Dec 1, 2014 - Table 1. Taxa included in molecular analyses with the vaucher reference, collection sites, collectors, collection dates and GenBank ..... Colombia: Guajira (Punta Gallinas), Mag- .... cal western Atlantic. ..... insights into the evolution of Sargassum. ..... botanicis ascriptarum icones descriptiones et historia. Fuci ...
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Systematics and Biodiversity Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:
Morphological and molecular assessment of Sargassum (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) from Caribbean Colombia, including the proposal of Sargassum giganteum sp. nov., Sargassum schnetteri comb. nov. and Sargassum section Cladophyllum sect. nov. ab
Olga Camacho , Lydiane Mattio , Stefano Draisma , Suzanne Fredericq & Guillermo Diaze
Pulido a
Department of Biology, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, LA 70504–2451, USA
Click for updates
Programa de Biología Marina, Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Carrera 4 # 22–61, Bogotá, Colombia c
Department of Biological Sciences and Marine Research Institute, University of Cape Town, 7701 Rondebosch, South Africa d
Institute of Ocean & Earth Sciences, University of Malaya, 50600, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Griffith School of Environment, Australian Rivers Institute – Coast & Estuaries, and ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, Nathan Campus, Griffith University, 170 Kessels Road, Brisbane, Nathan, Qld 4111, Australia Published online: 01 Dec 2014.
To cite this article: Olga Camacho, Lydiane Mattio, Stefano Draisma, Suzanne Fredericq & Guillermo Diaz-Pulido (2015) Morphological and molecular assessment of Sargassum (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) from Caribbean Colombia, including the proposal of Sargassum giganteum sp. nov., Sargassum schnetteri comb. nov. and Sargassum section Cladophyllum sect. nov., Systematics and Biodiversity, 13:2, 105-130, DOI: 10.1080/14772000.2014.972478 To link to this article:
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Systematics and Biodiversity (2015), 13(2): 105 130
Research Article
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Morphological and molecular assessment of Sargassum (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) from Caribbean Colombia, including the proposal of Sargassum giganteum sp. nov., Sargassum schnetteri comb. nov. and Sargassum section Cladophyllum sect. nov.
Department of Biology, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, LA 70504 2451, USA Programa de Biologıa Marina, Universidad de Bogota Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Carrera 4 # 22 61, Bogota, Colombia 3 Department of Biological Sciences and Marine Research Institute, University of Cape Town, 7701 Rondebosch, South Africa 4 Institute of Ocean & Earth Sciences, University of Malaya, 50600, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 5 Griffith School of Environment, Australian Rivers Institute Coast & Estuaries, and ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, Nathan Campus, Griffith University, 170 Kessels Road, Brisbane, Nathan, Qld 4111, Australia 2
(Received 22 February 2014; accepted 12 August 2014) The use of molecular markers to evaluate species delineation in the genus Sargasssum is of critical importance given the large variability of morphological traits among and within taxa. To date, most molecular studies of this group have focused on the central Indo-Pacific region, even though the genus is also well represented in the Atlantic Ocean. In the present study, we re-assessed the diversity and taxonomy of Sargassum and the monospecific genus Cladophyllum from Caribbean Colombia (especially from the Santa Marta-Tayrona National Natural Park) and extended to the western tropical Atlantic towards a comprehensive revision of the genus in this basin based on morphological and molecular analyses (ITS-2, rbcLS, cox3 and mtsp) on new and existing collections from the region. Sequences obtained from the genus Cladophyllum revealed its nesting inside Sargassum subgenus Sargassum as a close relative of S. pteropleuron, a broadly distributed species in the Caribbean. Analysis of molecular divergence in this newly identified clade demonstrated a similar range of variation as that present in existing sections leading to the description of a new section, Sargassum sect. Cladophyllum (Bula-Meyer) Camacho, Mattio & Diaz-Pulido, sect. nov., that includes the two sister species mentioned above. Based on these results, we also merged Cladophyllum within Sargassum and renamed its unique species S. schnetteri (Bula-Meyer) Camacho, Mattio & Diaz-Pulido, comb. nov. The remaining Sargassum spp. included in the analyses clustered in a polytomy within the worldwide-distributed S. section Sargassum, thus providing no support for the other eight morphological species currently recognized in the Caribbean Colombia and other western tropical Atlantic areas. Based on the morphological analysis we further described a new species, S. giganteum Camacho & Diaz-Pulido sp. nov., endemic from TNNP. Detailed morphological descriptions and illustrations, as well as an identification key, are provided for all studied taxa. Key words: Caribbean Colombia, Cladophyllum, cox3, DNA, endemism, Fucales, ITS-2, phylogeny, rbcLS, Sargassum, taxonomy
Introduction The widespread tropical to temperate marine algal genus Sargassum C. Agardh (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) is one of the most taxonomically difficult and species-rich genera in the brown algae, accounting for 336 currently recognized species (Guiry & Guiry, 2014). The classification system proposed by J. Agardh (1848, 1889) initially Correspondence to: Olga Camacho. E-mail: olgacamacho76@
included five subgenera, further subdivided into sections, subsections and series. This traditional classification scheme based on polymorphic morphological characters (holdfast, axes, phylloids or ‘leaves’, air vesicles and receptacles) had been accepted by most phycologists, in some instances with minor modifications (e.g. Abbott, Tseng, & Lu, 1988; Ajisaka, Noro, & Yoshida, 1995; Grunow, 1915, 1916; Setchell, 1931, 1933, 1936; Tseng & Lu, 1988, 1992a, 1992b; Womersley, 1954, 1987; Yoshida, 1983, 1988; Yoshida, Ajiksaka, Noro, & Horiguchi, 2004).
ISSN 1477-2000 print / 1478-0933 online This article was originally published with errors. This version has been amended. Please see Corrigendum ( Ó The Trustees of the Natural History Museum, London 2014. All Rights Reserved.
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O. Camacho et al.
However, with the recent use of molecular markers, and as more taxa from various regions became included in the global phylogeny of Sargassum, the traditional classification led to revisions and subsequent division of the genus into two subgenera and nine sections with the abandonment of the lower subdivisions (Dixon, Huisman, Buchanan, Gurgel, & Spencer, 2012; Dixon Mattio, Huisman, Payri, Bolton, & Gurgel, 2014; Mattio, 2013; Mattio & Payri, 2011; Mattio, Payri, & Verlaque, 2009; Mattio, Payri, Verlaque, & De Reviers, 2010; Phillips & Fredericq, 2000; Phillips, Smith, & Morden, 2005; Stiger, Horiguchi, Yoshida, Coleman, & Masuda, 2000; Stiger, Horiguchi, Yoshida, Coleman, & Masuda, 2003; Yoshida, Stiger, Ajisaka, & Noro, 2002). It is now well recognized that the use of molecular markers to assess species delineation in Sargassum is of critical importance (Mattio & Payri, 2011), considering the large variability of morphological traits among and within taxa, particularly in response to environmental conditions and ontogeny (e.g. Gillespie & Critchley, 2001; Kilar & Hanisak, 1988, 1989; Kilar, Hanisak, & Yoshida 1992; Paula & Oliveira, 1982). In spite of taxonomic advances, most molecular studies on Sargassum have focused mainly on the central Indo-Pacific region. A single study has explored the diversity of the genus in the Atlantic Ocean (Phillips & Fredericq, 2000) suggesting the presence of only the Sargassum section Sargassum in the Gulf of Mexico, with eight of the 21 species recorded for the western Atlantic (Wynne, 2011). In the southern Caribbean, species of the family Sargassaceae form large seasonal beds along rocky shores, particularly along the coast of Colombia (e.g. Santa Marta and Tayrona National Natural Park [TNNP]), Venezuela and Cura¸c ao (Camacho & Hernandez-Carmona, 2012; Dıaz-Piferrer, 1967; Engelen, Aberg, Olsen, Stam, & Breeman, 2005; Schnetter, 1981). These beds include mostly Sargassum and Turbinaria species, but also the endemic and mono-specific genus Cladophyllum (C. schnetteri Bula-Meyer), reported growing only on an 18 km stretch of a rocky shore in the TNNP (Bula-Meyer, 1980). Considering its extremely narrow distribution, C. schnetteri may therefore represent a potentially endangered species as suggested for other species with similar limited distribution (Brodie, Andersen, Kawachi, & Millar, 2009). However, since its original description in 1980, no further studies related to the taxonomy, ecology or phenology of this species have been undertaken. Similarly, 11 species of Sargassum have been listed for the entire Caribbean Colombia (Diaz-Pulido & Diaz-Ruiz, 2002), but none has yet been assessed molecularly. More than half of these Colombian Sargassum species have been reported inside the TNNP (Camacho, 2003) along its short coastal stretch of approximately 80 km. This marine
natural park is characterized by high variability in environmental conditions, such as annual upwelling events and geomorphologic heterogeneity, which allow the development of high marine floral and faunal diversity (Bula-Meyer, 2001; Diaz, 1995). Furthermore, the TNNP is of particular interest for its algal endemism in that, in addition to Cladophyllum, other endemic species have been discovered, for instance in the Phylum Rhodophyta, i.e. Champiocolax sarae Bula-Meyer, Grateloupiocolax colombiana Schnetter & Bula-Meyer, and Jania sanctae-marthae Schnetter (Bula-Meyer, 1985; Schnetter, 1972; Schnetter, Richter, Schemer, & Bula-Meyer, 1983). The main goal of the present study was to reassess the diversity and taxonomic positions of Sargassum spp. and Cladophyllum in Caribbean Colombia, especially from Santa Marta-TNNP, and extended to the western tropical Atlantic towards a comprehensive revision of the genus in this basin. For this purpose, we used a combination of morphological and molecular analyses on recent and previously established collections from the region. Detailed morphological descriptions and illustrations are provided, as well as an identification key.
