longitudinal Study of the Progress of English Learners in Arizona, Nevada, and Utah. Eric Haas, WestEd; Min Huang, WestEd; Loan Tran, WestEd Time to Reclassification: How Long Does It Take Washington English Learners to Develop English Proficiency? Jason Greenberg Motamedi, Education Northwest Four-Year High School Graduation Rate of Students in Arizona by English Learner Status. Min Huang, WestEd; Eric Haas, WestEd; Niufeng Zhu, WestEd Assessing Literacy Progress in English Learner Students. Barbara R. Foorman, Florida State University; Anabel Espinosa, University of Miami; Carla Jackson; Yi-Chien Wu, National Central University Discussant: Claude N. Goldenberg, Stanford University 76.055. Tackling Context and Its Influence on Outcomes in Educational Neuroscience. SIG-Brain, Neurosciences and Education; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 145 A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Liane Wardlow, Pearson Education Participants: A Dynamic Relationship: Genetics, Brain Morphology, and Intervention in an Interdisciplinary Context. Mary Yve Bonnell, The George Washington University Connecting Levels of Analysis in Educational Neuroscience. Firat Soylu, The University of Alabama; Bugrahan Yalvac, Texas A&M University College Station Impact of the Listening Environment Upon Children’s Cognitive Skill Acquisition. Deborah Cockerham, Fort Worth Museum of Science and History; Zhengsi Chang, The University of Texas - Arlington; Lin Lin, University of North Texas; Gloria Natividad, University of North Texas Discussant: Marte S. Gulliksen, Telemark University College 76.056. Social Justice as an Act of Praxis. SIG-Critical Educators for Social Justice; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon E; 10:35am to 12:05pm Participants: Creating Spaces for Justice-Oriented Research: Critical Reflections of a Researcher/Teacher and Her Adviser. Kalisha A. Waldon, Florida Atlantic University; Dilys Schoorman, Florida Atlantic University Class Introductions: Learning to Teach About Economic Inequality at an Affluent Elementary School. Katy Swalwell, Iowa State University Developing Critical Civic Praxis With Youth Through Literature-Infused Youth Participatory Action Research. E. Sybil Durand, Arizona State University; Melanie Bertrand, Arizona State University; Taucia Gonzalez, University of Wisconsin - Madison Researching Teaching Practices That Address Social Justice Issues in Secondary Humanities Classrooms. Jacqueline Darvin, Queens College - CUNY Discussant: Christopher B. Knaus, University of Washington - Tacoma 76.057. Play Research, Practices, and Policies: Building Connections, Empowering Diverse Communities, and Improving Early Childhood Education. SIG-Early Education and Child Development; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 143 A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chairs: Doris Bergen, Miami University; Michael Matthew Patte, Bloomsburg University Participants: Functions of Teacher Roles and Types of Teacher Language During Play. Juana Gaviria, Univeristy of Delaware; Myae Han, University

of Delaware; Jennifer A. Vu, University of Delaware; Jason Hustedt, University of Delaware Block Play: Spatial Language and Symbolism With Preschool and SchoolAged Children. Lynn E. Cohen, Long Island University - C.W. Post Campus Teacher Education for Using Play With Children: What Is Valued and Learned by Teacher Candidates. James E. Johnson, The Pennsylvania State University; Mei-Hsuan Wu, The Pennsylvania State University The Development of Self-Regulation With Preschool Dual Language Learners. Ruth Guirguis 76.058. Student Experiences in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education. SIG-Graduate and Postdoctoral Education across the Disciplines; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Patricia Hoffman Miller, Prairie View A&M University Participants: The Doctoral Experience From the Students’ Perspectives: A Systematic Review. Maria Cerrato Lara, Oxford Brookes University; Montserrat Castello, Universitat Ramon Llull; Kirsti M. Lonka, University of Helsinki Representation, Climate, and the Tensions of Diversity Work in Graduate Education. Kelly Slay, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor; Kimberly Ann Reyes, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor; Julie Renee Posselt, University of Michigan Understanding the Lived Experiences of Practitioner Scholars: Exploring Doctoral Education in Action. Angela Hooser, University of South Florida; Nancy Fichtman Dana, University of Florida What Doctoral Students Reveal in the Comment Section: Insights From an Overlooked Source. Anna Sverdlik, McGill University; Nathan C. Hall, McGill University; Lynn McAlpine, McGill University An Exploratory Study of New Doctoral Student Orientations in Counselor Education Programs. Hongryun Woo, University of Louisville; Malik S. Henfield, University of San Francisco; Na Mi Bang, The University of Iowa Discussant: Hironao Okahaha, Council of Graduate Schools 76.059. STEM and Hispanics. SIG-Hispanic Research Issues; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 160; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Margarita Machado-Casas, The University of Texas - San Antonio Participants: Latinas/os in STEM at the Intersections. Blanca E. Rincon, University of Connecticut - Storrs Latinas’ Persistence in STEM Majors: What Does It Take? Carmen DeLas Mercedez, The University of Texas - Austin Building a Pathway to Engineering: Identities and Discourses of Mexican and Mexican-Origin College Students. Erika L. Mein, The University of Texas - El Paso; Alberto Esquinca, The University of Texas - El Paso; Angelica Monarrez, University of Texas at El Paso; Claudia Saldana Corral, University of Texas at El Paso Pedagogies of Sacrifices: Fueling Mexican American Women’s Educational Motivation, Aspirations, and Attainment. Janet Rocha, Northwestern University Latina College Students in STEM Fields: Stories of Success in Texas. Elsa M. Gonzalez y Gonzalez, Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi; Joenie Myers, Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi Discussant: Richard P. Duran, University of California - Santa Barbara 76.060. Teacher Knowledge and Technology Professional Development. SIG-Instructional Technology; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Treasury; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Dazhi Yang, Boise State University Participants: Technology Professional Development on Catalyst Teachers Through a Blended Approach. Kui Xie, The Ohio State University; Lin Lu, The Ohio State University; Sheng-Lun Cheng, The Ohio State University Columbus; Min Kyu Kim, The Ohio State University Designing and Validating a Survey to Measure Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Among Preservice Teachers. Sule Yilmaz Ozden, University of Delaware; Chrystalla Mouza, University of Delaware Teacher Reactions to Twitter as a Personal Learning Network. Kevin M. Oliver, North Carolina State University From Embodied Conjectures to Design Principles: Improving a Blended

Tuesday Morning, April 12, 2016 Faculty Professional Development Intervention. Joseph C. DiPietro, Defense Acquisition University 76.061. Including the Excluded. SIG-International Studies; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 155; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Helen O. Au, University of Hawaii at Manaoa Participants: Educational Exclusion and Violence: Dalit Women’s Educational Experiences in Kerala, India. Sera Mathew, West Virginia University Fractal Reproduction: A Social Network Analysis of Regional International Student Mobility. Ashley Michelle Macrander, Washington University in St. Louis Meeting the Needs of Ethnic-Minority Students in China: Beliefs and Practices of Effective Teachers. Xianxuan Xu, Stronge & Associates Educational Consulting, LLC; Leslie W. Grant, College of William and Mary; Yaling Sun, Yunnan Normal University; James H. Stronge, College of William and Mary; Zheng Fang, South China Normal University Protecting Place and Promoting Sustainability in a Globalized Economy: A Costa Rican Case Study. Steven Locke, University of Wyoming The Interaction Between Belongingness and Bullying in Relation to the Mathematics Achievement of Fourth- and Eighth-Grade Students on the 2011 TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study). Sharlyn Ferguson, American Institutes for Research Discussant: Rachel Dinkes, American Institutes for Research 76.062. Technology and Learning in Educational Leadership. SIGLearning and Teaching in Educational Leadership; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 141; 10:35am to 12:05pm Participants: How Collaborative Leadership Facilitates Student Learning in Blended, Self-Paced Mathematics Classrooms. Douglas M. Wieczorek, Iowa State University; Manuel Del Real, Iowa State University Measuring the Impact of Nontraditional Leadership Preparation: Connecting Online Learning to Career Outcomes. Bradley W. Davis, The University of Texas at Arlington; Angelia Dalene Williams, University of Texas at Arlington; Greg Hladik, The University of Texas - Arlington Teaching Qualitative Research Online to Leadership Students: Between Firm Structure and Choice. Maja Miskovic, Concordia University; Elena Lyutykh, Concordia University - Chicago Using TeachLivE: Examining the Impact of Virtual Learning on Preservice Administrators’ Understanding of Supervision. Teresa Martin Starrett, Texas Woman’s University 76.063. Rousing Ourselves From Fever Dreams of American Myths: Critical Multicultural Analyses and Dialogic Discussions of Children’s and Young Adult Literature. SIG-Literature; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: David Eric Low, California State University - Fresno Participants: Waking Up From the American Dream: Critical Multicultural Analysis of Class in Children’s Literature. Maria Jose Botelho, University of Massachusetts - Amherst The Development of Dialogic Oracy During Young Children’s Discussions About Text. Maren S. Aukerman, Stanford University; Lorien Chambers Schuldt, Fort Lewis College Disrupting Criteria for Authenticity in Latina/o Literature: The Case of Isabel Quintero’s Gabi. Ashley Hope Perez, The Ohio State University Columbus; Patricia E. Enciso, The Ohio State University Healing Fictions? Urban Middle Schoolers Restorying African American History Through Youth Literature. Ebony Elizabeth Thomas, University of Pennsylvania Discussant: Denise Davila, University of Nevada - Las Vegas 76.064. Researching Race and Ethnicity in the Study of Motivation in Educational Contexts. SIG-Motivation in Education Cosponsored with Division C - Learning and Instruction; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 150 B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chairs: Jessica T. Decuir-Gunby, North Carolina State University; Paul A. Schutz, The University of Texas - San Antonio Participants:


STEM Motivation and Persistence Among Underrepresented Minorities: A Social Cognitive Perspective. Shirley L. Yu, The Ohio State University; Danya Marie Corkin, Rice University; Julie P. Martin, Clemson University Out of the Book and Into the Classroom: Applying Motivational Theory to Increase Teacher Motivation to Serve Adolescent English Language Learners. Rhonda Suzanne Bondie, Fordham University; Akane Zusho, Fordham University Asset-Based Pedagogies and Latino Students’ Achievement and Identity. Francesca López, University of Arizona Motivation and Achievement of Hispanic Students in the United States. Tim Urdan, Santa Clara University Discussant: Cynthia Hudley, University of California - Santa Barbara 76.065. Critical Professional Development as Dialogical Action: Centering Teachers’ Social Justice Needs. SIG-Paulo Freire, Critical Pedagogy, and Emancipation; Symposium Convention Center, Level Two, Room 209 A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Steven Moreno-Terrill, University of California - Riverside Participants: Toward Cooperative Spaces for Learning: Teacher-Led Inquiry to Develop and Support Critical Educators. Antonio Nieves Martinez, University of Massachusetts - Amherst The People United: Unity as a Tenet of Critical Professional Development. Bree Picower, Montclair State University; Natalia Ortiz, City University of New York Cultural Synthesis: Racial Justice Professional Development for Teachers of Color. Rita Kohli, University of California - Riverside Discussant: Antonia Darder, Loyola Marymount University 76.066. Transcultural Leadership as “Subversion That Matters.” SIGPolitics of Education; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 158 A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Thu Suong Thi Nguyen, Indiana University - IUPUI Participants: White Women, Black Students, and School Desegregation: Transcultural Encounters and Advocacy Leadership in the West. Sonya Douglass Horsford, George Mason University; Carrie Sampson, University of Nevada - Las Vegas Leading U.S.-Mexico Border Schools in the Face of the “Mexodus”: Advocating for the Education of the Disenfranchised. Fernando Valle, Texas Tech University (Trans)Generational and (Trans)Cultural Leadership: Embracing Critical, Chicana/o-Centric Frameworks in the (Re)Making of Educational Opportunity. Enrique Aleman, The University of Texas - San Antonio Leadership Lessons From the “Prudent Subaltern”: Critical Policy Appropriations at the Transnational/Transcultural Texas-Vietnamese School Border. Thu Suong Thi Nguyen, Indiana University - IUPUI; Brendan D. Maxcy, Indiana University - IUPUI Discussant: Linda C. Tillman, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill 76.067. New Empiricisms and the Challenge to Methodological Orthodoxy: Rethinking the Relationship Between Concept and Method. SIG-Qualitative Research; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon D; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Lisa A. Mazzei, University of Oregon Participants: An Ontology of a Backflip. Alecia Youngblood Jackson, Appalachian State University Force, Speed, Quanta: Concepts as Ontogenetic Empirical Devices. Elizabeth De Freitas, Manchester Metropolitan University Inquiry as Mapping Space-Time Entanglements. Lisa A. Mazzei, University of Oregon Discussants: Mindy Blaise, Victoria University - Melbourne; Jerry L. Rosiek, University of Oregon 76.068. Religion and Education in Pluralistic Contexts. SIG-Religion and Education; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 142; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Diana B. Hiatt-Michael, Pepperdine University Participants: Educating Muslim American Citizens. Munirah Alaboudi, Boston University

Tuesday Morning, April 12, 2016


Détourning American Civil Religion Through Snowpiercer: Problem or Promise? Jeremy Godwin, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill Finnish Pupils’ Conceptions on the Place of Religion in School. Arto Juha Viljami Kallioniemi, University of Helsinki; Saila Poulter, University of Helsinki; Arniika Kuusisto, University of Helsinki The Influence of Religious Belief on Educators’ Sense-Making About Diversity. Allison Blosser, High Point University Discussant: Beverly P. Gordon, DeVry University 76.069. Teaching Science for Citizenship, Agency, and Sociopolitical Action. SIG-Science Teaching and Learning; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Mint; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Tyron Keith Young, University of Southern California Participants: “I Own It!” The Influence of Student Agency on Discourse Patterns in Specialized STEM Schools. Colby Tofel-Grehl, Utah State University; Carolyn M. Callahan, University of Virginia A Multilayered Actor Network Pedagogy: Teaching for Citizenship in the Context of Socioscientific Issues. Sarah Halwany, University of Toronto; Majd Zouda, University of Toronto; Chantal Pouliot, Université Laval; John Lawrence Bencze, OISE/University of Toronto Science in Community: Examining the Complexity of Preparing Preservice Teachers to Cultivate Science Agency. Christopher Burke, University of Michigan - Dearborn What Do Youth Know About Socioscientific Issues? Reflecting for Sociopolitical Actions. Majd Zouda, University of Toronto; Tomo Nishizawa; John Lawrence Bencze, OISE/University of Toronto Perceptions and Adaptation of Students for Teaching a Credential Program on Socioscientific Issues. Yilmaz Kara, California State University Long Beach Discussant: Mel Freitag, University of Wisconsin 76.070. Special Education Research SIG: Response to Intervention. SIGSpecial Education Research; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 149 A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Lynn Fuchs, Vanderbilt University Participants: Interventions Being Implemented in Response to Intervention: A Snapshot of the Nation. Julie Alonzo, University of Oregon; Gerald A. Tindal, University of Oregon Secondary School Enrollment Trends. Kemal Afacan, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Kimber L. Wilkerson, University of Wisconsin; Maxwell Courtright, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Lauren Lange, University of Wisconsin - Madison The Relationship Between Race and Social Status in Special Education Placement. Aleksis P Kincaid, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities; Amanda L. Sullivan, University of Minnesota 76.071. Revisiting Literacies and Identities: Agency, Intertextuality, and Positioning in Learning Spaces. SIG-Writing and Literacies; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon O; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Jessica Zacher Pandya, California State University - Long Beach Participants: A Framework for Understanding the Roles of Literacy in the Identity Enactments of Marginalized Youth. Noah Asher Golden, Chapman University; Jessica Zacher Pandya, California State University - Long Beach “I Imagine Their Bodies Writing All That I Am”: Developing Writing and Identities Across Contexts. Anna Smith, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign “Serious Talking”: Metapragmatic Catholic Identities in Literacy Practice. Robert Jean LeBlanc, University of Pennsylvania Imagination and Improvisation as Tools Toward Human Schooling. Tracey Pyscher, Metropolitan State University; Anne Crampton, University of Minnesota Ideological Becoming and the Negotiation of Academic and Personal Identities as Students Read and Write. Monica S. Yoo, University of Colorado - Colorado Springs Discussant: Cynthia J. Lewis, University of Minnesota

Division and SIG Roundtables 76.072. Language and Literacy Descriptions and Interventions From the

Center on Literacy and Deafness; Roundtable Session 76.072-1. Language and Literacy Descriptions and Interventions From the Center on Literacy and Deafness. SIG-Research on the Education of Deaf Persons; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Room 302; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Susan Easterbrooks, Georgia State University Participants: Establishing Measurement Invariance of the Woodcock-Johnson Subtests for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children. Mi-Young Lee Webb, Georgia State University; Lee Branum-Martin, Georgia State University; Amy R. Lederberg, Georgia State University Reading Fluency Skills in Young Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children. Susan Easterbrooks, Georgia State University; Kathy Sterwerf-Jackson, Center on Literacy and Deafness Growth in Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children’s Literacy Skills During the First Two Years of Schooling. Hanah Goldberg, Georgia Early Education Alliance for Ready Students; Amy R. Lederberg, Georgia State University Foundations for Literacy: An Early Intervention for Deaf and Hard-ofHearing Children. Amy R. Lederberg, Georgia State University; Susan Easterbrooks, Georgia State University; Victoria Burke, Georgia State University; Stacey Tucci, Georgia Pathways Project Phonological Awareness in Finger Spelling as an Alternative Pathway to Literacy in Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children. Brenda Schick, University of Colorado - Boulder; Amy R. Lederberg, Georgia State University; Kathy Sterwerf-Jackson, Center on Literacy and Deafness; Nancy Bridenbaugh, Center on Literacy and Deafness; Rachel Boll, Center on Literacy and Deafness 76.073. Roundtable Session 52; Roundtable Session 76.073-1. On Learning, Thinking, and Being: Asian Wisdoms and Western Philosophies. SIG-Confucianism, Taoism, and Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Mei W. Hoyt, University of North Texas Participants: From Arborescence to Rhizome: West Thinks East at the Intersection of the Buddhist and Deleuzian Subject. David Wayne Robinson-Morris, Louisiana State University Reexperiencing Chinese “Body Thinking” Through Western Detour: Foucault’s Govern-mentality and Confucius’s Body-Experience. Weili Zhao, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Turbulence and Integrity in the Inner Landscape of Pedagogy: Insights From a Taoist Jungian Perspective. Hongyu Wang, Oklahoma State University - Tulsa (Learning/Study) as a Key Concept in Pre-Qin China: A Case Study of Mencius (372–289 BC). Liqing Tao, College of Staten Island - CUNY 76.073-2. Life in Schools: New Research on Educational Change, Accountability, and Opportunity. SIG-Educational Change; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Jennie Weiner, University of Connecticut Participants: Everybody Has the Right to Be Here: Perspectives of Inclusive-Related Service Practitioners. Chelsea Tracy-Bronson, Stockton University; Julie N. Causton-Theoharis, Syracuse University Listening to Teachers: How Internal and External Factors Affect Teaching and Learning in High-Poverty Schools. Megin Charner-Laird, Salem State University; Stacy Agee Szczesiul, University of Massachusetts Lowell; James H. Nehring, University of Massachusetts - Lowell ResponseAbility Lab: Using a Multilateral Accountabilities Framework to Track and Enhance School Adaptive Capacity. Penelope Jean Stiles, Edmonton Public Schools; Jean-Claude Couture, Alberta Teachers’ Association; Auralia Brooke, Edmonton Public Schools; Sam Sellar, The University of Queensland 76.073-3. Humans in Paradise: Coping With Educational Predicaments. SIG-Ivan Illich; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Dilafruz R. Williams, Portland State University Participants:

Tuesday Morning, April 12, 2016 “To Hell With Good Intentions”: Embracing the Power of Powerlessness. Dana L. Stuchul, The Pennsylvania State University; Madhu Suri Suri Prakash, The Pennsylvania State University Across the Second Watershed: Reclaiming Educational Leadership and Creativity as Humanistic Processes. Roger C. Shouse, The Pennsylvania State University; Chenwei Ma Critical Thinking and Convivial Learning in Central China. Roger C. Shouse, The Pennsylvania State University; Jinyan Bai, The Pennsylvania State University 76.073-4. Parent Involvement in the Early Years. SIG-Family, School, Community Partnerships; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Stephanie C. Sanders-Smith, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign Participants: Democratizing Home Visits in Early Childhood. Kristin Lyn Whyte, Northwestern University; Anne Karabon, University of Wisconsin Madison A Dyadic Analysis of Head Start Parent Involvement: Sense of Mastery as a Mediator. Ya-Fang Cheng, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Christine Meng, Edgewood College Goodwill Guides Wrap-Around Enhancement for Families Participating in a Home Visiting Program. Allison Ann Howland, Indiana University; Ming-E Chen, Indiana University - Bloomington; Heidi R Cornell, Indiana University - Bloomington; Li-Ting Chen, Indiana University Talking About Photographs: Cultural Capital and Parent-Teacher Interactions in Early Childhood Settings. Kyle Elizabeth Miller, Illinois State University; Miranda Lin, Illinois State University 76.073-5. Mobilizing Youth as Agents of Social Change in Environmental Education. SIG-Environmental Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: John Joseph Lupinacci, Washington State University - Pullman Participants: Critical Environmental Agency: Leveraging Youths’ Experiences During a Summer Field Ecology Program. Lacey Denise Huffling, Georgia Southern University Thinking Past Immersion: The Off-Ramp for Environmental Education Programs. Michael Chizhov, Grand Canyon Trust Using the Agency/Structure Dialectic to Interpret Undergraduates’ Envisioned Models of Social Change for Sustainability. Hannah K. Miller, Michigan State University Regenerative Coexistence With the Body, the Bioregion, and Beyond: Redefining Community Engagement in Education. Rita Turner, University of Maryland - Baltimore County; Ryan Donnelly, The Community College of Baltimore County 76.073-6. Shifting Landscapes in Early Childhood Teacher Education: (Re)connecting, (Re)defining, (Re)designing, and Troubling. SIGCritical Perspectives on Early Childhood Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Beth Powers, Millersville University of Pennsylvania Participants: “Out and About,” “Teachers and Shiny Fish,” and “Children as Bricoleurs”: Making Impactful Connections With Our Planet. Jeanne Marie Iorio, Victoria University - Melbourne; Will Parnell, Portland State University; Elizabeth P. Quintero, California State University Channel Islands; Catherine Hamm, Victoria University - Melbourne (Re)defining “Good Teaching”: Teacher Performance Assessments’ Influence on Admissions and Completions of Early Childhood Preservice Teachers. Sara C. Michael-Luna, Queens College - CUNY Moving Forward: Redesigning an Early Childhood Teacher Education Program With Theory and Research in Mind. Brie Morettini, Rowan University; Kelley J. Perkins, Rowan University; Zeynep Isik-Ercan, Rowan University The Trouble With Inquiry: Fostering a Critical Stance in Early Childhood Teacher Preparation. H. Sophia Han, University of South Florida; Jolyn Blank, University of South Florida; Ilene R. Berson, University of South Florida 76.073-7. Music Education SIG. Music Education: Professional Development and Implications. SIG-Music Education; Roundtable


Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Sarah Jean Morrison, Appleby College Participants: Emoticons and Hashtags: The Development of Reflective Musical Growth in a Technology-Enhanced Learning Environment. Sarah Jean Morrison, Appleby College Toward Responsive Professional Development for Singapore Primary Music Teachers: Exploring the Landscape. Alfredo Bautista, Nanyang Technological University; Guo Zheng Toh, Nanyang Technological University - National Institute of Education; Joanne Wong, Nanyang Technological University - National Institute of Education “They Learned Something Today!” Music Teaching Efficacy Beliefs and Concerns in the Context of Peer- and Field-Teaching Experiences. Stephanie Prichard, University of Maryland - College Park Self-Compassion Levels in Music and Nonmusic Majors. Jamey Kelley, Florida International University; Alison Farley, University of Washington 76.073-8. Media, Culture, and Learning SIG Roundtable: Gaming, Community, and Civic Engagement. SIG-Media, Culture, and Learning; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Christopher Carl Blakesley, Strayer University Participants: Computational Thinking and Argumentation in Scratch. Crystle Martin, University of California - Irvine Anonymous Spaces and Nonanonymous Participation: Understanding Role and Structure Within an Affinity Space. Joey Huang, Indiana University - Bloomington; Sean C. Duncan, Indiana University Constructing Civic Participation: Game-Making as “Micro-Civics Education.” Gideon Dishon, University of Pennsylvania; Yasmin B. Kafai, University of Pennsylvania Maybe a Maker Space? How an Out-of-School Center Engaged in Organizational Learning Around Maker Education. Rafi Santo, Indiana University - Bloomington; Kylie A. Peppler, Indiana University Bloomington; Dixie Ching, New York University; Christopher Hoadley, New York University 76.073-9. Living Research and Teaching Narratives. SIG-Narrative and Research; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Gary James Harfitt, The University of Hong Kong Participants: Coming to the Table Through Narrative Inquiry: Inductions and Transitions. Matthew Bryant; Susan Ophelia Cannon, Georgia State University; Maima Chea, Georgia State University; Stephanie Behm Cross, Georgia State University; Martha K. Donovan, Georgia State University; C. Aiden Downey, Emory University; Jessica James Hale, Georgia State University; Clarice Thomas, Georgia State University; Morgin Jones Williams, Georgia State University; Susan Belmonte, Georgia Institute of Technology Narrative Inquiry Into the Funds of Knowledge of First-Generation College Students in Teacher Education. Amanda Morales, Kansas State University; Jeong-Hee Kim, Texas Tech University; Sandra Avalos, Kansas State University Narratives and Metaphors as Teacher Educator and for Teacher Education. Stefinee E. Pinnegar, Brigham Young University; Mary Lynn Hamilton, The University of Kansas 76.073-10. Racialized Perspectives on Math Education for Black Students. SIG-Research Focus on Black Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Participants: The Racialization of Mathematics Education. Joi A. Spencer, University of San Diego; Victoria M. Hand, University of Colorado - Boulder E(race)d Opportunities: A Multilevel Analysis of Educational Opportunity on Racial Differences in Advanced Mathematics Course-Taking. Davinah S. Childs, Temple University “She Doesn’t Talk to Us”: Black Students’ Perspectives on Care in a Mathematics Classroom. Lateefah Ameerah Id-Deen, University of Louisville; Ashley Nicole Woodson, University of Pittsburgh 76.073-11. Students’ Understanding of Functions and Algebra. SIG-


