DaviD Cameron's bid to keep Britain in the eU received a much-needed boost last night from the archbishop of Canterbury.
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ARCHBISHOP: I’M VOTING IN Welby backs Remain as PM warns of defence, health and pension cuts if we quit EU
David Cameron’s bid to keep Britain in the EU received a much-needed boost last night from the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Justin Welby said he will vote Remain on June 23 because leav ing the EU would harm the economy, and because Britain’s Christian heritage was founded on
By Simon Walters
‘peace and reconciliation, building bridges not barriers’. His comments in an article in today’s Mail on Sunday come amid Downing Street jitters triggered by a poll suggesting that Boris Johnson’s Brexit bandwagon has
taken a clear lead in the refer endum campaign. The tension has been fuelled by increasing ‘blue-on-blue’ clashes between warring Tory factions that saw: l Johnson at the centre of an extraordinary row after he admit ted discussing the prospects of
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