Materials and methods Study area and sample collection Specimens of Sargassum, intended for molecular and morphological analyses, were collected along the Caribbean coast and oceanic atolls of Colombia (off the continental shelf of Nicaragua) from various depths and seasons, and complemented with additional samples from Caribbean Panama, the Gulf of Mexico, the Florida Keys, North Carolina, and Puerto Rico. Samples were collected by scuba diving or snorkelling for benthic Sargassum species and from high tide wrack (i.e. beach wash) or from drift for pelagic taxa. Because of the easy access and abundance of Sargassum in the northern coast of Colombia, specifically in Santa Marta-TNNP (11 060 11 210 N and 74 030 74 200 W), seasonal collection efforts for morphological examination were concentrated in this area between 2002 and 2009. Samples of Cladophyllum schnetteri were collected from the type locality in Ensenada de Neguanje (Colombia) in 2009 (Bula-Meyer, 1980). For morphological observation of vegetative and reproductive structures, collected material of Sargassum and Cladophyllum were dried as herbarium specimens and sub-samples were preserved in 4% formalin-seawater. For DNA analysis, apical parts of the thallus, or preferably receptacles when present, were preserved in silica gel for later extraction. Vouchers from the present study were deposited in the herbarium collection at LAF (University of Louisiana at Lafayette) and UTMC (Universidad del Magdalena, Santa Marta, Colombia).
Morphological and molecular assessment of Sargassum
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Morphological examination Morphological analyses were conducted on both recently collected and herbarium-preserved specimens. Examined herbaria included UTMC (10 specimens), the personal herbarium of Bula-Meyer (BM, 70 specimens) deposited at UTMC, LAF (35 specimens), MICH herbarium (127 specimens) and the personal herbarium of Guillermo Diaz-Pulido (GD-P, 10 specimens). Relevant type specimens (scans) from the collection of Agardh at LD (Lund, Sweden), Børgesen at C (Copenhagen, Denmark), Grunow at W (Vienna, Austria), Linnaeus at LINN (London, UK), and Montagne at PC (Paris, France) were also compared. Cladophyllum schnetteri was identified following the diagnosis by Bula-Meyer (1980) and the examination of the isotype specimens located at UTMC (no. 07510) and MICH (no. 1306267). Macroscopic analysis for all specimens included examination of the shape, size and characteristics of the holdfast, stem (or main axis), branches, leaves (or phylloids), vesicles and receptacles. In the present paper, we refer to phylloids as leaves following the widely accepted terminology in Sargassum. To analyse the shape and size of the cryptostomata, specimens were observed under a dissecting microscope. Hand-made cross-sections of receptacles were observed under a light microscope to determine their sex. Morphological measurements included length and width of leaves, vesicles, cryptostomata and receptacles (15 20 leaves/ thallus, 15 vesicles/thallus, 75 100 cryptostomata/thallus and 15 receptacles/thallus). The number of vesicles was counted separately for each thallus in benthic taxa (e.g. S. filipendula) and on short branches (up to 15 cm long) in pelagic taxa (i.e. S. fluitans and S. natans) (see range of measurements in the Taxonomy section). According to the corresponding observations and measurements, the samples were sorted into morphotypes, considered as groups of morphologically similar specimens showing characters within a specific range of variation. The following literature was used for species identification: C. Agardh (1820, 1824), J. Agardh (1848, 1889), Bertossi and Ganesan (1973), Børgesen (1914a,1914b), Chapman (1963), Dawes and Mathieson (2008), Earle (1969), Grunow (1916), Harvey (1852), Howe (1920), Joly (1957), K€ utzing (1849, 1861), Martius (1833), Montagne (1837), Paula (1988), Schnetter (1976) and Taylor (1928, 1942, 1960).
DNA processing and phylogenetic analyses DNA extractions and PCR amplifications were conducted at the Plateforme du Vivant, IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement) in Noumea, New Caledonia, and at the Seaweeds Lab at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA. Silica gel-dried material (Table 1) was
ground in liquid nitrogen and total DNA extracted using the DNeasy Plant mini Kit (Qiagen GmbH., Hilden, Germany). All extracts were purified using the Geneclean kit III (Qbiogen Inc., Carlsbad, CA, USA) prior to PCR amplification. DNA extraction from old herbarium specimens (e.g. BM, GD-P) was attempted using a modified Dellaporta, Wood, and Hicks (1983) protocol described by Hughey, Silva, and Hommersand (2001) without success, probably due to previous formalin fixation of the material. We chose to amplify the nuclear Internal Transcribed Spacer 2 (ITS-2), the chloroplast-encoded partial rbcL C spacer C partial rbcS (hereafter mentioned as rbcLS), and the mitochondrial Cytochrome c Oxydase subunit 3 (cox3) regions because of their wide use in Sargassum phylogenetics (e.g. Dixon et al., 2012; Mattio & Payri, 2011) therefore ensuring sequences availability on GenBank for molecular context. We also amplified a mitochondrial spacer region (mt 23S-tRNA-Val intergenic spacer referred to in the text as mtsp), whose potential value for the study of closely related species of Sargassum was suggested by Draisma, Ballesteros, Rousseau, and Thibaut (2010). PCR products were obtained using primers listed in Coyer, Hoarau, Oudot-Le Secq, Stam, and Olsen (2006) and Mattio, Payri, and Stifer-Pouvreau (2008). The 25 mL PCR reaction mix contained 0.2 mM of forward and reverse primers, 0.2 mM of each dNTP, 1.5 mM of MgCl2, 5 mL of reaction buffer, 1 mL of purified template DNA, 1.25 units of Taq DNA polymerase (Sigma, St. Louis, MI, USA) and pure water. The reaction profile included: (i) an initial 1 min long step of denaturation at 94 C, (ii) 40 cycles of denaturation at 94 C for 40 s, (iii) primer annealing (respectively 55 C, 44 C, 42 C, and 50 C for each of the above listed markers) for 30 s, (iv) extension at 72 C for 45 s, and (v) a final extension step at 72 C for 7 min. PCR products were purified and sequenced in both directions using the BigDyeTM terminator v 3.1 method by Macrogen (Seoul, Korea) and Beckman Coulter Genomics (Danvers, MA). Sequences were aligned with ClustalW in BioEdit (Hall, 1999). Cox3 and rbcLS aligned unambiguously while the ITS-2 alignment required adjustment by eye using the alignments of Mattio et al. (2010) and Stiger et al. (2003) as guides. Mtsp sequences were very variable and their alignment was only possible between closely related species of S. section Sargassum. As a consequence, mtsp sequences could not be included in the concatenated alignment. Following concatenation of cox3, rbcLS and ITS-2, the best-fit model and partitioning strategy for the dataset was estimated using Partitionfinder (Lanfear, Calcott, Ho, & Guindon, 2012). This analysis resulted in the selection of the General Time Reversible plus Gamma model applied separately for each marker, and per codon position for the protein-encoding regions (i.e. cox3, rbcL and rbcS). The best-fit model found for
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Table 1. Taxa included in molecular analyses with the vaucher reference, collection sites, collectors, collection dates and GenBank accessions. Accessions numbers in bold correspond to sequences newly obtained in this study.