Tuesday Morning, April 12, 2016

Research in Mathematics Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Maria Blanton, TERC Participants: Development and Validation of the Self-Perceptions in Algebra Scales. Jonathan D. Watkins, University of Louisville; Jill L. Adelson, University of Louisville Exploring the “Algebra Stories” Students Tell: Evaluating Personalized Problem-Posing. Candace A. Walkington, Southern Methodist University; Matthew L. Bernacki, University of Nevada - Las Vegas Opening the Gate: Technical Adequacy of Procedural and Conceptual Assessment Measures in High School Algebra. Vincent R. Genareo, Iowa State University; William W DeLeeuw, University of Missouri - Columbia; Anne M. Foegen, Iowa State University; Barbara J. Dougherty, University of Missouri; Jeannette Olson, Iowa State University Proceptual Problem in the Learning of Function Transformation. Hyung Sook Lee, Eastern Washington University; Jackie Coomes, Eastern Washington University; Jaehoon Yim, Gyeongin National University of Education Transforming Algebra 1: A Study of a Blended Learning Pilot Program in Rural Tennessee. Brittany C Cunningham, Insight Policy Research, Inc.; Laura M. Holian; Nicole Huret, Insight Policy Research, Inc.; Meg Trucano, Insight Policy Research, Inc. 76.073-12. Emergent Language Use in Multilingual Settings. SIG-Second Language Research; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Chris J Jochum, University of Nebraska - Kearney Participants: Differences Between Chinese and American English Teachers’ Perceptions About Effectiveness of Oral Corrective Feedback. Laura J. Mahalingappa, Duquesne University; Nihat Polat, Duquesne University; Oktay Yagiz Study Abroad Among In-Service Spanish Teachers: A Commitment to Target Language Use. Chris J Jochum, University of Nebraska Kearney Teaching Intercultural Competence in the Language Classroom: A Guide for Teachers. Eric Stewart Yates, Victoria University of Wellington The Effects of Instruction on L2 Pragmatic Development: A MetaAnalysis. Xinyuan Yang, Texas A&M University - College Station; Zohreh R. Eslami, Texas A&M University - College Station; Donghee Son, Texas A&M University - College Station; Victor L. Willson, Texas A&M University Understanding Chinese Language Teachers’ Experiences in U.S. Classrooms: A Sociocultural Perspective. Juanjuan Zhao, University of Cincinnati; Gulbahar H. Beckett, Iowa State University 76.073-13. Lives of Teachers: Teacher Image, Knowledge, and Quality. SIG-Lives of Teachers; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Melissa A. Newberry, Brigham Young University Participants: Beginning Teachers’ Reflections on Self-Image and Identity Development. Pamela Bolotin Joseph, University of Washington- Bothell Enacting Teacher Evaluation Reform: The Role of Teachers’ Interpretations and Translations in Processes of Policy Realization. Angela Leigh Masters, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Grounded Theory Study of Teachers’ Interactions With Gender and Sexually Diverse Students: Balancing School Ethos. Frankie W. Huff, Seminole State College of Florida; Elsie Lindy Olan, University of Central Florida How Are Relational Dynamics Associated With First-Year Teachers’ Sense of Agency? Ji Yeon Hong, University of Oklahoma; Barbara A. Greene, University of Oklahoma; Kristyna Looney, The University of Oklahoma 76.073-14. Global Perspectives in Multicultural Education. SIGMulticultural/Multiethnic Education: Theory, Research and Practice; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Erica H. Newhouse, Mercy College Participants: Educating for Diverse Democracy in East Asia: Minority Representation in Hong Kong Liberal Studies. Liz Jackson, University of Hong Kong

Exploring Chinese Students’ Massive Open Online Course Learning Experiences From a Sociocultural Perspective. Qing Zhang, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Hengtao Tang, The Pennsylvania State University-University Park Innovative Approach to Multicultural Education: Canadian and Hong Kong Students Connected via Online Discussion Forum. Jia Li, University of Ontario Institute of Technology; Zheng Zhang, Western University Possibilities and Limitations of Korean Multicultural Education: Listening to Multicultural Students in South Korean Schools. Gilbert C. Park, Ball State University 76.073-15. Cognition and Learning. SIG-Technology, Instruction, Cognition & Learning; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Annette M. Zehler, Westat Participants: Knowledge Revision When Reading Refutation Texts and Strategic Internet Searching: A Pilot Study. Martin Van Boekel, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities Measuring Cognitive Load in Multiplication: An Eye-Tracking Study. Jiahui Wang, University of Florida; Matthew H. Schneps, Smithsonian Astiophysical Observatory; Pasha Antonenko, University of Florida; Marc Pomplun, University of Massachusetts - Boston Scaffolding Video Explanation Using Cuing and Comparison. Kirsten R. Butcher, University of Utah; Negar Fazeli, University of Utah iComprehension: Digital Versus Traditional Textbook for Middle School Content Area. Sean J. Smith, The University of Kansas; Turkey Khalaf Alzahrani, The University of Kansas 76.073-16. Action Research in Teaching and Teacher Education. SIGAction Research; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Courtney M. Clayton, University of Mary Washington Participants: Shifting the Paradigm for Professional Learning: Toward Participatory Action Research as Teacher Professional Development. Shannon Marie Pella, University of California - Davis Analyzing Teacher Preparation of Special Education Teachers in an Alternative Certification Pathway. Boris Krichevsky, University of Washington - Seattle Breakfast of Innovators: Action Research, Scholarship, and Bilingual Education. Sandra T. Acosta, Texas A&M University; Xuewei Chen, Texas A&M University - College Station; Heather Goltz, University of Houston-Downtown The Questions Prospective Teachers Ask: Problematizing the Present to Create Possibilities for More Equitable Classrooms. Sharon B. Hayes, West Virginia University; Harrison Ntabo Oonge, West Virginia University; Barbara Wierzbicki, West Virginia University Validity as a Matter of Practice: Criteria to Guide Participatory Action Research Dissertations and Theses. Emily F. Cole, University at Buffalo - SUNY 76.073-17. Subject-Formations Across Borders and Boundaries. SIGFoucault and Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Philip Wexler, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Participants: Creation of the Ethical Self: Foucault and Hawthorne on Modes of Subjection. Judi Lynn Thorn, Oklahoma State University Historicizing the Making of the Child/Citizen and Difference Through Localization Education in Taiwan. Yi-Chen Lee, * The Discursive Formations and Problematizations of the Japanese Notion of Multiculturalism. Jie Qi, Utsunomiya University; Sheng Ping Zhang, Meijo University Your Body Does Not Fit Our School: Resisting Dress Codes Through Care of the Self. Rouhollah Aghasaleh, University of Georgia - Athens 76.074. Roundtable Session 53; Roundtable Session 76.074-1. Counternarratives and Assets: Reframing Youth Outcomes Through Strength. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Brian Lozenski, Macalester College

Tuesday Morning, April 12, 2016 Participants: Reform From the Inside Out: Toward Improved Educational Outcomes for Children Through an Asset-Based Approach. Claire Forbes, University of Manchester; Kirstin Kerr, The University of Manchester; Alan Dyson, University of Manchester A Counternarrative for Black and Latino Male Urban High School Students in Los Angeles County. Tyrone C. Howard, University of California - Los Angeles; La Mont Terry, Occidental College; Brian Woodward, University of California - Los Angeles; Bianca Nayeli Haro, University of California - Los Angeles; Kenjus Terrel Watson, University of California - Los Angeles; Adrian H. Huerta, University of California - Los Angeles; Oscar Navarro, University of California - Los Angeles Community-Based Problem-Solving Strategies as an Instrument of Youth Academic and Social Resiliency. Yolanda J. Majors, The University of Minnesota Investigating an Academic Youth Mentoring Program: The Negotiation of Third Space With Urban Adolescents. David Gallagher, Mount Saint Mary College; Matt J. Hollibush, Mount Saint Mary College 76.074-2. Criminalizing Youth of Color and the School-to-Prison Pipeline: Disciplining Race, Gender, and Disability. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Christine Clark, University of Nevada - Las Vegas Participants: Experimental Evidence of Race/Ethnicity and Gender Effects on Teachers’ Referrals to Special and Gifted Education. Rachel Elizabeth Fish, University of Notre Dame The Pipeline Grows: Overcriminalization and Inequitable Policing and Sentencing of Latinas/os Within America’s Judicial System. Erik James Shaver, Indiana University - IUPUI 76.074-3. Critical Questions Between Culture and Learning. Division G Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Participants: Critical Learning Spaces for Latino Male Academic Engagement. Jaime Del Razo, Brown University; Melissa Colon, Tufts University Educational Views of the Native American Community: Utilizing Native Culture to Inform Early Learning Experiences. Carine Wynant, Saint Mary’s College of California; Ani C. Moughamian, Saint Mary’s College New Educational Practices and Possibilities of the Yucatec Maya Diaspora in San Francisco. Patricia Baquedano-Lopez, University of California Berkeley; Gabriela Borge Janetti, University of California - Berkeley 76.074-4. Critical Research on Race, Gender, and Leadership Development of Youth of Color. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Vajra M. Watson, University of California - Davis Participants: Expanding Possible Futures With Youth: Moving Beyond the Contradictions of Exceptionality. David Lardier, Montclair State University; Veronica Barrios, Montclair State University; Kathryn G. Herr, Montclair State University; Pauline Garcia-Reid, Montclair State University; Robert J Reid, Montclair State University Complicating Privilege, Gender, and Inclusion: Girls Addressing Equity in STEM. Sarah Taylor Hug, University of Colorado - Boulder; Heather L. Thiry, University of Colorado - Boulder; Suzanne Eyerman, Fairhaven Research and Evaluation Gray Matter: Digital Literacy, iProtest, and Youths’ Contemporary Response to Injustice Following the Death of Freddie Gray. Alesha Gayle, University of Pennsylvania From the Margins to the Forefront: Cultivating Leadership Among Latina/o Students in a Community College. Eduardo Coronel, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Moises Orozco Villicana, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign The Influence of Siblings on the Digital Media Ecology of Young Children. Elisabeth R. Gee, Arizona State University; Sinem Siyahhan, California State University - San Marcos; Anna Montana Cirell, Arizona State University - Tempe


76.074-5. Curriculum Choices for Building and Understanding Complexity in and out of School. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Jaehee Kwon, Lander University Participants: What Books Are Considered Valuable for Children? Examination of the Book Selections of Korean Mothers in the United States. Jaehee Kwon, Lander University White Adoptive Parents’ Selection and Use of Picture Books About China With Their Chinese Adoptees. Xiaoli Hong, University of Georgia Athens “Becoming a Woman”: Teaching Sex Education to Young Women With Intellectual Disabilities. Amy M. Williamson, The University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa; Kagendo Mutua, The University of Alabama 76.074-6. Democracy, Policy Reform, and Activism. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Joel Austin Windle, Monash University Participants: Civic Participation, Engagement, and Organized Action: A Case Study of a Tunisian Activist. Habiba Boumlik, LaGuardia Community College; Joni Schwartz, City University of New York - LaGuardia College Transnational Policy Networks and Coercive Education Reform: The Integration of Media, Corporate, and Political Circuits. Joel Austin Windle, Monash University 76.074-7. Imperial Tongues, Colonized Students. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: M. Belén Hernando Llorens, University of Wisconsin - Madison Participants: Serving recently reclassified English language learners: Explaining one high school teacher leader’s enactment of new state policy through notions of ‘context’. Anna Wheeler Van Windekens, University of Washington - Seattle “Why Do You Wanna Test Me on These Weird Words?” Common Core and Mexican English Learners. Bailey Smolarek, University of Wisconsin - Madison How States Promote Global English: Shifting Priorities in Education Policy. Jeff Bale, University of Toronto - OISE; Peter Ives, University of Winnipeg; Eve Haque, York University Globalization, Policy, and Indigenous Language Education in U.S. Public Schools. Kathryn Stemper, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities 76.074-8. Learner Identities and Social Situations of Knowledge Production in an Epoch of Globalization. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Denise Egéa, Nazarbayev University - Astana, Kazakhstan Participants: Gender Discourses and Identities of First-Generation University Women Students in Latin America. Lina Trigos-Carrillo, University of Missouri - Columbia How Children of Immigrants Are Developing Health Literacy While Brokering Language in Health Encounters. Krissia Martinez, University of California - Los Angeles; Marjorie Faulstich Orellana, University of California - Los Angeles The Alaska-Kenya Collaboration: Inclusive Pedagogy as a Hallmark of the Classroom Public Space. David Bwire, The Ohio State University “Board to Tears”: Literacy, Difference, and the Politics of Scripted Curricula. Jessica Masterson, University of Nebraska - Lincoln 76.074-9. Negotiating Intersectional Identities in Normative Spaces. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: James C. Jupp, Georgia Southern University Participants: Language and Masculinities: Immigrant Boys’ Identity Negotiation and Language Learning in a U.S. High School. Kongji Qin, Michigan State University The Formation and Persistence of a Strong Science Identity in Five Black Male Scientists. Adeyanju O. Odutola, Clemson University; LaGarrett


Tuesday Morning, April 12, 2016 Jarriel King, University of Missouri - Columbia Uncovering Identity Negotiation Stories of Multimarginalized Students: Debunking Racist and Heterosexist Hegemonies. Rydell Harrison, Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools

76.074-10. Political Organizing and In/Ex-clusions. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Doron Yosef-Hassidim, University of Toronto - OISE Participants: Is the FAIR Act Fair? California’s LGBT Curriculum Inclusion Law as Social Justice Policy. Sylvia Lorraine Escobar, California State University - Sacramento “No Promo Homo”: The Interaction of Religion and Politics and Their Impact on Public Schools and Queer Youth. Michael Andrew Thorson, Conroe Independent School District; Catherine A. Lugg, Rutgers University Negotiating Tensions: Grassroots Organizing, School Reform, and the Paradox of Neoliberal Democracy. Kysa Nygreen, University of Massachusetts - Amherst 76.074-11. Politics of Social Integration: Incarceration and Opportunity. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Ayana Allen, Drexel University Participants: Border Crossers: Perceptions and Experiences of Teachers and Leaders Working in the Early College High School Environment. Leslie Ann Locke, University of Iowa On Moral Luck: The (Un)Miseducation of Self. Joy M. Thomas, Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education 76.074-12. Refugee Students in U.S. Schools: Challenges and Possibilities. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Shabnam Koirala-Azad, University of San Francisco Participants: Examining Teacher Efforts in Educating Refugee Students. Nathern S. Okilwa, The University of Texas - San Antonio; Kerry Haupert Fights, Prejudice, and Discrimination: Young Iraqi Refugees’ Negative Experiences in U.S. Schools. Amy Lynn Pucino, Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) Iraqi Refugees Coming to America and the Educational Journey: From Powerless to Powerful Understandings. Brian D Seilstad, The Ohio State University Reducing the Effect of Cultural and Language Barriers for Refugee Students in Science. Christine Bertz, The University of Memphis; Michael Peter Rowe, The University of Memphis; Brenda McSparrin Gallagher, The University of Memphis; Yun Tang, The University of Memphis; Adrian Young, The University of Memphis 76.074-13. Rethinking STEM Education Across Cultural Contexts. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Sara E. Tolbert, The University of Arizona Participants: Knowing Your Audience Matters: African American Youths’ Use of Familial Mathematical Socialization Messages. Traci L. EnglishClarke, Independent Scholar Latina/o Students, Families, and Their Teachers Reassembling Visions of STEM College and Career Readiness. Cory A. Buxton, University of Georgia - Athens; Martha A. Allexsaht-Snider, University of Georgia; Lourdes Cardozo-Gaibisso, University of Georgia - Athens; Mehtap Kirmaci, University of Georgia - Athens; Max Vazquez Dominguez, University of Georgia - Athens; Susan Harper, University of Georgia Athens “I Didn’t Learn It in Chinese”: Chinese Adolescents’ Experiences in American STEM Classrooms. Fang Yu, University at Albany - SUNY; Kristen C. Wilcox, University at Albany - SUNY “Un leño solo, no arde”: Exploring Borderline Epistemologies and Coalitions in Mathematics Education. Carlos Alfonso LopezLeiva, University of New Mexico; Gregory V. Larnell, University of Illinois at Chicago; Beth A. Herbel-Eisenmann, Michigan State University; Mary Q. Foote, Queens College - CUNY; Ayse Yolcu, University of Wisconsin

- Madison; Durrell Jones, Michigan State University 76.074-14. School Choice Policies and Their Consequences. Division G Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Virginia Walker Snodgrass Rangel, University of Houston Participants: “Stealing School” and Suburban Citizenship. R. L’Heureux Lewis-McCoy, City College of New York - CUNY Student Perspectives on Educational Opportunity Distribution in a Competitive Choice District. Kate L. Phillippo, Loyola University Chicago; Briellen Elizabeth Griffin, Loyola University Chicago “Creating” David and Goliath? Exploring News Media Discourse of Parent Trigger Policies and Efforts. Laura Elena Hernandez, University of California - Berkeley; Seenae Chong, University of California Berkeley 76.074-15. Situating Teachers: The Impact of Diverse and Changing Teaching Contexts on Teacher Practice. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Amy Orange, University of Houston - Clear Lake Participants: “What Am I Going to Get in Trouble for Today?” Teacher Mistreatment by Their Administrators. Amy Orange, University of Houston - Clear Lake “This Might Come Back Down on Me”: Online Special Education Teachers and Administrators Position Each Other in Their Work. Mary F. Rice, The University of Kansas; Richard Allen Carter, The University of Kansas Listening to Voices Rarely Heard: “Alternative” Teachers’ Perspectives on the Term Alternative Education. Shanna Rose Thompson, University of Massachusetts - Lowell Situating Teacher Talk: The Intersection of Rurality, Poverty, and Educational Discourse. Alexandra Panos, Indiana University Bloomington; Jennifer Seelig, University of Wisconsin - Madison Sharing “Life Stories”: Immigrant Parents and Teachers in Conversation. Carolyn A. Colvin, University of Iowa; Elizabeth Willmore, University of Iowa; Daisy Patino, The University of Iowa 76.074-16. Students Telling Stories About Social Mobility, Privilege, and Education. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Patricia A. Thomas, Jack Kent Cooke Foundation & Northern Virginia Family Service Participants: Perspectives of Middle- and Upper-Income Blacks Educated in Predominantly White and Integrated Schools. JerMara C. Welch, The University of Arizona The Tensions of “Mount Everest Plan” Programs in China: Perspectives From Gifted Collegiate Students. Kun Yan, Tsinghua University First in Our Families: Digital Stories of Classed Boundaries in the FirstGeneration Experience. Jane A. Van Galen, University of Washington - Bothell 76.074-17. Working With/in and for Communities: Participatory and Community-Based Action Research. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Dana E. Wright, Connecticut College Participants: A Pedagogy of Praxis: Active Learning and Participatory Action Research. Dana E. Wright, Connecticut College Latina/o Ninth-Grade Leavers: Reconceptualizing “Risk” for School Noncompletion. Tara Marie Brown, University of Maryland - College Park; Alice LaRue Joy Cook, University of Maryland - College Park; Jesus Santos, Brandeis University Rising From the Ashes: Case Studies of “Failing” English Schools in Deprived Communities. Ruth Catherine Dann (Smith), Manchester Metropolitan University; Farzana Shain, Keele University; Laura Watt, Keele University “I Never Thought We’d Go Big!” Becoming Change Agents as Doers of Community-Based Scientific Research. Tammie Visintainer, TERC

Tuesday Afternoon, April 12, 2016 76.074-18. Using Self-Study to Contemplate Technology in Teacher Education. SIG-Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Andrew L. Hostetler, Vanderbilt University Participants: Defining and Refining Our Concerns Through the Self-Study of Educational Technology and Design. Maryam Rod Szabo, Kirkwood Community College; Daniel Mourlam, University of South Dakota; Sohyun Meacham, University of Northern Iowa Working the Tensions of Technology, Relationships, and Embodied Materiality in a Self-Study Community. Kathryn Jill Strom, California State University - East Bay; Linda Whalen Abrams, Montclair State University; Charity Mack Dacey, Montclair State University; Tammy Mills, Montclair State University “I’m Not the Expert Anymore”: Reconsidering Educator Roles in a Tablet Course for Preservice Teachers. Elizabeth Libbi Miller, California State University - Fresno; Frederick Nelson, California State University - Fresno; Cathy Yun, California State University - Fresno; Lisa H. Bennett, California State University - Fresno 76.074-19. Examining How and Why Teachers Use Digital Technology. SIG-Technology as an Agent of Change in Teaching and Learning; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Heather Lynn Lynch, Georgia State University Participants: An Investigation Into the Use of Tablets and Laptops in Elementary Classrooms: Successes and Future Considerations in Technology Implementation. Erin Brook Shepherd, Hillsboro School District; Mary Shortino-Buck, University of Portland; Andrew Ratzke, University of Portland Differences in Technology Uses and Perceptions Among Elementary, Middle, and High School Teachers. Kara M. Dawson, University of Florida; Albert Dieter Ritzhaupt, University of Florida Toward a Typology of Technology-Using Teachers: A Latent Class Analysis of National Center for Education Statistics FRSS 95. Kenneth E. Graves, Teachers College, Columbia University; Alex J. Bowers, Teachers College, Columbia University Tracking Teachers’ Perspectives and Experiences With Educational Technology: A Survey of Maryland Teachers. Bradley Quarles, University of Maryland - College Park; June Ahn, University of Maryland - College Park 76.074-20. Strategies to Support Preservice Teachers in Developing Mathematics Knowledge for Teaching. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 10:35am to 12:05pm Chair: Stephanie Z. Smith, Georgia State University Participants: A Mathematics Curriculum That Supports Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Content Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics. Alejandra Salinas, Boston University; Ziv Feldman, Boston University; Laura Marie Kyser Callis, Boston University; Suzanne Chapin, Boston University Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Conceptions of Proof in the Context of Science and Mathematics. Zulfiye Zeybek, Gazi Osman Pasa University; Kader Bilican, Kirikkale University; Elif Tugce Karaca, kırıkkale university Preparing Teachers for Today’s Elementary Mathematics Classrooms: Exploring Changes in Beliefs and Specialized Content Knowledge. Stephanie Z. Smith, Georgia State University; Marvin E. Smith, Kennesaw State University; Susan Swars Auslander, Georgia State University; Kayla Myers, Georgia State University; Tiffany Jacobs, Georgia State University Preservice Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Confidence for Teaching Elapsed Time: The Effects of Training. Xi Zeng, Texas Tech University; Raymond Flores, Texas Tech University; Jian Wang, Texas Tech University

Tuesday, 12:25 pm Governance Meetings and Events


77.001. AERA 2017 Annual Meeting Program Committee: Closed Meeting. AERA Governance; Governance Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Archives; 12:25-3:00pm Chair: Vivian L. Gadsden, University of Pennsylvania

AERA Sessions 77.010. Backpack Full of Cash: Sneak Preview of a 90-Minute Documentary Film Narrated by Matt Damon. AERA Sessions; Invited Speaker Session Convention Center, Level Two, Room 202 B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Jeannie Oakes, University of California - Los Angeles Participants: Sarah Mondale, Stone Lantern Films; Vera Aronow, Turnstone Productions; Cassie Schwerner, Schott Foundation; Sanjiv Rao, The Ford Foundation Discussant: Kevin G. Welner, University of Colorado Boulder

Committee Sessions 77.011. A Critical Examination of Public Scholarship on K–12 Racialized Contexts. Committee on Scholars of Color in Education; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 144 A; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Shonda Lemons-Smith, Georgia State University Participants: #BlackGirlsMatter: A Critical Examination Into the Schooling Experiences of Urban Middle School Black Girls. Latoya Williams, Claremont Graduate University Ethnic Differences in the Impact of Special Education Placement on Academic Growth Trajectories. Maria E. Hernandez Finch, Ball State University; William Holmes Finch, Ball State University Overpoliced, Underprotected: The Role of School Culture in Combating Exclusion and Criminalization of Students Through an Institutional Culture of Care. Brianna Baker, Spelman College; Robert Cooper, University of California - Los Angeles Racial, Ethnic, Gender, and Socioeconomic Differences in Students’ Perceptions of How Pursuing Math and Science Influences Their Popularity. Tamara V. Young, North Carolina State University; Tuere Bowles, North Carolina State University; Kirsten Aleman, North Carolina State University; Iris Wagstaff, North Carolina State University A site of resistance and/or reclamation? The role of the Black church in the charter school movement. Danielle Allen, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill Discussant: Ayana Allen, Drexel University 77.012. Designing and Implementing PISA for Development: Challenges and Opportunities. International Relations Committee; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 147 B; 12:25-1:55pm Chairs: Pablo Zoido, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; Michael Ward, OECD Participants: Designing and Implementing PISA for Development: Challenges and Opportunities. Pablo Zoido, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development The Cognitive Assessments in PISA for Development. Ann Kennedy, ETS The Educational Prosperity Model in PISA for Development. Jon Douglas Willms, University of New Brunswick A Country’s Perspective on PISA for Development. Harvey Sanchez Restrepo, INEVAL

WERA Sessions 77.013. International Perspectives on School Violence. World Education Research Association (WERA); Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 154 B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Motlalepule Ruth Mampane, University of Pretoria Participants: Prevalence of “Student on Teacher” Violence in Schools. Ryan Kapa, The Ohio State University; Dorothy Moulthrop, The Ohio State University Columbus; Jeremy Byron Luke, The Ohio State University - Columbus; Belinda Gimbert, The Ohio State University Responding to School Violence With a Three-Phase Model. Jayne Melissa Leh, The Pennsylvania State University


Tuesday Afternoon, April 12, 2016 The Impact of School Choice on School Segregation: A Conceptual Comparative Analysis. Christopher A. Lubienski, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Laura Perry, Murdoch University

77.014. International Students and Higher Education Through a Global Lens. World Education Research Association (WERA); Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 158 B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Jo Lampert, Queensland University of Technology Participants: Global Engagement Model for Leadership and Justice: Mexico-U.S. Study Abroad in Graduate Education. Laurie Stevahn, Seattle University; Nina L. Valerio, Seattle University Constructing Meanings of Graduate International Students’ Social and Academic Perceptions in the United States. Anthony Olalere, Clemson University Investigating Perceived Needs Related to Faculty Teaching and Advising of International Graduate Students. Eric Archer, Western Michigan University; Nizoramo Haitova, Western Michigan University Institutional Ethnography: International Application Process at a Canadian University. Joe Corrigan, University of Alberta 77.015. Multiuniversity in Sustainable Education. World Education Research Association (WERA); WERA Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 153; 12:25-1:55pm Chairs: David M. Callejo Perez, Saginaw Valley State University; Abel Ruben Hernandez Ulloa, Universidad de Guanajuato Participants: Human Development and Higher Education. Abel Ruben Hernandez Ulloa, Universidad de Guanajuato Public Higher Education in Mexico: The Case of the National Polytechnic Institute. Luz María Muñoz de Cote, University of Guanajuato Discussants: Luz María Muñoz de Cote, University of Guanajuato; Sylvia van Dijk, University of Guanajuato 77.016. The Delphi Method in Education Research: A Tool for Public Scholarship in Diverse Democracies. World Education Research Association (WERA); WERA Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 154 A; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Aslam Fataar, Stellenbosch University Participants: The Utility of the Delphi Method to Improve School Success of Students With Migrant Background. Stephan Rösselet, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz Unpacking Culturally Responsive Instruction Through the Lens of a Delphi Study. Katherine R. Sprott, Lamar University Prioritizing Research in Multilingualism and Language Education via the Delphi Method. Antje Hansen, University of Hamburg; Sarah McMonagle, Universität hamburg; Ingrid Gogolin, Universität Hamburg 77.017. Valid Assessment of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education: International Perspectives and Methodological Challenges. World Education Research Association (WERA); WERA Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 144 B; 12:25-1:55pm Chairs: Hans Anand Pant, Humboldt University - Berlin; Olga ZlatkinTroitschanskaia, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz Participants: Valid Assessment of Competence Change in Higher Education. Jean-Paul Fox, University of Twente; Susanne Schmidt, Johannes GutenbergUniversität Mainz Academic Competencies of German and Australian Students. Hamish Bennett Coates, University of Melbourne; Miriam Toepper, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz; Corinna Lautenbach, Humboldt University - Berlin The Think-Aloud Method in the Process-Related Validation of an Assessment of Academic Student Learning Outcomes. Sebastian Brueckner, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz; James W. Pellegrino, University of Illinois at Chicago Assessing Higher Order Students’ Skills Internationally: Adaptation of a Performance-Based Test for Italian University Students. Doris Zahner, Council for Aid to Education Discussant: Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Goteborg University 77.018. World Education Research Association–International Research

