Monster Manual II - Dungeons & Dragons Classics

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4. Acknowledgements. 4. How To Use This Book. 5. Monsters from A-Z. 8. Random ... Most of the contents of MONSTER MANUAL II came about because you,.



An alphabetical listing of monsters found in ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS • adventures, including attacks, damage, special abilities, descriptions, and random encounter tables.



by Gary Gygax

TSR, Inc. POB 756 Lake Geneva, Wl 53147

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TSR, Inc.

TSR (UK) Ltd. The Mill, Rathmore Road Cambridge CB14AD United Kingdom

Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House, Inc., and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. Distributed in the United Kingdom by TSR (UK) Ltd.

©1983 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

ISBN 0-88038-031-4






Project Coordinator: Marlene Weigel Design Consultant: Jeff Grubb Cover Artist: Jeff Easley Interior Artists: Jim Holloway, Harry Quinn, Dave Sutherland, Larry Elmore

ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS and DRAGON are registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.

This module is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of TSR, Inc.

Printed in the United States of America




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Table of Conltents hl


Preface Acknowledgements How To Use This Book Monsters from A-Z Random Encounter Tables Index ,


4 4 5 8 133 156


More than five years have flown by since I wrote the preface for the first" MONSTER MANUAL During this time I have been designing and col-^ lecting monsters with the aim of publishing a second volume. You have it in your hands now. Besides being larger than MONSTER MANUAL I, this volume contains - all sorts of valuable material. There are new entries for classes such as devils and dinosaurs, demons and lycanthropes, dragons and giants; there are dozens of brand new creatures; and there are even more entries of the best of creatures which have appeared in limited circulation elsewhere. This volume puts them all together for easy reference. You will also notice the hundreds of new illustrations. However, as proud as we are of this volume and its predecessor, we aren't content to rest on our laurels! The creation of excellent new monsters is a continuing effort. Can we deny ourselves and our enthusiastic players the benefits of such creativity? Neverl What we must do then is plan for a reasonable expansion of both volumes of this work.



Just as new editions of an encyclopedia are published every few years, so, ideally, will be the MONSTER MANUAL. After all, what is this work if not an encyclopedia of creatures for the ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® game system? While a dozen volumes would not be feasible, we would like one day for the MONSTER MANUAL to comprise three or four books. Of course, newly devised monsters will continue to appear in the pages of DRAGON® magazine and in modules.



Most of the contents of MONSTER MANUAL II came about because you, our readers, expressed a desire for new monsters of one type or another. The other entries are here to complete the system. Whatever comes after this will depend by and large upon what suggestions we receive from players. My sincere gratitude is extended to Frank Mentzer and to Francois Marcela-Froideval for their valuable assistance. Thanks are also due to the editors and artists and the rest of the crew at TSR who put this together with so much care! E. Gary Gygax October 1982

Acknowledgements Our special thanks to the following people. David Cook, Francois Marcela-Froideval, Jeff Grubb, Luke Gygax, Allen Hammack, Tracy Hickman, Harold Johnson, Vera Jane Koffler, Lenard Lakofka, Brian Pitzer, Mike Price, Paul Reiche, Jim Sandt, Lawrence Schick, David C. Sutherland III.


How To Use This Book

Each monster is given a full description in the text and values for a number of parameters that collectively describe its behavior, combat mode, etc., in general terms. The parameters are explained below.

Number Ranges Number ranges are used throughout MONSTER MANUAL II to indicate numbers of creatures appearing, etc. The actual number selected is by dice roll. Number ranges are given so that the DM can select a number appropriate to the challenge he wants to set the players. Number ranges appearing frequently and their dice equivalents are listed below for easy reference.

2-5 2-7

2-8 2-9 2-12 2-13 2-16 2-24


(1d12) (1d20) (1d4+1) (1d6+1) (2d4)

4-15 4-16 4-24 4-26 4-36

(1d12+3) (4d4) (4d6) (2d12+2) (2d12 + 2d6)

Range 6-36 6-72 7-10 7-12 7-28

(1d4+6) (1d6+6) (3d8+4)





11-20 11-30

(1d1O+1O) (1d20+10)

12-30 12-48

(2d 10+10) (4d10+8)

ARMOR CLASS is a measure of how difficult it is to hit a creature. Armor class reflects the general type of any protection worn, protection inherent to the creature due to its physical structure or magical nature, or the degree of difficultyIn hitting a creature due to its speed, reflexes, etc. All these factors are combined into a single armor class value, and referees need not adjust this value to take account of high dexterity. Where necessary, adjustments have been included in the monster's individual description. MOVE shows the relative constant speed of the monster. Higher speeds may be possible for short periods. The creature's movement rate can be scaled to whatever time period is desired by adjusting the ground scale accordingly. In certain cases, more than one number is given under this heading; this indicates that the monster can travel in two or more different media or modes: X" /X" //X"