Taxon name revised
Vaucher number
Collection site; Collector; Collection date
Sargassum schnetteri
Sargassum schnetteri
Sargassum aquifolium
Sargassum aquifolium
Sargassum aquifolium
Sargassum aquifolium
Sargassum aquifolium
Sargassum carpophyllum
Sargassum cf. cymosum
Sargassum cf. cymosum
Sargassum cymosum
Sargassum cymosum
Sargassum cymosum
Sargassum cymosum
Sargassum filipendula
Sargassum filipendula
Sargassum filipendula
Sargassum filipendula
Sargassum fluitans
Sargassum fluitans
Sargassum giganteum
Colombia, Magdalena, Neguanje (TNNP); O. Camacho; May 2009 Colombia, Magdalena, Neguanje (TNNP); O. Camacho; Nov 2009 New Caledonia, Ile des Pins; L. Mattio; Dec 2005 Vanuatu, Santo; L. Mattio; Aug 2006 Fiji, Navutulevu rf.; L. Mattio; May 2007 Solomon, Malaita Is. ST850; C. Payri; Jul 2004 Hawaiian Is., Ohau; T. Sauvage; Oct 2006 New Caledonia, Feycinet Is.; L. Mattio; Jul 2005 Colombia, Magdalena, Granate (TNNP); O. Camacho; May 2009 Colombia, Magdalena, Playa Blanca; O. Camacho; May 2009 Colombia, Magdalena, Granate (TNNP); O. Camacho; Apr 2009 Colombia, Magdalena, Concha (TNNP); O. Camacho; Apr 2009 Colombia, Magdalena, Concha (TNNP); O. Camacho; Apr 2009 Colombia, Magdalena, Neguanje (TNNP); O. Camacho; May 2009 Colombia, Magdalena, Punta La Loma; O. Camacho; Apr 2009 Panama, Zapatilla Cay; O. Camacho; Aug 2010 Panama, Bocas del Toro, Flat Rock Beach; S. Fredericq; Aug 2010 United States, North Carolina, Masonboro; O, Camacho; May 2011 United States, North Carolina, Fort Fisher, drift; O, Camacho; May 2011 United States, Gulf of Mexico, Holly Beach; O. Camacho; Jun 2014 Colombia, Magdalena, Granate (TNNP); O. Camacho; Mar 2009
GenBank accessions ITS-2
Morphological and molecular assessment of Sargassum
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Table 1. (Continued )
Taxon name revised
Vaucher number
Collection site; Collector; Collection date
Sargassum giganteum
Sargassum giganteum
Sargassum hystrix
Sargassum hystrix
Sargassum ilicifolium
Sargassum ilicifolium
Sargassum ilicifolium
Sargassum natans
Sargassum natans
Sargassum micracanthum
Sargassum obtusifolium
Sargassum pacificum
Sargassum polyceratium
Sargassum polyceratium
Sargassum polyceratium
Sargassum cf. polyceratium
Sargassum polycystum
Sargassum polycystum
Sargassum polyphyllum
Sargassum portierianum
Sargassum pteropleuron
Sargassum pteropleuron
Colombia, Magdalena, Granate (TNNP); O. Camacho; Apr 2009 Colombia, Magdalena, Granate (TNNP); O. Camacho; Apr 2009 United States, Gulf of Mexico, Geyer Bank; Emma Hickerson; Sep 2011 United States, Gulf of Mexico, Geyer Bank; Emma Hickerson; Sep 2011 Fiji, Kiuva reef; L. Mattio, May 2007 New Caledonia, Crouy; L. Mattio; Jun 2006 Tanzania, n.a.; H. Verbruggen; Jan 2008 United States, Gulf of Mexico, Holly Beach; O. Camacho; Jun 2014 United States, Gulf of Mexico, offshore LA, drift; O. Camacho; Jun 2014 Japan, Mitohama, Misaki; F. Mineur; Oct 2010 French polynesia, Rapa, Australs; C. Payri; Nov 2002 French polynesia, Bora Bora; C. Payri & V. Stiger; Mar 2003 Colombia, Magdalena, Neguanje (TNNP); O. Camacho; May 2009 Panama, Big Plantain Cay; O. Camacho; Aug 2010 Panama, East Rio Ca~ naveral; O. Camacho; Aug 2010 Puerto Rico, Ponce, Caleta de Cabullones; O. Camacho; Sep 2002 Reunion Is., Cap la Houssaye; M. Zubia; Jul 2010 Fiji, Makuluva Is.; L. Mattio; Apr 2007 New Caledonia, Ma^ıtre Is.; L. Mattio; Sep 2005 Mauritius, Flic en Flac; L. Mattio; Jun 2011 United States, Florida, Newfound Harbor Key; O. Camacho; April 2014 United States, Florida, Summerland Key; O. Camacho; April 2014
GenBank accessions ITS-2
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Table 1. (Continued )
Taxon name revised
Vaucher number
Collection site; Collector; Collection date
Sargassum scabridum
Sargassum stenophyllum
Sargassum spinuligerum f. crispata
Sargassum cf. spinuligerum
Sargassum swartzii
Sargassum swartzii
Sargassum thunbergii
Sargassum thunbergii
Sargassum turbinarioides
Sargassum vulgare
Sargassum vulgare
Sargassum sp.
New Zealand, Auckland; W. Nelson; 2005 Colombia, Magdalena, Concha (TNNP); O. Camacho; Apr 2009 New Caledonia, ^ılot Signal; L. Mattio; 2005 Tanzania, Mtwara, Mikindani Bay; K. Pauly; Jan 2008 New Caledonia, ^ılot Ma^ıtre; L. Mattio; Sep 2005 New Caledonia, Thio, C. Bertaut; Apr 2006 Japan, Mitohama, Misaki; F. Mineur; Oct 2010 Japan, Mitohama, Misaki; F. Mineur; Oct 2010 New Caledonia, Ile des Pins; C. Payri; Dec 2005 Italy; A. Chiarore & F.P. Patti; 2012 Italy; A. Chiarore & F.P. Patti; 2012 New Caledonia, Rocher a la voile; L. Mattio; May 2005
mtsp was Felsenstein 1981 plus Gamma. The Maximum likelihood (ML) tree reconstruction was performed in RAxML (Stamatakis, 2006) on the partitioned (ITS-2 C rbcLS C cox3) dataset as above with 1000 restarts to find the best tree (lowest likelihood score) and 1000 bootstrap (BS) replications. Bayesian MCMC (Monte Carlo Markov Chain) was also applied to the concatenated dataset using MrBayes v.3.2.1£64 (Huelsenbeck & Ronquist, 2001; Ronquist & Huelsenbeck, 2003). Bayesian analysis consisted of two independent runs of three heated chains and one cold chain, run for seven million generations and sampled every 100 generations (total of 140 002 trees). Convergence was visualized in Tracer v1.5, and the first 17 500 trees were discarded as burn-in. The Bayesian consensus tree and best ML tree were rooted with species of Sargassum subgenus Bactrophycus, representing the closest phylogenetic group to S. subgenus Sargassum (e.g. Dixon et al., 2014). Results were visualized in FigTree v1.3.1 (Drummond & Rambaut, 2007). The resulting ML tree obtained from the concatenated alignment also shows posterior probabilities (PP) taken from Bayesian consensus tree (Fig. 1). Analysis of the mtsp marker was carried out in MrBayes v.3.1.2£64 (as above but for 3 million generations, a total of 60 002 trees and 10% trees
GenBank accessions ITS-2
KF413706 KF281994
discarded as burn-in) and rooted with a sequence of S. carpophyllum J. Agardh. Pairwise genetic distances were calculated from the branch lengths of the best RAxML tree with the Package APE in R (Paradis, Claude, & Strimmer, 2004). The resulting distance matrix was used to extract the maximum genetic distance of representative clusters of sequences representing sections in subgenus Sargassum and reported in the margin of the phylogenetic tree (Fig. 1).
Results Morphological analysis The examination of the 370 specimens of Sargassum and Cladophyllum specimens collected in the present study and the 252 specimens from existing herbarium material examined led to the determination of 10 morphotypes in the western tropical Atlantic region. The most distinctive morphotype is that of Cladophyllum, distinguished from the others by the presence of a rhizomatous base (or holdfast) and absence of vesicles (Figs 2 5). Eight of those 10 morphotypes were congruent with descriptions previously reported in the literature for the western Atlantic (e.g.
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Morphological and molecular assessment of Sargassum
Fig. 1. Maximum likelihood (RAxML) tree of the combined ITS-2, rbcLS and cox3 dataset showing the position of Cladophyllum sect. nov. within Sargassum subgenus Sargassum. Values at the nodes indicate Bootstrap support (left) and Posterior Probability (right); values below 50 are not shown or represented by ‘ ’. Infra-sectional genetic distances are indicated in parentheses below each section, except for S. sect. Polycystae. Area abbreviations: C, Colombia; FJ, Fiji; FL, Florida Keys; FP, French Polynesia; GoMX, Gulf of Mexico; HI, Hawaii; IT, Italy; JP, Japan; MAUR, Mauritius; NC, New Caledonia; NCar, North Carolina; NZ, New Zealand; PanCar, Panama; PR, Puerto Rico; RUN, Reunion Is.; S, The Solomon Islands; TZ, Tanzania; Va, Vanuatu.
Earle, 1969; Paula, 1988; Schnetter, 1976; Taylor, 1960), namely Sargassum cymosum C. Agardh, S. filipendula C. Agardh, S. fluitans (Børgesen) Børgesen, S. hystrix J. Agardh, S. natans (Linnaeus) Gaillon, S. polyceratium Montagne, S. pteropleuron Grunow and S. stenophyllum Martius (Figs 6 27). Six of these morphotypes exhibit solid holdfasts and vesicles, except for S. fluitans and S.
natans that do not possess holdfasts. The morphological identification was further confirmed by examination of the original diagnoses and relevant type specimens. The remaining morphotype, found only in TNNP, could not be assigned to any of the morphological species previously reported for the western Atlantic or other regions (Figs 28 31). We describe it here as a new species under
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Figs 2 5. Sargassum schnetteri comb. nov. (2) Immature specimen. (3) Isotype herbarium specimen (UTMC-07510); female thallus from Ensenada Neguanje (TNNP), Colombia. (4) Holdfast rhizomatous with vegetative re-growth or new thallus (arrow). (5) Fertile branch with groups of short receptacles growing in axils of thin leaves. Scales bars represent: Fig. 2, 5 cm; Fig. 3, 5 cm; Fig. 4, 1 cm; Fig 5, 1 cm.
the name Sargassum giganteum sp. nov. (see Taxonomy and Discussion sections).