Network Global Ethics in Higher Education. World Education Research Association (WERA); WERA Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 103 B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Su-ming Khoo, Sociology and Political Science, NUI Galway Participants: Internationalizing Education and Its Discontents: A History of the Present. Roland Sintos Coloma, Miami University Troubling Cartographies and Ambivalent Imaginaries: Using Heuristic Models Heuristically. Karen Pashby, University of Alberta; Meeri Hellsten, Södertörn University; Su-ming Khoo, Sociology and Political Science, NUI Galway Remembrance, Emancipatory Pedagogies, and the Affective Dynamics of Education. Lisa K. Taylor, Bishop’s University Are We Really That “Postcolonial”? Perspectives on Internationalization From the Ethical Internationalism in Higher Education (in Times of Crises) (EIHE) Project and the Cases of Scotland and Ireland. Dalene M. Swanson, The University of British Columbia; Su-ming Khoo, Sociology and Political Science, NUI Galway 77.019. Worldwide Education Research on Learning Outcomes in Mathematics. World Education Research Association (WERA); Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 149 B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Robert Giebitz, University of New Mexico Participants: Small Frog in a Big Pond Versus Big Frog in a Small Pond. Jaekyung Lee, University at Buffalo - SUNY; Namsook Kim, University at Buffalo SUNY The Relationship of Classroom Context, Motivation, and Mathematics Achievement Among American and Chinese Adolescents. Ying Hong Jiang, Azusa Pacific University; Jenny Y.P. Yau, Azusa Pacific University The Influence of School Textbooks on TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) and PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study) Performance: A Content Analysis Approach. Mariam Orkodashvili, Vanderbilt University 77.020. Young People’s Perspectives on Society and Global Citizenship. World Education Research Association (WERA); Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 145 B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Lauri Johnson, Boston College Participants: Being Children: Children’s Voices on Childhood. Claire Cassidy, University of Strathclyde; Sarah-Jane Conrad, University of Applied Sciences and Arts North Western Switzerland; Marie-France Daniel, University of Montreal; Vesselin Dafov, University of Sofia; Maria Jose de Figueiroa-Rego, University of Porto; Darren Garside, Bath Spa University; Walter Kohan, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro; Karin Saskia Murris, University of Cape Town; Jayne White, University of Waikato; Xiaoling Wu, Nanjing Normal University Third Space for Global Engagement. Uttam Gaulee, University of Florida; Dale Campbell, University of Florida; M. David Miller, University of Florida; Bernard Oliver, United Arab Emirates University; Pilar Mendoza, University of Missouri - Columbia; Mirka E. KoroLjungberg, Arizona State University Educating Global Citizens in Diverse Democracies With Young People Leading the Way. Lucas Walsh, Monash University

International Organization Sessions 77.021. Where Are Feminisms in Teacher Education Today? Canadian Society for the Study of Education; Invited Speaker Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Monument; 12:25-1:55pm Presenters: Lisa Joanne Starr, McGill University; Katherine J. Sanford, University of Victoria; Laurie Hill, St. Mary’s University College; Mindy Roberta Carter, McGill University; Ashley DeMartini, McGill University

Division Sessions 77.022. Teachers as Levers for Change: The Effects of Teacher Professional Development on School Improvement. Division A Administration; Paper Session

Tuesday Afternoon, April 12, 2016 Convention Center, Level Two, Room 209 B; 12:25-1:55pm Participants: District Sense-Making and Implementation of Teacher Professional Development: A Case of Lesson Study in Florida. Gareth Bryan Wilkinson, Florida State University; Motoko Akiba, Florida State University; Guillermo J. Farfan, Florida State University; Cassie Howard, Florida State University; Angelina Kuleshova, Florida State University Improving Schools Through School-Based Professional Development Aligned With the National Board Certification Process. Travis Bristol, Stanford University; Ann C. Jaquith, Stanford University Instructional Collaboration Among High School Math and Science Teachers: Insights From the High School Longitudinal Study. Kristy S. Cooper, Michigan State University; Amy Auletto, Michigan State University The Role of Teacher Professional Development in Turnaround Principals’ Approach to Raising Student Achievement. Anthony S. Terrell, Fairfax County Public Schools 77.023. Unique Principal Preparation Models and Lessons Learned. Division A - Administration; Paper Session Convention Center, Level Two, Room 206; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Monique Liston, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Participants: Reflections From a Decade of Preparing Urban School Leaders. Nicole Limperopulos, Teachers College, Columbia University; Phillip A Smith, Teachers College, Columbia University Principal Evaluation in Indiana: Practitioners’ Perceptions of a New Statewide Model. Kelly A Andrews, Richmond Community School Corporation; Lori Boyland, Ball State University Public Scholarship and Professional Identity: Mid-Career Educational Leaders’ Research Culture Preparation and Perceptions. Jane Clark Lindle, Clemson University; Ellen M Hampshire, Clemson University; Robert Charles Knoeppel, Clemson University The Search for Principal Effectiveness: Increasing Principals’ Time on Instructional Leadership Through the SAM Process. Ellen B. Goldring, Vanderbilt University; Jason A. Grissom, Vanderbilt University; Christine M. Neumerski, Vanderbilt University - Peabody College; Richard Blissett, Vanderbilt University - Peabody College; Joseph F. Murphy, Vanderbilt University; Andrew C. Porter, University of Pennsylvania The Value Aspiring Principals Place on Various Instructional Strategies in Principal Preparation Programs. John A. Oliver, Texas State UniversitySan Marcos; Stephen P. Gordon, Texas State University-San Marcos Discussant: Liz Hollingworth, University of Iowa 77.024. Pedagogical Spaces and Places for Teacher and Student Agency. Division B - Curriculum Studies; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon M; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Molly Quinn, Georgia Regents University Participants: A Case Study of Critical Pedagogy of Place in Urban Science Education. Alexandra Schindel Dimick, University at Buffalo - SUNY Derivations on a Dérive: Walking for Thinking About Movement, Space, and Self in Teacher Education. Stacey Leigh Kerr, University of Georgia - Athens Place-Making Through Reenactment: From Archives to Urban Spaces. Lara Heiberger, Vanderbilt University - Peabody College; Rogers P. Hall, Vanderbilt University Using Contested and Ambiguous Spaces: Teacher Agency, Inclusion, and Discursive Activism. Tina Y. Gourd, University of Washington 77.025. Re-Creating and Reimagining Spaces for Indigenous Feminisms: Case Studies From Five Cultural Contexts. Division B - Curriculum Studies; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon N; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Antonia Darder, Loyola Marymount University Participants: What Is Cihuatl Xicana Scholar Activism? Implications for Decolonizing Research Methodologies. Cueponcaxochitl Dianna Moreno Sandoval, Arizona State University Revisiting “Shut Up and Paddle” as an Ongoing Negotiation of Indigenous Feminisms. Marissa Munoz, The University of British Columbia A Hopeful Moment: The Centennial Commemoration of the Armenian


Genocide in Istanbul. Suzie M. Abajian, Occidental College “My Spirit Dwells in the Mountains”: Listening to the Footsteps of a Truku Female Hunter. Man-chiu Lin, Arizona State University - Tempe; Bowtung Yudaw HERstory: Decolonizing Scholarship Through Chicana Activists’ Testimonios. Julia Gutierrez, Arizona State University - Tempe Discussant: Georgina R. Martin, Vancouver Island University 77.026. “Why Do I Feel This Way?” Recursive and Reinforcing Antecedents of Emotions in the Classroom. Division C - Learning and Instruction; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 150 A; 12:25-1:55pm Chairs: Jamie Taxer, Stanford University; Eric Smith, Stanford University Participants: The Interplay of Elementary School Students’ Emotions and Their Academic Achievement. Stephanie Lichtenfeld, University of Munich; Reinhard Pekrun, University of Munich Declines in Adaptive Emotion Regulation Beliefs and Strategies Across Middle School. Eric Smith, Stanford University; Carissa Romero, Stanford University; Brian Donovan, Stanford University; Ihno Lee; David Paunesku, Stanford University; Rachel Herter, Stanford University; Geoffrey L. Cohen, Stanford University; Carol Dweck, Stanford University; James J Gross, Stanford University Emotional Convergence Within Classrooms: Selection and Influence Effects. Philipp G Forster, University of Munich; Reinhard Pekrun, University of Munich The Mediating Role of Emotions in the Relationship Between TeacherStudent Relatedness and Emotional Exhaustion in Teachers. Jamie Taxer, Stanford University; Anne C. Frenzel, University of Munich (LMU) Discussant: Thomas Goetz, University of Konstanz 77.027. Diverse Methodologies for Studying the Effects of Emotion on Learning. Division C - Learning and Instruction; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 150 B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Panayiota Kendeou, University of Minnesota Participants: A Comprehensive Multicomponential Examination of Learners’ Emotional Responses to Critical Problem-Solving Events. Amanda Jarrell, McGill University; Susanne P. Lajoie, McGill University A Moment-by-Moment Examination of Emotions During Text-Based Knowledge Revision. Gregory Trevors, McGill University; Reese Butterfuss, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities; Panayiota Kendeou, University of Minnesota Hopelessness and Physiological Stress Dysregulation Indicated by Diurnal Cortisol Patterns in College Students. Katherine C Cheng, Arizona State University; Jenefer E. Husman, Arizona State University; Masumi Iida, Arizona State University; Maryann Elizabeth Barnes, Arizona State University; Kurtis Espino, Arizona State University - Tempe How Emotions Affect Multimedia Learning: A Study on Mechanisms of Action. Lisa Knoerzer, Saarland University; Roland Bruenken, Saarland University; Babette Park, Saarland University Individual Differences in Emotional Reactivity and Academic Achievement: A Pupillary-Change Study. Sara Scrimin, University of Padova; Gianmarco Altoè, University of Padova; Ughetta Moscardino, University of Padova; Lucia Mason, University of Padova 77.028. Investigating Cognition and Motivation at the Classroom Level. Division C - Learning and Instruction; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 144 C; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Tanner LeBaron Wallace, University of Pittsburgh Participants: Examining Classroom Support of Achievement Goals Through Talk. Kelly Boden, University of Pittsburgh; Timothy James Nokes-Malach, University of Pittsburgh Teacher Questioning: Opportunities for Retrieval Practice in Middle School Math Classrooms. Lisa Fazio, Vanderbilt University Relational Mapping: An Interactive Perspective on Classroom-Level Analogy Support. J. Elizabeth Richey, Miami University - Oxford; Tatum Walker, University of Pittsburgh; Corrine Green, Purdue University; Timothy James Nokes-Malach, University of Pittsburgh Identifying Teachers’ Supports of Metacognition in the Classroom. Cristina D. Zepeda, University of Pittsburgh; Christina Hlutkowsky, University of Pittsburgh; Anne Partika, The College of Wooster;


Tuesday Afternoon, April 12, 2016

Timothy James Nokes-Malach, University of Pittsburgh Teaching for Equity: How Classroom Interactions Influence Achievement. Jasmine Williams, University of Pittsburgh; Hannah Sung, University of Pittsburgh; Tanner LeBaron Wallace, University of Pittsburgh Discussant: Chris S. Hulleman, University of Virginia 77.029. Reconceptualizing the Learning Spaces Created by Elementary Classroom Engineering. Division C - Learning and Instruction; Symposium Convention Center, Level Two, Room 209 A; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Kristen Wendell, Tufts University Participants: Collaboration or Cooperation in Engineering Design: Competing Discourses for Participating in Reflective Decision Making in an Urban Elementary Classroom. Christopher George Wright, The University of Tennessee - Knoxville; Kristen Wendell, Tufts University; Patricia C. Paugh, University of Massachusetts - Boston Creating Pathways to Design Through Imperfect Literacy Acts: Sketching in a Fifth-Grade Engineering Project. Michelle Jordan, Arizona State University; Jamie Mae Collins, University of New Mexico Dynamic Framings in Novel Engineering Design Activities. Mary McCormick, Tufts University; Jessica Watkins, Tufts University The Language of Reflective Decision Making in Urban Elementary Engineering Design: A Case Study. Patricia C. Paugh, University of Massachusetts - Boston; Kristen Wendell, Tufts University; Christopher George Wright, The University of Tennessee - Knoxville Discussants: Roni Jo Draper, Brigham Young University; Elizabeth Parry, North Carolina State University 77.030. Democratizing Qualitative Methods: Insights From Critical Childhood Studies. Division D - Measurement and Research Methodology; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon F; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Nicole Nguyen, University of Illinois at Chicago Participants: Children Framing Childhoods: A Counterarchive of Learning, Being, and Doing. Wendy L. Luttrell, Graduate Center City University of New York Challenging Deficit Discourse Through Qualitative Research With Urban Children: Sharing Tough Findings With Teachers. Heidi Pitzer, St. Lawrence University The Politics of Talk About Schools: Power Relations in Qualitative Research With Children. Nicole Nguyen, University of Illinois at Chicago Play Ethnography: Resistance to Child-Centered Pedagogical Structures in a Preschool Classroom. Maria Persons, The Graduate Center, City University of New York Discussant: Claudia Mitchell, McGill University 77.031. Validity Issues in Assessing English Learners. Division D Measurement and Research Methodology; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon G; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Stephen G. Sireci, University of Massachusetts - Amherst Participants: Validity and Generalizability in the Testing of English Learners. Guillermo Solano-Flores, Stanford University Targeted Linguistic Modifications of Science Items for English Learners. Tracy E. Noble, TERC; Stephen G. Sireci, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Craig S. Wells, University of Massachusetts - Amherst; Rachel R. Kachchaf, Smarter Balanced; Ann Rosebery, TERC English Learners’ Difficulties in Solving Mathematics Items Aligned With the Common Core: Implications for Assessment Accessibility. Mikyung Kim Wolf, ETS; Danielle Guzman-Orth, Educational Testing Service; Jennifer Wain, Educational Testing Service; Jamal Abedi, University of California - Davis; Florencia Tolentino, ETS Who Is Like Whom? Reclassification and Performance Patterns for Different Groupings of English Learners. Molly Marian FaulknerBond, University of Massachusetts Amherst Discussant: Robert T. Linquanti, WestEd 77.032. Racial Theory, Racial Justice, and Racial Policy. Division F History and Historiography; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 152 B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Mirelsie Velazquez, University of Oklahoma Participants:

Alain Locke, the Carnegie Corporation, and Adult Education in Harlem. Amato Nocera, University of Wisconsin - Madison Community Redlining: The Educational Impact of Residential Segregation. Hugh Potter, Michigan State University; Bryan Beverly, Michigan State University The Politics of Youth: Professional Conceptions of Adolescence, the NAACP Youth Councils, and Student Activism in the South, 1900– 1965. Jon Hale, College of Charleston Racial Inequality and Racial Ideology at the City University of New York, 1960–1965. Tahir H Butt, City University of New York Graduate Center Discussant: Michelle A. Purdy, Washington University in St. Louis 77.033. “Just Sayin’”: The Complexity and Utility of “Nonstandardized” Language Practices Among Multilingual and Multidialectal Youth. Division G - Social Context of Education; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level One, University of DC; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Mariana Pacheco, University of Wisconsin - Madison Participants: “Ingles macheteado es lo que hablo Yo”: The Language Ideological Discourses of Latina/o Youth in Urban High School Classrooms. Danny C. Martinez, University of California - Davis Creating an Instructional Context to Recognize Brilliance: Fundamental Considerations About Oral Reading Fluency for High School Educators. Maneka Deanna Brooks, Texas State University In One Day’s Talk: The Standard English, Chicano English, and Spanish Language Use of a Fourth-Grade English Learner. Claudia RodriguezMojica, Santa Clara University Los dos son mi idioma: Translanguaging, Identity, and Social Relationships Among Bilingual Youth. Luis Ernesto Poza, University of Colorado - Denver Discussant: Christian J. Faltis, University of California - Davis 77.034. Civic Actors in Democratic Spaces: Engaging Processes and People. Division G - Social Context of Education; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon I; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Jesse Moya, Siena College Participants: Building Democratic Schools With Local Stakeholders: Systemic Transformation and Expansive Learning at an Urban Middle School. Aydin Bal, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Kemal Afacan, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Rebekka S Olsen, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Tremayne L. Clardy, Madison Metropolitan School District; John Harper, Madison Metropolitan School District; Halil Ibrahim Cakir, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Dian Mawene, University of Wisconsin - Madison The Human Rights Project: Civic and Political Engagement for Unaccompanied High School Youth. Theresa A. Mcginnis, Hofstra University Structural Influences on Critical Civic Development: Comparisons Across Classroom and Youth Organizing Spaces. Jesse Moya, Siena College Discussant: Marc Lamont Hill, Morehouse College 77.035. Literacy, Positioning, and Agency: Multiple Perspectives From Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners and Families. Division G - Social Context of Education; Structured Poster Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 102 B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Mary McGriff, New Jersey City University Participants: 1. Shifting Positions: (Re)constructing Identity While Reading-to-Write. Monica S. Yoo, University of Colorado - Colorado Springs 2. Latinas in Science: “Students as Scientists” Illustrations as Identity Texts. Antonieta Avila, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee 3. The Reflexive Positioning of a Long-Term English Learner. Maria Selena Protacio, Western Michigan University 4. Korean Parents’ Ideological Stance-Taking on Bilingualism and Biliteracy. Kwangok Song, Arkansas State University; Hwewon Kim, Seoul Theology University 5. Understanding Chinese Immigrant Parents’ Positioning in K–12 Schooling Communities. Soria Elizabeth Colomer, Oregon State University; Linyu Yu, University of South Florida 6. African American and Latino College Student Positioning Through Essay Revision. Mary McGriff, New Jersey City University Discussant: Eurydice B. Bauer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Tuesday Afternoon, April 12, 2016 77.036. Race and Identity in Social Studies Education. Division G - Social Context of Education; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon J; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Cinthia S. Salinas, The University of Texas - Austin Participants: Teaching Slavery and Race: Moving Past Educative Psychic Violence and the Typical Black History Pedagogy. LaGarrett Jarriel King, University of Missouri - Columbia An Asian Critical Theory Perspective on Race and Racism in Social Studies Curriculum. Sohyun An “The Civil Rights Movement Was Never Black and White”: Preservice Teachers Exploring Notions of Intersectionality. Amanda Elizabeth Vickery, Arizona State University Were the Ancient Egyptians Black? Racial Identities and Historical Thinking. Tadashi Dozono, New York City Department of Education “Same Racism, Just Different”: Making Historical Sense of Mexican American Discrimination. Maribel Santiago, Michigan State University Discussant: Tyrone C. Howard, University of California - Los Angeles 77.037. Resistance in and Across Policy-Making Forums. Division G Social Context of Education; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 145 A; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Thu Suong Thi Nguyen, Indiana University - IUPUI Participants: Policy as Praxis: Engaged Scholarship as Sites for Political Participation and Social Change. Patricia D. López, San José State University How “Public” Is Public Policy? Think Tanks, Elite Policy Actors, and the Common Core. Glenn Clifton Savage, The University of Melbourne Reimagining Education for Decolonial Public Life: Regenerating Indigenous Cultural Subjectivity Through Community-Based Action Research. Nancy Lien, National Dong Hwa University; Huei-Hsuan Lin, National Dong Hwa University Working Toward Social Justice and Equity: Chicana Agency and Activism Within a Teachers’ Union. Katherine Espinoza, The University of Texas; Enrique David Degollado, The University of Texas Discussant: Curtis Anthony Brewer, The University of Texas - San Antonio 77.038. The Varied Uses of Assessment Data for Instructional Improvement: Contexts and Trends. Division H - Research, Evaluation and Assessment in Schools; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Congress; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Rachel A. Hickson, Montgomery County Public Schools Participants: Using Data for Instructional Improvements: Conditions and Contexts That Matter. Caitlin Farrell, University of Colorado - Boulder; Julie A. Marsh, University of Southern California Cross-Informant Agreement for Measuring Educators’ Instructional and Behavioral Management Practices. Linda Reddy, Rutgers University; Christopher M Dudek, Rutgers University - New Brunswick/ Piscataway; Adam Lekwa, Rutgers University The Quality of Feedback: Instructional Practices Captured in VideoRecorded Classroom Observations. Lisbeth M Brevik, University of Oslo; Kirsti Klette, University of Oslo; Marte Blikstad-Balas, University of Oslo Trends in Instructional Practice, Test Preparation, and Score Use Related to Common Core State Assessments. Heather Marie Buzick, ETS; Anna Rhoad, University of Pennsylvania; Cara Cahalan Laitusis, ETS; Teresa C. King, ETS 77.039. Leadership in the Professions. Division I - Education in the Professions; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 143 B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Ulemu Luhanga, Emory University Participants: Educating School Library Professionals to Be Leaders: Community Service to Engage With a Diverse Public. Jody K. Howard, Old Dominion University; Sue C. Kimmel, Old Dominion University; Bree Ruzzi, Old Dominion University Shared Leadership in Engineering Teams: A Social Network Analysis of Mechanical Engineering Capstone Design Teams. Brian Novoselich, U.S. Army; David Knight, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University The Nature of “New” Swedish Principals’ Professional Identity. Monika Tornsen, Umea University; Pia Skott, Uppsala University


Discussant: Wim H. Gijselaers, Maastricht University 77.040. International Students, Geographic Mobility, and Global Postsecondary Education. Division J - Postsecondary Education; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 151 B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Roy Y. Chan, Indiana University - Bloomington Participants: An Exploration of University Administrators’ Perceptions of International Graduate Students’ Academic Experiences. Anita Gopal, University of Maryland - College Park Geographic Mobility and Social Inequality Among Peruvian University Students. Ryan S. Wells, University of Massachusetts - Amherst; Ricardo Cuenca, IEP; Gerardo Blanco Ramirez, University of Massachusetts Boston; Jorge Aragon, IEP Giving Something Back? Sentiments of Privilege and Civic Duty Among Elite Graduates From Britain and France. Sally Anne Power, Cardiff University Higher Education and Human Capital in Posttransition European Countries: The Consequences of Rent-Seeking Behavior. Lucia Brajkovic, University of Georgia - Athens Discussant: Betsy Brenner, University of California - Santa Barbara 77.041. President Obama’s Agenda for Community Colleges: Evidence of Organizational Change and Impact on Underserved Students. Division J - Postsecondary Education; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 151 A; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Debra D. Bragg, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Participants: Broadening Access, Maintaining Effectiveness: The Case of One Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Consortium Answering Obama’s Calls for Community College Reform. Matt Giani, The University of Texas - Austin How Colleges Learn About the Labor Market. Michelle Van Noy, Rutgers University - New Brunswick/Piscataway Accelerating Student Success: Developmental Education Redesign in Colorado. Heather McKay, Rutgers University; Suzanne Michael Examining Equity Along the Health Professions Pathway Pipeline to Completion. Heather Fox, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Katie Bridges Discussant: Gavin Moodie, University of Toronto 77.042. Student Affairs, Students, and Administrative Leadership. Division J - Postsecondary Education; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 102 A; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Stephon J Hamell, University of Rochester Participants: Career Challenges of LGBTQ Student Affairs Professionals: An Exploration of Macro and Micro Climates. Sean Robinson, Morgan State University; Scott Seyforth, University of Wisconsin - Madison Examining Academic Affairs and Student Affairs Leaders Characterized as Gadflies. Lucy Anne LePeau, Indiana University - Bloomington Learning From Tragedy: A Phenomenological Study of Student Affairs Leadership Following College Campus Disasters. Katie Leigh Treadwell, The University of Kansas Undergraduates as Prospective Alumni: A New Framework for the Study and Practice of Alumni Philanthropy. Stephanie G Wapner, The Ohio State University - Columbus Discussant: Diane R. Dean, Illinois State University 77.043. Underserved Youth, Homelessness, and Suicide. Division J Postsecondary Education; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 152 A; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Glenn Allen Phillips, Southern Illinois University - Carbondale Participants: College Bound: Youth Participatory Action Research and the CollegeGoing Experiences of Underserved Youth. Darris Roshawn Means, University of Georgia; Tara D. Hudson, University of Notre Dame; Elizabeth Tish, Civic Nation Homeless Adults, Technology, and Literacy Practices. Ewa McGrail, Georgia State University; Gertrude M. Tinker Sachs, Georgia State University; Tisha Lewis Ellison, Georgia State University; Nicole Denise Dukes, Georgia State University; Kathleen Walsh Zackery, Cherokee County Board of Education, Canton, Georgia


Tuesday Afternoon, April 12, 2016

Homeless in Higher Education. Ronald Hallett, University of the Pacific; Adam Freas, University of the Pacific Suicide-Related Knowledge, Exposure, and Self-Reported Helping Skills in College Students, Faculty, and Staff. Michael G. MacDonald, Oakland University; Julia B. Smith, Oakland University; Lisa Hawley; Erica Wallace, Oakland University; Patricia Wren Discussant: Jarrett Gupton, University of Minnesota 77.044. Coordinated Early Intervening Services as a Solution for Significant Disproportionality: What Have We Learned? Division L - Educational Policies and Politics; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 146 C; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Tom E. Munk, Westat Participants: The Need for Coordinated Early Intervening Services: Persistent Patterns of Overrepresentation in Special Education. Amy Bitterman, Westat; James Bethel, Westat; Tom E. Munk, Westat; Weijia Ren, Westat Overrepresentation, Underrepresentation, and Remediation in State Coordinated Early Intervening Services Efforts. Russell J. Skiba, Indiana University; Choong Chung, Indiana University; Gwen Kelley, Indiana University; Mariella Isabel Arredondo, Indiana University Unintended Consequences: Who Benefits When and If Significant Racial Disproportionality in Discipline Triggers Coordinated Early Intervening Services Funding. Daniel Losen, University of California - Los Angeles Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) Solving Disproportionality: Examination of Statewide Data on CEIS Plans. Edward Fergus, New York University Discussant: Perry Williams, U.S. Department of Education 77.045. Developing National Indicators for K–12 STEM Curriculum and Instruction. Division L - Educational Policies and Politics; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 146 A; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Brian Stecher, The RAND Corporation Participants: The Adoption of Mathematics and Science Curriculum Materials to Align With New Standards. Morgan S. Polikoff, University of Southern California; Tenice Hardaway, University of Southern California Classroom Implementation Indicators for K–12 Common Core State Standards in Mathematics. Leland S. Cogan, Michigan State University; William H. Schmidt, Michigan State University; Richard T. Houang, Michigan State University Classroom Artifacts as Indicators of Quality in STEM Education. Drew H. Gitomer, Rutgers University - New Brunswick/Piscataway; Jeanette Joyce, Rutgers University Measuring Students’ Exposure to Standards-Aligned STEM Content and Practices. Laura S. Hamilton, RAND Corporation; Kun Yuan, RAND Corporation; Brian Stecher, The RAND Corporation Operationalizing the Science and Engineering Practices (SCIOPS). Peggy Trygstad, Horizon Research, Inc.; Eric Banilower, Horizon Research, Inc.; Joan D. Pasley, Horizon Research, Inc. Guidelines for Assessing the Quality of Instructional Materials That Exemplify the Next Generation Science Standards. April Lynn Gardner, Biological Sciences Curriculum Study; Audrey Mohan; Jody Bintz, Biological Sciences Curriculum Study 77.046. Moving From the “Boutique” to the “Broad”: Scaling up Early College Efforts in Different Settings. Division L - Educational Policies and Politics; Symposium Convention Center, Level Two, Room 209 C; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Julie A. Edmunds, University of North Carolina - Greensboro Participants: The Impact of the Small Stand-Alone Early College Model. Julie A. Edmunds, University of North Carolina - Greensboro; Fatih Unlu, Abt Associates Inc.; Elizabeth J. Glennie, RTI International; Larry Bernstein, Northeastern University; Jane Furey Implementing Early College Strategies in Comprehensive High Schools. Eric Grebing, NC New Schools | Breakthrough Learning Developing District Capacity to Support Early College for All. Joel Vargas, Jobs for the Future; LaVonne Sheffield, Jobs for the Future The Impact of the Rural Innovative Schools Project. Robert Henson, University of North Carolina - Greensboro; Oksana Naumenko, University of North Carolina - Greensboro; Bryan C. Hutchins, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

