Mongolian Speech corpus A.Altangerel, B.Damdinsuren
A Speech Corpus is a database of speech audio files and text transcriptions of these audio files in a format that can be used to create Acoustical Models (which can then be used with a Speech Recognition Engine). A corpus is one such database. Corpora is plural of corpus (i.e. it is many such databases). Our speech corpus is read speech which includes lists of words. One wave file contains 10 words. Each word is repeated 10 times by 10 speakers. Therefore the corpus consists of 60000 wave files. The wave file has sampling rate of 16kHz and sampling size of 16 bits. Utterances of about 80 speakers are collected in speech corpus. File name contains following information, when it is f3_2501_1.wav f3=female#3, 2501=word repetition beginning from 2501, 1=first repetition of the word when it is: m50_5501_10.wav m50=male#50, 5501=word repetition beginning from 5501, 10=tenth repetition of the word List of words № 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
words гэж юм энэ байна байгаа нэг улсын хүн бол аж их тэр болон би