Phylogenetic analyses A total of 28 ITS-2, 24 rbcLS and 28 cox3 sequences were newly obtained for specimens from Colombia and other western tropical Atlantic localities (see Table 1) for the 10 morphotypes listed above. A number of sequences were downloaded from GenBank to include subgenera and sections of Sargassum from worldwide collections. The final alignment included a total of 54 taxa and a total of 1759 nt positions corresponding to the concatenation of 601 nt ITS-2, 724 nt rbcLS and 434 nt cox3. The overall topology of the tree showed six strongly supported lineages (BS 87, PP 0.98) within Sargassum subgenus Sargassum, five of which correspond to the currently recognized sections, Binderiana, Ilicifolia, Polycystae, Sargassum and Zygocarpiceae (Mattio, 2013; Mattio & Payri, 2011) and the newly identified cluster of sister species including Cladophyllum schnetteri and S. pteropleuron. Examination of molecular divergence within the C. schnetteri S. pteropleuron clade revealed a maximum divergence (0.012) that falls within the range of variation of S. subgenus Sargassum sections (between 0.008 0.021, Fig. 1). Infra-sectional
molecular divergence could not be assessed meaningfully in S. sect. Polycystae since it is represented in our phylogeny by a single species (i.e. S. polycystum) with very low sequence variation (3.58E¡06). The sequences of the eight remaining Caribbean morphotypes clustered within S. section Sargassum in a polytomy with other species, such as S. scabridum J.D. Hooker & Harvey from New Zealand and S. vulgare C. Agardh from Italy (Fig. 1), overall showing little intraspecific divergence. Section Sargassum also includes species sequenced from the south Pacific (French Polynesia, New Caledonia) and the western Indian Ocean (Mauritius, Tanzania) which branch prior to the polytomy with low support (Fig. 1, Appendix 1, see online supplemental material, which is available from the article’s Taylor & Francis Online page at 14772000.2014.972478). The mtsp alignment (172 nt long) including newly obtained and previously published sequences was processed independently as resulting sequences appeared to be very variable and were aligned only by batch of closely related species such as those of the S. section Sargassum. However, results of this analysis with mtsp (available upon request to the authors) did not show any further significant resolution when compared with the concatenated alignment analysis.
Morphological and molecular assessment of Sargassum
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Taxonomy Morphological description of Sargassum taxa from Caribbean Colombia and the western tropical Atlantic Morphological descriptions provided here are based on material collected by the authors for the purpose of the present study and confirmed records at different herbaria. Information on the geographic distribution for Caribbean Colombia and Panama and Gulf of Mexico follows newly collected material and records examined in the UTMC, BM and GD-P herbaria. Distribution in the western Atlantic follows Bertossi and Ganesan (1973), Chapman (1963), Dawes and Mathieson (2008), Earle (1969), Fredericq et al. (2009), Ganesan (1989), Littler and Littler (2000), Moreira and Cabrera (2007), Menezes-Szechy and Paula (2010), Ortega, Godinez, and Garduno-Solorzano (2001), Paula (1988) and Taylor (1960). Sargassum subgenus Sargassum Sargassum sect. Cladophyllum (Bula-Meyer) Camacho, Mattio & Diaz-Pulido, stat. nov. Cladophyllum Bula-Meyer, Bot. Mar. 23: 555 562. 1980 Type: Sargassum schnetteri (Bula-Meyer) Camacho, Mattio & Diaz-Pulido, this publication ( Cladophyllum schnetteri Bula-Meyer, Bot. Mar. 23: 556. 1980). Diagnosis. Thalli composed of either a rhizomatous or a discoid base (holdfast) and a main axis (or main axes) from whose apex arise numerous, primary laterals (branches), with secondary ramifications, bearing leaves and receptacles with wart-like surface. Sargassum schnetteri (Bula-Meyer) Camacho, Mattio & Diaz-Pulido, comb. nov. (Figs 2 5) Cladophyllum schnetteri Bula-Meyer, Bot. Mar. 23: 556. 1980 Type specimen. Holotype: COL000006319. Isotypes: UTMC-007510 (BM-P76B); COL000006320; MICH1306267. Type locality. Ensenada Neguanje (TNNP) Colombia, Atlantic Ocean (Bula-Meyer, 1980). Representative material. LAF04287, LAF06612, LAF06615, UTMC-011404 (BM-198B), UTMC-011405 (BM-96B). Morphology. Plants up to 70 cm high, dark yellowbrown. Holdfast rhizomatous, with terete ramifications (or stolon-like branches) irregularly disposed, up to 1.5 mm diam., attached to the substratum by small discs and giving rise to short main axes up to 30 mm high and 2.6 mm diam. Primary and secondary branches smooth, terete or slightly compressed, up to 1.5 mm diam. Leaves forked several times, flat, linear, up to 60 mm long and 1 mm
wide with smooth margins and acute apices. Vesicles absent. Cryptostomata few or absent. Plants dioecious. Receptacles terete, dichotomously branched; female receptacles with wart-like surface up to 8 mm long and 1 mm diam.; male receptacles with bumpy surface up to 14 mm long and 1.2 mm diam. (For detailed morphological description, reproduction and embryo development of this species, see Bula-Meyer, 1980). Distribution. Endemic to Colombia: Magdalena (TNNP: Neguanje and Gayraca bays). This species has been reported and observed growing only along 18 km-long stretch of coast in this area. Habitat. On rocky substratum from the upper intertidal zone, down to 9 m depth, in wave-exposed habitats. Sargassum pteropleuron Grunow (1868) (Figs 6 8) Type specimen. Grunow Herbarium (Krypto-Grunow) no. 0002204 (W) Holotype. Grunow (1868 p. 55). Type locality. Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas Islands, Atlantic Ocean [as ‘Nassau, Neu-Providence. (Herb. Grunow)’ in Grunow 1868 ‘1867’ p. 55]. Synonymy. Not known. Representative material. LAF06913, LAF06917. Morphology. Plants up to 1 ( 4) m high, yellow-brown. Discoid holdfast up to 30 mm diam. Main axis up to 25 cm high and 8 mm diam. with scars of fallen branches and with or without spine-like projections. Primary branches cylindrical, up to 5 mm diam. in proximal parts and up to 2 mm diam. in apical parts, with spine-like projections more abundant in proximal parts. Secondary branches not observed. Leaves linear, simple, thick, flat or triquetrous, 25 100 mm long and 2 4 ( 6) mm wide; margins deeply and irregular serrate, symmetrical bases, acute apices and conspicuous raised-serrate midrib. Vesicles 30 150 per thallus; elliptical or spherical, reaching up to 10 mm long and 8 mm diam., mostly smooth, few with an apical spine-like projection up to 10 mm long with small teeth, sub-sessile or on a very short stalk. Cryptostomata elliptical or spherical, central pore 75 150 mm long and 50 100 mm wide. Cryptostomata numerous and scattered over the surface of leaves, few on vesicles. Receptacles dichotomously branched, arranged in loose axillary clusters. Distribution. Western Atlantic: Bermuda, Gulf of Mexico (Texas, Louisiana), Florida, Bahamas, Caicos Is., Greater Antilles (Cuba), Lesser Antilles (Dominica, Venezuela) and Western Caribbean.
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Figs 6 8. Sargassum pteropleuron. (6) Fertile herbarium specimen LAF06913, with Lobophora sp. as epiphyte in proximal parts. (7) Apical part of a branch with leaves and large vesicles. (8) Proximal part of the thallus with discoid holdfast, and main axis and first branches with spine-like protuberances. Scales bars represent: Fig. 6, 5 cm; Fig. 7, 2 cm; Fig. 8, 2 cm.
Habitat. Frequent on rocky substrata and coral rubble up to 4 m depth. Found in protected to moderately exposed habitats.
Representative material. LAF04290, LAF06609, LAF06610; LAF06613, LAF06614, BM-9, BM-45A, BM-54.
Notes. The specimens collected in this study did not exhibit receptacles; however, their vegetative morphology was characteristic of the species’ descriptions from the western tropical Atlantic (e.g. Dawes & Mathieson, 2008; Earle, 1969; Taylor, 1960). This species was the dominant taxon at Southwest Newfound Harbor Key along with Lobophora sp. The latter was observed growing conspicuously on the basal branches of S. pteropleuron as well as on the substratum.
Morphology. Plants up to 70 ( 100) cm high, tough and dark brown. Holdfast discoid up to 40 mm in diam. with few to several short main axes 2.2 17.5 mm high and 1.7 2.6 mm in diam.; main axes smooth or with scars of fallen branches. Primary branches coriaceous, smooth, terete or sometimes compressed, 1 1.8 mm diam., with secondary and sometimes, tertiary axes. Leaves simple, flat, thick, oblong to lanceolate (few linear), 15 40 mm long and 2 4 ( 6) mm wide; smooth, crenulate or rarely serrate margins, symmetrical cuneate to rounded bases, acute to obtuse apices and conspicuous percurrent midrib; stipe up to 2 mm long, sometimes with few spines-like protuberances. Vesicles elliptical or spherical, (0 ) 100 180 ( 870) per thallus; 1.7 5.7 mm long and 1.5 4.5 mm diam., some with an apical spine-like mucro up to 3 mm long; stipe 1.6 3.2 ( 7.3) mm long and 1 mm diam., often terete, few compressed or alated. Cryptostomata small, elliptical or spherical, central pore 40 130 mm long and 33 100 mm wide; scattered on leaves and vesicles. Plants dioecious, occasionally monoecious. Receptacles arranged in the axils of leaves on secondary or tertiary branches forming sparsely to densely ramified groups (cymose) up to 15 mm long, with a short stipe that can become a sterile axis with lateral receptacles. In mature-
Sargassum sect. Sargassum Sargassum cymosum C. Agardh (1820) (Figs 9 11) Type specimen. Agardh Herbarium no. 2979 (LD) Holotype. C. Agardh (1820 p. 20) designated the type locality as: ‘In mari Atlantico, ad littora Brasiliae’. Because only one herbarium sheet for S. cymosum in the Agardh collection at LD is indicated ‘ad littora Brasilia’ (LD2979), we believe it represents the holotype. Type locality. Brazil, Atlantic Ocean [as ‘In mari Atlantico, ad littora Brasiliae’ in C. Agardh, 1820 p. 20]. Synonymy. S. rigidulum K€ utzing 1849, p. 615.
