Impact of wood combustion on particle levels in a residential area in ... of C3âË' C9 dicarboxylic acid aerosols, alip
Monster Kensington Publishing Corporation, 1999 544 pages 9780786011261 1999 Time course and properties of late adaptation in spinal motoneurones of the cat, in the spinal cord of anaesthetized cats, motoneurones of m. gastrocnemius medialis were stimulated to repetitive firing by very long-lasting steady currents injected through an intracellular microelectrode (maximum duration 4 min). In such discharges, a gradual. Aquaporins in complex tissues. II. Subcellular distribution in respiratory and glandular tissues of rat, login to your account. Institutional Login. Sign In / Register. PHYSIOLOGY.ORG Home: Journals: AJP-Cell; AJP-Endo; AJP-GI; AJP-Heart; AJP-Lung; AJP-Regu; AJP-Renal; AJP (1898-1976); J Appl Physiol; J Neurophysiol; Physiol. Activity patterns of human skeletal muscles: relation to muscle fiber type composition, the muscle activity of normal ambulatory individuals was recorded continuously for 8-hour (working day) periods. Parameters of activity patterns were defined and numerical outcomes for these parameters were compared across a diverse population of muscles. Several. Sulfur isotope studies in early Archaean sediments from Isua, West Greenland: implications for the antiquity of bacterial sulfate reduction, the sulfur contents and sulfur isotope ratios (δ 34 S) have been measured for samples collected from the Isua area of West Greenland in an effort to place narrower limits on the time of the rise of sulfate respirers during the Precambrian. The δ 34 S values of the Isua. Impact of wood combustion on particle levels in a residential area in Denmark, the influence of residential wood-combustion on local air quality was studied during two periods in 2002 and 2003/04 in a small rural town with widespread use of wood combustion for heating. During one 6-week winter period, particle levels (PM 2.5) in the residential area. Kinetics of tetrachloroethylene in volunteers; influence of exposure concentration and work load, six male volunteers were exposed for 4 h to 72 ppm tetrachloroethylene (PERC) at rest, to 144 ppm PERC at rest, and to 142 ppm PERC at rest combined with work load (2 times 30 min, 100 W). Minute volume and concentrations in exhaled air were measured to estimate. Even− odd alternation of evaporation rates and vapor pressures of C3− C9 dicarboxylic acid aerosols, aliphatic straight-chain dicarboxylic acids have been identified as common water-soluble organic components of atmospheric aerosols. To model the partitioning of such compounds between gas and particle phase in the atmosphere, information about their vapor pressures. Physiology and pathophysiology of renal aquaporins, advertising Disclaimer. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. Skip to main page content. Sulphur isotope geochemistry, sulphur isotope abundances of thirty-nine specimens of seventeen meteorites are reported. The results show again the remarkable constancy of the sulphur isotope ratios for meteorites of all types. However, differences in the S 32/S 34 ratios of 0.4%. would appear. Pharmacy data in epidemiological studies: an easy to obtain and reliable tool, purpose The agreement between drug use measured in computerized pharmacy records and patient interviews or questionnaires is generally good. However, most investigations on this subject studied selected populations or subsets. We studied the coverage of Dutch. The sulphur isotopic composition of ocean water sulphate, the sulphur isotopic composition of ocean water sulphate was determined, using the SF 6 method, for samples from various depths of the Geosecs Stations II and 3 and for a single Pacific Ocean surface sample. The total spread in values obtained is less than that found. Motoneurone properties and motor fatigue, gastrocnemius motoneurones with different types of muscle unit were compared with respect to their repetitive discharges during 4 min periods of steady intracellular stimulation. The cells were activated by a constant injected current of 5 nA above threshold. Among. Asymmetrically coupled silicon-on-insulator microring resonators for compact add-drop multiplexers, we report on improved filter characteristics of microring resonators (MRs) used as add-drop multiplexers for integrated photonic circuits. By introducing an asymmetrical coupling of the signal waveguides to the resonator, a higher throughput attenuation and drop efficiency. Sulfur-isotope geochemistry of petroleum, evaporites, and ancient seas, it has now been established that considerable sulfur-isotope fractionation occurs in the biological sulfur cycle and that the bacterial reduction of sulfate, which leads to the enrichment of S 34 in sulfate and its depletion in sulfide, is largely responsible for the wide. Chlorpromazine equivalents versus defined daily doses: how to compare antipsychotic drug doses, mATERIALS AND METHODS We used 3 sources to obtain CPZequivalent values, which were consulted in order of availability of the equivalents. Carbon and sulfur isotope abundances in Archean iron-formations and early Precambrian life, the volcanically enclosed Michipicoten and Woman River ironformations, both approximately 2.75 by old, in Superior Province of the Canadian Shield lie at lithologically similar stratigraphic contacts between underlying felsic pyroclastics and overlying mafic lava. Localization and regulation of PKA-phosphorylated AQP2 in response to V2-receptor agonist/antagonist treatment, login to your account. Institutional Login. Sign In / Register. PHYSIOLOGY.ORG Home: Journals: AJP-Cell; AJP-Endo; AJP-GI; AJP-Heart; AJP-Lung; AJP-Regu; AJP-Renal; AJP (1898-1976); J Appl Physiol; J Neurophysiol; Physiol. Hygroscopic growth and critical supersaturations for mixed aerosol particles of inorganic and organic compounds of atmospheric relevance, the organic fraction of atmospheric aerosols contains a multitude of compounds and usually only a small fraction can be identified and quantified. However, a limited number of representative organic compounds can be used to describe the water-soluble organic. Risk and short-term prognosis of myocardial infarction among users of antidiabetic drugs, old sulphonylureas have been linked with adverse cardiovascular effects; however, data on the clinical implications are sparse. We examined the association between use of sulphonylureas and other antidiabetic drugs and the risk and case fatality rate (CFR. Isometric force production by motor units of extensor digitorum communis muscle in man, 1. When a homonymous motoneuron pool is volitionally activated during a gradually changing isomeiric contraction, there exist systematic relationships between the sizes of motor units, their recruitment, and their firing behavior. 2. These relationships can be used.