SIG Sessions 77.047. Supporting Positive Youth Development: Understanding and Resolving Issues of Belonging, Confusion, and Rejection. SIGAdolescence and Youth Development; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon E; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Nino Rodriguez, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Participants: Middle School Black Girls’ Experiences With Sexual Harassment and Subsequent Teacher Responses. Johari Harris, Georgia State University; Ann C. Kruger, Georgia State University; Kathryn Leavitt, Georgia State University; Faith Zabek, Georgia State University; Kate Agel, Georgia State University; Joel Meyers, Georgia State University Relational Aggression and Physical Aggression Among Adolescent Cook Islands Students. Angela Page, Cook Islands Ministry of Education; Lisa F. Smith, University of Otago Predicting Teen Sexting in an Urban High School. David Gregg, Wayne State University; Cheryl Leigh Somers, Wayne State University Teens Helping Teens: Investigating Adolescents’ Talk About Sexual Identity on an Online Message Board. Gretchen A. Brion-Meisels, Harvard University; Katharine Parodi, Harvard Graduate School of Education What Distinguishes Boys From Girls? Developing an Understanding of Gender in the Context of Race. Negin Ghavami, University of California - Los Angeles; Onnie Rogers, University of Washington Seattle; Leah Bueso, University of California - Los Angeles Discussant: Andrea Frazier, Columbus State University 77.048. Blackness as an Act of Social Justice. SIG-Critical Educators for Social Justice; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon L; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Sosanya M. Jones, Southern Illinois University - Carbondale Participants: Keeping Black Children Pushed Into, Not Pushed out of, Classrooms: Black Parents Connect With Teachers and Schools to Create “RaceConscious” Family Engagement. Denise Gray Yull, State University of New York; Marguerite A. Wilson, Binghamton University - SUNY Mathematics, Social Justice, and Race: A Critical Race Theory Analysis of Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice. Erika C. Bullock, The University of Memphis; Christopher Charlie Jett, The University of West Georgia; Gregory V. Larnell, University of Illinois at Chicago “We Are Not Saved”: The Devaluing of Black Male Bodies in an Urban High School. Loyce E. Caruthers, The University of Missouri-Kansas City Disrupting Whiteness: Voice, Silence, and Everything in Between. Dalia Rodriguez, Syracuse University; Camilla Bell, Syracuse University Discussant: Cleveland Hayes, University of La Verne 77.049. Consuming Childhood: Disney as a Curriculum of Consumption. SIG-Critical Perspectives on Early Childhood Education; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon A; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Julie C. Garlen, Georgia Southern University Participants: Peter Pan Parenting: Disney and the Magical Imperative. Julie C. Garlen, Georgia Southern University; Jennifer April Sandlin, Arizona State University “How Many Do You Have?” Disney English (as a) Language (of) Acquisition. Laura Rychly, Augusta University; Stacie Kae Pettit, Augusta University Seeing White: Animated Disney Films as Racial Pedagogy. Jessica Baker Kee, The Pennsylvania State University Gaia Taking Back Disneyland: Rewilding Childhood. Marna Hauk, Ph.D., Institute for Earth Regenerative Studies and Prescott College 77.050. Pre-Kindergarten Practice, Policy, and Child Outcomes. SIGEarly Education and Child Development; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 143 A; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Nora M. Isacoff, New York University Participants: Initial Implementation and Outcomes of a City-Funded Pre-K Initiative: The First Two Years. Lauren Elizabeth Decker-Woodrow, Westat; Emily A. Price, Westat Knowing and Interpreting Pre-Kindergarten Policy: A Bakhtinian Analysis. Bethany Wilinski, Michigan State University

Tuesday Afternoon, April 12, 2016 Relationships Among Kindergartners’ Approaches to Learning Behaviors, Family Socioeconomic Status, and Later Academic Outcomes. Amy H. Rathbun, American Institutes for Research; Grace Kena, U.S. Department of Education School Quality and Mobility Between Public School Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten: Predictors and Outcomes. Caitlin Hines, George Mason University; Adam Winsler, George Mason University Discussant: Nora M. Isacoff, New York University 77.051. Parent Involvement and Educational Achievement. SIG-Family, School, Community Partnerships; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 147 A; 12:25-1:55pm Participants: A Cross-Context Analysis of More Than 11,000 School-Based Parental Involvement Initiatives. Daniel Hamlin, University of Toronto - OISE; Joseph J. Flessa, University of Toronto - OISE A Meta-Analysis on the Relationship Between Parental Involvement and School Outcomes for Latinos. William H. Jeynes, California State University - Long Beach Parent School-Based Involvement and Children’s Academic and Social Outcomes During Elementary Years. Sira Park, UC Berkeley; Susan D. Holloway, University of California - Berkeley School-Based Parent Involvement as Cultural Capital: Involvement, Occupational Prestige, and Early Reading Achievement. Emily R. Dickinson, Human Resources Research Organization; Jill L. Adelson, University of Louisville Stress, Poverty, and the Achievement Gap: A Review. Corey Bunje Bower, SUNY - Buffalo Discussant: Kathy Renita Fox, University of North Carolina - Wilmington 77.052. Educational Equity in Global Environments. SIG-International Studies; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 155; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Binbin Jiang, Kennesaw State University Participants: Education, Postsocialist Transformations, and Social Inclusion: Visions in Bulgaria. Veselina Lambrev, University of Hawaii - Manoa In the Birdcage of Gender Discrimination: A Grounded Theory Study of STEM Women’s Experiences in Ghana. Fred Kofi Boateng, University of Ghana Marginalization in International Literacy Assessment: The Incongruence Between Native and Test Administration Languages. Patriann Smith, Texas Tech University; Jehanzeb Cheema, University of Baltimore; Alex Kumi-Yeboah, University at Albany - SUNY The Impact of Shadow Education on Educational Equity and Achievement in East Asian Educational Systems. Xia Zhao, Lehigh University; Alexander W. Wiseman, Lehigh University “Beyond 2015,” Within the Modern/Colonial Global Imaginary? Global Development and Higher Education. Sharon Stein, The University of British Columbia; Rene Suša, Self-employed; Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti, The University of British Columbia 77.053. Social Movements, Learning Sciences, and Possibilities for Transformation. SIG-Learning Sciences; Structured Poster Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 101; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Ben R. Kirshner, University of Colorado - Boulder Participants: 1. Knowledge From Trauma: Black Lives Matter and Community-Based Participatory Research. Julia A Daniel, University of Colorado Boulder 2. Palestinian Cultural Resistance Against the Israeli Cell. Chandni Desai, OISE/University of Toronto 3. Moving Beyond the Local Campaign? Unraveling the Complexities of Critical Social Analysis in Youth Activism. Jesica Siham Fernandez, Santa Clara University 4. Every Generation Has Its Struggle: Learning in the Context of a Social Movement for Education Equality in South Africa. Ben R. Kirshner, University of Colorado - Boulder; Tafadzwa Tivaringe, Equal Education 5. Challenging the “Default” Whiteness of the Climate Movement. Keara Lightning; Amil Davis; Joe Curnow, University of Toronto - OISE 6. Against the Progress Narrative: Addressing the “Ambivalent Gift” of LGBT Legitimation. Jacob McWilliams, University of Colorado Boulder 7. Learning to Resist: Foregrounding the Political Funds of Knowledge


Rooted in Organizing Among Communities of Color. Joshua Jared Prudhomme, University of Colorado - Boulder; Daniela Kruel DiGiacomo, University of Colorado - Boulder; Erica Jeanne Van Steenis, University of Colorado - Boulder 8. Civic Futuremaking: Social Network Participatory Design With Youth. Natalia Smirnov, Northwestern University 9. New Tools to Organize Old Practices: Activism in the Food Justice Movement. Leah Anne Teeters, University of Colorado - Boulder; A. Susan Jurow, University of Colorado - Boulder Discussants: Kris Gutiérrez, University of Colorado - Boulder; William R. Penuel, University of Colorado - Boulder 77.054. Exploring Methodological Issues in Narrative Research. SIGNarrative and Research; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon P; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Margot Jackson, MacEwan University Participants: Exploring Fictionalization in Narrative Inquiry. M. Shaun Murphy, University of Saskatchewan; Vera F. Caine, University of Alberta; Andrew Estefan, The University of Calgary; D. Jean Clandinin, University of Alberta; Janice Huber, University of Alberta; Pamela A. Steeves, University of Alberta Trolling for Topics in a Qualitative Research Pool: Finding Stories Worth Telling in Narrative Inquiry. Cheryl J. Craig, University of Houston; Yali Zou, University of Houston; JeongAe You, Chung-Ang University; Suhak Oh, Inha University; Gayle A. Curtis, University of Houston “Doing” Narratology: Drawing on Literary Theory for Structural Analysis of Narratives. Joshua M Cruz, Arizona State University - Tempe; Nadia Kellam, Arizona State University Narrative Inquiry as a Social Justice Practice. Sumer Seiki, University of San Francisco; Janice Huber, University of Alberta; Vera F. Caine, University of Alberta Discussant: Elaine Chan, University of Nebraska - Lincoln 77.055. Online Teaching and Learning SIG Paper Session 4. SIG-Online Teaching and Learning; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Treasury; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Dorea D. Bonneau, University of North Carolina - Pembroke Participants: Self-Efficacy and Self-Esteem of Adult Learners in Online Learning. Chang Zhu, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Social Presence in Synchronous Hybrid Settings. Amy T. Peterson, Michigan State University; John E. Bell, Michigan State University; William Cain, Michigan State University; Cui Cheng, Michigan State University The Predictive Validity of the Presences for Germane Cognitive Load. Kadir Kozan, Bahcesehir University Using edTPA to Compare Online and Face-to-Face Teacher Preparation Programs. Tina Lane Heafner, University of North Carolina - Charlotte; Teresa Petty, University of North Carolina - Charlotte 77.056. Philosophical Perspectives on Civic Learning. SIG-Philosophical Studies in Education; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Terri S. Wilson, University of Colorado Boulder Participants: Situating Civic Education: Situationism and the Cultivation of Civic Virtues. Gideon Dishon, University of Pennsylvania Controversial Issues and the Ethics of Steering. Paula McAvoy, University of Wisconsin - Madison Lost in Translation: Ludwig Wittgenstein, Education, and the Question of Abrichtung. Norm Friesen, Boise State University Educating Diverse Democracy Through Performative Citizenship: The Role of Minority Youth in the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement. Liz Jackson, University of Hong Kong Discussant: Rebecca M Taylor, Emory University 77.057. Complexities and Opportunities of Conceptualizing Race as Multidimensional. SIG-Research Focus on Black Education; Symposium Convention Center, Level Two, Room 207 A; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Yolanda J. Majors, The University of Minnesota Participants:


Tuesday Afternoon, April 12, 2016

The Impact of Different Conceptions of Racial Identity on Academic WellBeing Among African American Youth. Jelani Mandara, Northwestern University Contributions of Skin Tone Self-Assessment to Ego Resiliency for Multiracial Adolescents. Margaret Beale Spencer, University of Chicago Impact of a Multidimensional Design Framework on Racial Identity and Academic Competence. Carol D. Lee, Northwestern University Developing Identities as Learners in Context: The Identity Consequences of Racial Stratification in Learning Academies. Nailah Suad Nasir, University of California - Berkeley; kihana miraya ross, University of California - Berkeley; Sepehr Vakil, University of California - Berkeley; David Philoxene, University of California - Berkeley Discussant: Phillip J. Bowman, University of Michigan 77.058. Problem-Disciplined Practice-Based Inquiry for Improving Mathematics Teaching and Learning: Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycles as Tools for Improvement. SIG-Research in Mathematics Education; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon K; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Ann R. Edwards, Carnegie Foundation Participants: Tests of Change in the Continuous Improvement of Professional Development for Community College Developmental Mathematics. Carlos Sandoval, The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching; Ann R. Edwards, Carnegie Foundation; Haley McNamara, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Using Tools of Improvement Science to Advance Instructional Practice in Community College Developmental Mathematics Classes. Karen B. Givvin, University of California - Los Angeles; William M. Saunders, University of California - Los Angeles Using Cycles of Improvement to Increase the Effectiveness of Mathematics Teacher Preparation. James Hiebert, University of Delaware The Role of Design in Community College Mathematics Instructors’ Learning. Louis M. Gomez, University of California - Los Angeles; Kimberley Gomez, University of California - Los Angeles Transforming Secondary Mathematics Teacher Preparation via a Networked Improvement Community. W. Gary Martin, Auburn University; Maria Lorelei Fernandez, Florida International University Discussant: Alan H. Schoenfeld, University of California - Berkeley 77.059. Systems, Structures, Policies: Rural Implications. SIG-Rural Education; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 146 B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Andrea D. Beesley, IMPAQ International Participants: Constructing “The Rural School Problem”: A Century of Rurality and Rural Education Research. Amy Price Azano, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Catharine Biddle, University of Maine Update on Federal Policies Aimed at Improving Rural Education. Devon G. Brenner, Mississippi State University What Are Rural Literacies? Mapping the Spaces. Kim Donehower, University of North Dakota; Michael J. Corbett, University of Tasmania “Leave Us Alone!” Understanding the Politics of Locally Controlled Rural School Districts. Daniella Hall, Northwestern University 77.060. Science for All: Challenges, Practices, and Spaces of Possibility for Creating Inclusive Science Learning Environments. SIG-Science Teaching and Learning; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Mint; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Danielle Kristina Ross, Northern Arizona University Participants: Exploring the Impact of Family Socioeconomic Status on Student Science Achievement in Six Asian Education Systems. Qiang (Andy) Cheng, The University of Mississippi; Hsien-Yuan Hsu, The University of Mississippi Collaborative University-School-Community Partnerships to Prepare Science Teachers for English Learners. Lara Smetana, Loyola University Chicago; Amy Jennifer Heineke, Loyola University Chicago; Jenna Carlson, Loyola University Chicago; Amanda Roudebush, Loyola University Chicago Teaching Science as Aesthetic Inquiry: How the Arts Can Make Science Matter to More Students. Merrie Koester, University of South Carolina

Toward a Race-Based Understanding of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy in the Science Classroom. Patricia S. Morgan, Fayette County Board of Education; Kadir Demir, Georgia State University Science in the Learning Gardens: Engagement and Learning in Sixth Graders From Low-Income Urban Schools. Dilafruz R. Williams, Portland State University; Heather Anne Brule, Portland State University; Ellen Skinner, Portland State University; Sybil Kelley, Portland State University; Claire Lagerwey, Portland State Univeristy Resiliency: A Unique and Dynamic Form of Cultural Engagement. Alejandro J. Gallard, Georgia Southern University; Wesley B Pitts, Lehman College - CUNY; Dr. Lorena Claeys, The University of Texas - San Antonio; Belinda Bustos Flores, The University of Texas - San Antonio; Katie Brkich, Georgia Southern University; Alma Stevenson, Georgia Southern University Discussant: Christopher Burke, University of Michigan - Dearborn 77.061. Polyvocal Professional Learning Through Self-Study Research. SIG-Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 159 A; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Monica Taylor, Montclair State University Participants: The Power of “We” for Professional Learning Through Self-Study. Kathleen Pithouse-Morgan, University of KwaZulu-Natal; Anastasia P. Samaras, George Mason University How to Support Self-Study Research? A Polyvocal Dialogue. Janneke Geursen, Leiden University; Amanda K. Berry, RMIT University; Mieke L. Lunenberg, VU University Amsterdam Duality in Practice and Mentorship of an English Learner Instructional Coach. Delia Elizabeth Racines, University of Southern California; Anastasia P. Samaras, George Mason University Creating a Culture of Inquiry in Music Teacher Education. Colleen M. Conway, University of Michigan; Ann Marie Stanley, University of Rochester Reversible Mentorship in Modern Language Programs: A Collaborative Self-Study of a Technology-Enhanced Mentoring Project. Cristina M. Hernández Gil de Lamadrid, American University; Esperanza Roman Mendoza, George Mason University Employing Poetry and Self-Study to Examine Practice and Its Influence on Students’ Writing Personas. Arvinder Kaur Johri, Prince William County Public Schools Discussant: Guruvsagie (Daisy) Pillay, University of KwaZulu-Natal 77.062. Learning About Inequality. SIG-Social Studies Research; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon D; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: John S. Rogers, University of California - Los Angeles Participants: Teacher Reflections on Talking to Young Children About Poverty and Inequality. Lindsey Nenadal, University of California - Los Angeles; Rashmita Mistry, University of California - Los Angeles Talking Inequality? A Mixed-Methods Study Examining Whether and How Social Studies Teachers Address Economic Inequality. John S. Rogers, University of California - Los Angeles; Joel Westheimer, University of Ottawa Facing Facts in an Era of Political Polarization: Young People’s Learning About Economic Inequality. Benjamin T. Bowyer, Mills College; Joseph E. Kahne, Mills College Discussant: Anand R. Marri, Federal Reserve Bank of New York 77.063. Special Education Research: Math Instruction and Students With Disabilities. SIG-Special Education Research; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 149 A; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Douglas Fuchs, Vanderbilt University Participants: Early Predictors of Calculation Development Among Children at Risk for Learning Difficulties. Peng Peng, The George Washington University; Jessica Min Namkung, University at Albany, SUNY; Douglas Fuchs, Vanderbilt University; Lynn Fuchs, Vanderbilt University; Sam Patton, Vanderbilt University - Peabody College; Loulee Yen; Donald L. Compton; Wenjuan Zhang, Vanderbilt University - Peabody College; Amanda Miller, Regis University; Carol Hamlett, Vanderbilt University - Peabody College Effects of Cognitive Interventions on Problem Solving in English Learners and Children With Math Difficulties. Jennifer Kong, University of

Tuesday Afternoon, April 12, 2016 California - Riverside; Harpreet Uppal, JBS International, Inc.; H. Lee Swanson, University of California - Riverside Growth in Working Memory and Cognitive Predictors of Mathematics Achievement in Children of Varying Ability. Xiaoying Zhang, Beijing Normal University; H. Lee Swanson, University of California Riverside Evidence-Based Mathematics Interventions for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Meta-Analytic Review. Juliet E. Hart Barnett, Arizona State University Modifying a Research-Based Intervention to Improve the Problem Solving of Students With and Without Learning Disability. Jennifer Lee Krawec, University of Miami 77.064. Neoliberalism in Education: Teacher Experiences and Responses. SIG-Teachers Work/Teacher Unions; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 158 A; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Carol Caref, Chicago Teachers Union Participants: Learning, National Ideology, and Grassroots Organizing: Teacher Organizing Through Inquiry in Philadelphia. Rhiannon M. Maton, University of Pennsylvania Teacher Professionalism in Neoliberal Times: Discourses of Union-Active Teachers in Ontario. Pamela Janie Osmond-Johnson, University of Regina High-Stakes Standardized Testing and Teachers’ Work in the United States and Canada: Teacher Experience and Resistance. Arlo Kempf, University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education Discussant: Nina Bascia, University of Toronto - OISE 77.065. Critical Issues in Urban Teacher Education: Focus on Teacher Preparation. SIG-Urban Learning, Teaching, and Research; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 142; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Caroline Clark O’Brien, Catch Up & Read Participants: Becoming a Culturally Responsive Educator: The Impact of Clinical Experiences in Urban Schools. Jennifer D. Olson, University of Illinois at Chicago; Arthi B. Rao, University of Illinois at Chicago Building Mentoring Relationships for Urban High School Students With College Aspirations. Wendy Morrison Cavendish, University of Miami; Benikia Kressler, California State University - Fullerton; Stacey Mercedes Kesten, University of Miami Countering Misrecognition in the Learning-to-Teach Experience: Factors That Influence Teacher Identity in the Urban School. Patrick M. Jenlink, Stephen F. Austin State University Identifying Exemplary Multicultural Educators for Urban Classrooms in Diverse Democracies. Jennifer H. Waddell, University of Missouri Kansas City; Candace M. Schlein, University of Missouri - Kansas City; Omiunota N. Ukpokodu, University of Missouri - Kansas City Discussant: Kenzo K. Sung, Rowan University 77.066. Writing and Literacies Across Disciplinary Contexts: Implications for Students Learning English as an Additional Language. SIGWriting and Literacies; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon O; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: George C. Bunch, University of California - Santa Cruz Participants: The Making of a “Mexican Feminist”: A Multilingual Writer’s Development of Disciplinary Identity. Amanda Kibler, University of Virginia Disciplinary Literacy for Language-Minority Students in Community Colleges: Genres and Metagenres in Two Program Areas. George C. Bunch, University of California - Santa Cruz; Nora W Lang, University of California - Santa Cruz; Heather Schlaman, University of California - Santa Cruz; Kylie Alisa Kenner, University of California - Santa Cruz Teaching and Learning Argumentative Writing in “Sheltered” ESL High School English Language Arts Classrooms. George E. Newell, The Ohio State University; Hyun Jung Joo, The Ohio State University Columbus; Alan Hirvela, The Ohio State University How Common Are Nominalizations in Science Textbooks? Implications for Science Teachers of Emerging Bilinguals. Diego Roman, Southern Methodist University; Allison Briceno, Texas Woman’s University; Waldo Hasperué, Universidad de la Plata, Argentina; Kristen Biedermann, Dallas Independent School District; Greses Perez, Plano


Independent School District Discussants: Sarah W. Beck, New York University; Guadalupe Valdes, Stanford University

Division and SIG Roundtables 77.067. Roundtable Session 54; Roundtable Session 77.067-1. (Re)storying in Qualitative Research. SIG-Qualitative Research; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Valerie J. Janesick, University of South Florida Participants: “I Never Seen Myself Going to College”: Intimate Inquiry, Renata, and Me. Melinda A Westland, University of the Pacific Becoming Postacademics Inside the Neoliberal Academy: Collective Biography as a Method of Resistance. Laura Elizabeth Smithers, University of Oregon; Emily Mathis, University of Oregon; Courtney L. Rath, University of Oregon; Spirit Brooks, University of Oregon; Allyson Dean, University of Oregon; Asilia K Franklin-Phipps, University of Oregon; Nadia Raza, Lane Community College; Krystal Sundstrom, University of Oregon Storying Research Through Writing. Shannon McManimon, Science Museum of Minnesota 77.067-2. Writing and the Dissertation. SIG-Graduate and Postdoctoral Education across the Disciplines; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Rachel Anne Winston, George Washington University Participants: Conceptualizing Validity for Participatory Action Research Dissertations and Theses: A Holistic Framework. Emily F. Cole, University at Buffalo - SUNY The Choppy Waters of Academic Writing for Education Doctoral Students: Using Writing Scaffolds to Navigate the Journey. Micki M. Caskey, Portland State University; Dannelle D. Stevens, Portland State University Using Academic Notebooks in Doctoral Writing: An Investigation of Doctoral Students’ and Instructors’ Perceptions. Cindy Lee Benge, Aldine Independent School District; Melinda Susan Butler, Humble Independent School District; Kimberly Athens, Sam Houston State University; Jessica Keelan, Sam Houston State University; Alana Morris; Julie P. Combs, Sam Houston State University The Education Dissertation: A Historical Exploration. Danielle Hagood, University of California - Davis 77.067-3. Practice and Arts-Based Research. SIG-Arts-Based Educational Research; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Sarah Jean Morrison, Appleby College Participants: Aesthetic Rubbings: Toward a Theory of Frottage as Inquiry. Maya R. Pindyck, Teachers College, Columbia University Learning by Doing: Developing an Undergraduate Arts-Based Research Course in a Fine Arts Program. Rachel Fendler, Florida State University; Fernando Hernández-Hernández, University of Barcelona Shaping Pedagogy and Research From the Art Studio. Csaba Osvath, University of South Florida Visualizing Lives, Labyrinths, and Spiritwalking: Arts-Based Research Practices for Mentoring Doctoral Students. Thalia Mulvihill, Ball State University 77.067-4. Methodological Knowledge and Issues in Documentary Research. SIG-Biographical and Documentary Research; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Pamela J. Konkol, Concordia University - Chicago Participants: Digging Into Documents to Examine Social-Political Problems and Implications in the Curriculum. Nicoletta Christodoulou, Augusta University Documentary Storywork in Intercultural Contexts: Advancing Tribal Sovereignty and Public Scholarship Through Culturally Sustaining/ Revitalizing Filmmaking. Christine Rogers Stanton, Montana


Tuesday Afternoon, April 12, 2016 State University; Brad R Hall, Blackfeet Community College; Lucia Ricciardelli, Montana State University Documenting Spectacle of Teacher Education: Privatization, Corporatization, and Teacher Performance Assessment. Brian D. Schultz, Northeastern Illinois University; Alison G Dover, Northeastern Illinois University

77.067-5. Traversing and Renegotiating Identity Borders: On the Presentation, Representation, and Re-Representation of Fluid Selves in Literature for Young People. SIG-Literature; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: David Eric Low, California State University - Fresno Participants: Examining the College-Level Young Adult Literature Course for Pedagogical Approaches to LGBTQ and Gender-Variant Themes and Characters. Jacqueline Bach, Louisiana State University White Boys in Dresses: Transgender Representation in Picture Books Since 2010. Stephen Adam Crawley, University of Georgia Adolescents Learning About “Adolescence” in an Advanced Placement English Class. Sophia Tatiana Sarigianides, Westfield State University Focus Versus Flow: Students’ Understandings and Misunderstandings of Avid Readers’ Flow Experiences. Jennifer G. Zwillenberg, University of Pennsylvania 77.067-6. The Power of Art for Democratic Realization. SIG-Arts and Learning Cosponsored with SIG-Democratic Citizenship in Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Rachel Louise Geesa, Ball State University Participants: Toward an Art-Based, Reflexive, and Multimodal Pedagogy for Global Citizenship Education. Rui Kang, Georgia College & State University; Yeprem Mehranian, Georgia College & State University Unicorn Acts and Thinking Hats: Imaginative Contexts to Situate Learning for Preservice Teachers. Eliza Pitri, University of Nicosia; Agni Stylianou-Georgiou, University of Nicosia Visualizing Critical and Democratic Art Education Through ServiceLearning Reflective Activities. Melanie L. Buffington, Virginia Commonwealth University; Pamela G. Taylor, Virginia Commonwealth University What Happens When the Artist Leaves? A Teacher Educator’s SelfStudy Following an Artist Residency. Kelli Jo Kerry-Moran, Indiana University of Pennsylvania “When I Do Art I Feel Like a Baby Tree”: Examining a SchoolCommunity Arts Partnership. Manuelito Biag, Stanford University; Erin Raab, Stanford University; Mary K. Hofstedt, East Palo Alto Youth Arts & Music Center 77.067-7. Understanding Youth Perceptions and Outcomes in Spaces for Extended Learning. SIG-Out-of-School Time; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 12:25-1:55pm Participants: Students’ Experiences in an Activity-Driven Extended Learning Time Program. Michael A Hemphill, College of Charleston; Kevin Andrew R. Richards, University of Alabama; Paul M Wright, Northern Illinois University The Effects of Losing Curricular Differentiation on the Perceptions of Middle School After-School Program Participants. Erik James Shaver, Indiana University - IUPUI; Kirsten Robbins, Indiana University IUPUI Building Trust: Reflections of Adults Working With Youth in Project-Based Programs. Aisha Griffith, University of Virginia; Haley E. Johnson, University of Virginia What Makes for Supportive Adults in Outdoor Out-of-School Time Programming? Perspectives From Girls and Adults. Kallen E. Tsikalas, Girl Scout Research Institute 77.067-8. Remembering, (Re)living, and Reflecting: Curricular and Cultural History. SIG-Critical Issues in Curriculum and Cultural Studies; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Jennifer Job, Oklahoma State University Participants:

Reconnecting to Self Through Historic Knowledge That Education Ignored. Jill L. Hare, Silver Consolidated Schools - Silver High School The Frailties of Remembering School: Social Justice Teaching as Difficult Knowledge. Debbie Sonu, Hunter College - CUNY The Reconceptualization of U.S. Curriculum Studies in Context: The 1960s and the AERA Critical Issues in Curriculum and Cultural Studies SIG. James C. Jupp, Georgia Southern University; William (Bill) H. Schubert, University of Illinois at Chicago 77.067-9. Parent and Family Effects on Adjustment. Division E Counseling and Human Development; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 12:25-1:55pm Participants: Associations Between Parental Legal Status and Children’s Academic Achievement. Erin Sibley, Boston College; Kalina Brabeck, Rhode Island College Latina Mothers’ Math Gender Stereotypes: Relationship to Math Involvement and Children’s Perceived Math Abilities. Jill Denner, Education, Training, and Research Associates; Brett Laursen, Florida Atlantic University; Amy Hartl, Florida Atlantic University; Daniel Dickson, Florida Atlantic University; Eloy Ortiz, ETR Associates The Impact of a School Mindfulness Program on Adolescent Outcomes With Attachment as a Moderator. Andrew James Campbell, Hood College; Richard P. Lanthier, The George Washington University; Shari Matray, The George Washington University 77.067-10. Understanding the Construction of the Dis/abled Child Through Literacy, Literature, and Schooling: Critiques and Ways Forward. SIG-Disability Studies in Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Maria Timberlake, SUNY - College at Cortland Participants: Becoming an Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Child: Disability and Early Schooling in the Era of Accountability. Kyung Hwa Lee, University of Georgia Digital Literacy, Identity, and Academic Engagement Among Reading “Dis-Abled”: A Theoretical Paper. Eric Claravall, San Francisco State University; Jill M. Castek, Portland State University Issues of Bullying and Disability in Children’s Literature. Donna Sayers Adomat, Indiana University; Angela Michelle Wiseman, North Carolina State University To Know a Mockingbird: Disability Studies Meets Boo Radley. Dorothy M. Bossman, University of Nebraska 77.067-11. Impact of Examinations on Racial Dynamics of Teacher Licensure. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Christopher J.P. Sewell, General Assembly Participants: Balancing Quality and Opportunity for Elementary Education Licensure Candidates Within Multiple Frameworks. Jonathan Steinberg, Educational Testing Service; Guangming Ling, ETS; Chantal Delaney, Educational Testing Service Success Against the Odds: How African American Preservice Teachers Pass Licensure Exams After Failing Initially. Emery Marc Petchauer, Oakland University The Entry and Exit of Teachers of Color: Evidence From the Schools and Staffing Survey. Christopher Redding, Vanderbilt University - Peabody College; Thomas M. Smith, University of California - Riverside 77.067-12. Impacts of Professional Learning Communities on In-Service Teachers. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Diana B. Hiatt-Michael, Pepperdine University Participants: Peer Observation With Collective Reflection for Enhancing Reflective Teaching Practice in a Professional Learning Network. Gyeong Mi Heo, McGill University; Alain Breuleux, McGill University School Change From Within: A Case Study of a Voluntary, School-Based Teacher Learning Community. Nashil Park, Seoul National University; Yeon Woo Chang, Seoul National University; Kyunghee So, Seoul National University

Tuesday Afternoon, April 12, 2016 Teachers’ Perceptions of the Impact of Professional Learning Networks on Teaching and Learning. Jeffrey Paul Carpenter, Elon University; Torrey Trust, University of Massachusetts - Amherst; Daniel G Krutka, Texas Woman’s University 77.067-13. Induction, Mentorship, and Support of Novice Teachers: The Role of Mentors and Mentees. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Crystal Chen, Teachers College, Columbia University Participants: Being and Becoming an Induction Coach: “A Steep Learning Curve.” Wendy L. Gardiner, National Louis University; Nina F. Weisling, Cardinal Stritch University Developing an Ecological, Reflexive, and Praxis-Oriented Mentor-Training Program for Teachers: A Design Thinking Approach. Fiona Catherine Chambers, University College Cork; Deirdre Brennan, University of Ulster; Gavin Breslin, University of Ulster How a New Teacher Support Group Promotes Peer Leadership and Informs Early Childhood Teacher Preparation. Susan L. Recchia, Teachers College, Columbia University; Victoria I. Puig, Montclair State University Induction Candidates and Support Providers in an Induction Consortium Serving Diverse Urban Schools. Mario Moya, Los Angeles Unified School District; Florence Nguyen-Quang, Amplify Education, Inc.; Sharon H. Ulanoff, California State University - Los Angeles Teacher Preparation Program Stakeholder Perceptions of the Effective Components for Mentoring Preservice and Novice Teachers. Lisa D. Hobson, Prairie View A&M University; Alex Colvin, Prairie View A&M University; Deborah Lynn Harris, Texas A&M University 77.067-14. Innovative Approaches to Approximations of Practice in Teacher Education. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Ysaaca Axelrod, University of Massachusetts - Amherst Participants: If at First You Don’t Succeed ...: Using “StoryCircles” to Provide Preservice Teachers Opportunities to Practice. Amanda Marie Milewski, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor; Kristi Hanby, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor; Patricio G. Herbst, University of Michigan Ann Arbor Prospective Teachers’ Powerful Mathematical Affect: A Case Study of TeachLivE Rehearsals at a Historically Black College/University. Deena Khalil, Howard University; Barry Hamilton, The Education Trust; Dwayne Bryant, Howard University; Gregory Reed, Howard University; Salman Elbedour, Howard University The Potential of Early Practice: A Case Study. Norman Eng, City College of New York, CUNY Using Virtual Role-Play to Enhance Teacher Candidates’ Skills in Responding to Bullying. Deborah L. Schussler, The Pennsylvania State University - University Park; Jennifer L Frank, The Pennsylvania State University; Julia Mahfouz, The Pennsylvania State University 77.067-15. Innovative Investigations of Preservice Field Experiences in Varied Disciplines. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Felicia Moore Mensah, Teachers College, Columbia University Participants: Using a Problem-Based and Collaborative Workshop Model to Foster Greater Situational Decision Making Among Student Teachers. Claire Mitchell, University of Virginia; Nonye Alozie, SRI Internatinal Rethinking Field Experiences: Preservice Art Education and Underserved Populations. Lisa Lajevic, The College of New Jersey Preservice Teachers’ Grappling With the Discourse of Assessment: Challenges for Assessment Literacy in Field Experiences. J. Spencer Clark, Utah State University Learning to Toss the Script: Adaptive Teaching and Self-Regulated Learning. Judy Randi, University of New Haven 77.067-16. Inquiry Into Preservice Teachers’ Knowledge Development. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 12:25-1:55pm


Chair: Elizabeth Wright, The Pennsylvania State University Participants: Exploring Prospective Accounting Teachers’ Knowledge to Analyze and Modify Learning Tasks for Cognitively Activating Teaching. Sabine Fritsch, University of Mannheim Impact of Blended Teacher Preparation on Preservice Teachers’ Understanding of Inclusive Education. Hailey Love, University of Kansas; Eva Horn, The University of Kansas Preservice Teachers’ Use of Schema-Based Diagrams to Teach and Solve Word Problems: A Video Analysis. Shuang Zhang, The Hong Kong Institute of Education; Jian Wang, Texas Tech University; Raymond Flores, Texas Tech University Prospective Teachers’ Explaining Skills: The Case of Business Education. Stefanie Berger, University of Mannheim; Juergen Seifried, University of Mannheim; Eveline Wuttke, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University 77.068. Roundtable Session 55; Roundtable Session 77.068-1. Understanding Teacher Beliefs in Early Childhood Education. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Jane E. Neapolitan, Towson University Participants: Beliefs Versus Practices: Examining Early Childhood Teachers’ Literacy Instruction With Their Mainstream English Language Learner Students. Kerry C Rizzuto, Monmouth University Understanding Teachers’ Beliefs in a Professional Development Project of Writing Instruction. Lin Sophie Teng, The University of Auckland; Peijian Sun, Auckland University Collaboration Between Teachers and Psychologists to Promote Oral Language Development in Toddlers. Lizbeth Vega-Perez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico; German Perez-Estrada, Universidad Pedagogica Nacional 77.068-2. Using STEM: Science Integration and English Language Learners. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Colby Tofel-Grehl, Utah State University Participants: A STREAM Runs Through It: Enhancing STEM Vocabulary With Digital Storytelling. Roxanne Valerie Molina, Nova Southeastern University; Maryann Tatum Tobin, Nova Southeastern University Addressing Language Learners’ Needs in STEM Methods Courses: A Systematic Review of Standards and Syllabi. Jaclyn Hernandez, Arizona State University; Margarita Jimenez-Silva, Arizona State University; Joi Merritt, Arizona State Univeristy; Malissa Thibault, Arizona State University; Wendy Farr, Arizona State University; Rolando Robles, Arizona State University Preparing STEM Teachers for English Learners: Great Promise in a Less Trodden Path. Gladys Vega, William Paterson University; Carrie Eunyoung Hong, William Paterson University 77.068-3. Teachers’ Perspectives on Technology Integration. SIGInstructional Technology; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Ken-Zen Chen, Institute of Education - National Chiao Tung University Participants: Defining Differentiation in Cyber Schools: What Online Teachers Say. Jennifer Beasley, University of Arkansas; Dennis Beck, University of Arkansas at Fayetteville Exploring Teachers’ Beliefs About Integrating Digital Literacy in K–12 Classrooms. Ayesha Sadaf, Ball State University; Barbara L Johnson, Self-employed Learning From Technology Histories of Preservice Teachers. Sebnem Cilesiz, University of Louisiana at Lafayette Narrative Analysis of Students’ and Teachers’ Reflections on TechnologyEnhanced Blended Instruction. Frank LaBanca, National Center for Inquiry Learning; Sara Doble, Wilton High School Preservice Teachers and Twitter: Engaging in Professional Learning Community Discourse. Michael Patrick Cook, Millikin University 77.068-4. Perceptions on Technology Integration and Decision Making. SIG-Technology as an Agent of Change in Teaching and Learning;


Tuesday Afternoon, April 12, 2016

Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Annette M. Zehler, Westat Participants: A Critical Case Study of the Cost-Benefits of a One-to-One Learning Initiative. Jamie Barnes, Virginia Commonwealth University Perceptions of Teacher Educators Regarding Information and Communications Technology Implementation in Israeli Teacher Education Institutes. Orit Avidov Ungar, Open University of Israel & Achva Academic College; Alona Forkosh Baruch, Tel Aviv University Teachers’ Technology Integration Decision Making in Co-Taught Classrooms: Two Cases. Diana Theisinger, College of William and Mary; Debbie Grosser, The College of William & Mary Technology Scalability, Sustainability, and Vulnerability in Private International Schools. David Woo, University of Hong Kong; Nancy Law, The University of Hong Kong 77.068-5. Learning and Engagement in Online Educational Settings. SIGTechnology, Instruction, Cognition & Learning; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Dale S. Niederhauser, West Virginia University Participants: College Student Readiness for Online Learning Environments: The Preliminary Development of an Instrument. Steven Randall Chesnut, University of Southern Mississippi; Lucy M. Barnard-Brak, Texas Tech University; Angela Alejandro, Texas Tech University Nonnative English-Speaking International Students’ Learning Experiences With a Massive Open Online Course in a Regular College Classroom. Moon-Heum Cho, Sungkyunkwan University; Moonkyoung Byun, Sungkyunkwan University Using Distance Learning to Increase Access to Advanced Placement Programs for Underrepresented Groups. Nicole Scarlett Fenty, Binghamton University - SUNY; Pamela A. Sandoval, Binghamton University - SUNY; Andrea Emilia Allio, Binghamton University SUNY Web 2.0 Technologies as Engagement Tools for Teaching Diverse Struggling Readers. Haihong Hu, University of Central Arkansas; Mary Ellen Oslick, Stetson University; Donna Wake, University of Central Arkansas 77.068-6. Research on the Nature of Texts for Literacy Development. SIGResearch in Reading and Literacy; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Donald A Barringer, Michigan State University Participants: Broadening the Selection of School Science Texts: An Exploration of Firsthand Accounts of Scientific Discovery. Diana J. Arya, University of California - Santa Barbara National Science Teachers Association Recommended Expository Books’ Vocabulary Demands: 2001–2002 Compared With 2011–2012. Sharon B. Kletzien, West Chester University of Pennsylvania; Mariam Jean Dreher, University of Maryland The Monsters Under the Bed and Inside Their Heads: Adolescents’ Aesthetic Transactions With Gothic Texts in the Reading Classroom. Jennifer Renner Del Nero, Rutgers University 77.068-7. Female Adolescent Transitions: Accomplishments and Challenges. SIG-Research on Women and Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 12:25-1:55pm Participants: Beyond the Diploma: Dimensions of Success and Failure for Teenage Mothers in High School. Elizabeth Chase, St. John’s University Exploring the Early College and College Transition Experiences of Women From Underrepresented Groups. Leslie Ann Locke, University of Iowa How Race and Gender Impact Female School Principals’ Identities and Leadership Styles. Kelly Ann Brown, Prairie View A&M University; Pamela Lee Gray, Sam Houston State University Multiracial Women Students’ Discursive Construction of Racial Identity on the College Campus. Jessica C. Harris, The University of Kansas Transforming School Culture for Girls Through Service-Learning Pedagogies. Jane Ann Beese, Youngstown State University; Jennifer L. Martin, The University of Mount Union

77.068-8. Approaches to Critical Teaching With Culturally and Linguistically Diverse and Exceptional Students. Division K Teaching and Teacher Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Pablo Cortes Ramirez, Arizona State University Participants: Developing Professionalism in Uncertain Educational Environments: A Trajectory Study of New Teachers in Chile. Beatrice Avalos, Universidad de Chile Invisible Praxis: New Teachers’ Enacted Approaches to Critical Teaching in the Classroom. Suzanne Pratt, Teachers College, Columbia University; Rachel Roegman, Purdue University; Sibel Akin, Middle East Technical University; A. Lin Goodwin, Teachers College, Columbia University Let the Circle Be Unbroken: Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and Exemplary, Novice African American Teachers. Morgan Z-J Faison, Emory University Novice Urban Elementary Teacher Preparedness in Teaching Students With Special Needs. Deana Rinaldi, P.S. 56; S. Marshall Perry, Dowling College 77.068-9. Understanding Structures That Support Mathematics Teachers and Effective Practices. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Susan Swars Auslander, Georgia State University Participants: Early-Career Teachers’ Use of Mastery- and Performance-Oriented Instructional Practices in Mathematics. Shannon P. Sweeny, Michigan State University Fine-Grained, Continuous Assessment for the Diverse Classroom: A Key Factor to Increase Performance in Mathematics. Armando Paulino Preciado Babb, University of Calgary; Martina Metz; Soroush Sabbaghan, University of Cagary; Brent Davis, University of Calgary; Sharon Friesen, University of Calgary Have You MET a Beginning Teacher? Studying Beginning Teaching Using the Mathematical Quality of Instruction, Classroom Assessment Scoring System, and Framework for Teaching. Delena M. Harrison, University of Michigan; L. Joy Johnson, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor; Kolby Gadd, University of Michigan Influence of Teacher Collaboration on Job Satisfaction and Student Achievement in Mathematics. Philip M. Reeves, The Pennsylvania State University; Wik Hung Pun, The Pennsylvania State University; Kyung Sun Chung, The Pennsylvania State University 77.068-10. Studies in Teacher Effectiveness, Preparation, and Certification. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Beth Gamse, Abt Associates Inc. Participants: A Master’s Degree Bump in Pay Is a Valuable Investment. John H. Lamb, The University of Texas - Tyler; Kouider Mokhtari, The University of Texas - Tyler Outcome Scaling to Evaluate Teacher Candidates and Teacher Preparation Programs. Megan E. Welsh, University of California - Davis; Craig Andrew Waterman, University of Connecticut; Glen Davenport, University of Connecticut; D. Betsy Mccoach, University of Connecticut Policy-Related Population Shifts and Teacher Value-Added Model Scores. Hulya Yurekli, Florida State University; Christine Ouma, Florida A&M University Teacher Performance Assessment: Living an Inquiry Stance Toward Teaching Teachers. Jennifer L. Snow, Boise State University; Sherry Dismuke, Boise State University; A.J. Zenkert, Boise State University; Carolyn Loffer, Boise State University 77.068-11. Self-Efficacy, Beliefs, and Perceptions of Preservice Elementary Teachers. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Najia Sabir, Indiana University - Bloomington Participants: Comparing Science Self-Efficacy of Elementary Preservice Teachers in Different Learning Environments: Face-to-Face Versus Blended.

Tuesday Afternoon, April 12, 2016 Christine M Knaggs, Lourdes University; Toni A. Sondergeld, Drexel University Elementary Preservice Teachers’ Reactions to Shy, Exuberant, and Typical Children. Qizhen Deng, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Guy Trainin, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Kathleen Moritz Rudasill, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Julia Torquati, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Stephanie Wessels, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Irina Kalutskaya, University of Nebraska - Lincoln Future Professionals’ Perceptions of Play and Intended Practices: The Moderating Role of Efficacy Beliefs. Eunjoo Jung, Syracuse University; Yue Zhang, Syracuse University; Ying Zhang, Syracuse University; Xinyue Xiao, Syracuse University How Preservice Teachers’ Sense of Teaching Efficacy and Preparedness to Teach Impact Performance During Student Teaching. Amber L. Brown, University of North Texas; Joyce Myers, The University of Texas Arlington; Denise Ann Collins, The University of Texas - Arlington Preservice Teacher Self-Efficacy Beliefs for Literacy Instruction: A Comparative Study of the United States and Canada. Katia Ciampa, Widener University; Tiffany L. Gallagher, Brock University 77.068-12. Science Across Contexts and Curricula: What Do We Know? Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Sara E. Tolbert, The University of Arizona Participants: Beyond a Dichotomy for Nature of Science Instruction: Outcomes of Science Content Context Continuum. Bridget K. Mulvey, Kent State University- Kent; Jennifer L. Maeng, University of Virginia; Randy L. Bell, Oregon State University Co-Constructing Design-Based Implementation Research With Science Teachers to Support Emergent Bilingual Students. Yainitza HernandezRodriguez, University of Georgia; Cory A. Buxton, University of Georgia - Athens; Martha A. Allexsaht-Snider, University of Georgia; Amanda M Latimer, University of Georgia - Athens; Rouhollah Aghasaleh, University of Georgia - Athens Teaching Physics in High School: What Do We Know? Dennis Sunal, The University of Alabama; Cynthia S. Sunal, The University of Alabama; John A. Dantzler, The University of Alabama; Marsha Emelene Simon, The University of Alabama; James Wl Harrell; Tara Y Ray, Univsersity of Alabama; Mohan D Aggarwal, Alabama A&M University 77.068-13. Rethinking Program Design to Achieve the Diverse Aims of Teacher Preparation. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Arlene Bloom, New Jersey College of Education Participants: (Re)Visioning Teacher Preparation in Swiftly Changing Times: One Early Childhood Education Program’s Journey. Jennifer J. Mueller, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee; Leanne M. Evans, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee; Nancy K. File, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Modeling Constructivism in a Teacher Education Program. Clive M. Beck, OISE/University of Toronto; Clare Kosnik, University of Toronto/OISE; Yiola Cleovoulou, University of Toronto - OISE; Judy A. Caulfield, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/ University of Toronto; Mira Gambhir, University of Toronto; Lydia Menna, OISE/University of Toronto; Monica Eileen McGlynn-Stewart, George Brown College; Tiffany MacKay, Peel District School Board New Teacher Readiness and Lingering Needs: A Needs Assessment of Teacher Education Programs. Eleftherios Kyprianos Soleas, Queen’s University Practical Preparation for Preservice Teachers: Integrating Classroom Management Coursework Into Teacher Education Programs. Jonathan Ryan Davis, The College of New Jersey 77.068-14. Reenvisioning Teacher Education Reform and Teacher Preparation. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Kenneth Alonzo Anderson, Howard University Participants: Cultivating and Sustaining Change in Collaborative Teacher Preparation Reform: Voices of Deans. Amber Elizabeth Benedict, University of


Florida; Mary T. Brownell, University of Florida; Jane West, American Association of Colleges for Teachers of Education; Linda P. Blanton, Florida International University Examining the Efficacy of an Innovative Program to Improve Grades 4–8 STEM Teaching and Learning. Jacqueline R. Stillisano, Texas A&M University - College Station; Kim Boddie Wright, Texas A&M University - College Station; Kayla Braziel Rollins, Texas A&M University; Hersh C. Waxman, Texas A&M University Reframing Teacher Education for Learning Equity. John C. Fischetti, The University of Newcastle; Kate Reynolds, Bath Spa University; Letitia C. Fickel, University of Canterbury; James G. Ladwig, The University of Newcastle; Scott R. Imig, University of Newcastle The Influence of an Innovative Professional Development School Model for Early Childhood Education Teacher Preparation. Cerissa Ann Stevenson, Colorado State University; Andrea Weinberg, Colorado State University 77.068-15. Negotiating Issues of Power, Race, and Culture Within Teacher Education. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Keisha McIntosh Allen, University of Maryland - Baltimore County Participants: A Diverse Middle School’s Struggle With Courageous Conversations About Race. Terri Peters, Marywood University; Mary Mancini Henderson, Long Branch Middle School; Evelyn Cruz, Long Branch Board of Education Shifting Discourses: Performing the Advocate Bilingual Teacher. Blanca Gabriela Caldas, The University of Texas - Austin Teaching Mathematics for Equity and Social Justice: Prospective Teachers’ Identities in Their Foregrounds. Ayse Yolcu, University of Wisconsin Madison The Wire as a Text in Power for Urban Teacher Education. Alexander Cuenca, Saint Louis University; Lauren E Arend, Saint Louis University 77.068-16. Multinational Studies of Professional Development. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Suseela Malakolunthu, University of Malaya Participants: The Perception of Professional Requirements of Beginning Teachers From Different Countries and Different School Types. Manuela B. KellerSchneider, Zurich University of Teacher Education Professional Community and School Processes Across 36 Countries. Catalina Lomos, LISER Luxembourg Examining the Association of Teacher Feedback on Knowledge Over Professional Development on Math Instruction in Four Selected Countries. Seong Won Han, University at Buffalo - SUNY; Ji-Won Son, University at Buffalo - SUNY; Chungseo Kang, University at Buffalo SUNY 77.068-17. Moving Away From Technology for Technology’s Sake: Effective Practices for Student and Teacher Learning. Division K Teaching and Teacher Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Oral B. Grant, Howard University Participants: Click to Submit: The Problems of “Technology” in Educational Research and a Case for Critical Software Studies. Tom Liam Lynch, Pace University Watch What You Say: Using Speech Processing to Promote Student Discussion in the Classroom. Zuowei Wang, Educational Testing Service; Kevin F. Miller, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor; Kai S. Cortina, University of Michigan Connecting Hong Kong and Canadian Students: A Teacher Training Project Undergirded by New Media Literacies. Zheng Zhang, Western University; Jia Li, University of Ontario Institute of Technology; Zhuang Miao, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Feifei Liu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Graduate Student Perceptions and Experiences With Connectedness in an Asynchronous, Online Distance Degree Program. Katherine L Terras, University of North Dakota; Patti Mahar, University of North Dakota 77.068-18. Better Tools for Measuring Teacher Effectiveness. Division K -

Tuesday Afternoon, April 12, 2016


Teaching and Teacher Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 12:25-1:55pm Chair: Chriss Walther-Thomas, Virginia Commonwealth University Participants: Chinese Teacher Competence Development and Influencing Factors. Shujing Ding, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona; Yule Jin, Southwest University; Yiting Chu, University of Washington; Shengquan Luo, Southwest University; Min Li, University of Washington Considering the Appraisal of Teacher Practice in Context: Bringing Situated Teacher Quality Into the Public and Policy Discourse. Joni Kolman, City College of New York - CUNY Better Guides, Better Paths: Demystifying the Long-Term Impacts of Teacher Qualifications on Secondary Students. Se Woong Lee, University of Wisconsin - Madison Measuring Student Perceptions of Teaching Effectiveness. Beth Schueler, Harvard University; Joe McIntyre, Harvard University; Hunter Gehlbach, University of California - Santa Barbara The Power of the Margins: The Design and Implementation of an Evaluation Model for Equitable and Effective Teaching. Maria del Carmen Salazar, University of Denver; Kathy E. Green, University of Denver; Priyalatha Govindasamy, University of Denver; Jessica Lerner, University of Denver

Tuesday, 1:00 pm AERA Related Activities 78.010. AERA Grants Program Dissertation Grantee Capstone Conference (Day 1 of 2). AERA Related Activities; Workshop Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Supreme Court; 1:00-6:00pm Chair: George L. Wimberly, American Educational Research Association

Tuesday, 2:15 pm Presidential Sessions 79.010. Public Scholarship Broadening Participation in Computer Science Education. AERA Presidential Session; Invited Speaker Session

Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom C; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Janice Cuny, National Science Foundation Participants: Supporting Computer Science Teachers from ComPASS to CS-CaVE: Broadening Teacher Participation and Building Teacher Communities. Monica Sweet, University of California - San Diego; Diane Baxter, San Diego Supercomputer Center; Art Lopez, Sweetwater Union High School District CS-CaVE: Understanding How Districts Can Act as Equity Infrastructures to Broaden Computer Science Access. Susan S. Yonezawa, University of California - San Diego; Nan Renner, University of California - San Diego; Katrine G. Czajkowski, Sweetwater Union High School District; Roman Enrique Del Rosario, Sweetwater Union High School District; Karen Flammer, Sweetwater Union High School District Powering Up: The Intersection of Policy and Practice to Democratize Computer Science Education Equity. Julie Flapan, University of California - Los Angeles; Jane S. Margolis, University of California Los Angeles; Joanna Goode, University of Oregon The Hidden Underrepresented Group: Opening the Door to Computer Science for Students with Learning Differences. Sarah Jean Wille, University of Chicago; Jeanne Century, University of Chicago; Miriam Pike, Wolcott School Discussant: Brenda Wilkerson, Chicago Public Schools

WERA Sessions 79.011. In-Service Teacher Professional Development: Cross-National Perspectives on Training. World Education Research Association (WERA); Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 154 B; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Ian Menter, University of Oxford Participants:

Coherence of Teachers’ Professional Development and Student Achievement: A Cross-National Analysis of the Top-Performing Countries in PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) 2012. Fabian Barrera-Pedemonte, UCL Institute of Education Teacher Education for Cultural Diversity and Inclusion: An Action Research Case Study. Maria Isabel Santos Gonçalves Pacheco, Portuguese Ministry of Education; Isabel Pimenta Freire, University of Lisbon High-Quality Teacher Professional Development, Teachers’ Cooperation, and Classroom Instruction: A Cross-National Analysis of Teaching and Learning International Survey 2013. Fabian Barrera-Pedemonte, UCL Institute of Education Enhancing International Students’ Learning: Faculty and Staff Cultural Awareness and Pedagogy Program. Guofang Wan, Virginia Commonwealth University; Amber Hill, Virginia Commonwealth University; Shajuana Isom-Payne, Virginia Commonwealth University How Do Online Faculty Perceive Their Professional Development Opportunity? A Case Study. Ken-Zen Chen, Institute of Education National Chiao Tung University; Patrick R. Lowenthal, Boise State University; Christine Bauer, Boise State University 79.012. International Perspectives on Belonging in Schools. World Education Research Association (WERA); WERA Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 153; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Susan L. Gabel, Wayne State University Participants: Understanding Children’s Experiences of Belonging and Diversity: An Essential Contribution to the Development of Teachers’ Inclusive Pedagogy. Kristine Black-Hawkins, University of Cambridge Assessment Approaches That Build and Support Belonging. Missy Morton, University of Canterbury Belonging in Families, Belonging in School: Making Visible the Relations Between Family Pedagogy and School Pedagogy. Marilyn Fleer, Monash University Who Belongs? The Use of Narrative Assessment to Recognize All Students as Learners. Annie Patricia Guerin, University of Canterbury Discussant: Mere Berryman, University of Waikato 79.013. International Research on Challenges in Mathematics Teaching and Learning. World Education Research Association (WERA); Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 151 B; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Brian Hudson, University of Sussex Participants: Integration of Anti-Cyberbullying Education in the Mathematics Curriculum in Jamaica and Canada. Susan Rebecca Anderson, The University of the West Indies - Mona Campus; Peter Yee Han Joong, University of Toronto; Mickell Ross Effects of Feedback on Learning and Motivation of Kosovar Children With Learning Difficulties in Mathematics. Linda Salihu, University of Prishtina; Pekka Rasanen; Mikko Aro, University of Jyväskylä; Jeffrey A. Anderson, Indiana University Ethnic Group Differences in Middle School STEM Dispositions. Rhonda R. Christensen, University of North Texas; Gerald A. Knezek, University of North Texas; Tandra Lea Tyler-Wood, University of North Texas 79.014. Internationalization of Education Reform. World Education Research Association (WERA); Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 142; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Maryam Hussain, University of Houston Participants: Student Outcome of Internationalization: Exploring Extracultural Learning. OMOLABAKE FAKUNLE, University of Edinburgh Valid Assessment of Competencies in Higher Education: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz; Miriam Toepper, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz; Corinna Lautenbach, Humboldt University - Berlin; Hans Anand Pant, Humboldt University - Berlin; Christiane Kuhn, Johannes Gutenberg University Student Satisfaction in an Undergraduate International Business EnglishMedium Instruction Program: A Case in Southern Taiwan. Hsiang-Ning Rebecca Chu, I-Shou University; Wing-Shing Lee, I-Shou University; Peter OBrien, I-Shou University Assessing the Economic Knowledge Among Beginning Students in Higher

Tuesday Afternoon, April 12, 2016 Education in Germany. Roland Happ, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz; Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz; Manuel Förster, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz; Sebastian Brueckner, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz; Susanne Schmidt, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz 79.015. Overcoming Inequalities of Systematically Underserved Communities From a Global Research Network: Teachers and Minority Women as Agents of Change. World Education Research Association (WERA); WERA Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 154 A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Aitor Gomez, Universitat Rovira i Virgili Participants: Gendered Conceptions of Quality Teaching in Low-SocioeconomicStatus Schools in Australia: Mavericks and Dragon Ladies. Jo Lampert, Queensland University of Technology; Bruce Munro Burnett, Queensland University of Technology International Perspectives on Teachers as Agents of Change: Addressing the Challenges of Diversity in Teacher Professional Development in Transnational Contexts. Arnetha F. Ball, Stanford University Intergenerational Solidarity Networks: The Case of Roma Women’s Movement in Spain. Rocío García-Carrión, University of Deusto Applied Critical Leadership in Women Leaders Lifting Māori Education in Aotearoa New Zealand. Lorri Michelle Johnson Santamaria, The University of Auckland; Sharona Jayavant, University of Auckland

Division Sessions 79.016. Encouraging Careers in Engineering and Computer Science. Division C - Learning and Instruction; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 150 B; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Jenefer E. Husman, Arizona State University Participants: What Is a Computer Scientist? Developing the Draw-a-ComputerScientist-Test for Elementary School Students. Alexandria Killian Hansen, University of California - Santa Barbara; Hilary Dwyer, University of California - Santa Barbara; Danielle Boyd Harlow, University of California - Santa Barbara; Diana Franklin, University of California - Santa Barbara Do They Have the “Knack”? Professional Identity Development of Engineering Students. Idalis Villanueva, Utah State University; Louis S. Nadelson, Utah State University Sex Differences in Occupational Values and Beliefs for Students Pursuing an Engineering Degree. Joni M. Lakin, Auburn University The Impact of Design-Based Engineering Curricula on Student Achievement in Engineering, Science, and Mathematics. Selcen Guzey, Purdue University; Tamara Jo Moore, Purdue University; Michael R. Harwell, University of Minnesota; Mario Moreno, University of Minnesota; Yadira Peralta, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities Examining Challenges for Underrepresented Minority (URM) Postdoc Into the Professoriate in STEM Disciplines. Aman Yadav, Michigan State University; Cristina Soto, Purdue University; Quintana Clark, Purdue University; Kathy Garza Dixon, Purdue University; Mark Smith, Purdue University 79.017. Learning From Educational Media at Home: Principles and Practices for Working With Families. Division C - Learning and Instruction; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 144 B; 2:15-3:45pm Chairs: Savitha Moorthy, SRI International; Amber Maria Levinson, Stanford University Participants: Ethnic Media as Boundary Objects for Intergenerational Learning and Connection. Lori Takeuchi, Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop; Briana Pressey, Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop Media as a Catalyst for Learning at Home and Across Setting. Amber Maria Levinson, Stanford University; Brigid J.S. Barron, Stanford University Using Curated Public Media Resources to Support Children’s Mathematics Learning. Shelley Pasnik, Education Development Center, Inc.; Savitha Moorthy, SRI International; Carlin Llorente, SRI International; Naomi Hupert, Education Development Center, Inc.; Ximena Dominguez, SRI


International Parent Engagement on a National Scale: A Portrait of Common Sense. Seeta Pai, Harvard University; Kelly Mendoza, Common Sense; Erin Wilkey Oh, Common Sense Adaptive Digital Media and Parent Communication Tools as Methods for Enhancing Young Children’s Learning. Dylan Andrew Arena, Stanford University; Julie Watson, Kidaptive Discussant: Sandra Calvert 79.018. Opportunities for Identity Work in the Face of Risk and Resilience Through Literature. Division C - Learning and Instruction; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 150 A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: MariAnne George, University of Illinois at Chicago Participants: Emergent Understandings and Identity Wrestling Through Literature. Carol D. Lee, Northwestern University Reconceptualizing Teacher Identity and Belief About Students’ Agency Through Approaching Literature as Inquiry. Rick Coppola, Chicago Public Schools; MariAnne George, University of Illinois at Chicago; Susan R. Goldman, University of Illinois at Chicago Building on Students’ Experiences and Knowledge of the World to Interpret Literary Texts. Angela Fortune, The University of Illinois at Chicago; Allison H. Hall, University of Illinois at Chicago; Susan R. Goldman, University of Illinois at Chicago Investigating the Role of Literature in the Academic Socialization of Youth Ex-Offenders. Yolanda J. Majors, The University of Minnesota Discussant: P. David Pearson, University of California - Berkeley 79.019. New Developments and Applications in Cognitive Diagnosis Models. Division D - Measurement and Research Methodology; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon F; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Andrea Gotzmann, Medical Council of Canada Participants: Evaluating Classification Accuracy in Cognitive Diagnosis Models: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study. Miao Gao, Nanjing Normal University; M. David Miller, University of Florida; Ren Liu, University of Florida Examining the Difficulty of Large-Scale Mathematics Assessment Items via Explanatory Item Response Theory Models. Kristin M. Morrison, Georgia Institute of Technology; Robert Andrew Schwartz, Pearson Item Exposure Control in Variable-Length Cognitive Diagnostic Computerized Adaptive Testing (CD-CAT). Chanjin Zheng, Jiangxi Normal University; Hua-Hua Chang, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign The Effects of Q-Matrix Design on Classification Accuracy in the Hierarchical Diagnostic Classification Model. Ren Liu, University of Florida; Anne Corinne Huggins-Manley, University of Florida; Yuxi Qiu, University of Florida; Miao Gao, Nanjing Normal University The Probabilistic-Inputs, Noisy Conjunctive Model for Cognitive Diagnosis. Peida Zhan, Beijing Normal University; Wen-Chung Wang, The Hong Kong Institute of Education; Xiaomin Li, The Hong Kong Institute of Education; Yufang Bian, Beijing Normal University Discussant: Hongli Li, Georgia State University 79.020. Stand Up: Factors Influencing Bystander Behaviors Among Youth. Division E - Counseling and Human Development; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 145 B; 2:15-3:45pm Chairs: Melissa K. Holt, Boston University; Jennifer Greif Green, Boston University Participants: Supporting Peer Mental Health and Bystander Attitudes. Jennifer Greif Green, Boston University; Claire Brown, Boston University; Shannon Gribben, Boston University; Javier Guzman, Boston University; Noah Segal, Boston University Association Between Teachers’ Responses to Mean Student Behavior and Students’ Willingness to Intervene in Bullying. Gerald Reid, Boston University; Chelsey Bowman, Boston University Influence of Past Bullying and Sexual Violence Victimization on Bystander Behaviors at College. Melissa K. Holt, Boston University; Jennifer Greif Green, Boston University; Rachel Oblath, Boston University Discussant: Amanda B. Nickerson, University at Buffalo 79.021. Urban Communities and School Reform in the 1960s. Division F -


Tuesday Afternoon, April 12, 2016

History and Historiography; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 146 C; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Dionne Danns, Indiana University Participants: Community as Resistance: Reconceptualizing Historical Use of Community Within Latina/o Education. Racheal Rothrock, The University of Texas - Austin “It Isn’t the Child Who Is Culturally Disadvantaged”: Los Angeles Unified School District and Its Mexican Students, 1968–1978. Claudia Diera, University of California - Los Angeles A Veil of Community Control in the Target City. William Harry Rodick, George Mason University Harlem Preparatory School, 1967–1975: An Exploration of a “Community School” and Its Corporate Funders. Barry Goldenberg, Teachers College, Columbia University Discussant: Dionne Danns, Indiana University 79.022. Navigating the STEM Environment: Perspectives and Experiences of Students, Faculty, and Staff. Division J Postsecondary Education; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 152 A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Susan Swayze, The George Washington University Participants: Examining the Role of Family in the Development of Precollege STEM Aspirations Among Students With Disabilities. Chrystal George Mwangi, University of Massachusetts - Amherst; Rachel Friedensen, University of Massachusetts - Amherst; Ezekiel W. Kimball, University of Massachusetts - Amherst; Alexandra A Lauterbach, University of Massachusetts - Amherst; Benjamin Ostiguy, University of Massachusetts - Amherst; Catherine A. Manly, University of Massachusetts - Amherst; Ryan S. Wells, University of Massachusetts Amherst In Pursuit of Meaningful Relationships: How Black Males Perceive Faculty Interactions in STEM. Sharon L. Fries-Britt, University of Maryland; Damani Khary White-Lewis, University of California - Los Angeles Organizational Pathways to Gender Equity: A Comparative Case Study of Broadening Participation in STEM Graduate Education. Aurora Kamimura, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor; Julie Renee Posselt, University of Michigan; Kamaria B. Porter, University of Michigan Ann Arbor These Are My Keys to Success: The Experiences of Black Male HBCU Graduates in STEM Doctoral Programs at PWIs. Antonio Bush, UNCCH School of Pharmacy; Joy Gaston Gayles, North Carolina State University; Audrey J. Jaeger, North Carolina State University Discussant: Christopher B. Newman, University of San Diego 79.023. Reforming College Admissions Policies: Evidence From Institutional Data and Perspectives From Admissions Officers. Division J - Postsecondary Education; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 151 A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Anne Hafner, California State University - Los Angeles Participants: A Dream Undone? Higher Education Access in a Shifting Legal Landscape. Matthew Newman Gaertner, SRI Internatinal; Lorelle Espinosa, American Council on Education; Gary A. Orfield, University of California - Los Angeles Enhancing Equity in Higher Education: Institution-Level Admissions Initiatives in Chile. Maria Veronica Santelices, Catholic University of Chile; Ximena Catalan, Catholic University of Chile; Catherine L. Horn, University of Houston Examining the Impact of Partial Test-Optional Policies on Enrollment Demographics at Public Research Universities. Paul G. Rubin, University of Georgia What Role Do Admissions Office Diversity and Practices Play in Equitable Decisions? Nicholas A. Bowman, University of Iowa; Michael Bastedo, University of Michigan Discussant: Shannon M. Calderone, Washington State University - Pullman 79.024. The Intersections of Leadership and Identities: Perspective, Policies, and Practice. Division J - Postsecondary Education; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 102 A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Victor Sohmen, Drexel University

Participants: Examining Responsive Interest Preservation: Whiteness as a Resource in Student Leadership Organizations. Bryan Hotchkins, University of Utah Gendered Perceptions of Justice on Campus. Chris M. Ray, North Dakota State University; Pam Emanuelson, North Dakota State University; Chris Whitsel, North Dakota State University; Claudette M. Peterson, North Dakota State University; Kara Gravley-Stack, North Dakota State University Playing the Game? An Autoethnographic Exploration of Queer Leadership in Student Affairs. Jonathan T. Pryor, University of Missouri Toward Trans-Affirming Climates: A Case Study of Practices and Policies at a Public University. Katherine Lewis, Texas State University - San Marcos; Susan M Croteau, Texas State University - San Marcos Discussant: Andrew Thomas Arroyo, Norfolk State University 79.025. Understanding Educational Aspirations and Degree Attainment Among Community College Students. Division J - Postsecondary Education; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 152 B; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Karen Latrice Jackson, William Carey University Participants: English Learners’ High School Academic Preparation, Community College Enrollment, and Eventual Bachelor’s Degree Attainment. Yasuko Kanno, Temple University; Jennifer G. Cromley, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Formation of Social Capital for Community College Students: A SecondOrder Confirmatory Factor Analysis Approach. Yu Chen, Iowa State University; Soko S. Starobin, Iowa State University Two-Year Transfers and the Completion Agenda: A More Economic Route or Unnecessary Accumulation Toward Degree? Philip J. Wilkinson, University of Georgia - Athens; James Byars, University of Georgia; Angela Bell, University System of Georgia; Manuel S. Gonzalez Canche, University of Georgia Discussant: Xueli Wang, University of Wisconsin - Madison 79.026. Critical and Controversial Topics in Social Studies Teaching. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Paper Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 159 A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Amber Pabon, University of Pittsburgh Participants: Holocaust Education as a Path to Prepare Preservice Social Studies Teachers to Be Social Justice Educators. Shanedra Dilese Nowell, Oklahoma State University; Naomi Kikue Poindexter, Tulsa Public Schools Perceptions of Controversy: Developing Preservice Teachers’ Agency for Teaching Controversial Issues. J. Spencer Clark, Utah State University Rethinking Place and Local History in Social Studies Teacher Education. Jason R. Harshman, The University of Iowa The Beliefs and Practices of Race-Conscious Social Studies Teachers. Christopher C. Martell, Boston University; Kaylene Mae Stevens, Boston University Discussant: Barbara Morgan-Fleming, Texas Tech University 79.027. Cultural Immersion Experiences to Transform Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions of Learners. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon I; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Dina Rosen, Kean University Participants: Preparing to Teach: The Implication of Authentic Activities in Teacher Education Classrooms. Michael Downton, St. John’s University Short-Term Study Abroad: Creating Culturally Responsive Teachers. Paula Griffin, Stephen F. Austin State University Short-Term Experience—Long-Term Impact: The Lasting Impact of CrossCultural Immersion Experience on Teacher Practice. Kathrine Kramer, Carroll University Teacher Candidates’ Immersion in Ethiopian Immigrant Communities in Israel and at Home: A Comparative Study. Melissa Landa, University of Maryland; John F. O’Flahavan, University of Maryland Discussant: Donna-Marie Taursha Cole-Malott, The Pennsylvania State University - University Park 79.028. Infusing Equality and Social Justice Into Teacher Preparation for Content Areas. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Paper

Tuesday Afternoon, April 12, 2016 Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon L; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Lorraine Theresa Falchi, Teachers College, Columbia University Participants: Language Learning in the Mainstream Classroom: Social Studies Teachers’ Approaches and Attitudes. Hanne Brandt, University of Hamburg Microaggressions and Racial Tensions: Examining Teacher Talk in a Culturally Responsive Robotics Program. Rebecca Beucher, University of Colorado - Boulder; Anique Stroude, Arizona State University Tempe; Kimberly A. Scott, Arizona State University Science Education: Opportunities for Science, Technology, Society, and the Environment and Social Justice Through “Political Knowledge.” Katherine Bellomo, University of Toronto World Language Teachers’ Beliefs About Teaching Diverse Populations. Hannah Carson Baggett, Auburn University Discussant: Beth A. Wassell, Rowan University 79.029. Pedagogies of Teacher Education to Achieve Diverse Aims of Teacher Prep. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon C; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Guichun Zong, Kennesaw State University Participants: “It Could Be So Many Learning Theories”: Multimedia Artifacts and Professional Vision in Preservice Teachers. Andrea Sarah Gomoll, Indiana University - Bloomington; Andrea M. Rehak, Indiana University; Whitney E Novak, Indiana University - Bloomington; Alejandro Andrade, Indiana University - Bloomington; Asmalina Saleh, Indiana University - Bloomington; Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Indiana University; Joshua Adam Danish, Indiana University Case of Preservice Elementary Mathematics Lesson Study: Teacher Visions and Learning Process to Teach. Aki Murata, University of Florida; Anna McGee, University of California - Berkeley; Tia C. Madkins, University of California - Berkeley; Judith FAbrega, University of California - Berkeley; Hee-Jeong Kim, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Denny Gillingham, University of California, Berkeley; Becca L Shareff, UC Berkeley Supporting Secondary Science Preservice Teachers in Developing Strong Lesson Planning Practices. Danielle Kristina Ross, Northern Arizona University Using Black Parent Digital Narratives to Enhance Preservice Teacher Capacity for Caring and Competence. Susan M. Baker, California State University - Sacramento; China Duncan, Sol Aureus Discussant: Eleanor V. Wilson, University of Virginia 79.030. Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions on Their Preparation to Teach English Language Learners. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon K; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Guofang Li, University of British Columbia Participants: Preparing Teachers for English Language Learners: A Research Synthesis. Guofang Li, University of British Columbia; Yue Bian, Michigan State University Perceptions and Knowledge Base of Preservice Teachers With Backgrounds in Second Language Teaching. Jose Martinez-Hinestroza, Michigan State University; Yue Bian, Michigan State University; Lindsay Joseph Wexler, Michigan State University; Guofang Li, University of British Columbia; Denisse Maribel Hinojosa-Vieyra, Michigan State University Perceptions and Knowledge Base of Preservice Teachers With No Backgrounds in Second Language Teaching. Guofang Li, University of British Columbia; Yue Bian, Michigan State University; Lindsay Joseph Wexler, Michigan State University; Jose Martinez-Hinestroza, Michigan State University; Denisse Maribel Hinojosa-Vieyra, Michigan State University Using Multimodal Modules to Address the Needs of Preservice Teachers for English Language Learners. Lindsay Joseph Wexler, Michigan State University; Yue Bian, Michigan State University; Jose MartinezHinestroza, Michigan State University; Guofang Li, University of British Columbia; Denisse Maribel Hinojosa-Vieyra, Michigan State University Discussant: Tamara F. Lucas, Montclair State University


79.031. Technology-Facilitated Teacher Professional Development. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon B; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Shelley B Harris, Texas A&M - San Antonio Participants: Tablet-Integrated Professional Development: Moving Teachers From Entry to Transformation. Amy Orange, University of Houston - Clear Lake; Linda Corbin; Jana M. Willis, University of Houston - Clear Lake Promoting Collective Teacher Reflection Through the Use of Video Clips of Authentic Classroom Events. Leah Dayan, McGill University; Alain Breuleux, McGill University; Gyeong Mi Heo, McGill University; Lei Nong, McGill University Expanding Horizons: The Role of English Companion Ning in Pakistani Teachers’ Professional Learning. Asma Khan, University of Rochester Educator Satisfaction With an International Online Professional Development Course: Trends by Country. Alison Smith, International Baccalaureate; Yi-Chun Chen, International Baccalaureate Discussant: Saadia A. Khan, Teachers College, Columbia University 79.032. Thinking Beyond a Maker Movement in Teacher Education. Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Monument; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Keith E. Howard, Chapman University Participants: Deepening Learning and Broadening Participation in Makerspaces: What the Research Is Showing. Kylie A. Peppler, Indiana University Bloomington The Influence of Mathematics Identity and Maker Education on Algebra Achievement. Nicol R. Howard, Chapman University Taking Making Into Challenging Contexts: Making a Difference One Resource/One Educator at a Time. Susan E. Crichton, The University of British Columbia What Were We Thinking? Bringing Making and Design Thinking to Professional Development. Deb Carter, The University of British Columbia - Okanagan; Susan E. Crichton, The University of British Columbia Discussant: Jamie Gravell, University of California - Los Angeles 79.033. Lessons Learned From the Design and Implementation of Personalized Learning in K–12 Schools. Division L - Educational Policies and Politics; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 146 A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Laura S. Hamilton, RAND Corporation Participants: Designing High Schools That Personalize. Anna Rosefsky Saavedra, RAND Education; Laura S. Hamilton, RAND Corporation; Elizabeth Steiner, RAND Corporation Creating a System for Innovation: Districts Redesign to Support Personalized Learning. Michael DeArmond, University of Washington; Betheny Gross, University of Washington; Robin Lake, Center on Reinventing Public Education - University of Washington; Tricia Maas, University of Washington Personalized Learning in High Schools Implementing Deeper Learning Approaches. Mette Huberman, American Institutes for Research; Jennifer A. O’Day, American Institutes for Research Implementation and Outcomes in Personalized Learning Schools. John Pane, RAND Corporation; Elizabeth Steiner, RAND Corporation; Laura S. Hamilton, RAND Corporation Assessment and Accountability Challenges Associated With Competency and Personalized Learning Systems. Scott F. Marion, National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment, Inc.; Carla M Evans, University of New Hampshire 79.034. Patterns and Correlates of Gender Achievement Gaps in the United States. Division L - Educational Policies and Politics; Symposium Convention Center, Level Two, Room 209 B; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Andrew Dean Ho, Harvard University Participants: Geographic Variation of District-Level Achievement Gaps Within the United States. Sean F. Reardon, Stanford University; Erin Michelle Fahle, Stanford University; Demetra Kalogrides, Stanford University; Anne Podolsky, Learning Policy Institute; Rosalia Zarate, Stanford University

Tuesday Afternoon, April 12, 2016


Test Format and the Variation of Gender Achievement Gaps Within the United States. Sean F. Reardon, Stanford University; Erin Michelle Fahle, Stanford University; Demetra Kalogrides, Stanford University; Anne Podolsky, Learning Policy Institute; Rosalia Zarate, Stanford University Patterns of Change in U.S. Gender Achievement Gaps During Elementary and Middle School. Erin Michelle Fahle, Stanford University Discussant: Andrew Penner, University of California - Irvine 79.035. When Poverty Goes to College: Housing and Food Insecurity Among Undergraduates. Division L - Educational Policies and Politics; Symposium Convention Center, Level Two, Room 209 C; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Anthony Hernandez, University of Wisconsin - Madison Participants: “I, Too, Am Hungry”: An Examination of Structural Exclusion at an Elite University. Anthony Jack, Harvard University; Minhtuyen Mai, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Emily Brunjes Colo, University of Wisconsin - Madison Poverty in Higher Education: Material Hardship and Community College Students’ Coping Strategies. Katharine Broton, University of Wisconsin - Madison Safety, Security, and College Attainment: An Investigation of Institutional Responses to Material Hardship Among Undergraduates. Sara Goldrick-Rab, University of Wisconsin Madison Incidence and Correlates of Food Insecurity Among Wisconsin Undergraduates. Minhtuyen Mai, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Emily Brunjes Colo, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Wick Sloane, Bunker Hill Community College Discussants: Katherine Sydor, U.S. Department of Education; Bryce McKibben, U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Labor and Pensions

SIG Sessions 79.036. Creating Spaces in Schools for the Critical Professional: Action Research as Principled Resistance. SIG-Action Research; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Treasury; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Michael Ian Cohen, University of Northern Colorado Participants: Toward a Critical Professional With Action Research at Its Center. Gary L. Anderson, New York University The Potential of Insider Action Research in Making Transparent Everyday Enactments of New Public Management. Kathryn G. Herr, Montclair State University; Michael Ian Cohen, University of Northern Colorado Reframing Teachers’ Action in Curriculum Poststructural Research in Times of Neoliberal Policies. Elizabeth Macedo, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Reflexive Musings and Current Contingencies: Creating New Spaces as Critical Professional Action Researchers. Janet L. Miller, Teachers College, Columbia University 79.037. Engaging Diverse Learners and Communities Through the Arts. SIG-Arts and Learning Cosponsored with Social Justice Action Committee; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon N; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Violeta Vainer, FLACSO Argentina Participants: Exploring the Affordances of Digital Storytelling in a Media Arts Restorative Justice Program. Jordan Morris, University of California Los Angeles Welcome to Gallery 5: An Immersive Digital Art Experience. Dennis Beck, University of Arkansas at Fayetteville; Scott Joseph Warren, University of North Texas; Anne Kraybill, Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art Making Sense by Making Art: How Arts Residency Programs Provide Access for English Learners. Kristin Papoi, University of Wisconsin Madison The Content and Construct Development of the Putting the Arts and the Classroom Together Survey. Rachelle Miller, University of Central Arkansas; Donna Wake, University of Central Arkansas; Jeff Whittingham, University of Central Arkansas; Jill L. Adelson, University of Louisville Discussant: Ethan Mintz, Harvard University