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Morphological and molecular assessment of Sargassum
Figs 9 11. Sargassum cymosum. (9) Fertile herbarium specimen LAF06613. (10) Fertile branch with receptacles, vesicles and leaves. (11) Main axes with scars of fallen branches and new primary branches at the apex. Scales bars represent: Fig. 9, 5 cm; Fig. 10, 5 mm; Fig. 11, 1 cm.
senescent plants (with few or no leaves and vesicles) the receptacles form large and dense clusters on the secondary and tertiary branches. Receptacles terete, 2 to 4 times dichotomously branched; female receptacles with prominent wart-like surface up to 6 mm long and 0.7 mm diam.; male receptacles with wart-like surface up to 10 mm long and 0.5 mm in diam. Distribution. Colombia: Guajira (Punta Gallinas), Magdalena (Punta Betın, Taganga, TNNP: Granate, Concha, Gayraca, Neguanje). Western Atlantic: Bermuda, Gulf of Mexico, Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antilles (Cuba, Hispaniola), Lesser Antilles (Barbados, Guadaloupe, Trinidad, Venezuela), Western Caribbean (Mexico), and Brazil. Habitat. Common on rocky intertidal and subtidal zones to 3 m deep. Frequent in different places from protected, moderately exposed to high wave action habitats. Notes. In agreement with Schnetter (1976), this species was found to be highly polymorphic along the Caribbean coast of Colombia, with important intra- and inter-individual morphological variability in the shape of leaves and receptacles. Sargassum filipendula C. Agardh (1824) (Figs 12 15)
Type specimen. Agardh Herbarium no. 3253 (LD) Lectotype, designated from the syntype collection by Hanisak and Kilar (1990). Type locality. West Indies ‘India Occidentalis, Aspegren’ [as ‘In sinu mexicano?’ in C. Agardh 1824 p. 300]. Synonymy. Sargassum affine J. Agardh 1848, p. 343; Sargassum filipendula f. subcirerea Grunow 1916, p. 171. Representative material. LAF04106, LAF04275, LAF04288, BM-164.
Morphology. Plants up to 1.25 m high, pyramid-shaped and dark brown. Holdfast discoid up to 22 mm diam. Main axis up to 4 cm high and 3 mm diam., with scars of fallen branches. Primary branches smooth, terete, 1 1.5 mm diam. Leaves linear, simple or occasionally forked, thick, flat, (30 ) 40 90 (100) mm long and 3 7 mm wide; serrate margins, mostly symmetrical but with some asymmetrical bases, acute apices and conspicuous percurrent midrib; stipe up to 3 mm long, sometimes with few spine-like protuberances. Vesicles100 630 per thallus; elliptical or spherical, reaching up to 5 mm long and 4 mm diam. or smaller, often with an apical spinelike protuberances up to 7 mm long, some with an apical leaf up to 2 cm long and 2 mm wide with serrate margin;
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Figs 12 15. Sargassum filipendula. (12) Fertile herbarium specimen LAF04288A. (13) Fertile branch with receptacles intermixed with vesicles and leaves. (14) Apical part of the thallus. (15) Discoid holdfast with two growing thalli. Scales bars represent: Fig. 12, 5 cm; Fig. 13, 2cm; Fig. 14, 2 cm; Fig. 15, 1 cm.
long stipe, smooth, up to 7 mm long and 0.6 mm wide, terete or compressed. Cryptostomata spherical, central pore of apical leaves 150 200 m diam., central pore of proximal leaves 75 90 m diam.; numerous and scattered over the surface of leaves and vesicles. Plants dioecious. Receptacles arranged on secondary or tertiary branches, forming loose racemes or cymes up to 30 mm long, sometimes mixed with small leaves and vesicles. Receptacles terete, simple or sparsely branched; female receptacles with wart-like surface and up to 20 mm long and 1.2 mm wide; male receptacles with bumpy surface, up to 25 mm long and 1.0 mm wide.
Distribution. Colombia: Magdalena (Punta La Loma). Panama: Zapatilla Cay. Western Atlantic: Bermuda, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Gulf of Mexico (Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama), Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antilles (Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico), Lesser Antilles (Virgin Islands, St. Barthelemy, Nevis, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Venezuela), Western Caribbean (Mexico), Southern Caribbean (Colombia, Panama) and Brazil. Habitat. Intertidal and subtidal zones to 3 m depth, in protected or exposed habitats.
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Morphological and molecular assessment of Sargassum
Figs 16 17. Sargassum fluitans. (16) Thallus habit. (21) Branch with leaves and vesicles. Scales bars represent: Fig. 16, 5 cm; Fig. 21, 1 cm.
Notes. Additional morphological and molecular work need to be done at the infraspecific level in order to accurately designate varieties and forms of S. filipendula housed in various herbarium collections. For instance, Wynne (2011) recognized four named varieties, in addition to the nominate variety for the tropical and subtropical western Atlantic. Sargassum fluitans (Børgesen) Børgesen 1914 (Figs 16 17) Type specimen. Børgesen Herbarium at C (C-A-92173) collected in the Danish West Indies by F. Børgesen in 1895 1896 Lectotype. Other specimen at C (C-A92174) from the same collection Isolectotype. Type locality. Sargasso Sea [as ‘Sargasso-Sea’ in Børgesen, 1914b, p. 11] (Silva, Basson, & Moe, 1996: 673). Synonymy. Sargassum hystrix var. fluitans Børgesen 1914b, p. 11; Fucus baccifer var. oblongifolius Turner 1807 pp. 103 106. Representative LAF06929.
material. LAF04276,
Morphology. Plants pelagic, without a holdfast or a distinct main axis. Branches smooth or with few spiny projections, terete or sometimes compressed, 1 1.8 mm
diam., ramified several times. Leaves simple, flat, lanceolate or linear, 20 50 ( 60) mm long and 3 8 mm wide; serrate margins, symmetrical or asymmetrical bases, acute apices and percurrent midrib. Vesicles 10 55 per short branch; elliptical or spherical, reaching up to 6 mm long and 5 mm diam., usually smooth; stipe of vesicles up to 8 mm long, terete (some with spines), or compressed. Cryptostomata and receptacles not observed. Distribution. Colombia: San Andres and Providence Islands. Western Atlantic: Massachusetts, North Carolina, Bermuda, Gulf of Mexico (Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida), Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antilles (Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica), Lesser Antilles (Virgin Islands, Guadeloupe), Western Caribbean (British Honduras, Costa Rica, Mexico), and Southern Caribbean (Panama). Habitat. Pelagic. It is one of the species of the Sargasso Sea (Børgesen, 1914b). Notes. In the present study, this taxon was less frequently found than S. natans, the other floating species found in the Sargasso Sea. Both S. natans and S. fluitans have never been observed in the drift around the Santa MartaTNNP area. Sargassum hystrix J. Agardh 1847 (Figs 18 19)
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Figs 18 19. Sargassum hystrix. (18) Fertile herbarium specimen LAF04131. (19) Receptacle with spine-like protuberances and extruded oogonia. Scales bars represent: Fig. 18, 5 cm; Fig. 19, 1 mm.
Type specimen. Agardh Herbarium no. C AT1353 (LD) Lectotype (designated from a Liebmann collection by Mattio et al. 2010: 6). Type locality. Campeche Bank, Mexico [as ‘Campeche bankarne’ J. Agardh 1847 p. 7]. Synonym. Carpacanthus spinulosus K€ utzing 1861, p. 15. Representative material. LAF04131, LAF04292, D-P 550, D-P 556, D-P 608, D-P 421.
of Mexico (Geyer Bank, Campeche Banks), Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antilles (Cuba, Puerto Rico, Jamaica), Lesser Antilles (Virgin Islands, Guadeloupe, Granada, Trinidad), Western Caribbean (Mexico, Costa Rica), and southern Caribbean (Panama, Venezuela) and Brazil. Habitat. On rocky substrata and coral reefs, more frequently found below 10 m depth. Found in both protected and moderately exposed habitats.
Morphology. Plants up to 30 cm high, olive greenbrown. Holdfast discoid up to 10 mm diam. Main axis up to 10 mm high and 2 mm diam. Primary branches smooth, terete or compressed, up to 1.2 mm in diam., with alternate secondary branches. Leaves simple, flat, oblongelliptical to lanceolate, 15 35 mm long and 4 8 mm wide; serrate margins, asymmetrical bases, obtuse to acute apices and percurrent midrib; stipe up to 2 mm long. Vesicles 65 400 per thallus, spherical, reaching up 3 ( 4) mm diam.; stipe up to 3 mm, terete, compressed, or alated with 1 or 2 spine-projections. Cryptostomata spherical, central pore 50 75 m diam.; numerous and scattered over the surface of leaves. Plants monoecious (androgynous). Receptacles axillary from leaves or vesicles, forming loose clusters up to 20 mm long. Receptacles terete or some compressed mostly at the tips, often with spine-like protuberances, simple or branched mostly at the base, wart-like surface and up to 12 mm long and 1.2 mm wide.
Notes. Specimens of this morphotype were found at 36 m depth in Geyer Bank (Gulf of Mexico) and from 9 to 19.5 m depth in the oceanic atolls of Colombia. Taylor (1960) included a report of S. hystrix from a depth of 57 m and referred to this species as a potential deep-water taxon. Littler and Littler (2000) also mentioned this species in deep-water habitats up to 137 m deep. In the present study, receptacles with spine-projections (a diagnostic character of this species, Agardh, 1847) were observed only in the Geyer Bank specimens. Agardh’s original description also defined the receptacles as forming dense axillary groups; however, the specimens collected, and observed from different herbaria, are arranged in loose axillary clusters. The presence of spines on the receptacles has generally not been described in previous descriptions of S. hystrix from the tropical western Atlantic (e.g. Dawes & Mathieson, 2008; Earle, 1969; Little & Littler, 2000) except in Taylor (1960). See also comments about this character in Børgesen (1914a, 1914b).
