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... Policy options drawing on best pra
AT A GLANCE Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights
Forthcoming events
Protecting EU citizens and values
EU-Turkmenistan relations
Dear Reader, While unprecedented challenges to European security, coming from the East and South, affect our daily lives, a recent survey shows that 66% of EU citizens want the EU to take more action as regards security and defence. It is the role of the European Parliament to scrutinize the CSDP, link with EU citizens, and support the efforts of Member States in bringing more security to the Union. Through its hearings, workshops and reports, supported by studies and analyses of the Policy Department, the Security and Defence SubCommittee (SEDE) is an active forum debating crises world-wide, fostering the emergence of effective solutions, thus contributing to timely addressing security challenges for the EU.
Workshop 24 Jan 2017
EU energy independence, security of supply and diversification
Workshop 26 Jan 2017 - 15.00 to 17.00 - JAN 2Q2
Composition of the European Parliament
Workshop 30 - 31 Jan 2017
Anna Elżbieta Fotyga, MEP Chair of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence
Forthcoming publications Committee
Publication date
Value for money: EU funding in the field of democracy and rule of law
Dec 2016
Turkey: Labour market integration and social inclusion of refugees
Dec 2016
EU finance for enduring crises and upper middle income countries
Jan 2017
Preserving agricultural soils in the EU
Gender justice in taxation
Supporting analyses
March 2017
March 2017
Access all Studies, In-depth analyses, Briefings and At a glance notes produced by the Policy Departments. All publications: www.europarl.europa.eu/supporting-analyses
DG IPOL & DG EXPO Policy Departments
Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies ECON - EMPL - ENVI - ITRE - IMCO
[email protected] Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies TRAN - REGI - AGRI - PECH - CULT
[email protected] Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs JURI - LIBE - AFCO - FEMM - PETI
[email protected] Policy Department for Budgetary Affairs BUDG - CONT
[email protected] Policy Department for External Relations AFET - DROI - SEDE - DEVE - INTA
[email protected]
European Parliament Published in cooperation with the Unit for Coordination of Editorial and Communication Activities PE 580.858 December 2016
Highlights New EU Global Strategy delivery on security and defence Policy Department for External Relations
September 2016
The EU needed to adapt its strategic vision to a new environment but with threats increasing, an EU response is expected on security and defence. This paper of DG EXPO Policy department looks at the high expectations of stakeholders as far as the new EU Global Strategy on Foreign and Security policy is concerned; it then analyses how far the Strategy lives up to expectations as to CSDP. Also, the EU Member States must match its level of ambition.
Access to affordable medicines Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies
September 2016
Governments have to balance resources against healthcare demand to ensure that populations enjoy equitable access to effective, affordable and sustainable healthcare. This study requested by the ENVI committee describes the main challenges with regard to access to affordable medicines, including Research & Development, pricing and reimbursement of medicines and the influence of the economic crisis. Policy options drawing on best practices in different European countries are presented.
The EU Maritime Transport System: Focus on ferries Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies
November 2016
EU maritime passengers are mainly carried by domestic or intra-EU ferry services that are concentrated in three regions: the Baltic, the North Sea and the Mediterranean. This TRAN study provides a concise overview of passenger ferries as part of the EU Maritime Transport System, focussing on their role in contributing to multimodality. It outlines the ferry industry from a wide perspective, with analysis across spatial scales, from urban to long distance, and with respect to its implications within an economic context.
Smart borders revisited
Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs
October 2016
An assessment of the Commission’s revised Smart Borders proposal. This study for LIBE appraises the revised legislative proposals on EU smart borders adopted by the European Commission on 6 April 2016. It provides a general assessment of the package, focusing in particular on costs, technical feasibility and overall proportionality, and a fundamental rights check of the initiative.
The costs of each euro to implement EU policies Policy Department for Budgetary Affairs
October 2016
This analysis provides a sound understanding, notably through estimates, of the costs linked to grant management. The study requested by BUDG committee covers EU policy fields related to Competitiveness for Growth and Jobs, Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion, and Common Agricultural Policy – Pillar I, within the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020.
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[email protected] Disclaimer: The items contained herein are drafted by the policy departments of the European Parliament and are provided for general information purposes only. The opinions expressed in this document are the sole responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position of the European Parliament.