79.038. Interrogating the Climate of Diverse, Multilingual Schools: Views From Students, Parents, Teachers, and Administrators. SIGBilingual Education Research; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 141; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Lisa M. Dorner, University of Missouri - Columbia Participants: Students Understand and Enact Their “Learner Profile” at Spanish and French Elementary Immersion Schools. Rhodesia McMillian, University of Missouri - Columbia; Lisa M. Dorner, University of Missouri - Columbia Mexican Immigrant Parents’ Perceptions of Climate at a New LanguageImmersion Charter School. David Aguayo, University of Missouri Columbia “I Write to Show How Beautiful My Languages Are”: Examining Teachers’ Approaches to Translingual Literacies. Angie Zapata, University of Missouri - Columbia; Tasha Marie Tropp Laman, University of Louisville Welcoming Undocumented Immigrants? School Leaders’ Role in Shaping School Climate. Emily R. Crawford, University of Missouri - Columbia Discussant: Deborah K. Palmer, The University of Texas - Austin 79.039. Addressing Relevant Questions With Data: Emerging Knowledge in Educational Neuroscience. SIG-Brain, Neurosciences and Education; Paper Session Convention Center, Level Two, Room 209 A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Firat Soylu, The University of Alabama Participants: Aha! Exploring Problem-Solving Insight Using Electroencephalography. Pasha Antonenko, University of Florida Neural Correlates of Computational Fluency Training With a Mobile Game: An Optical Brain Imaging Study. Murat Perit Cakir, Middle East Technical University; Nur Cakir, Hacettepe University; Hasan Ayaz, Drexel University; Frank J Lee, Drexel University Spatial Ability Mitigates Cognitive Load During Learning With Dynamic Images: A Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography Study. Jay Loftus, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry - Western University; Michele Jacobsen, University of Calgary; Timothy D. Wilson, The University of Western Ontario When the Choice Is Intrinsically Rewarding: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Making Choices Within Social Contexts. Sun Kyung Lee, Korea University; Sung-Il Kim, Korea University; Mimi Bong, Korea University Discussant: Mary Layne Kalbfleisch, George Washington University 79.040. Social Justice in Youth Spaces. SIG-Critical Educators for Social Justice; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon E; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Andy Steck, University of La Verne Participants: Cape Verdean American Youth Schooling Experiences and Parental Deportation. Leila Rosa, University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth; Roseanne Vallice Levy, Mercy College Fostering Critical Hope and Optimism With Urban Youth. Madora Soutter, Boston University; Pauline Elizabeth Jennett, Boston University; Scott Clifford Seider, Boston University; Daren Graves, Simmons College Identifying Transferable Funds of Knowledge Acquired by Street Gang Individuals for Success in Alternative Contexts. Christine A Keaney, San Diego State University Literacy for Citizenship: How Youth Participatory Action Research Supports Critical Reflection on Social Issues. Enid Marie RosarioRamos, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor; Laura Ruth Johnson, Northern Illinois University; Jennifer Sawada, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor 79.041. Child Well-Being and Social Progress: Moving Beyond Health, Safety, and Standards. SIG-Early Education and Child Development; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 143 A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Sonya Gaches, The University of Arizona Participants: Un-reading Risk: Maternal Factors in Childhood Disability in Kenya. Kagendo Mutua, The University of Alabama; Mwarumba Mwavita, Oklahoma State University

Tuesday Afternoon, April 12, 2016 Cultural Safety: Applications and Implications for Indigenous Children’s Rights Education. Natasha Blanchet-Cohen, Concordia University Framings of Child Well-Being in Infant and Toddler Projects. Beth Blue Swadener, Arizona State University “The Lessons Really Are the Student’s ...” Sonya Gaches, The University of Arizona Conceptualizing Well-Being in the Implementation of Universal PreKindergarten: An Examination of Teachers’ Perspectives. Lacey Elizabeth Peters, Hunter College - CUNY Discussant: Marianne N. Bloch, University of Wisconsin - Madison 79.042. Successful Educational Research That Overcomes Inequalities. SIG-Educational Change; Symposium Convention Center, Level Two, Room 206; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Pauline Lipman, University of Illinois at Chicago Participants: Successful Educational Actions: Changing Education Across the World. Sandra Girbes, Universitat de Barcelona; Maria del Socorro Ocampo Castillo, Vía Educación Improving Education of the Most Vulnerable Groups: The Roma’s Case. Fernando Macias, Universitat de Barcelona; Vladia Ionescu, Universitat Rovira i Virgili; Itxaso Tellado, University of Vic Breaking Silence: Struggling and Combating Gender-Based Violence at University. Guiomar Merodio, University of Barcelona; Carme Garcia Yeste, Universitat Rovira i Virgili; Beatriz Carballido Villarejo, Universitat de Barcelona Communicative Methodology of Research Contributing to Educational Change. Javier Diez-Palomar, Universitat de Barcelona; Silvia Molina Roldán, Universitat Rovira i Virgili; Joan Cabre Olive, Rovira i Virgili University.CIF: Q-9350003-A Discussant: Ayesha Khurshid, Florida State University 79.043. Teachers’ Stories in Environmental Education: Tales of Embedded Constraints and Activist Pedagogies. SIG-Environmental Education; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon D; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Nora Timmerman, Northern Arizona University Participants: Transformative, Transgressive Approaches to Social Learning: Unlocking Disruptive Pedagogy and Epistemic Disobedience in Higher Education. Heila Lotz-Sisitka, Rhodes University; Arjen E. Wals, Wageningen University; David Olof Kronlid, Uppsala University; Dyllan McGarry Activism, Action, and Becoming: How Might One Live and Work as an Environmental Educator? Paul Hart, University of Regina; Catherine Hart, University of Regina A Rose by Any Other Name: Repressive Tolerance in the New West. Greg Lowan-Trudeau, University of Calgary Future Teachers Consider Their Role in Promoting Sustainability: A Curriculum and Research Project. Avril Aitken, Bishop’s University; Linda Radford, University of Ottawa Discussant: Alexa Scully, Lakehead University 79.044. Leveraging Home Environments to Improve Early Learning Across the Developing World. SIG-International Studies; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 144 A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Dan Wagner, University of Pennsylvania Participants: Socioeconomic Status, Home Literacy Environment, and Early Literacy: A Comparative Study. Stephanie Simmons Zuilkowski, Florida State University; Mark LaVenia, Florida State University; Dana Charles McCoy, Harvard University Literacy Inside Schools and Out to Improve Learning: Evidence From Within and Across Countries. Amy Jo Dowd, Save the Children; Nikhit D’Sa, Harvard University; Elliott Friedlander, Stanford University; Jarret Guajardo, Save the Children; Christine Jonason, Save the Children; Clara Pava, Save the Children; Lauren Pisani, Save the Children; Lisa Sorensen, World Vision Starting Strong: The Impact of Home Environments on Early Childhood Development in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Lauren Pisani, Save the Children; Ivelina Borisova, Save the Children; Cynthia Sobieski, Save the Children 79.045. Program Issues in Educational Leadership. SIG-Learning and Teaching in Educational Leadership; Paper Session


Convention Center, Level One, Room 147 A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Anthony Olalere, Clemson University Participants: Administrative Best Practice to Influence Culture in a Rural Middle School of Poverty. David Nixon, Anderson School District 3; Robert Charles Knoeppel, Clemson University Teaching Research in Ed.D. Practitioner Programs Using the Research Skill Development Framework. Tara L. Shepperson, Eastern Kentucky University Tell Me so I Can Hear You: A Developmental Approach to Effective Feedback. Eleanor E. Drago-Severson, Teachers College, Columbia University; Jessica Blum-DeStefano, Teachers College, Columbia University The Role of Faculty in K–12 Policy Implementation: The Case of Indiana’s Teacher Evaluation Law. Molly Stewart, Indiana University - Bloomington; Colleen E. Chesnut, Indiana University - Bloomington; Anna Sera, Indiana University - Bloomington Designing and Refining the Development of Team-Based Instructional Leadership Practice. Melissa Anderson Morgan, University of Virginia; Sara L. Dexter, University of Virginia 79.046. Virtual Worlds and Video Games: Synergies in Research. SIGMedia, Culture, and Learning; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon O; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Sandra Schamroth Abrams, Saint John’s University Participants: Distributed Teaching and Learning Systems. Elisabeth R. Gee, Arizona State University; James Paul Gee, Arizona State University The Transmedia Games: Flows of Literacy Across Corporate and UserProduced Spaces. Rebecca Ward Black, University of California Irvine Monster High: Playing in the Converging Imaginaries of a Virtual Dollhouse. Karen E. Wohlwend, Indiana University - Bloomington Discussant: Guy Merchant, Sheffield Hallam University 79.047. Practice-Relevant Motivation Research 2.0: Building a New Approach. SIG-Motivation in Education; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 144 C; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: DeLeon Lavron Gray, North Carolina State University Participants: The Need to Demonstrate Relevance to Practice: A Crossroads for Motivation Research. Jessica Chittum, East Carolina University A Brief History of Program Evaluation: Applications of Contemporary Motivation Research. Chloe Ruff, Gettysburg College The Next Generation of Applied Motivation Research: A UtilizationFocused Approach to Motivation Research. Lauren H. Bryant, North Carolina State University 79.048. Longitudinal Data, Model Evaluation, and Multilevel Models. SIG-Multilevel Modeling; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon G; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Eun Sook Kim, University of South Florida Participants: Mobility in Three-Level Longitudinal Data: An Evaluation of the CrossClassified Multiple Membership Latent Variable Regression Model. Audrey J. Leroux, Georgia State University; Susan Natasha Beretvas, The University of Texas - Austin Stop Ignoring Clustering in Clustered Longitudinal Data: A Saturated Approach to Multilevel Latent Growth Curve Modeling. Hsien-Yuan Hsu, The University of Mississippi; Susan Troncoso Skidmore, Sam Houston State University; Jiun-Yu Wu, National Chiao Tung University A Comparison of Multilevel Mediation Modeling Methods. Christina K Zigler, University of Pittsburgh; Feifei Ye, University of Pittsburgh Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall—Which Criterion Performs Best of All? Sarah D. Newton, University of Connecticut; D. Betsy Mccoach, University of Connecticut A Hierarchical Linear Modeling Analysis of Factors That Relate to Teacher-to-Parent Communication. Sarah Linda Patten, Peel District School Board Testing and Interpreting Interaction Effects in Multilevel Models. Joseph J. Stevens, University of Oregon; Ann C Schulte, Arizona State University - Tempe 79.049. Online Teaching and Learning SIG Paper Session 3. SIG-Online


Tuesday Afternoon, April 12, 2016

Teaching and Learning; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Mint; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Laurence B. Boggess, The Pennsylvania State University Participants: An Investigation of the Support Needs of Online Master’s Students: Thinking Outside the “One-Size-Fits-All” Box. Natalie B. Milman, The George Washington University; Laurie Posey, The George Washington University; Christine Pintz, The George Washington University; Pearl Zhou, The George Washington University Collaborative Online Instruction: A Care Ethics Perspective. Colette Rabin, San José State University; Grinell Smith, San José State University Developing Historical Reasoning With a Blended Massive Open Online Course Model: A Comparative Analysis Between Online and Blended Courses. Hiroki Oura, University of Tokyo; Ryohei Ikejiri, The University of of Tokyo; Wakako Fushikida, Tokyo Metropolitan University; Yuki Anzai, University of Tokyo; Yuhei Yamauchi, University of Tokyo Employing Developmental Phenomenography as a Method for Understanding the Online Teaching Environment. Cynthia Clark, University of Nevada - Las Vegas Finishing What You Start: Predicting Goals and Completion in Massive Open Online Courses. Kyle M. Williams, The University of Texas at Austin; Erin D. Reilly, The University of Texas - Austin; Stephanie B. Corliss, The University of Texas - Austin; Rose Stafford, The University of Texas - Austin 79.050. Nontraditional Approaches to Improving Extended Learning Time for D.C. Older Youth. SIG-Out-of-School Time; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon M; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Toks S. Fashola, JHU/MERA Participants: Using the Advancing Youth Development Curriculum to Effect Change Among Youth Resource Workers. Lisa Rucker, DC Trust Aligning Out-of-School Time in D.C. Using Data-Driven Decision Making. Kimberly Barnette, Delta Decisions of DC Using Summer Employment to Expand Out-of-School Opportunities for Older Youth in D.C. Nisha Sachdev, DC Trust Discussant: Daniel K. Aladjem, American Institutes for Research 79.051. Pedagogical Approaches to Teaching Qualitative Inquiry for and Beyond the Academy. SIG-Qualitative Research Cosponsored with Division D - Measurement and Research Methodology; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Kathryn J. Roulston, University of Georgia Participants: A Review of Course Syllabi for Introductory Qualitative Research Methods in Education. Stephen Owens, University of Georgia - Athens Methodological Slippage: Shifting Inquiries/Paradigms in Qualitative Pedagogy. Kelly Woodall Guyotte, The University of Alabama; Aaron M. Kuntz, The University of Alabama Ontological Tracings Informing Qualitative Research: Arts-Based Pedagogies as Inquiry. Kakali Bhattacharya, Kansas State University Putting Qualitative Pedagogy to Work Online: Students’ Responses and Perspectives. Kathryn J. Roulston, University of Georgia; Trena M. Paulus, The University of Tennessee; Kathleen P. deMarrais, University of Georgia Discussant: Jessica Nina Lester, Indiana University 79.052. Cultural and Contextual Influences at the Intersection of Education and Sport: Obstacles or Opportunities? SIG-Research Focus on Education and Sport; Paper Session Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon J; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Cathy C. Leogrande, Le Moyne College Participants: Significance of Place in Shaping Black Male High School StudentAthletes’ Identities: Empirical Insights From the Suburban South and Urban Midwest. Adeoye Adeyemo, University of Georgia; Jerome E. Morris, University of Missouri-St. Louis Leadership of Urban Student-Athletes: Who Is Doing It and What Are They Doing? Christel Lea Virginia Beverly, Michigan State University; Deborah L. Feltz, Michigan State University Fostering Student-Athletes’ Sense of Belonging: An Examination of Background Characteristics, Student Involvement, and Campus Climate. Joy Gaston Gayles, North Carolina State University; Rebecca

Crandall, North Carolina State University; Shauna Morin, North Carolina State University Administrative Impact of NCAA Regulation: A Case Study of the Changes in a “Big Football University.” Laura Mekhail, Case Western Reserve University The Origins of School Sports: Capitalism, Racism, and Patriarchy. Kirsten Michelle Hextrum, University of California - Berkeley Discussant: James W. Satterfield, Clemson University 79.053. Equity and Access in Science: Understanding Pathways Frameworks for Youth Learning and Development. SIG-Science Teaching and Learning; Structured Poster Session Convention Center, Level One, Room 101; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Angela Calabrese Barton, Michigan State University Participants: 1. Schooling Experience as a Determinant of the Learning Ecologies and Futures of Third-Grade STEM Learners. Jomo W. Mutegi, Indiana University - IUPUI 2. Designing STEM Classrooms for Racial Equity: A Tale of Two Academies. Nailah Suad Nasir, University of California - Berkeley; Sepehr Vakil, University of California - Berkeley; Emmanuel Onyeador, Oakland Technical High School 3. I Own My STEM Journey: Young Black Women Authoring 3-D RePresentations of Their STEM Pathways. Day W Greenberg, Michigan State University; Angela Calabrese Barton, Michigan State University; Christina Restrepo Nazar, Michigan State University; Myunghwan Shin, Michigan State University; Chandler Turner, University of Notre Dame; Camryn Turner 4. “Can I Do That Next?” Exploring Legitimate Youth-STEM Pathways in an Informal Maker/Engineering After-School Program. Edna Tan, University of North Carolina at Greensboro; Faith Brown Freeman, University of North Carolina - Greensboro 5. “It Is a Way to Make a Difference”: Examining Youth-Authored Pathways Into Science Within Intersecting Systems of Oppression. Daniel Birmingham, Colorado State University 6. Envisioning Pathways by Recognizing Youth Expressions of Identity, Interest, and Literacy in Science. June Ahn, University of Maryland College Park 7. The Synergies Project: Co-Creating a Community-Wide Science Learning System. Lynn Diane Dierking, Oregon State University; John Falk, Oregon State University; Nancy Staus, Oregon State University; Jennifer Nicole Wyld, Oregon State University; Deborah Bailey, Oregon State University; William R. Penuel, University of Colorado - Boulder 8. Beyond the Pipeline: Project Exploration’s Youth Science Matrix for Pathways Into and Through STEM. Gabrielle Lyon, Project Exploration; Jameela Jafri, Project Exploration; Kathleen St. LouisCaliento, Project Exploration 9. A Digital Story of Pathways in, Through, and Beyond Practices of Science: A Youth Participatory Project About Movement, Equity, and Agency in STEM. Jrene Rahm, University of Montreal; Ahlia Mathura, University of Montréal; Audrey Lamothe-Lachaîne, Université de Montréal 10. Using Affordances of Science Museums to Support Youth Trajectories. Preeti Gupta, American Museum of Natural History; Jennifer Dawn Adams, Brooklyn College - CUNY; Robert Habig, American Museum of Natural History 11. Colors of Nature: Arts as Authoring and Identity Pathway in Science Learning. Carrie T. Tzou, University of Washington - Bothell; Blakely K. Tsurusaki, University of Washington Bothell; Laura Conner, University of Alaska Fairbanks; Mareca Guthrie, University of Alaska Fairbanks; Stephen Pompea, National Optical Astronomy Observatory 12. Pathways to Digital Creation: A Case Study of Talented Youths From a Computing Summer School. Peter Kemp, University of Roehampton; Billy Wong, University of Roehampton Discussant: Leah A. Bricker, University of Michigan 79.054. Examining Implementation, Process, and Outcomes of Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education for Teachers, a Mindfulness-Based Intervention. SIG-Social and Emotional Learning; Symposium Convention Center, Level One, Room 143 B; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Patricia A. Jennings, University of Virginia Participants: Enhancing Teachers’ Well-Being and Classroom Quality: Results From a

Tuesday Afternoon, April 12, 2016 Randomized Controlled Trial of Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education. Patricia A. Jennings, University of Virginia; Joshua L. Brown, Fordham University; Jennifer L Frank, The Pennsylvania State University; Sebrina Doyle, The Pennsylvania State University; Yoonkyung Oh, The Pennsylvania State University; Regin Tanler, Fordham University; Damira S Rasheed, Fordham University; Anna DeWeese, Fordham University; Anthony DeMauro, University of Virginia; Mark T. Greenberg, The Pennsylvania State University Direct and Moderating Impacts of the Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education for Teachers Intervention on Student Outcomes. Joshua L. Brown, Fordham University; Patricia A. Jennings, University of Virginia; Damira S Rasheed, Fordham University; Sebrina Doyle, The Pennsylvania State University; Jennifer L Frank, The Pennsylvania State University; Regin Tanler, Fordham University; Anna DeWeese, Fordham University; Mark T. Greenberg, The Pennsylvania State University Teacher Outcomes Related to Sustained Mindfulness Practice: A Qualitative Investigation of the Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education Program. Deborah L. Schussler, The Pennsylvania State University - University Park; Anna DeWeese, Fordham University; Damira S Rasheed, Fordham University; Anthony DeMauro, University of Virginia; Joshua L. Brown, Fordham University; Patricia A. Jennings, University of Virginia Examining Quality of Implementation: How Facilitator Skill and Training Fidelity Affects Participant Outcomes in Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education. Sebrina Doyle, The Pennsylvania State University; Patricia A. Jennings, University of Virginia; Anna DeWeese, Fordham University; Jennifer L Frank, The Pennsylvania State University; Joshua L. Brown, Fordham University; Regin Tanler, Fordham University; Damira S Rasheed, Fordham University; Mark T. Greenberg, The Pennsylvania State University Discussant: Sara E. Rimm-Kaufman, University of Virginia 79.055. Rural Literacies: Text and Context Beyond the Metropolis. SIGWriting and Literacies; Symposium Marriott Marquis, Level Four, Liberty Salon P; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Kim Donehower, University of North Dakota Participants: Different Geographies, Different Futures: The Framing of 21st-Century Public Schooling. Karen Eppley, The Pennsylvania State University; Patrick Shannon, The Pennsylvania State University Stepping Outside the Resource Frame: Reconsidering Rural Literacy and Sustainability. Kim Donehower, University of North Dakota Bringing a Critical Literacy Lens to the Study of Place in a Rural Earth Science Classroom. Amy Price Azano, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University But Will We Be Allowed? New Teachers Confront Old Conceptions of Literacy in a Rural Middle School. Michael J. Corbett, University of Tasmania Discussant: Barbara M. Comber, Queensland University of Technology

Division and SIG Roundtables 79.056. Roundtable Session 56; Roundtable Session 79.056-1. Leaders’ Job Satisfaction and Hiring Processes. Division A Administration; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Ibrahim Duyar, University of Arkansas at Little Rock Participants: The Impact of Job Isolation on New Principals’ Job Satisfaction and Persistence. Lori Wilt Silver, George Mason University Teaching and Learning International Survey 2013: Distributed Leadership and Teacher Job Satisfaction in Singapore. Darlene García Torres, SUNY - Buffalo Chinese Principals’ Preferences for Teacher Characteristics in Hiring. Shujie Liu, Qufu Normal University; Caixiang Liu; James H. Stronge, College of William and Mary; Xianxuan Xu, Stronge & Associates Educational Consulting, LLC A Pilot Study Addressing the Methodological Challenges of Studying School Leader Time Use. Craig Dennis Hochbein, Lehigh University; Bridget V. Dever, Lehigh University; George White, Lehigh University 79.056-2. Leadership in Rural Contexts. Division A - Administration;


Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Denver Jade Fowler, The University of Mississippi Participants: Examination of Rural High School Students’ Perceptions on Leadership. Victoria Sherif, University of Kentucky Rural Superintendents as Political Agents: Informed Activism and Advocacy With Grassroots Leadership in Appalachian Ohio. Charles L. Lowery, Ohio University - Athens; Chance D Mays, Mount Enterprise ISD; Chetanath Gautam, Stephen F. Austin State University The Effects of Superintendent Factors on Student Success in Rural South Texas. Kristin Nicole Brown, lyford cisd; Marie-Anne Mundy, Texas A&M University - Kingsville; Lori Kupczynski, Texas A&M University - Kingsville 79.056-3. Leading for Inclusivity and Diversity. Division A Administration; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 2:15-3:45pm Participants: School Leadership for English Learner Success: More Than an Instructional Issue. Theresa Carson, Arlington Public Schools; Sonya Douglass Horsford, George Mason University Leading and Supporting the Education of Refugee Students. Nathern S. Okilwa, The University of Texas - San Antonio; Kerry Haupert Assessment of Ethical Leadership Components in the Education of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Lisa D. Hobson, Prairie View A&M University; Tamiko Frank, Galena Park Independent School District; Laxley W. Rodney, Prairie View A&M University Building Leadership Capacity in Diverse Contexts Through Social Justice Education: Tension and Possibilities. Ann E. Lopez, OISE/University of Toronto 79.056-4. Leading for School Improvement. Division A - Administration; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Karen Ramlackhan, University of South Florida Participants: Development and Validation of a Diagnostic Assessment of Instructional Leadership Capacity. Min Li, University of Washington; Michael S. Knapp, University of Washington; Catherine S. Taylor, Measured Progress; Ming-Chih Lan, University of Washington; Kathryn Elizabeth Torres, University of Washington; Jason A. Grissom, Vanderbilt University; Ellen B. Goldring, Vanderbilt University Distributed Leadership for School Improvement in Contexts of Poverty and Education Reform Policies. Stephen E. Anderson, University of Toronto; Javiera Marfan, Fundacion Chile; Magdalena Fernandez Hermosilla, University of Toronto - OISE Instructional Leadership and Principal Career Transitions. Rui Yan, University of Utah; Yongmei Ni, University of Utah Leveraging the Hidden Power of Formal and Informal Teacher Networks in Educational Leadership. Anna Santiago-Addis, Ruidoso Municipal School District; Kristin L. Kew, New Mexico State University Hybridity: Turnaround Principal Leadership Approaches. Kimberly Kappler Hewitt, University of North Carolina - Greensboro; Ulrich C. Reitzug, University of North Carolina - Greensboro 79.056-5. Leading From the Middle: Coherence, Cohesion, and Circulation in System-Wide Educational Change. Division A Administration; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Santiago Rincon-Gallardo, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education Participants: Leading From the Middle: How Districts Take Collective Responsibility for Improvement. Andy Hargreaves, Boston College Leading From the Middle and Achieving Coherence Between the Central Office and the Schools. Susan M. Johnson, Harvard University Leading From the Middle and Self-Improving School Systems: The Role of the Middle Tier. Mel Ainscow, University of Manchester Leading From the Middle in a U.S. Rural School Network. Michael T. O’Connor, Boston College 79.056-6. Lessons Learned: Leadership Program Standards, Accreditation, and Equity Audit. Division A - Administration; Roundtable Session


Tuesday Afternoon, April 12, 2016

Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Jane Clark Lindle, Clemson University Participants: Critical Incidents With Mentor Principals: Leader Identity Formation in Residency. David Mayrowetz, University of Illinois at Chicago; Anne Hutchinson, University of Illinois at Chicago; Michelle McKenna Shabaker, University of Illinois at Chicago; Shelby A. Cosner, University of Illinois at Chicago; Lisa Walker, University of Illinois at Chicago; Samuel Paul Whalen, University of Illinois at Chicago; Martha Hebert, University of Illinois at Chicago; Jason Swanson, University of Illinois at Chicago The Educational Leadership Preparation Program Equity Audit. Colleen A. Capper, University of Wisconsin - Madison What Do We Know About the Perceptions of the Educational Leadership Constituent Council Standards and the Accreditation Process? Angel M. Nash, University of Virginia; Michelle D. Young, University Council for Educational Administration; Pamela D. Tucker, University of Virginia 79.056-7. Principal Preparation Programs: Examinations and Evolutions. Division A - Administration; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Ryan Fink, University of Pennsylvania Participants: Perceptions of a Novice District-Grown Principal Preparation Program: A Case Study. Allison Hansen, University of Pennsylvania Privatizing Principal Preparation: Examining Teach For America’s Principal Pipeline Initiative in the Chicago Public Schools. T. Jameson Brewer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign The Evolution of an Exemplary (Traditional) Principal Preparation Program. Richard Gonzales, University of Connecticut; Sarah L. Woulfin, University of Connecticut 79.056-8. Transforming Schools Into Healthy Learning Environments: An Examination of Behavior and Wellness Disproportionalities. Division A - Administration; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Joshua Childs, The University of Texas - Austin Participants: Enhancing Health Literacy in Urban Schools. Anthony Collatos, Pepperdine University; Doug Leigh, Pepperdine University Racial Disproportionality in Identification of Behavioral Disorders: A Longitudinal Analysis of Contextual Factors. Aydin Bal, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Peter Trabert Goff, University of Wisconsin Madison; So Jung Park, University of Wisconsin 79.056-9. Urban Preparation: Black Males Moving From the South Side to Postsecondary Success. Division A - Administration; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Chezare A. Warren, Michigan State University Participants: Disrupting Discourses of Failure: Counternarratives of Black Male Students and Academic Success at the Urban Prep Charter Academy for Young Men. Brandi Nicole Williams, Syracuse University “We Learn Through Our Struggles”: Nuancing Notions of Urban Black Male Academic Preparation for College. Chezare A. Warren, Michigan State University Resilience Among Collegiate Black Males: Learning From Experience. Derrick R. Brooms, University of Louisville 79.056-10. Social Justice and Decolonizing Leadership Perspectives. Division A - Administration; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 2:15-3:45pm Participants: Decolonizing School Leadership: A Literature Review of Indigenous Culturally Responsive Leadership. Muhammad Khalifa, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities; Clare Halloran, University of Minnesota; Deena Khalil, Howard University; Tyson E.J. Marsh, University of New Mexico Restorative Justice as Bully Panopticon: A Dual-Case Study. Hilary Lustick, New York University School Leaders’ Views About Social Justice in Neoliberal Times. Brenda L. Spencer, University of Calgary; Rae Ann Van Beers, University of Calgary