Distribution. Colombia: Oceanic atolls (Cays: Serrana, Roncador, Courtown), Western Atlantic: Bermuda, Gulf
Sargassum natans (Linnaeus) Gaillon 1828 (Figs 20 21)
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Morphological and molecular assessment of Sargassum
Figs 20 21. Sargassum natans. (20) Thallus habit. (21) Branch with leaves and vesicles. Scales bars represent: Fig. 16, 5 cm; Fig. 21, 2 cm.
Type specimen. Linnaean Herbarium no. 1274.35 (LINN) Lectotype (designated by Børgesen, 1914b: 7). Type locality. ‘Indica’ (probably Jamaica) (Silva et al., 1996: 687). Synonym. Fucus natans Linnaeus 1753, p. 1160; Baccalaria natans (Linnaeus) S.F. Gray 1821, p. 393; Fucus sargasso S.G. Gmelin 1768 pp. 92 96; Fucus baccifer Turner 1802 pp. 55 60; Sargassum bacciferum (Turner) C.Agardh 1820 pp. 6 7; Baccalaria teres S.F. Gray 1821, p. 393. Representative material. LAF04257, LAF06437, LAF06919.
Morphology. Plants pelagic, without a holdfast or a distinct main axis. Branches smooth, terete or sometimes compressed, 1 1.5 mm diam., ramified several times. Leaves simple, flat, linear, 20 80 ( 100) mm long and 1 4 mm wide, serrate margins, symmetrical bases, acute apices and percurrent midrib. Vesicles 25 80 per short branch; elliptical or spherical, reaching up to 6 mm long and 5 mm diam., often with an apical spine-like projection up to 10 mm long, some with a reduced apical leaf; stipe up to 8 mm long, terete (some with spines), few compressed. Cryptostomata and receptacles not observed. Distribution. Colombia: Bolivar (Cartagena), San Andres and Providence Islands. Western Atlantic: Canada (Newfoundland), Massachusetts, North Carolina, Bermuda, Gulf of Mexico (Mexico, Texas, Louisiana,
Alabama), Florida, Bahamas, Caicos Is., Greater Antilles (Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica), Lesser Antilles (Guadeloupe, Barbados, Granada), Western Caribbean (British Honduras), Southern Caribbean (Colombia, Panama) and Brazil. Habitat. Pelagic. It is one of the species present in the Sargasso Sea (Børgesen, 1914b). Notes. This species was found as drift and in the beach wash, sometimes in large masses in different areas of the Caribbean (e.g. San Andres Island) and Gulf of Mexico (e.g. Galveston, Texas; Holly Beach and Isle Dernieres, Louisiana). Refer to Silva et al. (1996) for details on the complex taxonomic and nomenclatural history of this species. Sargassum polyceratium Montagne (1837) (Figs 22 24) Type specimens. Montagne Herbarium at PC (PC0045052, MA 9217) collected by M.R. de la Sagra in 1936, La Habana, Cuba (may represent the Lectotype). NY no. 00922444 collected by M.R. de la Sagra in 1936, La Habana, Cuba Isotype. Type locality. La Habana, Cuba, Atlantic Ocean [as ‘In portu La Havane’ in Montagne 1837 p. 356]. Synonymy. Carpacanthus K€utzing, 1849.
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Figs 22 24. Sargassum polyceratium. (22) Habit of fertile thallus. (23) Spine-like protuberances on tertiary branches. (24) Tertiary branch with receptacles, vesicles and undulate leaves. Scales bars represent: Fig. 20, 5 cm; Fig. 21, 4 mm; Fig. 22, 1 cm.
Representative material. LAF04105, LAF04291, BM15, BM-39, BM-61, BM-85, BM-172, D-P 344, D-P 383, D-P 445, D-P 578. Morphology. Plants up to 80 cm high, tough and dense in appearance, olive green in colour, often with brown and white stains or veins on leaves. Holdfast conical or discoidal up to 30 mm diam. Main axis 4.2 12 mm high and 1.7 5 mm diam. Primary branches terete or compressed, 1.3 2.2 mm largest diam., with alternate secondary and sometimes short tertiary branches; often with spine-like protuberances which are more abundant in apical parts. Leaves simple, crisped or undulate, thick, ovate or lanceolate, 15 35 ( 40) mm long and (3 ) 4 10 mm wide; serrate margins, asymmetrical and recurved bases, obtuse to rounded apices and percurrent midrib; short stipe or absent with none to a few spines. Vesicles spherical or elliptical, (0 ) 50 600 along the thallus, 3.3 5.6 ( 6.4) mm long and 3 5.2 mm diam., some with an apical spine-like mucro or small leaf; stipe 0.8 3.5 ( 5) mm long, terete (some with spines), compressed or alated. Cryptostomata elliptical or spherical, central pore (40 ) 67 167 ( 200) mm long and (40 ) 67 134 mm wide, numerous and scattered on leaves, stipes and vesicles. Plants dioecious or monoecious (androgynous). Receptacles terete, dichotomously branched disposed in stipitate clusters on secondary or tertiary branches, some in
racemes with differentiated sterile axis, up to 20 mm long; female receptacles with prominent wart-like surface up to 7 ( 10) mm long and 0.8 mm wide; male receptacles with wart-like surface up to 10 mm long and 0.6 mm diam.; androgynous receptacles with prominent wart-like surface up to 5 mm long and 0.7 mm diam., without stipe. Distribution. Colombia: Magdalena (TNNP: Neguanje, Cinto, Cabo San Juan de Guıa and Arrecifes), Bolivar (Islas del Rosario), Providence Island (Cayo Cangrejo), Choco (Sapzurro), Oceanic atolls (Cays: Albuquerque, Courtown, Serrana). Panama: Big Plantain Cay. Western Atlantic: Bermuda, Gulf of Mexico (Mexico), Florida, Bahamas, Caicos Is., Greater Antilles (Cuba, Islas Cayman, Jamaica, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico), Lesser Antilles (Virgin Islands, Guadeloupe, St. Lucia, Barbados, Curacao, Venezuela), Western Caribbean (Mexico), Southern Caribbean (Colombia, Panama) and Brazil. Habitat. Frequent on rocky substrata and coral reefs in intertidal and subtidal zones to 4 m depth. Found in both protected and exposed habitats. Notes. Specimens from sheltered localities inside Neguanje and Cinto bays resemble those of S. polyceratium var. ovatum (Collins) W.R. Taylor. Specimens found in other localities without crisped leaves, narrower
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Morphological and molecular assessment of Sargassum
Figs 25 27. Sargassum stenophyllum. (25) Fertile herbarium specimen LAF06611. (26) Non-fertile branch. (27) Apical part of a branch with leaves and small vesicles. Scales bars represent: Fig. 25, 5 cm; Fig. 26, 1 cm; Fig. 27, 2 cm.
(3 5 mm wide) than in S. polyceratium, with few or lacking spines-like protuberances and without a dense thallus appearance, may resemble S. vulgare C. Agardh. However, we found it very difficult to distinguish S. vulgare from S. polyceratium in Colombia. Kilar and Hanisak (1988, 1989) found 47 different morphotypes, and significant seasonal variability in blade morphology in S. polyceratium from the Content Keys in Florida. Although S. vulgare was reported by Schnetter (1976) in Guajira (north coast of the Caribbean Colombia), as well as for other areas in the western Atlantic (Wynne, 2011), the presence of this taxon in the western Atlantic needs to be re-considered in the light of an accepted type. The neotype proposed by Ramon and Gil-Ad (2007) from the Mediterranean Sea was rejected by the Committee on Algae (Prud’homme van Reine, 2011). Sargassum stenophyllum Martius (1828) (Figs 25 27) Type specimen. Types not seen. Type locality. Sa~ o Paulo, Brazil, Atlantic Ocean [as ‘Crescit in Oceano atlantico ad oras Provinciarum Bahiensis, Sebastianopolitanae et S. Pauli’ in Martius 1828, p. 8].
Synonymy. Sargassum cymosum (Martius) Grunow 1916, p. 138.
Representative material. LAF06611, LAF06654, BM62, BM-48. Morphology. Plants up to 1 m high, olive green-brown. Holdfast conical or discoidal, 5.2 9.3 mm diam. Main axis up to 7.3 mm high and 2.8 mm in diam. Primary branches smooth, terete, 1 1.7 mm in diam. with secondary and rarely tertiary branches. Leaves simple, linear, flat in lateral view, thick, 25 50 ( 80) mm long and 0.6 1.5 mm wide (some up to 3 mm wide in proximal parts); smooth margins, symmetrical bases, acute apices and not often percurrent midrib. Vesicles abundant, 200 3200 per thallus, elliptical, 2.1 4.5 ( 5.6) mm long and 1.4 3.3 ( 3.8) mm diam., often with an apical spinelike expansion of 1 3 ( 8) mm long; stipe terete, 1.5 5 mm long and to 1 mm diam. Cryptostomata scarce or absent, small, mostly elliptical, central pore 50 130 mm long and 33 100 mm wide; on leaves disposed in one row on each side of the midrib or next to the margin. Plants dioecious. Receptacles on secondary or tertiary branches forming dense racemes up to 10 mm long, sessile or arising from a short stipe. Receptacles terete, 2 3 times dichotomously branched with wart-like surface; male
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receptacles 2 5 mm long and 0.4 0.6 mm wide; female receptacles more densely arranged and to 4 mm long. Distribution. Colombia: Magdalena (TNNP: Concha). Western Atlantic: Venezuela, Brazil.
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Habitat. On rocky substratum in the intertidal to 2 m depth, occurring in a wave exposed habitat. Notes. The specimens studied here were morphologically similar to those described from Brazil by Paula (1998), although the leaves from the Colombian material were not as distant from each other and the vesicles were smaller. Sargassum giganteum Camacho & Diaz-Pulido sp. nov. (Figs 28 31) Holotype. CBUMAG:ALG:00529 Collecting permit No. DTC-T-30 10/07 and DTCA-Ty036 02/05 by Colombian National Natural Park System Administrative Unit. Isotype. LAF04289. Type locality. Granate Bay, Tayrona (Tayrona National Natural Park), Caribbean Colombia. Etymology. This species is named for its exceptionally large size. Representative material. LAF04289, LAF06605, LAF06607. Description. Plants up to 5 m high, loose in appearance, light brown. Holdfast discoid up to 2.5 mm in diam. Main axis (1.3) 4.5 8.5 ( 10.3) mm high and 1.5 3 mm diam. Branches smooth, terete in proximal parts and compressed in distal parts, 0.9 2.8 mm diam. Primary and secondary branches sparsely alternately branched. Leaves simple or forked up to 4 times, flat or undulate, thin, lanceolate or linear, (20 ) 30 50 ( 60) mm long and (1 ) 2 4 ( 6) mm wide; margins deeply and irregular serrate, asymmetrical or symmetrical bases, acute apices and percurrent midrib more evident in proximal leaves; stipe up to 3 mm long, sometimes with few spine-like protuberances. Vesicles (63 ) 130 620 ( 920) per thallus; spherical, 3 9 mm long and 3 9.4 diam.; stipe 3 8 mm long and to 1 mm wide, terete and smooth. Cryptostomata elliptical or spherical, central pore of 83 250 m long and 83 133 m wide, dark in colour contrasting with the pale tonality of the entire plant; numerous and scattered over the surface of leaves, branches, vesicles and stipes, raised particularly in distal parts of the plant. Plants dioecious. Receptacles axillary from leaves or vesicles on tertiary branches forming loose racemes up to 35 mm long with a well-differentiated sterile central axis;
racemes have alternated, distanced, simple to 4 times dichotomously branched receptacles, on stipes 1 2 mm long, not mixed with leaves or vesicles. Female receptacles terete with wartlike surface, 5 10 mm long and 0.6 1.2 mm wide; male receptacles terete, with bumpy surface, 5 15 mm long and 0.4 0.8 mm wide. Distribution. Colombia: This morphotype has been observed only from the TNNP (Granate, Concha, and Gayraca bays). Habitat. On rocky substratum in the subtidal zone between 2 and 8 ( 12) m depth. Prefers protected small bays where wave and current exposure is moderate. The most conspicuous populations are found in Granate and Concha bays during April to May when it forms dense fringed beds of >1 km long and 8 m high. Branches of mature individuals of up to 5 m tall detach from the substrate and entangle together with other individuals forming underwater forests of up to 8 m high. Notes. The frequency of simple or forked leaves varied between plants. Most thalli displayed simple leaves, some showed both simple and forked leaves, while some other plants had only forked leaves. After a rigorous analysis made on this morpho-species, we could not assign it to any of the morphological species previously reported for the western Atlantic or other regions. Sargassum giganteum sp. nov. resembles S. filipendula in some aspects; however, S. giganteum sp. nov. can be distinguished by: (1) leaves with margins more deeply and irregularly serrate; (2) vesicles less numerous, bigger and without spines-like or leaf-like protuberances; (3) receptacles in racemes with a well-differentiated sterile axis bearing spaced receptacles, without leaves and vesicles; (4) cryptostomata are bigger, very conspicuous and raised particularly in distal parts of the plant; and (5) S. giganteum thalli are much taller and have a laxer aspect than S. filipendula. Additionally, none of the varieties and forms of S. filipendula previously reported for the western Atlantic (Bertossi & Ganesan, 1973; Dawes & Mathieson, 2008; Earle, 1969; Guiry & Guiry, 2014; Hanisak & Kilar, 1990; Moreira & Suarez, 2002; Paula, 1988; Schnetter, 1976; Taylor, 1960) appeared morphologically similar to S. giganteum sp. nov. One specimen from W.R. Taylor’s collection (MICH 39 248) identified as S. filipendula, and collected as drift in Cienaga (Magdalena, Colombia) in 1939, looks identical to S. giganteum sp. nov.; however, the MICH specimen lacks the basal parts of the thallus. Sargassum pteropleuron Grunow, reported to reach 4 m tall in the Caribbean (Dawes & Mathieson, 2008; Littler & Littler, 2000), was considered as a potential name because of its size. However, detailed morphological analysis and molecular results from this study provided
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Morphological and molecular assessment of Sargassum
Figs 28 31. Sargassum giganteum sp. nov. (28) Holotype: Fertile herbarium specimen, CBUMAG:ALG:00529. (29) Branched female receptacle with extruded oogonia on a sterile stipe. (30) Fertile branch with leaves and axillary receptacles. (31) Secondary branch of a fertile specimen. Scales bars represent: Fig. 28, 20 cm; Fig. 29, 1 mm; Fig. 30, 1 cm; Fig. 31, 2 cm].
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enough evidence to confirm it is not the case. Sargassum giganteum sp. nov. was recognized and cited as Sargassum sp. in Camacho and Hernandez-Carmona (2012).
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Key for the identification of Sargassum species from the Caribbean Colombia and other western tropical Atlantic areas A key is provided for the identification of all 10 Sargassum morpho-species reported in this study for the Colombian Caribbean, as well as for other areas in the western tropical Atlantic. The key was built based on rigorous morphological examination of newly collected samples, and extensive herbarium and type specimens. 1a. Plants floating, without holdfast; cryptostomata and receptacles absent ............................................................. 2 1b. Plants attached by a solid or a rhizomatous holdfast; cryptostomata and receptacles present.............................. 3 2a. Leaves linear, 1 4 mm wide; vesicles with an apical spine-like projection or a reduced leaf ........... S. natans 2b. Leaves lanceolate, 3 8 mm wide; vesicles usually smooth................................................................. S. fluitans 3a. Plants attached by rhizomatous holdfast, vesicles absent .............................................................. S. schnetteri 3b. Plants attached by discoid or conical holdfast, vesicles present ................................................................. 4 4a. Spine-like protuberances often present on branches ............................................................................ 5 4b. Spine-like protuberances absent on branches ......... 6 5a. Leaves crisped or undulate, ovate or lanceolate, 15 35 mm long and 4 10 mm wide; spine-like protuberances more abundant in apical parts ..........S. polyceratium 5b. Leaves flat, linear, 25 100 mm long and 2 4 ( 6) mm wide; spine-like protuberances more abundant in proximal parts ............................................ S. pteropleuron 6a. Leaves oblong or lanceolate, few linear.................. 7 6b. Leaves linear or lanceolate ..................................... 8 7a. Plants to 70 ( 100) m tall, common in the intertidal to 2 m; leaves oblong-lanceolate few linear, 2 4 ( 6) mm wide, with smooth, crenulate or rarely serrated margins............................................................. S. cymosum 7b. Plants to 30 cm tall, common in deep waters (to 36 m depth); leaves oblong-elliptical to lanceolate, 4 10 mm wide, serrate margin ........................... S. hystrix 8a. Leaves with smooth margin, cryptostomata scarce or absent. Receptacles to 5 mm long forming dense racemes to 10 mm long.....................................S. stenophyllum 8b. Leaves with serrate margins, cryptostomata abundant. Receptacles to 5 mm long forming loose racemes to 30 or more mm long.......................................................... 9 9a. Leaves (30 ) 40 90 ( 100) mm long and 3 7 mm wide, flat, with serrate margin. Vesicles to 4 mm diam., often with an apical spine-like protuberance. Thalli to 1 m tall ..................................................................S. filipendula
9b. Leaves (20 ) 30 50 ( 60) mm long and (1 ) 2 4 ( 6) mm wide, flat or undulate, with deeply and irregular serrate margins. Vesicles to 9.4 mm diam. Thalli to 5 m tall .....................................................S. giganteum sp. nov.