79.056-11. Weaving Family and School Tapestries: Neuroatypicalities, Rural Context, and Social Class Divide Experiences. SIG-Critical Perspectives on Early Childhood Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Megan Gibson, Queensland University of Technology Participants: Experiences of Families of Young Children With Neuroatypicalities: Negotiating the Culture of Expertise. Melissa Beth Sherfinski, West Virginia University; Sera Mathew, West Virginia University The Role of the Rural Context in Supporting Parental Involvement in the Early Years. Amy Noelle Parks, Michigan State University Is Goodwill Enough? Social Class Divides and Home-School Relations in Child Care. Yarrow Andrew, Flinders University 79.056-12. It’s More Than TV: Cultural Representation in Media Spaces. Division B - Curriculum Studies; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Michelle S. Bae-Dimitriadis, Buffalo State College - SUNY Participants: Cultural Representation in/as the Global Studies Curriculum: Seeing and Knowing China in the United States. Amy Mungur, Green Mountain College Leveling Up: Video Games, Development, and the Narrated Everyday Experiences of Male College Students. Vanessa Haddad, Niagara University Traversing Literacies: Making Meaning From Page to Screen to Stage. Julie Rust, Millsaps College “Heroes” and “Villains” in the Lives of Children and Young People. Sally Anne Power, Cardiff University; Kevin Smith, Cardiff University 79.056-13. Pliability of Methods!! Division B - Curriculum Studies; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Horace R. Hall, DePaul University Participants: Advancing Latin American Testimonio Traditions in Educational Research: A Synoptic Rendering. Freyca Calderon-Berumen, Texas Christian University; Karla O’Donald, Texas Christian University; James C. Jupp, Georgia Southern University Critical Race Theory, Agential Realism, and Curriculum Studies: Lessons From Studying Resegregation as Hidden Curriculum. Jerry L. Rosiek, University of Oregon Thick Description for Publicly Engaged Scholars in the 21st Century: The Last Interview With Clifford Geertz. Karyn A. Cooper, University of Toronto; Naomi Rebecca Hughes, University of Toronto; Robert E. White, Saint Francis Xavier University 79.056-14. Praxis and Spirituality: Radical Transformations. Division B Curriculum Studies; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Richard Ayers, University of San Francisco Participants: Inspiriting the Proleptic: A Feminist Consideration of Spirituality in a Postmodern Curriculum. Alycia M. Elfreich, Indiana University Indianapolis Radical Love, Revolutionary Becoming: Creating an Ethic of Love in the Realm of Education Through Buddhism and Ubuntu. David Wayne Robinson-Morris, Louisiana State University Understanding Paulo Freire’s Work as Autobiographical Text. Daniel Fernando Johnson Mardones, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign 79.056-15. Re/production of Knowledge: Contradictions and Paradigm Shifts. Division B - Curriculum Studies; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Ajay Singh, Murray State University Participants: Maps of Schools and Markets: Youth Drawing Their World. Erin Adams, University of Georgia - Athens The Scholarship of the International Encyclopaedia of Education 1980–1994: Learning How to Produce Knowledge in a Public Genre. Christian Jan Lundahl, Örebro University

Tuesday Afternoon, April 12, 2016 79.056-16. Rethinking Curriculum in Nation-States. Division B Curriculum Studies; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Jennifer Job, Oklahoma State University Participants: Curriculum Change and Policy Networks: The Case of the Latest National Curriculum Reform in Korea. Soo Bin Jang, Michigan State University Trust, Accountability, and Mandated Curriculum: A Field Study of Three Hawaii Public Schools. Jacquelyn J Chappel, University of Hawaii Manoa Unifying the Vocational-Academic Divide? A Study of the International Baccalaureate Career-Related Program in the United States. Richard D. Lakes, Georgia State University; Martha K. Donovan, Georgia State University In Search for Public Space: Critical Examination of Neoliberal Education Policies in Singapore and Japan. Kaoru Miyazawa, Gettysburg College; Sirene May-Yin Lim, National Institute of Education - Nanyang Technological University The Public Opinion on Educational Qualities in Postpolitical Times: International Comparisons in Welfare State Governance. Sverker S:son Lindblad, University of Gothenburg; Lennart Nilsson, University of Gothenburg; Mårten Lindblad, Acando 79.056-17. Teaching About Economic Inequality Across the High School Curriculum. Division B - Curriculum Studies; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Joseph E. Kahne, Mills College Participants: Teaching About Economic Inequality in Secondary Mathematics. Mary Candace Raygoza, University of California - Los Angeles; Megan L. Franke, University of California - Los Angeles Lessons on Economic Inequality in the Language Arts Curriculum. Agata Soroko, University of Ottawa; Matthew Brillinger, University of Ottawa Social Issues in the Social Studies: Teaching Economic Inequality in U.S. and Canadian High Schools. Anthony A Berryman, University of California - Los Angeles; Anton Birioukov, University of Ottawa; Michael Ishimoto, University of California - Los Angeles Teaching About Economic Inequality in a Diverse Democracy: Politics, Ideology, and Difference. John S. Rogers, University of California - Los Angeles; Joel Westheimer, University of Ottawa 79.056-18. Teacher Identity and Creativity. SIG-Arts and Inquiry in the Visual and Performing Arts in Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: James W. Bequette, University of Minnesota Participants: Singing Songs and Looking Within: A Self-Reflective Journey. Sarah Jean Morrison, Appleby College Using the Arts to Educate for Beauty, Critique, Action, and Hope. Neil O. Houser, University of Oklahoma 79.056-19. Exploring Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Ability From a Systems Perspective. SIG-Critical Examination of Race, Ethnicity, Class and Gender in Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Joni Schwartz, City University of New York - LaGuardia College Participants: Niceness as Whiteness in the Avoidance of Studying Arizona’s S.B. 1070. Richard A. Orozco, The University of Arizona More Than Injustice: Special Education as an Act of Systemic Racist and Ableist Violence. Gregg D. Beratan, ADAPT, Mumbai School Discipline Characteristics of American Indian Students. Denise Katherine Whitford, Purdue University; Darold H. Joseph, Northern Arizona University Undocuqueer: Making Meaning at the Intersection of Gender, Sexuality, and Immigration Status. Jesus Cisneros, University of Central Arkansas; Alonzo Martice Flowers, Old Dominion University 79.056-20. The Impact of Preservice and In-Service Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge on Science Lesson Designs and Implementation. SIG-Science Teaching and Learning; Roundtable Session


Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Tara O’Neill, University of Hawaii - Manoa Participants: Analyzing Teachers’ Professional Knowledge, Use of Experiments in Chemistry Class, and Students’ Achievement. Martina Struebe, University of Duisburg-Essen; Oliver Tepner, University of DuisburgEssen; Elke Sumfleth, University Duisburg - Essen How Preservice Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Understanding of Inquiry Influences Their Lesson Planning and Enactments in Science. Loucas T. Louca, European University Cyprus; Thea Skoulia, University of Cyprus; Zacharias C. Zacharia, University of Cyprus Science Teacher Orientations and Pedagogical Content Knowledge as a Sum of Middle School Science Subject Domain Constructions. Todd Campbell, University of Connecticut; Wayne Melville, Lakehead University; Dawne Goodwin, University of Connecticut 79.057. Roundtable Session 57; Roundtable Session 79.057-1. Diverse Democracies, Democratic Diversities: International Studies on Identities, Multilingualism, and Language Rights and Ideologies. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Jeff Bale, University of Toronto - OISE Participants: Building Teachers’ Assessment Literacy: A Case in Chinese Heritage Language Learning. Kim H. Koh, University of Calgary; Lydia E CarolAnn Burke, University of Toronto Exploring Uyghur University Students’ Identities Constructed in Multilingualism in China. Xiaoyan Guo, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Mingyue (Michelle) Gu, Chinese University of Hong Kong The Heritage Languages Program in Ontario, 1977–1986: Origins, Conflicts, and Consequences for Diverse Democracies. Jeff Bale, University of Toronto - OISE; Jeanne Sinclair, University of Toronto OISE Toward Democratic Discourses of Diversity: Negotiating Language Ideologies and Identities Among International Teaching Assistants. Jungsook Kim, The Ohio State University - Columbus 79.057-2. Dynamic Co-Constructions of Identity and Literacy Among Bilingual Students. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Pamela J. Hickey, Towson University Participants: Identity Construction of Emergent Bilingual Students in a Kindergarten Writing Workshop. Sanjuana Carrillo Rodriguez, Kennesaw State University Who Do I Get to Be? Positioning Bilingual Latina/o Students Through Literacy Activities. Mary Rose Kelly, University of Colorado - Boulder Becoming Science Learners: A Study of Emergent Bilingual Students’ Identity Work in Elementary School Science. Rebeca Gamez, Johns Hopkins University; Carolyn Parker, Johns Hopkins University Connecting Latino Middle School Students’ Passion for Soccer to Science Learning in English and Spanish. Max Vazquez Dominguez, University of Georgia - Athens; Martha A. Allexsaht-Snider, University of Georgia; Cory A. Buxton, University of Georgia - Athens 79.057-3. Education Policy and Race. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Kendall Dwayne Deas, College of Charleston Participants: Rationalizing the Past: A Critical Examination of Race in Education Policy. Nicola Rollock, The University of Birmingham The Myth of Meritocracy: Anti–Affirmative Action Discourse and Whiteness in Higher Education. Moira Ozias, University of Oklahoma; T. Elon Dancy, University of Oklahoma 79.057-4. Educational Slavery and White Supremacy. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session


Tuesday Afternoon, April 12, 2016

Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Elizabeth K. Jeffers, Georgia State University Participants: Institutional Factors Impacting Black Students’ Success at an Elite Private Elementary School. Jane Bolgatz, Fordham University; Tamar Brown, Fordham University; Sara Skluzacek, New York Department of Education; Ryan M. Crowley, University of Kentucky; Susan J Chambre, Fordham University; Enrique Figueroa, Fordham University Toward a Critical Pedagogical Critique of White Privilege in Educational Research. Zachary A. Casey, Rhodes College To Disrupt and Maintain Educational Slavery: Evidence From Postapartheid Schools in South Africa. Christopher B. Knaus, University of Washington - Tacoma; M. Christopher Brown, Alcorn State University 79.057-5. Educators and Policy Reform, Translation, and Analysis. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Tina Cheuk, Stanford University Participants: Mother Tongues: The Opt-Out Movement’s Vocal Response to Patriarchal Education Reform. Elizabeth Currin, University of Florida; Stephanie Schroeder, University of Florida; Todd McCardle, University of Florida Teacher-Based Policy Analyses of the Title I School Improvement Grants Program: How Time, Timing, and Policy Intentions Are Understood by Teachers. Tuesda Roberts, University of Pittsburgh The Translation of Policies in Low-Performing Public Schools in Chile: An Ethnographic Study. Paulina Contreras, Universidad de Chile; Eduardo Santa Cruz, Universidad de Chile; Felipe Acuña, Universidad de Chile; Jenny Assael, Colegio de Profesores 79.057-6. Literacy in Transcultural and Cosmopolitan Times: A Call for Change. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Rahat Naqvi, University of Calgary Participants: Mobilizing Community Resources for Literacy Development: New Pedagogies for New Times. Rahat Naqvi, University of Calgary; Elaine Schmidt, University of Calgary ScribJab at School: Possibilities and Challenges. Kelleen Toohey, Simon Fraser University; Diane H. Dagenais, Simon Fraser University Artifacts as Catalysts for Reimagining Transcultural Literacy Pedagogies. Michelle Honeyford, University of Manitoba Translanguaging, Transculturation, and Transformational Literacies: Learning From Immigrant Children. Janelle Franco, University of California - Los Angeles; Marjorie Faulstich Orellana, University of California - Los Angeles; Sarah Jean Johnson, University of California - Los Angeles 79.057-7. Making Visible Food Insecurity and Opportunity to Learn. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Andrea F. Kalvesmaki, University of Utah Participants: Food Insecurity and Educational Achievement: A Multilevel Generalization of Poisson Regression. Allison Jennifer Ames, James Madison University; Glenn Ames, University of Georgia - Athens; Simone Angioloni, University of Georgia - Athens Making the Visible Invisible: A Century of Poverty Knowledge in Educational Research. Jeanne M. Powers, Arizona State University; Gustavo E. Fischman, Arizona State University; David C. Berliner, Arizona State University Measuring Opportunity to Learn: Engaging Policy Through Research. Ryan H. Pfleger, University of Colorado - Boulder; Terri S. Wilson, University of Colorado Boulder; Kevin G. Welner, University of Colorado Boulder; Charles Bibilos, University of Colorado - Boulder 79.057-8. On My Block: Neighborhood Roles in Learning and Identity. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Min Yu, Wayne State University Participants: A School’s Neighborhood: Defining the Local Community and the School as a Community Actor. Andrea Prado Tuma, Northwestern University

Negotiating Identity and Community: Voices of Korean Immigrant Parents and Young Children. Hae Min Yu, Missouri State University The Combined Effect of the Social Composition of the School and the City on Students’ Achievements in Israel. Audrey Addi-Raccah, Tel Aviv University Socioeconomic Segregation Between and Within Curriculum Tracking: The Chilean Case. María Paola Sevilla, Universidad Diego Portales de Chile 79.057-9. Pedagogical Possibilities for a Changing Public: Bi/Multilingual Latina/o Students in Urban Schools. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Ursula S. Aldana, University of San Francisco Participants: Imagining Beyond the Spanish-English Binary: Multilingual Latina/o Children in Bilingual Schools. Ramon Antonio Martinez, Stanford University Valuing Spanish and Spanish Speakers: Regaño as Caring in a Dual Immersion Classroom. P. Zitlali Morales, University of Illinois at Chicago Young Bilingual Children’s Rhetorical Astuteness. Leah Durán, The University of Arizona Expanding What Counts as Language for Latina/o Youth in an Urban Middle School Classroom. Elizabeth Montaño, University of California - Davis; Danny C. Martinez, University of California - Davis 79.057-10. Policies and the Sociopolitical Environment: Impacts on Lives and Outcomes. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Patricia A. Thomas, Jack Kent Cooke Foundation & Northern Virginia Family Service Participants: Building Reciprocal Trust: Tracing Interactions Between Elected and StateAppointed School Boards and Their Community. Kathryn McGinn Luet, Rowan University; Katherine Schultz, Mills College Youth, Gangs, and Policing: How Formal Education Is Impacted by AntiGang Policies. Mary Cannito-Coville, Syracuse University Mass Incarceration and Educational Outcomes in California. Alexandra Aylward, New York University Re-”place”-ing the “Urban” in Urban Education: A Geographic Analysis of Urban Educational Environments Across America. Alvin Pearman, Vanderbilt Peabody College 79.057-11. Political Movements in Our Pockets. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 2:15-3:45pm Participants: A Pedagogy of Intervention: Learning About Race in the Context of #blacklivesmatter. Janine de Novais, Harvard University An Analysis of the Twitter Discourses Within the Intersections of #BlackLivesMatter and Keyword Education. Charles Munene Mugi, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Whose Hong Kong? Cellphilming and Civic Engagement With EthnicMinority Youth in the Wake of Occupy Central. Casey Megan Burkholder, McGill University 79.057-12. The Politics of Punishment and Care. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Vicki Thomas, Stephen F. Austin State University Participants: Decolonizing Care: Working Toward a Theory of “Cariño Crítico.” Rosalinda Godinez, University of California - Berkeley Restoring Harm: A Critical Examination of Punishment and Care. Rekia Gina Jibrin, University of California - Berkeley Secondary Discipline: How Parents Are Incorporated Into the Disciplinary Mission of Alternative Schools. Jessica L Dunning-Lozano, Ithaca College 79.057-13. Transgressive and Transformative School Contexts. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session

Tuesday Afternoon, April 12, 2016 Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Bianca J. Baldridge, University of Wisconsin - Madison Participants: Armed Love as a Foundation for Freedom Schools’ Work. Nancy Ares, University of Rochester; Jeremy S Smith, Northeast Area Development, Inc High School Ethnic Studies: Increasing Agency for Marginalized Urban Youth. Robert Nakamoto, San Francisco State University Unleashing the Unpopular: School Cultures Transgressing Normative Hegemony. Tracey Pyscher, Metropolitan State University; Anne Crampton, University of Minnesota; Maggie Struck, University of Minnesota 79.057-14. Transnational Policy Discourse. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Christopher I Cobitz, Wingate University Participants: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Taiwan’s Overseas Studies Policy (2000– 2014). Yun-Shiuan (Viola) Chen, National Academy for Educational Research, Taiwan News Framing on Corporal Punishment Events: Critical Discourse Analysis and Policy Implication. Wen-Ting Chung, University of Pittsburgh Scholarship as Cipher: Collective Disruption of Educational Hierarchy Through Engagement With Critical Discourse Analysis. Allison Mattheis, California State University - Los Angeles; Ai-Khanh Nguyen, California State University - Los Angeles; Chris Wiebe, California State University - Los Angeles; Kimi L Wilson, California State University Los Angeles 79.057-15. Transnational Youth, Families, and Educational Experiences. Division G - Social Context of Education; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 2:15-3:45pm Participants: Expanding Understandings of Ways of Knowing: Sobrevivencia Knowing Among Mexican Transnational Students and Families. G. Sue Kasun, Utah State University The Cosmopolitan Outlook of Transnational Immigrant Youth at a High School for Late-Arrival Immigrants. Patrick Keegan, Teachers College, Columbia University Transnational Families, Remittances, and the Educational Outcomes of Haitian Immigrant Youth. Tekla Nicholas, Florida International University 79.057-16. Evaluation of Programs to Enhance College and Career Readiness. Division H - Research, Evaluation and Assessment in Schools; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Sheila R. Vaidya, Drexel University Participants: Get Ready, Get Set, Go to College: Addressing Diversity to Increase Student Preparation and Access. Scott Neal Wilson, University of Oklahoma; Sharon Gail Dean, University of Oklahoma; Leslie Ann Williams, University of Oklahoma; Sharon Ann Wilbur, University of Oklahoma Improving College Readiness and Pursuit of Underrepresented Diverse Students Through Research-Supported Practices. Olcay Yavuz, Southern Connecticut State University Improving Graduation Outcomes: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Malkeet Singh, Education Northwest Impact Evaluation of the TAP System in Orangeburg School District 3 (South Carolina). Tanee Hudgens, National Institute for Excellence in Teaching; Kellie Wills, National Institute for Excellence in Teaching Building Student Ownership and Responsibility: Outcomes From the First Year of Implementation. Marisa A. Cannata, Vanderbilt University; Christopher Redding, Vanderbilt University - Peabody College; Tuan Nguyen, Vanderbilt University - Peabody College 79.057-17. Evaluation, Professional Growth, and Use of Data of Educators. Division H - Research, Evaluation and Assessment in Schools; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Lionel Howard, The George Washington University


Participants: Middle School Mathematics Teachers’ Use of Data and Evidence in Practice. Jillian M Cavanna, Michigan State University Teacher Performance Management as Inducement, Incentive, Judgment, and Obligated Procedure. Laura Pryor, University of California Berkeley; Rick Mintrop, University of California - Berkeley; Miguel Ordenes, University of California - Berkeley; Erin Coghlan, University of California - Berkeley; Cristóbal Madero, University of California Berkeley The Relationships Among Teacher Professional Community, Self-Efficacy, and Work Engagement. Yonghong Cai, Beijing Normal University; Li Wang, Beijing Normal University; Yan Bi, Tianjin Polytechnic University; Shuibo Yu, Beijing Union University; Jun Lei, Xingyi Normal University for Nationalities Elementary and Secondary Teacher Position Changes Within and Across Schools: An Analysis of Texas State Administrative Data. John M. Weathers, Lehigh University; Dave Taylor, 21st Century Partnership for STEM Education; John Baker, 21st Century Partnership for STEM Education; F. Joseph Merlino, The 21st Century Partnership for STEM Education; Robert Boruch, University of Pennsylvania 79.057-18. Influences and Outcomes: Examining Equity and Trends in Measurements of Student Achievement. Division H - Research, Evaluation and Assessment in Schools; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Rachel A. Hickson, Montgomery County Public Schools Participants: Benchmark Testing: Uncovering the Inequitable Reality Behind the Myth. Karen D. Jones, East Carolina University; Sarah Nelson Baray, Texas State University; Larry R. Price, Texas State University Exit and Switching Cost: Student Mobility in Michigan Persistently Lowest Achieving High Schools. Guan Saw, Michigan State University; Elizabeth Covay Minor, National Louis University; Barbara Schneider, Michigan State University; Kenneth A. Frank, Michigan State University The Effects of Racial and Economic Isolation on Achievement in Michigan School Districts. Shannon Alexis Stackhouse Flores, Michigan Department of Education Trends in Performance and Growth by Students With and Without Disabilities on State Summative Assessments. Heather Marie Buzick, ETS; Jonathan P. Weeks, Educational Testing Service 79.057-19. Investigating Characteristics of Assessment Measures and Data: Applications in K–12 Settings. Division H - Research, Evaluation and Assessment in Schools; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Edith Aurora Graf, ETS Participants: A Broad Conceptualization of the Test-Taking Motivation Construct Using the Expectancy-Value Theory. Eva Knekta, Umeå University; Hanna Eklof, Umea University Empirical Separability of the Constructs “Scientific Investigation,” “Scientific Modeling,” and “Nature of Science” in Chemistry. Carina Gehlen, University Duisburg - Essen; Maik Walpuski, University of Duisburg-Essen Leveled Reading Assessment: Documenting Reliability and Text Complexity Using Item Response Theory. Matthew M. Gushta, Amplify Education, Inc.; Danielle M. Parisi, University of Nebraska - Lincoln Factor Structure and Longitudinal Invariance of a Reading Attitude Scale. Menglin Xu, The Ohio State University; Jerome V. D’Agostino, The Ohio State University An Authentic Research Science Curriculum Predicting Student Interest, Scientific Inquiry Competency, and Scientific Literacy Skills. Daihong Chen, Seattle Pacific University; Jennifer Tenlen, Seattle Pacific University; Kimberly Murphy, Augustana College; David M Rhoads, California State University - San Bernardino; Benjamin J McFarland, Seattle Pacific University; Andrew Lumpe, Seattle Pacific University; Brad Goodner, Hiram College; Lori Scott, Augustana College; Katey Houmiel, Seattle Pacific University; Derek Wood 79.057-20. Methodological Issues and Approaches to Program Evaluation in Schools. Division H - Research, Evaluation and Assessment in Schools; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 2:15-3:45pm


Wednesday Morning, April 13, 2016

Chair: Raymond Hart, Council of the Great City Schools Participants: Implementation of a Developmental Evaluation Framework to Explore an Alternative Teacher Licensure Partnership Program. Melissa J. Chapman Haynes, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities; Felicia Megan Karas, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities; Deborah R. Dillon, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities; Anil Hurkadli, Teach For America, Inc. Including Participant Stories in School Evaluations: Looking Beyond the Numbers. Iris Yu, The University of Kansas Research-Practitioner Partnership to Evaluate a Developmental Assessment Framework. Constance C. Beecher, Iowa State University; Brian F. French, Washington State University; Paul Strand, Washington State University - Tri-Cities; Chad M. Gotch, Washington State University; Cynthia Juarez, Washington Educational Service District 105; Kathleen Lenihan, Washington Educational Service District 105 Social Return on Investment Evaluation of a Race to the Top Grant Fund. Andrea D. Beesley, IMPAQ International; Michaela Gulemetova, IMPAQ International, LLC; Maria DiFuccia, IMPAQ International, LLC Articulating Educational Partnership Theories of Change Using Dialectical Pluralism and Collaborative Logic Modeling. Susan A. Tucker, Evaluation and Development Associates LLC; Edward McLain, The University of Alaska - Anchorage; Burke Johnson, University of South Alabama; Ray Ivatt, E and D Associates LLC 79.057-21. Rethinking High-Stakes Assessments: College Readiness, State Comprehensive Assessments, and Educator Evaluation in the United States and Abroad. Division H - Research, Evaluation and Assessment in Schools; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Nyambura Susan Maina, Montgomery County Public Schools Participants: What Are the Characteristics of Test Items in High School Exit Exams? An International Comparison. Mirko Krüger, University of Duisburg-Essen College Readiness in the Last Frontier: Measuring Alaska Students’ Progress Toward New State Standards. Michelle Hodara, Education Northwest; Ashley Pierson, Education Northwest; Monica B. Cox, Education Northwest Does English Proficiency Matter? Analysis of English Language Learner Performance on the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System Biology Test. Mary A Mitchell, Salem Public Schools Exploring the Role of Linguistic Factors in the Performance of English Learners on Science Assessments. Elise Trumbull, Independent Consultant; Sharon Nelson-Barber, WestEd; Chun-Wei (Kevin) Huang, WestEd Multimethod Educator Evaluation: Relations Between the Danielson Framework for Teaching and Classroom Strategies Scale. Adam Lekwa, Rutgers University; Linda Reddy, Rutgers University; Christopher M Dudek, Rutgers University - New Brunswick/Piscataway; Ryan J. Kettler, Rutgers University 79.057-22. Use of Formative and Diagnostic Assessments: Embedded Teaching and Learning Opportunities. Division H - Research, Evaluation and Assessment in Schools; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Sage Ro, IBM Participants: Differentiated Effects of Children’s Demographics, Previous Schooling, and Early Interventions on Their Foundational Numeracy Skills. Samuel M. Zheng, Toronto District School Board; Stefanie De Jesus, Toronto District School Board ; Roula Anastasakos, Toronto District School Board; Sheryl Robinson Petrazzini, Toronto District School Board; Daniel Ansari; Stephanie Bugden, University of Pennsylvania Education Quality and Efficiency in Resource-Constrained Environments: Assessing Bolivian Schools per Sociocultural Context. Joao Neiva de Figueiredo, Saint Joseph’s University; Miguel Angel Marca Barrientos, Fe y Alegria Bolivia Extending Learning Progressions to Self-Assessment: Students Finding “Best Fit” for Learning and Instruction. Despina Pitsoulakis, University of California - Los Angeles; Alison L. Bailey, University of California Los Angeles Opportunities to Learn at School: Profiles of Students Reaching a High

TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) Science Benchmark. Melinda M. Whitford, University at Buffalo SUNY The Impact of a Diagnostic and Formative Assessment on Elementary Reading Achievement. Meghan Liebfreund, Towson University; Stephen R. Porter, North Carolina State University 79.057-23. Systems Governing the Teacher and Child: Fabricating School Communities in the Era of Education Reform. Division B Curriculum Studies; Roundtable Session Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom B; 2:15-3:45pm Chair: Thomas S. Popkewitz, University of Wisconsin Participants: The “Promising” Future Constructed by Big Data in Chinese Education. Xue Yin, The University of Wisconsin-Madison (Re)making the Future Citizen: The Lifelong Learner and Lifelong Learning in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) and South Korea. Jonghun Kim, University of Wisconsin - Madison Impressions: Challenging Proclamations of edTPA as Education’s Panacea. Corinne Ehrfurth, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Wednesday, 8:00 am AERA Related Activities 80.010. AERA Grants Program Dissertation Grantee Capstone Conference (Day 2 of 2). AERA Related Activities; Workshop Marriott Marquis, Level Three, Union Station; 8:00am to 1:00pm Chair: George L. Wimberly, American Educational Research Association

Wednesday, 8:30 am WERA Sessions 81.010. AERA–World Education Research Association Meeting Council Meeting. World Education Research Association (WERA); Governance Session Marriott Marquis, Level Three, Chinatown; 8:30am to 5:00pm