Discussion In the present study we assessed the molecular identity and morphological comparison of the monotypic genus Cladophyllum and nine Sargassum morphotypes from the western tropical Atlantic with a focus on representatives found in Caribbean Colombia, especially along the coast of Santa Marta-TNNP. Our phylogenetic analysis grouped all the sequences newly obtained into two well-supported clades within the S. subgenus Sargassum. The majority (eight) of the identified morphotypes grouped into a polytomy in S. section Sargassum clade, while a second group contained only sequences of C. schnetteri and S. pteropleuron. Based on the molecular results of the present study, we propose to: (1) subsume Cladophyllum into Sargassum, and thus rename its single species as Sargassum schnetteri (Bula-Meyer) Camacho, Mattio & Diaz-Pulido comb. nov., and (2) describe a new section within S. subgenus Sargassum, i.e. S. section Cladophyllum (Bula-Meyer) Camacho, Mattio & Diaz-Pulido, to house the species S. schnetteri and its closest relative from Atlantic, S. pteropleuron (see the Taxonomy section). Both molecular and morphological analyses demonstrated the nesting of C. schnetteri within Sargassum. This species was originally described based exclusively on morphological characters (Bula-Meyer, 1980), and recognized mainly by its rhizomatous holdfast (instead of a discoid or conical holdfast as in the other Sargassum morphotypes in the region), the absence of vesicles and the shape of its leaves. Our molecular results clearly demonstrate that these characters do not warrant generic level and that Cladophyllum should instead be considered a Sargassum species within subgenus Sargassum. BulaMeyer (1980) himself had discussed the considerable morphological affinity between these two genera. For example, other species classified in S. subgenus Sargassum exhibit a basal part formed by a mix of holdfast and rhizoidal branches (stolon-like), with the latter issued from the upper part of the main axis (e.g. S. herporhizum Setchell & N.L. Gardner, S. brandegeei Setchell & N.L. Gardner, S. polycystum C. Agardh). Two distinct new sections have recently been proposed to accommodate species showing this trait: S. sect. Polycystae (Mattio et al., 2009) and S. sect. Herporhizum (Norris, 2010). Sargassum stolonifolium S.M. Phang & T. Yoshida was described as having a holdfast and rhizoidal stolon-like branches, the latter issued from cauline leaves on the lower part of the axis (Phang & Yoshida, 1997). Other types of basal
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Morphological and molecular assessment of Sargassum structures have been reported in S. subgenus Sargassum, such as those observed in S. rhizophorum Tseng & Lu, S. integerrimum Tseng & Lu, S. symphyorhizoideum Tseng & Lu and S. yinggehaiense Tseng & Lu with rhizoids fusing with one another (Tseng & Baoren, 2002), or S. cornutifructum H.D. Nguyen & Q.N. Huynh with attachment via small discoid haptera with many filamentous rhizoids (Dinh & Nang, 1999). Other examples have been reported in S. subgenus Bactrophycus where the base also consists of a holdfast and rhizoidal outgrowths, e.g. S. hemiphyllum (Turner) C.Agardh, S. ammophilum Yoshida & T. Konno, S. nipponicum Yendo and S. miyabei Yendo (Tseng et al., 1985). None of these structures resemble the basal part observed in Cladophyllum. Interestingly, the present study also revealed C. schnetteri as a sister species to S. pteropleuron, together forming the sixth section of subgenus Sargassum that is supported molecularly. Intra-sectional genetic distances calculated in this study suggested that these two highly morphologically distinct taxa belong to the same section (Fig. 1). Unlike C. schnetteri, S. pteropleuron exhibits a discoid holdfast, presence of vesicles, spine-like protuberances on the branches, and serrate leaves with an elevated midrib. Other molecularly recognized sections in S. subgenus Sargassum (e.g. S. sect. Binderiana, S. sect. Ilicifolia, Mattio et al., 2010) also contain morphologically well distinct taxa, but none appear to be as morphologically distinct as the section including C. schnetteri and S. pteropleuron (S. section Cladophyllum). Besides the morphological distinction observed in these two species, S. section Cladophyllum represents the first identified section to occur only in the western Atlantic. Intriguingly, Sargassum pteropleuron is a species broadly distributed in the Caribbean (Dawes & Mathieson, 2008; Earle, 1969; Littler & Littler, 2000; Moreira & Cabrera, 2007; Taylor, 1960), with no reports yet for Colombia, while C. schnetteri is endemic to a short coastal area in TNNP. As more sequences from various regions around the world are included in a global Sargassum’s phylogeny, additional sections may be identified or confirmed, together providing further insights into the evolution of Sargassum. For instance, the relationships of four endemic sections described by Norris (2010) for the Gulf of California with the other sections in S. subgenus Sargassum still remains to be assessed molecularly. The other eight Colombian and western tropical Atlantic morphospecies identified in the present study belong to the polytomic and widely distributed (worldwide) S. section Sargassum clade, providing limited molecular differentiation between them. The low molecular diversity observed between morphological species of this section has been previously recorded and interpreted as possible sign of a recent and rapid diversification (Mattio et al., 2008). Low genetic diversity was also reported between
species of S. subgenus Bactrophycus section Halochloa (Cho, Lee, Ko, Mattio, & Boo, 2012; Dixon et al., 2014) and within the fucalean genus Fucus (Bergstr€om, Tatarenkov, Johannesson, Jonsson, & Kautsky, 2005; Coyer et al., 2006; Leclerc, Barriel, Lecointre, & Reviers, 1998; Serr~ao, Alice, & Brawley, 1999). For instance, Pereyra, Bergstr€om, Kautsky, and Johannesson (2009), relying on microsatellite markers, hypothesized that the evolution of the Baltic Sea endemic Fucus radicans L. Bergstr€ om & L. Kautsky may have occurred in the last 400 years, while based on a molecular clock, Canovas, Mota, Serr~ao, and Pearson (2011) estimated that Fucus radiated only about 2.5 Mya ago. In the present study, besides the analysis of ITS-2, rbcLS and cox3, we assessed the variability of a mitochondrial spacer region (mtsp); however, it did not allow for a better molecular resolution at the species level in S. section Sargassum. Considering the low molecular divergence among S. section Sargassum species, and whether or not a suitable molecular marker will be uncovered to molecularly confirm the species in this section, we view the morphological variability observed in the present study to be evidence of species-level boundaries. At present we recognize eight Sargassum morphospecies for the Caribbean coast of Colombia, one of those considered new and here described as Sargassum giganteum sp. nov. (see the Taxonomy section). All of the S. section Sargassum species documented in the present study are relatively widely distributed and have been recorded for other localities in the western Atlantic (Dawes & Mathieson, 2008; Earle, 1969; Ganesan, 1989; Guiry & Guiry, 2014; Menezes-Szechy & Paula, 2010; Moreira & Cabrera, 2007; Paula, 1988; Taylor, 1960; Wynne, 2011). Among them, the pelagic species S. natans appears the most widely distributed, reported from Newfoundland (Canada) throughout the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico to Brazil. Considering the benthic taxa, S. filipendula corresponds to the most broadly dispersed species, reported from the coast of Virginia in North America (also through the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico) to Santa Catarina in Brazil. In contrast, Sargassum giganteum sp. nov. and S. schnetteri appear to be endemic to TNNP on the Caribbean coast of Colombia. Endemism in Sargassum has seldom been recorded in the literature but examples include S. turbinarioides Grunow in New Caledonia (Mattio et al., 2009), S. cymosum f. borbonicum in Reunion (Mattio et al., 2013) and S. albemarlense W.R. Taylor in the Galapagos Islands (Taylor, 1945). The restricted distribution of S. schnetteri could be explained by the absence of vesicles limiting long-dispersal of individuals since zygotes of Sargassum usually settle about 1 2 m from the parental thallus (Deysher & Norton, 1982; Kendrick & Walter, 1991). Because of its narrow endemism and phylogenetic position, S. schnetteri qualifies as a probable relict and may be, along with S. pteropleuron, of great interest for understanding the
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evolution of the genus in the Atlantic. Extreme warming events have been reported to extirpate marginal populations of similar habitat-forming seaweeds, as is the case of Scytothalia dorycarpa (Turner) Greville in western Australia where its distribution was narrowed down by approximately 100 km following a marine heatwave (Smale & Wernberg, 2013). Likewise, the endemic Bifurcaria galapagensis (Piccone & Grunow) Womersley from the Galapagos Islands is presumably extinct following the 1982 El Ni~ no event (Miller, Garske, & Edgar, 2007). Considering the narrow endemism of S. schnetteri in the Caribbean coast of Colombia, extreme climatic events could place the S. schnetteri population in danger. We suggest this population should be considered for detailed ecological study in order to be properly assessed as a potential vulnerable or endangered species on the IUCN Red List.
Acknowledgements We acknowledge Claude Payri, Nathalie Duong and the Plateforme du Vivant at IRD in Noumea for their help and financial support in sequencing the Colombian specimens, and to NSF (DEB-0315995, DEB-0937978), GoMRI-I, and SGA-ULL (#DC319110-G8530-2650U) for financial support in collecting and processing additional specimens from Panama, Florida and the Gulf of Mexico. We thank Dr Patrik Fr€ oden, curator of the Agardh’s collection at LD in Lund (Sweden), Dr Bruno de Reviers, curator of the Montagne’s collection at PC in Paris (France), Dr Anton Igersheim curator of Grunow’s collection at W in Wien (Austria), Dr Mark Spencer, curator of the Linnean collection at LINN in London (England) and Dr Nina Lundholm, curator of Børgesen’s collection at C in Copenhagen (Denmark) for scans of type herbaria material. We are also grateful to Dr Michael Wynne, Thomas Sauvage and two anonymous reviewers for their valuable criticism of the manuscript, to William Schmidt for his help with the molecular analyses, and to Carlos Alberto Trujillo for assistance in field collections.
Supplemental data Supplemental data for this article can be accessed here. Appendix 1. Close up of Sargassum section Sargassum clade taken from the Maximum likelihood (RAxML) tree of the combined ITS-2, rbcLS and cox3. Values at the nodes indicate Bootstrap support (left) and Posterior Probability (right); values below 50 are not shown or represented by ‘ ’. Area abbreviations: C, Colombia; FP, French Polynesia; GoMX, Gulf of Mexico; IT, Italy; MAUR, Mauritius; NC, New Caledonia; NCar, North Carolina; NZ, New Zealand; PanCar, Panama; PR, Puerto Rico; TZ, Tanzania.
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Associate Editor: Elliot Shubert